--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/slave.cpp Sun Nov 21 02:23:11 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// lukasz.forynski@gmail.com
+// Description:
+// omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/slave.cpp
+#include <drivers/iic.h>
+#include <drivers/iic_channel.h>
+#include "psl_init.h"
+#include "slave.h"
+#error "Trying to use the SPI slave, but it's not implemented yet!"
+// The timeout period to wait for a response from the client, expressed in milliseconds
+// This is converted to timer ticks by the PIL, so the maximum value is 2147483.
+// The value should be selected to allow for the longest, slowest transfer
+// const TInt KClientWaitTime = 2; // 2mS, when debugging might set up to KMaxWaitTime
+// In an SMP system, use a spin lock to guard access to member variables iTrigger and iInProgress
+#ifdef __SMP__
+static TSpinLock IicPslSpinLock = TSpinLock(TSpinLock::EOrderGenericIrqLow3);
+// Callback function for the iHwGuardTimer timer.
+// Called in ISR context if the iHwGuardTimer expires. Sets iTransactionStatus to KErrTimedOut
+void DSpiSlaveBeagle::TimeoutCallback(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DCsiChannelMaster::TimeoutCallback"));
+ DSpiSlaveBeagle *a = (DSpiSlaveBeagle*) aPtr;
+ a->iTransactionStatus = KErrTimedOut;
+ }
+// Static method called by the ISR when the Master has ended a transfer
+// The method checks and reports the Rx and Tx status to the PIL by calling NotifyClient with a bitmask described as follows:.
+// - If a Tx transfer has ended before all the data was transmitted, bitmask = (ETxAllBytes | ETxOverrun)
+// - If a Tx transfer has ended and all the data was transmitted, bitmask = ETxAllBytes
+// - If a Rx transfer has ended before the expected amount of data was received, bitmask = (ERxAllBytes | ERxUnderrun)
+// - If a Rx transfer has ended and the expected amount of data was received, bitmask = ERxAllBytes
+void DSpiSlaveBeagle::NotifyClientEnd(DSpiSlaveBeagle* aPtr)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("NotifyClientEnd, iTrigger %x", aPtr->iTrigger));
+ // Since a transfer has ended, may wish to disable interrupts at this point
+ // This will likely be supported with calls similar to the following:
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(aPtr->iChannelBase + KBusInterruptEnableOffset, KIicPslBusDisableBitMask);
+ // Interrupt::Disable(aPtr->iRxInterruptId);
+ // Interrupt::Disable(aPtr->iTxInterruptId);
+ // iTrigger will have bits ETransmit and EReceive set according to the operation requested in the call to DoRequest
+ // Use variable flag for the bitmask to pass into the PIL method NotifyClient
+ TInt flag = 0;
+ if(aPtr->iTrigger & EReceive)
+ {
+ // Requested Rx operation has ended - check for RxUnderrun
+ flag = ERxAllBytes;
+ if(aPtr->iRxDataEnd != aPtr->iRxData)
+ {
+ flag |= ERxUnderrun;
+ }
+ }
+ if(aPtr->iTrigger & ETransmit)
+ {
+ // Requested Tx operation has ended - check for RxOverrun
+ flag |= ETxAllBytes;
+ if(aPtr->iTxDataEnd != aPtr->iTxData)
+ {
+ flag |= ETxOverrun;
+ }
+ }
+ aPtr->NotifyClient(flag);
+ }
+// ISR Handler
+// The ISR handler identifies the cause of the interrupt that lead to its invocation:
+// if the cause was transfer-related, it calls the PIL function NotifyClient to report a summary of the transfer status;
+// if the cause was completion of asynchronous channel capture, PIL function ChanCaptureCallback is called
+// The ISR also clears the source of the interrupt, and (for transfer-related interrupts) transfers the next data
+// between buffers and the hardware and updates the member variable iInProgress to indicate if a transfer has started or
+// ended. If a transfer has ended before the expected amount of data has been transfered it calls function NotifyClientEnd.
+void DSpiSlaveBeagle::IicPslIsr(TAny* /*aPtr*/)
+ {
+ // DSpiSlaveBeagle *a = (DSpiSlaveBeagle*) aPtr;
+ // TInt intState = 0; // Variable to support use of spin lock
+ // TInt trigger = 0; // Record the Rx and Tx transfers
+ // TUint32 intStatus = 0; // Record of the interrupts that are being reported
+ // Identify the cause of the interrupt. If this can be achieved by reading a single register,
+ // code similar to the following could be used:
+ // intStatus = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KIntStatusOffset);
+ // Optional (not required if asynchronous channel capture is not supported)
+ // If the cause of the interrupt is completion of asynchronous channel capture, the ISR will check the appropriate
+ // indicator for confirmation of success - for a real PSL, this may be by querying a bitmask in a register. For the template PSL,
+ // however, a dummy member variable (iAsyncConfig) has been used to represent the asynchronous operation instead.
+ //
+ // if(iAsyncConfig == 1) // Replace with a check of the indicator that the interrupt was due to asynchrous channel capture
+ // {
+ // // The PIL function ChanCaptureCallback is now to be invoked. It takes as an argument either KErrNone or a
+ // // system-wide error code to indicate the cause of failure. For a real PSL, the argument would likely be determined
+ // // by reading a bitmask in a status register - but for the template port, just use KErrNone.
+ // //
+ // a->ChanCaptureCallback(KErrNone);
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // If an interrupt indicates that a transfer has started, or that it has now ended, (such as a chip select
+ // line transition for a SPI bus the member variable iInProgress should be modified accordingly. This should
+ // be done under the guard of spin lock macros since iInProgress can be accessed in the context of the Client
+ // thread (in DoRequest, ProcessData and InitTransfer). The following structure should be adopted:
+ // intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ // <access a->iInProgress>
+ // __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ //
+ // If a transfer has ended before the expected amount of data has been transfered, function NotifyClientEnd
+ // should be called, as follows:
+ // a->NotifyClientEnd(a);
+ // return; // Return now - the interrupt indicated transfer end, not receipt or transmission of data.
+ // The transfers that had been started are indicated by the bitmask held in member variable iTrigger.
+ // This must be accessed under the guard of a spin lock since it can be accessed in the context of the
+ // Client thread (in DoRequest, ProcessData and InitTransfer). The following structure should be adopted:
+ // intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ // trigger = a->iTrigger;
+ // __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ // If the interrupt was raised for a Tx event, and a Tx transfer had been started (so the interrupt was not spurious)
+ // then either prepare the next data to send, or, if all the data has been sent, call the PIL function NotifyClient
+ // with bitmask (ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun) so that, if the Client specified a ETxUnderrun notification, it will be alerted
+ // and can determine whether another buffer of data should be provide for transmission.
+ // Code similar to the following could be used:
+ // if(intStatus & KTxInterruptBitMask)
+ // {
+ // if(trigger & ETransmit)
+ // {
+ // // Interrupt was not spurious
+ // if(a->iTxData == a->iTxDataEnd)
+ // {
+ // // All the data to be transmitted has been sent, so call the PIL method NotifyClient
+ // a->NotifyClient(ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun);
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // // There is more data to be sent
+ // // TUint8 nextTxValue = *iTxData; // For this example, assumes one byte of data is to be transmitted
+ // // but if operating in 16-bit mode, bytes may need arranging for
+ // // endianness
+ //
+ // // Write to the Tx register with something similar to the following:
+ // // AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KTxFifoOffset, nextTxValue);
+ //
+ // iTxData += iWordSize; // Then increment the pointer to the data. In this example, 8-bit mode is assumed
+ // // (iWordSize=1), but if operating in 16-bit mode iTxData would be incremented
+ // // by the number of bytes specified in iWordSize
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // If the interrupt was raised for a Rx event, and a Rx transfer had been started (so the interrupt was not spurious)
+ // read the received data from the hardware to the buffer. If a Rx FIFO is being used, use a loop to drain it - until
+ // the FIFO is empty or the buffer is full. If data remains after the buffer is full, an RxOverrun condition has occurred
+ // - so the PIL function NotifyClient should be called with bitmask (ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun) so that, if the Client specified
+ // a ERxOverrun notification, it will be alerted and can determine whether another buffer should be provided to continue reception.
+ // Code similar to the following could be used:
+ // if(intStatus & KRxInterruptBitMask)
+ // {
+ // if(trigger & EReceive)
+ // {
+ // // Interrupt was not spurious
+ // while(AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KRxFifoLevelOffset))
+ // {
+ // if((a->iRxData - a->iRxDataEnd) >= a->iWordSize)
+ // {
+ // // Space remains in the buffer, so copy the received data to it
+ // TUint8 nextRxValue = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KRxFifoOffset);
+ // *a->iRxData = nextRxValue; // For this example, assumes one byte of data is to be transmitted
+ // // but if operating in 16-bit mode, bytes may need arranging for
+ // // endianness
+ //
+ // a->iRxData += a->iWordSize; // Then increment the pointer to the data. In this example, 8-bit mode is assumed
+ // // (iWordSize=1), but if operating in 16-bit mode iRxData would be incremented
+ // // by the number of bytes specified in iWordSize
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // // The buffer is full but more data has been received - so there is an RxOverrun condition
+ // // Disable the hardware from receiving any more data and call the PIL function NotifyClient
+ // // with bitmask (ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun).
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(a->iChannelBase + KRxFifoControl, KRxFifoDisableBitMask);
+ // a->NotifyClient(ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun);
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // // If the interrupt was spurious, ignore the data, and reset the FIFO
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(a->iChannelBase + KRxFifoControl, KRxFifoClearBitMask);
+ // }
+ // Once the interrupts have been processed, clear the source. If this can be achieve by writing to
+ // a single register, code similar to the following could be used:
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(a->iChannelBase + KIntStatusOffset, KAIntBitMask);
+ }
+// Constructor, first stage
+// The PSL is responsible for setting the channel number - this is passed as the first parameter to
+// this overload of the base class constructor
+DSpiSlaveBeagle::DSpiSlaveBeagle(TInt aChannelNumber, TBusType aBusType, TChannelDuplex aChanDuplex) :
+ DIicBusChannelSlave(aBusType, aChanDuplex, 0), // Base class constructor. Initalise channel ID to zero.
+ iHwGuardTimer(TimeoutCallback, this) // Timer to guard against hardware timeout
+ {
+ iChannelNumber = aChannelNumber;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DSpiSlaveBeagle::DSpiSlaveBeagle, iChannelNumber = %d\n", iChannelNumber));
+ }
+// Second stage construction
+// Allocate and initialise objects required by the PSL channel implementation
+TInt DSpiSlaveBeagle::DoCreate()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("\nDSpiSlaveBeagle::DoCreate, ch: %d \n", iChannelNumber));
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ // PIL Base class initialization.
+ r = Init();
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // At a minimum, this function must set the channel's unique channel ID.
+ // When the channel is captured, this value will be combined with an instance count
+ // provided by the PIL to generate a value that will be used by a client as a unique
+ // identifer in subsequent calls to the Slave API.
+ //
+ // There is no set format for the ID, it just needs to be unique.
+ // Un-comment and complete the following line:
+// iChannelId =
+ // This method may also be concerned with setting the base register address iChannelBase), and allocating
+ // any objects that will be required to support operaton until the channel is deleted.
+ //
+ // Un-comment and complete the following line:
+// iChannelBase =
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+// static method used to construct the DSpiSlaveBeagle object.
+DSpiSlaveBeagle* DSpiSlaveBeagle::New(TInt aChannelNumber, const TBusType aBusType, const TChannelDuplex aChanDuplex)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DSpiSlaveBeagle::NewL(): aChannelNumber = %d, BusType =%d", aChannelNumber, aBusType));
+ DSpiSlaveBeagle *pChan = new DSpiSlaveBeagle(aChannelNumber, aBusType, aChanDuplex);
+ TInt r = KErrNoMemory;
+ if (pChan)
+ {
+ r = pChan->DoCreate();
+ }
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete pChan;
+ pChan = NULL;
+ }
+ return pChan;
+ }
+// Validates the configuration information specified by the client when capturing the channel
+// Called by the PIL as part of the Slave CaptureChannel processing
+// If the pointer to the header is NULL, return KErrArgument.
+// If the content of the header is not valid for this channel, return KErrNotSupported.
+TInt DSpiSlaveBeagle::CheckHdr(TDes8* aHdrBuff)
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ if(!aHdrBuff)
+ {
+ r = KErrArgument;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check that the contents of the header are valid
+ //
+ // The header will be specific to a particular bus type. Using a fictional
+ // bus type Abc,code similar to the following could be used to validate each
+ // member of the header:
+ //
+ // TConfigAbcBufV01* headerBuf = (TConfigAbcBufV01*) aHdrBuff;
+ // TConfigAbcV01 &abcHeader = (*headerBuf)();
+ // if( (abcHeader.iHeaderMember < ESomeMinValue) ||
+ // (abcHeader.iHeaderMember > ESomeMaxValue))
+ // {
+ // __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("iHeaderMember %d not supported",abcHeader.iHeaderMember));
+ // r = KErrNotSupported;
+ // }
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DSpiSlaveBeagle::CheckHdr() r %d", r));
+ return r;
+ }
+// Method called in the context of the client thread, as a consequence of the PSL invocation of the
+// PIL method NotifyClient when a bus event occurs.
+// This method updates the bitmask of requested operations (held in member variable iTrigger) and the
+// PIL counts of data received and transmitted. If the event was a bus error, the bitmask of requested operations
+// is cleared.
+void DSpiSlaveBeagle::ProcessData(TInt aTrigger, TIicBusSlaveCallback* aCb)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DSpiSlaveBeagle::ProcessData(), trigger: %x\n", aTrigger));
+ TInt intState;
+ // If using the iInProgress member variable to indicate transitions on a chip-select line, and an interrupt
+ // occurred as a transfer was to end, then must ensure the transmission of data has ceased.
+ //
+ // Must use spin lock to guard access since iInProgress is accessed by the ISR
+ //
+ TInt inProgress;
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ inProgress = iInProgress;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ //
+ if(!inProgress && // Transfer has now ended
+ (aTrigger & (ERxAllBytes | ETxAllBytes))) // Master has not yet finished transferring data
+ {
+ // Use the guard timer to make sure that transfer ends with an expected time - if this does not cease
+ // before the timer expires, iTransactionStatus will be set to KErrTimedOut by the callback function TimeoutCallback
+ //
+ // Poll the relevant register to check for transfer activity, using code similar to the following:
+ // TInt8 transferring = AsspRegister::Read32(iChannelBase + KStatusRegisterOffset) & KTransferringBitMask);
+ // For the template port, use a dummy variable instead of the register access (transferring = 1)
+ //
+ TInt8 transferring = 1;
+ iTransactionStatus = KErrNone;
+ iHwGuardTimer.OneShot(NKern::TimerTicks(KTimeoutValue));
+ while((iTransactionStatus == KErrNone) &&
+ transferring); // Replace transferring with a register read, as described above
+ // At this point, either the transfer has ceased, or the timer expired - in either case, may disable the interrupt
+ // for the transfer now, using code similar to the following:
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KIntEnableRegisterOffset, KIntDisableBitMask);
+ // Check for guard timer expiry
+ if(iTransactionStatus != KErrNone)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DSpiSlaveBeagle::ProcessData - Transaction timed-out"));
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iHwGuardTimer.Cancel();
+ }
+ // If all transfer activity has now ceased, clear iTrigger
+ // Must use spin lock to guard access since iInProgress is accessed by the ISR
+ //
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ iTrigger = 0;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ }
+ // If the PSL called the PIL function NotifyClient to indicate transfer activity (or error), the reason
+ // will be specified as a bitmask in aTrigger
+ // - if a Rx event occurred, the ERxAllBytes flag will be set
+ // - if a Tx event occurred, the ETxAllBytes flag will be set
+ // - if a bus error occurred, the EGeneralBusError flag will be set
+ //
+ if(aTrigger & ERxAllBytes)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ProcessData - Rx Buf: %x\n", iRxData));
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ProcessData - Rx Bufend: %x\n", iRxDataEnd));
+ // Clear the internal EReceive flag
+ // This must be done under guard of a spin lock since iTrigger is accessed by the ISR
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ iTrigger &= ~EReceive;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ // Update the PIL count of Rx data (in the Callback object)
+ aCb->SetRxWords(iNumRxWords - ((iRxDataEnd - iRxData) / iWordSize));
+ }
+ //
+ if(aTrigger & ETxAllBytes)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ProcessData - Tx Buf: %x\n", iTxData));
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ProcessData - Tx Bufend: %x\n", iTxDataEnd));
+ // Clear the internal ETransmit flag..
+ // This must be done under guard of a spin lock since iTrigger is accessed by the ISR
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ iTrigger &= ~ETransmit;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ // Update the PIL count of Tx data (in the Callback object)
+ aCb->SetTxWords(iNumTxWords - ((iTxDataEnd - iTxData) / iWordSize));
+ }
+ //
+ if(aTrigger & EGeneralBusError)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("BusError.."));
+ // Clear and disable relevant interrupts, possibly using code similar to the following:
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KIntEnableRegisterOffset, KIntDisableBitMask);
+ // Clear internal flags
+ // This must be done under guard of a spin lock since iTrigger is accessed by the ISR
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ iTrigger = 0;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ }
+ // Set the callback's trigger, for use by the PIL
+ aCb->SetTrigger(aTrigger | aCb->GetTrigger());
+ }
+// Method to initialise the hardware in accordance with the data provided by the Client
+// in the configuration header when capturing the channel
+// This method is called from DoRequest and is expected to return a value to indicate success
+// or a system wide error code to inform of the failure
+TInt DSpiSlaveBeagle::ConfigureInterface()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ConfigureInterface()"));
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ // The header is stored in member variable iConfigHeader, and will be specific to a particular bus type.
+ // Using a fictional bus type Abc, code similar to the following could be used to access each
+ // member of the header:
+ //
+ // TConfigAbcBufV01* headerBuf = (TConfigAbcBufV01*) iConfigHeader;
+ // TConfigAbcV01 &abcHeader = (*headerBuf)();
+ // TInt value = abcHeader.iTintMember;
+ // Initialising the hardware may be achieved with calls similar to the following:
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(a->iChannelBase + KBusModeControlOffset, KIicPslModeControlBitMask);
+ // GPIO::SetPinMode(aPinId, GPIO::EEnabled);
+ // Binding an ISR may be achieved with calls similar to the following:
+ // r = Interrupt::Bind(iRxInterruptId, DSpiSlaveBeagle::IicPslIsr, this);
+ // r = Interrupt::Bind(iTxInterruptId, DSpiSlaveBeagle::IicPslIsr, this);
+ // Enabling interrupts may be achieved with calls similar to the following:
+ // r = Interrupt::Enable(iRxInterruptId);
+ // r = Interrupt::Enable(iTxInterruptId);
+ // Modifying a hardware register may not be a zero-delay operation. The member variable iHwGuardTimer could be used to guard a
+ // continuous poll of the hardware register that checks for the required change in the setting; TimeoutCallback is already
+ // assigned as the callback function for iHwGaurdTimer, and it modifies member variable iTransactionStatus to indicate a timeout
+ // - so the two could be used together as follows:
+ // iTransactionStatus = KErrNone;
+ // iHwGuardTimer.OneShot(NKern::TimerTicks(KTimeoutValue));
+ // while((iTransactionStatus == KErrNone) &&
+ // AsspRegister::Read32(iChannelBase + KRegisterOffset) & KRegisterFlagBitMask);
+ // if(iTransactionStatus != KErrNone)
+ // {
+ // r = KErrGeneral;
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // iHwGuardTimer.Cancel();
+ // }
+ // DoRequest checks the return value so the variable r should be modified in the event of failure with a system-wide error code
+ // for example, if a register could not be modified,
+ // r = KErrGeneral;
+ // __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ConfigureInterface failed with error %d\n",r));
+ return r;
+ }
+// Method to start asynchronous initialisation of the hardware, in accordance with the data provided by the Client
+// in the configuration header when capturing the channel. This differs from ConfigureInterface in that it
+// merely starts the initialisation, then returns immediately;
+// The PSL is expected to be implemented as an asynchronous state machine, where events (for example hardware
+// interrupts, or timer expiry) invoke callback functions that advance the state machine to the next state. Once
+// all the required states have been transitioned, so that the PSL part of the CaptureChannel processing is
+// complete, the ISR should be invoked, which will then call PIL method ChanCaptureCallback
+// This method is called from DoRequest and is expected to return a value to indicate success
+// or a system wide error code to inform of the failure
+TInt DSpiSlaveBeagle::AsynchConfigureInterface()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ConfigureInterface()"));
+// TInt r = KErrNone; // A real implementation would use this as the return value to indicate success / failure
+ // Precisely what processing is done to 'start' the asynchronous processing is entirely platform-specific;
+ // it may be the set-up and activation of a long-running operation that completes asynchronously. Regardless of what
+ // is done, its completion is expected to result in the ISR being run.
+ //
+ // Whatever the operation, there must be some means of the ISR recognising that an asynchronous initialisation has
+ // been performed
+ // In a real PSL, this may be be checking a bitmask in a status register. For the template PSL, however,
+ // a dummy class member will be used (iAsyncConfig)
+ // Since this member will be accessed by the ISR, it should, strictly speaking, be accessed under the guard of a spin lock
+ TInt intState;
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ iAsyncConfig = 1;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ return KErrNone; // A real implementation would return an indication of success / failure
+ }
+// Method called from DoRequest to start Tx and-or Rx transfer.
+// The method will initialise the hardware and pointers used to manage transfers, before returning a value to report success
+// (KErrNone) or a system-wide error code that indicates the cause of failure.
+TInt DSpiSlaveBeagle::InitTransfer()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DSpiSlaveBeagle::InitTransfer()"));
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ // Local copies of member variables that must be accessed in a synchronised manner
+ TInt inProgress;
+ TInt trigger;
+ TInt intState;
+ // Check if a transfer is already in progress.
+ // If variable iInProgress is being used, this must be determined in a synchronised manner because the ISR modifies it.
+ // Bus types that do not rely on chip-select transitions may use an alternative method to indicate if a transfer is in
+ // progress
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ inProgress = iInProgress;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ if(!inProgress)
+ {
+ // If no transfers are in progress, it may be necessary to initialise the hardware to support those that
+ // are being requested. This may include FIFO and interrupt initialisation,
+ //
+ // Initialising the hardware may be achieved with calls similar to the following:
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KBusModeControlOffset, KIicPslModeControlBitMask);
+ // GPIO::SetPinMode(aPinId, GPIO::EEnabled);
+ }
+ // Check the current operations. This must be determined in a synchronised manner because ProcessData
+ // runs in the context of the Client thread and it modifies the value of iTrigger
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ trigger = iTrigger;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ if(trigger & ETransmit)
+ {
+ // If Tx transfers were not previously active, it may be necessary to initialise the Tx hardware here, e.g.
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KBusModeControlOffset, KIicPslTxModeBitMask);
+ // Initialise the Tx pointers
+ iTxData = iTxBuf + (iWordSize * iTxOffset);
+ iTxDataEnd = iTxData + (iWordSize * iNumTxWords);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Tx Buf: %x", iTxData));
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Tx Bufend: %x", iTxDataEnd));
+ // If using a FIFO, copy the data to it until either the FIFO is full or all the data has been copied
+ // This could be achieved with something similar to the following lines:
+ // while(AsspRegister::Read32(iChannelBase + KFifoLevelOffset) <= (KFifoMaxLevel - iWordSize) &&
+ // iTxData != iTxDataEnd)
+ // For the template port, will just use a dummy variable (dummyFifoLvlChk )in place of the register read
+ TInt dummyFifoLvlChk = 0;
+ while((dummyFifoLvlChk) && // Replace this dummy variable with a read of the hardware
+ (iTxData != iTxDataEnd))
+ {
+ // TUint8 nextTxValue = *iTxData; // For this example, assumes one byte of data is to be transmitted
+ // but if operating in 16-bit mode, bytes may need arranging for
+ // endianness
+ // Write to the Tx register with something similar to the following:
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KTxFifoOffset, nextTxValue);
+ iTxData += iWordSize; // Then increment the pointer to the data. In this example, 8-bit mode is assumed
+ // (iWordSize=1), but if operating in 16-bit mode iTxData would be incremented
+ // by the number of bytes specified in iWordSize
+ }
+ // If a Tx FIFO is not being used, a single Tx value would be written - in which case the above loop would be replaced
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("After adding:\n\rTx Buf: %x", iTxData));
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Tx Bufend: %x", iTxDataEnd));
+ }
+ if(trigger & EReceive)
+ {
+ // Initialise the Rx pointers
+ iRxData = iRxBuf + (iWordSize * iRxOffset);
+ iRxDataEnd = iRxData + (iWordSize * iNumRxWords);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Rx Buffer: %x", iRxData));
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Rx Bufend: %x", iRxDataEnd));
+ // If Rx transfers were not previously active, it may be necessary to initialise the Rx hardware here, e.g.
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KBusModeControlOffset, KIicPslRxModeBitMask);
+ }
+ // If there is some common configuration required to support Rx, Tx transfers, may do it here
+ return r;
+ }
+// The gateway function for PSL implementation
+// This method is called by the PIL to perform one or more operations indicated in the bitmask aOperation,
+// which corresponds to members of the TPslOperation enumeration.
+TInt DSpiSlaveBeagle::DoRequest(TInt aOperation)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("\nDSpiSlaveBeagle::DoRequest, Operation 0x%x\n", aOperation));
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ TInt intState;
+ if (aOperation & EAsyncConfigPwrUp)
+ {
+ // The PIL has requested asynchronous operation of CaptureChannel.
+ // The PSL should start the processing required for a channel to be captured, and then return immediately with
+ // error code KErrNone (if the processing was started without error), so that the client thread will be unblocked.
+ // The PSL is expected to be implemented as an asynchronous state machine, where events (for example hardware
+ // interrupts, or timer expiry) invoke callback functions that advance the state machine to the next state. Once
+ // all the required states have been transitioned, so that the PSL part of the CaptureChannel processing is
+ // complete, the PSL should call the PIL function ChanCaptureCallback - this will lead to the Client-provided
+ // callback being executed in the context of the client thread
+ //
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("EAsyncConfigPwrUp"));
+ r = AsynchConfigureInterface();
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("AsynchConfigureInterface returned %d\n", r));
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (aOperation & ESyncConfigPwrUp)
+ {
+ // The PIL has requested synchronous operation of CaptureChannel.
+ // The PSL should perform the processing required for a channel to be captured, and return a system-wide error
+ // code when this is complete to indicate the status of the capture.
+ // Capturing a channel is expected to include initialisation of the hardware to enable operation in accordance
+ // with the configuration specified in the PIL member variable iConfigHeader, which holds the configuration
+ // specified by the Client.
+ //
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ESyncConfigPwrUp"));
+ r = ConfigureInterface();
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ConfigureInterface returned %d\n", r));
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ if (aOperation & ETransmit)
+ {
+ // The PIL has requested that a Tx operation be started.
+ // Since the SPL may support simultaneous Rx and Tx operations, just set the flag in the iTrigger bitmask to
+ // indicate what has been requested. If both Rx and Tx operations are requested, and one completes ahead of the other,
+ // requiring the Client to provide a new buffer and associated call to DoRequest (as is the case if the Master wishes
+ // to transfer more data than the Slave buffer supported), it is possible that the other transfer could complete while
+ // this function is running; consequently, it may attempt to access iTrigger, and so cause data corruption. To cater for
+ // such situations, use a spin lock to guard access to iTrigger.
+ // When the same check has been performed for Rx, call the InitTransfer function to start the required transfers.
+ //
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ETransmit"));
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ iTrigger |= ETransmit;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ }
+ if (aOperation & EReceive)
+ {
+ // The PIL has requested that a Rx operation be started.
+ // Since the SPL may support simultaneous Rx and Tx operations, just set the flag in the iTrigger bitmask to
+ // indicate what has been requested. If both Rx and Tx operations are requested, and one completes ahead of the other,
+ // requiring the Client to provide a new buffer and associated call to DoRequest (as is the case if the Master wishes
+ // to transfer more data than the Slave buffer supported), it is possible that the other transfer could complete while
+ // this function is running; consequently, it may attempt to access iTrigger, and so cause data corruption. To cater for
+ // such situations, use a spin lock to guard access to iTrigger.
+ // When the same check has been performed for Tx, call the InitTransfer function to start the required transfers.
+ //
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("EReceive"));
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ iTrigger |= EReceive;
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ }
+ if (aOperation & (EReceive | ETransmit))
+ {
+ // This code should only be executed once it has been checked whether Rx and Tx operations are required.
+ r = InitTransfer();
+ }
+ if (aOperation & EAbort)
+ {
+ // The PIL has requested that the current transaction be aborted.
+ // This is the case if the Client has not responded within an expected time to specify the next steps in
+ // the transaction processing. The time allowed is specified by calling PIL function SetClientWaitTime, otherwise
+ // the time defaults to KSlaveDefCWaitTime.
+ // If the PSL is able to satisfy this request it should, at a minimum, disable interrupts and update the member
+ // variables that indicate a transaction is in progress. If the PSL is unable to satisfy the request then the same
+ // behaviour will follow as if this request had not been made, so there is no point in modifying the state variables.
+ // If both Rx and Tx operations had been requested, and one completes ahead of the other, it is possible that the other
+ // transfer could complete while this function is running; consequently, it may attempt to access iTrigger and iInProgress,
+ // and so cause data corruption. To cater for such situations, use a spin lock to guard access to iTrigger.
+ // The PIL makes no assumptions of whether the PSL can support this request or not, and does not check the return
+ // value - so there is no need to set one.
+ //
+ TUint8 dummyCanAbort = 1; // Dummy variable to represent a check of if it is possible to abort the current transaction
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("EAbort"));
+ intState = __SPIN_LOCK_IRQSAVE(IicPslSpinLock);
+ if(dummyCanAbort)
+ {
+ // The spin lock has been acquired, so it is safe to modify data and hardware registers that may be accessed as part of
+ // interrupt processing performed by an ISR - this is assuming that the ISR has been written to acquire the same spin lock.
+ // Limit the processing to only that which is necessary to be processed under spin lock control, so as to not delay other
+ // threads of execution that are waiting for the spin lock to be freed.
+ // Hardware may be configured using code similar to the following:
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KBusInterruptEnableOffset, KIicPslBusDisableBitMask);
+ iInProgress = EFalse;
+ iTrigger = 0;
+ }
+ __SPIN_UNLOCK_IRQRESTORE(IicPslSpinLock, intState);
+ // Having released the spin lock, now perform any actions that are not affected by pre-emption by an ISR, this may include code
+ // such as the following
+ // Interrupt::Disable(iRxInterruptId);
+ // Interrupt::Disable(iTxInterruptId);
+ }
+ if (aOperation & EPowerDown)
+ {
+ // The PIL has requested that the channel be released.
+ // If this channel is not part of a MasterSlave channel, the next Client will operate in Slave mode. In this case, it may only
+ // be necessary to disable interrupts, and reset the channel hardware.
+ // If this channel represents the Slave of a MasterSlave channel, it is possible that some of the hardware is shared between the
+ // Master and Slave sub-channels. Since it may not be known whether the next Client of the parent channel will require operation
+ // in either Master or Slave mode, some additional processing may be required to allow for subsequent Master operation (for example.
+ // unbinding an interrupt).
+ //
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("EPowerDown"));
+ // Resetting the hardware may be achieved with calls similar to the following:
+ // AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KBusInterruptEnableOffset, KIicPslBusDisableBitMask);
+ // GPIO::SetPinMode(aPinId, GPIO::EDisabled);
+ // Disable interrupts may be achieved with calls similar to the following:
+ // Interrupt::Disable(iRxInterruptId);
+ // Interrupt::Disable(iTxInterruptId);
+ // Unbinding an ISR may be achieved with calls similar to the following:
+ // Interrupt::Unbind(iRxInterruptId);
+ // Interrupt::Unbind(iTxInterruptId);
+ // The PIL checks the return value so the variable r should be modified in the event of failure with a system-wide error code
+ // for example, if a register could not be modified,
+ // r = KErrGeneral;
+ // __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("EPowerDown failed with error %d\n",r));
+ }
+ return r;
+ }