Provide elf2e32 with an option to select either RVCT assembler or GNU assembler output for the --dump option
@echo offremrem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).rem All rights reserved.rem This component and the accompanying materials are made availablerem under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"rem which accompanies this distribution, and is availablerem at the URL "".remrem Initial Contributors:rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.remrem Contributors:remrem Description: remsetlocalREM Set the Helium locationREM Make sure the path is not ending with a backslash!if not defined HELIUM_HOME ( set HELIUM_HOME_TEMP=%~dp0)if not defined HELIUM_HOME ( set HELIUM_HOME=%HELIUM_HOME_TEMP:~0,-1%)set ANT_ARGS=-lib "%HELIUM_HOME%\tools\common\java\lib" -lib "%HELIUM_HOME%\external\antlibs"call "%HELIUM_HOME%\hlm.bat" -f "%HELIUM_HOME%\tools\startup\bootstrap\bootstrap.ant.xml" get-ivy %*call "%HELIUM_HOME%\hlm.bat" -f "%HELIUM_HOME%\tools\startup\bootstrap\bootstrap.ant.xml" %*