author Mike Kinghan <>
Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:59:07 +0000
changeset 40 68f68128601f
permissions -rw-r--r--
1) Add the sbsv1 components from sftools/dev/build to make the linux_build package independent of the obsolete buildtools package. 2) Enhance so that it generate the symbol file for the built rom when invoked by Raptor 3) Make the tool portable for Linux as well as Windows. 4) Remove the of from the e32tools component in favour of the copy now exported from sbsv1/e32util.

# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# This module provides a mapping from build platforms (e.g. ARMV5) to the
# corresponding RVCT environment settings. The information is obtained from an INI
# file pointed to by the environment variable ABLD_PLAT_INI. The file can have two
# different formats. The first format (Format 1) is:
# [Symbian_OS_v9.5]
# ARMV5 = RVCT 2.2.616
# ARMV6 = RVCT 2.2.616
# ARMV7 = RVCT 3.1.700
# [Symbian_OS_v9.6]
# ARMV5 = RVCT 3.1.862
# ARMV7 = RVCT 4.0.100
# [Symbian_OS_vFuture]
# ARMV5 = RVCT 4.1.812
# ARMV7 = RVCT 4.0.100
# This format matches the tuple <OS version, build platform> onto a RVCT version.
# The build system will look up the OS version in "\epoc32\data\buildinfo.txt".
# The second format (Format 2) is:
# ARMV5 = RVCT 2.2.616
# ARMV6 = RVCT 2.2.616
# ARMV7 = RVCT 3.1.700
# This format doesn't take the OS version into account and is mostly intended for
# the Integration team.
# If ABLD_PLAT_INI is not set, or if the INI file doesn't contain any data for the
# given platform, whatever RVCT version is found in the path will be used.

package RVCT_plat2set;

use RVCT_ver2set;


# Returns the RVCT version corresponding to the given build platform. The first
# function returns the data as a string (e.g. "2.2.616"); the second function
# returns the data as a list (e.g. [2,2,616]).
sub get_version_string($);
sub get_version_list($);

# Returns true if an RVCT version corresponding to the given platform exists.
sub compiler_exists($);

# Given a build platform, returns what the name and value of the RVCT??BIN variable
# would be. 
sub get_bin_name($);
sub get_bin_path($);

# Given a build platform, returns what the name and value of the RVCT??INC variable
# would be. 
sub get_inc_name($);
sub get_inc_path($);

# Given a build platform, returns what the name and value of the RVCT??LIB variable
# variable would be. 
sub get_lib_name($);
sub get_lib_path($);

# Given a build platform and the name of an RVCT library, returns the full path to
# that library.
sub find_lib($$);


sub _get_something(@);
sub _err_and_die(@);
sub _get_os_version();
sub _parse_section_data($@);


my %g_data;

sub get_version_string($)
    return _get_something(@_, 'version');

sub get_version_list($)
    my $tmp = _get_something(@_, 'version');

    return split(/\./, $tmp);

sub compiler_exists($)
    my $plat = shift;

    if ( $g_data{$plat}->{version} || $g_data{0}->{version} )
        return 1;
        return 0;

sub get_bin_name($)
    return _get_something(@_, 'bin_name');

sub get_bin_path($)
    return _get_something(@_, 'bin_path');

sub get_inc_name($)
    return _get_something(@_, 'inc_name');

sub get_inc_path($)
    return _get_something(@_, 'inc_path');

sub get_lib_name($)
    return _get_something(@_, 'lib_name');

sub get_lib_path($)
    return _get_something(@_, 'lib_path');

sub find_lib($$)
    my $plat = shift;
    my $lib  = shift;

    my $p = get_lib_path($plat);

    my $f1 = "$p\\armlib\\$lib";
    my $f2 = "$p\\cpplib\\$lib";

    return "$p\\armlib\\$lib" if -f $f1;
    return "$p\\cpplib\\$lib" if -f $f2;

    _err_and_die("could not find $lib for platform $plat.");

sub _get_something(@)
    my $plat = shift;
    my $what = shift;
    my $data = $g_data{$plat}->{$what};

    if (!$data)
        $data = $g_data{0}->{$what};

    return $data;

sub _err_and_die(@)
    if ( defined(&main::FatalError) )
        print STDERR "error: @_\n";

    exit 1;

sub _get_os_version()
    my $fname = "/epoc32/data/buildinfo.txt";
    my $os_ver = "";

    open (my $in,  "<",  $fname) or _err_and_die("couldn't open $fname.");

    while (<$in>)

        if ( $_ =~ /^\s*ManufacturerSoftwareBuild\s+M\d\d\d\d\d_(\S+)\s*$/i )
            $os_ver = $1;

    close $in or _err_and_die("couldn't close $fname.");

    _err_and_die("couldn't read OS version in $fname") unless $os_ver;

    return $os_ver;

sub _parse_section_data($@)
    my ($fname, @lines) = @_;

    for (@lines)
        if ( $_ =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*RVCT\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*$/i )
            my $plat = uc($1);
            my $vers = $2;

            _err_and_die("$fname: platform $plat already defined.") if $g_data{$plat};
            _err_and_die("$fname: RVCT $vers doesn't exist.") unless RVCT_ver2set::compiler_exists($vers);

            $g_data{$plat}->{version} = $vers;

            $g_data{$plat}->{bin_name} = RVCT_ver2set::get_bin_name($vers);
            $g_data{$plat}->{bin_path} = RVCT_ver2set::get_bin_path($vers);

            $g_data{$plat}->{inc_name} = RVCT_ver2set::get_inc_name($vers);
            $g_data{$plat}->{inc_path} = RVCT_ver2set::get_inc_path($vers);

            $g_data{$plat}->{lib_name} = RVCT_ver2set::get_lib_name($vers);
            $g_data{$plat}->{lib_path} = RVCT_ver2set::get_lib_path($vers);
            _err_and_die("$fname: invalid field: $_.");

# initialize module
    # Initialise platform "0", wich represents the RVCT version found in the path.
    my $vsnworked = 0; # Flag to check if --vsn command worked
    # clear --licretry from RVCT22_CCOPT
    my $key;
    my %RVCT_CCOPT;
    foreach $key (keys %ENV) {
        if($key =~ /RVCT\d+_CCOPT/i ) {
            $RVCT_CCOPT{$key} = $ENV{$key};
            $ENV{$key} =~ s/--licretry//i;
    my @lines = qx/armcc --vsn 2>&1/;

    foreach (@lines)
        if ($_ =~ /\bRVCT(\d)\.(\d)\s+\[Build (\d+)\]/ )
	    $vsnworked = 1;
            my ($bin, $inc, $lib) = ("RVCT$1$2BIN", "RVCT$1$2INC", "RVCT$1$2LIB");

            $g_data{0}->{version} = "$1.$2.$3";

            $g_data{0}->{bin_name} = $bin;
            $g_data{0}->{bin_path} = $ENV{$bin};

            $g_data{0}->{inc_name} = $inc;
            $g_data{0}->{inc_path} = $ENV{$inc};

            $g_data{0}->{lib_name} = $lib;
            $g_data{0}->{lib_path} = $ENV{$lib};

    # In case --vsn doesn't work, call --version_number and setup environment variables
    if ($vsnworked == 0)
	    my @lines = qx/armcc --version_number 2>&1/;
	    foreach (@lines) 
		    if ($_ =~ /^(\d{1})(\d{1})\d{1}(\d{3})$/) 
			    my ($bin, $inc, $lib) = ("RVCT$1$2BIN", "RVCT$1$2INC", "RVCT$1$2LIB");
			    $g_data{0}->{version} = "$1.$2.$3";
			    $g_data{0}->{bin_name} = $bin;
			    $g_data{0}->{bin_path} = $ENV{$bin};

			    $g_data{0}->{inc_name} = $inc;
		            $g_data{0}->{inc_path} = $ENV{$inc};

		            $g_data{0}->{lib_name} = $lib;
		            $g_data{0}->{lib_path} = $ENV{$lib};


    # restore RVCT22_CCOPT
    foreach $key (keys %RVCT_CCOPT) {
        $ENV{$key} = $RVCT_CCOPT{$key};
    # Initialise all platforms defined in the INI file, if that file exists.

    my $fname = $ENV{ABLD_PLAT_INI};

    if ($fname) # The environment variable is set.
        _err_and_die("ABLD_PLAT_INI doesn't point to a file.") unless -f $fname;

        open (my $in,  "<",  $fname) or _err_and_die("couldn't open ABLD_PLAT_INI = $fname.");

        my @lines = ();
        my $format1 = 0;

        while (<$in>)

            next if /^\s*;/ ;
            next if /^\s*#/ ;
            next if /^\s*$/ ;

            if ($_ =~ /^\s*\[/i)
                # This must be the start of an INI section so We treat the file as
                # format 1.
                $format1 = 1;

            push @lines, $_;

        close $in or _err_and_die("couldn't close ABLD_PLAT_INI = $fname.");
        _err_and_die("$fname contains no data") unless @lines;

        if ($format1)
            my $os_ver = _get_os_version();
            my @lines2 = ();

            while (@lines)
                my $line = shift @lines;
                if ( $line =~ /^\s*\[$os_ver\]/i)

            while (@lines)
                my $line = shift @lines;

                if ( $line =~ /^\s*\[/i)
                push @lines2, $line;

            _parse_section_data($fname, @lines2);
        else # Format 2.
            # The file is one big section without header.
            _parse_section_data($fname, @lines);

    } # if ($fname)
