author Mike Kinghan <>
Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:59:07 +0000
changeset 40 68f68128601f
permissions -rw-r--r--
1) Add the sbsv1 components from sftools/dev/build to make the linux_build package independent of the obsolete buildtools package. 2) Enhance so that it generate the symbol file for the built rom when invoked by Raptor 3) Make the tool portable for Linux as well as Windows. 4) Remove the of from the e32tools component in favour of the copy now exported from sbsv1/e32util.

@REM Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
@REM All rights reserved.
@REM This component and the accompanying materials are made available
@REM under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@REM which accompanies this distribution, and is available
@REM at the URL "".
@REM Initial Contributors:
@REM Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
@REM Contributors:
@REM Description:
@REM builds bld.bat files for subprojects within this component

@if exist %0.bat perl -w -x %0.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
@if exist %0 perl -w -x %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5


use strict;
use Cwd;

my $EPOCRoot;

	$EPOCRoot .= "\\" unless($EPOCRoot =~ /\\$/);
	die "ERROR: Must set the EPOCROOT environment variable\n" if (!defined($EPOCRoot));
	$EPOCRoot =~ s-/-\\-go;	# for those working with UNIX shells
	die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not be a UNC path\n" if ($EPOCRoot =~ /^\\\\/);
	die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must end with a backslash\n" if ($EPOCRoot !~ /\\$/);
	die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must specify an existing directory\n" if (!-d $EPOCRoot);

my $EPOCToolsPath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools";

my $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\compilation_config";

my $DocsPath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\EngDoc\\E32toolp";

my $TemplateFilePath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\makefile_templates";

my $ShellFilePath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\shell";

my $BinFilePath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools";

if (scalar @ARGV > 1) {
	die "Too many arguments for setupprj.bat\n";

# only the secure platform is now supported, but keep the argument
# checking as insurance against future developments.
my $secure = 1;
if (scalar @ARGV == 1) {
	my $option = $ARGV[0];
	if ($option !~ /^secure$/i) {
		die "Unknown option $ARGV[0] - did you mean \"secure\"?\n";

my $GroupDir=$0;  # $0 is this script
$GroupDir=~s-^\w:(.*)$-$1-o;  # remove drive letter
unless ($GroupDir=~m-^\\-o)
	# $GroupDir is relative
	my $Cwd=cwd();
	$Cwd=~s-^\w:(.*)$-$1-o;  # remove drive letter
	$Cwd=~s-^\\$--o;  # make sure we don't end in a backslash
	$GroupDir="$Cwd\\$GroupDir";  # append relative group dir to absolute Cwd
$GroupDir=~s-^(.*\\)[^\\]+$-$1-o; # remove filename, leaving just path
# strip the resulting path of excess occurrences of . and ..
while ($GroupDir=~s-\\\.\\-\\-go) { }
while ($GroupDir=~s-\\(?!\.{2}\\)[^\\]*\\\.{2}(?=\\)--go) { }

$GroupDir=~s-\\$--o;	# remove trailing backslash
chdir "$GroupDir" or die "Can't cd to $GroupDir: $!\n";

my %Files=();

# read the component
opendir E32TOOLP, ".." or die "ERROR: Can't open dir ..\n";
my $SubDir;
foreach $SubDir (grep /^[^\.]/o, map lc $_, readdir E32TOOLP) {
	if ($SubDir!~/^(group|doc|test|binutils|maksym)$/o) {
		opendir SUBDIR, "..\\$SubDir" or die "ERROR: Can't open dir \"..\\$SubDir\"\n";
		my @FileList = map lc $_, readdir SUBDIR;
		foreach my $file (grep /^[^_\.].+\.(pm|pl|bat|cmd|config|bsf|xml|cwlink|txt)$/o, @FileList) {
			$Files{$file} = "$SubDir\\$file";
		if ($secure) {
			# Look for additional files whose names start with _secure_
			my @securefiles = grep /^_secure_.+\.(pm|pl|bat|cmd|config|bsf|xml|cwlink|txt)$/o, @FileList;
			foreach my $file (@securefiles) {
				my $dstfile = $file;
				$dstfile =~ s/^_secure_//;
				if (defined($Files{$dstfile})) {
					print "$dstfile: $SubDir\\$file overrides $Files{$dstfile}\n";
				$Files{$dstfile} = "$SubDir\\$file";

# read the compiler configuration files
my @ConfigFiles;

opendir CONFIGDIR, "..\\platform" or die "ERROR: Can't open dir \"..\\platform\"\n";
@ConfigFiles = grep /\.(mk|make)/i, readdir CONFIGDIR;

closedir CONFIGDIR;

opendir SUBDIR, "..\\doc" or die "ERROR: Can't open dir \"..\\doc\"\n";
my @Docs = map lc $_, readdir SUBDIR;
@Docs = grep /^[^\.].+\.(rtf|doc|changes|txt|html|htm)$/o, @Docs;
closedir SUBDIR;	

open TEMPLATEFILESUBDIR, "\"dir \/s \/b \/a-d ..\\..\\buildsystem\\extension\" |";
my @TemplateFiles=();
my %TemplateDirs;
	next if ($_ !~ /\.(mk|meta)$/i);	
	$_ =~ s/^.*\\buildsystem\\extension\\//i;
	chomp $_;
	push @TemplateFiles, $_;
	$_ =~ /^(.*\\)/o;
	my $path = $1;
	$path =~ s/\\$//;

opendir SHELLFILESUBDIR, "..\\..\\buildsystem\\shell" or die "ERROR: Can't open dir \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\shell\"\n";
my @ShellFiles = map lc $_, readdir SHELLFILESUBDIR;
@ShellFiles = grep /^[^\.].+\.(mk)$/o, @ShellFiles;

open BINFILESUBDIR, "\"dir \/s \/b \/a-d ..\\..\\buildsystem\\bin\" |";
my @BinFiles=();
my %BinDirs;
    	next if ($_ !~ /\.(exe|jar)$/i);	
    	$_ =~ s/^.*\\buildsystem\\bin\\//i;
    	chomp $_;
    	push @BinFiles, $_;
    	$_ =~ /^(.*\\)/o;
    	my $path = $1;
    	$path =~ s/\\$//;

my $PrintGroupDir=$GroupDir;

# Create BLD.BAT
my $OutTxt='';
	"\@echo off\n",
	"\@goto invoke\n",
	"unless (\@ARGV==1 && \$ARGV[0]=~/^(deb|rel|clean|releasables)\$/io) {\n",
	"	die\n",
	"		\"E32TOOLP's bld.bat - usage\\n\",\n",
	"		\"BLD [param]\\n\",\n",
	"		\"where\\n\",\n",
	"		\"param = DEB or REL or CLEAN\\n\"\n",
	"	;\n",
	"my \$Param=lc \$ARGV[0];\n",
	"chdir \"$PrintGroupDir\";\n",
	"if (\$Param =~ /releasables/i)\n",
	"open PIPE, \"..\\\\..\\\\make-abld\\\\make -s -f e32toolp.make \$Param |\" or die \"Can't invoke make: \$!\\n\";\n",
	"while (<PIPE>) { print \$_; }\n",
	"close PIPE;\n",
	"print \"..\\\\..\\\\make-abld\\\\make -s -f e32toolp.make \$Param\\n\";\n",
	"open PIPE, \"..\\\\..\\\\make-abld\\\\make -s -f e32toolp.make \$Param |\" or die \"Can't invoke make: \$!\\n\";\n",
	"while (<PIPE>) { }\n",
	"close PIPE;\n",
	"perl -x $GroupDir\\bld.bat %1 %2\n"
my $BLDFILE='bld.bat';
print "Creating File \"$BLDFILE\"\n";
open BLDFILE,">$BLDFILE" or die "\nERROR: Can't open or create Batch file \"$BLDFILE\"\n";
print BLDFILE "$OutTxt" or die "\nERROR: Can't write output to Batch file \"$BLDFILE\"\n";
close BLDFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close Batch file \"$BLDFILE\"\n";

# Create the make file
	"ifeq (\$(OS),Windows_NT)\n",
	"ERASE = \@erase 2>>nul\n",
	"ERASE = \@erase\n",
	"$EPOCToolsPath :\n",
	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $EPOCToolsPath\n", 
	"$TemplateFilePath :\n",
	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $TemplateFilePath\n", 

foreach (sort keys %TemplateDirs) {
	"$TemplateFilePath\\$_ :\n",
	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $TemplateFilePath\\$_\n", 

foreach (sort keys %BinDirs) {
 	"$BinFilePath\\$_ :\n",
 	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $BinFilePath\\$_\n", 

	"$ShellFilePath :\n",
	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $ShellFilePath\n", 
	"$EPOCToolsConfigFilePath :\n",
	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\n", 
	"$DocsPath :\n",
	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $DocsPath\n", 
	"deb : $EPOCToolsPath $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath $DocsPath $TemplateFilePath $ShellFilePath "

foreach (sort keys %TemplateDirs) {
	"$TemplateFilePath\\$_ "

foreach (sort keys %BinDirs) {
 	"$BinFilePath\\$_ "


my $File;
foreach $File (keys %Files) {
		"\tcopy \"..\\$Files{$File}\" \"$EPOCToolsPath\\$File\" >nul\n"

my $ConfigFile;
foreach $ConfigFile (@ConfigFiles) {
		"\tcopy \"..\\platform\\$ConfigFile\" \"$EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\\$ConfigFile\" >nul\n"

foreach $File (@Docs) {
			"\tcopy \"..\\doc\\$File\" \"$DocsPath\\$File\" >nul\n"

my $tfile;
foreach $tfile (@TemplateFiles) {
			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\extension\\$tfile\" \"$TemplateFilePath\\$tfile\" >nul\n"

my $bfile;
foreach $bfile (@BinFiles) {
 			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\bin\\$bfile\" \"$BinFilePath\\$bfile\" >nul\n"

my $sfile;
foreach $sfile (@ShellFiles) {
			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\shell\\$sfile\" \"$ShellFilePath\\$sfile\" >nul\n"

	"rel : $EPOCToolsPath $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath $DocsPath $TemplateFilePath $ShellFilePath "

foreach (sort keys %TemplateDirs) {
	"$TemplateFilePath\\$_ "

foreach (sort keys %BinDirs) {
 	"$BinFilePath\\$_ "


foreach $File (keys %Files) {
		"\t.\\perlprep.bat \"..\\$Files{$File}\" \"$EPOCToolsPath\\$File\"\n"

foreach $ConfigFile (@ConfigFiles) {
		"\tcopy \"..\\platform\\$ConfigFile\" \"$EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\\$ConfigFile\" >nul\n"

foreach $File (@Docs) {
			"\tcopy \"..\\doc\\$File\" \"$DocsPath\\$File\" >nul\n"

foreach $tfile (@TemplateFiles) {
			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\extension\\$tfile\" \"$TemplateFilePath\\$tfile\" >nul\n"
foreach $bfile (@BinFiles) {
 			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\bin\\$bfile\" \"$BinFilePath\\$bfile\" >nul\n"
foreach $sfile (@ShellFiles) {
			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\shell\\$sfile\" \"$ShellFilePath\\$sfile\" >nul\n"
	"rel deb : $EPOCToolsPath\\make.exe\n",
	"$EPOCToolsPath\\make.exe: ..\\..\\make-abld\\make.exe\n",
	"\tcopy \$\? \$\@\n"

	"rel deb : $EPOCToolsPath\\scpp.exe\n",
	"$EPOCToolsPath\\scpp.exe: ..\\..\\scpp-abld\\scpp.exe\n",
	"\tcopy \$\? \$\@\n"

	"clean :\n"
foreach $File (keys %Files) {
		"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$EPOCToolsPath\\$File\"\n"
foreach $ConfigFile (@ConfigFiles) {
		"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\\$ConfigFile\"\n"
foreach $File (@Docs) {
			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$DocsPath\\$File\"\n"
foreach $tfile (@TemplateFiles) {
			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$TemplateFilePath\\$tfile\"\n"
foreach $bfile (@BinFiles) {
 			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$BinFilePath\\$bfile\"\n"
foreach $sfile (@ShellFiles) {
			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$ShellFilePath\\$sfile\"\n"

	"releasables :\n"
foreach $File (keys %Files) {
		"\t\@echo $EPOCToolsPath\\$File\n"
foreach $ConfigFile (@ConfigFiles) {
		"\t\@echo $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\\$ConfigFile\n"
foreach $File (@Docs) {
			"\t\@echo $DocsPath\\$File\n"
foreach $tfile (@TemplateFiles) {
			"\t\@echo $TemplateFilePath\\$tfile\n"
foreach $bfile (@BinFiles) {
 			"\t\@echo $BinFilePath\\$bfile\n"
foreach $sfile (@ShellFiles) {
			"\t\@echo $ShellFilePath\\$sfile\n"

my $MAKEFILE="e32toolp.make";
print "Creating File \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
open MAKEFILE,">$MAKEFILE" or die "\nERROR: Can't open or create Batch file \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
print MAKEFILE "$OutTxt" or die "\nERROR: Can't write output to Batch file \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
close MAKEFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close Batch file \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";

# this code autocreates the .rel file

my @ToolsDst = ("make.exe", "scpp.exe");
my @DocsDst = @Docs;
my @ConfigFilesDst = @ConfigFiles;
my @TemplateFilesDst = @TemplateFiles;
my @BinFilesDst = @BinFiles;
my @ShellFilesDst = @ShellFiles;

push @ToolsDst, keys %Files;

# TOOLS.REL file 

my $RELFILE="tools.rel";
print "Creating File \"$RELFILE\"\n";
open RELFILE,">$RELFILE" or die "\nERROR: Can't open or create Rel file \"$RELFILE\"\n";
print RELFILE "${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\";
print RELFILE join("\n${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\", sort @ToolsDst);
print RELFILE join("\n${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\compilation_config\\","", sort @ConfigFilesDst);
print RELFILE join("\n${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\EngDoc\\E32toolp\\","", sort @DocsDst);
close RELFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close Rel file \"$RELFILE\"\n";

# Check MRP file - the modern equivalent of tools.rel

my $NewMRPText = "component tools_e32toolp\n";
$NewMRPText .= "# This file is generated by setupprj.bat\n\n";
$NewMRPText .= "ipr T\n";
$NewMRPText .= "ipr O  \\sf\\os\\buildtools\\sbsv1_os\\e32toolp\\binutils\n\n";
$NewMRPText .= "source \\sf\\os\\buildtools\\sbsv1_os\\e32toolp\n";
$NewMRPText .= "source \\sf\\os\\buildtools\\toolsandutils\\buildsystem\n";
$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\", "",sort @ToolsDst);
# Don't include EngDoc files in the MRP file
$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\compilation_config\\","", sort @ConfigFilesDst);
$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\makefile_templates\\","", sort @TemplateFilesDst);
$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\","", sort @BinFilesDst);
$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\shell\\","", sort @ShellFilesDst);
$NewMRPText .= "\n\n";
$NewMRPText .= "notes_source \\component_defs\\release.src\n";

my $MRPFILE="abld.mrp";
open MRPFILE,"<$MRPFILE" or die "\nERROR: Can't read MRP file \"$MRPFILE\"\n";
my $OldMRPText = "";
sysread MRPFILE, $OldMRPText, 100000;	# assumes MRP file is less than 100,000 bytes
close MRPFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close MRP file \"$MRPFILE\"\n";

if ($OldMRPText ne $NewMRPText) {
	print "REMARK: MRP file \"$MRPFILE\" differs from setupprj.bat generated content\n";
	print "Creating suggested new MRP file \"$\"\n";
	open MRPFILE,">$" or die "\nERROR: Can't open or create MRP file \"$\"\n";
	print MRPFILE $NewMRPText;
	close MRPFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close MRP file \"$\"\n";

sub Output (@) {
	my $Txt;
	foreach $Txt (@_) {

sub UpToRoot ($) {	#args: $_[0] Abs FilePath/Path
# return the path that will lead from the directory the path passed into the function
# specifies back up to the root directory
	return undef unless $_[0]=~m-^\\-o;
	my $Path=$_[0];
	my $UpP;
	while ($Path=~m-\\-go)
	undef $Path;
	$UpP=".\\" unless $UpP;

