1) Introducing support for 32/64-bit variants of the patch files
2) Fix bug in fix_epoc32_linux.pl whereby changes to the gcc -preinclude patch file were not applied if already existed.
3) Extending weed_backups.pl to weed the epoc32 tree as well as the package dir
4) Make build_target.pl return non-0 if build has warnings
5) Make build_all.pl fail a target if it has warnings
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Name : diamonds_config.xml
Part of : Helium
Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
<template-dir path="${ant['helium.dir']}/tools/common/templates/diamonds" />
<output-dir path="${ant['diamonds.build.output.dir']}"/>
<property name="smtpserver" value="email.smtp.server" />
<property name="ldapserver" value="email.ldap.server" />
<property name="initialiser-target-name" value="diamonds" />
<property name="host" value="diamonds.host" />
<property name="port" value="diamonds.port" />
<property name="path" value="diamonds.path" />
<property name="tstampformat" value="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" />
<property name="mail" value="diamonds.mail" />
<property name="category-property" value="build.family" />
<property name="buildid-property" value="diamonds.build.id" />
<stage name="pre-build" start="prep" end="prebuild" />
<stage name="build" start="compile-main" end="compile-main" />
<stage name="post-build" start="postbuild" end="zip-localised" />
<stage name="release" start="publish-variants" end="final" />
<target name="diamonds" template-file="tool.xml.ftl"
logfile="${ant['temp.build.dir']}/build/doc/ivy/tool-dependencies-${ant['build.type']}.xml" ant-properties="true"/>
<target name="compile-main" />
<target name="ido-codescanner" template-file="codescanner.xml.ftl"
<!-- if no logfile provided, looks for xml file to send
using <build.id_target_name.xml> file or<target_name.xml> file,
if both doesn't exists does nothing. tries to pass ant properties
and sends it.-->
<target name="create-bom"/>
<target name="post-coverity" template-file="coverity.xml.ftl"
<target name="rndsdk-create-api-descr-xml" template-file="apimetrics.xml.ftl"
<#if (ant?keys?seq_contains('validate.policy.log'))>
<target name="render-validate-policy" template-file="validate-policy-log.xml.ftl"
<!-- defer will store all the converted output file and sends only if there any other
stage / target starts to send some data to diamonds -->
<target name="check-tool-dependencies" template-file="tool.xml.ftl"
logfile="${ant['temp.build.dir']}/build/doc/ivy/tool-dependencies-${ant['build.type']}.xml" ant-properties="true"