1) Add imgtools/romtools to the targets for which exports are performed by fix_tools_exports.pl
2) Windows compatibility fix to list_targets.pl
3) Modify imgtools\romtools\group\BLD.INF so that Windows-only exports are not performed on Linux hosts or vice versa.
4) Windows compatibility fix for imgtools\romtools\rombuild\romnibus.pl
# Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Mike Kinghan, mikek@symbian.org, for Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Script to delete any Raptor build logs from
# $EPOCROOT/epoc32/build
use strict;
use usage;
use places;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
usage(\@ARGV,"This script deletes all Raptor build logs");
my $epocroot = get_epocroot();
my $log_stem = File::Spec->catfile(get_epoc32_dir(),"build","Makefile");
my $log_pattern = "$log_stem\.\*\.log";
my @old_logs = glob($log_pattern);
if (@old_logs) {
print ">>> Deleting Raptor build logs\n";
unlink @old_logs;
exit 0;