Update SPI master pin handling: added dynamic pin configuration for McSPI3 (needed if want to use multiple device on this interface. Now following number of Slave devices is available: McSPI1: 4, McSPI2: 2, McSPI3: 6 (2 per each pin configuration), McSPI4: 1. Only McSPI3 and McSPI4 are available now -there are issues with McSPI1 & 2 due to register access (something wrong with mapping? There is Fault Category: Exception Fault Reason: 10000000
// Metabld specification for building the variant and assp layers
// Make sure you have the assp code before running this script
// Invoke using the following command line: metabld beagle.mbc
bldmake bldfiles
abld export
abld makefile
abld clean
abld makefile
abld library
abld target