1) Add imgtools/romtools to the targets for which exports are performed by fix_tools_exports.pl
2) Windows compatibility fix to list_targets.pl
3) Modify imgtools\romtools\group\BLD.INF so that Windows-only exports are not performed on Linux hosts or vice versa.
4) Windows compatibility fix for imgtools\romtools\rombuild\romnibus.pl
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
package spitool;
use strict;
use Exporter;
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = ();
@EXPORT_OK = qw(createSpi);
sub binarize { #converts decimal number to 4 byte litte endian format
my $value = shift;
my $remainder;
my $returnValue;
for(my $i=0;$i<4;$i++) {
$remainder=$value % 256;
$value = ($value-$remainder)/256;
return $returnValue;
sub convertUidFromText { #converts UID from hexadeciaml text value to decimal value, passes decimal value unchanged, returns -1 if invalid UID
my $value = shift;
if($value =~ /^0x([\da-fA-F]{1,8})$/i) {
return hex $1;
} elsif ($value =~ /^\d*$/) {
return $value;
} else {
return -1;
sub bin2hex { #converts 4 byte little endian value to 0x... hex text value
my $value=shift;
my $byte;
my $quotient;
my $remainder;
my $hexValue="";
for(my $i=0;$i<4;$i++) {
if($remainder>9) {
$remainder= chr($remainder+55);
if($quotient>9) {
$quotient= chr($quotient+55);
$hexValue=$quotient . $remainder . $hexValue;
return "0x" . $hexValue;
sub uidcrc { #returns decimal UID checksum value for the three inputs
my $output = `uidcrc $_[0] $_[1] $_[2]`;
if($output =~ /([^ ]*)$/i) {
$output =$1;
chomp $output;
return hex($output);
sub printZeroes { #prints as many hexadecimal zeroes to OUTPUTFILE as specified by input
my $numberOfZeroes=shift;
for(my $i=0;$i<$numberOfZeroes;$i++) {
print OUTPUTFILE chr(0);
sub bytes2dec { #calculates decimal value from inputted 4 byte little endian value
my $bytes=shift;
my @byteArray;
for(my $i=0;$i<length $bytes;$i++) {
my $decValue;
for(my $i=0;$i<scalar @byteArray;$i++) {
return $decValue;
sub print_usage
print <<USAGE_EOF;
spitool.pl [options] files directories
Create an SPI file by concatenating the files and contents of directories,
based on the options passed.
The available options are:
-tSPIFileName -- SPIFileName is the name the produced SPI file will
have (i.e. ecom-0-0.spi). If not specified, the name
will be ecom-0-0.spi by default
-dTargetDir -- TargetDir is the directory where the SPI file should
be created, ending with a \
-iExisting -- Existing is address and name of existing SPI file to
concatenate specified files to
-uid<x>=<y> -- <x> has value 1, 2 or 3, <y> is an UID value in
decimal or 0x... hexadecimal
-existinguid<x>=<y> -- <x> has value 1, 2 or 3, <y> is an UID value in
decimal or 0x... hexadecimal
-existinguidcrc=<x> -- <x> is an UID value in decimal or 0x.. hexadecimal
-hide<ResourceFileNames> -- <ResourceFileNames> is the list of the resource files
that are to be hidden in the SPI file separated by
space or comma.
If an existing SPI file is specified with the -i option then this file is
used as a base and other data files are added to the end of this file,
otherwise a new SPI file is created. In either case the produced SPI file
is placed in the directory specified by the -d option and given the name
specified with the -t option.
Files which are to be concatenated into the SPI file should be specified
on the command line by either specifying the file's name (and location), or
by including a directory name, in which case all files from that directory
will be included.
The -uid options can be used to filter files for inclusion in the SPI file.
This option can be included multiple times, so a list of UID1 values can be
built up, and the same for UID2 and UID3 values. Each file on the command
line is compared with this list, and if any of its UID values match a
relevant value in the UID lists then that file will be included in the SPI
file. If the file does not match any values it will be excluded.
The -existinguid options allow the UID values that an existing SPI file
should have to be specified. This will allow the possibility of checking
that the correct type of files are being concatenated together.
The -hide option can be used to mark a resource file as hidden in the SPI file.
To mark a resource file as a hidden entry in the SPI file, the resource data
length will be written as 0.
sub createSpi
my @resourceFiles=();
my @hideresourceFiles=();
my $spiFileName;
my $targetDirectory;
my $existingSpiFileName;
my @uid;
my @uidLengths = (0, 0, 0, 0);
my @uid1;
my @uid2;
my @uid3;
my @existingUid = (-1,-1,-1,-1);
my $uidNumber;
my $defaultSpiFileName = "ecom-0-0.spi";
my $defaultTargetDirectory = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\tools\\";
my @defaultUid = (-1,-1,-1,-1);
# Reading arguments phase
foreach my $arg (@_) {
if ($arg =~ /^-t(.*)/i) { # set target SPI file
$spiFileName = $1;
if ($arg =~ /^-d(.*)/i) { # set target ouput directory
my $tempDirectory=$1;
if((-d $tempDirectory) ) {
$targetDirectory = $tempDirectory;
print "Output directory \'",$tempDirectory,"\' does not exist.\n";
if ($arg =~ /^-i(.*)/i) { # existing SPI file to use as a base
my $tempFileName = $1;
if((-e $tempFileName) && (!(-d $tempFileName))) {
$existingSpiFileName = $tempFileName;
if ($arg =~ /^-uid([1-3])\=(.*)/i) {
$uid[$1-1][$uidLengths[$1-1]++] = $2;
if($arg=~/^-existinguidcrc\=(.*)/i) {
if ($arg =~ /^-existinguid([1-3])\=(.*)/i) {
if ($arg =~ /^-hide(.*)/i) { # Collect the files to be hidden
my $line = $1;
$line =~ s/,/ /g;
my @files = split(' ' , $line);
foreach my $file (@files)
push @hideresourceFiles, $file;
if (-d $arg) {
if(($arg =~ m-^.:-) && ($arg =~ m-\\$-)) {
unless(opendir(DIRECTORY, $arg)) { print "Exiting: $arg"; exit; }
while (my $file=readdir(DIRECTORY)) {
my $newfile = $arg.$file;
if(!(-d $newfile)) {
push @resourceFiles, $newfile;
if ((-e $arg) && (!(-d $arg))) {
push @resourceFiles, $arg;
if ($arg eq "-h") {
print "Unknown command: $arg\n";
# UID phase
if(!(defined $spiFileName)) { #use default file name if none passed on command line
$spiFileName = $defaultSpiFileName;
if(!(defined $targetDirectory)) { #use default target dir if none passed on command line
$targetDirectory = $defaultTargetDirectory;
for(my $i=0;$i<3;$i++) { #if default UIDs specified then added to UID match lists
if($defaultUid[$i]>=0) {
$uid[$i][$uidLengths[$i]++] = $defaultUid[$i];
for(my $i=0;$i<3;$i++) { #makes sure UIDs are valid UIDs
my @tempUidArray;
my $iterator=0;
while(defined $uid[$i][$iterator]) {
my $convertedUid=convertUidFromText($uid[$i][$iterator]);
if ($convertedUid != -1) {
push @tempUidArray, binarize($convertedUid);
} else {
print "Invalid UID: $uid[$i][$iterator]\n";
for(my $j=0;$i<scalar @tempUidArray;$j++) {
for(my $j=scalar@tempUidArray;defined $uid[$i][$j];$j++) {
undef $uid[$i][$j];
# Phase to split up resource names
my @resourceFilePaths;
my @resourceFileNames;
my @resourceExtensions;
my @filestobehidden;
# To mark the resource files as hidden in the SPI file by writing the data length as zero
foreach my $file (@hideresourceFiles)
my $matchfound =0;
my $i=0;
for(;$i<scalar @resourceFiles && !$matchfound;$i++)
if (lc($file) eq lc($resourceFiles[$i]))
$filestobehidden[$i] = 1;
$matchfound =1;
if (!$matchfound)
# Those files that are to be hidden in the SPI file but not existing in the SPI
if (! -e $file)
print "Warning: Hiding non-existent file $file\n";
push @resourceFiles,$file;
$filestobehidden[$i] = 1;
for(my $i=0;$i<scalar @resourceFiles;$i++) {
if($resourceFiles[$i]=~m|\\|) {
if($resourceFiles[$i]=~m|(.*)\\([^\\]*)$|) {
if($resourceFileNames[$i]=~m|(.*)\.([^\.]*)|) {
$resourceFileNames[$i]= $1;
} else {
if($resourceFiles[$i]=~m|(.*)\.([^\.]*)|) {
$resourceFileNames[$i]= $1;
my %uid2values; #hash to hold UID2 values for each type of SPI file
$uid2values{"ecom"} = 270556204;
# Existing file stage
my @spiUid = (270556203, 0, 0); #holds spi values (including CRC value)
foreach my $key (keys(%uid2values)) { #searches through SPI types to match UID2 value
if($spiFileName =~/^$key/) {
$spiUid[3] = uidcrc($spiUid[0], $spiUid[1], $spiUid[2]);
my $total=0; #used to keep track of position in SPI file
my $buffer;
my $spifile=File::Spec->catpath( "", $targetDirectory, $spiFileName );
open OUTPUTFILE, ">$spifile" or die $!;
binmode (OUTPUTFILE);
if($existingSpiFileName) {
open EXISTINGFILE, "$existingSpiFileName" or die $!;
my @fileNameLengths;
my @fileLengths;
my @fileNames;
my @fileContents;
if(bytes2dec($buffer)!=$spiUid[1]) {
print "Incompatible SPI files.\n";
my $existingSpiFileSize = (stat(EXISTINGFILE))[7];
while($total<$existingSpiFileSize) { #loop to store information from files which are not being replaced
push @fileNameLengths, bytes2dec($buffer);
push @fileLengths, bytes2dec($buffer);
push @fileNames, $buffer;
my $padding = (4-(($fileNameLengths[$#fileNameLengths]+$fileLengths[$#fileLengths])%4))%4;
push @fileContents, $buffer;
$total += (4-($total%4))%4;
#next part prints to OUTPUTFILE the header and files which are not being replaced
print OUTPUTFILE binarize($spiUid[0]) . binarize($spiUid[1]) . binarize($spiUid[2]) . binarize($spiUid[3]);
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar @fileNames; $i++) {
my $flag=1;
for(my $j=0; $j<scalar @resourceFileNames && $flag==1; $j++) {
if($fileNames[$i] eq $resourceFileNames[$j]) {
if($flag) {
print OUTPUTFILE binarize($fileNameLengths[$i]) . binarize($fileLengths[$i]) . $fileNames[$i] . $fileContents[$i];
} else { #prints header for target SPI file if there is no existing SPI file
print OUTPUTFILE binarize($spiUid[0]) . binarize($spiUid[1]) . binarize($spiUid[2]) . binarize($spiUid[3]);
# Appending new data files to the SPI file
my $resourceFileSize;
my $resourceFileSizeInBinary;
my $resourceFileNameSize;
my $resourceFileNameSizeInBinary;
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar @resourceExtensions;$i++) {
# To mark the resource files as hidden in the SPI file by writing the data length as zero
if ($filestobehidden[$i] == 1)
$resourceFileNameSize = length($resourceFileNames[$i]);
$resourceFileNameSizeInBinary = binarize($resourceFileNameSize);
$resourceFileSize = 0;
$resourceFileSizeInBinary = binarize($resourceFileSize);
print OUTPUTFILE $resourceFileNameSizeInBinary . $resourceFileSizeInBinary . $resourceFileNames[$i];
my $padding = (4-(($resourceFileSize + $resourceFileNameSize)%4))%4;
open RESOURCEFILE, "<$resourceFiles[$i]";
my @fileUid; #stores UIDs from particular data file
my $fileUid1;
my $fileUid2;
my $fileUid3;
my $uidFlag=0; #changes to 1 if a UID value in data file matches a specified UID value
my $uidExists=1; #changes to 1 if there are specified UIDs to match to
for(my $j=0;$j<3 && (!$uidFlag);$j++) {
my $k=0;
while(defined $uid[$j][$k] && (!$uidFlag)) {
if($uid[$j][$k] eq bin2hex($fileUid[$j])) {
if(($uidFlag) || ($uidExists)) { #if suitable UIDs writes data file to SPI file
$resourceFileSize = (stat(RESOURCEFILE))[7];
$resourceFileNameSize = length($resourceFileNames[$i]);
$resourceFileNameSizeInBinary = binarize($resourceFileNameSize);
$resourceFileSizeInBinary = binarize($resourceFileSize);
print OUTPUTFILE $resourceFileNameSizeInBinary . $resourceFileSizeInBinary . $resourceFileNames[$i];
print OUTPUTFILE "$fileUid[0]$fileUid[1]$fileUid[2]";
while(read(RESOURCEFILE,$buffer,1)) {
print OUTPUTFILE $buffer;
my $padding = (4-(($resourceFileSize + $resourceFileNameSize)%4))%4;
print "Created $spiFileName\n";