1) Make cross-plat-dev-utils perl scripts independent of the package directory name
2) Fix c++ code to get rid of const_casts
# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Perl script to check that import stubs go to the right place
my $symbolfile="ba_001.engbuild.symbol";
my $imagefile="ba_001.engbuild.img";
my $imageoffset=0; # will be read from the image header
die "Usage: checkstubs [imagefile]\n" if (@ARGV>1);
if (@ARGV==1)
$imagefile = @ARGV[0];
$symbolfile = $imagefile;
$symbolfile =~ s/img$/symbol/i;
# 1. Read in the SYMBOL information
# From \epoc32\release\ARM4\urel\netdial.agt
# 50989f5c 00c0 CImap4Utils::SendLogMessageL(int, TRequestStatus &)
# 5098a01c 000c stub UserSvr::DllGlobalAlloc(int, int)
my %stubs; # stub names, by address
my %funcs; # function names, by address
my %knownfuncs; # function names which are reported in symbol file
my $line;
open SYMBOL, "<$symbolfile" or die "Cannot open $symbolfile";
while ($line=<SYMBOL>)
if ($line =~ /^([0-9a-f]{8})\s+[0-9a-f]+\s+(.*)$/i)
my $address = hex($1);
my $name = $2;
$funcs{$address} = $name;
$knownfuncs{$name} = 1;
if ($name =~/^stub (.*)$/)
$stubs{$address} = $1; # lots of stubs, but only one address!
close SYMBOL;
# 2. Understand the ROM structure
open IMAGE, "<$imagefile" or die "Cannot open $imagefile";
binmode IMAGE;
my $stubaddress;
my $stubdata;
my $stubcount=0;
my $errors=0;
my $uncheckable=0;
read IMAGE, $stubdata, 20;
if ($stubdata =~ /^EPOC....ROM/)
$imageoffset -= 256; # compensate for REPRO header
# Read the image header to determine ROM linear address
sub read_imageword
my $imagedata;
read IMAGE, $imagedata, 4;
return unpack "V", $imagedata;
seek(IMAGE, 0x8c-$imageoffset, 0);
my $romlinearbase = read_imageword();
my $romsize = read_imageword();
$imageoffset += $romlinearbase;
my %areas;
my %area_offsets;
$areas{$romlinearbase} = $romlinearbase+$romsize;
$area_offsets{$romlinearbase} = $imageoffset;
# Check for the extension ROM
if (seek(IMAGE, $romlinearbase+$romsize+0xC-$imageoffset,0))
my $extensionlinearbase = read_imageword();
my $extensionsize = read_imageword();
$areas{$extensionlinearbase} = $extensionlinearbase+$extensionsize;
$area_offsets{$extensionlinearbase} =
$imageoffset+($extensionlinearbase - $romlinearbase -$romsize);
sub image_seek
my ($runaddress) = @_;
my $offset = 0;
# Scan list of area mappings to determine correct offset
my $areabase;
foreach $areabase (keys %areas)
if ($areabase <= $runaddress && $areas{$areabase} > $runaddress)
$offset = $area_offsets{$areabase};
if ($offset==0)
printf "Can't find area for address 0x%x\n", $runaddress, $runaddress-$imageoffset;
return 0;
if (!seek(IMAGE, $runaddress-$offset, 0))
printf "Can't seek to address 0x%x => offset 0x%x\n", $runaddress, $runaddress-$imageoffset;
return 0;
return 1;
# Read the area relocation information (if any)
my $areaptr = read_imageword();
if ($areaptr != 0)
my $areasize=0;
while ($areasize=read_imageword())
my $srcbase=read_imageword();
my $areabase=read_imageword();
$areas{$areabase} = $areabase+$areasize;
$area_offsets{$areabase} = $imageoffset+($areabase-$srcbase);
# 3. Scan the stubs
foreach $stubaddress (sort keys %stubs)
my $stub = $stubs{$stubaddress};
if (!image_seek($stubaddress))
printf "Can't seek to %s at x%x\n", $stub, $stubaddress;
read IMAGE, $stubdata, 20;
my @arm_instructions = (unpack "V4", $stubdata);
my @thumb_instructions = (unpack "v6", $stubdata);
my $address = $stubaddress;
my $indirections =-1;
my $finalbx = 1;
if (@arm_instructions[0] == 0xe59fc000 &&
@arm_instructions[1] == 0xe59cf000)
# arm4 stub
$finalbx = 0;
if (@arm_instructions[0] == 0xe59fc004 &&
@arm_instructions[1] == 0xe59cc000 &&
@arm_instructions[2] == 0xe12fff1c)
# armi stub
if (@arm_instructions[0] == 0xe59fc004 &&
@arm_instructions[1] == 0xe12fff1c)
# fast armi stub
if (@thumb_instructions[0] == 0xb440 &&
@thumb_instructions[1] == 0x4e02 &&
@thumb_instructions[2] == 0x6836 &&
@thumb_instructions[3] == 0x46b4 &&
@thumb_instructions[4] == 0xbc40 &&
@thumb_instructions[5] == 0x4760)
# thumb stub
if (@thumb_instructions[0] == 0xb440 &&
@thumb_instructions[1] == 0x4e02 &&
@thumb_instructions[2] == 0x46b4 &&
@thumb_instructions[3] == 0xbc40 &&
@thumb_instructions[4] == 0x4760)
# fast thumb stub
if (@thumb_instructions[0] == 0x4b01 &&
@thumb_instructions[1] == 0x681b &&
@thumb_instructions[2] == 0x4718)
# thumb r3unused stub
if (@thumb_instructions[0] == 0x4b01 &&
@thumb_instructions[1] == 0x4718)
# fast thumb r3unused stub
if ($indirections < 0)
printf "At %08x unrecognised stub %s = %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", $stubaddress, $stub,
@arm_instructions[0], @arm_instructions[1], @arm_instructions[2], @arm_instructions[3];
my $indirection_count = $indirections;
while ($indirection_count > 0)
if (!image_seek($address))
printf "Failed to follow %s to address 0x%x\n", $stub, $address;
my $data;
read IMAGE, $data, 4;
$address = unpack "V", $data;
$indirection_count -= 1;
next if ($indirection_count != 0);
if ($finalbx)
$address &= 0xfffffffe; # clear THUMB mode indicator
if (!defined($funcs{$address}))
if (!defined($knownfuncs{$stub}))
# we don't have a map file for the provider of this function anyway
printf "At %08x stub %s points to %08x, which is not a known function\n", $stubaddress, $stub, $address;
if ($funcs{$address} ne $stub)
printf "At %08x stub %s points to %08x, which is %s\n", $stubaddress, $stub, $address, $funcs{$address};
# Hurrah - it goes to the right place...
close IMAGE;
print "Checked $symbolfile and $imagefile\n";
if ($errors==0 && $uncheckable==0)
print "All $stubcount stubs passed\n";
print "Tested $stubcount stubs, $uncheckable couldn't be verified, found $errors errors\n";
exit ($errors);