Removing all prior files. Adding a complete branch of the 'build' package with fixes
and tools to build all targets on both Linux and Windows.
# Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Mike Kinghan,, for Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Subroutines to deploy a patch file.
# The required patch files reside in build/{linux-prep|windows-prep}/patch_files.
# A patch file with the path:
# patch-files/DIR1[/DIR...]/FILE
# will be copied to EPOCROOT/DIR1[/DIR...]/FILE,
# except in the special case where DIR1 begins with '$'.
# In this case, the DIR1 is construed as the name of an environment
# variable whose value VAL will be substituted to obtain the name of the
# destination file as VAL//DIR1[/DIR...]/FILE.
use strict;
use File::Spec;
use File::Copy;
use set_epocroot;
use check_os;
sub compare_files($$)
my ($flhs,$frhs) = @_;
my $delim = $/;
$/ = undef;
open FH,"<$flhs" or die $!;
my $slhs = <FH>;
close FH;
open FH,"<$frhs" or die $!;
my $srhs = <FH>;
close FH;
$/ = $delim;
return "$slhs" eq "$srhs";
sub apply_patch_file($)
my $patch_file = shift;
my ($src_file, $dest_file);
my $epocroot = $ENV{'EPOCROOT'};
my $patch_files_dir;
if (os_is_windows()) {
$patch_files_dir = File::Spec->catfile("$epocroot","build","cross-plat-dev-utils","patch-files","windows");
} elsif (os_is_linux()) {
$patch_files_dir = File::Spec->catfile("$epocroot","build","cross-plat-dev-utils","patch-files","linux");
} else {
die "*** Unsupported OS $^O ***";
$src_file = File::Spec->catfile($patch_files_dir,$patch_file);
if (! -f $src_file) {
die("*** Error: not found \"$src_file\" ***");
if ($patch_file =~ /^\$/) {
my ($vol,$dir,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($patch_file);
my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);
my $topdir = shift(@dirs);
$topdir =~ s/^\$//;
$topdir = $ENV{$topdir};
my $destdir = File::Spec->catfile($topdir,@dirs);
$dest_file = File::Spec->catfile($destdir,$file);
else {
$dest_file = File::Spec->catfile($epocroot,$patch_file);
print "??? Need patch \"$src_file\" -> \"$dest_file\" ??? \n";
if (! -f $dest_file) {
print ">>> Yes. \"$dest_file\" does not exist\n";
print ">>> Copying \"$src_file\" to \"$dest_file\"n";
copy($src_file,$dest_file) or die $!;
else {
my $dif = !compare_files($src_file,$dest_file);
print "$dif\n";
if (!$dif) {
print ">>> No. \"$dest_file\" is same as \"$src_file\"\n";
else {
print ">>> Yes. \"$dest_file\" differs from \"$src_file\"\n";
my $backup = $dest_file;
for (; -f ($backup .= '~');) {};
print ">>> Backing up \"$dest_file\" as \"$backup\"\n";
copy($dest_file,$backup) or die $!;
print ">>> Copying \"$src_file\" to \"$dest_file\"\n";
copy($src_file,$dest_file) or die $!;