/* Cypress West Bridge API header file (cyasmedia.h) ## =========================== ## ## Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2006-2009, ## All Rights Reserved ## UNPUBLISHED, LICENSED SOFTWARE. ## ## CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ## WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF CYPRESS. ## ## Use of this file is governed ## by the license agreement included in the file ## ## <install>/license/license.txt ## ## where <install> is the Cypress software ## installation root directory path. ## ## ===========================*/#ifndef _INCLUDED_CYASMEDIA_H_#define _INCLUDED_CYASMEDIA_H_#include "cyas_cplus_start.h"/* Summary Specifies a specific type of media supported by West Bridge Description The West Bridge device supports five specific types of media as storage/IO devices attached to it's S-Port. This type is used to indicate the type of media being referenced in any API call.*/typedef enum CyAsMediaType{ CyAsMediaNand = 0x00, /* Flash NAND memory (may be SLC or MLC) */ CyAsMediaSDFlash = 0x01, /* An SD flash memory device */ CyAsMediaMMCFlash = 0x02, /* An MMC flash memory device */ CyAsMediaCEATA = 0x03, /* A CE-ATA disk drive */ CyAsMediaSDIO = 0x04, /* SDIO device. */ CyAsMediaMaxMediaValue = 0x05} CyAsMediaType ;#include "cyas_cplus_end.h"#endif /* _INCLUDED_CYASMEDIA_H_ */