Deleting the bootstrap.flm extension workaround from omap3530/beagleboard/bld.inf b/omap3530/beagleboard/bld.inf for the time being.
Bootstrap.flm isn't present in the buildtools GCC_SURGE branch yet and I suspect that bringing it in will break stuff.
// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// /omap3530/assp/inc/omap3530_timer.h
omap3530_timer.h header file
This file provides timer handling for the omap3530 timers
#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_hardware_base.h>
#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_irqmap.h>
namespace TexasInstruments
namespace Omap3530
namespace GPTimer
namespace TIOCP_CFG
0 AUTOIDLE Internal L4 interface clock gating strategy 0
0x0: L4 interface clock is free-running.
0x1: Automatic L4 interface clock gating strategy isapplied, based on the L4 interface activity.
typedef TSingleBitField<0> T_AUTOIDLE ;
1 SOFTRESET Software reset. This bit is automatically reset by the RW 0 hardware. During reads, it always returns 0.
0x0: Normal mode
0x1: The module is reset.
typedef TSingleBitField<1> T_SOFTRESET ;
2 ENAWAKEUP Wake-up feature global control RW 0
0x0: No wake-up line assertion in idle mode
0x1: Wake-up line assertion enabled in smart-idle mode
typedef TSingleBitField<2> T_ENAWAKEUP ;
4:3 IDLEMODE Power management, req/ack control RW 0x0
0x0: Force-idle. An idle request is acknowledged unconditionally.
0x1: No-idle. An idle request is never acknowledged.
0x2: Smart-idle. Acknowledgement to an idle request is given based on the internal activity of the module.
0x3: Reserved. Do not use.
class T_IDLEMODE : public TBitField<3, 2>
public :
enum TConstants
KForceIdle = TConstVal<0>::KValue,
KNoIdle = TConstVal<1>::KValue,
KSmartIdle = TConstVal<2>::KValue
} ;
} ;
5 EMUFREE Emulation mode RW 0
0x0: Timer counter frozen in emulation
0x1: Timer counter free-running in emulation
typedef TSingleBitField<5> T_EMUFREE ;
9:8 CLOCKACTIVITY Clock activity during wakeup mode period: RW 0x0
0x0: L4 interface and Functional clocks can be switched off.
0x1: L4 interface clock is maintained during wake-up period; Functional clock can be switched off.
0x2: L4 interface clock can be switched off; Functional clock is maintained during wake-up period.
0x3: L4 interface and Functional clocks are maintained during wake-up period.
class T_CLOCKACTIVITY : public TBitField<8, 2>
public :
enum TConstants
KMaintainNeither = TConstVal<0>::KValue,
KMaintainIfClock = TConstVal<1>::KValue,
KMaintainFuncClock = TConstVal<2>::KValue,
KMaintainBoth = TConstVal<3>::KValue
} ;
} ;
} ; // namespace TIOCP_CFG
namespace TISTAT
0 RESETDONE Internal reset monitoring R 0
0x0: Internal module reset is ongoing.
0x1: Reset completed
typedef TSingleBitField<0> T_RESETDONE ;
} ; // namespace TISTAT
namespace TISR
0 MAT_IT_FLAG Pending match interrupt status RW 0
Read 0x0: No match interrupt pending
Write 0x0: Status unchanged
Read 0x1: Match interrupt pending
Write 0x1: Status bit cleared
typedef TSingleBitField<0> T_MAT_IT_FLAG ;
1 OVF_IT_FLAG Pending overflow interrupt status RW 0
Read 0x0: No overflow interrupt pending
Write 0x0: Status unchanged
Read 0x1: Overflow interrupt pending
Write 0x1: Status bit cleared
typedef TSingleBitField<1> T_OVF_IT_FLAG ;
2 TCAR_IT_FLAG Pending capture interrupt status RW 0
Read 0x0: No capture interrupt event pending
Write 0x0: Status unchanged
Read 0x1: Capture interrupt event pending
Write 0x1: Status bit cleared
typedef TSingleBitField<2> T_TCAR_IT_FLAG ;
} ; // namespace TISR
namespace TIER
0 MAT_IT_ENA Enable match interrupt RW 0
0x0: Disable match interrupt.
0x1: Enable match interrupt.
typedef TSingleBitField<0> T_MAT_IT_ENA ;
1 OVF_IT_ENA Enable overflow interrupt RW 0
0x0: Disable overflow interrupt.
0x1: Enable overflow interrupt.
typedef TSingleBitField<1> T_OVF_IT_ENA ;
2 TCAR_IT_ENA Enable capture interrupt RW 0
0x0: Disable capture interrupt.
0x1: Enable capture interrupt.
typedef TSingleBitField<2> T_TCAR_IT_ENA ;
} ; // namespace TIER
namespace TWER
0 MAT_WUP_ENA Enable match wake-up RW 0
0x0: Disable match wake-up.
0x1: Enable match wake-up.
typedef TSingleBitField<0> T_MAT_WUP_ENA ;
1 OVF_WUP_ENA Enable overflow wake-up RW 0
0x0: Disable overflow wake-up.
0x1: Enable overflow wake-up.
typedef TSingleBitField<1> T_OVF_WUP_ENA ;
2 TCAR_WUP_ENA Enable capture wake-up RW 0
0x0: Disable capture wake-up.
0x1: Enable capture wake-up.
typedef TSingleBitField<2> T_TCAR_WUP_ENA ;
} ; // namespace TWER
namespace TCLR
0 ST Start/stop timer control RW 0
0x0: Stop the timer
0x1: Start the timer
typedef TSingleBitField<0> T_ST ;
1 AR Autoreload mode RW 0
0x0: One-shot mode overflow
0x1: Autoreload mode overflow
typedef TSingleBitField<1> T_AR ;
4:2 PTV Trigger output mode
0x0: The timer counter is prescaled with the value: RW 0x0
2(PTV+1). Example: PTV = 3, counter increases value (if started) after 16 functional clock periods.
class T_PTV : public TBitField<2, 3>
public :
enum TConstants
KPS_2 = TConstVal<0>::KValue,
KPS_4 = TConstVal<1>::KValue,
KPS_8 = TConstVal<2>::KValue,
KPS_16 = TConstVal<3>::KValue,
KPS_32 = TConstVal<4>::KValue,
KPS_64 = TConstVal<5>::KValue,
KPS_128 = TConstVal<6>::KValue,
KPS_256 = TConstVal<7>::KValue
} ;
} ;
5 PRE Prescaler enable RW 0
0x0: Prescaler disabled
0x1: Prescaler enabled
typedef TSingleBitField<5> T_PRE ;
6 CE Compare enable RW 0
0x0: Compare disabled
0x1: Compare enabled
typedef TSingleBitField<6> T_CE ;
7 SCPWM Pulse-width-modulation output pin default setting when RW 0
counter is stopped or trigger output mode is set to no trigger.
0x0: Default value of PWM_out output: 0
0x1: Default value of PWM_out output: 1
typedef TSingleBitField<7> T_SCPWM ;
9:8 TCM Transition capture mode RW 0x0
0x0: No capture
0x1: Capture on rising edges of EVENT_CAPTURE pin.
0x2: Capture on falling edges of EVENT_CAPTURE pin.
0x3: Capture on both edges of EVENT_CAPTURE pin.
class T_TCM : public TBitField<8, 2>
public :
enum TConstants
KNoCapture = TConstVal<0>::KValue,
KRisingEdge = TConstVal<1>::KValue,
KFallingEdge = TConstVal<2>::KValue,
KBothEdges = TConstVal<3>::KValue
} ;
} ;
11:10 TRG Trigger output mode RW 0x0
0x0: No trigger
0x1: Overflow trigger
0x2: Overflow and match trigger
0x3: Reserved
class T_IDLEMODE : public TBitField<10, 2>
public :
enum TConstants
KNoTrigger = TConstVal<0>::KValue,
KOverflow = TConstVal<1>::KValue,
KOverflowAndMatch = TConstVal<2>::KValue
} ;
} ;
12 PT Pulse or toggle select bit RW 0
0x0: Pulse modulation
0x1: Toggle modulation
typedef TSingleBitField<12> T_PT ;
13 CAPT_MODE Capture mode select bit (first/second) RW 0
0x0: Capture the first enabled capture event in TCAR1.
0x1: Capture the second enabled capture event in TCAR2.
typedef TSingleBitField<13> T_CAPT_MODE ;
14 GPO_CFG PWM output/event detection input pin direction control: RW 0
0x0: Configures the pin as an output (needed when PWM mode is required)
0x1: Configures the pin as an input (needed when capture mode is required)
typedef TSingleBitField<14> T_GPO_CFG ;
} ; // namespace TCLR
namespace TWPS
0 W_PEND_TCLR Write pending for register GPT_TCLR R 0
0x0: Control register write not pending
0x1: Control register write pending
typedef TSingleBitField<0> T_W_PEND_TCLR ;
1 W_PEND_TCRR Write pending for register GPT_TCRR R 0
0x0: Counter register write not pending
0x1: Counter register write pending
typedef TSingleBitField<1> T_W_PEND_TCRR ;
2 W_PEND_TLDR Write pending for register GPT_TLDR R 0
0x0: Load register write not pending
0x1: Load register write pending
typedef TSingleBitField<2> T_W_PEND_TLDR ;
3 W_PEND_TTGR Write pending for register GPT_TTGR R 0
0x0: Trigger register write not pending
0x1: Trigger register write pending
typedef TSingleBitField<3> T_W_PEND_TTGR ;
4 W_PEND_TMAR Write pending for register GPT_TMAR R 0
0x0: Match register write not pending
0x1: Match register write pending
typedef TSingleBitField<4> T_W_PEND_TMAR;
5 W_PEND_TPIR Write pending for register GPT_TPIR R 0
Reserved for instances 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 Read returns reset value. R 0
0x0: Positive increment register write not pending
0x1: Positive increment register write pending
typedef TSingleBitField<5> T_W_PEND_TPIR ;
6 W_PEND_TNIR Write pending for register GPT_TNIR R 0
0x0: Negative increment register write not pending
0x1: Negative increment register write pending
Reserved for instances 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 Read returns reset value. R 0
typedef TSingleBitField<6> T_W_PEND_TNIR ;
7 W_PEND_TCVR Write pending for register GPT_TCVR R 0
0x0: Counter value register write not pending
0x1: Counter value register write pending
Reserved for instances 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 Read returns reset value. R 0
typedef TSingleBitField<7> T_W_PEND_TCVR ;
8 W_PEND_TOCR Write pending for register GPT_TOCR R 0
0x0: Overflow counter register write not pending
0x1: Overflow counter register write pending
Reserved for instances 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 Read returns reset value. R 0
typedef TSingleBitField<8> T_W_PEND_TOCR ;
9 W_PEND_TOWR Write pending for register GPT_TOWR R 0
0x0: Overflow wrapping register write not pending
0x1: Overflow wrapping register write pending
Reserved for instances 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 Read returns reset value. R 0
typedef TSingleBitField<9> T_W_PEND_TOWR ;
} ; // namespace TWPS
namespace TSICR
1 SFT Reset software functional registers. This bit is automatically reset RW 0
by the hardware. During reads, it always returns 0.
0x0: Normal functional mode
0x1: The functional registers are reset.
typedef TSingleBitField<1> T_SFT ;
2 POSTED Posted mode selection RW 1
0x0: Non-posted mode selected
0x1: Posted mode selected
typedef TSingleBitField<2> T_POSTED ;
} ; // namespace TSICR
namespace TOCR
23:0 OVF_COUNTER_VALUE The number of overflow events. RW 0x00000000
class T_OVF_COUNTER_VALUE : public TBitField<0, 24>
public :
enum TConstants
} ;
} ;
} ; // namespace TOCR
namespace TOWR
23:0 OVF_WRAPPING_VALUE The number of masked interrupts. RW 0x00000000
class T_OVF_WRAPPING_VALUE : public TBitField<0, 24>
public :
enum TConstants
} ;
} ;
} ; // namespace TOWR
enum TBaseAddress
KGPTIMER1_Base = TVirtual<0x48318000>::Value,
KGPTIMER2_Base = TVirtual<0x49032000>::Value,
KGPTIMER3_Base = TVirtual<0x49034000>::Value,
KGPTIMER4_Base = TVirtual<0x49036000>::Value,
KGPTIMER5_Base = TVirtual<0x49038000>::Value,
KGPTIMER6_Base = TVirtual<0x4903A000>::Value,
KGPTIMER7_Base = TVirtual<0x4903C000>::Value,
KGPTIMER8_Base = TVirtual<0x4903E000>::Value,
KGPTIMER9_Base = TVirtual<0x49040000>::Value,
KGPTIMER10_Base = TVirtual<0x48086000>::Value,
KGPTIMER11_Base = TVirtual<0x48088000>::Value,
KGPTIMER12_Base = TVirtual<0x48304000>::Value,
} ;
enum TTimerNumber
typedef void (*TTimerIsr)(TAny*) ;
template<const TTimerNumber tImEr>
struct TTimerTraits
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer1>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER1_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ37_GPT1_IRQ,
KClockSelMask = TSingleBitField<7>::KMask,
KClockSelValue = TSingleBitField<7>::KOn,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer2>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER2_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ38_GPT2_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer3>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER3_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ39_GPT3_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer4>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER4_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ40_GPT4_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer5>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER5_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ41_GPT5_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer6>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER6_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ42_GPT6_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer7>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER7_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ43_GPT7_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer8>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER8_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ44_GPT8_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer9>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER9_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ45_GPT9_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer10>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER10_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ46_GPT10_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer11>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER11_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ47_GPT11_IRQ,
} ;
} ;
struct TTimerTraits<EGpTimer12>
enum TraitValues
KBaseAddress = KGPTIMER12_Base,
KIrq = EOmap3530_IRQ95_GPT12_IRQ,
KClockSelReg = 0,
KClockSelMask = 0,
KClockSel32K = 0,
KClockSelSys = 0,
KClockSelValue = KClockSel32K
} ;
} ;
An interface template for OMAP3530 General Purpose timer functionality.
template <const TTimerNumber tImEr>
class TGPT
protected :
enum TRegisterOffsets
KTIOCP_CFG_Offset = 0x010,
KTISTAT_Offset = 0x014,
KTISR_Offset = 0x018,
KTIER_Offset = 0x01C,
KTWER_Offset = 0x020,
KTCLR_Offset = 0x024,
KTCRR_Offset = 0x028,
KTLDR_Offset = 0x02C,
KTTGR_Offset = 0x030,
KTWPS_Offset = 0x034,
KTMAR_Offset = 0x038,
KTCAR1_Offset = 0x03C,
KTSICR_Offset = 0x040,
KTCAR2_Offset = 0x044
} ;
enum TConstants
KHz = 1000,
KClockInputFrequency = 32768,
} ;
public :
static inline TOmap3530_IRQ Irq()
return TOmap3530_IRQ(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KIrq) ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTCLR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TCLR::KOn)) ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTCRR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TCRR::KOn)) ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTLDR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TLDR::KOn)) ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTTGR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TTGR::KOn)) ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTMAR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TMAR::KOn)) ;
static inline void Reset()
static inline TBool ResetComplete()
return (TISTAT::T_RESETDONE::KOn & iTISTAT.Read()) ;
static inline TBool WriteOutstanding()
return (iTWPS.Read()) ;
public :
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTIOCP_CFG_Offset)> iTIOCP_CFG ;
static TReg32_R<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTISTAT_Offset)> iTISTAT ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTISR_Offset)> iTISR ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTIER_Offset)> iTIER ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTWER_Offset)> iTWER ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTCLR_Offset)> iTCLR ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTCRR_Offset)> iTCRR ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTLDR_Offset)> iTLDR ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTTGR_Offset)> iTTGR ;
static TReg32_R<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTWPS_Offset)> iTWPS ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTMAR_Offset)> iTMAR ;
static TReg32_R<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTCAR1_Offset)> iTCAR1 ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTSICR_Offset)> iTSICR ;
static TReg32_R<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTCAR2_Offset)> iTCAR2 ;
} ; // class TGPTi
An interface template for OMAP3530 Microsecond aligned timer functionality.
Encapsulates the extra registers provided for timers 1, 2 and 10.
template <const TTimerNumber tImEr>
class TMsSyncTimer : public TGPT<tImEr>
using TGPT<tImEr>::iTWPS ;
using TGPT<tImEr>::iTLDR ;
protected :
enum TRegisterOffsets
KTPIR_Offset = 0x048,
KTNIR_Offset = 0x04C,
KTCVR_Offset = 0x050,
KTOCR_Offset = 0x054,
KTOWR_Offset = 0x058
} ;
public :
enum TRegisterValues
KInitialLoad = 0xFFFFFFE0,
KInitialPIR = 0x38A40,
KInitialNIR = 0xFFF44800
} ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTPIR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TPIR::KOn)) ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTNIR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TNIR::KOn)) ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTCVR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TCVR::KOn)) ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTOCR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TOCR::KOn)) ;
static inline TBool CanWriteTOWR()
return (0 == (iTWPS.Read() & TWPS::T_W_PEND_TOWR::KOn)) ;
static inline void ConfigureFor1Ms()
iTLDR.Write( KInitialLoad );
iTPIR.Write( KInitialPIR );
iTNIR.Write( KInitialNIR );
public :
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTPIR_Offset)> iTPIR ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTNIR_Offset)> iTNIR ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTCVR_Offset)> iTCVR ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTOCR_Offset)> iTOCR ;
static TReg32_RW<(TTimerTraits<tImEr>::KBaseAddress + KTOWR_Offset)> iTOWR ;
} ; // class TMsSyncTimer
} // namespage GPTimer
typedef GPTimer::TMsSyncTimer<GPTimer::EGpTimer1> TGpTimer1 ;
typedef GPTimer::TMsSyncTimer<GPTimer::EGpTimer2> TGpTimer2 ;
typedef GPTimer::TGPT<GPTimer::EGpTimer3> TGpTimer3 ;
typedef GPTimer::TGPT<GPTimer::EGpTimer4> TGpTimer4 ;
typedef GPTimer::TGPT<GPTimer::EGpTimer5> TGpTimer5 ;
typedef GPTimer::TGPT<GPTimer::EGpTimer6> TGpTimer6 ;
typedef GPTimer::TGPT<GPTimer::EGpTimer7> TGpTimer7 ;
typedef GPTimer::TGPT<GPTimer::EGpTimer8> TGpTimer8 ;
typedef GPTimer::TGPT<GPTimer::EGpTimer9> TGpTimer9 ;
typedef GPTimer::TMsSyncTimer<GPTimer::EGpTimer10> TGpTimer10 ;
typedef GPTimer::TGPT<GPTimer::EGpTimer11> TGpTimer11 ;
typedef GPTimer::TGPT<GPTimer::EGpTimer12> TGpTimer12 ;
An interface template for OMAP3530 32-KHz aligned timer functionality.
class T32KhzSyncTimer
protected :
enum TRegisterAddress
KREG_32KSYNCNT_SYSCONFIG = TVirtual<0x48320004>::Value,
KREG_32KSYNCNT_CR = TVirtual<0x48320010>::Value
} ;
public :
static TReg32_RW<KREG_32KSYNCNT_SYSCONFIG> iSysConfig ;
static TReg32_R<KREG_32KSYNCNT_CR> iCR ;
private :
} ; // class TMsSyncTimer
} // namespace Omap3530
} // namespace TexasInstruments
// **** TEST CODE ****
inline void CompileTimeChecks(void)
__ASSERT_COMPILE((TI::Omap3530::GPTimer::TIOCP_CFG::T_IDLEMODE::KSmartIdle == (2 << 3))) ;
__ASSERT_COMPILE((TI::Omap3530::GPTimer::TIOCP_CFG::T_CLOCKACTIVITY::KMaintainIfClock == (1 << 8))) ;
__ASSERT_COMPILE((TI::Omap3530::GPTimer::KGPTIMER1_Base == (0xC6318000))) ;
__ASSERT_COMPILE((0)) ; // Prove that testing is happening
# endif
#endif /* ndef HEADER_OMAP3530_TIMER_H_INCLUDED */