2010-11-21 Lukasz Forynski merged generic_fixed_and_updates back to default
2010-11-20 Lukasz Forynski catch-up from default generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-11-19 Lukasz Forynski SPI update: fixed pin and zero-lengh transfer bugs, added asynchronous trasaction example (test) Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-11-06 Lukasz Forynski Catch-up from generic_fixed_and_updates Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-11-17 Mike Kinghan 1) Merge default tip to very old GCC_SURGE branch, including:- GCC_SURGE
2010-11-17 Mike Kinghan Fix for Bug 3955 - #includes must not use absolute pathnames
2010-11-16 Mike Kinghan Fix for Bug 3952 - Various #includes in the Beagleboard code use non-portable '\' path delimiters
2010-11-16 Mike Kinghan Fix for Bug 3944 - Relative paths are systematically too long in Beagleboard bld.inf and .mmp files
2010-11-13 Lukasz Forynski Merged scm/padconf helper function implementation and register definitions
2010-11-12 William Roberts Enable VFP3 support, using instructions in kernelhwsrv\kernelhwsrv_info\doc_pub\base_how_to_vfp_support.doc
2010-11-11 William Roberts Fix PDK 3.0.4 problem with Beagleboard miniGUI (same fix as for NaviEngine).
2010-11-08 Lukasz Forynski merging additional head created when trying to update commit message (by reverting) generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-11-08 Lukasz Forynski Fix Bug 3923: updated 'terrible hack' in persistent storage that was crashing the board generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-11-07 Lukasz Forynski updated 'terrible hack' in persistent storage that was crashing the board generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-11-05 Dario Sestito Added tag PDK_3.0.4 for changeset e34b5496f1f6 TAGS
2010-11-04 Lukasz Forynski Fix for Bug 3913 - beagleboard crashes on cold boot-up generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-11-03 Lukasz Forynski follow up for 97:(fa3af5241fa7) - removed 'hard-coded' paths that were pointing at /adaptation. Now component should be movable (i.e. can sync it to any path) generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-11-03 Lukasz Forynski fixed path again (following 93 (7e2d85937fc5)) generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-11-03 Lukasz Forynski catch-up from default generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-11-02 Lukasz Forynski updated byd touch controller handling. needs debugging and update. Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-11-01 William Roberts Repair tps65950.iby, so it works for both rom.pl and rombuild.pl (sigh!) PDK_3.0.4
2010-10-27 Pat Downey Correct include path (replace adaptation with adapt).
2010-10-20 bdonegan Changes to Beagle kernel IBY to add persistent storage
2010-10-18 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_4.0.a for changeset cf5d4fe2473f TAGS
2010-10-18 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_3.0.3 for changeset 86e1b70f1f94 TAGS
2010-10-14 Fionntina Carville Remove explicit reference in iby to udeb version of tps65950.dll.
2010-10-12 Tom Sutcliffe Bug 3818 - Beagle baseport doesn't define a machineuid
2010-10-12 andy simpson work-a-round for Bug 3645 change ARGB->XRGB pixel format PDK_4.0.a
2010-10-08 arunabha Merge SPI and Touch driver template to BYD_LCD branch for integration. BYD_LCD_Integration
2010-10-06 Lukasz Forynski updated SPI. Added template touch (byd_touch) -WORKING version,does not work-needs update as I missunderstood how the touchcontroller(chip) works. Submitting in order to share whatever there was-prior to going for holiday Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-28 Lukasz Forynski Update SPI master pin handling: added dynamic pin configuration for McSPI3 (needed if want to use multiple device on this interface. Now following number of Slave devices is available: McSPI1: 4, McSPI2: 2, McSPI3: 6 (2 per each pin configuration), McSPI4: 1. Only McSPI3 and McSPI4 are available now -there are issues with McSPI1 & 2 due to register access (something wrong with mapping? There is Fault Category: Exception Fault Reason: 10000000 Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-22 Lukasz Forynski updated temporary changed test code Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-22 Lukasz Forynski updated cs pin handling Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-21 arunabha Merge - Catch up with the default TIP BYD_LCD_Integration
2010-09-21 arunabha Trivial change to reassert the correct tip of the default branch PDK_3.0.3
2010-09-21 arunabha Branch for BYD LCD integration BYD_LCD_Integration
2010-09-21 will.long change display device from monitor to a LCD, SPI driver not ready yet, use GPIO to realize the LCD's initialization for this version
2010-09-21 Lukasz Forynski Added IIC SPI implementation / tests (Master channel only) Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-20 Lukasz Forynski created branch Beagle_BSP_dev
2010-09-20 arunabha Adding BASEPORT_DRV definition to beagle.oby(changeset 002c11474c92) made 'base_beagle.iby' beineg included twice; hence adding conditional include directives.
2010-09-20 arunabha Merge - catch-up with generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-20 Johan Groth Added tag PDK_3.0.2 for changeset 6aa1ef78f9d8 TAGS
2010-09-16 Lukasz Forynski fixed rombuild problems caused by identation changes in 70:ed23a53a5ee2 - probably rom requires #ifdefs at the beggining of line - otherwise it puts them to rom.oby file generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-16 Lukasz Forynski Catchup to default generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-16 arunabha Fixing issues in base_beagle.iby which had references to DEBUG_DIR
2010-09-13 Lukasz Forynski fixed another issue with uart / and crash-debugger generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-11 Lukasz Forynski Catch-up from default generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-11 Lukasz Forynski unrolled last change - vt100 is included with TSHELL_SERIAL and should really be build from kernelhwsrv/.../ewsrv PDK_3.0.2
2010-09-10 Lukasz Forynski merged with latest default
2010-09-10 Lukasz Forynski enabled the edisp_vt100 build: define USE_VT100_DISPLAY when building the ROM, (e.g. '-D USE_VT100_DISPLAY') to include it
2010-09-09 Tom Pritchard tomp Correcting 'merge' issue identified at changeset 61 - 4132b3bda717.
2010-09-07 Lukasz Forynski Bug 3674 fix
2010-09-05 Lukasz Forynski updated to fix build error caused by kernelhwsrv revision 260
2010-09-03 Lukasz Forynski Merge recent changes back to default
2010-09-03 Lukasz Forynski merged with latest branch head generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-03 Lukasz Forynski Fixed prcm build warnings / updated led driver generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-02 Lukasz Forynski removed the 'unknown f' spelling from beagle.oby generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-02 Lukasz Forynski catch-up from default branch generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-09-01 Brendan Donegan Added BASEPORT_DRV definition to beagle.oby
2010-08-25 Lukasz Forynski Bug 3620 - Update for LED driver(+) - removed uninentionally added SPI in kernel.iby / base_beagle.iby files generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-08-25 Lukasz Forynski Bug 3620 - Update for LED driver generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-08-25 Lukasz Forynski created branch generic_fixes_and_updates
2010-08-24 arunabha Bug 3612 - Enable all uarts on the beagleboard , Bug 3612 - Unknown '#file' keyword in base_beagle.iby , Bug 3614 - Including medstaticcrd to the package builds
2010-08-23 Lukasz Forynski Fixed build warnings
2010-08-06 srilekhas Added tag PDK_3.0.1 for changeset 23f868c54bc5 TAGS
2010-07-30 William Roberts Catchup to latest S^4 build GCC_SURGE
2010-07-30 William Roberts Repair the lcd.mmp and lcd_gce.mmp situation to build both versions of the lcd driver PDK_3.0.1
2010-07-27 Tom Pritchard Merge persistent RAM drive media driver and C-drive image with correct approach to GCE support in LCD driver
2010-07-27 Tom Pritchard Changes for full working UI on 3.0.0 including Gareth's "persistent" RAM drives
2010-07-22 William Roberts Catchup to latest Symbian^4 GCC_SURGE
2010-07-16 Dario Sestito Merge
2010-07-16 Dario Sestito First drop of changes to enable a full ui rom build
2010-07-16 arunabha Umbrella changes to use different display and serial-key-board drivers for UI and Texshell
2010-07-13 arunabha Changes in the Serial Keyboard to disable sofy key mappings for texshell roms.
2010-07-08 William Roberts Apply Bug 3164 changes to Beagleboard, so that bootrom.bin gets created GCC_SURGE
2010-07-05 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_3.0.0 for changeset 2905910218db TAGS
2010-07-01 george.norton Initial contribution of the euart driver by Accenture.
2010-06-25 William Roberts The SystemTimeInSecondsFrom2000 functions don't need to be exported - Bug 2934 GCC_SURGE
2010-06-15 William Roberts Add missing semicolon, to fix Bug 2934 GCC_SURGE
2010-06-11 William Roberts Branch for GCC_SURGE fixes GCC_SURGE
2010-05-24 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_3.0.i for changeset 1cc1c84eb8d3 TAGS
2010-04-20 arunabha Bug 1996 - Contribution for West Bridge Astoria Symbian Storage Driver - Minor change for a build error. PDK_3.0.0 PDK_3.0.i
2010-04-20 arunabha Bug 1471 - Display PDD for Symbian^3 proposed by iwanj@users.sourceforge.net
2010-04-14 andy simpson merge heads - manual merge hal.mmp
2010-04-13 William Roberts Update hal.mmp to cope with change in kernelhwsrv that exports hal_int.h to epoc32\include\platform\kernel
2010-03-30 arunabha Bug 1683 - GCC-E compilation error in beagleboard (783) (accessibility) fixed by George Norton
2010-03-29 George Norton <> Bug 1683 - GCC-E compilation error in beagleboard (783) (accessibility) CompilerCompatibility
2010-03-14 William Roberts Automatic merge from PDK_3.0.h CompilerCompatibility
2010-03-11 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_3.0.h for changeset 6f943d133287 TAGS
2010-03-10 MattD Added new set of systemincludes required for header reorg. Old systemincludes still left in. PDK_3.0.h
2010-03-08 William Roberts Create CompilerCompatibility branch CompilerCompatibility
2010-03-03 arunabha Bug 1996 - Contribution for West Bridge Astoria Symbian Storage Driver
2010-02-16 arunabha Increasing default RAM size to 256 mb and fixing the superfile overlap issue for UI images
2010-02-09 arunabha Fixes for the Keyboard mapping , serial Mouse and the LCD drivers
2010-02-02 arunabha Adding a dummy Sound driver for BeagleBoard
2010-02-11 Shabe Razvi Added tag PDK_3.0.g for changeset ff677160c7d9 TAGS
2010-02-04 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_3.0.f for changeset ff677160c7d9 TAGS
2010-02-03 Simon Howkins Creation of TAGS branch. TAGS
2010-01-08 andy simpson Added tag PDK_3.0.e for changeset 344fc5a7c938 PDK_3.0.f PDK_3.0.g
2009-12-21 William Roberts Add INC_PATH option for the 200948 drop of base\bootstrap extension PDK_3.0.e
2009-12-15 andy.simpson Added tag PDK_3.0.d for changeset dc9b4bd57f72
2009-12-03 Simon Howkins Removed REE_PATH option, as it's no longer needed. PDK_3.0.d
2009-11-25 Arnaud Lenoir Added extension to build ROM image with SBSv2.
2009-11-12 MattD Added tag PDK_3.0.c for changeset 7cd561e7f75e
2009-10-28 MattD Merged Tags PDK_3.0.c
2009-10-23 William Roberts Remove incorrect "How to build" documentation and scripts
2009-10-21 Shabe Razvi Added tag PDK_3.0.b for changeset 33bd282ab944
2009-10-14 William Roberts Avoid problem with unresolved reference to epbusm when building ROMs PDK_3.0.b
2009-10-09 William Roberts Tweaks to remove Symbian^2 workarounds which break on Symbian^3
2009-10-09 William Roberts Remove trailing \ characters on systeminclude paths
2009-10-09 William Roberts Remove spaces around the words in AsspTarget() macros
2009-10-09 William Roberts Add package_definition_2.0.1.xml for use with Raptor 2.8.5
2009-10-09 William Roberts Separate out kernel and beagleboard bld.infs, which have associated (& different) variant.mmh files
2009-10-08 William Roberts Add a single bld.inf to collect all the little ones, and a packagde_definition.xml file which refers to it
2009-10-15 Pat Downey Add EPL'd beagleboard code
(0) tip