mikek [Thu, 13 May 2010 19:18:16 +0100] rev 9
1) Updating the .hgignore to exclude Raptor's built binaries
2) Updating the baseline patch file.
mikek [Thu, 13 May 2010 18:52:55 +0100] rev 8
1) Remove numerous Raptor built binaries inadvertently committed.
2) Fix deepclean_raptor.pl to delete the same binaries
3) Remove unnecessary module loads from patch_upstream.pl
mikek [Thu, 13 May 2010 09:00:30 +0100] rev 7
Updating README and TODO files
mikek [Thu, 13 May 2010 08:38:18 +0100] rev 6
1) Make cross-plat-dev-utils perl scripts independent of the package directory name
2) Fix c++ code to get rid of const_casts
mikek [Wed, 12 May 2010 09:52:26 +0100] rev 5
Adding #include <limits.h>
mikek [Tue, 11 May 2010 11:57:51 +0100] rev 4
Delete a scratch file inadvertently committed and fix some typos
mikek [Tue, 11 May 2010 08:11:21 +0100] rev 3
Delete scratch file
mikek [Mon, 10 May 2010 19:54:49 +0100] rev 2
Removing all prior files. Adding a complete branch of the 'build' package with fixes
and tools to build all targets on both Linux and Windows.