1) Add imgtools/romtools to the targets for which exports are performed by fix_tools_exports.pl
2) Windows compatibility fix to list_targets.pl
3) Modify imgtools\romtools\group\BLD.INF so that Windows-only exports are not performed on Linux hosts or vice versa.
4) Windows compatibility fix for imgtools\romtools\rombuild\romnibus.pl
// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description:// Implementation of the Class ElfConsumer for the elf2e32 tool// @internalComponent// @released// //#include "pl_elfconsumer.h"#include "parameterlistinterface.h"#include "errorhandler.h"#include <iostream>#include <string>using std::list;using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::min;/**Constructor for class ElfConsumer@param aParameterListInterface - instance of class ParameterListInterface@internalComponent@released*/ElfConsumer::ElfConsumer(ParameterListInterface *aParameterListInterface) :\ ElfExecutable(aParameterListInterface) ,\ iMemBlock(NULL){}/**Destructor for class ElfConsumer@internalComponent@released*/ElfConsumer::~ElfConsumer(){ DELETE_PTR_ARRAY(iMemBlock);}/**This operation takes the member of the ElfFileWriter object that is to be populated with theexport info in the iExports member (from the iInputElfFile member of ElfConsumer).@param aFile - Elf file name@internalComponent@released*/PLUINT32 ElfConsumer::ReadElfFile(char* aFile){ FILE* aFd; if( (aFd = fopen(aFile,"rb")) == NULL) { throw FileError(FILEOPENERROR, aFile); } fseek(aFd, 0, SEEK_END); PLUINT32 aSz = ftell(aFd); iMemBlock = new char[aSz]; fseek(aFd, 0, SEEK_SET); // Certain Windows devices (e.g., network shares) limit the size of I/O operations to 64MB // or less. We read all the data in individual KMaxWindowsIOSize (32MB) chunks to be safe. PLUINT32 chunkSize = 0; for( PLUINT32 bytesRead = 0; bytesRead < aSz; bytesRead += chunkSize) { chunkSize = min(aSz - bytesRead, PLUINT32(KMaxWindowsIOSize)); if( fread(iMemBlock + bytesRead, chunkSize, 1, aFd) != 1) { throw FileError(FILEREADERROR, aFile); } } return 0;}/**Funtion for getting elf symbol list@param aList - list of symbols found in elf files@return - 0 for no exports in elf files, otherwise number of symbols found@internalComponent@released*/int ElfConsumer::GetElfSymbolList(list<Symbol*>& aList){ if( !iExports ) return 0; //Get the exported symbols vector<DllSymbol*> aTmpList = iExports->GetExports(true); typedef vector<DllSymbol*> List; List::iterator aItr = aTmpList.begin(); while( aItr != aTmpList.end() ){ aList.push_back((Symbol*) (*aItr)); aItr++; } aTmpList.clear(); return aList.size();}/**Funtion for getting image details@internalComponent@released*/void ElfConsumer::GetImageDetails(/*E32ImageInterface aInterface*/){}/**Funtion for processing elf file@internalComponent@released*/PLUINT32 ElfConsumer::ProcessElfFile(){ Elf32_Ehdr *aElfHdr = ELF_ENTRY_PTR(Elf32_Ehdr, iMemBlock, 0); try { ElfExecutable::ProcessElfFile(aElfHdr); /* The following is a workaround for the ARM linker problem. * Linker Problem: ARM linker generates Long ARM to Thumb veneers for which * relocation entries are not generated. * The linker problem is resolved in ARM Linker version RVCT 2.2 Build 616. * Hence the workaround is applicable only for executables generated * by ARM linker 2.2 and if build number is below 616. */ char * aARMCompiler = "ARM Linker, RVCT"; int length = strlen(aARMCompiler); char * aCommentSection = ElfExecutable::FindCommentSection(); /* The .comment section in an elf file contains the compiler version information and * it is used to apply the fore mentioned workaround. * Some build tool chains generating elf file output without the .comment section, * just to save the disk space. In this case the variable aCommentSection gets the NULL value. * Solution: This workaround is only applicable for RVCT compiler. So if the .comment section * is not available in the elf file, then this workaround is no need to be applied. */ if(aCommentSection != NULL) { if (!strncmp(aCommentSection, aARMCompiler, length)) { int WorkAroundBuildNo = 616; int BuildNo = 0; char* RVCTVersion = aCommentSection+length; /* RVCTVersion contains the following string * "<MajorVersion>.<MinorVersion> [Build <BuildNumber>]" * Example: "2.2 [Build 616]" */ String Version(RVCTVersion); size_t pos = Version.find_last_of(' '); size_t size = Version.size(); if (pos < size) { size_t index = pos + 1; if (index < size) { BuildNo = atoi(strtok(RVCTVersion+index, "]")); } } /* Workaround is applicable only when the version is 2.2 and if the * build number is below 616. */ size_t minorVersionPos = Version.find_first_of('.'); char RVCTMinorVersion='0'; if (minorVersionPos < size) { size_t index = minorVersionPos + 1; if (index < size) { RVCTMinorVersion = *(RVCTVersion + index); } } if ((*RVCTVersion == '2') && (RVCTMinorVersion == '2') && (BuildNo < WorkAroundBuildNo)) { /* The static symbol table should be processed to identify the veneer symbols. * Relocation entries should be generated for these symbols if the linker * is not generating the same. */ ElfExecutable::FindStaticSymbolTable(); ElfExecutable::ProcessVeneers(); } } } } catch(ErrorHandler&) { throw; } /*catch(...) // If there are any other unhandled exception,they are handled here. { //Warning to indicate that there had been an exception at this point. MessageHandler::GetInstance()->ReportWarning(ELFFILEERROR,(char*)iParameterListInterface->ElfInput()); throw; } */ return 0;}