1) Add imgtools/romtools to the targets for which exports are performed by fix_tools_exports.pl
2) Windows compatibility fix to list_targets.pl
3) Modify imgtools\romtools\group\BLD.INF so that Windows-only exports are not performed on Linux hosts or vice versa.
4) Windows compatibility fix for imgtools\romtools\rombuild\romnibus.pl
# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Postprocess EPOC memory usage trace file
no strict 'vars';
use English;
# Standard Symbian boilerplate to find and load E32env library
use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
use Getopt::Long;
my $PerlLibPath; # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
# check user has a version of perl that will cope
require 5.005_03;
# establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script
$PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin; # X:/epoc32/tools
$PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g; # X:\epoc32\tools
$PerlLibPath .= "\\";
use lib $PerlLibPath;
use Modload;
my $tickperiod = 0;
my $emulproc = quotemeta("epoc[00000000]0001::");
my $apprun = quotemeta("apprun[10003a4b]");
my $ramdrive = quotemeta("TheRamDriveChunk");
my @chunknames; # Array of chunk names, indexed by chunkid
my @traces; # Array of chunk traces, each trace being an array
# of (tick,chunkid,size) triples
my @chunkgroup; # Group that a chunk belongs to, indexed by chunkid
my @groupnames; # Array of chunk group names (normally a group==a process)
my @groups; # Array of chunk groups, each group being an array of chunkids
my %opts;
my $result = GetOptions (\%opts, "detailed", "help");
if($result && ($opts{'help'} || $#ARGV<0))
exit 0;
if(!$result || $#ARGV>0)
exit 1;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
open TRACE,$file or die "Error: Can't open trace file \"$file\".\n";
# Parse trace file
my %current; # chunkids hashed by DChunk address
my $nextchunkid;
if (/MT:P\s+(\d+)\s*$/)
$tickperiod = $1;
elsif (/MT:C\s+(\d+)\s+([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(.+)\s*$/)
$current{$2} = $nextchunkid++;
push @chunknames, $3;
elsif (my ($tick, $addr, $size, $name) =
my $chunkid = $current{$addr};
die "Error: Parsing failure - is trace file complete ?"
unless (defined $chunkid);
push @traces, [0+$tick, $chunkid, hex($size)];
# Check whether chunk has been renamed to something more useful
$chunknames[$chunkid] = $name
if (($chunknames[$chunkid] =~ /^$emulproc/io) ||
($chunknames[$chunkid] =~ /^$apprun/io));
elsif (/MT:D\s+(\d+)\s+([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(.+)\s*$/)
die "Error: Parsing failure" unless (defined $current{$2});
push @traces, [0+$1, $current{$2}, 0];
delete $current{$2};
elsif (/(MT:.\s+.*)/)
printf "Warning: Unrecognised trace line \"$1\".\n";
close TRACE;
die "Error: File \"$file\" does not contain any memory traces.\n"
unless ($#chunknames>0);
# Group chunks together by name
for (0..$#chunknames)
my $chunkid = $_;
my $name = $chunknames[$chunkid];
$name = $1 if ($name =~ /($ramdrive)$/i); # Special handling for ramdrive
$name = $1 if ($name =~ /^$emulproc(.*)/i); # Use thread names on Emulator
($name) = ($name =~ /([^:]+)/); # otherwise strip thread name
# yuck! linear search
my $found = 0;
for (0..$#groupnames)
my $groupid = $_;
if ($groupnames[$groupid] eq $name)
$found = 1;
push @{$groups[$groupid]}, $chunkid;
$chunkgroup[$chunkid] = $groupid;
if (!$found)
push @groupnames, $name;
push @groups, [$chunkid];
$chunkgroup[$chunkid] = $#groups;
# Strip instance number (if any) from group name for presentation
for (0..$#groupnames)
$groupnames[$_] = $1 if ($groupnames[$_] =~ /^([^]]+]?)/);
# Output
my @chunksizes; # Array of chunk sizes, indexed by chunkid
for (0..$#chunknames) { $chunksizes[$_] = 0 };
if ($opts{'detailed'})
# Detailed output
foreach my $name (@groupnames) { print ",\"$name\"" };
print "\n";
# if the tick size in microseconds hasn't been reported in the log with MT:P, take a guess
my $tickdiv = 0;
if ($tickperiod == 0)
# Uses hacky method to determine whether on Emulator or Target
$tickdiv = ($chunknames[0] =~ /^$emulproc/io) ? 10 : 64;
# tickperiod is number of microseconds
$tickdiv = 1000000 / $tickperiod;
my ($oldtick, $minitick) = (0,0);
my @groupsizes;
for my $trace (@traces)
my ($tick, $chunkid, $size) = @$trace;
if ($oldtick != $tick)
$oldtick = $tick;
$chunksizes[$chunkid] = $size;
my $groupid=$chunkgroup[$chunkid];
my $groupsize = 0;
foreach $chunkid (@{$groups[$groupid]})
$groupsize += $chunksizes[$chunkid];
$groupsizes[$groupid] = $groupsize;
print $tick/$tickdiv + ($minitick++)/1000000;
foreach $groupsize (@groupsizes)
if ($groupsize)
printf ",%d", $groupsize/1024;
print ','; # make output prettier by omitting 0s
print "\n";
# Summary output
my @grouphighs;
for my $trace (@traces)
my ($tick, $chunkid, $size) = @$trace;
$chunksizes[$chunkid] = $size;
my $groupid=$chunkgroup[$chunkid];
my $groupsize = 0;
foreach $chunkid (@{$groups[$groupid]})
$groupsize += $chunksizes[$chunkid];
$grouphighs[$groupid] = $groupsize
if (!defined($grouphighs[$groupid]) ||
($grouphighs[$groupid] < $groupsize));
printf "\"Process\", Size [K]\n";
for (0..$#groupnames)
printf "\"$groupnames[$_]\", %d\n", $grouphighs[$_]/1024;
exit 0;
sub help ()
my $build;
print "\nmemtrace - " .
"Postprocess EPOC memory usage trace (Build ", &E32tpver, ")\n";
sub usage ()
print <<EOF
memtrace [-d] <logfile>
<logfile> Memory usage trace file.
-d Produce a detailed listing.