changeset 13 c327db0664bb
parent 2 39c28ec933dd
child 18 de5b887c98f7
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/python/	Sun May 16 13:06:27 2010 +0100
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/python/	Mon May 17 20:20:32 2010 +0100
@@ -1,1234 +1,1369 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
-# raptor module
-# This module represents the running Raptor program. Raptor is started
-# either by calling the Main() function, which creates an instance of
-# the raptor.Raptor class and calls its methods to perform a build based
-# on command-line parameters, or by explicitly creating a raptor.Raptor
-# instance and calling its methods to set-up and perform a build.
-name = "sbs"			# the public name for the raptor build tool
-env  = "SBS_HOME"		# the environment variable that locates us
-xml  = "sbs_init.xml"	# the primary initialisation file
-env2 = "HOME"		 	# the environment variable that locates the user
-xml2 = ".sbs_init.xml"	# the override initialisation file
-import generic_path
-import os
-import raptor_cache
-import raptor_cli
-import raptor_data
-import raptor_make
-import raptor_meta
-import raptor_utilities
-import raptor_version
-import raptor_xml
-import filter_list
-import sys
-import types
-import time
-import re
-import traceback
-import pluginbox
-from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
-if not "HOSTPLATFORM" in os.environ or not "HOSTPLATFORM_DIR" in os.environ:
-	print "Error: HOSTPLATFORM and HOSTPLATFORM_DIR must be set in the environment (this is usually done automatically by the startup script)."
-	sys.exit(1)
-hostplatform = os.environ["HOSTPLATFORM"].split(" ")
-hostplatform_dir = os.environ["HOSTPLATFORM_DIR"]
-# defaults can use EPOCROOT
-if "EPOCROOT" in os.environ:
-	epocroot = os.environ["EPOCROOT"].replace("\\","/")
-	if 'linux' in hostplatform:
-		epocroot=os.environ['HOME'] + os.sep + "epocroot"
-		os.environ["EPOCROOT"] = epocroot
-	else:
-		epocroot = "/"
-		os.environ["EPOCROOT"] = os.sep
-if "SBS_BUILD_DIR" in os.environ:
-	sbs_build_dir = os.environ["SBS_BUILD_DIR"]
-	sbs_build_dir = (epocroot + "/epoc32/build").replace("//","/")
-# only use default XML from the epoc32 tree if it exists
-defaultSystemConfig = "lib/config"
-epoc32UserConfigDir = generic_path.Join(epocroot, "epoc32/sbs_config")
-if epoc32UserConfigDir.isDir():
-	defaultSystemConfig = str(epoc32UserConfigDir) + os.pathsep + defaultSystemConfig
-# parameters that can be overriden by the sbs_init.xml file
-# or by the command-line.
-defaults = {
-		"allowCommandLineOverrides" : True,
-		"CLI" : "raptor_cli",
-		"buildInformation" : generic_path.Path("bld.inf"),
-		"defaultConfig" : "default",
-		"jobs": 4,
-		"keepGoing": False,
-		"logFileName" : generic_path.Join(sbs_build_dir,"Makefile.%TIME.log"),
-		"makeEngine" : "make",
-		"preferBuildInfoToSystemDefinition" : False,
-		"pruneDuplicateMakefiles": True,
-		"quiet" : False,
-		"systemConfig" :  defaultSystemConfig,
-		"systemDefinition" : generic_path.Path("System_Definition.xml"),
-		"systemDefinitionBase" : generic_path.Path("."),
-		"systemFLM" : generic_path.Path("lib/flm"),
-		"systemPlugins" : generic_path.Path("python/plugins"),
-		"topMakefile" : generic_path.Join(sbs_build_dir,"Makefile"),
-		"tries": 1,
-		"writeSingleMakefile": True,
-		"ignoreOsDetection": False,
-		"toolcheck": "on",
-		"filterList": "filterterminal,filterlogfile"
-		}
-class ComponentGroup(object):
-	""" 	Some components that should be built togther 
-		e.g. a Layer in the system definition. 
-	""" 
-	def __init__(self, name, componentlist=[]):
-		self.components = componentlist
- = name
-	def __iter__(self):
-		return iter(self.components)
-	def __getitem__(self,x):
-		if isinstance(x, slice):
-			return self.components[x.start:x.stop]
-		return self.components[x]
-	def __setitem__(self,k, v):
-		self.components[k] = v
-	def __len__(self):
-		return len(self.components)
-	def extend(self, c):
-		self.components.extend(c)
-	def append(self, c):
-		self.components.append(c)
-	def GenerateSpecs(self, genericspecs, configs):
-		"""Return a build spec hierarchy for a ComponentGroup. This involves parsing the component MetaData (bld.infs, mmps). 
-		Takes a raptor object as a parameter (build), together with a list of Configurations.
-		Returns a tuple consisting of a list of specification objects and a list of dependency files
-		that relate to these specs.
-		"""
-		self.specs = []
-		self.specs.extend(genericspecs)
-		self.configs = configs
-		self.dependencies = set()
-		metaReader = None
-		if len (self.components):
-			try:
-				# create a MetaReader that is aware of the list of
-				# configurations that we are trying to build.
-				metaReader = raptor_meta.MetaReader(build, configs)
-				# convert the list of bld.inf files into a specification
-				# hierarchy suitable for all the configurations we are using.
-				self.specs.extend(metaReader.ReadBldInfFiles(self.components,build.doExportOnly))
-			except raptor_meta.MetaDataError, e:
-				log.Error(e.Text)
-		log.Info("Buildable specification group '%s'", name)
-		build.AttachSpecs(self.specs)
-		# Get a unique list of the dependency files that were created
-		if metaReader:
-			for c in metaReader.BuildPlatforms:
-				self.dependencies.update(c["METADEPS"])
-	def CreateMakefile(self, makefilename_base, engine, named = False):
-		if len(self.specs) <= 0:
-			return None
-		if named:
-			makefile = generic_path.Path(str(makefilename_base) + "_" + raptor_utilities.sanitise(
-		else:
-			makefile = generic_path.Path(str(makefilename_base))
-		# insert the start time into the Makefile name?
-		makefile.path = makefile.path.replace("%TIME", build.timestring)
-		engine.Write(makefile, self.specs, self.configs)
-		return makefile
-	def GenerateMetadataSpecs(self, configs):
-		# insert the start time into the Makefile name?
-		self.configs = build.GetConfig("build").GenerateBuildUnits()
-		# Pass certain CLI flags through to the makefile-generating sbs calls
-		cli_options = ""
-		if build.debugOutput == True:
-			cli_options += " -d"
-		if build.ignoreOsDetection == True:
-			cli_options += " -i"
-		if build.keepGoing == True:
-			cli_options += " -k"
-		if build.quiet == True:
-			cli_options += " -q"
-		nc = len(self.components)
-		number_blocks = 16
-		block_size = (nc / number_blocks) + 1
-		component_blocks = []
-		spec_nodes = []
-		b = 0
-		while b < nc:
-			component_blocks.append(self.components[b:b+block_size])
-			b += block_size
-		if len(component_blocks[-1]) <= 0:
-			component_blocks.pop()
-		loop_number = 0
-		for block in component_blocks:
-			loop_number += 1
-			specNode = raptor_data.Specification("metadata_" +
-			componentList = " ".join([str(c) for c in block])
-			configList = " ".join([ for c in configs])
-			makefile_path = str(build.topMakefile) + "_" + str(loop_number)
-			try:
-				os.unlink(makefile_path) # until we have dependencies working properly
-			except Exception,e:
-				# print "couldn't unlink %s: %s" %(componentMakefileName, str(e))
-				pass
-			# add some basic data in a component-wide variant
-			var = raptor_data.Variant()
-			var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_PATHS", componentList))
-			var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MAKEFILE_PATH", makefile_path))
-			var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CONFIGS", configList))
-			var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CLI_OPTIONS", cli_options))
-			# Pass on '-n' (if specified) to the makefile-generating sbs calls
-			if build.noBuild:
-				var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("NO_BUILD", "1"))
-			specNode.AddVariant(var)
-			try:
-				interface = build.cache.FindNamedInterface("build.makefiles")
-				specNode.SetInterface(interface)
-			except KeyError:
-				build.Error("Can't find flm interface 'build.makefiles' ")
-			spec_nodes.append(specNode)
-		## possibly some error handling here?
-		self.specs = spec_nodes
-class BuildCompleteException(Exception):
-	pass
-# raptor module classes
-class Raptor(object):
-	"""An instance of a running Raptor program.
-	When operated from the command-line there is a single Raptor object
-	created by the Main function. When operated by an IDE several Raptor
-	objects may be created and operated at the same time."""
-	M_BUILD = 1
-	M_VERSION = 2	
-	def __init__(self, home = None):
-		self.DefaultSetUp(home)
-	def DefaultSetUp(self, home = None):
-		"revert to the default set-up state"
-		self.errorCode = 0
-		self.skipAll = False
-		self.summary = True
-		self.out = sys.stdout # Just until filters get started.
-		# Create a bootstrap output system.
-		self.out = filter_list.FilterList()
-		if home == None:
-			try:
-				home = os.environ[env]
-			except KeyError:
-				home = os.getcwd()
-		# make sure the home directory exists
-		self.home = generic_path.Path(home).Absolute()
-		if not self.home.isDir():
-			self.Error("%s '%s' is not a directory", env, self.home)
-			return
-		# the set-up file location.
-		# use the override "env2/xml2" if it exists
-		# else use the primary "env/xml" if it exists
-		# else keep the hard-coded defaults.
-		self.raptorXML = self.home.Append(xml)
-		if env2 in os.environ:
-			sbs_init = generic_path.Join(os.environ[env2], xml2)
-			if sbs_init.isFile():
-				self.raptorXML = sbs_init
-		# things that can be overridden by the set-up file
-		for key, value in defaults.items():
-			self.__dict__[key] = value
-		# things to initialise
-		self.args = []
-		self.componentGroups = []
-		self.orderComponentGroups = False
-		self.commandlineComponents = []
-		self.systemModel = None
-		self.systemDefinitionFile = None
-		self.systemDefinitionRequestedLayers = []
-		self.systemDefinitionOrderLayers = False
-		self.specGroups = {}
-		self.configNames = []
-		self.configsToBuild = set()
-		self.makeOptions = []
-		self.maker = None
-		self.debugOutput = False
-		self.doExportOnly = False
-		self.noBuild = False
-		self.noDependInclude = False
-		self.projects = set()
-		self.cache = raptor_cache.Cache(self)
-		self.override = {env: str(self.home)}
-		self.targets = []
-		self.defaultTargets = []
-		self.doCheck = False
-		self.doWhat = False
-		self.doParallelParsing = False
-		self.mission = Raptor.M_BUILD
-		# what platform and filesystem are we running on?
-		self.filesystem = raptor_utilities.getOSFileSystem()
-		self.toolset = None
-		self.starttime = time.time()
-		self.timestring = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
-		self.fatalErrorState = False
-	def AddConfigList(self, configPathList):
-		# this function converts cmd line option into a list
-		# and prepends it to default config.
-		self.configPath = generic_path.NormalisePathList(configPathList.split(os.pathsep)) + self.configPath
-		return True
-	def AddConfigName(self, name):
-		self.configNames.append(name)
-		return True
-	def RunQuietly(self, TrueOrFalse):
-		self.quiet = TrueOrFalse
-		return True
-	def SetCheck(self, TrueOrFalse):
-		self.doCheck = TrueOrFalse
-		return True
-	def SetWhat(self, TrueOrFalse):
-		self.doWhat = TrueOrFalse
-		return True
-	def SetEnv(self, name, value):
-		self.override[name] = value
-	def AddTarget(self, target):
-		if self.doCheck or self.doWhat:
-			self.Warn("ignoring target %s because --what or --check is specified.\n", target)
-		else:
-			self.targets.append(target)
-	def AddSourceTarget(self, filename):
-		# source targets are sanitised and then added as if they were a "normal" makefile target
-		# in addition they have a default, empty, top-level target assigned in order that they can
-		# be presented to any generated makefile without error
-		sourceTarget = generic_path.Path(filename).Absolute()
-		sourceTarget = 'SOURCETARGET_' + raptor_utilities.sanitise(str(sourceTarget))
-		self.AddTarget(sourceTarget)
-		self.defaultTargets.append(sourceTarget)
-		return True
-	def SetSysDefFile(self, filename):
-		self.systemDefinitionFile = generic_path.Path(filename)
-		return True
-	def SetSysDefBase(self, path):
-		self.systemDefinitionBase = generic_path.Path(path)
-		return True
-	def AddSysDefLayer(self, layer):
-		self.systemDefinitionRequestedLayers.append(layer)
-		return True
-	def SetSysDefOrderLayers(self, TrueOrFalse):
-		self.systemDefinitionOrderLayers = TrueOrFalse
-		return True
-	def AddBuildInfoFile(self, filename):
-		bldinf = generic_path.Path(filename).Absolute()
-		self.commandlineComponents.append(bldinf)
-		return True
-	def SetTopMakefile(self, filename):
-		self.topMakefile = generic_path.Path(filename)
-		return True
-	def SetDebugOutput(self, TrueOrFalse):
-		self.debugOutput = TrueOrFalse
-		return True
-	def SetExportOnly(self, TrueOrFalse):
-		self.doExportOnly = TrueOrFalse
-		return True
-	def SetNoBuild(self, TrueOrFalse):
-		self.noBuild = TrueOrFalse
-		return True
-	def SetNoDependInclude(self, TrueOrFalse):
-		self.noDependInclude = TrueOrFalse
-		return True
-	def SetKeepGoing(self, TrueOrFalse):
-		self.keepGoing = TrueOrFalse
-		return True
-	def SetLogFileName(self, logfile):
-		if logfile == "-":
-			self.logFileName = None  # stdout
-		else:
-			self.logFileName = generic_path.Path(logfile)
-		return True
-	def SetMakeEngine(self, makeEngine):
-		self.makeEngine = makeEngine
-		return True
-	def AddMakeOption(self, makeOption):
-		self.makeOptions.append(makeOption)
-		return True
-	def SetJobs(self, numberOfJobs):
-		try:
- = int(numberOfJobs)
-		except ValueError:
- = 0
-		if < 1:
-			self.Warn("The number of jobs (%s) must be a positive integer\n", numberOfJobs)
- = 1
-			return False
-		return True
-	def SetTries(self, numberOfTries):
-		try:
-			self.tries = int(numberOfTries)
-		except ValueError:
-			self.tries = 0
-		if self.tries < 1:
-			self.Warn("The number of tries (%s) must be a positive integer\n", numberOfTries)
-			self.tries = 1
-			return False
-		return True
-	def SetToolCheck(self, type):
-		type = type.lower()
-		toolcheck_types= [ "forced", "on", "off" ]
-		if type in toolcheck_types:
-			self.toolcheck=type
-		else:
-			self.Warn("toolcheck option must be one of: %s" % toolcheck_types)
-			return False
-		return True
-	def SetParallelParsing(self, type):
-		type = type.lower()
-		if type == "on":
-			self.doParallelParsing = True
-		elif type == "off":
-			self.doParallelParsing = False
-		else:
-			self.Warn(" parallel parsing option must be either 'on' or 'off' (was %s)"  % type)
-			return False
-		return True
-	def AddProject(self, projectName):
-		self.projects.add(projectName.lower())
-		return True
-	def FilterList(self, value):
-		self.filterList = value
-		return True
-	def IgnoreOsDetection(self, value):
-		self.ignoreOsDetection = value
-		return True
-	def PrintVersion(self,dummy):
-		global name
-		print name, "version", raptor_version.Version()
-		self.mission = Raptor.M_VERSION
-		return False
-	# worker methods
-	def Introduction(self):
-		"""Print a header of useful information about Raptor"""
-		self.Info("%s: version %s\n", name, raptor_version.Version())
-		self.Info("%s %s", env, str(self.home))
-		self.Info("Set-up %s", str(self.raptorXML))
-		self.Info("Command-line-arguments %s", " ".join(self.args))
-		self.Info("Current working directory %s", os.getcwd())
-		# the inherited environment
-		for e, value in os.environ.items():
-			self.Info("Environment %s=%s", e, value)
-		# and some general debug stuff
-		self.Debug("Platform %s", "-".join(hostplatform))
-		self.Debug("Filesystem %s", self.filesystem)
-		self.Debug("Python %d.%d.%d", *sys.version_info[:3])
-		self.Debug("Command-line-parser %s", self.CLI)
-		for e,value in self.override.items():
-			self.Debug("Override %s = %s", e, value)
-		for t in self.targets:
-			self.Debug("Target %s", t)
-	def ConfigFile(self):
-		if not self.raptorXML.isFile():
-			return
-		self.cache.Load(self.raptorXML)
-		# find the 'defaults.raptor' variant and extract the values
-		try:
-			var = self.cache.FindNamedVariant("defaults.init")
-			evaluator = self.GetEvaluator( None, raptor_data.BuildUnit(,[var]) )
-			for key, value in defaults.items():
-				newValue = evaluator.Resolve(key)
-				if newValue != None:
-					# got a string for the value
-					if type(value) == types.BooleanType:
-						newValue = (newValue.lower() != "false")
-					elif type(value) == types.IntType:
-						newValue = int(newValue)
-					elif isinstance(value, generic_path.Path):
-						newValue = generic_path.Path(newValue)
-					self.__dict__[key] = newValue
-		except KeyError:
-			# it is OK to not have this but useful to say it wasn't there
-			self.Info("No 'defaults.init' configuration found in " + str(self.raptorXML))
-	def CommandLine(self, args):
-		# remember the arguments for the log
-		self.args = args
-		# assuming self.CLI = "raptor_cli"
-		more_to_do = raptor_cli.GetArgs(self, args)
-		# resolve inter-argument dependencies.
-		# --what or --check implies the WHAT target and FilterWhat Filter
-		if self.doWhat or self.doCheck:
-			self.targets = ["WHAT"]
-			self.filterList = "filterwhat"
-		else:
-			# 1. CLEAN/CLEANEXPORT/REALLYCLEAN needs the FilterClean filter.
-			# 2. Targets that clean should not be combined with other targets.
-			targets = [x.lower() for x in self.targets]
-			CL = "clean"
-			CE = "cleanexport"
-			RC = "reallyclean"
-			is_clean = 0
-			is_suspicious_clean = 0
-			if CL in targets and CE in targets:
-				is_clean = 1
-				if len(targets) > 2:
-					is_suspicious_clean = 1
-			elif RC in targets or CL in targets or CE in targets:
-				is_clean = 1
-				if len(targets) > 1:
-					is_suspicious_clean = 1
-			if is_clean:
-				self.filterList += ",filterclean"
-				if is_suspicious_clean:
-					self.Warn('CLEAN, CLEANEXPORT and a REALLYCLEAN should not be combined with other targets as the result is unpredictable.')
-		if not more_to_do:
-			self.skipAll = True		# nothing else to do
-	def ProcessConfig(self):
-		# this function will perform additional processing of config
-		# create list of generic paths
-		self.configPath = generic_path.NormalisePathList(self.systemConfig.split(os.pathsep))
-	def LoadCache(self):
-		def mkAbsolute(aGenericPath):
-			""" internal function to make a generic_path.Path
-			absolute if required"""
-			if not aGenericPath.isAbsolute():
-				return self.home.Append(aGenericPath)
-			else:
-				return aGenericPath
-		# make generic paths absolute (if required)
-		self.configPath = map(mkAbsolute, self.configPath)
-		self.cache.Load(self.configPath)
-		if not self.systemFLM.isAbsolute():
-			self.systemFLM = self.home.Append(self.systemFLM)
-		self.cache.Load(self.systemFLM)
-	def GetConfig(self, configname):
-		names = configname.split(".")
-		cache = self.cache
-		base = names[0]
-		mods = names[1:]
-		if base in cache.groups:
-			x = cache.FindNamedGroup(base)
-		elif base in cache.aliases:
-			x = cache.FindNamedAlias(base)
-		elif base in cache.variants:
-			x = cache.FindNamedVariant(base)
-		else:
-			raise Exception("Unknown build configuration '%s'" % configname)
-		x.ClearModifiers()
-		try:
-			for m in mods: x.AddModifier( cache.FindNamedVariant(m) )
-		except KeyError:
-			raise Exception("Unknown build configuration '%s'" % configname)
-		return x
-	def GetBuildUnitsToBuild(self, configNames):
-		"""Return a list of the configuration objects that correspond to the 
-		   list of configuration names in the configNames parameter.
-		raptor.GetBuildUnitsToBuild(["armv5", "winscw"])
-		>>> [ config1, config2, ... , configN ]
-		""" 
-		if len(configNames) == 0:
-			# use default config
-			if len(self.defaultConfig) == 0:
-				self.Warn("No default configuration name")
-			else:
-				configNames.append(self.defaultConfig)
-		buildUnitsToBuild = set()
-		for c in set(configNames):
-			try:		
-				x = self.GetConfig(c)
-				buildUnitsToBuild.update( x.GenerateBuildUnits() )
-			except Exception, e:
-				self.FatalError(str(e))
-		for b in buildUnitsToBuild:
-			self.Info("Buildable configuration '%s'",
-		if len(buildUnitsToBuild) == 0:
-			self.Error("No build configurations given")
-		return buildUnitsToBuild
-	def CheckToolset(self, evaluator, configname):
-		"""Check the toolset for a particular config, allow other objects access 
-		to the toolset for this build (e.g. the raptor_make class)."""
-		if self.toolset is None:
-			if self.toolcheck == 'on':
-				self.toolset = raptor_data.ToolSet(log=self)
-			elif self.toolcheck == 'forced' :
-				self.toolset = raptor_data.ToolSet(log=self, forced=True)
-			else:
-				return True
-		return self.toolset.check(evaluator, configname)
-	def CheckConfigs(self, configs):
-		"""	Tool checking for all the buildable configurations
-			NB. We are allowed to use different tool versions for different
-			configurations."""
-		tools_ok = True
-		for b in configs:
-			self.Debug("Tool check for %s",
-			evaluator = self.GetEvaluator(None, b, gathertools=True)
-			tools_ok = tools_ok and self.CheckToolset(evaluator,
-		return tools_ok
-	def GatherSysModelLayers(self, systemModel, systemDefinitionRequestedLayers):
-		"""Return a list of lists of components to be built.
-		components = GatherSysModelLayers(self, configurations)
-		>>> set("abc/group/bld.inf","def/group/bld.inf, ....")
-		"""
-		layersToBuild = []
-		if systemModel:
-			# We either process all available layers in the system model, or a subset of
-			# layers specified on the command line.  In both cases, the processing is the same,
-			# and can be subject to ordering if explicitly requested.
-			systemModel.DumpInfo()
-			if systemDefinitionRequestedLayers:
-				layersToProcess = systemDefinitionRequestedLayers
-			else:
-				layersToProcess = systemModel.GetLayerNames()
-			for layer in layersToProcess:
-				systemModel.DumpLayerInfo(layer)
-				if systemModel.IsLayerBuildable(layer):
-					layersToBuild.append(ComponentGroup(layer,
-							systemModel.GetLayerComponents(layer)))
-		return layersToBuild
-	# Add bld.inf or system definition xml to command line componentGroups (depending on preference)
-	def FindSysDefIn(self, aDir = None):
-		# Find a system definition file
-		if aDir is None:
-			dir = generic_path.CurrentDir()
-		else:
-			dir = generic_path.Path(aDir)
-		sysDef = dir.Append(self.systemDefinition)
-		if not sysDef.isFile():
-			return None
-		return sysDef
-	def FindComponentIn(self, aDir = None):
-		# look for a bld.inf 
-		if aDir is None:
-			dir = generic_path.CurrentDir()
-		else:
-			dir = generic_path.Path(aDir)
-		bldInf = dir.Append(self.buildInformation)
-		componentgroup = []
-		if bldInf.isFile():
-			return bldInf
-		return None
-	def AttachSpecs(self, groups):
-		# tell the specs which Raptor object they work for (so that they can
-		# access the cache and issue warnings and errors)
-		for spec in groups:
-			spec.SetOwner(self)
-			self.Info("Buildable specification '%s'",
-			if self.debugOutput:
-				spec.DebugPrint()
-	def GenerateGenericSpecs(self, configsToBuild):
-		# if a Configuration has any config-wide interfaces
-		# then add a Specification node to call each of them.
-		configWide = {}
-		genericSpecs = []
-		for c in configsToBuild:
-			evaluator = self.GetEvaluator(None, c)
-			iface = evaluator.Get("INTERFACE.config")
-			if iface:
-				if iface in configWide:
-					# seen it already, so reuse the node
-					filter = configWide[iface]
-					filter.AddConfigCondition(
-				else:
-					# create a new node
-					filter = raptor_data.Filter("config_wide")
-					filter.AddConfigCondition(
-					for i in iface.split():
-						spec = raptor_data.Specification(i)
-						spec.SetInterface(i)
-						filter.AddChildSpecification(spec)
-					# remember it, use it
-					configWide[iface] = filter
-					genericSpecs.append(filter)
-		self.AttachSpecs(genericSpecs)
-		return genericSpecs
-	def WriteMetadataDepsMakefile(self, component_group):
-		""" Takes a list of (filename, target) tuples that indicate where """
-		# Create a Makefile that includes all the dependency information for this spec group
-		build_metamakefile_name = \
-				os.path.abspath(sbs_build_dir).replace('\\','/').rstrip('/') + \
-				'/' %
-		bmkmf = open(build_metamakefile_name, "w+")
-		bmkmf.write("# Build Metamakefile - Dependencies for metadata during the 'previous' build\n\n")
-		bmkmf.write("PARSETARGET:=%s\n" % build_metamakefile_name)
-		bmkmf.write("%s:  \n" % build_metamakefile_name)
-		bmkmf.write("\t@echo -e \"\\nRE-RUNNING SBS with previous parameters\"\n")
-		bmkmf.write("\t@echo pretend-sbs %s\n" % " ".join(self.args))
-		try:
-			for m in component_group.dependencies:
-				filename, target = m
-				bmkmf.write("-include %s\n\n" % filename)
-		finally:
-			bmkmf.close()
-		return build_metamakefile_name
-	def GetEvaluator(self, specification, configuration, gathertools=False):
-		""" this will perform some caching later """
-		return raptor_data.Evaluator(self, specification, configuration, gathertools=gathertools)
-	def areMakefilesUptodate(self):
-		return False
-	def Make(self, makefile):
-		if self.maker.Make(makefile):
-			self.Info("The make-engine exited successfully.")
-			return True
-		else:
-			self.Error("The make-engine exited with errors.")
-			return False
-	def Report(self):
-		if self.quiet:
-			return
-		self.endtime = time.time()
-		self.runtime = int(0.5 + self.endtime - self.starttime)
-		self.raptor_params.runtime = self.runtime
-		self.Info("Run time %s seconds" % self.runtime)
-	def AssertBuildOK(self):
-		"""Raise a BuildCompleteException if no further processing is required
-		"""
-		if self.Skip():
-			raise BuildCompleteException("")
-		return True
-	def Skip(self):
-		"""Indicate not to perform operation if:
-		   fatalErrorState is set
-		   an error code is set but we're not in keepgoing mode
-		"""
-		return self.fatalErrorState or ((self.errorCode != 0) and (not self.keepGoing))
-	# log file open/close
-	def OpenLog(self):
-		"""Open a log file for the various I/O methods to write to."""
-		try:
-			# Find all the raptor plugins and put them into a pluginbox.
-			if not self.systemPlugins.isAbsolute():
-				self.systemPlugins = self.home.Append(self.systemPlugins)
-			self.pbox = pluginbox.PluginBox(str(self.systemPlugins))
-			self.raptor_params = BuildStats(self)
-			# Open the requested plugins using the pluginbox
-, self.filterList.split(','), self.pbox)
-			# log header
-			self.out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>\n")
-			namespace = ""
-			schema = ""
-			self.out.write("<buildlog sbs_version=\"%s\" xmlns=\"%s\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"%s %s\">\n"
-						   % (raptor_version.Version(), namespace, namespace, schema))
-			self.logOpen = True
-		except Exception,e:
-			self.out = sys.stdout # make sure that we can actually get errors out.
-			self.logOpen = False
-			self.FatalError("Unable to open the output logs: %s" % str(e))
-	def CloseLog(self):
-		if self.logOpen:
-			self.out.summary()
-			self.out.write("</buildlog>\n")
-			if not self.out.close():
-				self.errorCode = 1
-	def Cleanup(self):
-		# ensure that the toolset cache is flushed.
-		if self.toolset is not None:
-			self.toolset.write()
-	# I/O methods
-	@staticmethod
-	def attributeString(dictionary):
-		"turn a dictionary into a string of XML attributes"
-		atts = ""
-		for a,v in dictionary.items():
-			atts += " " + a + "='" + v + "'"
-		return atts
-	def Info(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
-		"""Send an information message to the configured channel
-				(XML control characters will be escaped)
-		"""
-		self.out.write("<info" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" +
-		               escape(format % extras) + "</info>\n")
-	def Debug(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
-		"Send a debugging message to the configured channel"
-		# the debug text is out of our control so wrap it in a CDATA
-		# in case it contains characters special to XML... like <>
-		if self.debugOutput:
-			self.out.write("<debug" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" +
-			               "><![CDATA[\n" + (format % extras) + "\n]]></debug>\n")
-	def Warn(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
-		"""Send a warning message to the configured channel
-				(XML control characters will be escaped)
-		"""
-		self.out.write("<warning" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" + 
-		               escape(format % extras) + "</warning>\n")
-	def FatalError(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
-		"""Send an error message to the configured channel. This implies such a serious
-		   error that the entire build must be shut down asap whilst still finishing off
-		   correctly whatever housekeeping is possible e.g. producing error reports.
-		   Remains quiet if the raptor object is already in a fatal state since there
-		   further errors are probably triggered by the first.
-		"""
-		if not self.fatalErrorState:
-			self.out.write("<error" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" + 
-			               (format % extras) + "</error>\n")
-			self.errorCode = 1
-			self.fatalErrorState = True
-	def Error(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
-		"""Send an error message to the configured channel
-				(XML control characters will be escaped)
-		"""
-		self.out.write("<error" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" + 
-		               escape(format % extras) + "</error>\n")
-		self.errorCode = 1
-	def PrintXML(self, format, *extras):
-		"Print to configured channel (no newline is added) (assumes valid xml)"
-		if format:
-			self.out.write(format % extras)
-	def MakeComponentGroup(self, cg):
-		if not self.maker:
-			self.maker = raptor_make.MakeEngine(self)
-		if self.maker == None:
-			self.Error("No make engine present")
-			return None
-		makefile = cg.CreateMakefile(self.topMakefile, self.maker, self.systemDefinitionOrderLayers)
-		if (not self.noBuild and makefile is not None) \
-				or self.doParallelParsing:
-			# run the build for a single group of specs
-			self.Make(makefile)
-		else:
-			self.Info("No build performed for %s" %
-	def GetComponentGroupsFromCLI(self):
-		"""Returns the list of componentGroups as specified by the
-		   commandline interface to Raptor e.g. parameters
-		   or the current directory"""
-		componentGroups=[]
-		# Look for bld.infs or sysdefs in the current dir if none were specified
-		if self.systemDefinitionFile == None and len(self.commandlineComponents) == 0:
-			if not self.preferBuildInfoToSystemDefinition:
-				cwd = os.getcwd()
-				self.systemDefinitionFile = self.FindSysDefIn(cwd)
-				if self.systemDefinitionFile == None:
-					aComponent = self.FindComponentIn(cwd)
-					if aComponent:
-						componentGroups.append(ComponentGroup('default',[aComponent]))
-			else:
-				aComponent = self.FindComponentIn(cwd)
-				if aComponent is None:
-					self.systemDefinitionFile = self.FindSysDefIn(cwd)
-				else:
-					componentGroups.append(ComponentGroup('default',[aComponent]))
-			if len(componentGroups) <= 0 and  self.systemDefinitionFile == None:
-				self.Warn("No default bld.inf or system definition file found in current directory (%s)", cwd)
-		# If we now have a System Definition to parse then get the layers of components
-		if self.systemDefinitionFile != None:
-			systemModel = raptor_xml.SystemModel(self, self.systemDefinitionFile, self.systemDefinitionBase)
-			componentGroups = self.GatherSysModelLayers(systemModel, self.systemDefinitionRequestedLayers)
-		# Now get components specified on a commandline - build them after any
-		# layers in the system definition.
-		if len(self.commandlineComponents) > 0:
-			componentGroups.append(ComponentGroup('commandline',self.commandlineComponents))
-		# If we aren't building components in order then flatten down
-		# the groups
-		if not self.systemDefinitionOrderLayers:
-			# Flatten the layers into one group of components if
-			# we are not required to build them in order.
-			newcg = ComponentGroup("all")
-			for cg in componentGroups:
-				newcg.extend(cg)
-			componentGroups = [newcg]
-		return componentGroups
-	def Build(self):
-		if self.mission != Raptor.M_BUILD: # help or version requested instead.
-			return 0
-		# open the log file
-		self.OpenLog()
-		try:
-			# show the command and platform info
-			self.AssertBuildOK()
-			self.Introduction()
-			# establish an object cache
-			self.AssertBuildOK()
-			self.LoadCache()
-			# find out what configurations to build
-			self.AssertBuildOK()
-			buildUnitsToBuild = set()
-			buildUnitsToBuild = self.GetBuildUnitsToBuild(self.configNames)
-			# find out what components to build, and in what way
-			componentGroups = []
-			self.AssertBuildOK()
-			if len(buildUnitsToBuild) >= 0:
-				componentGroups = self.GetComponentGroupsFromCLI()
-			componentCount = reduce(lambda x,y : x + y, [len(cg) for cg in componentGroups])
-			if not componentCount > 0:
-				raise BuildCompleteException("No components to build.")
-			# check the configurations (tools versions)
-			self.AssertBuildOK()
-			if self.toolcheck != 'off':
-				self.CheckConfigs(buildUnitsToBuild)
-			else:
-				self.Info(" Not Checking Tool Versions")
-			self.AssertBuildOK()
-			# if self.doParallelParsing and not (len(componentGroups) == 1 and len(componentGroups[0]) == 1):
-			if self.doParallelParsing:
-				# Create a Makefile to parse components in parallel and build them
-				for cg in componentGroups:
-					cg.GenerateMetadataSpecs(buildUnitsToBuild)
-					self.MakeComponentGroup(cg)
-				if self.noBuild:
-					self.Info("No build performed")
-			else:
-				# Parse components serially, creating one set of makefiles
-				# create non-component specs
-				self.AssertBuildOK()
-				generic_specs = self.GenerateGenericSpecs(buildUnitsToBuild)
-				self.AssertBuildOK()
-				for cg in componentGroups:
-					# create specs for a specific group of components
-					cg.GenerateSpecs(generic_specs, buildUnitsToBuild)
-					self.WriteMetadataDepsMakefile(cg)	
-					# generate the makefiles for one group of specs
-					self.MakeComponentGroup(cg)
-		except BuildCompleteException,b:
-			if str(b) != "":
-				self.Info(str(b))
-		# final report
-		if not self.fatalErrorState:
-			self.Report()
-		self.Cleanup()
-		# close the log file
-		self.CloseLog()
-		return self.errorCode
-	@classmethod
-	def CreateCommandlineBuild(cls, argv):
-		""" Perform a 'typical' build. """
-		# configure the framework
-		build = Raptor()
-		build.AssertBuildOK()
-		build.ConfigFile()
-		build.ProcessConfig()
-		build.CommandLine(argv)
-		return build 
-# Class for passing constricted parameters to filters
-class BuildStats(object):
-	def __init__(self, raptor_instance):
-		self.logFileName = raptor_instance.logFileName
-		self.quiet = raptor_instance.quiet
-		self.doCheck = raptor_instance.doCheck
-		self.doWhat = raptor_instance.doWhat
-		self.platform = hostplatform
-		self.skipAll = raptor_instance.fatalErrorState
-		self.timestring = raptor_instance.timestring
-		self.targets = raptor_instance.targets
-		self.runtime = 0
- = name
-# raptor module functions
-def Main(argv):
-	"""The main entry point for Raptor.
-	argv is a list of command-line parameters,
-	NOT including the name of the calling script.
-	The return value is zero for success and non-zero for failure."""
-	DisplayBanner()
-	# object which represents a build
-	b = Raptor.CreateCommandlineBuild(argv)
-	# allow all objects to log to the
-	# build they're being used in
-	global build
-	global log
-	build = b
-	log = b
-	result = b.Build()
-	return result
-def DisplayBanner():
-	"""Stuff that needs printing out for every command."""
-	pass
-# end of the raptor module
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# raptor module
+# This module represents the running Raptor program. Raptor is started
+# either by calling the Main() function, which creates an instance of
+# the raptor.Raptor class and calls its methods to perform a build based
+# on command-line parameters, or by explicitly creating a raptor.Raptor
+# instance and calling its methods to set-up and perform a build.
+name = "sbs"			# the public name for the raptor build tool
+env  = "SBS_HOME"		# the environment variable that locates us
+xml  = "sbs_init.xml"	# the primary initialisation file
+env2 = "HOME"		 	# the environment variable that locates the user
+xml2 = ".sbs_init.xml"	# the override initialisation file
+import generic_path
+import os
+import raptor_cache
+import raptor_cli
+import raptor_data
+import raptor_make
+import raptor_makefile
+import raptor_meta
+import raptor_timing
+import raptor_utilities
+import raptor_version
+import raptor_xml
+import filter_list
+import sys
+import types
+import time
+import traceback
+import pluginbox
+from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
+if not "HOSTPLATFORM" in os.environ or not "HOSTPLATFORM_DIR" in os.environ:
+	print "Error: HOSTPLATFORM and HOSTPLATFORM_DIR must be set in the environment (this is usually done automatically by the startup script)."
+	sys.exit(1)
+hostplatform = os.environ["HOSTPLATFORM"].split(" ")
+hostplatform_dir = os.environ["HOSTPLATFORM_DIR"]
+# defaults can use EPOCROOT
+if "EPOCROOT" in os.environ:
+	incoming_epocroot = os.environ["EPOCROOT"]
+	epocroot = incoming_epocroot.replace("\\","/")
+	if 'win' in hostplatform:
+		incoming_epocroot = os.sep
+		epocroot = "/"
+		os.environ["EPOCROOT"] = os.sep
+	else:
+		epocroot=os.environ['HOME'] + os.sep + "epocroot"
+		os.environ["EPOCROOT"] = epocroot
+		incoming_epocroot = epocroot
+if "SBS_BUILD_DIR" in os.environ:
+	sbs_build_dir = os.environ["SBS_BUILD_DIR"]
+	sbs_build_dir = (epocroot + "/epoc32/build").replace("//","/")
+# only use default XML from the epoc32 tree if it exists
+defaultSystemConfig = "lib/config"
+epoc32UserConfigDir = generic_path.Join(epocroot, "epoc32/sbs_config")
+if epoc32UserConfigDir.isDir():
+	defaultSystemConfig = str(epoc32UserConfigDir) + os.pathsep + defaultSystemConfig
+# parameters that can be overriden by the sbs_init.xml file
+# or by the command-line.
+defaults = {
+		"allowCommandLineOverrides" : True,
+		"CLI" : "raptor_cli",
+		"buildInformation" : generic_path.Path("bld.inf"),
+		"defaultConfig" : "default",
+		"jobs": 4,
+		"keepGoing": False,
+		"logFileName" : generic_path.Join(sbs_build_dir,"Makefile.%TIME.log"),
+		"makeEngine" : "make",
+		"preferBuildInfoToSystemDefinition" : False,
+		"pruneDuplicateMakefiles": True,
+		"quiet" : False,
+		"systemConfig" :  defaultSystemConfig,
+		"systemDefinition" : generic_path.Path("System_Definition.xml"),
+		"systemDefinitionBase" : generic_path.Path("."),
+		"systemFLM" : generic_path.Path("lib/flm"),
+		"systemPlugins" : generic_path.Path("python/plugins"),
+		"topMakefile" : generic_path.Join(sbs_build_dir,"Makefile"),
+		"tries": 1,
+		"writeSingleMakefile": True,
+		"ignoreOsDetection": False,
+		"toolcheck": "on",
+		"filterList": "filterterminal,filterlogfile"
+		}
+class ModelNode(object):
+	""" Represents any node in a a tree of build information
+	    e.g. a tree of bld.infs, mmps and finally things like resource blocks and string table blocks.
+	    This is before they are produced into "build" specs.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, id, parent = None):
+ = id
+		self.type = type
+		self.specs = []
+		self.deps = []
+		self.children = set()
+		self.unfurled = False
+		self.parent = parent
+	# Allow one to make a set
+	def __hash__(self):
+		return hash(
+	def __cmp__(self,other):
+		return cmp(, other)
+	def __iter__(self):
+		return iter(self.children)
+	def __getitem__(self,x):
+		if isinstance(x, slice):
+			return self.children[x.start:x.stop]
+		return self.children[x]
+	def __setitem__(self,k, v):
+		self.children[k] = v
+	def __len__(self):
+		return len(self.children)
+	def add(self, item):
+		return self.children.add(item)
+	def isunfurled(self, c):
+		return self.unfurled == False
+	def unfurl(self, build):
+		"""Find any children of this node by processing it, produces specs"""
+		pass
+	def unfurl_all(self, build):
+		"""Unfurl self and all children - preparatory e.g for realisation"""
+		if not self.unfurled:
+			self.unfurl(build)
+		self.realise_exports(build) # permit communication of dependencies between children
+		for c in self.children:
+			c.unfurl_all(build)
+	def realise_exports(self, build):
+		"""Do the things that are needed such that we can fully unfurl all
+		   sibling nodes.  i.e. this step is here to "take care" of the dependencies
+		   between siblings.
+		"""
+		pass
+	def realise_makefile(self, build, specs):
+		makefilename_base = build.topMakefile
+		if is not None:
+			makefile = generic_path.Path(str(makefilename_base) + "_" + raptor_utilities.sanitise(
+		else:
+			makefile = generic_path.Path(str(makefilename_base))
+		# insert the start time into the Makefile name?
+		makefile.path = makefile.path.replace("%TIME", build.timestring)
+		build.InfoDiscovery(object_type = "layers", count = 1)
+		build.InfoStartTime(object_type = "layer", task = "parse",
+				key = str(makefile.path))
+		makefileset = build.maker.Write(makefile, specs, build.buildUnitsToBuild)
+		build.InfoEndTime(object_type = "layer", task = "parse",
+				key = str(makefile.path))
+		return makefileset
+	def realise(self, build):
+		"""Give the spec trees to the make engine and actually
+		"build" the product represented by this model node"""
+		# Must ensure that all children are unfurled at this point
+		self.unfurl_all(build)
+		sp = self.specs
+		build.AssertBuildOK()
+		m = self.realise_makefile(build, sp)
+		build.InfoStartTime(object_type = "layer", task = "build",
+				key = (str( + "/" + str(m.filenamebase)))
+		result = build.Make(m)
+		build.InfoEndTime(object_type = "layer", task = "build",
+				key = (str( + "/" + str(m.filenamebase)))
+		return result
+class Project(ModelNode):
+	"""A project or, in symbian-speak, an MMP
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, filename, parent = None):
+		super(Project,self).__init__(filename, parent = parent)
+		# Assume that components are specified in mmp files for now
+		# One day that tyranny might end.
+		self.mmp_name = str(generic_path.Path.Absolute(filename))
+ = self.mmp_name
+		self.unfurled = False
+	def makefile(self, makefilename_base, engine, named = False):
+		"""Makefiles for individual mmps not feasible at the moment"""
+		pass 
+		# Cannot, currently, "unfurl an mmp" directly but do want
+		# to be able to simulate the overall recursive unfurling of a build.
+class Component(ModelNode):
+	"""A group of projects or, in symbian-speak, a bld.inf.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, filename, layername="", componentname=""):
+		super(Component,self).__init__(filename)
+		# Assume that components are specified in bld.inf files for now
+		# One day that tyranny might end.
+		self.bldinf = None # Slot for a bldinf object if we spot one later
+		self.bldinf_filename = generic_path.Path.Absolute(filename)
+ = str(self.bldinf_filename)
+		self.exportspecs = []
+		self.depfiles = []
+		self.unfurled = False # We can parse this
+		# Extra metadata optionally supplied with system definition file gathered components
+		self.layername = layername
+		self.componentname = componentname
+	def AddMMP(self, filename):
+		self.children.add(Project(filename))
+class Layer(ModelNode):
+	""" Some components that should be built togther
+		e.g. a Layer in the system definition.
+		Components that come from system definition files can
+		have extra surrounding metadata that we need to pass
+		on for use in log output.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, name, componentlist=[]):
+		super(Layer,self).__init__(name)
+ = name
+		for c in componentlist:
+			if isinstance(c, raptor_xml.SystemModelComponent):
+				# this component came from a system_definition.xml
+				self.children.add(Component(c, c.GetContainerName("layer"), c.GetContainerName("component")))
+			else:
+				# this is a plain old bld.inf file from the command-line
+				self.children.add(Component(c))
+	def unfurl(self, build):
+		"""Discover the children of this layer. This involves parsing the component MetaData (bld.infs, mmps).
+		Takes a raptor object as a parameter (build), together with a list of Configurations.
+		We currently have parsers that work on collections of components/bld.infs and that cannot
+		parse at a "finer" level.  So one can't 'unfurl' an mmp at the moment.
+		Returns True if the object was successfully unfurled.
+		"""
+		# setup all our components
+		for c in self.children:
+			c.specs = []
+		self.configs = build.buildUnitsToBuild
+		metaReader = None
+		if len (self.children):
+			try:
+				# create a MetaReader that is aware of the list of
+				# configurations that we are trying to build.
+				metaReader = raptor_meta.MetaReader(build, build.buildUnitsToBuild)
+				# convert the list of bld.inf files into a specification
+				# hierarchy suitable for all the configurations we are using.
+				self.specs = list(build.generic_specs)
+				self.specs.extend(metaReader.ReadBldInfFiles(self.children, doexport = build.doExport, dobuild = not build.doExportOnly))
+			except raptor_meta.MetaDataError, e:
+				build.Error(e.Text)
+		self.unfurled = True
+	def meta_realise(self, build):
+		"""Generate specs that can be used to "take care of" finding out more
+		about this metaunit - i.e. one doesn't want to parse it immediately
+		but to create a makefile that will parse it.
+		In this case it allows bld.infs to be parsed in parallel by make."""
+		# insert the start time into the Makefile name?
+		self.configs = build.buildUnitsToBuild
+		# Pass certain CLI flags through to the makefile-generating sbs calls
+		cli_options = ""
+		if build.debugOutput == True:
+			cli_options += " -d"
+		if build.ignoreOsDetection == True:
+			cli_options += " -i"
+		if build.keepGoing == True:
+			cli_options += " -k"
+		if build.quiet == True:
+			cli_options += " -q"
+		if build.timing == True:
+			cli_options += " --timing"
+		if build.noDependInclude == True:
+			cli_options += " --no-depend-include"
+		if build.noDependGenerate == True:
+			cli_options += " --no-depend-generate"
+		nc = len(self.children)
+		number_blocks =
+		block_size = (nc / number_blocks) + 1
+		component_blocks = []
+		spec_nodes = []
+		b = 0
+		childlist = list(self.children)
+		while b < nc:
+			component_blocks.append(childlist[b:b+block_size])
+			b += block_size
+		while len(component_blocks[-1]) <= 0:
+			component_blocks.pop()
+			number_blocks -= 1
+		build.Info("Parallel Parsing: bld.infs split into %d blocks\n", number_blocks)
+		# Cause the binding makefiles to have the toplevel makefile's
+		# name.  The bindee's have __pp appended.
+		tm = build.topMakefile.Absolute()
+		binding_makefiles = raptor_makefile.MakefileSet(str(tm.Dir()), build.maker.selectors, makefiles=None, filenamebase=str(tm.File()))
+		build.topMakefile = generic_path.Path(str(build.topMakefile) + "_pp")
+		loop_number = 0
+		for block in component_blocks:
+			loop_number += 1
+			specNode = raptor_data.Specification("metadata_" +
+			componentList = " ".join([str(c.bldinf_filename) for c in block])
+			configList = " ".join([ for c in self.configs if != "build" ])
+			makefile_path = str(build.topMakefile) + "_" + str(loop_number)
+			try:
+				os.unlink(makefile_path) # until we have dependencies working properly
+			except Exception:
+				pass
+			# add some basic data in a component-wide variant
+			var = raptor_data.Variant()
+			var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_PATHS", componentList))
+			var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MAKEFILE_PATH", makefile_path))
+			var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CONFIGS", configList))
+			var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CLI_OPTIONS", cli_options))
+			# Allow the flm to skip exports. Note: this parameter
+			doexport_str = '1'
+			if not build.doExport:
+				doexport_str = ''
+			var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DOEXPORT", doexport_str ))
+			# Pass on '-n' (if specified) to the makefile-generating sbs calls
+			if build.noBuild:
+				var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("NO_BUILD", "1"))
+			specNode.AddVariant(var)
+			try:
+				interface = build.cache.FindNamedInterface("build.makefiles")
+				specNode.SetInterface(interface)
+			except KeyError:
+				build.Error("Can't find flm interface 'build.makefiles' ")
+			spec_nodes.append(specNode)
+			binding_makefiles.addInclude(str(makefile_path)+"_all")
+		build.InfoDiscovery(object_type = "layers", count = 1)
+		build.InfoStartTime(object_type = "layer", task = "parse",
+				key = str(build.topMakefile))
+		m = self.realise_makefile(build, spec_nodes)
+		m.close()
+		gen_result = build.Make(m)
+		build.InfoEndTime(object_type = "layer", task = "parse",
+				key = str(build.topMakefile))
+		build.InfoStartTime(object_type = "layer", task = "build",
+				key = str(build.topMakefile))
+		build.Debug("Binding Makefile base name is %s ", binding_makefiles.filenamebase)
+		binding_makefiles.close()
+		b = build.Make(binding_makefiles)
+		build.InfoEndTime(object_type = "layer", task = "build",
+				key = str(build.topMakefile))
+		return b
+class BuildCannotProgressException(Exception):
+	pass
+# raptor module classes
+class Raptor(object):
+	"""An instance of a running Raptor program.
+	When operated from the command-line there is a single Raptor object
+	created by the Main function. When operated by an IDE several Raptor
+	objects may be created and operated at the same time."""
+	M_BUILD = 1
+	def __init__(self, home = None):
+		self.DefaultSetUp(home)
+	def DefaultSetUp(self, home = None):
+		"revert to the default set-up state"
+		self.errorCode = 0
+		self.skipAll = False
+		self.summary = True
+		self.out = sys.stdout # Just until filters get started.
+		# Create a bootstrap output system.
+		self.out = filter_list.FilterList()
+		if home == None:
+			try:
+				home = os.environ[env]
+			except KeyError:
+				home = os.getcwd()
+		# make sure the home directory exists
+		self.home = generic_path.Path(home).Absolute()
+		if not self.home.isDir():
+			self.Error("%s '%s' is not a directory", env, self.home)
+			return
+		# the set-up file location.
+		# use the override "env2/xml2" if it exists
+		# else use the primary "env/xml" if it exists
+		# else keep the hard-coded defaults.
+		self.raptorXML = self.home.Append(xml)
+		if env2 in os.environ:
+			sbs_init = generic_path.Join(os.environ[env2], xml2)
+			if sbs_init.isFile():
+				self.raptorXML = sbs_init
+		# things that can be overridden by the set-up file
+		for key, value in defaults.items():
+			self.__dict__[key] = value
+		# things to initialise
+		self.args = []
+		self.layers = []
+		self.orderLayers = False
+		self.commandlineComponents = []
+		self.systemModel = None
+		self.systemDefinitionFile = None
+		self.systemDefinitionRequestedLayers = []
+		self.systemDefinitionOrderLayers = False
+		self.specGroups = {}
+		self.configNames = []
+		self.configsToBuild = set()
+		self.makeOptions = []
+		self.maker = None
+		self.debugOutput = False
+		self.doExportOnly = False
+		self.doExport = True
+		self.noBuild = False
+		self.noDependInclude = False
+		self.noDependGenerate = False
+		self.projects = set()
+		self.cache = raptor_cache.Cache(self)
+		self.override = {env: str(self.home)}
+		self.targets = []
+		self.defaultTargets = []
+		self.doCheck = False
+		self.doWhat = False
+		self.doParallelParsing = False
+		self.mission = Raptor.M_BUILD
+		# what platform and filesystem are we running on?
+		self.filesystem = raptor_utilities.getOSFileSystem()
+		self.timing = False
+		self.toolset = None
+		self.starttime = time.time()
+		self.timestring = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
+		self.fatalErrorState = False
+	def AddConfigList(self, configPathList):
+		# this function converts cmd line option into a list
+		# and prepends it to default config.
+		self.configPath = generic_path.NormalisePathList(configPathList.split(os.pathsep)) + self.configPath
+		return True
+	def AddConfigName(self, name):
+		if name == "build":
+			traceback.print_stack((sys.stdout))
+			sys.exit(1)
+		self.configNames.append(name)
+		return True
+	def RunQuietly(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.quiet = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def SetCheck(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.doCheck = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def SetWhat(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.doWhat = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def SetEnv(self, name, value):
+		self.override[name] = value
+	def AddTarget(self, target):
+		if self.doCheck or self.doWhat:
+			self.Warn("ignoring target %s because --what or --check is specified.\n", target)
+		else:
+			self.targets.append(target)
+	def AddSourceTarget(self, filename):
+		# source targets are sanitised and then added as if they were a "normal" makefile target
+		# in addition they have a default, empty, top-level target assigned in order that they can
+		# be presented to any generated makefile without error
+		sourceTarget = generic_path.Path(filename).Absolute()
+		sourceTarget = 'SOURCETARGET_' + raptor_utilities.sanitise(str(sourceTarget))
+		self.AddTarget(sourceTarget)
+		self.defaultTargets.append(sourceTarget)
+		return True
+	def SetSysDefFile(self, filename):
+		self.systemDefinitionFile = generic_path.Path(filename)
+		return True
+	def SetSysDefBase(self, path):
+		self.systemDefinitionBase = generic_path.Path(path)
+		return True
+	def AddSysDefLayer(self, layer):
+		self.systemDefinitionRequestedLayers.append(layer)
+		return True
+	def SetSysDefOrderLayers(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.systemDefinitionOrderLayers = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def AddBuildInfoFile(self, filename):
+		bldinf = generic_path.Path(filename).Absolute()
+		self.commandlineComponents.append(bldinf)
+		return True
+	def SetTopMakefile(self, filename):
+		self.topMakefile = generic_path.Path(filename)
+		return True
+	def SetDebugOutput(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.debugOutput = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def SetExportOnly(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.doExportOnly = TrueOrFalse
+		if not self.doExport:
+			self.Error("The --noexport and --export-only options are incompatible - won't to do anything useful")
+			return False
+		return True
+	def SetNoExport(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.doExport = not TrueOrFalse
+		if self.doExportOnly:
+			self.Error("The --noexport and --export-only options are incompatible - won't to do anything useful")
+			return False
+		return True
+	def SetNoBuild(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.noBuild = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def SetNoDependInclude(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.noDependInclude = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def SetNoDependGenerate(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.noDependGenerate = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def SetKeepGoing(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.keepGoing = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def SetLogFileName(self, logfile):
+		if logfile == "-":
+			self.logFileName = None  # stdout
+		else:
+			self.logFileName = generic_path.Path(logfile)
+		return True
+	def SetMakeEngine(self, makeEngine):
+		self.makeEngine = makeEngine
+		return True
+	def AddMakeOption(self, makeOption):
+		self.makeOptions.append(makeOption)
+		return True
+	def SetJobs(self, numberOfJobs):
+		try:
+ = int(numberOfJobs)
+		except ValueError:
+ = 0
+		if < 1:
+			self.Warn("The number of jobs (%s) must be a positive integer\n", numberOfJobs)
+ = 1
+			return False
+		return True
+	def SetTries(self, numberOfTries):
+		try:
+			self.tries = int(numberOfTries)
+		except ValueError:
+			self.tries = 0
+		if self.tries < 1:
+			self.Warn("The number of tries (%s) must be a positive integer\n", numberOfTries)
+			self.tries = 1
+			return False
+		return True
+	def SetToolCheck(self, type):
+		type = type.lower()
+		toolcheck_types= [ "forced", "on", "off" ]
+		if type in toolcheck_types:
+			self.toolcheck=type
+		else:
+			self.Warn("toolcheck option must be one of: %s" % toolcheck_types)
+			return False
+		return True
+	def SetTiming(self, TrueOrFalse):
+		self.timing = TrueOrFalse
+		return True
+	def SetParallelParsing(self, type):
+		type = type.lower()
+		if type == "on":
+			self.doParallelParsing = True
+		elif type == "slave":
+			self.isParallelParsingSlave = True
+		elif type == "off":
+			self.doParallelParsing = False
+		else:
+			self.Warn(" parallel parsing option must be either 'on' or 'off' (was %s)"  % type)
+			return False
+		return True
+	def AddProject(self, projectName):
+		self.projects.add(projectName.lower())
+		return True
+	def FilterList(self, value):
+		self.filterList = value
+		return True
+	def IgnoreOsDetection(self, value):
+		self.ignoreOsDetection = value
+		return True
+	def PrintVersion(self,dummy):
+		global name
+		print name, "version", raptor_version.fullversion()
+		self.mission = Raptor.M_VERSION
+		return False
+	# worker methods
+	def Introduction(self):
+		"""Print a header of useful information about Raptor"""
+		self.Info("%s: version %s\n", name, raptor_version.fullversion())
+		self.Info("%s %s", env, str(self.home))
+		self.Info("Set-up %s", str(self.raptorXML))
+		self.Info("Command-line-arguments %s", " ".join(self.args))
+		self.Info("Current working directory %s", os.getcwd())
+		# the inherited environment
+		for e, value in sorted( os.environ.items() ):
+			self.Info("Environment %s=%s", e, value.replace("]]>", "]]&gt;"))
+		# and some general debug stuff
+		self.Debug("Platform %s", "-".join(hostplatform))
+		self.Debug("Filesystem %s", self.filesystem)
+		self.Debug("Python %d.%d.%d", *sys.version_info[:3])
+		self.Debug("Command-line-parser %s", self.CLI)
+		for e,value in self.override.items():
+			self.Debug("Override %s = %s", e, value)
+		for t in self.targets:
+			self.Debug("Target %s", t)
+	def ConfigFile(self):
+		if not self.raptorXML.isFile():
+			return
+		self.cache.Load(self.raptorXML)
+		# find the 'defaults.raptor' variant and extract the values
+		try:
+			var = self.cache.FindNamedVariant("defaults.init")
+			evaluator = self.GetEvaluator( None, raptor_data.BuildUnit(,[var]) )
+			for key, value in defaults.items():
+				newValue = evaluator.Resolve(key)
+				if newValue != None:
+					# got a string for the value
+					if type(value) == types.BooleanType:
+						newValue = (newValue.lower() != "false")
+					elif type(value) == types.IntType:
+						newValue = int(newValue)
+					elif isinstance(value, generic_path.Path):
+						newValue = generic_path.Path(newValue)
+					self.__dict__[key] = newValue
+		except KeyError:
+			# it is OK to not have this but useful to say it wasn't there
+			self.Info("No 'defaults.init' configuration found in " + str(self.raptorXML))
+	def CommandLine(self, args):
+		# remember the arguments for the log
+		self.args = args
+		# assuming self.CLI = "raptor_cli"
+		more_to_do = raptor_cli.GetArgs(self, args)
+		# resolve inter-argument dependencies.
+		# --what or --check implies the WHAT target and FilterWhat Filter
+		if self.doWhat or self.doCheck:
+			self.targets = ["WHAT"]
+			self.filterList = "filterwhat"
+		else:
+			# 1. CLEAN/CLEANEXPORT/REALLYCLEAN needs the FilterClean filter.
+			# 2. Targets that clean should not be combined with other targets.
+			targets = [x.lower() for x in self.targets]
+			CL = "clean"
+			CE = "cleanexport"
+			RC = "reallyclean"
+			is_clean = 0
+			is_suspicious_clean = 0
+			if CL in targets and CE in targets:
+				is_clean = 1
+				if len(targets) > 2:
+					is_suspicious_clean = 1
+			elif RC in targets or CL in targets or CE in targets:
+				is_clean = 1
+				if len(targets) > 1:
+					is_suspicious_clean = 1
+			if is_clean:
+				self.filterList += ",filterclean"
+				if is_suspicious_clean:
+					self.Warn('CLEAN, CLEANEXPORT and a REALLYCLEAN should not be combined with other targets as the result is unpredictable.')
+		if not more_to_do:
+			self.skipAll = True		# nothing else to do
+	def ProcessConfig(self):
+		# this function will perform additional processing of config
+		# create list of generic paths
+		self.configPath = generic_path.NormalisePathList(self.systemConfig.split(os.pathsep))
+	def LoadCache(self):
+		def mkAbsolute(aGenericPath):
+			""" internal function to make a generic_path.Path
+			absolute if required"""
+			if not aGenericPath.isAbsolute():
+				return self.home.Append(aGenericPath)
+			else:
+				return aGenericPath
+		# make generic paths absolute (if required)
+		self.configPath = map(mkAbsolute, self.configPath)
+		self.cache.Load(self.configPath)
+		if not self.systemFLM.isAbsolute():
+			self.systemFLM = self.home.Append(self.systemFLM)
+		self.cache.Load(self.systemFLM)
+	def GetBuildUnitsToBuild(self, configNames):
+		"""Return a list of the configuration objects that correspond to the
+		   list of configuration names in the configNames parameter.
+		raptor.GetBuildUnitsToBuild(["armv5", "winscw"])
+		>>> [ config1, config2, ... , configN ]
+		"""
+		if len(configNames) == 0:
+			# use default config
+			if len(self.defaultConfig) == 0:
+				self.Warn("No default configuration name")
+			else:
+				configNames.append(self.defaultConfig)
+		buildUnitsToBuild = raptor_data.GetBuildUnits(configNames, self.cache, self)
+		for b in buildUnitsToBuild:
+			self.Info("Buildable configuration '%s'",
+		if len(buildUnitsToBuild) == 0:
+			self.Error("No build configurations given")
+		return buildUnitsToBuild
+	def CheckToolset(self, evaluator, configname):
+		"""Check the toolset for a particular config, allow other objects access
+		to the toolset for this build (e.g. the raptor_make class)."""
+		if self.toolset is None:
+			if self.toolcheck == 'on':
+				self.toolset = raptor_data.ToolSet(log=self)
+			elif self.toolcheck == 'forced' :
+				self.toolset = raptor_data.ToolSet(log=self, forced=True)
+			else:
+				return True
+		return self.toolset.check(evaluator, configname)
+	def CheckConfigs(self, configs):
+		"""	Tool checking for all the buildable configurations
+			NB. We are allowed to use different tool versions for different
+			configurations."""
+		tools_ok = True
+		for b in configs:
+			self.Debug("Tool check for %s",
+			evaluator = self.GetEvaluator(None, b, gathertools=True)
+			tools_ok = tools_ok and self.CheckToolset(evaluator,
+		return tools_ok
+	def GatherSysModelLayers(self, systemModel, systemDefinitionRequestedLayers):
+		"""Return a list of lists of components to be built.
+		components = GatherSysModelLayers(self, configurations)
+		>>> set("abc/group/bld.inf","def/group/bld.inf, ....")
+		"""
+		layersToBuild = []
+		if systemModel:
+			# We either process all available layers in the system model, or a subset of
+			# layers specified on the command line.  In both cases, the processing is the same,
+			# and can be subject to ordering if explicitly requested.
+			systemModel.DumpInfo()
+			if systemDefinitionRequestedLayers:
+				layersToProcess = systemDefinitionRequestedLayers
+			else:
+				layersToProcess = systemModel.GetLayerNames()
+			for layer in layersToProcess:
+				systemModel.DumpLayerInfo(layer)
+				if systemModel.IsLayerBuildable(layer):
+					layersToBuild.append(Layer(layer,
+							systemModel.GetLayerComponents(layer)))
+		return layersToBuild
+	# Add bld.inf or system definition xml to command line layers (depending on preference)
+	def FindSysDefIn(self, aDir = None):
+		# Find a system definition file
+		if aDir is None:
+			dir = generic_path.CurrentDir()
+		else:
+			dir = generic_path.Path(aDir)
+		sysDef = dir.Append(self.systemDefinition)
+		if not sysDef.isFile():
+			return None
+		return sysDef
+	def FindComponentIn(self, aDir = None):
+		# look for a bld.inf
+		if aDir is None:
+			dir = generic_path.CurrentDir()
+		else:
+			dir = generic_path.Path(aDir)
+		bldInf = dir.Append(self.buildInformation)
+		if bldInf.isFile():
+			return bldInf
+		return None
+	def GenerateGenericSpecs(self, configsToBuild):
+		# if a Configuration has any config-wide interfaces
+		# then add a Specification node to call each of them.
+		configWide = {}
+		genericSpecs = []
+		for c in configsToBuild:
+			evaluator = self.GetEvaluator(None, c)
+			iface = evaluator.Get("INTERFACE.config")
+			if iface:
+				if iface in configWide:
+					# seen it already, so reuse the node
+					filter = configWide[iface]
+					filter.AddConfigCondition(
+				else:
+					# create a new node
+					filter = raptor_data.Filter(name = "config_wide")
+					filter.AddConfigCondition(
+					for i in iface.split():
+						spec = raptor_data.Specification(i)
+						spec.SetInterface(i)
+						filter.AddChildSpecification(spec)
+					# remember it, use it
+					configWide[iface] = filter
+					genericSpecs.append(filter)
+		return genericSpecs
+	def GetEvaluator(self, specification, configuration, gathertools=False):
+		""" this will perform some caching later """
+		return raptor_data.Evaluator(specification, configuration, gathertools=gathertools, cache = self.cache)
+	def Make(self, makefileset):
+		if not self.noBuild and makefileset is not None:
+			if self.maker.Make(makefileset):
+				self.Info("The make-engine exited successfully.")
+				return True
+			else:
+				self.Error("The make-engine exited with errors.")
+				return False
+		else:
+			self.Info("No build performed")
+	def Report(self):
+		if self.quiet:
+			return
+		self.endtime = time.time()
+		self.runtime = int(0.5 + self.endtime - self.starttime)
+		self.raptor_params.runtime = self.runtime
+		self.Info("Run time %s seconds" % self.runtime)
+	def AssertBuildOK(self):
+		"""Raise a BuildCannotProgressException if no further processing is required
+		"""
+		if self.Skip():
+			raise BuildCannotProgressException("")
+		return True
+	def Skip(self):
+		"""Indicate not to perform operation if:
+		   fatalErrorState is set
+		   an error code is set but we're not in keepgoing mode
+		"""
+		return self.fatalErrorState or ((self.errorCode != 0) and (not self.keepGoing))
+	# log file open/close
+	def OpenLog(self):
+		"""Open a log file for the various I/O methods to write to."""
+		try:
+			# Find all the raptor plugins and put them into a pluginbox.
+			if not self.systemPlugins.isAbsolute():
+				self.systemPlugins = self.home.Append(self.systemPlugins)
+			self.pbox = pluginbox.PluginBox(str(self.systemPlugins))
+			self.raptor_params = BuildStats(self)
+			# Open the requested plugins using the pluginbox
+, self.filterList.split(','), self.pbox)
+			# log header
+			self.out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>\n")
+			namespace = ""
+			progress_namespace = ""
+			schema = ""
+			self.out.write("<buildlog sbs_version=\"%s\" xmlns=\"%s\" xmlns:progress=\"%s\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"%s %s\">\n"
+						   % (raptor_version.fullversion(), namespace, progress_namespace, namespace, schema))
+			self.logOpen = True
+		except Exception,e:
+			self.out = sys.stdout # make sure that we can actually get errors out.
+			self.logOpen = False
+			self.FatalError("Unable to open the output logs: %s" % str(e))
+	def CloseLog(self):
+		if self.logOpen:
+			self.out.summary()
+			self.out.write("</buildlog>\n")
+			if not self.out.close():
+				self.errorCode = 1
+	def Cleanup(self):
+		# ensure that the toolset cache is flushed.
+		if self.toolset is not None:
+			self.toolset.write()
+	# I/O methods
+	@staticmethod
+	def attributeString(dictionary):
+		"turn a dictionary into a string of XML attributes"
+		atts = ""
+		for a,v in dictionary.items():
+			atts += " " + a + "='" + v + "'"
+		return atts
+	def Info(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
+		"""Send an information message to the configured channel
+				(XML control characters will be escaped)
+		"""
+		self.out.write("<info" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" +
+		               escape(format % extras) + "</info>\n")
+	def InfoDiscovery(self, object_type, count):
+		if self.timing:
+			try:
+				self.out.write(raptor_timing.Timing.discovery_string(object_type = object_type,
+						count = count))
+			except Exception, exception:
+				self.Error(exception.Text, function = "InfoDiscoveryTime")
+	def InfoStartTime(self, object_type, task, key):
+		if self.timing:
+			try:
+				self.out.write(raptor_timing.Timing.start_string(object_type = object_type,
+						task = task, key = key))
+			except Exception, exception:
+				self.Error(exception.Text, function = "InfoStartTime")
+	def InfoEndTime(self, object_type, task, key):
+		if self.timing:
+			try:
+				self.out.write(raptor_timing.Timing.end_string(object_type = object_type,
+						task = task, key = key))
+			except Exception, exception:
+				self.Error(exception.Text, function = "InfoEndTime")
+	def Debug(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
+		"Send a debugging message to the configured channel"
+		# the debug text is out of our control so wrap it in a CDATA
+		# in case it contains characters special to XML... like <>
+		if self.debugOutput:
+			self.out.write("<debug" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" +
+			               "><![CDATA[\n" + (format % extras) + "\n]]></debug>\n")
+	def Warn(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
+		"""Send a warning message to the configured channel
+				(XML control characters will be escaped)
+		"""
+		self.out.write("<warning" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" +
+		               escape(format % extras) + "</warning>\n")
+	def FatalError(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
+		"""Send an error message to the configured channel. This implies such a serious
+		   error that the entire build must be shut down asap whilst still finishing off
+		   correctly whatever housekeeping is possible e.g. producing error reports.
+		   Remains quiet if the raptor object is already in a fatal state since there
+		   further errors are probably triggered by the first.
+		"""
+		if not self.fatalErrorState:
+			self.out.write("<error" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" +
+			               (format % extras) + "</error>\n")
+			self.errorCode = 1
+			self.fatalErrorState = True
+	def Error(self, format, *extras, **attributes):
+		"""Send an error message to the configured channel
+				(XML control characters will be escaped)
+		"""
+		self.out.write("<error" + self.attributeString(attributes) + ">" +
+		               escape(format % extras) + "</error>\n")
+		self.errorCode = 1
+	def PrintXML(self, format, *extras):
+		"Print to configured channel (no newline is added) (assumes valid xml)"
+		if format:
+			self.out.write(format % extras)
+	def GetLayersFromCLI(self):
+		"""Returns the list of layers as specified by the
+		   commandline interface to Raptor e.g. parameters
+		   or the current directory"""
+		layers=[]
+		# Look for bld.infs or sysdefs in the current dir if none were specified
+		if self.systemDefinitionFile == None and len(self.commandlineComponents) == 0:
+			if not self.preferBuildInfoToSystemDefinition:
+				cwd = os.getcwd()
+				self.systemDefinitionFile = self.FindSysDefIn(cwd)
+				if self.systemDefinitionFile == None:
+					aComponent = self.FindComponentIn(cwd)
+					if aComponent:
+						layers.append(Layer('default',[aComponent]))
+			else:
+				aComponent = self.FindComponentIn(cwd)
+				if aComponent is None:
+					self.systemDefinitionFile = self.FindSysDefIn(cwd)
+				else:
+					layers.append(Layer('default',[aComponent]))
+			if len(layers) <= 0 and  self.systemDefinitionFile == None:
+				self.Warn("No default bld.inf or system definition file found in current directory (%s)", cwd)
+		# If we now have a System Definition to parse then get the layers of components
+		if self.systemDefinitionFile != None:
+			systemModel = raptor_xml.SystemModel(self, self.systemDefinitionFile, self.systemDefinitionBase)
+			layers = self.GatherSysModelLayers(systemModel, self.systemDefinitionRequestedLayers)
+		# Now get components specified on a commandline - build them after any
+		# layers in the system definition.
+		if len(self.commandlineComponents) > 0:
+			layers.append(Layer('commandline',self.commandlineComponents))
+		# If we aren't building components in order then flatten down
+		# the groups
+		if not self.systemDefinitionOrderLayers:
+			# Flatten the layers into one group of components if
+			# we are not required to build them in order.
+			newcg = Layer("all")
+			for cg in layers:
+				for c in cg:
+					newcg.add(c)
+			layers = [newcg]
+		return layers
+	def Build(self):
+		if self.mission != Raptor.M_BUILD: # help or version requested instead.
+			return 0
+		# open the log file
+		self.OpenLog()
+		try:
+			# show the command and platform info
+			self.AssertBuildOK()
+			self.Introduction()
+			# establish an object cache
+			self.AssertBuildOK()
+			self.LoadCache()
+			# find out what configurations to build
+			self.AssertBuildOK()
+			buildUnitsToBuild = self.GetBuildUnitsToBuild(self.configNames)
+			if len(buildUnitsToBuild) == 0:
+				raise BuildCannotProgressException("No configurations to build.")
+			self.buildUnitsToBuild = buildUnitsToBuild
+			# find out what components to build, and in what way
+			layers = []
+			self.AssertBuildOK()
+			if len(buildUnitsToBuild) >= 0:
+				layers = self.GetLayersFromCLI()
+			componentCount = reduce(lambda x,y : x + y, [len(cg) for cg in layers])
+			if not componentCount > 0:
+				raise BuildCannotProgressException("No components to build.")
+			# check the configurations (tools versions)
+			self.AssertBuildOK()
+			if self.toolcheck != 'off':
+				self.CheckConfigs(buildUnitsToBuild)
+			else:
+				self.Info("Not Checking Tool Versions")
+			self.AssertBuildOK()
+			# Setup a make engine.
+			if not self.maker:
+				try:
+					self.maker = raptor_make.MakeEngine(self, self.makeEngine)
+				except raptor_make.BadMakeEngineException,e:
+					self.Error("Unable to use make engine: %s " % str(e))
+			self.AssertBuildOK()
+			# if self.doParallelParsing and not (len(layers) == 1 and len(layers[0]) == 1):
+			if self.doParallelParsing:
+				# Create a Makefile to parse components in parallel and build them
+				for l in layers:
+					l.meta_realise(self)
+			else:
+				# Parse components serially, creating one set of makefiles
+				# create non-component specs
+				self.generic_specs = self.GenerateGenericSpecs(buildUnitsToBuild)
+				self.AssertBuildOK()
+				for l in layers:
+					# create specs for a specific group of components
+					l.realise(self)
+		except BuildCannotProgressException,b:
+			if str(b) != "":
+				self.Info(str(b))
+		# final report
+		if not self.fatalErrorState:
+			self.Report()
+		self.Cleanup()
+		# close the log file
+		self.CloseLog()
+		return self.errorCode
+	@classmethod
+	def CreateCommandlineBuild(cls, argv):
+		""" Perform a 'typical' build. """
+		# configure the framework
+		build = Raptor()
+		build.AssertBuildOK()
+		build.ConfigFile()
+		build.ProcessConfig()
+		build.CommandLine(argv)
+		return build
+# Class for passing constricted parameters to filters
+class BuildStats(object):
+	def __init__(self, raptor_instance):
+		self.incoming_epocroot = incoming_epocroot
+		self.epocroot = epocroot
+		self.logFileName = raptor_instance.logFileName
+		self.quiet = raptor_instance.quiet
+		self.doCheck = raptor_instance.doCheck
+		self.doWhat = raptor_instance.doWhat
+		self.platform = hostplatform
+		self.skipAll = raptor_instance.fatalErrorState
+		self.timestring = raptor_instance.timestring
+		self.targets = raptor_instance.targets
+		self.runtime = 0
+ = name
+# raptor module functions
+def Main(argv):
+	"""The main entry point for Raptor.
+	argv is a list of command-line parameters,
+	NOT including the name of the calling script.
+	The return value is zero for success and non-zero for failure."""
+	DisplayBanner()
+	# object which represents a build
+	b = Raptor.CreateCommandlineBuild(argv)
+	return b.Build()
+def DisplayBanner():
+	"""Stuff that needs printing out for every command."""
+	pass
+# end of the raptor module