Deleting the bootstrap.flm extension workaround from omap3530/beagleboard/bld.inf b/omap3530/beagleboard/bld.inf for the time being.
Bootstrap.flm isn't present in the buildtools GCC_SURGE branch yet and I suspect that bringing it in will break stuff.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Contributors:
// Description:
// omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/omap3530_spi.inl
// This file contains definitions to internal SPI implementation.
// It is not intended to be exported - SPI registers must not be modified from outside of
// the driver!
// This sets the CS line to inactive mode (Specify aActiveMode as appropriate for configuration)
// The CS pin will be put back to the opposite mode - using GPIO.. THis is in order to always keep
// the CS line in an 'inactive' state (de-asserted) when the SPI is disabled.
inline void SetCsInactive(TInt aModule, TInt aChannel, TSpiSsPinMode aActiveMode, TUint aPinSetId = 0)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aModule < KMaxSpiChannelsPerModule, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // aChannel > module channels
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aModule != 2 ? !aPinSetId : ETrue, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // only channel 3 supports other pin configurations
// set the pin to the opposite to the currently active CS mode..
const TPinConfig& csConf = ModulePinConfig[aModule + aPinSetId].iCs[aChannel];
__ASSERT_DEBUG(csConf.iAddress, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // don't try to use non-existing CS!
// now switch the pin mode..(making sure it is at the proper level before that)
GPIO::SetOutputState(csConf.iPinNumber, aActiveMode == ESpiCSPinActiveLow ? GPIO::EHigh : GPIO::ELow);
SCM::SetPadConfig(csConf.iAddress, csConf.iMswLsw, SCM::EMode4); // always go to mode 4 (gpio)
inline void SetCsActive(TInt aModule, TInt aChannel, TUint aPinSetId = 0)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aModule < KMaxSpiChannelsPerModule, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // aChannel > module channels
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aModule != 2 ? !aPinSetId : ETrue, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // only channel 3 supports other pin configurations
const TPinConfig &csConf = ModulePinConfig[aModule + aPinSetId].iCs[aChannel];
__ASSERT_DEBUG(csConf.iAddress, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // don't try to use non-existing CS!
// now switch the pin mode back to the SPI
SCM::SetPadConfig(csConf.iAddress, csConf.iMswLsw, csConf.iFlags);
// Setup pad function for SPI pins..
inline void SetupSpiPins(TUint aModule, TUint aPinSetId = 0)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aModule < KMaxSpiChannelsPerModule, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // aChannel > module channels
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aModule != 2 ? !aPinSetId : ETrue, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // only channel 3 supports other pin configurations
const TSpiPinConfig& pinCnf = ModulePinConfig[aModule + aPinSetId];
SCM::SetPadConfig(pinCnf.iClk.iAddress, pinCnf.iClk.iMswLsw, pinCnf.iClk.iFlags);
SCM::SetPadConfig(pinCnf.iSimo.iAddress, pinCnf.iSimo.iMswLsw, pinCnf.iSimo.iFlags);
SCM::SetPadConfig(pinCnf.iSomi.iAddress, pinCnf.iSomi.iMswLsw, pinCnf.iSomi.iFlags);
// Setup GPIO mode/direction for all CS pins only once - here.
for(TInt i = 0; i < KMaxSpiChannelsPerModule; i++)
// pre-set the GPIO..
GPIO::SetPinDirection(pinCnf.iCs[i].iPinNumber, GPIO::EOutput);
GPIO::SetPinMode(pinCnf.iCs[i].iPinNumber, GPIO::EEnabled);
break; // no more channels (cs signals)
// McSPI3 can have 3 different pin configuration, but only one can be active at the time.
// for that reason, before switching to different mode -at least SOMI has to be deactivated
// otherwise the newly activated pin does not work (why??). Changing these pins to the GPIO (mode 4)
inline void DeactivateSpiPins(TUint aModule, TUint aPinSetId = 0)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aModule < KMaxSpiChannelsPerModule, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // aChannel > module channels
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aModule != 2 ? !aPinSetId : ETrue, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // only channel 3 supports other pin configurations
const TSpiPinConfig& pinCnf = ModulePinConfig[aModule + aPinSetId];
SCM::SetPadConfig(pinCnf.iClk.iAddress, pinCnf.iClk.iMswLsw, SCM::EMode4 | SCM::EInputEnable);
SCM::SetPadConfig(pinCnf.iSimo.iAddress, pinCnf.iSimo.iMswLsw, SCM::EMode4 | SCM::EInputEnable);
SCM::SetPadConfig(pinCnf.iSomi.iAddress, pinCnf.iSomi.iMswLsw, SCM::EMode4 | SCM::EInputEnable);
// helper function - returns appropriate value for the register for a given mode
inline TUint32 SpiClkMode(TSpiClkMode aClkMode)
// (POL) (PHA)
// 0 0 Mode 0: spim_clk is active high and sampling occurs on the rising edge.
// 0 1 Mode 1: spim_clk is active high and sampling occurs on the falling edge.
// 1 0 Mode 2: spim_clk is active low and sampling occurs on the falling edge.
// 1 1 Mode 3: spim_clk is active low and sampling occurs on the rising edge.
TUint val = 0;
//case ESpiPolarityLowRisingEdge: // Active high, odd edges
/*val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_POL;*/ // 0 (not set)
/*val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_PHA;*/ // 0 (not set)
//break; // commented out - it's only for reference - there's nothing to change
case ESpiPolarityLowFallingEdge: // Active high, even edges
/*val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_POL;*/ // 0 (not set)
val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_PHA; // 1
case ESpiPolarityHighFallingEdge: // Active low, odd edges
val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_POL; // 1
/*val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_PHA;*/ // 0 (not set)
case ESpiPolarityHighRisingEdge: // Active low, even edges
val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_POL; // 1
val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_PHA; // 1
return val;
// helper function - returns appropriate value for the register for a given frequency (or error->if not found)
inline TInt SpiClkValue(TInt aClkSpeedHz)
for (TInt val = 0; val < 0xD; val++) // only loop through all possible values..
if(MCSPI_K48MHz >> val == aClkSpeedHz)
return (val << 2); // return value ready for the register
return KErrNotFound;
inline TInt SpiWordWidth(TSpiWordWidth aWidth)
TInt val = 0;
case ESpiWordWidth_8: val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_WL(8); break;
case ESpiWordWidth_10: val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_WL(10); break;
case ESpiWordWidth_12: val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_WL(12); break;
case ESpiWordWidth_16: val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_WL(16); break;
// case ESpiWordWidth_32: val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_WL(32); break; // TODO uncomment when fix for Bug 3665 is released
return val;