--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/beagle_drivers/medwb/medwb.cpp Wed Mar 03 13:10:32 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+/* Cypress West Bridge API source file
+## ===========================
+## Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2006-2009,
+## All Rights Reserved
+## Use of this file is governed
+## by the license agreement included in the file
+## <install>/license/license.txt
+## where <install> is the Cypress software
+## installation root directory path.
+## ===========================
+#include "locmedia.h"
+#include "platform.h"
+//#include "variantmediadef.h"
+#include <assp\omap3530_assp\CyAsSymbianStorageDriver.h>
+#define _MEDWB_DEBUG_1_
+//#define _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+//#define INTERVAL_FOR_WB 15 // 15 -- OK
+#define WB_BUFFER_SIZE 2*(65536 + 512)
+#define WB_RETRY_COUNT 2
+//const TInt KStackNumber = 0;
+const TInt KDiskSectorSize=512;
+const TInt KDiskSectorShift=9;
+//const TInt KIdleCurrentInMilliAmps = 1;
+const TInt KMBRFirstPartitionEntry=0x1BE;
+TUint8 ptrWBBuffer[WB_BUFFER_SIZE];
+template <class T>
+inline T UMin(T aLeft,T aRight)
+ {return(aLeft<aRight ? aLeft : aRight);}
+class DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB : public DPhysicalDevice
+ {
+ DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB();
+ virtual TInt Install();
+ virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
+ virtual TInt Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aMediaId, const TDesC8* aInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+ virtual TInt Validate(TInt aDeviceType, const TDesC8* aInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+ virtual TInt Info(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1);
+ };
+class DMediaDriverWB : public DMediaDriver
+ {
+ DMediaDriverWB(TInt aMediaId);
+ ~DMediaDriverWB();
+ // ...from DMediaDriver
+ virtual void Close();
+ // replacing pure virtual
+ virtual void Disconnect(DLocalDrive* aLocalDrive, TThreadMessage*);
+ virtual TInt Request(TLocDrvRequest& aRequest);
+ virtual TInt PartitionInfo(TPartitionInfo& anInfo);
+ virtual void NotifyPowerDown();
+ virtual void NotifyEmergencyPowerDown();
+ // For creation by DPhysicalDeviceMediaMmcFlash
+ TInt DoCreate(TInt aMediaId);
+ // MMC device specific stuff
+ TInt DoRead(TLocDrvRequest&);
+ TInt DoWrite(TLocDrvRequest&);
+ TInt DoFormat(TLocDrvRequest&);
+ TInt Caps(TLocDrv& aDrive, TLocalDriveCapsV6& aInfo);
+ TInt DecodePartitionInfo();
+ TInt WritePartitionInfo();
+ TInt GetDefaultPartitionInfo(TMBRPartitionEntry& aPartitionEntry);
+ TInt CreateDefaultPartition();
+ static void SetPartitionEntry(TPartitionEntry* aEntry, TUint aFirstSector, TUint aNumSectors);
+ TInt CheckDevice(int aReqType);
+ void Reset();
+ TInt iMediaId;
+ TPartitionInfo* iPartitionInfo;
+ TBool iMbrMissing;
+ TUint iHiddenSectors; // bootup / password
+ TUint8* ptrWriteBuf; // start of current buffer region
+ TUint8* ptrReadBuf; // start of current buffer region
+ TInt read_size;
+ TInt read_pos;
+ TInt iUnitSize;
+ TInt iBlockSize;
+ };
+// ======== DPhysicalDeviceMediaMmcFlash ========
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("=mmd:ctr");
+ #endif
+ iUnitsMask = 0x01;
+ iVersion = TVersion(KMediaDriverInterfaceMajorVersion,KMediaDriverInterfaceMinorVersion,KMediaDriverInterfaceBuildVersion);
+ }
+TInt DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB::Install()
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("=mmd:ins");
+ #endif
+ _LIT(KDrvNm, "Media.WB");
+ return SetName(&KDrvNm);
+ }
+void DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB::GetCaps(TDes8& /* aDes */) const
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("=mmd:cap");
+ #endif
+ }
+TInt DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB::Info(TInt aFunction, TAny* /*a1*/)
+// Return the priority of this media driver
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("=mmd:info");
+ #endif
+ if (aFunction==EPriority)
+ return KMediaDriverPriorityNormal;
+ // Don't close media driver when peripheral bus powers down. This avoids the need for Caps() to power up the stack.
+ if (aFunction==EMediaDriverPersistent)
+ return KErrNone;
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB::Validate(TInt aDeviceType, const TDesC8* /*aInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("=mmd:validate aDeviceType %d\n", aDeviceType);
+ #endif
+ if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(iVersion,aVer))
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("Validate -> KErrNotSupported\n");
+ #endif
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ if (aDeviceType!=MEDIA_DEVICE_MMC)
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("Validate -> Wrong DeviceType\n");
+ #endif
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB::Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aMediaId, const TDesC8* /*aInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
+// Create an MMC Card media driver.
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("=mmd:crt");
+ #endif
+ if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(iVersion,aVer))
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ DMediaDriverWB* pD = new DMediaDriverWB(aMediaId);
+ aChannel=pD;
+ TInt r=KErrNoMemory;
+ if (pD)
+ r=pD->DoCreate(aMediaId);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ pD->OpenMediaDriverComplete(KErrNone);
+ #endif
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf("<mmd:mdf"));
+ return r;
+ }
+// Helper
+template <class T>
+inline T* KernAlloc(const TUint32 n)
+ { return static_cast<T*>(Kern::Alloc(n * sizeof(T))); }
+// ---- ctor, open, close, dtor ----
+#pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // this used in initializer list
+DMediaDriverWB::DMediaDriverWB(TInt aMediaId)
+ :DMediaDriver(aMediaId),
+ iMediaId(iPrimaryMedia->iNextMediaId)
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("=mmd:wb");
+ // NB aMedia Id = the media ID of the primary media, iMediaId = the media ID of this media
+ Kern::Printf("DMediaDriverWB(), iMediaId %d, aMediaId %d\n", iMediaId, aMediaId);
+ #endif
+ }
+#pragma warning( default : 4355 )
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::DoCreate(TInt /*aMediaId*/)
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf(">mmd:opn");
+ #endif
+ iUnitSize = CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetUnitSize();
+ iBlockSize = CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetBlockSize();
+ if( iBlockSize == 0 )
+ iBlockSize = 1;
+ read_pos = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ read_size = 0;
+ // get card characteristics
+ SetTotalSizeInBytes(CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetMediaSize());
+ // get buffer memory from EPBUS
+ ptrReadBuf = ptrWBBuffer;
+ ptrWriteBuf = &ptrWBBuffer[65536+512];
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("<mmd:opn");
+ #endif
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+void DMediaDriverWB::Close()
+// Close the media driver - also called on media change
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("=mmd:cls");
+ #endif
+ EndInCritical();
+ //CompleteRequest(KErrNotReady);
+ DMediaDriver::Close();
+ }
+ {
+ }
+// ---- media access ----
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::DoRead(TLocDrvRequest& iCurrentReq)
+// set up iReqStart, iReqEnd and iReqCur and launch first read. Subsequent reads
+// will be launched from the callback DFC.
+ {
+ Int64 pos=iCurrentReq.Pos();
+ Int64 length=iCurrentReq.Length();
+ TInt r;
+ if (length<0 || pos<0 || (pos+length)>KMaxTInt)
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ TInt p=(TInt)pos;
+ TInt l=(TInt)length;
+ if (p+l>CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetMediaSize())
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ TInt pos_block = p / iBlockSize;
+ TInt pos_offset = p % iBlockSize;
+ TInt size_block = l / iBlockSize;
+ TInt size_offset = l % iBlockSize;
+ TUint buf_offset = 0;
+ TInt local_pos;
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Read> real (%d@%d)", l, p);
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Read> pos_block - %d", pos_block) ;
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Read> pos_offset - %d", pos_offset) ;
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Read> size_block - %d", size_block) ;
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Read> size_offset - %d", size_offset) ;
+ #endif
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ if( pos_block == read_pos )
+ {
+ if( read_size < l )
+ {
+ buf_offset = read_size;
+ size_block = (l-read_size) / iBlockSize;
+ size_offset = (l-read_size) % iBlockSize;
+ local_pos = pos_block + (read_size /iBlockSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TPtrC8 des((ptrReadBuf+pos_offset), l);
+ r = iCurrentReq.WriteRemote(&des, 0);
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ #if 0
+ else if( (read_pos + (read_size/iBlockSize)) > pos_block )
+ {
+ TInt adjust_offset;
+ TInt adjust_size;
+ adjust_offset = (read_pos - pos_block) * iBlockSize;
+ adjust_size = read_size - adjust_offset;
+ memcpy(ptrReadBuf, &ptrReadBuf[adjust_offset], adjust_size );
+ read_pos = pos_block;
+ read_size = adjust_size;
+ if( read_size < l )
+ {
+ buf_offset = read_size;
+ size_block = (l-read_size) / iBlockSize;
+ size_offset = (l-read_size) % iBlockSize;
+ local_pos = pos_block + (read_size /iBlockSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TPtrC8 des((ptrReadBuf+pos_offset), l);
+ r = iCurrentReq.WriteRemote(&des, 0);
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ else
+ local_pos = read_pos = pos_block;
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Read> local_pos - %d", local_pos) ;
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Read> buf_offset - %d", buf_offset) ;
+ #endif
+ if( size_block )
+ {
+ CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Read(local_pos, size_block, (void *)(ptrReadBuf+buf_offset));
+ local_pos += size_block;
+ buf_offset += (size_block*iBlockSize);
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ }
+ if( pos_offset || size_offset )
+ {
+ CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Read(local_pos, 1, (void *)(ptrReadBuf+buf_offset) );
+ local_pos += size_block;
+ buf_offset += iBlockSize;
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ }
+ read_size = buf_offset;
+ TPtrC8 des((ptrReadBuf+pos_offset), l);
+ r = iCurrentReq.WriteRemote(&des, 0);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::DoWrite(TLocDrvRequest& iCurrentReq)
+// set up iReqStart, iReqEnd, and iReqCur, and launch first write. Any subsequent
+// writes are launched from the session end DFC. LaunchWrite() handles pre-reading
+// any sectors that are only partially modified.
+ {
+ Int64 pos = iCurrentReq.Pos();
+ Int64 length = iCurrentReq.Length();
+ TInt r;
+ if (length<0 || pos<0 || (pos+length)>KMaxTInt)
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ TInt p=(TInt)pos;
+ TInt l=(TInt)length;
+ if (p+l>CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetMediaSize())
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Write> (%d@%d)", l, p);
+ #endif
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ TInt pos_block = p / iBlockSize;
+ TInt pos_offset = p % iBlockSize;
+ TInt size_block = l / iBlockSize;
+ TInt size_offset = l % iBlockSize;
+ TUint buf_offset = 0;
+ TInt local_pos;
+ TInt w_block_size = 0;
+ local_pos = pos_block;
+ if( size_block )
+ {
+ CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Read(local_pos, size_block, (void *)(ptrWriteBuf+buf_offset));
+ local_pos += size_block;
+ buf_offset += (size_block*iBlockSize);
+ w_block_size += size_block;
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ }
+ if( pos_offset || size_offset )
+ {
+ CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Read(local_pos, 1, (void *)(ptrWriteBuf+buf_offset) );
+ local_pos += size_block;
+ buf_offset += iBlockSize;
+ w_block_size ++;
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ }
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Write> pos_block - %d", pos_block) ;
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Write> pos_offset - %d", pos_offset) ;
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Write> size_block - %d", size_block) ;
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Write> size_offset - %d", size_offset) ;
+ #endif
+ TPtr8 des((ptrWriteBuf+pos_offset), l);
+ if ( (r = iCurrentReq.ReadRemote(&des,0)) !=KErrNone)
+ {
+ return r;
+ }
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Write> local_pos - %d", local_pos) ;
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Write> w_block_size - %d", w_block_size) ;
+ #endif
+ CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Write(local_pos, w_block_size, ptrWriteBuf);
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::DoFormat(TLocDrvRequest& iCurrentReq)
+ {
+ Int64 pos = iCurrentReq.Pos();
+ Int64 length = iCurrentReq.Length();
+ TInt r;
+ if (length<0 || pos<0 || (pos+length)>KMaxTInt)
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ TInt p=(TInt)pos;
+ TInt l=(TInt)length;
+ if (p+l>CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetMediaSize())
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_1_
+ Kern::Printf("WB::Format> (%d@%d)", l, p);
+ #endif
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ TInt pos_block = p / iBlockSize;
+ TInt pos_offset = p % iBlockSize;
+ TInt size_block = l / iBlockSize;
+ TInt size_offset = l % iBlockSize;
+ TUint buf_offset = 0;
+ TInt local_pos;
+ TInt w_block_size = 0;
+ local_pos = pos_block;
+ if( size_block )
+ {
+ CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Read(local_pos, size_block, (void *)(ptrWriteBuf+buf_offset));
+ local_pos += size_block;
+ buf_offset += (size_block*iBlockSize);
+ w_block_size += size_block;
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ }
+ if( pos_offset || size_offset )
+ {
+ CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Read(local_pos, 1, (void *)(ptrWriteBuf+buf_offset) );
+ local_pos += size_block;
+ buf_offset += iBlockSize;
+ w_block_size ++;
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ }
+ memclr(ptrWriteBuf + pos_offset, l);
+ CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Write(local_pos, w_block_size, ptrWriteBuf);
+ NKern::Sleep(INTERVAL_FOR_WB);
+ #endif
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::PartitionInfo(TPartitionInfo& anInfo)
+// Read the partition information for the media. If the user supplied a password,
+// then unlock the card before trying to read the first sector.
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf(">mmd:rpi");
+ #endif
+ iPartitionInfo = &anInfo;
+ // Assume MBR will be present or is not required
+ iMbrMissing = EFalse;
+ TInt r = DecodePartitionInfo();
+ if(r == KErrLocked)
+ {
+ // If the media is locked, we present a default partition entry to the local
+ // media subsystem, which will be updated when the media is finally unlocked.
+ r = CreateDefaultPartition();
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ return r;
+ return KErrLocked;
+ }
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("<mmd:rpi:%d", r);
+ #endif
+ // KErrNone indicates asynchronous completion
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::DecodePartitionInfo()
+// decode partition info that was read into internal buffer
+ {
+ TInt partitionCount=iPartitionInfo->iPartitionCount=0;
+ TInt defaultPartitionNumber=-1;
+ TMBRPartitionEntry* pe;
+ const TUint KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned = KMBRFirstPartitionOffset & ~3;
+ TInt i;
+ CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Read(0, 1, (void *)ptrReadBuf);
+ read_pos = 0;
+ read_size = 512;
+ // Read of the first sector successful so check for a Master Boot Record
+ if (*(TUint16*)(&ptrReadBuf[KMBRSignatureOffset])!=0xAA55)
+ goto mbr_done;
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned + KMBRMaxPrimaryPartitions * sizeof(TMBRPartitionEntry) <= KMBRSignatureOffset);
+ memmove(&ptrReadBuf[0], &ptrReadBuf[2],
+ KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned + KMBRMaxPrimaryPartitions * sizeof(TMBRPartitionEntry));
+ for (i=0, pe = (TMBRPartitionEntry*)(&ptrReadBuf[KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned]);
+ pe->iPartitionType != 0 && i < KMBRMaxPrimaryPartitions;i++,pe++)
+ {
+ if (pe->IsDefaultBootPartition())
+ {
+ SetPartitionEntry(&iPartitionInfo->iEntry[0],pe->iFirstSector,pe->iNumSectors);
+ defaultPartitionNumber=i;
+ partitionCount++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Now add any other partitions
+ for (i=0, pe = (TMBRPartitionEntry*)(&ptrReadBuf[KMBRFirstPartitionOffsetAligned]);
+ pe->iPartitionType != 0 && i < KMBRMaxPrimaryPartitions;i++,pe++)
+ {
+ TBool validPartition = ETrue; // assume partition valid
+ if (defaultPartitionNumber==i)
+ {
+ // Already sorted
+ }
+ // FAT partition ?
+ else if (pe->IsValidDosPartition() || pe->IsValidFAT32Partition())
+ {
+ SetPartitionEntry(&iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount],pe->iFirstSector,pe->iNumSectors);
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_1_
+ Kern::Printf("WB: FAT partition found at sector #%u", pe->iFirstSector);
+ #endif
+ partitionCount++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ validPartition = EFalse;
+ }
+ if (validPartition && partitionCount == 1)
+ iHiddenSectors = pe->iFirstSector;
+ }
+ // Check the validity of the partition address boundaries
+ // If there is any
+ if(partitionCount > 0)
+ {
+ const TInt64 deviceSize = CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetMediaSize();
+ TPartitionEntry& part = iPartitionInfo->iEntry[partitionCount - 1];
+ // Check that the card address space boundary is not exceeded by the last partition
+ // In case of only 1 partition in the media check also it
+ if(part.iPartitionBaseAddr + part.iPartitionLen > deviceSize)
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("WB: MBR partition exceeds card memory space");
+ // Adjust the partition length to card address boundary
+ part.iPartitionLen = (deviceSize - part.iPartitionBaseAddr);
+ // Check that the base address contained valid information
+ if(part.iPartitionLen <= 0)
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("WB: Invalid base address");
+ // Invalid MBR - assume the boot sector is in the first sector
+ defaultPartitionNumber =-1;
+ partitionCount=0;
+ }
+ }
+ // More than one partition. Go through all of them
+ if (partitionCount > 0)
+ {
+ for(i=partitionCount-1; i>0; i--)
+ {
+ const TPartitionEntry& curr = iPartitionInfo->iEntry[i];
+ TPartitionEntry& prev = iPartitionInfo->iEntry[i-1];
+ // Check if partitions overlap
+ if(curr.iPartitionBaseAddr < (prev.iPartitionBaseAddr + prev.iPartitionLen))
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("WB: Overlapping partitions");
+ // Adjust the partition length to not overlap the next partition
+ prev.iPartitionLen = (curr.iPartitionBaseAddr - prev.iPartitionBaseAddr);
+ // Check that the base address contained valid information
+ if(prev.iPartitionLen <= 0)
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("WB: Invalid base address");
+ // Invalid MBR - assume the boot sector is in the first sector
+ defaultPartitionNumber=(-1);
+ partitionCount=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defaultPartitionNumber==(-1) && partitionCount==0)
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("WB:PartitionInfo no MBR");
+ {
+ // Assume it has no MBR, and the Boot Sector is in the 1st sector
+ SetPartitionEntry(&iPartitionInfo->iEntry[0],0,I64LOW(CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetMediaSize()>>KDiskSectorShift));
+ iHiddenSectors=0;
+ }
+ partitionCount=1;
+ }
+ iPartitionInfo->iPartitionCount=partitionCount;
+ iPartitionInfo->iMediaSizeInBytes=TotalSizeInBytes();
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_1_
+ Kern::Printf("<Mmc:PartitionInfo (C:%d)",iPartitionInfo->iPartitionCount);
+ Kern::Printf(" Partition1 (B:%xH L:%xH)",I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[0].iPartitionBaseAddr),I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[0].iPartitionLen));
+ Kern::Printf(" Partition2 (B:%xH L:%xH)",I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[1].iPartitionBaseAddr),I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[1].iPartitionLen));
+ Kern::Printf(" Partition3 (B:%xH L:%xH)",I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[2].iPartitionBaseAddr),I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[2].iPartitionLen));
+ Kern::Printf(" Partition4 (B:%xH L:%xH)",I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[3].iPartitionBaseAddr),I64LOW(iPartitionInfo->iEntry[3].iPartitionLen));
+ Kern::Printf(" iMediaSizeInBytes (%d)",iPartitionInfo->iMediaSizeInBytes);
+ Kern::Printf(" iHiddenSectors (%d)",iHiddenSectors);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ TMBRPartitionEntry cPe;
+ if(GetDefaultPartitionInfo(cPe) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ pe = (TMBRPartitionEntry*)(&ptrReadBuf[0]);
+ Kern::Printf("-------------------------------------------");
+ Kern::Printf("-- Partition Entry Validation/Comparison --");
+ Kern::Printf("-------------------------------------------");
+ Kern::Printf("-- iX86BootIndicator [%02x:%02x] %c -", pe->iX86BootIndicator, cPe.iX86BootIndicator, pe->iX86BootIndicator == cPe.iX86BootIndicator ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-- iStartHead [%02x:%02x] %c -", pe->iStartHead, cPe.iStartHead, pe->iStartHead == cPe.iStartHead ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-- iStartSector [%02x:%02x] %c -", pe->iStartSector, cPe.iStartSector, pe->iStartSector == cPe.iStartSector ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-- iStartCylinder [%02x:%02x] %c -", pe->iStartCylinder, cPe.iStartCylinder, pe->iStartCylinder == cPe.iStartCylinder ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-- iPartitionType [%02x:%02x] %c -", pe->iPartitionType, cPe.iPartitionType, pe->iPartitionType == cPe.iPartitionType ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-- iEndHead [%02x:%02x] %c -", pe->iEndHead, cPe.iEndHead, pe->iEndHead == cPe.iEndHead ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-- iEndSector [%02x:%02x] %c -", pe->iEndSector, cPe.iEndSector, pe->iEndSector == cPe.iEndSector ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-- iEndCylinder [%02x:%02x] %c -", pe->iEndCylinder, cPe.iEndCylinder, pe->iEndCylinder == cPe.iEndCylinder ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-- iFirstSector [%08x:%08x] %c -", pe->iFirstSector, cPe.iFirstSector, pe->iFirstSector == cPe.iFirstSector ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-- iNumSectors [%08x:%08x] %c -", pe->iNumSectors, cPe.iNumSectors, pe->iNumSectors == cPe.iNumSectors ? ' ' : 'X');
+ Kern::Printf("-------------------------------------------");
+ }
+ #endif
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::WritePartitionInfo()
+ Write the default partition table to freshly formatted media
+ @return Standard Symbian OS Error Code
+ */
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf(">mmd:wpi");
+ #endif
+ TMBRPartitionEntry partitionEntry;
+ TInt err = GetDefaultPartitionInfo(partitionEntry);
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TUint8 *iPartitionBuf;
+ iPartitionBuf = new TUint8[KDiskSectorSize];
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("mmd:MBR/Partition Table");
+ Kern::Printf(" Boot ID : %02xh", partitionEntry.iX86BootIndicator);
+ Kern::Printf(" Start Head : %02xh", partitionEntry.iStartHead);
+ Kern::Printf(" Start Sector : %02xh", partitionEntry.iStartSector);
+ Kern::Printf(" Start Cyclinder : %02xh", partitionEntry.iStartCylinder);
+ Kern::Printf(" System ID : %02xh", partitionEntry.iPartitionType);
+ Kern::Printf(" End Head : %02xh", partitionEntry.iEndHead);
+ Kern::Printf(" End Sector : %02xh", partitionEntry.iEndSector);
+ Kern::Printf(" End Cyclinder : %02xh", partitionEntry.iEndCylinder);
+ Kern::Printf(" Relative Sector : %08xh", partitionEntry.iFirstSector);
+ Kern::Printf(" Number of Sectors: %08xh", partitionEntry.iNumSectors);
+ #endif
+ //
+ // Clear all other partition entries and align the partition info into the minor buffer for writing...
+ //
+ memclr(iPartitionBuf, KDiskSectorSize);
+ memcpy(&iPartitionBuf[KMBRFirstPartitionEntry], &partitionEntry, sizeof(TMBRPartitionEntry));
+ *(TUint16*)(&iPartitionBuf[KMBRSignatureOffset]) = 0xAA55;
+ err = CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Write(0, 1, iPartitionBuf);
+ //
+ // Write the partition table and engage the read to validate and complete the mount process
+ //
+ delete iPartitionBuf;
+ iMbrMissing = EFalse;
+ }
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf("<mmd:wpi:%d", err));
+ #endif
+ return(err);
+ }
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::CreateDefaultPartition()
+ {
+ TMBRPartitionEntry defPartition;
+ TInt r = GetDefaultPartitionInfo(defPartition);
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ SetPartitionEntry(&iPartitionInfo->iEntry[0], defPartition.iFirstSector, defPartition.iNumSectors);
+ iHiddenSectors = defPartition.iFirstSector;
+ iPartitionInfo->iPartitionCount = 1;
+ iPartitionInfo->iMediaSizeInBytes = TotalSizeInBytes();
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::GetDefaultPartitionInfo(TMBRPartitionEntry& aPartitionEntry)
+ Calculates the default patition information for an specific card.
+ @param aPartitionEntry The TMBRPartitionEntry to be filled in with the format parameters
+ @return Standard Symbian OS Error Code
+ */
+ {
+ memclr(&aPartitionEntry, sizeof(TMBRPartitionEntry));
+ const TUint32 KTotalSectors = I64LOW(CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetMediaSize() >> KDiskSectorShift);
+ aPartitionEntry.iFirstSector = (CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetEraseBlockSize()>> KDiskSectorShift);
+ aPartitionEntry.iNumSectors = KTotalSectors - aPartitionEntry.iFirstSector;
+ aPartitionEntry.iX86BootIndicator = 0x00;
+ if(aPartitionEntry.iNumSectors < 32680)
+ {
+ aPartitionEntry.iPartitionType = KPartitionTypeFAT12;
+ }
+ else if(aPartitionEntry.iNumSectors < 65536)
+ {
+ aPartitionEntry.iPartitionType = KPartitionTypeFAT16small;
+ }
+ else if (aPartitionEntry.iNumSectors < 1048576)
+ {
+ aPartitionEntry.iPartitionType = KPartitionTypeFAT16;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aPartitionEntry.iPartitionType = KPartitionTypeWin95FAT32;
+ }
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+void DMediaDriverWB::SetPartitionEntry(TPartitionEntry* aEntry, TUint aFirstSector, TUint aNumSectors)
+// auxiliary static function to record partition information in TPartitionEntry object
+ {
+ aEntry->iPartitionBaseAddr=aFirstSector;
+ aEntry->iPartitionBaseAddr<<=KDiskSectorShift;
+ aEntry->iPartitionLen=aNumSectors;
+ aEntry->iPartitionLen<<=KDiskSectorShift;
+ aEntry->iPartitionType=KPartitionTypeFAT12;
+ }
+// ---- device status, callback DFC ----
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::CheckDevice(int aReqType)
+// Check the device before initiating a command
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf(">wb:cd:%d",aReqType));
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+#if 0
+ if (!iCard->IsReady())
+ r=KErrNotReady;
+ // The card must be locked if attempting to unlock during RPI, and
+ // unlocked at all other times.
+ else if (aReqType!=EMReqTypeUnlockPswd && iCard->IsLocked())
+ r=KErrLocked;
+ // Don't perform Password setting for WriteProtected cards,
+ // unable to recover (ForcedErase) if password lost.
+ else if (aReqType==EMReqTypeChangePswd)
+ {
+ if (iCard->MediaType()==EMultiMediaROM)
+ {
+ r=KErrAccessDenied;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iMbrMissing && aReqType==EMReqTypeNormalRd)
+ r=KErrCorrupt;
+ // Don't perform write operations when the mechanical write protect switch is set
+ else if (aReqType==EMReqTypeNormalWr && iCard->IsWriteProtected())
+ r=KErrAccessDenied;
+ // Don't perform write/format operations on MMC ROM cards
+ else if (iMediaType==EMultiMediaROM && aReqType == EMReqTypeNormalWr)
+ r=KErrAccessDenied;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KPBUSDRV, Kern::Printf("<wb:cd:%d", r));
+ return(r);
+ }
+// ---- request management ----
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::Caps(TLocDrv& aDrive, TLocalDriveCapsV6& aInfo)
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf(">WB::Caps ");
+ #endif
+ // Fill buffer with current media caps.
+ aInfo.iType = EMediaHardDisk;
+ aInfo.iBattery = EBatNotSupported;
+ aInfo.iDriveAtt = KDriveAttLocal;
+ aInfo.iMediaAtt = KMediaAttFormattable;
+ //if(CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetIsLocked())
+ // aInfo.iMediaAtt |= KMediaAttLockable;
+ //if (iCard->HasPassword())
+ //aInfo.iMediaAtt |= KMediaAttHasPassword;
+ if ( !CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetIsWriteable())
+ aInfo.iMediaAtt |= KMediaAttWriteProtected;
+ if (CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetIsLocked())
+ aInfo.iMediaAtt |= KMediaAttLocked;
+ aInfo.iFileSystemId = KDriveFileSysFAT;
+ // Format is performed in multiples of the erase sector (or multiple block) size
+ aInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat = CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetBlockSize();
+ // Set serial number to CID
+ aInfo.iSerialNumLength = 16;
+ for (TUint i=0; i<16; i++)
+ aInfo.iSerialNum[i] = 0;
+ // Get block size & erase block size to allow the file system to align first usable cluster correctly
+ aInfo.iBlockSize = CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetBlockSize();
+ aInfo.iEraseBlockSize = CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetEraseBlockSize();
+ if ( CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::GetIsRemovable())
+ aInfo.iDriveAtt|= KDriveAttRemovable;
+ // Must return KErrCompletion to indicate that this
+ // is a synchronous version of the function
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void DMediaDriverWB::NotifyPowerDown()
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf(">Mmc:NotifyPowerDown");
+ #endif
+ EndInCritical();
+ //CompleteRequest(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+void DMediaDriverWB::NotifyEmergencyPowerDown()
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf(">Ata:NotifyEmergencyPowerDown");
+ #endif
+ //TInt r=KErrNotReady;
+ //if (iCritical)
+ // r=KErrAbort;
+ EndInCritical();
+ // need to cancel the session as the stack doesn't take too kindly to having the same session engaged more than once.
+ //CompleteRequest(r);
+ }
+TInt DMediaDriverWB::Request(TLocDrvRequest& aRequest)
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("MmcMd:Req %08x id %d",&aRequest,aRequest.Id());
+ #endif
+ TInt r=KErrNotSupported;
+ TInt id=aRequest.Id();
+ NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+ TUint partitionType = aRequest.Drive()->iPartitionType;
+ TBool readOnly = (partitionType == KPartitionTypeRofs || partitionType == KPartitionTypeROM);
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case DLocalDrive::ECaps:
+ {
+ TLocalDriveCapsV6& c = *(TLocalDriveCapsV6*)aRequest.RemoteDes();
+ TLocDrv& drive = *aRequest.Drive();
+ r = Caps(drive, c);
+ c.iSize = drive.iPartitionLen;
+ c.iPartitionType = drive.iPartitionType;
+ c.iHiddenSectors = (TUint) (drive.iPartitionBaseAddr >> KDiskSectorShift);
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("caps : c.iSize = %d ", c.iSize);
+ Kern::Printf("caps : c.iPartitionType = %d ", c.iPartitionType);
+ Kern::Printf("caps : c.iHiddenSectors = %d ", c.iHiddenSectors);
+ #endif
+ }
+ break;
+ case DLocalDrive::EQueryDevice:
+ Kern::Printf(">WB::EQueryDevice ");
+ r = KErrNotSupported;
+ break;
+ case DLocalDrive::ERead:
+ r=DoRead(aRequest);
+ break;
+ case DLocalDrive::EWrite:
+ if (readOnly)
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ r=DoWrite(aRequest);
+ break;
+ case DLocalDrive::EFormat:
+ if (readOnly)
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ r=DoFormat(aRequest);
+ break;
+ case DLocalDrive::EPasswordUnlock:
+ case DLocalDrive::EPasswordLock:
+ case DLocalDrive::EPasswordClear:
+ case DLocalDrive::EPasswordErase:
+ case DLocalDrive::EWritePasswordStore:
+ Kern::Printf(">WB::EPassword ");
+ break;
+ case DLocalDrive::EEnlarge:
+ case DLocalDrive::EReduce:
+ Kern::Printf(">WB::EReduce ");
+ default:
+ Kern::Printf(">WB::default ");
+ r=KErrNotSupported;
+ break;
+ }
+ NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_3_
+ Kern::Printf("MmcMd:Req %08x cmp %d",&aRequest,r);
+ #endif
+ return r;
+ }
+void DMediaDriverWB::Disconnect(DLocalDrive* aLocalDrive, TThreadMessage* aMsg)
+ {
+ // Complete using the default implementation
+ DMediaDriver::Disconnect(aLocalDrive, aMsg);
+ }
+ {
+ // NB if the media driver has been defined as a kernel extension in the .OBY/.IBY file
+ // i.e the "extension" keyword has been used rather than "device", then an instance of
+ // DPhysicalDeviceMediaMmcFlash will already have been created by InitExtension(). In this
+ // case the kernel will see that an object of the same name already exists and delete the
+ // new one.
+ return new DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB;
+ }
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("Creating WestBridge PDD");
+ DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB* device = new DPhysicalDeviceMediaWB;
+ TInt r;
+ if (device==NULL)
+ r=KErrNoMemory;
+ else
+ r=Kern::InstallPhysicalDevice(device);
+ Kern::Printf("Installing WestBridge PDD in kernel returned %d",r);
+ if( CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Open() )
+ Kern::Printf("**CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Open() - Success");
+ else
+ Kern::Printf("**CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Open() - Fail");
+ Kern::Printf("WestBridge extension entry point drive returns %d",r);
+ return r;
+ }
+static const TInt WBDriveNumbers[1]={1};
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,Kern::Printf("Registering WB drive"));
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("Registering WB drive");
+ #endif
+ TInt r=KErrNoMemory;
+ DPrimaryMediaBase* pM=new DPrimaryMediaBase;
+ if (pM)
+ {
+ r=LocDrv::RegisterMediaDevice(MEDIA_DEVICE_MMC,1,&WBDriveNumbers[0],pM,1,KWBDriveName);
+ }
+ if( CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Open() )
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_1_
+ Kern::Printf("**CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Open() - Success");
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_1_
+ Kern::Printf("**CyAsSymbianStorageDriver::Open() - Fail");
+ #endif
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,Kern::Printf("Registering WB drive - return %d",r));
+ #ifdef _MEDWB_DEBUG_2_
+ Kern::Printf("Registering WB drive - return %d",r);
+ #endif
+ return r;
+ }