Apply Bug 3164 changes to Beagleboard, so that bootrom.bin gets created
/** Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description:**/#include "shared_sound.h"#include "variant_sound.h"void TimerCallback(TAny* aData) { DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd * soundscpdd = (DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd*) aData; soundscpdd->Callback(soundscpdd->iTransferArray[0].iTransferID, KErrNone, soundscpdd->iTransferArray[0].iNumBytes); }DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd() : iTimer(TimerCallback,this) { }DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::~DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd() { iTimer.Cancel(); }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::DoCreate() { SetCaps(); BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::DoCreate TxPdd"); return KErrNone; }void DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::GetChunkCreateInfo(TChunkCreateInfo& aChunkCreateInfo) { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::GetChunkCreateInfo TxPdd"); aChunkCreateInfo.iType = TChunkCreateInfo::ESharedKernelMultiple; aChunkCreateInfo.iMapAttr = EMapAttrFullyBlocking; // No caching aChunkCreateInfo.iOwnsMemory = ETrue; // Using RAM pages aChunkCreateInfo.iDestroyedDfc = NULL; // No chunk destroy DFC }void DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::Caps(TDes8& aCapsBuf) const { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::Caps TxPdd"); // Fill the structure with zeros in case it is a newer version than we know about aCapsBuf.FillZ(aCapsBuf.MaxLength()); // And copy the capabilities into the packaged structure TPtrC8 ptr((const TUint8*) &iCaps, sizeof(iCaps)); aCapsBuf = ptr.Left(Min(ptr.Length(), aCapsBuf.MaxLength())); }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::SetConfig(const TDesC8& aConfigBuf) { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::SetConfig TxPdd"); // Read the new configuration from the LDD TCurrentSoundFormatV02 config; TPtr8 ptr((TUint8*) &config, sizeof(config)); Kern::InfoCopy(ptr, aConfigBuf); iConfig = config; return KErrNone; }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::SetVolume(TInt aVolume) { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::Setvolume TxPdd"); return KErrNone; }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::StartTransfer() { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::starttransfer TxPdd"); //Prepare for transfer return KErrNone; }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::CalculateBufferTime(TInt aNumBytes) { TUint samplerate=0; // Let the compiler perform an integer division of rates switch(iConfig.iRate) { case ESoundRate7350Hz: samplerate = 7350; break; case ESoundRate8000Hz: samplerate = 8000; break; case ESoundRate8820Hz: samplerate = 8820; break; case ESoundRate9600Hz: samplerate = 9600; break; case ESoundRate11025Hz: samplerate = 11025; break; case ESoundRate12000Hz: samplerate = 12000; break; case ESoundRate14700Hz: samplerate = 14700; break; case ESoundRate16000Hz: samplerate = 16000; break; case ESoundRate22050Hz: samplerate = 22050; break; case ESoundRate24000Hz: samplerate = 24000; break; case ESoundRate29400Hz: samplerate = 29400; break; case ESoundRate32000Hz: samplerate = 32000; break; case ESoundRate44100Hz: samplerate = 44100; break; case ESoundRate48000Hz: samplerate = 48000; break; } // integer division by number of channels aNumBytes /= iConfig.iChannels; BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::iChannels =%d", iConfig.iChannels); BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::iEncoding =%d", iConfig.iEncoding); // integer division by bytes per sample switch(iConfig.iEncoding) { case ESoundEncoding8BitPCM: break; case ESoundEncoding16BitPCM: aNumBytes /= 2; break; case ESoundEncoding24BitPCM: aNumBytes /= 3; break; } return (aNumBytes * 1000) / samplerate; //return time in milliseconds }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::TransferData(TUint aTransferID, TLinAddr aLinAddr, TPhysAddr /*aPhysAddr*/, TInt aNumBytes) { //function wil get called multiple times while transfer is in progress therefore keep fifo queue of requests TTransferArrayInfo transfer; transfer.iTransferID = aTransferID; transfer.iLinAddr = aLinAddr; transfer.iNumBytes = aNumBytes; //calculate the amount of time required to play/record buffer TInt buffer_play_time = CalculateBufferTime(aNumBytes); TInt timerticks = NKern::TimerTicks(buffer_play_time); transfer.iPlayTime = timerticks; iTransferArray.Append(transfer); //Timer will callback when correct time has elapsed, will return KErrInUse if transfer //already active, this is ok becuase will be started again in callback TInt err = iTimer.OneShot(timerticks, ETrue); return KErrNone; }void DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::StopTransfer() { // Stop transfer BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::stoptransfer TxPdd"); //If timer is currently active then cancel it and call back buffer if(iTimer.Cancel()) { Callback(iTransferArray[0].iTransferID, KErrNone, iTransferArray[0].iNumBytes); } }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::PauseTransfer() { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::pausetransfer TxPdd"); //Pause Transfer return KErrNone; }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::ResumeTransfer() { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::resumetransfer TxPdd"); //Resume Transfer return KErrNone; }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::PowerUp() { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::PowerUp TxPdd"); return KErrNone; }void DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::PowerDown() { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::Powerdown TxPdd"); }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::CustomConfig(TInt /*aFunction*/,TAny* /*aParam*/) { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::customconfig TxPdd"); return KErrNotSupported; }void DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::Callback(TUint aTransferID, TInt aTransferResult, TInt aBytesTransferred) { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::playcallback TxPdd"); //Callback when Transfer completes or is stopped iTransferArray.Remove(0); if(iUnitType == KSoundScTxUnit0) { Ldd()->PlayCallback(aTransferID, aTransferResult, aBytesTransferred); } else if(iUnitType == KSoundScRxUnit0) { Ldd()->RecordCallback(aTransferID, aTransferResult, aBytesTransferred); } if( iTransferArray.Count()>0) { iTimer.OneShot(iTransferArray[0].iPlayTime, ETrue); } }TDfcQue*DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::DfcQ(TInt /* aUnit*/ ) { return this->DfcQ(); }TDfcQue*DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::DfcQ() { return iPhysicalDevice->iDfcQ; }TInt DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::MaxTransferLen() const { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::MaxTransferLen TxPdd"); TInt maxlength = 200*1024; return maxlength; }void DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::SetCaps() { BEAGLE_SOUND_DEBUG("DDriverBeagleSoundScPdd::SetCaps TxPdd"); if(iUnitType == KSoundScTxUnit0) { // The data transfer direction for this unit is play iCaps.iDirection = ESoundDirPlayback; } else if(iUnitType == KSoundScRxUnit0) { // The data transfer direction for this unit is record iCaps.iDirection = ESoundDirRecord; } // This unit supports both mono and stereo iCaps.iChannels = (KSoundMonoChannel | KSoundStereoChannel); // This unit supports only some of the sample rates offered by Symbian OS iCaps.iRates = (KSoundRate8000Hz | KSoundRate11025Hz | KSoundRate12000Hz | KSoundRate16000Hz | KSoundRate22050Hz | KSoundRate24000Hz | KSoundRate32000Hz | KSoundRate44100Hz | KSoundRate48000Hz); // This unit only supports 16bit PCM encoding iCaps.iEncodings = KSoundEncoding16BitPCM; // This unit only supports interleaved data format when playing stereo; that is, a PCM data // stream where the left and right channel samples are interleaved as L-R-L-R-L-R etc. iCaps.iDataFormats = KSoundDataFormatInterleaved; // The iRequestMinSize member is named badly. It is actually the value of which the length samples // must be a multiple of. ie. The sample length % iRequestMinSize must == 0. This value must always // be a power of 2 iCaps.iRequestMinSize = 4; // The logarithm to base 2 of the alignment required for request arguments. DMA requests must be // aligned to a 32 bit boundary iCaps.iRequestAlignment = 2; // This unit is not capable of detecting changes in hardware configuration iCaps.iHwConfigNotificationSupport = EFalse; }