author Mike Kinghan <>
Sat, 27 Nov 2010 17:23:11 +0000
changeset 41 1600211976c3
parent 40 68f68128601f
permissions -rw-r--r--
1) Add imgtools/romtools to the targets for which exports are performed by 2) Windows compatibility fix to 3) Modify imgtools\romtools\group\BLD.INF so that Windows-only exports are not performed on Linux hosts or vice versa. 4) Windows compatibility fix for imgtools\romtools\rombuild\

# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Module which wraps the dependency information provided the preprocessor when invoked with certain switches
# so that dependency information rather than preprocessing information is produced.

package Makdeps;
require Exporter;

use Checkgcc;
use Pathutl;
use Preprocessor;

my $ChopSysDecoyPath;
my $EPOCIncPath;
my @StdPaths;
my %Mode;
my @PlatMacros;
my $SysDecoyPath;
my @SysFlags;
my @SysPaths;
my @UserFlags;
my @UserPaths;
my $PrefixFileOption = "";
my $VariantFile=&main::VariantFile();

# special variable used in pattern-matching - special characters nullified
my $S_SysDecoyPath;

BEGIN {	# NB don't initialise essential items to be provided later by calling module, then will cause errors with undef
	# note -MG option assumes missing user headers live in 1st userincpath and missing sys headers in 1st sysdir
	# Use random number to ensure DecoyPath is unique (ish)
	my $randnum=int(rand(100));
	if (defined $ENV{PBUILDPID}) {
	} else {

sub Deps_InitL ($@) {	# abs Generated Hdr dir, StdIncsysdir (with drive letter if required)
# set up a decoy system include path, and set which path will contain generated headers, eg .RSG files, and which
# paths are the standard system include paths for the compiler used - eg \MSDEV\INCLUDE

# remove the decoy directory then try to make it again - if it contains files rmdir won't work, so mkdir won't
# work and the user will have to sort it out.  If it doesn't contain files and has been left lying around
# because someone has killed the program half-way through, then rmdir will remove it and mkdir will work OK
	rmdir $ChopSysDecoyPath if -d $ChopSysDecoyPath;
	mkdir $ChopSysDecoyPath,2 or die "ERROR: Can't make temp dir \"$ChopSysDecoyPath\"\nIf it already exists, please remove it\n";
sub Deps_SetVerbose {

sub Deps_SetUserHdrsOnly {
# allow calling program to dictate that only listings of user headers, not system headers, be produced

sub Deps_SetNoDependencies {
# Ensure that we do not create a list of dependencies.

sub Deps_GetNoDependencies {
# Get the status of NoDependencies.
	return $Mode{'NoDependencies'};

sub Deps_SetNoDependenciesStatus($) {
# Ensure that we do not create a list of dependencies.

sub Deps_GetOSVariantFile() {
# Return the variant .hrh file currently defined
	return $VariantFile;

sub Deps_SetOSVariantFile($) {
# Override the variant .hrh file currently defined

sub Deps_SetSysIncPaths (@) {	# takes list abs paths
# set the system include paths where we'll look for system included files, and
# for user included files if these are not found in the user include directories
	return unless @_;
	@SysFlags=&Path_Chop(@SysPaths); # newer gcc doesn't like trailing backslash
	my $Flag;
	foreach $Flag (@SysFlags) {
		$Flag=~s/^(.*)$/-I $1/o;
sub Deps_SetUserIncPaths (@) {	# takes list of abs paths
# set the user include paths to find user included files in
	return unless @_;
	@UserFlags=&Path_Chop(@UserPaths); # newer gcc doesn't like trailing backslash
	my $Flag;
	foreach $Flag (@UserFlags) {
		$Flag=~s/^(.*)$/-I $1/o;
sub Deps_SetPlatMacros (@) {
# set the macros to be defined by the preprocessor
	return unless @_;
	my $Flag;
	foreach $Flag (@PlatMacros) {
		if($Flag =~ m/\\\"/) { 
			$Flag =~ s/\\\"/\"/g ; 

sub Deps_SetPrefixFile($) {
    my ($file) = @_;
    $PrefixFileOption = " -include $file ";

sub Deps_GenDependsL ($@) {	# takes abs source filepath and list of Build Macros

	if ( $Mode{'NoDependencies'} ) {
		# no need build a dependency list.

#	Set any more macros the preprocessor needs to be defined for the source file
#	to be preprocessed.
#	Call preprocessor and produce the dependency listing.

	my ($Src,@BldMacros)=@_;

	if (not -e $Src) {
		warn "WARNING: \"",$Src,"\" not found!\n";

# 	Always put the source path at the head of the user path list
#	and take it out at the end of this function
	unshift @UserPaths, &Path_Split('Path', lc $Src);

	my $ChopSysDecoyPath=&Path_Chop($SysDecoyPath); # newer gcc doesn't like trailing backslash
	my $MacroFlag;
	foreach $MacroFlag (@BldMacros) {
	undef $MacroFlag;

	my $ChopSrcPath=&Path_Chop(&Path_Split('Path',$Src)); # newer gcc doesn't like trailing backslash
	my $ProductVariantFlag = "";
	    $ProductVariantFlag  = "-include " . &Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote($VariantFile);
	my $VariantIncludePath;
	if (defined &main::PMPrefixFile)
	$VariantIncludePath = &main::PMPrefixFile;
	$VariantIncludePath =~ s/"//g;
	$VariantIncludePath = Path_Split("path", $VariantIncludePath);
	$VariantIncludePath = Path_Chop($VariantIncludePath);
	$VariantIncludePath = Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote($VariantIncludePath);
	my $CPPCommand;
 	my $exe = &PreprocessorToUseExe();
	$CPPCommand = "$exe -undef -M -MG -nostdinc $PrefixFileOption";
	$CPPCommand .= " -I $VariantIncludePath" if $VariantIncludePath;
	$CPPCommand .= " -I ".&Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote($ChopSrcPath)." @UserFlags -I- -I ".&Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote($ChopSysDecoyPath)." @SysFlags @PlatMacros @BldMacros $ProductVariantFlag ".&Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote($Src);

	if ($Mode{'Verbose'}) {
		print "$CPPCommand\n"
 	open CPPPIPE,"$CPPCommand |" or die "ERROR: Can't invoke $exe.EXE\n";

	# XYZ.CPP.o: \
	#  ..\..\..\base\bafl\src\xyz.cpp \
	#  ..\..\..\EPOC32\INCLUDE\E32DES16.H ..\..\..\EPOC32\INCLUDE\E32STD.INL \
	#  ..\..\..\EPOC32\INCLUDE\E32BASE.INL \
	#  ..\..\..\base\bafl\inc\bautil.h \
	#  ..\..\..\awkward\ name\bafl\inc\bautil.h \
	#  ..\..\..\lastthing.h

	my @RTWDepList;
	while (<CPPPIPE>) {
		s/ \\$//oi;	# remove trailing continuation character
		s/\\ /;/go;	# convert embedded spaces (\<space>) into semicolon which can't occur in filenames
		# avoid the target of the rule by requiring whitespace in front of each element
		while (/\s(\S+)/go) {
			my $dep = $1;
			$dep =~ s/;/ /go;	# spaces were turned into semicolon, so convert back again here
			$dep =~ s-/-\\-go;	# replace forward slashes with backward slashes
			$dep =~ s/^.\://;
			$dep =~ s/\s+$//; 	# remove trailing spaces
			push @RTWDepList,$dep;
	close CPPPIPE or die "ERROR: $exe.EXE failure\n";

	# drop the first dependent, which is the source file itself
	shift @RTWDepList;

# make all paths absolute
	my @DepList=&Path_AbsToWork(@RTWDepList);
	undef @RTWDepList;

# test the dependencies
	eval { @DepList=&TestDepends($Src,@DepList); };
	die $@ if $@;
	my @SortedDepList;
# get just those headers found in the user include path if user headers only specified
	if (not $Mode{'UserHdrsOnly'}) {
		@SortedDepList=sort @DepList;
	else {
		my @UserDepList=();
		my $Dep;
		my $UserPath;
		DEPLOOP: foreach $Dep (@DepList) {
			foreach $UserPath (@UserPaths) {
				if ($UserPath eq &Path_Split('Path',$Dep)) {
					push @UserDepList, $Dep;
					next DEPLOOP;
		@SortedDepList=sort @UserDepList;

# take the source path out of the user path list
	shift @UserPaths;


sub TestDepends (@) { # takes source list of absolute dependencies - called by GenDepends
# check that the dependencies exist or are to be generated later, because gcc with the -MG switch
# will assume that missing system headers live in the first system include path specified (the decoy
# directory in our case), and the missing user headers live in the current working directory

	my ($Src,@DepList)=@_;

	my @BadSysList;
	my @BadUserList;
	my $Dep;
	my @GoodList;
	my $SrcPath=&Path_Split('Path', $Src);

	my $Path;
	my $File;
	DEPLOOP: foreach $Dep (@DepList) { # system dependencies not found
		$Path=&Path_Split('Path', lc $Dep);
		if ($Dep=~/^$S_SysDecoyPath(.*)$/o) { # allow things like "#include <sys\stats.h>"
# any files listed as existing in the system decoy directory will be missing system include files
# change any missing generated header entries so that they are thought to be in $EPOCIncPath, where they will be generated to
			if ($File=~/\.(RSG|MBG)$/oi) {
				push @GoodList, "$EPOCIncPath$File";
				next DEPLOOP;
# remove missing system include files from the list if they actually exist in standard directories - since the makefiles can't handle
# files which may be on a different drive - we don't mind this because if we're using MSVC then we can assume
# the MSVC include files will exist
			my $LR;
			foreach $LR (@StdPaths) {	# tackle MSDEV include dir on diff drive
				if (-e "$LR$File") {	# don't put MSDEV includes in dep list - drive letter would end up in makefile
					next DEPLOOP;
# put any other missing system files on the bad list after checking that they really don't exist on the system paths
# at this point in time.  This check is applied in an attempt to avoid sporadic warnings in the build where system
# headers have been listed in the system decoy directory, and hence flagged as missing, when they do seem to have
# been present at this time post-build...
			foreach $Path (@SysPaths) {
				if (-e "$Path$File") {
					next DEPLOOP;
			push @BadSysList, $File;
			next DEPLOOP;
# preprocessor lists any missing user headers as existing in the current directory,
# and, if no userinclude paths are specified,
# searches to path containing the source file for user headers by default
		if ($Path eq lc &Path_WorkPath) { # possible missing user headers
			# does the userinclude path contain the current working directory?
			my $LoopPath;
			my $WorkPathInUserPaths=0;
			foreach $LoopPath (@UserPaths) {
				if ( (lc $LoopPath) eq (lc &Path_WorkPath) ) {
			if ($WorkPathInUserPaths) { # the user include path contains the current working directory
				if (-e $Dep) {
					push @GoodList,$Dep;	# file found in specified userinclude path, OK
					next DEPLOOP;
			push @BadUserList, $File;	# file not found in specified userinclude path, bad
			next DEPLOOP;
		push @GoodList, $Dep;

	my $Bad;
	if (@BadSysList) {
		warn	"\nWARNING: Can't find following headers in System Include Path\n";
		foreach $Bad (@BadSysList) {
			print STDERR " <$Bad>";
		print STDERR "\n(Sys Inc Paths";
		foreach $Path (@SysPaths,@StdPaths) {
			print STDERR " \"$Path\"";
			")\nDependency list for \"$Src\" may be incomplete\n",
	if (@BadUserList) {
		warn "\nWARNING: Can't find following headers in User or System Include Paths\n";
		my $GenHdr=0;
		foreach $Bad (@BadUserList) {
			print STDERR " \"$Bad\"";
			if ($File=~/\.(RSG|MBG)$/o) {
		print STDERR "\n(User Inc Paths";
		foreach $Path (@UserPaths) {
			print STDERR " \"$Path\"";
			")\nDependency list for \"$Src\" may be incomplete\n",
		if ($GenHdr) {
				"Note that generated headers should be system-included with angle brackets <>\n",


	# remove the dependency decoy directories
	if (-d "$ChopSysDecoyPath") {
		rmdir "$ChopSysDecoyPath" or warn "Please remove temp dir \"$ChopSysDecoyPath\"\n";
