1) Add imgtools/romtools to the targets for which exports are performed by fix_tools_exports.pl
2) Windows compatibility fix to list_targets.pl
3) Modify imgtools\romtools\group\BLD.INF so that Windows-only exports are not performed on Linux hosts or vice versa.
4) Windows compatibility fix for imgtools\romtools\rombuild\romnibus.pl
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* DepChecker class is responsible to Validate the dependencies existence and put the
* prepared data into Reporter.
#include "depchecker.h"
Constructor intializes the iHashPtr and iHiddenExeHashPtr members.
@param aCmdInput - pointer to a processed CmdLineHandler object
@param aImageReaderList - List of ImageReader insatance pointers
DepChecker::DepChecker(CmdLineHandler* aCmdPtr, ImageReaderPtrList& aImageReaderList, bool aNoRomImage)
:Checker(aCmdPtr, aImageReaderList), iNoRomImage(aNoRomImage)
iHashPtr = new HashTable(KHashTableSize);
iHiddenExeHashPtr = new HashTable(KHiddenExeHashSize);
Destructor deletes the imagereader objects and hash tables.
Fucntion responsible to
1. Prepare the ROM and ROFS image executable List
2. Gather Dependencies of all executables present in the ROFS image
3. Prepare the input data for Reporter
@param ImgVsExeStatus - Global integrated container which contains image, exes and attribute value status.
void DepChecker::Check(ImgVsExeStatus& aImgVsExeStatus)
unsigned int imgCnt = 0;
String imageName;
ExeNamesVsDepListMap::iterator exeBegin;
ExeNamesVsDepListMap::iterator exeEnd;
while(imgCnt < iImageReaderList.size())
imageName = iImageReaderList[imgCnt]->ImageName();
//Gather dependencies of all the images.
ExceptionReporter(GATHERINGDEPENDENCIES, (char*)imageName.c_str()).Log();
ExeNamesVsDepListMap& depMap = iImageReaderList[imgCnt]->GatherDependencies();
exeBegin = depMap.begin();
exeEnd = depMap.end();
while(exeBegin != exeEnd)
StringList& list = exeBegin->second;
aImgVsExeStatus[imageName][exeBegin->first].iIdData = KNull;
aImgVsExeStatus[imageName][exeBegin->first].iDepList = list;
Function responsible to
1. Prepare the ExecutableList
2. Put the received Excutable list into HASH table, this data will be used later
to identify the dependencies existense.
@param aImageReader - ImageReader instance pointer.
void DepChecker::PrepareImageExeList(ImageReader* aImageReader)
StringList aExeList = aImageReader->GetExecutableList();
iHashPtr->InsertStringList(aExeList); //Put executable names into Hash
In ROM if any file is hidden then its entry is not placed in the directory
section of the image during image building time. But still the entry data is
already resolved and ready for xip. So this entry is marked here as Unknown
Dependency and its status is Hidden.
StringList hiddenExeList = aImageReader->GetHiddenExeList();
iHiddenExeHashPtr->Insert(KUnknownDependency); //ROm Specific and only once
DeleteHiddenExeFromExecutableList(aImageReader, hiddenExeList);
String imgName = aImageReader->ImageName();
ExceptionReporter(NOOFEXECUTABLES, (char*)imgName.c_str(), aExeList.size()).Log();
ExceptionReporter(NOOFHEXECUTABLES, (char*)imgName.c_str(), hiddenExeList.size()).Log();
Function responsible to delete the hidden executables from iExecutableList.
In ROFS image, if a file is hidden then its duplicate entry is created to say it is
hidden. But the other entry is already placed in the executable list and it is
available in iHashPtr Hash table. So this needs to be deleted form iHashPtr, then only
it is possible to get the status "Hidden" for such executables.
@param aImageReader - ImageReader instance pointer.
@param aHiddenExeList - List containing the hidden exe's.
void DepChecker::DeleteHiddenExeFromExecutableList(ImageReader* /*aImageReader*/, StringList& aHiddenExeList)
StringList::iterator begin = aHiddenExeList.begin();
StringList::iterator end = aHiddenExeList.end();
while(begin != end)
Function responsible to prepare the data input for Report Generator.
Traverses through all the images to identify the executables dependency status.
@param aExeContainer - Global integrated container which contains all the attribute, values and the status.
void DepChecker::PrepareAndWriteData(ExeContainer* aExeContainer)
ExeAttribute* exeAtt;
StringList& depList = aExeContainer->iDepList;
StringList::iterator depBegin = depList.begin();
StringList::iterator depEnd = depList.end();
while(depBegin != depEnd)
String status;
CollectDependencyStatus((*depBegin), status);
if(status == String(KStatusNo))
//Include only missing dependencies by default
if(!iAllExecutables && (status != String(KStatusNo)))
exeAtt = new ExeAttribute;
if(exeAtt == KNull)
throw ExceptionReporter(NOMEMORY, __FILE__, __LINE__);
exeAtt->iAttName = KDependency;
exeAtt->iAttValue = *depBegin;
exeAtt->iAttStatus = status;
exeAtt->iAttStatus = KNull;
Function responsible to Get the dependency status for one executable at instant.
Check for the existence of executable in the Hash table which is created while
preparing executable list.
@param aString - Individual dependency name. (input)
@param aStatus - Dependency status.(for output)
void DepChecker::CollectDependencyStatus(String& aString, String& aStatus) const
Function responsible to display the no rom image warning.
While checking for dependency if ROM image is not passed and only ROFS is passed then
there is a chance that most of the executables dependencies will not be available.
Hence this warning is raised.
void DepChecker::RomImagePassed(void) const