author Mike Kinghan <>
Thu, 04 Nov 2010 09:07:09 +0000
changeset 34 10771bc49d01
parent 2 39c28ec933dd
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
1) Delete superflous copy of e32image from e32tools and fix e32tools build to use the remaining copy in imgtools/imglib 2) Fix imgtools/imglib/e32image/deflate/decode.cpp to move memory instead of invalidly copying memory, breaking rombuilds on 64-bit hosts.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Name        : nwiki.ant.xml 
Part of     : Helium 

Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".

Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.



<!--* @package publishing -->
<project name="publish.nwiki" xmlns:hlm="">
    Publishing to the nwiki

    <!-- Macro to create a nwiki page
             - whatever page name is passed will be translated to upper case
    <macrodef name="nwikiCreatePageMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="username" />
        <attribute name="password" />
        <attribute name="domain" />
        <attribute name="location" />
        <attribute name="nwiki-formatted-data" />
        <attribute name="page-name" />
import urllib
import urllib2


passman.add_password(None, '@{domain}', '@{username}', '@{password}')

auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)

opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler)


values = {'text':r"""@{nwiki-formatted-data}""",

post_data = urllib.urlencode(values)

uppercase_page_name = "@{page-name}".upper()

req = urllib2.Request(url='http://@{domain}/save/@{location}/'+uppercase_page_name,
print "Wiki Page Created at: http://@{domain}/@{location}/"+uppercase_page_name
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)

    <!-- This target removes dots from the wiki page name because nwiki cannot handle dots in the name -->
    <target name="remove-build-version-dots">
        <propertyregex property="" input="${build.version}" regexp="([.]*)\.([.]*)" replace="\1\2" casesensitive="false" global="true" />
        <echo message="build.version = ${build.version}" />
        <echo message=" = ${}" />

    <!-- Reads the BOM.txt and uploads it to the nwiki 
              - it can't handle dots in
              - it wraps the BOM.txt in "pre" tags for
                the wiki to interpret the text verbatim
              - nwiki.domain is typically
              - location could be, MBPVancouver for example
    <target name="create-wiki-bom" depends="remove-build-version-dots,get-nwiki-username,get-nwiki-password" if="publish">
        <loadfile property="temp-bom-data" srcfile="${prep.log.dir}/${}_${build.version}_BOM.txt" failonerror="false">
            <isset property="temp-bom-data" />
                <hlm:nwikiCreatePageMacro username="${nwiki.username}" password="${nwiki.password}" domain="${nwiki.domain}" location="${nwiki.location}" nwiki-formatted-data="&lt;pre&gt;${temp-bom-data}&lt;/pre&gt;" page-name="${}_${}_BOM" />

    <!-- Reads the BOM_delta.txt and uploads it to the nwiki 
         Known quirks:
              - it can't handle dots in
              - it wraps the BOM_delta.txt in "pre" tags for
                the wiki to interpret the text verbatim
              - nwiki.domain is typically
              - location could be, MBPVancouver for example
    <target name="create-wiki-bom-delta" depends="remove-build-version-dots,get-nwiki-username,get-nwiki-password" if="publish">
        <loadfile property="temp-bom-delta-data" srcfile="${prep.log.dir}/${}_${build.version}_BOM_delta.txt" failonerror="false">

            <isset property="temp-bom-delta-data" />
                <hlm:nwikiCreatePageMacro username="${nwiki.username}" password="${nwiki.password}" domain="${nwiki.domain}" location="${nwiki.location}" nwiki-formatted-data="&lt;pre&gt;${temp-bom-delta-data}&lt;/pre&gt;" page-name="${}_${}_BOM_delta" />

    <!-- Retrieve the NWiki password from the .netrc file and store it into nwiki.password property. -->
    <target name="get-nwiki-password">
        <hlm:netrcPasswordMacro output-prop="nwiki.password" result-prop="nwiki.password.available" type="nwiki" />
        <hlm:logreplace regexp="${nwiki.password}"/>

    <!-- Retrieve the NWiki username from the .netrc file and store it into nwiki.username property. -->
    <target name="get-nwiki-username">
        <hlm:netrcUsernameMacro output-prop="nwiki.username" result-prop="nwiki.username.available" type="nwiki" />
