Update SPI master pin handling: added dynamic pin configuration for McSPI3 (needed if want to use multiple device on this interface. Now following number of Slave devices is available: McSPI1: 4, McSPI2: 2, McSPI3: 6 (2 per each pin configuration), McSPI4: 1. Only McSPI3 and McSPI4 are available now -there are issues with McSPI1 & 2 due to register access (something wrong with mapping? There is Fault Category: Exception Fault Reason: 10000000
// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// omap3530/shared/monitor/monitor.cpp
#include <monitor.h>
#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_assp_priv.h>
#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_uart.h>
#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_prcm.h>
void CrashDebugger::InitUart()
const Omap3530Uart::TUartNumber portNumber( Omap3530Assp::DebugPortNumber() );
if( portNumber >= 0 )
Omap3530Uart::TUart uart( portNumber );
// Ensure UART clocks are running
Prcm::SetClockState( uart.PrcmInterfaceClk(),Prcm::EClkOn );
Prcm::SetClockState( uart.PrcmFunctionClk(), Prcm::EClkOn );
// Add new line and wait for uart to fihish any transmission (i.e. crash info from fifo)
// We don't know what state the UART is in, so reinitialize it
uart.DefineMode( Omap3530Uart::TUart::EUart );
uart.SetBaud( Omap3530Uart::TUart::E115200 );
uart.SetDataFormat( Omap3530Uart::TUart::E8Data, Omap3530Uart::TUart::E1Stop, Omap3530Uart::TUart::ENone );
void CrashDebugger::UartOut(TUint aChar)
const Omap3530Uart::TUartNumber portNumber( Omap3530Assp::DebugPortNumber() );
if( portNumber >= 0 )
Omap3530Uart::TUart uart( portNumber );
TUint c=0;
while ( !uart.RxFifoEmpty() )
if ( CheckPower() )
c = uart.Read();
if ( c == 19 ) // XOFF
while( uart.RxFifoEmpty() )
if ( CheckPower() )
c = uart.Read();
if ( c == 17 ) // XON
else if ( c == 3 ) // Ctrl C
else if ( c == 3 ) // Ctrl C
while ( uart.TxFifoFull() )
uart.Write( aChar );
TUint8 CrashDebugger::UartIn()
const Omap3530Uart::TUartNumber portNumber( Omap3530Assp::DebugPortNumber() );
if( portNumber >= 0 )
Omap3530Uart::TUart uart( portNumber );
while ( uart.RxFifoEmpty() )
if ( CheckPower() )
return 0x0d;
return uart.Read();
return 0;
TBool CrashDebugger::CheckPower()
// Check if power supply is stable and return ETrue if not
return EFalse; // EXAMPLE ONLY