1) Make prep_env.pl apply a patch to epoc32/sbs_config/s60_sbs_config.xml to replace the ARM
kernel-side runtime ksrt4_0.lib with the GCCE one ksrt_gcce.lib
2) Fix romnibus.pl so it won't do case-tampering on the epocroot prefix of source paths in oby/iby files.
/** Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: * This is used to identify common errors and their diagnostics.* Pute, December 1996.**/NAME TUTE#if defined (STUPID)CHARACTER_SET stupid#endifCHARACTER_SET CP1252#include "error1.rh"STRUCT LISTITEMS WORD{#if defined (MAIN_SYNTAX_ERROR_1) STRICT strings[];#else STRUCT strings[];#endif}#if !defined (ERROR_MISSING_STRUCT)STRUCT LIST{ WORD type; STRUCT items;}#endifSTRUCT TBUF { BUF buf; /* non-zero terminated text string */ }STRUCT LBUF { LTEXT txt; // leading-byte counted text string }STRUCT LBUF16 { LTEXT16 txt; // leading byte counted wide string }STRUCT ARRAY { STRUCT items[]; }STRUCT BUTTON { WORD id; WORD flags; LTEXT txt; LTEXT txt2; LTEXT bmp; }STRUCT FLPTED { WORD maxlength; DOUBLE min; DOUBLE max; }STRUCT MENU_BAR { STRUCT titles[]; // MENU_BAR_ITEMs }STRUCT MENU_TITLE { LLINK menu_pane; LTEXT txt; }RESOURCE LIST list_1{ type = 5; items = LISTITEMS { strings = { LBUF16 {txt = "item 1"; }, LBUF16 {txt = "item 2"; } }; };}#if defined (ERROR_INVALID_MEMBER)RESOURCE TBUF unbroken_string { bof = "first part, second part"; }#elseRESOURCE TBUF unbroken_string { buf = "first part, second part"; }#endifRESOURCE TBUF broken_string { buf = "first part," <42> <64> <128> <0x1f> // escape " second part"; }RESOURCE TBUF sys_special_characters { buf="+-*/<,>.NSWE"; }RESOURCE TBUF sys_string { buf="%s"; }RESOURCE TBUF sys_dimmed_msg {buf="This item is not available";}RESOURCE TBUF sys_locked_msg {buf="This item cannot be changed";}RESOURCE TBUF sys_busy { buf="Busy"; }RESOURCE TBUF sys_scanning { buf="Scanning"; }RESOURCE TBUF sys_printing_to { buf="Printing to %s";}RESOURCE TBUF sys_page_is { buf="(page %u)";}RESOURCE ARRAY sys_array_one { items= { LBUF { txt="Esc"; }, LBUF { txt="Enter"; }, LBUF { txt="Tab"; }, LBUF { txt="Del"; }, LBUF { txt="Space"; } }; }RESOURCE BUTTON sys_button_one { id=3; flags=5; txt="Text"; txt2=""; bmp="Bitmap placeholder"; }RESOURCE FLPTED sys_flpted_one { maxlength=18; min=0.0; max=9.9e99; }RESOURCE MENU_BAR sys_menubar_one { titles= { MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=1; txt="a"; }, MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=2; txt="ab"; }, MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=3; txt="abc"; }, MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=4; txt="abcd"; }, MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=5; txt="abcde"; }, MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=6; txt="abcdef"; }, MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=7; txt="abcdefg"; }, MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=8; txt="abcdefgh"; } }; }