2010-10-27 Pat Downey Correct include path (replace adaptation with adapt).
2010-10-20 bdonegan Changes to Beagle kernel IBY to add persistent storage
2010-10-18 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_4.0.a for changeset cf5d4fe2473f TAGS
2010-10-18 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_3.0.3 for changeset 86e1b70f1f94 TAGS
2010-10-14 Fionntina Carville Remove explicit reference in iby to udeb version of tps65950.dll.
2010-10-12 Tom Sutcliffe Bug 3818 - Beagle baseport doesn't define a machineuid
2010-10-12 andy simpson work-a-round for Bug 3645 change ARGB->XRGB pixel format PDK_4.0.a
2010-10-08 arunabha Merge SPI and Touch driver template to BYD_LCD branch for integration. BYD_LCD_Integration
2010-10-06 Lukasz Forynski updated SPI. Added template touch (byd_touch) -WORKING version,does not work-needs update as I missunderstood how the touchcontroller(chip) works. Submitting in order to share whatever there was-prior to going for holiday Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-28 Lukasz Forynski Update SPI master pin handling: added dynamic pin configuration for McSPI3 (needed if want to use multiple device on this interface. Now following number of Slave devices is available: McSPI1: 4, McSPI2: 2, McSPI3: 6 (2 per each pin configuration), McSPI4: 1. Only McSPI3 and McSPI4 are available now -there are issues with McSPI1 & 2 due to register access (something wrong with mapping? There is Fault Category: Exception Fault Reason: 10000000 Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-22 Lukasz Forynski updated temporary changed test code Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-22 Lukasz Forynski updated cs pin handling Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-21 arunabha Merge - Catch up with the default TIP BYD_LCD_Integration
2010-09-21 arunabha Trivial change to reassert the correct tip of the default branch PDK_3.0.3
2010-09-21 arunabha Branch for BYD LCD integration BYD_LCD_Integration
2010-09-21 will.long change display device from monitor to a LCD, SPI driver not ready yet, use GPIO to realize the LCD's initialization for this version
2010-09-21 Lukasz Forynski Added IIC SPI implementation / tests (Master channel only) Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-20 Lukasz Forynski created branch Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-20 arunabha Adding BASEPORT_DRV definition to beagle.oby(changeset 002c11474c92) made 'base_beagle.iby' beineg included twice; hence adding conditional include directives.
2010-09-20 arunabha Merge - catch-up with generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-20 Johan Groth Added tag PDK_3.0.2 for changeset 6aa1ef78f9d8 TAGS
2010-09-16 Lukasz Forynski fixed rombuild problems caused by identation changes in 70:ed23a53a5ee2 - probably rom requires #ifdefs at the beggining of line - otherwise it puts them to rom.oby file generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-16 Lukasz Forynski Catchup to default generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-16 arunabha Fixing issues in base_beagle.iby which had references to DEBUG_DIR
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