changeset 13 c327db0664bb
parent 2 39c28ec933dd
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/python/plugins/	Sun May 16 13:06:27 2010 +0100
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/python/plugins/	Mon May 17 20:20:32 2010 +0100
@@ -1,376 +1,376 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
-import raptor_utilities
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import filter_interface
-import xml.parsers.expat
-import raptor
-import generic_path
-import tempfile
-# This filter has not been tested on linux
-if not raptor_utilities.getOSPlatform().startswith("linux"):
-	# Compares the two paths, and reports the differences highlighted by a "^" character
-	# Output Generated will be like this:
-	# Reference in metadata -> C:/foo/bar/cat.cpp
-	# 			               -------^-------^-- 
-	# Reference in metadata -> C:/foo/Bar/cat.Cpp
-	def reportcsdifference(path1, path2):
-		same = "-"
-		different = "^"
-		space = ' '
-		metadataString = 'Reference in metadata -> '
-		ondiskString   = 'Actual case on disk   -> '
-		sys.stderr.write(metadataString + path2 +"\n")
-		separator = ""
-		for i, e in enumerate(path1):
-			try:
-				if e != path2[i]:
-					separator += different
-				else:
-					separator += same
-			except IndexError:
-				separator += '*'
-		separator += different * (len(path1)-len(path2))
-		sys.stderr.write(space*len(metadataString) + separator +"\n") # Print the separator in alignment with the metadataString
-		sys.stderr.write(ondiskString + path1 + "\n")
-	class FilterCheckSource(filter_interface.Filter):
-		def open(self, raptor_instance):
-			self.raptor = raptor_instance
-			self.ok = True
-			self.errors = 0
-			self.checked = []
-			self.check = raptor_instance.doCheck
-			self.casechecker = CheckCase()
-			# Expat Parser initialisation
-			self.p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
-			self.p.StartElementHandler = self.startelement # Handles opening XML tags
-			self.p.EndElementHandler = self.endelement # Handles closing XML tags
-			self.p.CharacterDataHandler = self.chardata # Handles data between opening/closing tags
-			# Regex initialisation
-			self.rvctdependfinder = re.compile("--depend\s+(.*?d)(?:\s+|$)", re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
-			self.cwdependfinder = re.compile("#'\s+(.*?\.dep)", re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
-			# Data to be passed to case checkers
-			self.currentmmp = ""
-			self.currentbldinf = ""
-			self.currentconfig = ""
-			self.filestocheck = []
-			# Need this flag for the chardata method that does not have the name of the
-			# current XML element passed to it as a parameter.
-			self.infiletag = False
-			# Create a temporary file to record all dependency files. We can only parse those after 
-			# make has finished running all the compile commands and by definition these
-			# files should therefore exist.
-			try:
-				self.tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
-			except:
-				sys.stderr.write("sbs: could not create temporary file for FilterClean\n")
-				self.ok = False
-			return self.ok
-		def write(self, text):
-			# Slightly nasty that we have to "ignore" exceptions, but the xml parser 
-			# generates this when it encounters non-xml lines (like make: nothing to be done for 'export')
-			try:
-				self.p.Parse(text.rstrip())	
-			except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
-				pass
-			return self.ok
-		def saveitem(self, path):
-			"put path into a temporary file."
-			try:
-				self.tmp.write(path + "\n")
-			except:
-				sys.stderr.write("sbs: could not write temporary file in FilterCheckSource\n")
-				self.ok = False
-		def startelement(self, name, attrs):
-			# Check the source code cpp files - obtained from the "source" 
-			# attribute of compile and other tags 
-			if 'source' in attrs.keys():
-				if attrs['source'] != "":
-					self.filestocheck.append(attrs['source'])
-			# Record the current metadata files and config
-			if name == "clean":
-				self.currentmmp = attrs["mmp"]
-				self.currentbldinf = attrs["bldinf"]
-				self.currentconfig = attrs["config"]
-			# Indicates we are in a <file> element
-			if name == "file":
-				# Need to use a flag to indicate that we are processing a file tag
-				self.infiletag = True
-		def chardata(self, data):
-			# Strip quotes from data
-			unquoteddata = data.strip("\"\'")
-			# Use a flag to determine that we are processing a file tag since this method
-			# doesn't receive the "name" argument that startelement/endelement
-			if self.infiletag:
-				self.filestocheck.append(unquoteddata)
-				# Also write dependency file names to temp file to parse the 
-				# contents of these at the end
-				if unquoteddata.endswith(".d") or unquoteddata.endswith(".dep"):
-					self.saveitem(unquoteddata)
-			# RVCT depends files
-			# Outside of file tags, chardata will be called on CDATA which contains
-			# compiler calls, hence we parse these for the "--depend" option to extract
-			# the .d file.
-			if "--depend" in data:
-				result =  self.rvctdependfinder.findall(data)
-				for res in result:
-					self.saveitem(res)
-			# CW toolchain depends files
-			# As for RVCT, chardata will be called on CDATA which contains compiler calls, 
-			# hence we parse these for file names ending in .dep after the sequence #, ' and 
-			# a space. The win32.flm munges the contents of these files around so we are really
-			# interested in the .o.d files - these have the same path as the .dep files but 
-			# with the extension changed to .o.d from .dep.
-			if ".dep" in data:
-				result = self.cwdependfinder.findall(data)
-				for res in result:
-					self.saveitem(res.replace(".dep", ".o.d"))
-		def endelement(self, name):
-			# Blank out the mmp, bldinf and config for next clean tag (in case it has any blanks)
-			if name == "clean":
-				self.currentmmp = ""
-				self.currentbldinf = ""
-				self.currentconfig = ""
-			if name == "file":
-				self.infiletag = False
-			if len(self.filestocheck) > 0:
-				# Check the found file(s)
-				for filename in self.filestocheck:
-					self.checksource(filename)
-				# Reset list so as not to re-check already checked files
-				self.filestocheck = []
-		def close(self):			
-			return self.ok
-		def summary(self):
-			depparser = DependenciesParser()
-			dependenciesfileset = set() # Stores the files listed inside depdendency files
-			deps = [] # Stores dependency (.d and .dep) files
-			try:
-				self.tmp.flush()	# write what is left in the buffer
-	# rewind to the beginning
-				for line in self.tmp.readlines():
-					path = line.strip()
-					# Only try to parse the file if it exists as a file, and if we haven't done so 
-					# already (store the list of parsed files in the set "dependenciesfileset"
-					if os.path.isfile(path) and not path in dependenciesfileset:
-						dependenciesfileset.add(path)
-						# Here we parse each dependency file and form a list of the prerequisites contained therein
-						dependencyfilelines = depparser.readdepfilelines(path) # Read the lines
-						dependencyfilestr = depparser.removelinecontinuation(dependencyfilelines) # Join them up
-						dependencyfiles = depparser.getdependencies(dependencyfilestr) # Get prerequisites
-						deps.extend(dependencyfiles) # Add to list
-					else:
-						sys.stdout.write("\t"  + path + " does not exist\n")
-				self.tmp.close()	# This also deletes the temporary file
-				# Make a set of the prerequisites listed in the dependency files
-				# so we only check each one once
-				depset = set(deps)
-				deplistnodups = list(depset)
-				# Do the check for each file 	
-				for dep in deplistnodups:
-					dep = os.path.normpath(dep).replace('\\', '/')
-					self.checksource(dep)
-			except Exception, e:
-				sys.stderr.write("sbs: could not access temporary file for FilterClean\n")
-			if self.errors == 0:
-				sys.stdout.write("No checksource errors found\n")
-			else:
-				sys.stdout.write("\n %d checksource errors found in the build\n" % self.errors)
-		def checksource(self, path):
-			normedpath = path.replace("\"", "") # Remove quoting
-			if normedpath not in self.checked:
-				self.checked.append(normedpath)
-				try:
-					realpath = self.casechecker.checkcase(normedpath)
-				except IOError, e:
-					# file does not exist so just return
-					return
-				if not realpath == normedpath and realpath != "":
-					self.ok = False
-					self.errors += 1
-					sys.stderr.write("\nChecksource Failure:\n")
-					reportcsdifference(realpath, normedpath)
-	class CheckCase(object):
-		"""Used to check the case of a given path matches the file system.  
-		Caches previous lookups to reduce disk IO and improve performance"""
-		def __init__(self):
-			self.__dirsCache = {} # a hash containing the directory structure, in the same case as the file system
-		def checkcase(self, path):
-			"""Checks the path matches the file system"""
-			path = os.path.normpath(path)
-			path = path.replace('\\', '/')
-			if not os.path.exists(path):
-				raise IOError, path + " does not exist"
-			parts = path.split('/')
-			dirBeingChecked = parts.pop(0) + "/"
-			cacheItem = self.__dirsCache
-			for part in parts:
-				if not self.checkkeyignorecase(cacheItem, part):
-					dirItems = os.listdir(dirBeingChecked)
-					found = False
-					for dirItem in dirItems:
-						if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, dirItem)):
-							if not cacheItem.has_key(dirItem):
-								cacheItem[dirItem] = {}
-							if not found:
-								# Check if there is a dir match
-								if"^" + part + "$", dirItem, re.IGNORECASE):
-									found = True
-									cacheItem = cacheItem[dirItem]
-									dirBeingChecked = os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, dirItem).replace('\\', '/')
-						else:
-							cacheItem[dirItem] = 1
-							if not found:
-								# Check if there is a dir match
-								if"^" + part + "$", dirItem, re.IGNORECASE):
-									found = True
-									return os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, dirItem).replace('\\', '/')                         
-				else:
-					if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, part)):
-						cacheItem = cacheItem[part]
-					dirBeingChecked = os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, part).replace('\\', '/')
-			return dirBeingChecked
-		def checkkeyignorecase(self, dictionary, keyToFind):
-			for key in dictionary.keys():
-				if"^" + keyToFind + "$", key, re.IGNORECASE):
-					if not keyToFind == key:
-						return False
-					return True
-			return False
-	class DependenciesParser(object):
-		def __init__(self):
-			pass # Nop - nothing to do for init
-		def readdepfilelines(self, dotdfile):
-			""" Read the lines from a Make dependency file and return them as a list """
-			lines = []
-			try:
-				fh = open(dotdfile, "r")
-			except IOError, e:
-				print "Error: Failed to open file \"%s\": %s" % (dotdfile, e.strerror)
-			except Exception, e:
-				print "Error: Unknown error: %s" % str(e)
-			else:
-				lines = fh.readlines()
-				fh.close()
-			return lines
-		def removelinecontinuation(self, lineslist):
-			""" Remove line continuation chararacters '\\' from the end of any lines in  
-			the list that have them and return a string with lines joined together """
-			str = " ".join(lineslist).replace('\\\n','')
-			return str
-		def getdependencies(self, dotdfilestring):
-			""" Splits the multi-lined string dotdfilestring and performs a regexp
-			match on files to the right of a : on each line """
-			# Strip whitespace at the start of the string	
-			lines = dotdfilestring.lstrip().split("\n")
-			dependencyset = set() # Create a set to skip duplicates
-			for line in lines:
-				# Split on whitespace that is *not* preceeded by a \ - i.e. 
-				# don't split on escaped spaces.
-				lineparts = re.split("(?<!\\\\)\s+", line)
-				# Drop element 0 as this will be the target of each rule
-				lineparts = lineparts[1:]
-				for linepart in lineparts:
-					# Some of the line parts are empty, so skip those
-					if linepart != "":
-						dependencyset.add(linepart)
-			# Create list to return from the initial set
-			files = list(dependencyset)
-			return files  
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+import raptor_utilities
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import filter_interface
+import xml.parsers.expat
+import raptor
+import generic_path
+import tempfile
+# This filter has not been tested on linux
+if not raptor_utilities.getOSPlatform().startswith("linux"):
+	# Compares the two paths, and reports the differences highlighted by a "^" character
+	# Output Generated will be like this:
+	# Reference in metadata -> C:/foo/bar/cat.cpp
+	# 			               -------^-------^-- 
+	# Reference in metadata -> C:/foo/Bar/cat.Cpp
+	def reportcsdifference(path1, path2):
+		same = "-"
+		different = "^"
+		space = ' '
+		metadataString = 'Reference in metadata -> '
+		ondiskString   = 'Actual case on disk   -> '
+		sys.stderr.write(metadataString + path2 +"\n")
+		separator = ""
+		for i, e in enumerate(path1):
+			try:
+				if e != path2[i]:
+					separator += different
+				else:
+					separator += same
+			except IndexError:
+				separator += '*'
+		separator += different * (len(path1)-len(path2))
+		sys.stderr.write(space*len(metadataString) + separator +"\n") # Print the separator in alignment with the metadataString
+		sys.stderr.write(ondiskString + path1 + "\n")
+	class FilterCheckSource(filter_interface.Filter):
+		def open(self, raptor_instance):
+			self.raptor = raptor_instance
+			self.ok = True
+			self.errors = 0
+			self.checked = []
+			self.check = raptor_instance.doCheck
+			self.casechecker = CheckCase()
+			# Expat Parser initialisation
+			self.p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
+			self.p.StartElementHandler = self.startelement # Handles opening XML tags
+			self.p.EndElementHandler = self.endelement # Handles closing XML tags
+			self.p.CharacterDataHandler = self.chardata # Handles data between opening/closing tags
+			# Regex initialisation
+			self.rvctdependfinder = re.compile("--depend\s+(.*?d)(?:\s+|$)", re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
+			self.cwdependfinder = re.compile("#'\s+(.*?\.dep)", re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
+			# Data to be passed to case checkers
+			self.currentmmp = ""
+			self.currentbldinf = ""
+			self.currentconfig = ""
+			self.filestocheck = []
+			# Need this flag for the chardata method that does not have the name of the
+			# current XML element passed to it as a parameter.
+			self.infiletag = False
+			# Create a temporary file to record all dependency files. We can only parse those after 
+			# make has finished running all the compile commands and by definition these
+			# files should therefore exist.
+			try:
+				self.tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+			except:
+				sys.stderr.write("sbs: could not create temporary file for FilterClean\n")
+				self.ok = False
+			return self.ok
+		def write(self, text):
+			# Slightly nasty that we have to "ignore" exceptions, but the xml parser 
+			# generates this when it encounters non-xml lines (like make: nothing to be done for 'export')
+			try:
+				self.p.Parse(text.rstrip())	
+			except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
+				pass
+			return self.ok
+		def saveitem(self, path):
+			"put path into a temporary file."
+			try:
+				self.tmp.write(path + "\n")
+			except:
+				sys.stderr.write("sbs: could not write temporary file in FilterCheckSource\n")
+				self.ok = False
+		def startelement(self, name, attrs):
+			# Check the source code cpp files - obtained from the "source" 
+			# attribute of compile and other tags 
+			if 'source' in attrs.keys():
+				if attrs['source'] != "":
+					self.filestocheck.append(attrs['source'])
+			# Record the current metadata files and config
+			if name == "clean":
+				self.currentmmp = attrs["mmp"]
+				self.currentbldinf = attrs["bldinf"]
+				self.currentconfig = attrs["config"]
+			# Indicates we are in a <file> element
+			if name == "file":
+				# Need to use a flag to indicate that we are processing a file tag
+				self.infiletag = True
+		def chardata(self, data):
+			# Strip quotes from data
+			unquoteddata = data.strip("\"\'")
+			# Use a flag to determine that we are processing a file tag since this method
+			# doesn't receive the "name" argument that startelement/endelement
+			if self.infiletag:
+				self.filestocheck.append(unquoteddata)
+				# Also write dependency file names to temp file to parse the 
+				# contents of these at the end
+				if unquoteddata.endswith(".d") or unquoteddata.endswith(".dep"):
+					self.saveitem(unquoteddata)
+			# RVCT depends files
+			# Outside of file tags, chardata will be called on CDATA which contains
+			# compiler calls, hence we parse these for the "--depend" option to extract
+			# the .d file.
+			if "--depend" in data:
+				result =  self.rvctdependfinder.findall(data)
+				for res in result:
+					self.saveitem(res)
+			# CW toolchain depends files
+			# As for RVCT, chardata will be called on CDATA which contains compiler calls, 
+			# hence we parse these for file names ending in .dep after the sequence #, ' and 
+			# a space. The win32.flm munges the contents of these files around so we are really
+			# interested in the .o.d files - these have the same path as the .dep files but 
+			# with the extension changed to .o.d from .dep.
+			if ".dep" in data:
+				result = self.cwdependfinder.findall(data)
+				for res in result:
+					self.saveitem(res.replace(".dep", ".o.d"))
+		def endelement(self, name):
+			# Blank out the mmp, bldinf and config for next clean tag (in case it has any blanks)
+			if name == "clean":
+				self.currentmmp = ""
+				self.currentbldinf = ""
+				self.currentconfig = ""
+			if name == "file":
+				self.infiletag = False
+			if len(self.filestocheck) > 0:
+				# Check the found file(s)
+				for filename in self.filestocheck:
+					self.checksource(filename)
+				# Reset list so as not to re-check already checked files
+				self.filestocheck = []
+		def close(self):			
+			return self.ok
+		def summary(self):
+			depparser = DependenciesParser()
+			dependenciesfileset = set() # Stores the files listed inside depdendency files
+			deps = [] # Stores dependency (.d and .dep) files
+			try:
+				self.tmp.flush()	# write what is left in the buffer
+	# rewind to the beginning
+				for line in self.tmp.readlines():
+					path = line.strip()
+					# Only try to parse the file if it exists as a file, and if we haven't done so 
+					# already (store the list of parsed files in the set "dependenciesfileset"
+					if os.path.isfile(path) and not path in dependenciesfileset:
+						dependenciesfileset.add(path)
+						# Here we parse each dependency file and form a list of the prerequisites contained therein
+						dependencyfilelines = depparser.readdepfilelines(path) # Read the lines
+						dependencyfilestr = depparser.removelinecontinuation(dependencyfilelines) # Join them up
+						dependencyfiles = depparser.getdependencies(dependencyfilestr) # Get prerequisites
+						deps.extend(dependencyfiles) # Add to list
+					else:
+						sys.stdout.write("\t"  + path + " does not exist\n")
+				self.tmp.close()	# This also deletes the temporary file
+				# Make a set of the prerequisites listed in the dependency files
+				# so we only check each one once
+				depset = set(deps)
+				deplistnodups = list(depset)
+				# Do the check for each file 	
+				for dep in deplistnodups:
+					dep = os.path.abspath(dep).replace('\\', '/')
+					self.checksource(dep)
+			except Exception, e:
+				sys.stderr.write("sbs: FilterCheckSource failed: %s\n" % str(e))
+			if self.errors == 0:
+				sys.stdout.write("No checksource errors found\n")
+			else:
+				sys.stdout.write("\n %d checksource errors found in the build\n" % self.errors)
+		def checksource(self, path):
+			normedpath = path.replace("\"", "") # Remove quoting
+			if normedpath not in self.checked:
+				self.checked.append(normedpath)
+				try:
+					realpath = self.casechecker.checkcase(normedpath)
+				except IOError, e:
+					# file does not exist so just return
+					return
+				if not realpath == normedpath and realpath != "":
+					self.ok = False
+					self.errors += 1
+					sys.stderr.write("\nChecksource Failure:\n")
+					reportcsdifference(realpath, normedpath)
+	class CheckCase(object):
+		"""Used to check the case of a given path matches the file system.  
+		Caches previous lookups to reduce disk IO and improve performance"""
+		def __init__(self):
+			self.__dirsCache = {} # a hash containing the directory structure, in the same case as the file system
+		def checkcase(self, path):
+			"""Checks the path matches the file system"""
+			path = os.path.abspath(path)
+			path = path.replace('\\', '/')
+			if not os.path.exists(path):
+				raise IOError, path + " does not exist"
+			parts = path.split('/')
+			dirBeingChecked = parts.pop(0) + "/"
+			cacheItem = self.__dirsCache
+			for part in parts:
+				if not self.checkkeyignorecase(cacheItem, part):
+					dirItems = os.listdir(dirBeingChecked)
+					found = False
+					for dirItem in dirItems:
+						if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, dirItem)):
+							if not cacheItem.has_key(dirItem):
+								cacheItem[dirItem] = {}
+							if not found:
+								# Check if there is a dir match
+								if"^" + part + "$", dirItem, re.IGNORECASE):
+									found = True
+									cacheItem = cacheItem[dirItem]
+									dirBeingChecked = os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, dirItem).replace('\\', '/')
+						else:
+							cacheItem[dirItem] = 1
+							if not found:
+								# Check if there is a dir match
+								if"^" + part + "$", dirItem, re.IGNORECASE):
+									found = True
+									return os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, dirItem).replace('\\', '/')                         
+				else:
+					if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, part)):
+						cacheItem = cacheItem[part]
+					dirBeingChecked = os.path.join(dirBeingChecked, part).replace('\\', '/')
+			return dirBeingChecked
+		def checkkeyignorecase(self, dictionary, keyToFind):
+			for key in dictionary.keys():
+				if"^" + keyToFind + "$", key, re.IGNORECASE):
+					if not keyToFind == key:
+						return False
+					return True
+			return False
+	class DependenciesParser(object):
+		def __init__(self):
+			pass # Nop - nothing to do for init
+		def readdepfilelines(self, dotdfile):
+			""" Read the lines from a Make dependency file and return them as a list """
+			lines = []
+			try:
+				fh = open(dotdfile, "r")
+			except IOError, e:
+				print "Error: Failed to open file \"%s\": %s" % (dotdfile, e.strerror)
+			except Exception, e:
+				print "Error: Unknown error: %s" % str(e)
+			else:
+				lines = fh.readlines()
+				fh.close()
+			return lines
+		def removelinecontinuation(self, lineslist):
+			""" Remove line continuation chararacters '\\' from the end of any lines in  
+			the list that have them and return a string with lines joined together """
+			str = " ".join(lineslist).replace('\\\n','')
+			return str
+		def getdependencies(self, dotdfilestring):
+			""" Splits the multi-lined string dotdfilestring and performs a regexp
+			match on files to the right of a : on each line """
+			# Strip whitespace at the start of the string	
+			lines = dotdfilestring.lstrip().split("\n")
+			dependencyset = set() # Create a set to skip duplicates
+			for line in lines:
+				# Split on whitespace that is *not* preceeded by a \ - i.e. 
+				# don't split on escaped spaces.
+				lineparts = re.split("(?<!\\\\)\s+", line)
+				# Drop element 0 as this will be the target of each rule
+				lineparts = lineparts[1:]
+				for linepart in lineparts:
+					# Some of the line parts are empty, so skip those
+					if linepart != "":
+						dependencyset.add(linepart)
+			# Create list to return from the initial set
+			files = list(dependencyset)
+			return files