updated SPI. Added template touch (byd_touch) -WORKING version,does not work-needs update as I missunderstood how the touchcontroller(chip) works. Submitting in order to share whatever there was-prior to going for holiday
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/beagle_drivers/byd_touch/bld.inf Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/beagle_drivers/byd_touch/common/controller.cpp Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// lukasz.forynski@gmail.com
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// omap3530/beagle_drivers/byd_touch/common/controller.cpp
+#include <drivers/iic.h>
+#include <drivers/iic_channel.h>
+#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_gpio.h>
+#include "controller.h"
+//#define VERBOSE_DEBUG
+#define LOG_FUNCTION_CALL Kern::Printf("%s()", __FUNCTION__)
+TTouchControllerInterface::TTouchControllerInterface() :
+ iSpiTransactionHeader(KHeader),
+ iSpiTxTransfer(TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite, KBufGranulatity, &iSpiWriteBuffer),
+ iSpiRxTransfer(TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead, KBufGranulatity, &iSpiReadBuffer),
+ iSpiTransaction(&iSpiTransactionHeader, &iSpiTxTransfer)
+ {
+ // after all above - make the transaction full duplex using the Rx buffer
+ iSpiTransaction.SetFullDuplexTrans(&iSpiRxTransfer);
+ // set buffer length only once..
+ iSpiWriteBuffer.SetLength(iSpiWriteBuffer.MaxLength());
+ iSpiReadBuffer.SetLength(iSpiReadBuffer.MaxLength());
+ // and set SPI addressing / bus configuration
+ iSpiBusId = 0;
+ SET_BUS_TYPE(iSpiBusId, DIicBusChannel::ESpi);
+ SET_CHAN_NUM(iSpiBusId, KSpiModule);
+ SET_SLAVE_ADDR(iSpiBusId, KSpiSlaveAddr);
+ }
+TInt TTouchControllerInterface::Read(TUint8 aRegAddress, TUint8& aValue)
+ {
+ iSpiWriteBuffer[0] = KReadCommand;
+ iSpiWriteBuffer[1] = aRegAddress;
+ iSpiWriteBuffer[2] = 0; // TODO - might not be needed..
+ for (int i = 0; i <KSpiPacketLength; i++)
+ Kern::Printf("R0[i]: %d", iSpiReadBuffer[1]);
+ TInt r = IicBus::QueueTransaction(iSpiBusId, &iSpiTransaction);
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ aValue = iSpiReadBuffer[2];
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i <KSpiPacketLength; i++)
+ Kern::Printf("R1[i]: %d", iSpiReadBuffer[1]);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt TTouchControllerInterface::Write(TUint8 aRegAddress, TUint8 aValue)
+ {
+ iSpiWriteBuffer[0] = KWriteCommand;
+ iSpiWriteBuffer[1] = aRegAddress;
+ iSpiWriteBuffer[2] = aValue;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ Kern::Printf("WR0[i]: %d", iSpiWriteBuffer[i]);
+ for (int i = 0; i <KSpiPacketLength; i++)
+ Kern::Printf("W0[i]: %d", iSpiReadBuffer[1]);
+ TInt r = IicBus::QueueTransaction(iSpiBusId, &iSpiTransaction);
+ for (int i = 0; i <KSpiPacketLength; i++)
+ Kern::Printf("W1[i]: %d", iSpiReadBuffer[1]);
+ return r;
+ }
+// Touch controller
+TouchController::TouchController() :
+ iCallback(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+TouchController::TouchController(TVoidCallback aCallback) :
+ iCallback(aCallback)
+ {
+ }
+TInt TouchController::HardReset()
+ {
+ TInt r = GPIO::SetPinMode(KResetPin, GPIO::EEnabled);
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ r = GPIO::SetPinDirection(KResetPin, GPIO::EOutput);
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+// GPIO::SetOutputState(KResetPin, GPIO::ELow);
+ GPIO::SetOutputState(KResetPin, GPIO::EHigh);
+// GPIO::SetOutputState(KResetPin, GPIO::ELow);
+ Kern::NanoWait(25000); // should be > 10us
+// GPIO::SetOutputState(KResetPin, GPIO::EHigh);
+ GPIO::SetOutputState(KResetPin, GPIO::ELow);
+ }
+ }
+// Kern::NanoWait(1000000);
+// SoftReset();
+// Kern::NanoWait(1000000);
+ iInterface.Write(KMasterReadStartAddr, X1_H);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt TouchController::SoftReset()
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[i] = 0;
+ }
+ return iInterface.Write(KControl_0, KControl_0_SWRST);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::SetTouchMode(TTouchMode aMode)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[0] &= ~KControl_0_MODE_MASK; // clear all mode bits
+ switch(aMode)
+ {
+ case ESingle:
+ iCtrlRegsCache[0] |= KControl_0_MODE_SINGLE;
+ break;
+ case EMulti:
+ iCtrlRegsCache[0] |= KControl_0_MODE_MULTI;
+ break;
+ case EGesture:
+ iCtrlRegsCache[0] |= KControl_0_MODE_GESTURE;
+ break;
+ }
+ return iInterface.Write(KControl_0, iCtrlRegsCache[0]);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::SetResolution(TResolution aResolution)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[0] &= ~KControl_0_RM_12; // clear all mode bits
+ if(aResolution == ERes12Bits)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[0] |= KControl_0_RM_12; // set bit
+ }
+ return iInterface.Write(KControl_0, iCtrlRegsCache[0]);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::SetLongerSamplingRate(TUint aRate)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[0] &= ~KControl_0_LST_MASK; // clear bits..
+ iCtrlRegsCache[0] |= aRate & KControl_0_LST_MASK; // set new value..
+ return iInterface.Write(KControl_0, iCtrlRegsCache[0]);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::SetIrqActiveTime(TUint aIrqActiveTime)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[1] &= ~KControl_1_PAT_MASK; // clear bits..
+ iCtrlRegsCache[1] |= (aIrqActiveTime << KControl_1_PAT_SHIFT) & KControl_1_PAT_MASK; // set new value..
+ return iInterface.Write(KControl_1, iCtrlRegsCache[1]);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::SetPanelVoltageStabTime(TUint aVoltageStabilizationTime)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[1] &= ~KControl_1_PVT_MASK; // clear bits..
+ iCtrlRegsCache[1] |= (aVoltageStabilizationTime << KControl_1_PVT_SHIFT) & KControl_1_PVT_MASK; // set new value..
+ return iInterface.Write(KControl_1, iCtrlRegsCache[1]);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::SetNumberOfColumns(TUint aNumberOfColumns)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[2] &= ~KControl_2_C_MASK; // clear bits..
+ iCtrlRegsCache[2] |= (aNumberOfColumns << KControl_2_C_SHIFT) & KControl_2_C_MASK;
+ return iInterface.Write(KControl_2, iCtrlRegsCache[2]);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::SetNumberOfRows(TUint aNumberOfRows)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[3] &= ~KControl_3_R_SHIFT; // clear bits..
+ iCtrlRegsCache[3] |= (aNumberOfRows << KControl_3_R_SHIFT) & KControl_3_R_MASK; // set new value..
+ return iInterface.Write(KControl_3, iCtrlRegsCache[3]);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::EnableWindowMode(TPoint aStart, TPoint aStop)
+ {
+ TBool error_occured = EFalse;
+ // setup window points
+ TInt r = iInterface.Write(KWindowXStart_Msb, (TUint8)(aStart.iX >> 8));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ error_occured = ETrue;
+ r = iInterface.Write(KWindowXStart_Lsb, (TUint8)(aStart.iX));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ error_occured = ETrue;
+ r = iInterface.Write(KWindowYStart_Msb, (TUint8)(aStart.iY >> 8));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ error_occured = ETrue;
+ r = iInterface.Write(KWindowYStart_Lsb, (TUint8)(aStart.iY));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ error_occured = ETrue;
+ r = iInterface.Write(KWindowXStop_Msb, (TUint8)(aStop.iX >> 8));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ error_occured = ETrue;
+ r = iInterface.Write(KWindowXStop_Lsb, (TUint8)(aStop.iX));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ error_occured = ETrue;
+ r = iInterface.Write(KWindowYStop_Msb, (TUint8)(aStop.iY >> 8));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ error_occured = ETrue;
+ r = iInterface.Write(KWindowYStop_Lsb, (TUint8)(aStop.iY));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ error_occured = ETrue;
+ // enable mode
+ if(!error_occured)
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[1] |= ~KControl_1_WS; // set enable bit..
+ r = iInterface.Write(KControl_1, iCtrlRegsCache[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt TouchController::DisableWindowMode()
+ {
+ iCtrlRegsCache[1] &= ~KControl_1_WS; // clear enable bit..
+ return iInterface.Write(KControl_1, iCtrlRegsCache[1]);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::NumOfTouches()
+ {
+ TUint8 val = 0;
+ return iInterface.Read(KTouchNumberAndType, val);
+ }
+TInt TouchController::GetMeasurements(TPoint* aPoints, TInt& aNumPoints)
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrArgument;
+ TInt num_points = 0;
+ if(aPoints)
+ {
+ // check how many points is there to read..
+ TUint8 val = 0;
+ r = iInterface.Read(KTouchNumberAndType, val);
+ //Kern::Printf("KTouchNumberAndType %x", val);
+ // if in multi mode - read all received, but only up to one otherwise..
+ num_points = val & (val & KTouchNumberAndType_MULTI ? KTouchNumberAndType_TouchNMask : 1);
+ // setup the transaction:
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < num_points; i++) // if anything was touched at all..
+ {
+ // get X coordinate
+ r = iInterface.Read(X1_H + (i << 2), val);
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ break;
+ aPoints[i].iX = TInt(val << 8);
+ r = iInterface.Read(X1_L + (i << 2) , val);
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ break;
+ aPoints[i].iX |= TInt(val);
+ // get Y coordinate
+ r = iInterface.Read(Y1_H + (i << 2), val);
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ break;
+ aPoints[i].iY = TInt(val << 8);
+ r = iInterface.Read(Y1_L + (i << 2) , val);
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ break;
+ aPoints[i].iY |= TInt(val);
+ }
+ }
+ // update number of points
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ aNumPoints = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aNumPoints = num_points;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/beagle_drivers/byd_touch/common/controller.h Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// lukasz.forynski@gmail.com
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// omap3530/beagle_drivers/byd_touch/common/controller.h
+#include <drivers/iic.h>
+#include <e32def.h>
+// controller specific constants..
+const TUint KMaxNumPoints = 3;
+typedef void (*TVoidCallback) (TAny*);
+// spi specific constants..
+const TUint KSpiPacketLength = 4;
+const TUint KStartByte = 0x56 << 1;
+const TUint KWrite = 0;
+const TUint KRead = 1;
+const TUint KReadCommand = KStartByte | KRead;
+const TUint KWriteCommand = KStartByte;
+const TUint KBufGranulatity = 8;
+// digitizer specific settings..
+const TUint KResetPin = 93; // This setting does not change (it goes through J4/J5 connectors)
+const TUint KDataReadyPin = 133; // DAV connected to the GPIO133 (Expansion header pin 15)
+const TUint KSpiModule = 2; // McSPI3
+const TUint KSpiSlaveAddr0 = 2; // for data18-data23 pin functions slave address 2=>CS0..
+const TUint KSpiSlaveAddr1 = 3; // ..slave address 3=>CS1 (pref!)
+const TUint KSpiSlaveAddr = KSpiSlaveAddr1;
+const TConfigSpiV01 KHeader =
+ {
+ ESpiWordWidth_8, //iWordWidth
+ 375000,//,93750, //iClkSpeed
+ ESpiPolarityHighFallingEdge, //iClkMode
+ 500, // iTimeoutPeriod
+ EBigEndian, // iEndianness
+ EMsbFirst, //iBitOrder
+ 2, //iTransactionWaitCycles
+ ESpiCSPinActiveLow //iCsPinActiveMode
+ };
+// spi interface to the controller
+class TTouchControllerInterface
+ {
+ inline TTouchControllerInterface();
+ inline TInt Read(TUint8 aRegAddress, TUint8& aValue);
+ inline TInt Write(TUint8 aRegAddress, TUint8 aValue);
+ inline TInt Write(TUint8 aRegAddress, TUint8* aValues, TInt aNumOfItems);
+ // SPI duplex transaction with two transfers for each direction
+ TPckgBuf<TConfigSpiV01> iSpiTransactionHeader;
+ TBuf8<KSpiPacketLength> iSpiWriteBuffer;
+ TBuf8<KSpiPacketLength> iSpiReadBuffer;
+ TIicBusTransfer iSpiTxTransfer;
+ TIicBusTransfer iSpiRxTransfer;
+ TIicBusTransaction iSpiTransaction;
+ TInt iSpiBusId;
+ };
+class TouchController
+ {
+ enum TTouchMode
+ {
+ ESingle = 0,
+ EMulti,
+ EGesture
+ };
+ enum TResolution
+ {
+ ERes10Bits = 0,
+ ERes12Bits
+ };
+ enum TGestureType
+ {
+ EClockwiseCircumvolve = 3,
+ EDragLeft = 4,
+ EDragRight = 5,
+ EDragUp = 6,
+ EDragDown = 7,
+ EZoomOut = 8,
+ EZoomIn = 9
+ };
+ TouchController();
+ TouchController(TVoidCallback aCallback);
+ TInt HardReset();
+ TInt SoftReset();
+ TInt SetTouchMode(TTouchMode aMode);
+ TInt SetResolution(TResolution aResolution);
+ TInt SetLongerSamplingRate(TUint aRate);
+ TInt SetIrqActiveTime(TUint aIrqActiveTime);
+ TInt SetPanelVoltageStabTime(TUint aVoltageStabilizationTime);
+ TInt SetNumberOfColumns(TUint aNumberOfColumns);
+ TInt SetNumberOfRows(TUint aNumberOfRows);
+ TInt EnableWindowMode(TPoint aXpoint, TPoint aYPoint);
+ TInt DisableWindowMode();
+ TInt GetMeasurements(TPoint* aPoints, TInt& aNumPoints);
+ TInt NumOfTouches();
+ TInt iCtrlRegsCache[4];
+ TTouchControllerInterface iInterface;
+ TVoidCallback iCallback;
+ };
+// BF6917 Register definitions
+const TUint8 KControl_0 = 0x0; // R/W
+const TUint8 KControl_0_SWRST = 1 << 7; // SW reset
+const TUint8 KControl_0_RM_12 = 1 << 6; // Resolution mode 12 bits if set, 10bits otherwise
+const TUint8 KControl_0_MODE_SINGLE = 1 << 3; // single touch mode
+const TUint8 KControl_0_MODE_MULTI = 5 << 3; // multi-touch mode
+const TUint8 KControl_0_MODE_GESTURE = 6 << 3; // gesture mode
+const TUint8 KControl_0_MODE_MASK = 7 << 3; // gesture mode
+const TUint8 KControl_0_LST_MASK = 0x7; // Longer sampling rate: from 5 to 120 ADC clocks sampling time
+const TUint8 KControl_0_LST_5 = 0 << 0; // 5 ADC clocks sampling time
+const TUint8 KControl_0_LST_10 = 1 << 0; // 10 ADC clocks sampling time
+const TUint8 KControl_0_LST_20 = 2 << 0; // 20 ADC clocks sampling time
+const TUint8 KControl_0_LST_40 = 3 << 0; // 40 ADC clocks sampling time
+const TUint8 KControl_0_LST_60 = 4 << 0; // 60 ADC clocks sampling time
+const TUint8 KControl_0_LST_80 = 5 << 0; // 80 ADC clocks sampling time
+const TUint8 KControl_0_LST_100 = 6 << 0; // 100 ADC clocks sampling time
+const TUint8 KControl_0_LST_120 = 7 << 0; // 120 ADC clocks sampling time
+// Pen Irq Active time (sensiveness)
+const TUint8 KControl_1 = 0x1; // R/W
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_SHIFT = 5;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_MASK = 7 << 5;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_100 = 0 << 5;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_87_5 = 1 << 5;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_75 = 2 << 5;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_62_5 = 3 << 5;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_50 = 4 << 5;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_37_5 = 5 << 5;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_25 = 6 << 5;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PAT_12_5 = 7 << 5;
+// Panel Voltage stabilization Time(sensiveness)
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_SHIFT = 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_MASK = 7 << 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_200 = 0 << 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_175 = 1 << 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_150 = 2 << 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_125 = 3 << 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_100 = 4 << 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_75 = 5 << 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_50 = 6 << 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_PVT_25 = 7 << 2;
+const TUint8 KControl_1_WS = 1 << 0; // Window mode enables
+const TUint8 KControl_2 = 0x2; // R/W
+const TUint8 KControl_2_C_SHIFT = 3; // number of columns
+const TUint8 KControl_2_C_MASK = 0xf8;
+const TUint8 KControl_2_PR_SHIFT = 0; // pull-up resistance
+const TUint8 KControl_3 = 0x3; // R/W
+const TUint8 KControl_3_R_SHIFT = 4; // number of rows
+const TUint8 KControl_3_R_MASK = 0xF0; // number of rows
+const TUint8 KControl_2_R_TEST = 1 << 3; // test mode select
+const TUint8 KControl_2_PS_SHIFT = 0; // processing scale (0-7)
+const TUint8 KWindowXStart_Msb = 0x4; // R/W
+const TUint8 KWindowXStart_Lsb = 0x5; // R/W
+const TUint8 KWindowXStop_Msb = 0x6; // R/W
+const TUint8 KWindowXStop_Lsb = 0x7; // R/W
+const TUint8 KWindowYStart_Msb = 0x8; // R/W
+const TUint8 KWindowYStart_Lsb = 0x9; // R/W
+const TUint8 KWindowYStop_Msb = 0xa; // R/W
+const TUint8 KWindowYStop_Lsb = 0xb; // R/W
+const TUint8 KMasterReadStartAddr = 0xc; // R/W
+// data registers
+const TUint8 KTouchNumberAndType = 0xd; // R, Touch number and touch type
+const TUint8 KTouchNumberAndType_SINGLE = 0 << 3;
+const TUint8 KTouchNumberAndType_MULTI = 1 << 3;
+const TUint8 KTouchNumberAndType_TouchNMask = 7; // touch number (0 - 3)
+const TUint8 X1_H = 0xe; // R, High byte of x1 measurement
+const TUint8 X1_L = 0xf; // R, Low byte of x1 measurement
+const TUint8 Y1_H = 0x10; // R, High byte of y1 measurement
+const TUint8 Y1_L = 0x11; // R, Low byte of y1 measurement
+const TUint8 X2_H = 0x12; // R, High byte of x2 measurement
+const TUint8 X2_L = 0x13; // R, Low byte of x2 measurement
+const TUint8 Y2_H = 0x14; // R, High byte of y2 measurement
+const TUint8 Y2_L = 0x15; // R, Low byte of y2 measurement
+const TUint8 X3_H = 0x16; // R, High byte of x3 measurement
+const TUint8 X3_L = 0x17; // R, Low byte of x3 measurement
+const TUint8 Y3_H = 0x18; // R, High byte of y3 measurement
+const TUint8 Y3_L = 0x19; // R, Low byte of y3 measurement
+const TUint8 Ges_H = 0x1a; // R, High byte of gesture information
+const TUint8 Ges_L = 0x1b; // R, Low byte of gesture information
+const TUint8 TEST_H = 0x1c; // R, Low byte of the test result
+const TUint8 TEST_L = 0x1d; // R, Low byte of the test result
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/beagle_drivers/byd_touch/xyin.mmp Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// lukasz.forynski@gmail.com
+// Description:
+// standard driver for a touch screen (digitizer).
+#include "beagle/variant.mmh"
+#include "kernel/kern_ext.mmh"
+target VariantTarget(byd_xyin,dll)
+targettype kext
+linkas byd_xyin.dll
+sourcepath ../../../../../os/kernelhwsrv/kernel/eka/drivers/xyin
+source d_xyin.cpp
+sourcepath common
+source controller.cpp
+sourcepath xyin
+source xyin.cpp
+library VariantTarget(ecust,lib)
+library AsspTarget(gpio,lib)
+library AsspTarget(prcm,lib)
+library iic.lib
+// once the PRM is ready..
+//library VariantTarget(power,lib)
+VENDORID 0x70000001
+capability all
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/beagle_drivers/byd_touch/xyin/mconf.h Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// template\template_variant\inc\mconf.h
+// Template Persistent Machine Configuration
+// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
+// to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
+// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
+#ifndef __MCONF_H__
+#define __MCONF_H__
+#include <kernel/kernel.h>
+class TDigitizerCalibrateValues
+ {
+ TInt iR11;
+ TInt iR12;
+ TInt iR21;
+ TInt iR22;
+ TInt iTx;
+ TInt iTy;
+ };
+class TTemplateMachineConfig : public TMachineConfig
+ {
+ TSoundInfoV1 iSoundInfo;
+ TOnOffInfoV1 iOnOffInfo;
+ TTimeK iMainBatteryInsertionTime;
+ Int64 iMainBatteryInUseMicroSeconds;
+ Int64 iExternalPowerInUseMicroSeconds;
+ Int64 iMainBatteryMilliAmpTicks;
+ TDigitizerCalibrateValues iCalibration;
+ TDigitizerCalibrateValues iCalibrationSaved;
+ TDigitizerCalibrateValues iCalibrationFactory;
+ };
+typedef TTemplateMachineConfig TActualMachineConfig;
+inline TActualMachineConfig& TheActualMachineConfig()
+ {return (TActualMachineConfig&)Kern::MachineConfig();}
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/beagle_drivers/byd_touch/xyin/xyin.cpp Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1092 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implementation of a digitiser (touch-screen) driver.
+// This code assumes that an interrupt is generated on pen-down and pen-up events.
+#include <assp.h>
+#include <videodriver.h>
+#include <drivers/xyin.h>
+#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_gpio.h>
+#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_scm.h>
+#include "mconf.h"
+#include "../common/controller.h"
+#define DEBUG_PRINT(x) x
+const TInt KXyinThreadPriority = 33; // might need to be updated..
+_LIT(KXyinThreadName, "DigitizerThread");
+// TO DO: (mandatory)
+// Define the following constants that describe the digitiser position & dimensions
+// This is only example code... you need to modify it for your hardware
+// digitiser origin & size in pixels
+const TUint KConfigXyOffsetX = 0; // digitiser origin - same as display area
+const TUint KConfigXyOffsetY = 0;
+const TUint KConfigXyWidth = 640; // 640 pixels per line
+const TUint KConfigXyHeight = 480; // 480 lines per panel
+// digitiser dimensions in digitiser co-ordinates
+const TInt KConfigXyBitsX = 12;
+const TInt KConfigXyBitsY = 12;
+const TInt KConfigXySpreadX = 1 << KConfigXyBitsX; // maximum valid X spread
+const TInt KConfigXySpreadY = 1 << KConfigXyBitsY; // maximum valid Y spread
+const TInt KConfigXyMinX = 0; // minimum valid X value
+const TInt KConfigXyMinY = 0; // minimum valid Y value
+const TInt KConfigXyMaxX = KConfigXySpreadX - 1; // maximum valid X value
+const TInt KConfigXyMaxY = KConfigXySpreadY - 1; // maximum valid Y value
+// Define a 2x2 matrix and two constants Tx and Ty to convert digitiser co-ordinates
+// to pixels such that
+// (X<<16 Y<<16) = (x y) x (R11 R12) + (Tx Ty)
+// (R21 R22)
+// or :
+// X = (x*R11 + y*R21 + TX) >> 16;
+// Y = (x*R12 + y*R22 + TY) >> 16;
+// where x,y are digitiser coordinates, Tx,Ty are constant offsets and X,Y are screen
+// coordinates. Left shifting by 16 bits is used so as not to lose precision.
+// These are default values to be used before calibration has taken place
+// These are best set by observation.
+// The example values given below are for a digitiser whose origin is at bottom left
+// (the screen origin is at top left)
+const TInt KConfigXyR11 = (KConfigXyWidth << 16) / KConfigXySpreadX; // 10240
+const TInt KConfigXyR12 = 0;
+const TInt KConfigXyR21 = 0;
+const TInt KConfigXyR22 = - ((KConfigXyHeight << 16) / KConfigXySpreadY); // -7680
+const TInt KConfigXyTx = 0;
+const TInt KConfigXyTy = (KConfigXyHeight << 16) / KConfigXySpreadY;
+// TO DO: (optional)
+// Define the following constants that describe the digitiser behaviour
+// This is only example code... you need to modify it for your hardware
+// After taking a sample, wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks (normally 1 ms)
+// before taking the next sample
+const TInt KInterSampleTime = 1;
+// After a group of samples has been processed by the DDigitiser::ProcessRawSample() DFC,
+// wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks before taking the next sample
+const TInt KInterGroupTime = 1;
+// After a pen-down interrupt,
+// wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks before taking the next sample
+const TInt KPenDownDelayTime = 2;
+// If powering up the device with the pen down,
+// wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks before taking the next sample
+const TInt KPenUpPollTime = 30;
+// After a pen-up interrupt,
+// wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks before calling PenUp()
+const TInt KPenUpDebounceTime = 10;
+// number of samples to discard on pen-down
+const TInt KConfigXyPenDownDiscard = 1;
+// number of samples to discard on pen-up
+const TInt KConfigXyPenUpDiscard = 1;
+// offset in pixels to cause movement in X direction
+const TInt KConfigXyAccThresholdX = 12;
+// offset in pixels to cause movement in Y direction
+const TInt KConfigXyAccThresholdY = 12;
+// number of samples to average - MUST be <= KMaxXYSamples
+const TInt KConfigXyNumXYSamples = 2;
+// disregard extremal values in each 4-sample group
+const TBool KConfigXyDisregardMinMax= EFalse;
+// obsolete constants :
+const TInt KConfigXyDriveXRise = 0;
+const TInt KConfigXyDriveYRise = 0;
+const TInt KConfigXyMaxJumpX = 0;
+const TInt KConfigXyMaxJumpY = 0;
+ * Main Digitiser Class
+ ******************************************************/
+// TO DO: (optional)
+// Add any private functions and data you require
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DTemplateDigitiser) : public DDigitiser
+ {
+ enum TState
+ {
+ E_HW_PowerUp,
+ E_HW_PenUpDebounce,
+ E_HW_CollectSample
+ };
+ // from DDigitiser - initialisation
+ DTemplateDigitiser();
+ virtual TInt DoCreate();
+ void SetDefaultConfig();
+ // from DDigitiser - signals to hardware-dependent code
+ virtual void WaitForPenDown();
+ virtual void WaitForPenUp();
+ virtual void WaitForPenUpDebounce();
+ virtual void DigitiserOn();
+ virtual void DigitiserOff();
+ virtual void FilterPenMove(const TPoint& aPoint);
+ virtual void ResetPenMoveFilter();
+ // from DDigitiser - machine-configuration related things
+ virtual TInt DigitiserToScreen(const TPoint& aDigitiserPoint, TPoint& aScreenPoint);
+ virtual void ScreenToDigitiser(TInt& aX, TInt& aY);
+ virtual TInt SetXYInputCalibration(const TDigitizerCalibration& aCalibration);
+ virtual TInt CalibrationPoints(TDigitizerCalibration& aCalibration);
+ virtual TInt SaveXYInputCalibration();
+ virtual TInt RestoreXYInputCalibration(TDigitizerCalibrationType aType);
+ virtual void DigitiserInfo(TDigitiserInfoV01& aInfo);
+ // from DPowerHandler
+ virtual void PowerDown(TPowerState);
+ virtual void PowerUp();
+ // implementation
+ void TakeSample();
+ void PenInterrupt();
+ void DigitiserPowerUp();
+ void DoPowerUp();
+ static void TimerCallback(TAny* aPtr);
+ static void TimerIntCallback(TAny* aPtr);
+ static void TakeReadingDfc(TAny* aPtr);
+ static void PowerUpDfc(TAny* aPtr);
+ static void PowerDownDfc(TAny* aPtr);
+ static void PenIsr(TAny* aPtr);
+ TouchController iController;
+ NTimer iTimer;
+ NTimer iTimerInt;
+ TDfc iTakeReadingDfc;
+ TDfc iPowerDownDfc;
+ TDfc iPowerUpDfc;
+ TInt iSamplesCount;
+ TState iState;
+ TUint8 iPoweringDown;
+ TSize iScreenSize;
+ TActualMachineConfig& iMachineConfig;
+ };
+ * Digitiser main code
+ ******************************************************/
+Creates a new instance of DDigitiser.
+Called by extension entry point (PIL) to create a DDigitiser-derived object.
+@return a pointer to a DTemplateDigitiser object
+DDigitiser* DDigitiser::New()
+ {
+ return new DTemplateDigitiser;
+ }
+DTemplateDigitiser::DTemplateDigitiser() :
+ iTimer(TimerCallback,this),
+ iTimerInt(TimerIntCallback,this),
+ iTakeReadingDfc(TakeReadingDfc,this,5),
+ iPowerDownDfc(PowerDownDfc,this,5),
+ iPowerUpDfc(PowerUpDfc,this,5),
+ iMachineConfig(TheActualMachineConfig())
+ {
+ }
+TInt DTemplateDigitiser::DoCreate()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("DTemplateDigitiser::DoCreate"));
+ DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("DTemplateDigitiser::DoCreate"));
+ if (Kern::ColdStart())
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("Resetting digitiser calibration"));
+ // Emergency digitiser calibration values
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR11 = KConfigXyR11;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR12 = KConfigXyR12;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR21 = KConfigXyR21;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR22 = KConfigXyR22;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTx = KConfigXyTx;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTy = KConfigXyTy;
+ }
+ // create a DFCQ for this driver
+ TInt r = Kern::DfcQCreate(iDfcQ, KXyinThreadPriority, &KXyinThreadName);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Digitizer: DFC Queue creation failed, ch: %d, r = %d\n", r));
+ return r;
+ }
+ iTakeReadingDfc.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
+ iPowerDownDfc.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
+ iPowerUpDfc.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
+ // register power handler
+ Add();
+ // setup the DAV (data ready/available) pin by binding to the GPIO pin..
+ r = GPIO::BindInterrupt(KDataReadyPin, PenIsr, this);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("GPIO::BindInterrupt() failed for pin %d, r=%d", KDataReadyPin, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ r = GPIO::SetPinDirection(KDataReadyPin, GPIO::EInput);
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ r = GPIO::SetInterruptTrigger(KDataReadyPin, GPIO::EEdgeRising);
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ GPIO::SetDebounceTime(KDataReadyPin, 500);
+ SCM::SetPadConfig(CONTROL_PADCONF_MMC2_DAT0, SCM::EMsw, SCM::EMode4 | SCM::EInputEnable); // 133 (mmc2dat1)
+ r = GPIO::SetPinMode(KDataReadyPin, GPIO::EEnabled);
+ }
+ }
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // set up the default configuration
+ SetDefaultConfig();
+ // some of the pre-configuration of the touch controller could be done here..
+ iController.HardReset();
+ iController.SetTouchMode(TouchController::ESingle);
+ TPoint winStart, winStop;
+ winStart.iX = 0;
+ winStart.iY = 0;
+ winStop.iX = 0xfff;
+ winStop.iY = 0xfff;
+ iController.EnableWindowMode(winStart, winStop);
+ iController.SetNumberOfRows(8);
+ iController.SetNumberOfColumns(8);
+ DigitiserPowerUp();
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+Initialise the DDigitiser::iCfg structure
+void DTemplateDigitiser::SetDefaultConfig()
+ {
+ iCfg.iPenDownDiscard = KConfigXyPenDownDiscard; // number of samples to discard on pen-down
+ iCfg.iPenUpDiscard = KConfigXyPenUpDiscard; // number of samples to discard on pen-up
+ iCfg.iDriveXRise = KConfigXyDriveXRise; // number of milliseconds to wait when driving horizontal edges
+ iCfg.iDriveYRise = KConfigXyDriveYRise; // number of milliseconds to wait when driving vertical edges
+ iCfg.iMinX = KConfigXyMinX; // minimum valid X value
+ iCfg.iMaxX = KConfigXyMaxX; // maximum valid X value
+ iCfg.iSpreadX = KConfigXySpreadX; // maximum valid X spread
+ iCfg.iMinY = KConfigXyMinY; // minimum valid Y value
+ iCfg.iMaxY = KConfigXyMaxY; // maximum valid Y value
+ iCfg.iSpreadY = KConfigXySpreadY; // maximum valid Y spread
+ iCfg.iMaxJumpX = KConfigXyMaxJumpX; // maximum X movement per sample (pixels)
+ iCfg.iMaxJumpY = KConfigXyMaxJumpY; // maximum Y movement per sample (pixels)
+ iCfg.iAccThresholdX = KConfigXyAccThresholdX; // offset in pixels to cause movement in X direction
+ iCfg.iAccThresholdY = KConfigXyAccThresholdY; // offset in pixels to cause movement in Y direction
+ iCfg.iNumXYSamples = KConfigXyNumXYSamples; // number of samples to average
+ iCfg.iDisregardMinMax = KConfigXyDisregardMinMax; // disregard extremal values in each 4-sample group
+ }
+Takes a sample from the digitiser.
+Called in the context of a DFC thread.
+void DTemplateDigitiser::TakeSample()
+ {
+ TTemplatePowerController::WakeupEvent(); // notify of pendown (wakeup event) and let the power controller sort
+ // out if it needs propagation
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Read from appropriate hardware register to determine whether digitiser panel is being touched
+ // Set penDown to ETrue if touched or EFalse if not touched.
+ //
+// DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("TS: S%d PD%d Sp%d", (TInt)iState, penDown?1:0, iSamplesCount));
+ TInt penDown = iController.NumOfTouches();
+ Kern::Printf("Num touches: %d", penDown);
+ if (iState==E_HW_PowerUp)
+ {
+ // waiting for pen to go up after switch on due to pen down or through the HAL
+ // coverity[dead_error_condition]
+ // The next line should be reachable when this template file is edited for use
+ if (!penDown) // pen has gone up -> transition to new state
+ {
+ iState=E_HW_CollectSample;
+ iSamplesCount=0; // reset sample buffer
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
+ //
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
+ // to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
+ //
+// Interrupt::Enable(KIntIdDigitiser); // enable pen-down interrupt
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register to enable the digitiser interrupt
+ //
+ }
+ else // pen is still down, wait a bit longer in this state
+ {
+ iTimer.OneShot(KPenUpPollTime);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!penDown)
+ {
+ if (iState==E_HW_PenUpDebounce)
+ {
+ iState=E_HW_CollectSample; // back to initial state, no samples collected
+ iSamplesCount=0; // reset sample buffer
+ // Need to lock the kernel to simulate ISR context and thus defer preemption,
+ // since PenUp() expects an ISR context and calls TDfc::Add().
+ NKern::Lock();
+ PenUp(); // adds DFC
+ NKern::Unlock();
+ }
+ else // iState=E_HW_CollectSample
+ {
+ iState=E_HW_PenUpDebounce;
+ iTimer.OneShot(KPenUpDebounceTime); // wait a bit to make sure pen still up
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (iState==E_HW_PenUpDebounce) // pen down
+ {
+ // false alarm - pen is down again
+ iState=E_HW_CollectSample; // take a new set of samples
+ iSamplesCount=0; // reset sample buffer
+ }
+ // default: pen down and iState=E_HW_CollectSample
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Read from appropriate hardware register to get the current digitiser coordinates
+ // of the point that is being touched. Set aResults accordingly.
+ // This is only example code... you need to modify it for your hardware
+ //
+ TPoint aResults;
+ TPoint points[4];
+ TInt num_points = 0;
+ TInt r = iController.GetMeasurements(points, num_points);
+ Kern::Printf("Measurments: (r: %d)", r);
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < 4/* num_points*/; i++)
+ {
+ Kern::Printf("%d: iX: %d, iY: %d",i, points[i].iX, points[i].iY);
+ }
+ // X axis
+ iX[iSamplesCount] = aResults.iX;
+ // Y axis
+ iY[iSamplesCount] = aResults.iY;
+ DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("Raw: X=%d Y=%d",iX[iSamplesCount],iY[iSamplesCount]));
+ // Put the hardware back into pen-detect mode
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
+ // to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
+ //
+ // count samples collected - if it's less than minimum,
+ // schedule the reading of another sample
+ if (++iSamplesCount < iCfg.iNumXYSamples) // iX[] and iY[] are 4 levels deep in xyin.h...
+ {
+ if(KInterSampleTime > 0) // need to check this config param as it might be zero!
+ iTimer.OneShot(KInterSampleTime); // haven't got a complete group yet, so queue timer to sample again
+ else
+ iTakeReadingDfc.Enque();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Have a complete group of samples so pass up to processing layer (PIL)
+ // Need to lock the kernel to simulate ISR context and thus defer preemption,
+ // since RawSampleValid() expects an ISR context and calls TDfc::Add().
+ NKern::Lock();
+ RawSampleValid(); // adds DFC
+ NKern::Unlock();
+ }
+Request for an interrupt to be generated when the pen is next down
+Called by PIL at startup or when pen leaves digitiser after pen-up event issued
+void DTemplateDigitiser::WaitForPenDown()
+ {
+ // Called at startup or when pen leaves digitiser after pen-up event issued
+ DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("WD: PowerDownMask %x",iPoweringDown));
+ if (iPoweringDown)
+ {
+ // powering down
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
+ // to detect when the digitizer panel is touched and wakes up the system if in standby
+ //
+ //
+ // TO DO: (optional)
+ //
+ // Relinquish request on power resources
+ // This will place the peripheral hardware in a low power "Sleep" mode which is Interrupt detection capable
+ TemplateResourceManager* aManager = TTemplatePowerController::ResourceManager();
+ aManager -> ModifyToLevel(TemplateResourceManager::AsynchMlResourceUsedByXOnly, 50 /* a percentage */);
+ aManager -> SharedBResource1() -> Release();
+ iPoweringDown = EFalse;
+ PowerDownDone();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
+ //
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
+ // to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
+ //
+ if ((iTimer.iState == NTimer::EIdle) && (iTimerInt.iState == NTimer::EIdle))
+ {
+ GPIO::EnableInterrupt(KDataReadyPin); // enable pen-down interrupt
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Called by PIL after it has processed a group of raw samples while pen is down.
+Used to indicate that the iX, iY buffers may be re-used
+void DTemplateDigitiser::WaitForPenUp()
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("WU"));
+ iState = E_HW_CollectSample;
+ iSamplesCount = 0; // reset sample buffer
+ if(KInterGroupTime > 0) // need to check this config param as it might be zero!
+ {
+ iTimer.OneShot(KInterGroupTime);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTakeReadingDfc.Enque();
+ }
+ }
+Called by PIL if the group of samples collected is not good enough
+Used to indicate that the iX, iY buffers may be re-used
+void DTemplateDigitiser::WaitForPenUpDebounce()
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("WUDB"));
+ iState = E_HW_CollectSample;
+ iSamplesCount = 0; // reset sample buffer
+ if(KInterGroupTime > 0) // need to check this config param as it might be zero!
+ iTimer.OneShot(KInterGroupTime);
+ else
+ iTakeReadingDfc.Enque();
+ }
+Pen up/down interrupt service routine (ISR)
+static TUint IsrCnt = 0;
+void DTemplateDigitiser::PenInterrupt()
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("I: %d ", IsrCnt++));
+// Interrupt::Clear(KIntIdDigitiser); // should already have been cleared
+// GPIO::DisableInterrupt(KDataReadyPin);
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Read from appropriate hardware register to determine whether digitiser panel is being touched
+ // Set penDown to ETrue if touched or EFalse if not touched.
+ // This is only example code... you need to modify it for your hardware
+// GPIO::DisableInterrupt(KDataReadyPin);
+// TBool penDown = iController.NumOfTouches();
+ TBool penDown = 1;
+ // coverity[dead_error_condition]
+ if(!penDown) // pen up
+ {
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
+ //
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
+ // to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
+ //
+ return; // ... and exit!
+ }
+// Interrupt::Disable(KIntIdDigitiser); // do NOT disable the capability to generate interrupts at the source
+ // Add the timing of pen interrupts as entropy data for the RNG
+// Interrupt::AddTimingEntropy();
+ if(0)
+// if (KPenDownDelayTime>0) // need to check this config param as it might be zero!
+ {
+ iTimerInt.OneShot(KPenDownDelayTime); // start a debounce timer which will queue a DFC to process the interrupt
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
+ // This will re-trigger the interrupt mechanism to catch the next interrupt...
+ //
+ iTakeReadingDfc.Add();
+ }
+ }
+void DTemplateDigitiser::TimerCallback(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
+ DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("T"));
+ pD->iTakeReadingDfc.Add();
+ }
+Debounce timer callback
+schedules a DFC to process a pen-down interrupt
+@param aPtr a pointer to DTemplateDigitiser
+void DTemplateDigitiser::TimerIntCallback(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
+ DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("TI"));
+// GPIO::DisableInterrupt(KDataReadyPin);
+ // clear xy interrupt -> re-triggers the interrupt mechanism to catch the next IRQ
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
+ //
+ pD->iTakeReadingDfc.Add();
+ }
+Pen-up/down interrupt handler
+@param aPtr a pointer to DTemplateDigitiser
+void DTemplateDigitiser::PenIsr(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
+ pD->PenInterrupt();
+ }
+DFC for taking a sample
+@param aPtr a pointer to DTemplateDigitiser
+void DTemplateDigitiser::TakeReadingDfc(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
+ pD->TakeSample();
+ }
+void DTemplateDigitiser::PowerUp()
+ {
+ iPowerUpDfc.Enque(); // queue a DFC in this driver's context
+ }
+void DTemplateDigitiser::PowerUpDfc(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
+ pD->DoPowerUp();
+ }
+void DTemplateDigitiser::DoPowerUp()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER, Kern::Printf("DTemplateDigitiser::PowerUpDfc()"));
+ DigitiserOn();
+ PowerUpDone(); // must be called from a different thread than PowerUp()
+ }
+Turn the digitiser on
+May be called as a result of a power transition or from the HAL
+If called from HAL, then the digitiser may be already be on (iPointerOn == ETrue)
+void DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserOn()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER,Kern::Printf("DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserOn() iPointerOn=%d", iPointerOn));
+ if (!iPointerOn) // may have been powered up already
+ DigitiserPowerUp();
+ }
+Power-up the digitiser. Assumes digitiser is off.
+void DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserPowerUp()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER, Kern::Printf("DigitiserPowerUp"));
+ iPointerOn = ETrue; // now turned on
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
+ //
+ //
+ // TO DO: (optional)
+ //
+ // Reassert request on power resources
+ // This will move the peripheral hardware out of low power "Sleep" mode back to fully operational
+ //
+ TemplateResourceManager* aManager = TTemplatePowerController::ResourceManager();
+ aManager -> ModifyToLevel(TemplateResourceManager::AsynchMlResourceUsedByXOnly, 100 /* a percentage */);
+ aManager -> SharedBResource1() -> Use();
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
+ // to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
+ //
+ iState = E_HW_PowerUp; // so we wait for pen up if necessary
+ iTakeReadingDfc.Enque();
+ }
+void DTemplateDigitiser::PowerDown(TPowerState /*aPowerState*/)
+ {
+ iPoweringDown = ETrue;
+ iPowerDownDfc.Enque(); // queue a DFC in this driver's context
+ }
+void DTemplateDigitiser::PowerDownDfc(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
+ pD->DigitiserOff();
+ }
+Turn the digitiser off
+May be called as a result of a power transition or from the HAL
+If called from Power Manager, then the digitiser may be already be off (iPointerOn == EFalse)
+if the platform is in silent running mode
+void DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserOff()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER,Kern::Printf("DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserOff() iPointerOn=%d", iPointerOn));
+ if (iPointerOn) // can have been powered down from HAL
+ {
+ iPointerOn = EFalse;
+// Interrupt::Disable(KIntIdDigitiser);
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register to disable the digitiser interrupt
+ //
+ iTimer.Cancel();
+ iTimerInt.Cancel();
+ iTakeReadingDfc.Cancel();
+ if (iState != E_HW_CollectSample)
+ {
+ // Need to lock the kernel to simulate ISR context and thus defer preemption,
+ // since PenUp() expects an ISR context and calls TDfc::Add().
+ NKern::Lock();
+ PenUp(); // adds DFC (will call WaitForPenDown)
+ NKern::Unlock();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TO DO: (mandatory)
+ // Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
+ // to detect when the digitizer panel is touched and wakes up the system if in standby
+ //
+ //
+ // TO DO: (optional)
+ //
+ // Relinquish request on power resources as we are being powered down
+ // This will place the peripheral hardware in a low power "Sleep" mode which is Interrupt detection capable
+ //
+ TemplateResourceManager* aManager = TTemplatePowerController::ResourceManager();
+ aManager -> ModifyToLevel(TemplateResourceManager::AsynchMlResourceUsedByXOnly, 0 /* a percentage */);
+ aManager -> SharedBResource1() -> Release();
+ if (iPoweringDown) // came here through PowerDown
+ {
+ iPoweringDown = EFalse;
+ PowerDownDone();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // already powered down (by HAL)
+ {
+ if (iPoweringDown) // came here through PowerDown
+ {
+ iPoweringDown = EFalse;
+ PowerDownDone();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Convert digitiser coordinates to screen coordinates
+@param aDigitiserPoint the digitiser coordinates
+@param aScreenPoint A TPoint supplied by the caller.
+ On return, set to the converted screen coordinates in pixels.
+@return KErrNone if successful
+TInt DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserToScreen(const TPoint& aDigitiserPoint, TPoint& aScreenPoint)
+ {
+ NKern::LockSystem();
+ TInt R11 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR11;
+ TInt R12 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR12;
+ TInt R21 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR21;
+ TInt R22 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR22;
+ TInt TX = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTx;
+ TInt TY = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTy;
+ NKern::UnlockSystem();
+ TInt X = aDigitiserPoint.iX;
+ TInt Y = aDigitiserPoint.iY;
+ aScreenPoint.iX = (X*R11 + Y*R21 + TX) >> 16;
+ aScreenPoint.iY = (X*R12 + Y*R22 + TY) >> 16;
+ DEBUG_PRINT(Kern::Printf("DtS: Dp.x %d, Dp.y %d, Sp.x %d, Sp.y %d", X,Y,aScreenPoint.iX,aScreenPoint.iY));
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+Convert screen coordinates back into digitiser coordinates
+using the current constants from the superpage
+@param aX The screen X coordinate in pixels; On return, set to the digitiser X coordinate.
+@param aY The screen Y coordinate in pixels; On return, set to the digitiser Y coordinate.
+void DTemplateDigitiser::ScreenToDigitiser(TInt& aX, TInt& aY)
+ {
+ NKern::LockSystem();
+ Int64 R11 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR11;
+ Int64 R12 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR12;
+ Int64 R21 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR21;
+ Int64 R22 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR22;
+ Int64 TX = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTx;
+ Int64 TY = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTy;
+ NKern::UnlockSystem();
+ Int64 X = aX;
+ Int64 Y = aY;
+ //
+ // Xd=(Xs<<16)*R22-(Ys<<16)*R21-(TX*R22)+(TY*R21)
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ // (R22*R11)-(R21*R12)
+ //
+ //
+ // Yd=(Xs<<16)*R12-(Ys<<16)*R11-(TX*R12)+(TY*R11)
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ // (R21*R12)-(R22*R11)
+ //
+ // where Xd and Yd are digitiser coordinates
+ // Xs and Ys are supplied screen coordinates
+ //
+ X<<=16;
+ Y<<=16;
+ Int64 d=Int64(R21)*Int64(R12)-Int64(R22)*Int64(R11);
+ Int64 r=(X*R12)-(Y*R11)-(TX*R12)+(TY*R11);
+ r=r/d;
+ aY=(TInt)r;
+ r=(X*R22)-(Y*R21)-(TX*R22)+(TY*R21);
+ r=r/(-d);
+ aX=(TInt)r;
+ }
+Calculate values for R11, R12, R21, R22, TX and TY
+@param aCalibration the screen coordinates of points touched
+@return KErrNone if successful
+TInt DTemplateDigitiser::SetXYInputCalibration(const TDigitizerCalibration& aCalibration)
+ {
+ TInt R11,R12,R21,R22,TX,TY;
+ //
+ // Get coords of expected points
+ //
+ TDigitizerCalibration cal;
+ TInt ret=CalibrationPoints(cal);
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return ret;
+ TInt Xp1=cal.iTl.iX;
+ TInt Yp1=cal.iTl.iY;
+ TInt Xp2=cal.iBl.iX;
+ TInt Yp2=cal.iBl.iY;
+ TInt Xp3=cal.iBr.iX;
+ TInt Yp3=cal.iBr.iY;
+ //
+ // Get coords of points touched in screen coordinates
+ //
+ TInt X1=aCalibration.iTl.iX;
+ TInt Y1=aCalibration.iTl.iY;
+ TInt X2=aCalibration.iBl.iX;
+ TInt Y2=aCalibration.iBl.iY;
+ TInt X3=aCalibration.iBr.iX;
+ TInt Y3=aCalibration.iBr.iY;
+ //
+ // Convert back to raw digitiser coordinates
+ //
+ ScreenToDigitiser(X1,Y1);
+ ScreenToDigitiser(X2,Y2);
+ ScreenToDigitiser(X3,Y3);
+ //
+ // (Y1-Y2)(Xp1-Xp3) - (Y1-Y3)(Xp1-Xp2)
+ // ----------------------------------- = R11
+ // (Y1-Y2)(X1-X3) - (Y1-Y3)(X1-X2)
+ //
+ Int64 r=((Int64(Y1-Y2)*Int64(Xp1-Xp3))-(Int64(Y1-Y3)*Int64(Xp1-Xp2)));
+ r<<=16;
+ r/=(Int64(Y1-Y2)*Int64(X1-X3)-Int64(Y1-Y3)*Int64(X1-X2));
+ R11=(TInt)r;
+ //
+ // (Y1-Y2)(Yp1-Yp3) - (Y1-Y3)(Yp1-Yp2)
+ // ----------------------------------- = R12
+ // (Y1-Y2)(X1-X3) - (Y1-Y3)(X1-X2)
+ //
+ r=((Int64(Y1-Y2)*Int64(Yp1-Yp3))-(Int64(Y1-Y3)*Int64(Yp1-Yp2)));
+ r<<=16;
+ r/=(Int64(Y1-Y2)*Int64(X1-X3)-Int64(Y1-Y3)*Int64(X1-X2));
+ R12=(TInt)r;
+ //
+ // (X1-X3)(Xp2-Xp3) - (X2-X3)(Xp1-Xp3)
+ // ----------------------------------- = R21
+ // (Y2-Y3)(X1-X3) - (Y1-Y3)(X2-X3)
+ //
+ r=(((X1-X3)*(Xp2-Xp3))-((X2-X3)*(Xp1-Xp3)));
+ r<<=16;
+ r/=(Int64(Y2-Y3)*Int64(X1-X3)-Int64(Y1-Y3)*Int64(X2-X3));
+ R21=(TInt)r;
+ //
+ // (X1-X3)(Yp2-Yp3) - (X2-X3)(Yp1-Yp3)
+ // ----------------------------------- = R22
+ // (Y2-Y3)(X1-X3) - (Y1-Y3)(X2-X3)
+ //
+ r=((Int64(X1-X3)*Int64(Yp2-Yp3))-(Int64(X2-X3)*Int64(Yp1-Yp3)));
+ r<<=16;
+ r/=(Int64(Y2-Y3)*Int64(X1-X3)-Int64(Y1-Y3)*Int64(X2-X3));
+ R22=(TInt)r;
+ //
+ // TX = Xp1 - X1*R11 - Y1*R21
+ //
+ TX=(Xp1<<16)-(X1*R11)-(Y1*R21);
+ //
+ // TY = Yp1 - X1*R12 - Y1*R22
+ //
+ TY=(Yp1<<16)-(X1*R12)-(Y1*R22);
+ //
+ // Write new values into the superpage
+ //
+ NKern::LockSystem();
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR11 = R11;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR12 = R12;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR21 = R21;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR22 = R22;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTx = TX;
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTy = TY;
+ NKern::UnlockSystem();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+Informs the user-side calibration application where to draw
+the cross-hairs on the screen
+@param aCalibration On return contains the for points on the screen (in screen coordinates)
+ where the cross-hairs should be drawn
+@return KErrNone if succcessful
+TInt DTemplateDigitiser::CalibrationPoints(TDigitizerCalibration& aCalibration)
+ {
+ TVideoInfoV01Buf buf;
+ TVideoInfoV01& vidinfo=buf();
+ TInt r = Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupDisplay, EDisplayHalCurrentModeInfo, (TAny*)&buf, NULL);
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return r;
+ iScreenSize=vidinfo.iSizeInPixels;
+ aCalibration.iBl.iX = aCalibration.iTl.iX = iScreenSize.iWidth/10;
+ aCalibration.iTr.iY = aCalibration.iTl.iY = iScreenSize.iHeight/10;
+ aCalibration.iBr.iY = aCalibration.iBl.iY = iScreenSize.iHeight-iScreenSize.iHeight/10;
+ aCalibration.iTr.iX = aCalibration.iBr.iX = iScreenSize.iWidth-iScreenSize.iWidth/10;
+ return r;
+ }
+Saves the digitiser calibration to the persistent machine configuration area
+so that it can be restored after a power-down/up
+@return KErrNone if succcessful
+TInt DTemplateDigitiser::SaveXYInputCalibration()
+ {
+ NKern::LockSystem();
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibrationSaved = iMachineConfig.iCalibration;
+ NKern::UnlockSystem();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+Restores the digitiser calibration from the persistent machine configuration area
+following a power-up
+@param aType indicates whether to restore factory or saved settings
+@return KErrNone if succcessful
+TInt DTemplateDigitiser::RestoreXYInputCalibration(TDigitizerCalibrationType aType)
+ {
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ NKern::LockSystem();
+ switch (aType)
+ {
+ case EFactory:
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration=iMachineConfig.iCalibrationFactory;
+ break;
+ case ESaved:
+ iMachineConfig.iCalibration=iMachineConfig.iCalibrationSaved;
+ break;
+ default:
+ r=KErrNotSupported;
+ break;
+ }
+ NKern::UnlockSystem();
+ return r;
+ }
+Gets the digitiser configuration information
+@param aInfo On return, contains information about the digitiser's dimensions etc.
+void DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserInfo(TDigitiserInfoV01& aInfo)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserInfo"));
+ aInfo.iDigitiserSize.iWidth=KConfigXyWidth;
+ aInfo.iDigitiserSize.iHeight=KConfigXyHeight;
+ aInfo.iOffsetToDisplay.iX=KConfigXyOffsetX;
+ aInfo.iOffsetToDisplay.iY=KConfigXyOffsetY;
+ }
+Issues a pen move event if the distance from the last point is greater than the threshold
+@param aPoint the pen position in screen coordinates
+void DTemplateDigitiser::FilterPenMove(const TPoint& aPoint)
+ {
+ TPoint offset=aPoint;
+ offset.iX-=iLastPos.iX;
+ offset.iY-=iLastPos.iY;
+ if (Abs(offset.iX)>=iCfg.iAccThresholdX || Abs(offset.iY)>=iCfg.iAccThresholdY)
+ {
+ iLastPos=aPoint;
+ IssuePenMoveEvent(aPoint);
+ }
+ }
+Reset the pen move filter
+void DTemplateDigitiser::ResetPenMoveFilter()
+ {
+ }
--- a/omap3530/beagleboard/rom/kernel.iby Tue Sep 28 02:37:35 2010 +0100
+++ b/omap3530/beagleboard/rom/kernel.iby Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -19,67 +19,69 @@
-primary[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_EKERN.EXE \sys\bin\ekern.exe
-extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_KAOMAP3530.DLL \sys\bin\kaomap3530.dll
+primary[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_EKERN.EXE \sys\bin\ekern.exe
+extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_KAOMAP3530.DLL \sys\bin\kaomap3530.dll
#include <rom\omapshared\mstick.iby>
// Removed BTRACEX
-//extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_BTRACEX.LDD \sys\bin\btracex.ldd
+//extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_BTRACEX.LDD \sys\bin\btracex.ldd
-extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_prcm.dll \sys\bin\prcm.dll
-extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_uart.dll \sys\bin\uart.dll
-variant[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_ECUST.DLL \sys\bin\ecust.dll
-extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_EXMONCOMMON.DLL \sys\bin\exmoncommon.dll
-extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_EXMONDEBUG.DLL \sys\bin\exmondebug.dll
-extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_GPIO.DLL \sys\bin\gpio.dll
-extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_LED.DLL \sys\bin\led.dll
-extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_I2C.DLL \sys\bin\I2C.DLL
+extension[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_prcm.dll \sys\bin\prcm.dll
+extension[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_uart.dll \sys\bin\uart.dll
+variant[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_ECUST.DLL \sys\bin\ecust.dll
+extension[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_EXMONCOMMON.DLL \sys\bin\exmoncommon.dll
+extension[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_EXMONDEBUG.DLL \sys\bin\exmondebug.dll
+extension[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_GPIO.DLL \sys\bin\gpio.dll
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_LED.DLL \sys\bin\led.dll
+extension[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_I2C.DLL \sys\bin\i2c.DLL
// Uncommnet to include West Bridge Astoria Symbian Storage driver
-//extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_WB.DLL \sys\bin\wb.dll
-//extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\wb.dll \sys\bin\wb.dll
+//extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_WB.DLL \sys\bin\wb.dll
+//extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\wb.dll \sys\bin\wb.dll
-//extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_resman.pdd \sys\bin\resman.pdd
-//extension[VARID]= \Epoc32\Release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\resman.ldd \sys\bin\resman.ldd
+//extension[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_resman.pdd \sys\bin\resman.pdd
+//extension[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\resman.ldd \sys\bin\resman.ldd
#include <rom/omapshared/tps65950.iby>
#include <rom/omap3530/spi.iby>
-device[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_EUART.PDD \sys\bin\euart.pdd
-device[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\ECOMM.LDD \sys\bin\ecomm.ldd
+extension[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_byd_xyin.dll \sys\bin\byd_xyin.dll
+device[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_EUART.PDD \sys\bin\euart.pdd
+device[VARID]=\Epoc32\Release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\ECOMM.LDD \sys\bin\ecomm.ldd
//Use VT100 Over Serial
- extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_lcd.dll \sys\bin\lcd.dll
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_lcd.dll \sys\bin\lcd.dll
#ifdef BASE_ROM
- extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_serialmouse_tshell.DLL \sys\bin\eserialmouse.dll
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_serialmouse_tshell.DLL \sys\bin\eserialmouse.dll
- extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_serialmouse.DLL \sys\bin\eserialmouse.dll
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_serialmouse.DLL \sys\bin\eserialmouse.dll
- extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_serialkeyboard.DLL \sys\bin\ekeyb.dll
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_serialkeyboard.DLL \sys\bin\ekeyb.dll
-file[VARID]= \epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_EKDATA.DLL \sys\bin\ekdata.dll
-extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\ELOCD.LDD \sys\bin\elocd.ldd
-extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_MEDINT.PDD \sys\bin\medint.pdd
+file[VARID]=\epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_EKDATA.DLL \sys\bin\ekdata.dll
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\ELOCD.LDD \sys\bin\elocd.ldd
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_MEDINT.PDD \sys\bin\medint.pdd
// Uncommnet to include West Bridge Astoria Symbian Storage driver
-//extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_MEDWB.PDD \sys\bin\medwb.pdd
-device[VARID]= \epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\PIPELIB.LDD \sys\bin\pipelib.ldd
-extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\EXSTART.DLL \sys\bin\exstart.dll
+//extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_MEDWB.PDD \sys\bin\medwb.pdd
+device[VARID]=\epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\PIPELIB.LDD \sys\bin\pipelib.ldd
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\EXSTART.DLL \sys\bin\exstart.dll
-extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_USBCC.DLL \sys\bin\USBCC.DLL
-device[VARID]= \epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\USBC.LDD \sys\bin\EUSBC.LDD
-extension[VARID]= \epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_USBV.DLL \sys\bin\usbv.DLL
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_omap3530_USBCC.DLL \sys\bin\usbcc.DLL
+device[VARID]=\epoc32\release\##KMAIN##\##BUILD##\USBC.LDD \sys\bin\eusbc.LDD
+extension[VARID]=\epoc32\release\ARMV5\##BUILD##\_##VARIANT##_USBV.DLL \sys\bin\usbv.DLL
-#define EUSER_DLL ../../ARMV5/##BUILD##/_omap3530_euser.dll
+#define EUSER_DLL ../../ARMV5/##BUILD##/_omap3530_euser.dll
#ifdef TEST_ROM
#include <rom\##VARIANT##\test.iby>
--- a/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/master.cpp Tue Sep 28 02:37:35 2010 +0100
+++ b/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/master.cpp Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -185,9 +185,15 @@
slaveAddr &= 1; // modulo 2 (i.e. 2 CS for McSPI3)
+ // reconfigure pins if needed..
+ if(slavePinSet != iCurrSlavePinSet)
+ {
+ iCurrSlavePinSet = slavePinSet;
+ SetupSpiPins(iChannelNumber, iCurrSlavePinSet);
+ }
// store configuration parameters
iCurrSS = slaveAddr;
- iCurrSlavePinSet = slavePinSet;
iCurrHeader = newHeader; //copy the header..
return KErrNone;
@@ -199,12 +205,6 @@
- // make sure pins are set up properly (only for McSPI3)
- if(iCurrSlavePinSet == 2)
- {
- SetupSpiPins(iChannelNumber, iCurrSlavePinSet);
- }
// soft reset the SPI..
TUint val = AsspRegister::Read32(iHwBase + MCSPI_SYSCONFIG);
val = MCSPI_SYSCONFIG_SOFTRESET; // issue reset
@@ -272,6 +272,8 @@
// val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_FFER; // fifo enable for receive.. (TODO)
+ val |= (iCurrHeader.iTransactionWaitCycles & 3) << MCSPI_CHxCONF_TCS_SHIFT;
// update the register..
AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCONF(iCurrSS), val);
@@ -291,6 +293,8 @@
// Set the MS bit to 0 to provide the clock (ie. to setup as master)
+ // change the pad config - now the SPI drives the line appropriately..
+ SetCsActive(iChannelNumber, iCurrSS, iCurrSlavePinSet);
@@ -801,16 +805,17 @@
DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("DSpiMasterBeagle::ExitComplete, aErr %d, aComplete %d", aErr, aComplete));
- // make sure CS is in inactive state (for the current / last transaction) on error
- // TODO: add extendable transaction support (..i.e. with no de-assertion of CS pin between such transactions)
- SetCsInactive(iChannelNumber, iCurrSS, iCurrHeader.iSSPinActiveMode, iCurrSlavePinSet);
- // disable this channel
- AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCTRL(iCurrSS), MCSPI_CHxCTRL_EN, 0);
// in the case of error - make sure to reset the channel
if(aErr != KErrNone)
+ // make sure CS is in inactive state (for the current / last transaction) on error
+ // TODO: add extendable transaction support (..i.e. with no de-assertion of CS pin between such transactions)
+ SetCsInactive(iChannelNumber, iCurrSS, iCurrHeader.iSSPinActiveMode, iCurrSlavePinSet);
+ // disable this channel
+ AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCTRL(iCurrSS), MCSPI_CHxCTRL_EN, 0);
iCurrSS = -1; // make sure the interface will be re-configured at next transaction
@@ -863,7 +868,8 @@
// check if word width and clock are supported
if(SpiWordWidth(header.iWordWidth) < KMinSpiWordWidth ||
SpiClkValue(header.iClkSpeedHz) < 0 || // == KErrNotSupported
- header.iBitOrder == ELsbFirst) // this SPI only transmits MSB fist
+ header.iBitOrder == ELsbFirst || // this SPI only transmits MSB fist
+ (TUint)header.iTransactionWaitCycles > KMaxTransactionWaitTime) // max 3(+.5) cycles between words
#ifdef _DEBUG
if(header.iBitOrder == ELsbFirst)
@@ -872,7 +878,11 @@
DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("iClkSpeedHz: %d is not supported", header.iClkSpeedHz));
if((SpiWordWidth(header.iWordWidth)+ 1) >> MCSPI_CHxCONF_WL_OFFSET < KMinSpiWordWidth)
DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("iWordWidth: %d is not supported, min value is: %d",
- SpiWordWidth(header.iWordWidth), KMinSpiWordWidth));
+ SpiWordWidth(header.iWordWidth), KMinSpiWordWidth));
+ if((TUint)header.iTransactionWaitCycles > 3)
+ DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("iTransactionWaitCycles: %d is not supported, value should be from 0 to %d",
+ header.iTransactionWaitCycles, KMaxTransactionWaitTime));
r = KErrNotSupported;
--- a/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/omap3530_spi.h Tue Sep 28 02:37:35 2010 +0100
+++ b/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/omap3530_spi.h Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -209,6 +209,8 @@
const TUint MCSPI_CHxCONF_TCS_1_5 = 1 << 25; // 0x1: 1.5 clock cycles
const TUint MCSPI_CHxCONF_TCS_2_5 = 2 << 25; // 0x2: 2.5 clock cycles
const TUint MCSPI_CHxCONF_TCS_3_5 = 3 << 25; // 0x3: 3.5 clock cycles
+const TUint MCSPI_CHxCONF_TCS_SHIFT = 25;
+const TUint KMaxTransactionWaitTime = 3;
const TUint MCSPI_CHxCONF_SBPOL = 1 << 24; // Start bit polarity (0: spi word is command, 1: spi word is data)
const TUint MCSPI_CHxCONF_SBE = 1 << 23; // Start bit enable - 0x1: Start bit D/CX added before transfer.
--- a/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/omap3530_spi.inl Tue Sep 28 02:37:35 2010 +0100
+++ b/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/omap3530_spi.inl Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aModule != 2 ? !aPinSetId : ETrue, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // only channel 3 supports other pin configurations
// set the pin to the opposite to the currently active CS mode..
- const TPinConfig& csConf = ModulePinConfig[aModule].iCs[aChannel];
+ const TPinConfig& csConf = ModulePinConfig[aModule + aPinSetId].iCs[aChannel];
__ASSERT_DEBUG(csConf.iAddress, Kern::Fault("omap3530_spi.inl, line: ", __LINE__)); // don't try to use non-existing CS!
// now switch the pin mode..(making sure it is at the proper level before that)
--- a/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/test/d_spi_client_m.cpp Tue Sep 28 02:37:35 2010 +0100
+++ b/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/test/d_spi_client_m.cpp Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
TUint32 busId = 0;
SET_BUS_TYPE(busId, DIicBusChannel::ESpi);
SET_CHAN_NUM(busId, 2); // THis is the ModuleNumber, i.e. McSPIx (minus one), e.g. 2 for McSPI3
- SET_SLAVE_ADDR(busId, 0); // THis is the ChannelNumber (Slave number of the above McSPIx)
+ SET_SLAVE_ADDR(busId, 2); // THis is the ChannelNumber (Slave number of the above McSPIx)
// create header
const TConfigSpiV01 KHeader =
@@ -499,14 +499,14 @@
// create header
const TConfigSpiV01 KHeader =
- ESpiWordWidth_8, //iWordWidth
- 1500000, //iClkSpeed 3MHz (could use SpiFreqHz(32))
- ESpiPolarityLowRisingEdge, //iClkMode
- 500, // iTimeoutPeriod
- EBigEndian, // iEndianness
- EMsbFirst, //iBitOrder
- 0, //iTransactionWaitCycles
- ESpiCSPinActiveLow //iCsPinActiveMode
+ ESpiWordWidth_8, // iWordWidth
+ 3000000, // iClkSpeed 3MHz
+ ESpiPolarityLowRisingEdge, // iClkMode
+ 500, // iTimeoutPeriod
+ EBigEndian, // iEndianness
+ EMsbFirst, // iBitOrder
+ 0, // iTransactionWaitCycles
+ ESpiCSPinActiveLow // iCsPinActiveMode
TPckgBuf<TConfigSpiV01> header(KHeader);
--- a/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/test/t_spi_client_m.cpp Tue Sep 28 02:37:35 2010 +0100
+++ b/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/test/t_spi_client_m.cpp Thu Oct 07 00:37:22 2010 +0100
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
+ while(1)