--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/beagle_drivers/serialmouse/serialmouse.cpp Thu Oct 15 12:59:54 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// omap3530/beagle_drivers/serialmouse/serialmouse.cpp
+// Serial mouse driver
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+#include <e32keys.h>
+#include <arm.h>
+#include <comm.h>
+#include <assp.h>
+#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_uart.h>
+//#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_prm.h>
+#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_prcm.h>
+//#include <resourceman.h>
+#include "serialmouse.h"
+_LIT( KName, "SERMOUSE" );
+# define CURSOR_SIZE 5
+LOCAL_C TInt halFunction(TAny* aPtr, TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
+ {
+ TSerialMouse* pH=(TSerialMouse*)aPtr;
+ return pH->HalFunction(aFunction,a1,a2);
+ }
+ : iKeyDfc( KeyDfcFn, this, Kern::DfcQue0(), 1 ), iState(ENormal),
+ iUart( Omap3530Uart::EUart2 )
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("+TSerialMouse::TSerialMouse");
+ iCursorBuffer = new TUint16[CURSOR_SIZE*CURSOR_SIZE];
+# endif
+ }
+ {
+ delete[] iCursorBuffer;
+# endif
+ }
+TInt TSerialMouse::Create()
+ {
+ GetScreenInfo();
+ TInt r=Kern::AddHalEntry(EHalGroupMouse, halFunction, this);
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return r;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,Kern::Printf("+TSerialMouse::Init")) ;
+ iDebugPort = Kern::SuperPage().iDebugPort; // Get the debug port number
+ if( Arm::EDebugPortJTAG == iDebugPort )
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,Kern::Printf("-TSerialMouse::Init: JTAG not supported"));
+ // We don't want to return an error here, just don't bother to initialize
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ else if( 2 != iDebugPort )
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,Kern::Printf("-TSerialMouse::Init: Only UART3 supported"));
+ // We don't want to return an error here, just don't bother to initialize
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ // Register with the power resource manager
+ //r = PowerResourceManager::RegisterClient( iPrmClientId, KName );
+ //if( r != KErrNone )
+ // {
+ // return r;
+ // }
+ //__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,Kern::Printf("+TSerialMouse::Init:PRM client ID=%x", iPrmClientId )) ;
+ r =Interrupt::Bind( iUart.InterruptId(),Isr,this);
+ if ( r < 0 )
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("TSerialMouse::Create Cant Bind to Interrupt %d ret %d",iUart.InterruptId(), r );
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Ask power resource manager to turn on clocks to the UART
+ // (this could take some time but we're not in any hurry)
+ //r = PowerResourceManager::ChangeResourceState( iPrmClientId, iUart.PrmFunctionClk(), Prcm::EClkAuto );
+ //if( KErrNone != r )
+ // {
+ // return r;
+ // }
+ //r = PowerResourceManager::ChangeResourceState( iPrmClientId, iUart.PrmInterfaceClk(), Prcm::EClkAuto );
+ //if( KErrNone != r )
+ // {
+ // return r;
+ // }
+ iUart.Init();
+ iUart.DefineMode( Omap3530Uart::TUart::EUart );
+ iUart.SetBaud( Omap3530Uart::TUart::E1200 );
+ iUart.SetDataFormat( Omap3530Uart::TUart::E7Data, Omap3530Uart::TUart::E1Stop, Omap3530Uart::TUart::ENone );
+ iUart.EnableFifo( Omap3530Uart::TUart::EEnabled, Omap3530Uart::TUart::ETriggerUnchanged, Omap3530Uart::TUart::ETrigger8 );
+ iUart.EnableInterrupt( Omap3530Uart::TUart::EIntRhr );
+ iUart.Enable();
+ Interrupt::Enable(iUart.InterruptId());
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void TSerialMouse::Isr( TAny* aPtr )
+ //
+ // Interrupt service routine. Called when we receive an interrupt
+ // on the IRQ line it is bound to. If it's a receive, queues DFC
+ // to post the event into the event queue.
+ //
+ {
+ TSerialMouse* self = (TSerialMouse*)aPtr;
+ const TUint iir = Omap3530Uart::IIR::iMem.Read( self->iUart );
+ if ( 0 == (iir bitand Omap3530Uart::IIR::IT_PENDING::KMask) )
+ {
+ const TUint pending = iir bitand Omap3530Uart::IIR::IT_TYPE::KFieldMask;
+ // Although the TI datasheet descrivwed IT_TYPE as being an enumerated priority-decoded interrupt
+ // it appears to actually be a bitmask of active interrupt sources
+ if ( (pending bitand Omap3530Uart::IIR::IT_TYPE::ERHR) || (pending bitand Omap3530Uart::IIR::IT_TYPE::ERxLineStatus) )
+ {
+ TUint byte = self->iUart.Read();
+ self->iKey = byte;
+ self->iKeyDfc.Add();
+ Interrupt::Disable( self->iUart.InterruptId() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void TSerialMouse::KeyDfcFn( TAny* aPtr )
+ //
+ // DFC function. Just calls inline function KeyDfc()
+ //
+ {
+ ((TSerialMouse*)aPtr)->KeyDfc();
+ }
+inline void TSerialMouse::KeyDfc()
+ //
+ // Processes received characters
+ //
+ {
+ const TUint8 b = iKey;
+ if ( b & 1<<6 )
+ {
+ // Beginning of a new frame
+ iByteIndex = 0;
+ iB0 = b;
+ }
+ else if ( iByteIndex == 0 )
+ {
+ iByteIndex = 1;
+ iB1 = b;
+ }
+ else if ( iByteIndex == 1 )
+ {
+ iByteIndex = -1;
+ iB2 = b;
+ const TInt8 x_increment = (iB0 & 0x3)<<6 | (iB1 & 0x3f);
+ const TInt8 y_increment = (iB0 & 0xC)<<4 | (iB2 & 0x3f);
+ const TBool isLeftButtonDown = iB0& 1<<5;
+ const TBool isRightButtonDown = iB0& 1<<4;
+ iLastX = iX;
+ iLastY = iY;
+# endif
+ iX += x_increment; //Scale ( x_increment );
+ iY += y_increment; //Scale ( y_increment );
+ Clip( iX, iY );
+ //DBG_PRINT4(_L("\nx:%d y:%d (%d,%d)"), x_increment, y_increment, iX, iY );
+ TBool rightButtonEvent = (isRightButtonDown != iLastRightButtonDown);
+ TBool leftButtonEvent = (isLeftButtonDown != iLastLeftButtonDown);
+ iLastLeftButtonDown = isLeftButtonDown;
+ iLastRightButtonDown = isRightButtonDown;
+ TRawEvent e;
+ if ( rightButtonEvent )
+ {
+ e.Set( isRightButtonDown ? TRawEvent::EButton2Down : TRawEvent::EButton2Up, iX, iY );
+ Kern::AddEvent(e);
+ //DBG_PRINT1(_L(" right:%S"), isRightButtonDown?&_L("down"):&_L("up") );
+ }
+ if ( leftButtonEvent )
+ {
+ e.Set( isLeftButtonDown ? TRawEvent::EButton1Down : TRawEvent::EButton1Up, iX, iY );
+ Kern::AddEvent(e);
+ //DBG_PRINT1(_L(" left:%S"), isLeftButtonDown?&_L("down"):&_L("up") );
+ }
+ if ( !rightButtonEvent && !leftButtonEvent )
+ {
+ // Reoprt the exact coordinate to the windowserver
+ e.Set(TRawEvent::EPointerMove,iX,iY);
+# else
+ // Report the change in coordinates to the windowserver
+ e.Set(TRawEvent::EPointerMove,x_increment,y_increment);
+# endif
+ Kern::AddEvent(e);
+ }
+ DrawCursor(iX,iY);
+# endif
+ }
+ Interrupt::Enable(iUart.InterruptId()); // Can handle new chars now
+ } /* end of function - KeyDfc - */
+Perform 2:1 scaling on a mosue movement.
+TInt TSerialMouse::Scale(const TInt& aVal)
+ {
+ switch (aVal)
+ {
+ case 0: return 0;
+ case 1:
+ case 2: return 1;
+ case 3: return 3;
+ case 4: return 6;
+ case 5: return 9;
+ case -1:
+ case -2: return -1;
+ case -3: return -3;
+ case -4: return -6;
+ case -5: return -9;
+ default: return 2*aVal;
+ }
+ }
+Clip the mouse coordinates into the dimensions of the screen
+void TSerialMouse::Clip(TInt& aX, TInt& aY)
+ {
+ if ( aX < 0 ) aX = 0;
+ if ( aX >= iScreenWidth ) aX = iScreenWidth - 1;
+ if ( aY < 0 ) aY = 0;
+ if ( aY >= iScreenHeight ) aY = iScreenHeight - 1;
+ }
+void TSerialMouse::GetScreenInfo()
+ {
+ TScreenInfoV01 screenInfo;
+ TPckg<TScreenInfoV01> sI(screenInfo);
+ Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupDisplay,EDisplayHalScreenInfo,(TAny*)&sI,NULL);
+ iScreenWidth = screenInfo.iScreenSize.iWidth;
+ iScreenHeight = screenInfo.iScreenSize.iHeight;
+ iVideoAddress = (TUint8*)screenInfo.iScreenAddress;
+# endif
+ }
+void TSerialMouse::Blit(TInt x, TInt y, TUint16 aColour)
+ {
+ TUint16* fb = (TUint16*)iVideoAddress;
+ fb += (iLastY * iScreenWidth) + iLastX;
+ for (TInt i = 0; i<CURSOR_SIZE; ++i) //row
+ {
+ if ( (iLastY + i) >= iScreenHeight) break;
+ for (TInt j = 0; j<CURSOR_SIZE; ++j) //column
+ {
+ if ((iLastX+j) < iScreenWidth)
+ {
+ *fb = iCursorBuffer[i*CURSOR_SIZE + j];
+ }
+ ++fb;
+ }
+ fb += iScreenWidth - CURSOR_SIZE;
+ }
+ fb = (TUint16*)iVideoAddress;
+ fb += (y * iScreenWidth) + x;
+ for (TInt i = 0; i<CURSOR_SIZE; ++i) //row
+ {
+ if ( (y + i) >= iScreenHeight) break;
+ for (TInt j = 0; j<CURSOR_SIZE; ++j) //column
+ {
+ if ((x+j) < iScreenWidth)
+ {
+ iCursorBuffer[i*CURSOR_SIZE + j] = *fb;
+ *fb = aColour;
+ }
+ ++fb;
+ }
+ fb += iScreenWidth - CURSOR_SIZE;
+ }
+ /*TUint8* fb = iVideoAddress;
+ fb += ( (y * iScreenWidth) + x ) * 2;
+ TBuf8<256> cur;
+ cur.FillZ();
+ TUint8* cursor = &cur[0];
+ for (TInt i = 0; i<cursorSize; ++i)
+ {
+ if ( (y + i) >= iScreenHeight) break;
+ TInt bytes_to_copy = Min( cursorSize, iScreenWidth*2 - x*2 );
+ Mem::Copy(fb, cursor, bytes_to_copy );
+ cursor += cursorSize;
+ }*/
+ }
+void TSerialMouse::DrawCursor(TInt x, TInt y)
+ {
+ TUint16 cursorColour = iLastLeftButtonDown ? 0x1F : 0x00;
+ Blit(x, y, cursorColour);
+ }
+TInt TSerialMouse::HalFunction(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* /*a2*/)
+ {
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ switch(aFunction)
+ {
+ case EMouseHalMouseInfo:
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TMouseInfoV01> vPckg;
+ TMouseInfoV01& xyinfo=vPckg();
+ xyinfo.iMouseButtons=2;
+ xyinfo.iMouseAreaSize.iWidth=iScreenWidth;
+ xyinfo.iMouseAreaSize.iHeight=iScreenHeight;
+ xyinfo.iOffsetToDisplay.iX=0;
+ xyinfo.iOffsetToDisplay.iY=0;
+ Kern::InfoCopy(*(TDes8*)a1,vPckg);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ r=KErrNotSupported;
+ break;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+void DoCreate( TAny* aParam )
+ {
+ TInt r = reinterpret_cast< TSerialMouse* >( aParam )->Create();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( r == KErrNone, Kern::Fault( "SERKEY-Cr", r ) );
+ }
+// Kernel Extension entry point
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,Kern::Printf("Starting mouse driver"));
+ // create mouse driver
+ TInt r=KErrNoMemory;
+ TSerialMouse* mouse = new TSerialMouse;
+ if ( mouse )
+ {
+ // Because the Power Resource Manager doesn't finish initializing until after it
+ // has run a DFC on SvMsgQue, we need to defer our initialization until after that
+ // so we know that the PRM is ready for us to use it
+ static TDfc createDfc( &DoCreate, NULL );
+ new( &createDfc ) TDfc( &DoCreate, mouse, Kern::SvMsgQue(), KMaxDfcPriority-2 );
+ createDfc.Enque();
+ r = KErrNone;
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("Returns %d",r));
+ return r;
+ }