author Mike Kinghan <>
Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:59:07 +0000
changeset 40 68f68128601f
permissions -rw-r--r--
1) Add the sbsv1 components from sftools/dev/build to make the linux_build package independent of the obsolete buildtools package. 2) Enhance so that it generate the symbol file for the built rom when invoked by Raptor 3) Make the tool portable for Linux as well as Windows. 4) Remove the of from the e32tools component in favour of the copy now exported from sbsv1/e32util.

# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:

package Cl_arm;

my $ToolPrefix='';
my %PlatOpt=(

# takes an 'expression'  to evaluate with $_ bound to each of the 
# remaining args
sub PrintList
    my $expr = shift @_;
    foreach (@_) {
	my $str = eval($expr);

# specify floating point model here
my $floatingpointmodel = "softvfp";

if (&main::ARMFPU && (&main::ARMFPU =~ /^VFPV2$/i)) {
	$floatingpointmodel = "vfpv2";

my $Archive;
my $Link;
my $Objcopy;

require Exporter;


use Cwd;
use Armutl;
use RVCT_plat2set;
use cl_generic;
use E32env;
use Genutl;

use constant NOCOMPRESSIONMETHOD => 0;

use constant NON_DEBUGGABLE => 0;
use constant DEBUGGABLE => 1;
use constant DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY => 2;

use constant NOTPAGED => 0;
use constant UNPAGED => 1;
use constant PAGED => 2;

sub PMHelp_Mmp {

my $Plat=main::Plat();

my ($RVCTMajorVersion, $RVCTMinorVersion, $RVCTBuildNumber) = RVCT_plat2set::get_version_list($Plat); 

my $RVCTVersion = "${RVCTMajorVersion}_${RVCTMinorVersion}";

my $ARMCCVersion = "${RVCTMajorVersion}${RVCTMinorVersion}0${RVCTBuildNumber}";

my $oP = '--';
$oP = '-' if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2);

#Check if Function call Logger is enabled
my $Function_Call_Logger=&main::IsFunctionCallLogging();

# Get the information regarding supporting Compiler Wrapper Option
my $IsCompilerWrapperOption=&main::CompilerWrapperOption();

#Check the existence of elf2e32.exe in the system path
my $IsExistELF2E32EXE = 0;
    open ELF2E32PIPE, "elf2e32 2>&1 |";
    while (<ELF2E32PIPE>) {
	if($_=~/^Symbian Post Linker\, Elf2E32/) {
	    $IsExistELF2E32EXE = 1;
    close ELF2E32PIPE;

my $ArmIncDir;
my @ArmLibList;
my $ArmRT = 0;
my %AsmFiles = ();
my %AsmDirs = ();
my $oe_options = '';
my $NamedSymLkup = 0;
my $symNameLkupOpt = '';

sub PMPlatProcessMmp (@) {
	$ArmIncDir = RVCT_plat2set::get_inc_path($Plat);
	@ArmLibList = &Armutl_ArmLibList;
	$ArmRT = &Armutl_ArmRT;
	my @AsmFileList = &Armutl_AsmFileList;
	foreach (@AsmFileList) { $AsmFiles{ucfirst lc $_} = 1; }

sub SysTrg () {
	return 1 if &main::SystemTrg;
	my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
	return 1 if ($ExportLibrary =~ /EKERN/i);
	my $Trg=&main::Trg;
	return 1 if ($Trg =~ /KSRT/i);
	return 0;

my $RVCT20 = 0; 

# suppress these warnings & errors
#Warning: #66-D: enumeration value is out of "int" range 
# "EUSER\CBASE\Ub_act.cpp", line 20: Warning:  #161-D: unrecognized #pragma
# 611: overloaded virtual function "entity" is only partially overridden in <entitykind> "entity"
# "EUSER\CBASE\Ub_act.cpp", line 256: Warning:  #654-D: declaration modifiers are incompatible with previous declaration
# 997: <entity-kind> "entity" is hidden by "entity" -- virtual function override intended?
# "EPOC32\include\s32stor.h", line 354: Error:  #1152-D: polymorphic base classes need to be exported as well
# "INCLUDE\e32base.h", line 31: Warning:  #1300-D: ~CBufBase inherits implicit virtual
#"COMPSUPP\\RVCT2_1\\Dfpaeabi.cpp", line 87: Warning: A1488W: PROC/FUNC at line 9 without matching ENDP/ENDFUNC
#"COMPSUPP\\RVCT2_1\\Dfpaeabi.cpp", line 85: Warning: A1464W: ENDP/ENDFUNC without corresponding PROC/FUNC
#Warning: L6318W: contains branch to a non-code symbol FindMostSignificantOne(unsigned long).

my $diag_suppressions = '--diag_suppress 66,161,611,654,997,1152,1300,1464,1488,6318,6331';

# downgrade from errors to warnings
my $diag_warnings = '';

# upgrade from warnings to errors
# Warning:  #1267-D: Implicit physical register R0 should be defined as a variable
my $diag_errors = '--diag_error 1267';
my $commonOptions = $RVCT20 ?
  "$diag_suppressions $diag_warnings $diag_errors" :
  "$diag_suppressions $diag_warnings $diag_errors";  

my @mmpOption = &main::ReplaceOptions("ARMCC");
my $CompilerOption = &main::CompilerOption("ARMCC");
my $contingentOptions;
my $thumbOptions = $RVCT20 ? '-thumb' : '--thumb ';
my $armOptions = $RVCT20 ? '-arm' : '--arm ';
my $kernelOptions = $RVCT20 ? '-arm' : '--arm --no_exceptions --no_exceptions_unwind';
my $invariantOptions = $RVCT20 ? 
  '-cpu 5T --enum_is_int -Ono_known_library --export_vtbl -apcs /inter' :
  '--cpu 5T --enum_is_int -Ono_known_library --fpmode ieee_no_fenv --export_all_vtbl --no_vfe --apcs /inter';
$invariantOptions .= ' --dllimport_runtime' unless ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2);  
my $exceptions = $RVCT20 ? '' : ' --exceptions --exceptions_unwind';
my $floatingpoint = $RVCT20 ? '' : ' --fpu '.$floatingpointmodel.'';
my @FCLogger_Macros; # Macros required to be passed to the FCLogger

my $useLinkerFeedBack = 0;

sub LinkerFeedBackFile() {
  return unless $useLinkerFeedBack;
  my $Trg = &main::Trg;
  return "$Trg.lfb";

sub LinkerFeedBackOption() {
  return "" unless $useLinkerFeedBack;
  my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
  return "" unless ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o);
  my $file = LinkerFeedBackFile();
  return "--feedback $file ";

my %BSF_keywords = (
		    COMMON_OPTIONS => 1,
		    THUMB_OPTIONS => 1,
		    ARM_OPTIONS => 1,
		    KERNEL_OPTIONS => 1,

sub Read_BSF_Options() {
        my %plat = (main::PlatRec());
	my @Customization_Data = split(/\n/,$plat{'CUSTOMIZATION_DATA'});
	foreach my $option (@Customization_Data) {
			next if ($option =~ /^$/);
	        warn "Unrecognized BSF syntax: $option.\n"
		        unless ($option =~ /\s*(\S+)\s+(.+)$/);
		my $key = uc $1;
		my $val = $2;
	        warn "Unrecognized BSF keyword: $key.\n"
		        unless ($BSF_keywords{$key});
		if ($key =~ /COMMON_OPTIONS/) {
		if ($key =~ /THUMB_OPTIONS/) {
		if ($key =~ /ARM_OPTIONS/) {
		if ($key =~ /KERNEL_OPTIONS/) {
		if ($key =~ /INVARIANT_OPTIONS/) {


# Set the options passed from BSF file 
# @param OptionName    - BSF Keyword using which the options would be overridden in the BSF file
# @param Options       - List of options read from the BSF keyword
sub Set_BSF_Options($$)
	my ($OptionName,$Options) = @_;
	my @Fragments=();
	# Check if the value of BSF option is to be set or added/removed.
	if($Options =~ /\+\[.*\]\+|\-\[.*\]\-/)
		if (@Fragments = Split_BSF_Options($Options,'RemoveOptions'))
			foreach my $Opt (@Fragments) 
				# Remove trailing white spaces
				$Opt =~ s/\s+$//;				
				$$OptionName =~ s/$Opt//g;
		if (@Fragments = Split_BSF_Options($Options,'AddOptions')) 
			$$OptionName .= " @Fragments";
		# Warn if options are not present in the form '+[...]+' or '-[...]-'
		$Options =~ s/\+\[.*?\]\+|\-\[.*?\]\-//g;
		if($Options !~ /^\s*$/)
			print "Warning: Ignoring option(s) \"$Options\" specified in BSF as option(s) should be in the form '+[...]+' or '-[...]-.\n";
		$$OptionName = $Options;

# Split BSF options to find options which are to be added/removed
# @param String      - List of options present in form '+[...]+' or '-[....]-'
# @param $Task       - Variable to decide whether to return options to be addded or options to be removed
sub Split_BSF_Options($$)
	my ($String,$Task) = @_;
    my @Result = ();
	my @Fragments = ();
	my $Pattern = '';
	if ($Task eq 'AddOptions')
		# Get the options which are to be added (present in the form '+[...]+')
		@Fragments = $String =~ /\+\[(.*?)\]\+/g;	
	elsif ($Task eq 'RemoveOptions') 
		# Get the options which are to be removed (present in the form '-[...]-')
		@Fragments = $String =~ /\-\[(.*?)\]\-/g;

	# Set the value of '$Pattern' which is required to segregate one option from another based on the option prefix.
	# Option prefix for RVCT can be '-' or '--'.
	$Pattern = '-{1,2}\S+\s*(?!-)\S*';	

	foreach my $Val (@Fragments) 
		my @Opt = $Val =~ /$Pattern/g;
		push @Result,@Opt;		 		
	return @Result;	

sub ComputeCompilerOpts() {
	my %plat = &main::PlatRec();
	Read_BSF_Options() if ($plat{'CUSTOMIZES'});
	my $ABI=&main::ABI;
	my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
	if (SysTrg()) {
	        $contingentOptions = $kernelOptions.$floatingpoint;
        } elsif (main::BuildAsARM() or ($ABI eq 'ARMV4')) {
	        $contingentOptions = $armOptions.$floatingpoint.$exceptions;
	    } else {
			$contingentOptions = $thumbOptions.$floatingpoint.$exceptions.' -D__MARM_THUMB__';	
			push @FCLogger_Macros, '__MARM_THUMB__';
	# support for ARMV4
	my $invopts = "$invariantOptions";
	if ($ABI eq 'ARMV4') {
		$invopts =~ s/5T/4/;
		$invopts =~ s/inter/nointer/;
	} else {
		$contingentOptions .= ' -D__MARM_INTERWORK__';
		push @FCLogger_Macros, '__MARM_INTERWORK__';

	#Options to export all the external symbols for OE DLL , OE Exe and OE Static Lib
	if ($TrgType=~/^STDDLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^STDEXE$/o || $TrgType=~/^STDLIB$/o) {
		$oe_options=' --no_hide_all';

	return $commonOptions.' '.$contingentOptions.' '.$invopts.' '.$oe_options.' '.&main::CompilerOption("ARMCC");

my $Makecmd;

sub PMStartBldList($) {
	($Makecmd) = @_;
	my $ABI=&main::ABI;
	my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
	my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
	my @BldList=&main::BldList;
	my @ChopSysIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::SysIncPaths);
	my @ChopUserIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::UserIncPaths);
	my $DefFile=&main::DefFile;
	my $EPOCPath=&main::EPOCPath;
	my $LinkAs=&main::LinkAs;
	my $LibPath=&main::LibPath.'LIB\\';
	my @MacroList=&main::MacroList();
	push @MacroList, "__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__";

	my $VariantFile=&main::VariantFile();

	my $Plat=&main::Plat;
	my $Trg=&main::Trg;
	if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
			# Temporary Workaround for RVCT2.1 static libs problem with RVCT2.2 builds
			# Rename all the static libs produced with RVCT2.1 as {libname}2_1.lib
		        if ($Trg=~/^\s*(\S+)(\.lib)$/io) {
			        if ($1!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
			if ($BaseTrg!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
			        $BaseTrg .= $RVCTVersion;

	my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
	my @UidList=&main::UidList;	
    my $SystemTrg = &main::SystemTrg;
    my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
    my $NoExportLibrary=&main::NoExportLibrary;
    # N.B. should get better way to detect kernel probably!!
    $SystemTrg = 1 if ($ExportLibrary =~ /EKERN/i);
    # N.B. should get better way to detect this
    $SystemTrg = 1 if ($Trg =~ /KSRT/i);

	my %Version = &main::Version();
	my $ExtraExportLibrary;
	my $PrimaryExportLibrary = $ExportLibrary;
	unless ($Version{explicit}) {
		$ExtraExportLibrary = $ExportLibrary;
		$ExtraExportLibrary =~ s/\{(\d|a|b|c|d|e|f){8}\}//i;
		$PrimaryExportLibrary = $ExtraExportLibrary;

#	set up LinkAs
	if ($1 ne '00000000') { # have to make sure than series of noughts in brackets doesn't appear in name for null uids
		$LinkAs=join '', &main::Path_Split('Base',$LinkAs),"[$1]",&main::Path_Split('Ext',$LinkAs);

#	work out the flags for various platforms
	unless ($ABI eq 'ARMV5' or $ABI eq 'ARMV4') {
		&main::FatalError("Platform module - ABI \"$ABI\" unrecognised");
	my $ComputeCompilerOpts=ComputeCompilerOpts();
	if (@mmpOption) 
		my $pattern = '-{1,2}\S+\s*(?!-)\S*';	
		foreach my $options (@mmpOption) 
			my @opts = $options =~ /$pattern/g;
			my $count = 0;
			while ($count <= $#opts) 
				my $opt;
				my $rep;
				if ($opts[$count] =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) 
					$opt = $1;
					$rep = $2;
					$ComputeCompilerOpts =~ s/$opt\s+\S+\s+/ $opt $rep /g;
					$opt = $opts[$count];
					$rep = $opts[$count+1];
					$ComputeCompilerOpts =~ s/$opt/$rep/g;					

	$PlatOpt{Arm} = $ComputeCompilerOpts;

	my $InterWorking = ($ABI eq 'ARMV4') ? "" : "--inter";

	$Link=$ToolPrefix."armlink ${oP}diag_suppress 6331,6780 ";

	&Generic_Header(0,$Makecmd);	# define standard things using absolute paths
	if ($Makecmd eq "nmake") {
	else {
			"# must set both PATH and Path to make it work correctly\n",

		"INCDIR  ="
	PrintList("\" -J \$_\"", @ChopUserIncPaths);
	PrintList("\" -J \$_\"", @ChopSysIncPaths);
	if ($ArmIncDir) {
		    " -J \"$ArmIncDir\" ",

	#Function Call Logger
	if ($Function_Call_Logger)	{
		PrintList("\" -I \$_\"", @ChopUserIncPaths);
		PrintList("\" -I \$_\"", @ChopSysIncPaths);
		if ($ArmIncDir) {
				" -I \"$ArmIncDir\" "
		"ARMCCFLAGS=$PlatOpt{Arm} -c\\\n",

	PrintList("\" -D\$_\"", @MacroList);
	if($VariantFile) {
		if ($Function_Call_Logger) {
			#FC Logger accepts product include file without path
			my $file=&main::Path_Split('File', ${VariantFile});
				" -D\"__PRODUCT_INCLUDE__=\\\"${file}\\\"\""
		else {
				" -D__PRODUCT_INCLUDE__=\\\"${VariantFile}\\\""

		" \$(USERDEFS)\n",

	if ($TrgType=~/^STDDLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^STDEXE$/o){
#	For now, named symbol lookup is enabled only for the STD binaries. Later, it may be enabled based on an mmp 
#	keyword.

		$NamedSymLkup = 1;
		$symNameLkupOpt = '--sym_name_lkup';

	foreach (@BldList) {
			"ARMCC$_ = armcc"
		if(&main::DebugSwitchUsed() ) {
#			when the debug switch is specified and enabled, set the compiler's debug flag for both udeb or urel.
#			when the debug switch is disabled, don't set the compiler's debug flag for either udeb or urel.
#			The optimization option is set only based on the build i.e., Udeb or Urel and is independent of
#			whether debug is enabled or not. This might give a poorer debug view for debug-enabled Urel build.
			if(&main::SymbolicDebugEnabled() ) {
						  ' -g'
		elsif (/DEB$/o) {
				      ' -g'

		if (/DEB$/o) {
				      ' -O0'
		else {
				      ' -O2'
		my @ml = &main::MacroList($_);
		PrintList("\" -D\$_\"", @ml);
			" \$(ARMCCDEFS)\n"

	#Function call logger
	if ($Function_Call_Logger)	{
		#Send all the debug macros to logger
		foreach (@BldList) {
			&main::Output (
				"FCLOGGER$_ = ",

			my @ml = &main::MacroList($_);
			push @ml, "__ARMCC_VERSION=$ARMCCVersion";
			PrintList("\" -D\$_\"", @ml);
				" \$(ARMCCDEFS)"
			PrintList("\" -D\$_\"", @FCLogger_Macros);
	foreach (@BldList) {
			"$_ :"

		if ($BasicTrgType !~ /IMPLIB/io) {
			&main::Output (
				" \\\n\t",

#		lib has to come after the main target so that a .DEF file will be generated if the project is not frozen
		if ($DefFile and not &main::ExportUnfrozen) {
				" \\\n",

	# Resource building is done entirely via
	PrintList("\"\nRESOURCE\$_ : MAKEWORK\$_\"", @BldList);

	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
#		code to ensure that the static libraries for all builds are built at the library stage
	        PrintList("\" \$_\"", @BldList);
	elsif ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) {
		unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
			if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
					" ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$PrimaryExportLibrary.lib"),
				# if elf2e32.exe(postlinker) exists, then generate .dso along with .lib
				if ($IsExistELF2E32EXE) {
						" ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$PrimaryExportLibrary.dso"), "\n"
				else {
			else {
					"\t\@echo WARNING: Not attempting to create any import libraries.\n",
					"\t\@echo When exports are frozen in \"$DefFile\", regenerate Makefile.\n"
		} else {
				"\t\@echo Not attempting to create \"\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$PrimaryExportLibrary.lib\"\n",
				"\t\@echo from frozen .DEF file, since EXPORTUNFROZEN specified.\n"

		my $theDefFile = $DefFile;
		$theDefFile = "\$(EPOCBLD)\\$BaseTrg.def" unless (-e $DefFile);
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExportLibrary.lib"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote($DefFile), "\n",
				"\tperl -S ", &Generic_Quote($DefFile), " \"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.prep.def\"\n",
				"\tdef2dll.bat --path=\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB \\\n\t\t--bldpath=\$(EPOCBLD) \\\n\t\t--import=$ExportLibrary \\\n",
			"\t\t--deffile=\"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.prep.def\" \\\n\t\t--linkAs=$LinkAs \\\n\t\t$InterWorking\n",
		if ($ExtraExportLibrary) {
				&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExtraExportLibrary.lib"), " : ",
				&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExportLibrary.lib"), "\n",
				"\tcopy \"\$<\" \"\$@\"\n"
		#if elf2e32.exe(postlinker) exists, then generate .dso(which will be used by ABIV2 platforms)
		if ($IsExistELF2E32EXE) {
				&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExportLibrary.dso"), " : ",
				&Generic_Quote($DefFile), "\n",
					"\telf2e32 --definput=\"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.prep.def\" --dso=",
					" --linkas=$LinkAs\n"
			if ($ExtraExportLibrary) {
					&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExtraExportLibrary.dso"), " : ",
					&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExportLibrary.dso"), "\n",
					"\tcopy \"\$<\" \"\$@\"\n"

	my $freezeDir = &main::Path_Split('Path', $DefFile);

	# dummy rule for def files to cope with filename case differences
	unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
		if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
				&Generic_Quote($DefFile), " : ", "\n",
				"\t\@rem Do nothing\n",

		&Generic_Quote($freezeDir), " : ", "\n",
		"\tperl -S \$\@\n",

		"FREEZE : ",
		&Generic_Quote($freezeDir), "\n",
	if ($DefFile and $BasicTrgType!~/^IMPLIB$/io) {
# 	    call perl on the script here so make will die if there are errors 
#           - this doesn't happen if calling perl in a batch file
	    &main::Output( "\tperl -S \$(EFREEZE_ALLOW_REMOVE) \"$DefFile\" \"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.def\" \n" );
	if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) {
			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n"
		if ($ExtraExportLibrary) {
				"\t-\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExtraExportLibrary.lib\"\n"


sub PMBld {

	my $ABI=&main::ABI;
    my @ASSPLibList=&main::ASSPLibList;
    my @SrcList=&main::SrcList;
    my @StringTables=&main::StringTables;
    my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
	my $FeatureVariantBaseTrg=&main::FeatureVariantBaseTrg;
    my $Bld=&main::Bld;
    my $ChopBldPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::BldPath);
    my $DefFile=&main::DefFile;
    my $EPOCIncPath=&main::EPOCIncPath;
    my $FirstLib=&main::FirstLib;
    if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
	    # Temporary Workaround for RVCT2.1 static libs problem with RVCT2.2 builds
	    # Rename all the static libs used with RVCT2.1 as {libname}2_1.lib
	    if ($FirstLib=~/^\s*(\S+)(\.lib)$/io) {
		    if ($1!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
    my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
    my @LibList;
    my @RTLibList = $RVCT20 ?
      ('udfp.lib', 'udrt.lib', 'udrt.lib(VtblExports.o)'):
      ('dfpaeabi.lib', "dfprvct${RVCTVersion}.lib", 'drtaeabi.lib', 'drtaeabi.lib(VtblExports.o)');
    if ( $RVCTVersion lt "2_2" ) {
		push @RTLibList, "dfprvct${RVCTVersion}-thunk.lib";
		push @RTLibList, "drtrvct${RVCTVersion}.lib";
    else {
		# The scppnwdl.lib should come before drtrvct2_2.lib
		push @RTLibList, "scppnwdl.lib";
		push @RTLibList, "drtrvct${RVCTVersion}.lib";
    my $SystemTrg = &main::SystemTrg;
    my $LibPath= &main::LibPath;
    my $LinkAs=&main::LinkAs;
    my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
    my $NoExportLibrary=&main::NoExportLibrary;
    # N.B. should get better way to detect kernel probably!!
    $SystemTrg = 1 if ($ExportLibrary =~ /EKERN/i);
    my $ChopRelPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::RelPath);
    my $RelPath=&main::RelPath;
    my @StatLibList=&main::StatLibList;
    if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
	    # Temporary Workaround for RVCT2.1 static libs problem with RVCT2.2 builds
	    # Rename all the static libs used with RVCT2.1 as {libname}2_1.lib
	    for (my $i =0; $i < scalar(@StatLibList); $i++) {
		    if ($StatLibList[$i]=~/^\s*(\S+)(\.lib)$/io) {
			    if ($1!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
    my $StatLinkPath=&main::StatLinkPath;
    my $Trg=&main::Trg;
    if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
	    if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
		    # Temporary Workaround for RVCT2.1 static libs problem with RVCT2.2 builds
		    # Rename all the static libs produced with RVCT2.1 as {libname}2_1.lib
		    if ($Trg=~/^\s*(\S+)(\.lib)$/io) {
			    if ($1!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
		    if ($BaseTrg!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
			    $BaseTrg .= $RVCTVersion;

	#OE Glue Code
	my @oe_exe_libs=("libcrt0.lib");
	my @oe_exe_libs_wchar=("libwcrt0.lib");

	#OE Import Library List
	my @oe_import_library_list=();

    my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
    my @UidList=&main::UidList;
	my $InterWorking = ($ABI eq 'ARMV4') ? "" : "--inter";
	my %Version = &main::Version();
	my $ExtraExportLibrary;
	unless ($Version{explicit}) {
		$ExtraExportLibrary = $ExportLibrary;
		$ExtraExportLibrary =~ s/\{(\d|a|b|c|d|e|f){8}\}//i;

    my $linkerDebugOpt = "";
    if(&main::DebugSwitchUsed() ){
		if(&main::SymbolicDebugEnabled ()){
#		set the linker's debug flag if the debug switch is specified and enabled.
		$linkerDebugOpt = "${oP}debug ";
	elsif ($Bld =~ /DEB/) {
	$linkerDebugOpt = "${oP}debug ";
	if ($Bld =~ /DEB/) {
	@LibList = &main::DebugLibList;
	} else {
	@LibList = &main::LibList;

	if(not(grep /^euser.lib$/, @LibList)){
		push @oe_import_library_list, "euser.lib";
	if(not (grep /^libc.lib$/i, @LibList)){
		push @oe_import_library_list, "libc.lib";

#	set up $LinkAs
    if ($1 ne '00000000') {	# have to make sure than series of noughts in brackets doesn't appear in name for null uids
	$LinkAs=join '', &main::Path_Split('Base',$LinkAs),"[$1]",&main::Path_Split('Ext',$LinkAs);


#	releasables
	my @releaseables;
	push @releaseables, "$RelPath$Trg" if ($BasicTrgType!~/^IMPLIB$/io);
	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)$/o) {
		push @releaseables, "$RelPath$";
	if (-e $DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
		push @releaseables, "$LibPath$ExportLibrary.lib";
		push @releaseables, "$LibPath$ExtraExportLibrary.lib" if ($ExtraExportLibrary);
		#if elf2e32.exe(postlinker) exists in the $PATH, then include .dsos also into releasables list
		if ($IsExistELF2E32EXE) {
			push @releaseables, "$LibPath$ExportLibrary.dso";
			push @releaseables, "$LibPath$ExtraExportLibrary.dso" if ($ExtraExportLibrary);

	push @releaseables, &main::FeatureVariantVMapFile() if &main::FeatureVariantVMapFile();
		"CLEANBUILD$Bld : \n",
		"\t\@perl -S \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\"\n",
	&Generic_WhatCleanTargets($Bld, "WHAT$Bld", "CLEANRELEASE$Bld", @releaseables);


	return if ($BasicTrgType=~/^IMPLIB$/io);

	foreach (@SrcList) {
	    	my $BaseSrc = &main::Path_Split('Base', $_);
	    	my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $_);
		if ($Ext =~ /cia/i) {
		    $BaseSrc = "$BaseSrc\_";
			" \\\n\tLISTING$Bld$BaseSrc"

	# Compiler wrapper support starts
	 	my $Platcmpwrap=&main::Plat;

		foreach (@SrcList) {
			my $BaseSrc = &main::Path_Split('Base', $_);
				" \\\n\tCOMPWRAP$Bld$BaseSrc"

	# Compiler wrapper support

	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) { # Add the DLL stub library
		if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
			# Temporary Workaround for RVCT2.1 static libs problem with RVCT2.2 builds
				" \\\n\t",
		else {
				" \\\n\t",
        PrintList("\' \\\n\t\'\.\&Generic_Quote\(\"\\\$\(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld\)\\\\\$_\"\)", @StatLibList);
        PrintList("\' \\\n\t\'\.\&Generic_Quote\(\"\\\$\(EPOCLIB\)\\\\LIB\\\\\$_\"\)", @LibList);

		#OE Import Libraries 
		if ( $TrgType=~/^STDEXE$/o || $TrgType=~/^STDDLL$/o ) 
			PrintList("\' \\\n\t\'\.\&Generic_Quote\(\"\\\$\(EPOCLIB\)\\\\LIB\\\\\$_\"\)", @oe_import_library_list);

		#OE Glue Code
		if ($TrgType=~/^STDEXE$/o) {
			if (&main::IsWideCharMain()) {
				PrintList("\' \\\n\t\'\.\&Generic_Quote\(\"\\\$\(EPOCLIB\)\\\\$Bld\\\\\$_\"\)", @oe_exe_libs_wchar);
			else {
				PrintList("\' \\\n\t\'\.\&Generic_Quote\(\"\\\$\(EPOCLIB\)\\\\$Bld\\\\\$_\"\)", @oe_exe_libs);

        my $StaticRTLib = $RVCT20 ? "usrt20" : "usrt${RVCTVersion}" ;
        # use ksrt for system code and usrt for user ARM code
        $StaticRTLib = "ksrt${RVCTVersion}" if ($SystemTrg);
	        " \\\n\t",
		) unless ($Trg =~ /(U|K)SRT/i || ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o));

	unless ($ArmRT || ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o)) {
	    my $TargLib = "$ExportLibrary.lib";
		$TargLib =~ s/\{(\d|a|b|c|d|e|f){8}\}//i;
	    unless ($SystemTrg) {
			foreach (@RTLibList) {
					" \\\n\t",
				) unless ($_ =~ /$TargLib/i);
        PrintList("\' \\\n\t\'\.\&Generic_Quote\(\"\$_\"\)", @ArmLibList);

 		"\nUSERLDFLAGS = ",
        my $vtobj = quotemeta("(VtblExports.o)");
        PrintList("\' \\\n\t\'\.\&Generic_Quote\(\"\\\$\(EPOCLIB\)\\\\LIB\\\\\$_$vtobj\"\)", @LibList);

	my $objectFiles = "";

	my $bldPath =	&main::BldPath;
	my $replacement;
# If LOCAL_BUILD_PATH is set replace the \epoc32\build with local setting
	if ( defined( $ENV{LOCAL_BUILD_PATH} ) )  {
		$replacement = 	$ENV{"LOCAL_BUILD_PATH"};
		my $epocroot=$ENV{"EPOCROOT"};
		my $match = "\Q${epocroot}\EEPOC32\\\\BUILD";
		$bldPath =~ s/${match}/${replacement}/;
#	Must add StringTable obj files first to preserve Evalid results consistency.
	foreach my $item (@StringTables) {
		$objectFiles .= $bldPath.$$item{BaseTrg}.".o\n" if !($$item{Hdronly});

        foreach (@SrcList) {
	    	my $BaseSrc = &main::Path_Split('Base', $_);
	    	my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $_);
		if ($Ext =~ /cia/i) {
		    $BaseSrc = "$BaseSrc\_";

		        " \\\n\t",

#	Only add if not already added from @StringTables
	my $objectFile = $bldPath.$BaseSrc.".o\n";
	$objectFile=~ s/\\/\\\\/g;    # escape the '\'
	if ($objectFiles !~ m/$objectFile/i){
		$objectFiles .= &main::BldPath.$BaseSrc.".o\n";


	# Create "via" file containing all object files in order to reduce
	# command line lengths in pertinent calls
	my $objectsViaFile = &main::CommandFile();	
	&main::CreateExtraFile($objectsViaFile, $objectFiles);

        if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
		      " : \$(OBJECTS$Bld)"
        } else {
		      &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$Trg"), " : ",

	if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
			" ", &Generic_Quote($DefFile)
	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(EXE|DLL)$/o) {
			" ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$FirstLib")
		" \$(LIBS$Bld)"

#	generate an export object from the ordered .DEF file
        if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
#       	make the .exp file a dependency for targets that have exports		
		&main::Output(" ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exp"), "\n");
		if (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
			"\tdef2dll.bat --path=\$(EPOCBLD$Bld) \\\n\t\t--bldpath=\$(EPOCBLD$Bld) \\\n\t\t--export=$ExportLibrary \\\n\t\t--import=$ExportLibrary\\\n",
			"\t\t--deffile=\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.def \\\n\t\t--linkAs=$LinkAs \\\n\t\t$InterWorking $symNameLkupOpt\n",
		        "\tcopy ", " \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\" ",
		    if ($ExtraExportLibrary) {
			    "\tcopy \"\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\" ",
		    #if elf2e32.exe(postlinker) exists, then generate .dso(which will be used by ABIV2 platforms)
		    if ($IsExistELF2E32EXE) {
				    "\telf2e32 --definput=\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.def\" --dso=",
				    "\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExportLibrary.dso --linkas=$LinkAs\n"
			    if ($ExtraExportLibrary) {
					    "\tcopy \"\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB\\$ExportLibrary.dso\" ",
	} elsif($NamedSymLkup){
#		For an EXE, generate the .exp to accomodate 0th ordinal
		&main::Output(" ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exp"), "\n");
	else {

#       get rid of any -symbols produced .map file
        if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o) {
			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$\" \n"
#		Generate the dependency info - This is required to put the libraries in the same order
#		as mentioned in mmp.
		if($NamedSymLkup) {
			"\tperl -S $InterWorking --path=\$(EPOCBLD$Bld) \\\n",
			 "\t\t--out=$ExportLibrary \\\n",
			 "\t\t--libpath=\$(EPOCLIB)\\LIB \\\n",
		my $AbsentSubst = '';
        if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o) {
	        my $datalinkbase = "0x400000";
	        $datalinkbase = &main::DataLinkAddress if (&main::DataLinkAddress);

#               make sure the linker feedback file is writable if it exists.
		my $lfbfile = LinkerFeedBackFile();
			"\t\@if exist $lfbfile attrib -r $lfbfile\n"
			) if $useLinkerFeedBack;

		my $lfboption = LinkerFeedBackOption();

		        "\t$Link $linkerDebugOpt ${oP}shl ${oP}reloc ${oP}split ${oP}rw-base $datalinkbase  \\\n\t\t$lfboption${oP}noscanlib $PlatOpt{Ld}\\\n"
			my $EntrySymbol;
			if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
				$EntrySymbol = '_E32Dll';
			elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
				$EntrySymbol = '_E32Startup';
			if ($EntrySymbol) {
				$AbsentSubst = " -absent $EntrySymbol";
	        if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
	            # get the right object file for the entry point
	            my $ObjFile = "UC_DLL_.o";
	            if ($FirstLib =~ /EDEV/i) {
		            $ObjFile = "D_ENTRY_.o";
	            if ($FirstLib =~ /EKLL/i) {
		            $ObjFile = "L_ENTRY_.o";
	            if ($FirstLib =~ /EEXT/i) {
		            $ObjFile = "X_ENTRY_.o";
	            if ($FirstLib =~ /EVAR/i) {
		            $ObjFile = "V_ENTRY_.o";
				    "\t\t${oP}entry _E32Dll \$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$FirstLib($ObjFile) \$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$FirstLib \\\n",
				    "\t\t\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exp \\\n"
	        } elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
			    # get the right object file for the entry point
			    my $ObjFile = "UC_EXE_.o" ;
			    if ($FirstLib =~ /KC_EXE/i) {
					$ObjFile = "K_ENTRY_.o";
				# If building user-side under RVCT2.0.x, use 2.0.1 static library	
				if ($RVCT20) { 
					if ($ObjFile =~/UC_EXE_.o/i) { 
						$FirstLib = "EEXE20.LIB"; 
			    &main::Output( "\t\t${oP}entry _E32Startup \$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$FirstLib($ObjFile) \$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$FirstLib \\\n" );
			    if ($TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o || $NamedSymLkup) {
					&main::Output( "\t\t\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exp \\\n" );
			if($NamedSymLkup) {
				"\t\t--edit \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.dep\" \\\n"
		        "\t\t-o \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\" \\\n",
		        "\t\t${oP}symbols ${oP}list \"\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$\" \\\n",
				"\t\t\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ \\\n"
		        "\t\t\$(LIBS$Bld) \\\n",
				"\t\t\$(VTBLEXPORTS$Bld) \$(USERLDFLAGS) \n"

	        if(&main::DebugSwitchUsed() ){
				if(&main::SymbolicDebugEnabled() ) {
					"\tcopy \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\" \"\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$FeatureVariantBaseTrg.sym\"\n"
	        elsif ($Bld=~/^UDEB$/o) {
			       "\tcopy \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\" \"\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$FeatureVariantBaseTrg.sym\"\n"
		if (&main::CompressTarget) {
			    "\telftran $PlatOpt{Elftran} -version ", &Genutl_VersionToUserString(%Version), " -sid ", &main::SecureId(), " ", " -nocompress "
		else {
					"\telftran $PlatOpt{Elftran} -version ", &Genutl_VersionToUserString(%Version), " -sid ", &main::SecureId(), " "
				"\telftran $PlatOpt{Elftran} -version ", &Genutl_VersionToUserString(%Version), " -sid ", &main::SecureId(), " ", "  -compressionmethod deflate"
					"\telftran $PlatOpt{Elftran} -version ", &Genutl_VersionToUserString(%Version), " -sid ", &main::SecureId(), " ", "  -compressionmethod bytepair"

		if (&main::IsDebuggable eq DEBUGGABLE) {
 				' -debuggable '

		if (&main::SmpSafe) {
 				' -smpsafe'

		if (&main::IsDebuggable eq DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY) {		
			if ($Bld=~/^UDEB$/o) {
				' -debuggable '
		# change - exexps are allowed data, but they look like dlls to elftran....
		if (&main::AllowDllData || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
				' -allow'
		if (not &main::CallDllEntryPoints ) {
				' -nocall'
		if (&main::DataLinkAddress) {
				' -datalinkaddress ',&main::DataLinkAddress
		if (&main::FixedProcess) {
				' -fixed'
		if (&main::HeapSize) {
			my %HeapSize=&main::HeapSize;
				' -heap ',$HeapSize{Min},' ',$HeapSize{Max}
		if (&main::ProcessPriority) {
				' -priority ',&main::ProcessPriority
		if (&main::StackSize) {
				' -stack ',&main::StackSize

		if (&main::CodePagingTargetMode == UNPAGED) {
				' -codepaging unpaged'
		elsif (&main::CodePagingTargetMode == PAGED) {
				' -codepaging paged'

		if (&main::DataPagingTargetMode == UNPAGED) {
				' -datapaging unpaged'
		elsif (&main::DataPagingTargetMode == PAGED) {
				' -datapaging paged'


		my $i=1;
		foreach (@UidList) {
				" -uid$i $_"
		if(&main::VendorId) {
				' -vid ',&main::VendorId
			' -fpu ',$floatingpointmodel
			' -capability ',&main::Capability
		if($NamedSymLkup) {
				' -sym_name_lkup'
			" \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\""
			" \"\$\@\" \n"

         elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
		        "\tarmar ${oP}create \$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$Trg ${oP}via $objectsViaFile\n"

#	add static lib into the object via file
	my $libViaFiles=$objectFiles;
	if (@StatLibList) {
		foreach (@StatLibList) {
			$libViaFiles.= &main::RelPath."$_ \n";
		&main::CreateExtraFile($objectsViaFile, $libViaFiles);
    # TARGET *.IN
		&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$"), ": \$(OBJECTS$Bld)\n",
 	    "\t$Link $linkerDebugOpt ${oP}partial \\\n",
	    "\t\t-o \$\@ \\\n",
	    "\t\t${oP}via $objectsViaFile\n\n",

#   reorder the .DEF file taking frozen exports into account if there are any
    if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o || $NamedSymLkup) {

	    # TARGET *.EXP
		    &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exp"), ": \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$"

# if project is frozen, makedef (and hence the .exp file) are dependent upon it
		unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
			if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
			    &main::Output(" $DefFile");

		"\n\tperl -S -o \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.inf \\\n", 
		"\n\tperl -S $AbsentSubst -Inf \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.inf \\\n"
    	if (!$DefFile || $NoExportLibrary) {    			
    		&main::Output( "\t\t-ignore_unfrozen_noncallable \\\n" );
	if (SysTrg()) {
    		&main::Output( "\t\t-SystemTargetType \\\n" );
	    if (-e $DefFile) {	# effectively "if project frozen ..."
			"\t\t-Frzfile \"$DefFile\" \\\n"

		if($NamedSymLkup && !$DefFile){
#		For an EXE with named lookup, suppress the 'unfrozen exports' makedef warnings.
			"\t\t-ignore_unfrozen_exports \\\n",

	    # freeze ordinals, a maximum of 2, for polymorphic dlls
	    my $Ordinal;
	    my $Num=1;
	    foreach $Ordinal (&main::Exports) {
	            &main::Output( "\t\t-$Num $Ordinal \\\n" );
	    my $theDefFile = "\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.def";
	    $theDefFile = $DefFile if (-e $DefFile && !&main::ExportUnfrozen);
		"\tcopy \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.def\" \"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.def\"\n",
		"\tdef2dll.bat $AbsentSubst \\\n\t\t--path=\$(EPOCBLD$Bld) \\\n\t\t--bldpath=\$(EPOCBLD$Bld) \\\n\t\t--export=$ExportLibrary \\\n",
		"\t\t--deffile=$theDefFile \\\n\t\t--linkAs=$LinkAs \\\n\t\t$InterWorking $symNameLkupOpt\n"

    &main::Output( "\n" );

# Set to 1 if multifile compilation wanted
my $domultifile = 0;

sub DoMultiFile () {
        return $ENV{RVCTMultiFile} if (defined $ENV{RVCTMultiFile});
	return $domultifile;

my %CompilationGroups = ();

sub InitMultiFileCompilation() {
#	Do preparatory work for multifile compilation
	my $SourceStructRef=&main::SourceStructRef;

#	We sort the source files by path and extension. These form natural groups to compile together.
	my %PathToSourceMap = ();
	foreach my $SourceRef (@$SourceStructRef) {
		my $SrcFile = $$SourceRef{CurFile};
		my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $SrcFile);
	        push @{$PathToSourceMap{$$SourceRef{SrcPath}}{$Ext}}, $SrcFile;

#	Now we split each group into sets of 10. 
	foreach my $SrcPath (keys %PathToSourceMap) {
		foreach my $Ext (keys %{$PathToSourceMap{$SrcPath}}) {
			my @FileList;
			my @ObjectList;
			my @SourceList;
			my $NumToGo = 10;
			foreach my $File (@{$PathToSourceMap{$SrcPath}{$Ext}}) {
				my $base = &main::Path_Split('Base', $File);
				my $cia = ($Ext =~ /cia/i);
				$base .= "_" if $cia;
				push @FileList, $File;
				push @ObjectList, "$base.o";
#				this gives us our source files xxx				
				push @SourceList, $cia ? "$base.cpp" : "$SrcPath$base$Ext";
				unless ($NumToGo) {
#				       Use the last file as the key. This means e.g that all the dependency
#				       info will have been generated for the earlier files in the list
				       push @{$CompilationGroups{$FileList[$#FileList]}{Sources}}, @SourceList;
       				       push @{$CompilationGroups{$FileList[$#FileList]}{Objects}}, @ObjectList;
				       $NumToGo = 10;
				       undef @FileList;
				       undef @ObjectList;
				       undef @SourceList;
			push @{$CompilationGroups{$FileList[$#FileList]}{Sources}}, @SourceList;
			push @{$CompilationGroups{$FileList[$#FileList]}{Objects}}, @ObjectList;

#	debug print out	
	if (0) {
	foreach my $keyfile (keys %CompilationGroups) {
		print "$keyfile :\n";
		foreach my $class (keys %{$CompilationGroups{$keyfile}}) {
			print "\t$class:\n\t\t";
			print join " ", @{$CompilationGroups{$keyfile}{$class}}, "\n";

sub PMStartSrcList {

		"# SOURCES\n",

	InitMultiFileCompilation() if DoMultiFile();


sub PMBitMapBld {



sub PMResrcBld {



sub PMAifBld {

sub PMStartSrc {
	my $Src=&main::Src;

		"# Source $Src\n",

sub PMSrcDepend {
	my @DepList=&main::DepList;
	return if (@DepList == 0);

	my @BldList=&main::BldList;	
	my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
	my $ExtSrc=&main::ExtSrc;
	my $BaseObj=$BaseSrc;
	my $cia = 0;
	if ($ExtSrc =~ /cia/i ) {
		$cia = 1;
		$BaseObj .= '_';

	foreach (@BldList) {
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$_)\\$BaseSrc.pre"), " ",
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$_)\\$BaseObj.cpp"), " ",
		) if $cia;
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$_)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), " ",
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$_)\\$BaseObj.o"), " \\\n",
        PrintList("\' \\\n\t\'\.\&Generic_Quote\(\$_\)", @DepList);

sub PMSrcBldDepend {
	my @DepList=&main::DepList;
	return if (@DepList == 0);
	my $Bld=&main::Bld;
	my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
	my $ExtSrc=&main::ExtSrc;
	my $BaseObj=$BaseSrc;
	my $cia = 0;
	if ($ExtSrc =~ /cia/i ) {
		$cia = 1;
		$BaseObj .= '_';

		&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.pre"), " ",
		&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseObj.cpp"), " ",
	) if $cia;
		&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), " ",
		&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseObj.o"), " :",
        PrintList("\' \\\n\t\'\.\&Generic_Quote\(\$_\)", @DepList);

my $curdrive = "x";

sub quoted_path
    my ($arg) = @_;
    return "\"$arg\"" if ($arg !~ /^\\[^\\]/);	# not an absolute path
    if ($curdrive eq "x")
		$curdrive=$1 if (cwd =~ /^(.:)/);	
    return "\"$curdrive$arg\"";

sub PMPrefixFile 
    my $IncPath = &main::EPOCIncPath;
    return quoted_path(&Generic_Quote("$IncPath"."rvct\\rvct.h"));

my $preinclude =   "--preinclude \$(EPOCINC)\\rvct\\rvct.h";
my $edg_preinclude = "-I \$(EPOCINC)\\RVCT${RVCTVersion} --preinclude edg_rvct${RVCTVersion}.h";

sub SelectLangOptions {
	my ($Ext) = @_;
	if ($Ext=~/^.cpp$/) {
		# In case of function call logger, the preinclude file is passed to the function call logger
		# hence it is not required to pass the same file to the compiler.
		return "--cpp "	if ($Function_Call_Logger);
		return "--cpp $preinclude ";
	if ($Ext=~/^.cia$/) {
		return "--cpp ";
	if ($Ext=~/^.c$/) {
		if($CompilerOption =~/--cpp/) {
			#Function Call Logger
			return "--cpp " if ($Function_Call_Logger);
			return "--cpp $preinclude ";
		else {
			#Function Call Logger
			return "--c90 " if ($Function_Call_Logger);
			return "--c90 $preinclude ";
	# To support .cc, .cxx, .c++ file extensions for Open Environment
	elsif ($Ext=~/^(.cc|.cxx|.c\+\+)$/) {
		#Function Call Logger
		return "--cpp " if ($Function_Call_Logger);
		return "--cpp $preinclude ";
	return '';

sub PMEndSrcBld {
#       Generate multifile compilation stuff if needed.
        if (DoMultiFile()) {

	my $ABI=&main::ABI;
	my $Plat=&main::Plat;
	my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
	my $Bld=&main::Bld;
	my $Src=lc &main::Src;	
	my $SrcPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::SrcPath);
	my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $Src);	
	my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
	my $BldPath = &main::BldPath;
	$Src = ucfirst $Src if ($Ext !~ /\.(cpp|c)$/);		
	my $LangOptions = &SelectLangOptions($Ext);
	# support for auto 'translated' ASM 
	my $AsmFilep = $AsmFiles{$Src};

	# Logger Ouput filename 
	my $Logger_Output = lc ($BaseSrc) . ".int.cpp";
	my $LstExt ;
	if($Plat =~ /^(ARMV[6-9])/i){
		$LstExt = $1 ;	
		$LstExt = $ABI;
	my $lfboption = LinkerFeedBackOption();

	#Function Call Logger
	my $FC_Logger_Option=" --wchar_t_keyword --microsoft_version=1300 --dictionary_file_name $BldPath$BaseTrg.txt --diag_suppress 66,161,611,654,815,830,997,1152,1300,1390";

	if ($AsmFilep || $Ext =~ /cia/i) {
# compile the translated, preprocessed source
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.o"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.cpp"), "\n",
			"\t\@echo $Src\n",
			"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) $lfboption$LangOptions -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) -o \$\@ \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.cpp\n",
# rule to translate the preprocessed source
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.cpp"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.pre"), "\n",
			"\ttranasm.bat -n -s -o=\$\@ \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.pre\n",
# rule to preprocess the source
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.pre"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote("$SrcPath\\$Src"), "\n",
  			"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) -D__CIA__ -E $preinclude $LangOptions -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) $SrcPath\\$Src -o \$\@ \n",
# generate an assembly listing target too
			"LISTING$Bld$BaseSrc\_ : ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.lis"), "\n",
			"\t", &Generic_CopyAction("$SrcPath\\$BaseSrc\_.$LstExt.lst"),
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.lis"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.cpp"), "\n",
			"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) $LangOptions -S -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) -o \$\@ \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.cpp\n",
	} else {
		#If Function Call logging is enabled, add call to function call logger
		if ($Function_Call_Logger) {
				" : ",
				"\t\@echo $Logger_Output\n",
				"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) $lfboption$LangOptions -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) -o \$\@ \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Logger_Output\n",
# generate an assembly listing target too
				"LISTING$Bld$BaseSrc : ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), "\n",
				"\t", &Generic_CopyAction("$SrcPath\\$BaseSrc.$LstExt.lst"),
				&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), " : ",
				&Generic_Quote("$SrcPath\\$Logger_Output"), "\n",
				"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) $LangOptions -S -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) -o \$\@ \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Logger_Output \n",

			#Call to Function Call Logger
				&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Logger_Output"), " : ",
				"\t \@echo $Logger_Output\n",
				"\t \$(FCLOGGER$Bld) $lfboption$edg_preinclude \\\n",
			    "\t -I $SrcPath  \\\n",
				"\t \$(INCDIR_FCLOGGER) $FC_Logger_Option \\\n",
			    "\t --gen_c_file_name \$\@ $SrcPath\\$Src\n",
		else {			
				&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.o"), " : ",
				&Generic_Quote("$SrcPath\\$Src"), "\n",
				"\t\@echo $Src\n",
				"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) $lfboption$LangOptions -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) -o \$\@ $SrcPath\\$Src\n",
# generate an assembly listing target too
			"LISTING$Bld$BaseSrc : ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), "\n",
			"\t", &Generic_CopyAction("$SrcPath\\$BaseSrc.$LstExt.lst"),
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote("$SrcPath\\$Src"), "\n",
			"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) $LangOptions -S -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) -o \$\@ $SrcPath\\$Src \n",
			#Compiler wrapper support starts
				my $Platcmpwrap=&main::Plat;
					"COMPWRAP$Bld$BaseSrc : ",
					&Generic_Quote("$SrcPath\\$Src"), "\n",
					"\t\@echo Analysing $Src\n",
					"\t\$(COMPWRAP) \$(ARMCC$Bld) $LangOptions -S -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) -o \$\@ $SrcPath\\$Src \n",
			#Compiler wrapper support ends

my $MFVarN = 0;
sub MultiFileEndSrcBld {
	my $ABI=&main::ABI;
	my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
	my $Bld=&main::Bld;
        my $KeyFile = &main::Src;
	my $Src=ucfirst lc $KeyFile;
	my $SrcPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::SrcPath);
	my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $Src);
	my $LangOptions = &SelectLangOptions($Ext);
	# support for auto 'translated' ASM 
	my $AsmFilep = $AsmFiles{$Src};

	my $lfboption = LinkerFeedBackOption();

	if ($AsmFilep || $Ext =~ /cia/i) {
		if ($CompilationGroups{$KeyFile}) {
# compile the translated, preprocessed source
		       &main::Output( "OBJECTS$MFVarN = ");
		       foreach my $obj (@{$CompilationGroups{$KeyFile}{Objects}}) {
			       &main::Output( &Generic_Quote("\\\n\t\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$obj"), " "); 
       		       &main::Output( "\n\n");
		       &main::Output( "SOURCES$MFVarN = ");
		       foreach my $src (@{$CompilationGroups{$KeyFile}{Sources}}) {
			       &main::Output( &Generic_Quote("\\\n\t\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$src", " "));
       		       &main::Output( "\n\n");
		       &main::Output( "\$(OBJECTS$MFVarN) : \$(SOURCES$MFVarN) \n");

				     "\t\@echo Compiling \$(SOURCES$MFVarN)\n", 
				     "\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) $lfboption\\\n",
				     "\t\t$LangOptions -o \$\@ --multifile \$(SOURCES$MFVarN)"
       		       &main::Output( "\n\n");
# rule to translate the preprocessed source
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.cpp"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.pre"), "\n",
			"\ttranasm.bat -n -s -o=\$\@ \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.pre\n",
# rule to preprocess the source
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.pre"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote("$SrcPath\\$Src"), "\n",
  			"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) -D__CIA__ -E $preinclude $LangOptions -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) $SrcPath\\$Src -o \$\@ \n",
# generate an assembly listing target too
			"LISTING$Bld$BaseSrc\_ : ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.lis"), "\n",
			"\t", &Generic_CopyAction("$SrcPath\\$BaseSrc\_.$LstExt.lst"),
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.lis"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.cpp"), "\n",
			"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) $LangOptions -S -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) -o \$\@ \$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.cpp\n",
	} else {

		if ($CompilationGroups{$KeyFile}) {
#                      compile the source
		       &main::Output( "OBJECTS$MFVarN = ");
		       foreach my $obj (@{$CompilationGroups{$KeyFile}{Objects}}) {
			       &main::Output( &Generic_Quote("\\\n\t\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$obj"), " "); 
       		       &main::Output( "\n\n");
		       &main::Output( "SOURCES$MFVarN = ");
		       foreach my $src (@{$CompilationGroups{$KeyFile}{Sources}}) {
			       &main::Output( &Generic_Quote("\\\n\t$src"), " ");
       		       &main::Output( "\n\n");
		       &main::Output( "\$(OBJECTS$MFVarN) : \$(SOURCES$MFVarN) \n");

				     "\t\@echo Compiling \$(SOURCES$MFVarN)\n", 
				     "\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) $lfboption\\\n",
				     "\t\t$LangOptions -o \$\@ --multifile \$(SOURCES$MFVarN)"
       		       &main::Output( "\n\n");
#		generate an assembly listing target too
			"LISTING$Bld$BaseSrc : ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), "\n",
			"\t", &Generic_CopyAction("$SrcPath\\$BaseSrc.$LstExt.lst"),
			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), " : ",
			&Generic_Quote("$SrcPath\\$Src"), "\n",
			"\t\$(ARMCC$Bld) $LangOptions -S -J $SrcPath \$(INCDIR) -o \$\@ $SrcPath\\$Src \n",

sub PMEndSrc {


sub PMEndSrcList {

	# Deal with accumulated MAKEDIRS etc.


sub PMSupportsFeatureVariants
	return 1;
