changeset 0 91fe342bd9c4
child 2 47632b7dfb88
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:91fe342bd9c4
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    17 #include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
    18 #include <kernel/cache.h>
    19 #include <graphics/surface.h>
    20 #include <graphics/surfacetypes.h>
    21 #include <graphics/surfacemanager.h>
    22 #include "surfacemanager_dev.h"
    24 /**
    25 Convert the surface Id to an index of the array 
    26 based on the least significant 4 bits of the first word of the ID
    27 @param	aSurfaceId  Const reference to the surface Id
    28 @internalTechnology
    29 */
    30 static TInt SurfaceIdToIndex(const TSurfaceId& aSurfaceId)
    31 	{
    32 	return static_cast<TInt>(aSurfaceId.iInternal[0]&(KMaxLists-1));
    33 	}
    35 /**
    36 Removes an item from a linked list
    37 @param	aList  Pointer to the head of a linked list of type T
    38 @param	aOwner  Pointer to the object to be removed
    39 @internalTechnology
    40 */
    41 template<class T>
    42 static void UnlinkListItem(T** aList, const T* aItem)
    43 	{
    44 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM UnlinkListItem list %08x  object %08x \n", aList, aItem);)
    46 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aItem != NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
    47 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(*aList != NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
    49 	if (*aList == aItem)	//one we want is at the head of the list
    50 		{
    51 		*aList = aItem->iNext;
    52 		return;
    53 		}
    55 	T* p = *aList;
    56 	T* q = (*aList)->iNext;
    57 	while (q)
    58 		{
    59 		if (q == aItem)
    60 			{
    61 			p->iNext = q->iNext;
    62 			return;
    63 			}
    64 		p = q;
    65 		q = q->iNext;
    66 		}
    67 	}
    72 /**
    73 Returns a pointer to the surface owner object for the specified process, for this surface.
    74 @param	aProcess  Pointer to the process object
    75 @return pointer to the surface owner object if found, else NULL
    76 @internalTechnology
    77 */
    79 TProcessListItem* TSurface::ProcessOwnerInfo(const DProcess* aProcess)
    80 	{
    81 	TProcessListItem* so = iOwners;
    82 	while(so)
    83 		{
    84 		if (aProcess == so->iOwningProcess)
    85 			{
    86 			break;
    87 			}
    88 		so = so->iNext;
    89 		}
    90 	return so;
    91 	}
    93 /**
    94 Creates a shared chunk surface.
    95 @param aParams  Package buffer containing the surface creation parameters.  
    96 @param aId  Will be set to the surface id of the newly created surface.
    97 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the creation attributes were incorrect,
    98 otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
    99 @see RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes
   100 @internalTechnology
   101 */
   103 TInt DSurfaceManager::CreateSurface(const TDesC8* aParams, TSurfaceId* aId)
   104 	{
   106 	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributesBuf buf;
   107 	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& attribs = buf();
   109 	Kern::KUDesGet(buf, *aParams);		//fetch input parameters
   110 	if( (attribs.iHintCount > KMaxHintsPerSurface) || (attribs.iHintCount<0) )
   111 		{
   112 		return KErrArgument;
   113 		}	
   115 	RSurfaceManager::THintPair tempSurfaceHints[KMaxHintsPerSurface];
   116 	if( (attribs.iHintCount>0) && attribs.iSurfaceHints)
   117 		{
   118 		kumemget(tempSurfaceHints, attribs.iSurfaceHints, attribs.iHintCount*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));		
   119 		attribs.iSurfaceHints = tempSurfaceHints;
   120 		}
   121 	else
   122 		{
   123 		attribs.iSurfaceHints=NULL;
   124 		}
   126 	//validate input parameters and calculate chunk size
   127 	TInt roundedBufferSize = attribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers;
   128 	TUint dummyActualSize = 0;	
   130 	TInt chunkSize = ValidateAndCalculateChunkSize(attribs, roundedBufferSize, dummyActualSize, ETrue);
   131 	if (chunkSize == 0)
   132 		{
   133 		return KErrArgument;
   134 		}	
   136 	TSurfaceId sid;
   137 	TInt r = KErrNone;
   138 	TSurface* surface = NULL;
   139 	do		//in the unlikely event that we generate a duplicate surface id, try again.
   140 		{
   141 		GenerateSurfaceId(sid);
   143 		NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   144 		surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
   145 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   146 		}
   147 	while (surface);
   149 	//create a shared chunk for the surface memory
   150 	TChunkCreateInfo info;
   151 	info.iType = TChunkCreateInfo::ESharedKernelMultiple;	//multi process mappable
   152 	info.iMaxSize = chunkSize;
   153 	info.iOwnsMemory = ETrue;
   155 //iMapAttr is valid only for hardware devices and will not make any effect in wins	
   156 #ifndef __WINS__
   157 	info.iMapAttr = (attribs.iCacheAttrib == RSurfaceManager::ECached) ? EMapAttrCachedMax : EMapAttrL1Uncached;
   158 #else
   159 	info.iMapAttr = 0;
   160 #endif
   163 	// ChunkCommitPhysical method may only be used if the chunk was
   164 	// created with TChunkCreateInfo::iOwnsMemory set to false.
   165     info.iMapAttr = EMapAttrFullyBlocking;
   166     info.iOwnsMemory = EFalse;
   167 #endif
   169 	TLinAddr kernAddr;
   170 	TUint32 mapAttr;	
   172 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   173 	DChunk* chunk;
   174 	r = Kern::ChunkCreate(info, chunk, kernAddr, mapAttr);
   175 	if (KErrNone != r)
   176 		{
   177 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   178 		return r;
   179 		}
   181 	//commit the memory
   182 	TUint32 paddr;
   184     Kern::Printf("DSurfaceManager::CreateSurface: Allocate ");
   185     if( iVHWMemoryManager != NULL )
   186 		{
   187 	    paddr = iVHWMemoryManager->Allocate(chunkSize);
   188 		}
   189 	else
   190 		{
   191 		CreateMemory();
   192 	    paddr = iVHWMemoryManager->Allocate(chunkSize);
   193 		}
   196     if ( paddr )
   197         {
   198         r = Kern::ChunkCommitPhysical( chunk, 0, chunkSize, paddr );
   199 	    Kern::Printf("DSurfaceManager::CreateSurface: Commit %d from: 0x%08x success: %d",chunkSize, paddr, r );
   200         }
   201     else
   202         {
   203         r = KErrNoMemory;
   204         }
   206 	if (attribs.iContiguous)
   207 		{
   208 		r = Kern::ChunkCommitContiguous(chunk, 0, chunkSize, paddr);
   209 		}
   210 	else
   211 		{
   212 		r = Kern::ChunkCommit(chunk, 0, chunkSize);
   213 		}
   216 	if (KErrNone != r)
   217 		{
   218 		//problem committing the memory,
   219 		//destroy the chunk and cleanup
   220 		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
   221 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   222 		return r;
   223 		}
   225 	//create a surface structure for the new surface
   226 	surface = new TSurface;
   227 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TSurface CreateSurface",surface);)
   228 	if (!surface)
   229 		{
   230 		//destroy the chunk and cleanup, out of memory
   231 		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
   232 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   233 		return KErrNoMemory;
   234 		}
   236 	surface->iId = sid;
   237 	surface->iSize = attribs.iSize;
   238 	surface->iBuffers = attribs.iBuffers;
   239 	surface->iPixelFormat = attribs.iPixelFormat;
   240 	surface->iStride = attribs.iStride;
   241 	surface->iOffsetToFirstBuffer = attribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer;
   242 	surface->iAlignment = attribs.iAlignment;
   243 	surface->iContiguous = attribs.iContiguous;
   244 	surface->iChunk = chunk;
   245 	surface->iOffsetBetweenBuffers = roundedBufferSize;
   246 	surface->iCacheAttrib = attribs.iCacheAttrib;
   247 	surface->iMappable = attribs.iMappable;
   248 	if(attribs.iHintCount>0)
   249 		{
   250 		memcpy(surface->iSurfaceHints,tempSurfaceHints,attribs.iHintCount*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
   251 		}
   252 	memclr(surface->iSurfaceHints+attribs.iHintCount, (KMaxHintsPerSurface-attribs.iHintCount)*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
   254 	//create a surface owner for this surface
   255 	TProcessListItem* owner = new TProcessListItem;
   256 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TProcessListItem CreateSurface",owner);)
   258 	if (!owner)
   259 		{
   260 		//destroy the chunk and cleanup, out of memory
   261 		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
   262 		delete(surface);
   263 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TSurface CreateSurface",surface);)
   264 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   265 		return KErrNoMemory;
   266 		}
   268 	owner->iCount = 1;		//mark it as open in this process
   269 	owner->iOwningProcess =  &Kern::CurrentProcess();
   270 	owner->iNext = NULL;
   272 	surface->iOwners = owner;	//only 1 owner at creation time
   274 	//at this point we have a fully constructed TSurface
   276 	//add surface to head of surfaces list
   277 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   278 	//Mask off the bottom log2(KMaxLists) bits of the first word of the surfaceID as an index
   279 	//add the new surface to the beginning of the list 
   280 	TInt index = SurfaceIdToIndex(sid);
   281 	surface->iNext = iSurfacesIndex[index];
   282 	iSurfacesIndex[index] = surface;
   284 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);		
   285 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   287 	//write surface id back to user side
   288 	kumemput(aId, &sid, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
   289 	return KErrNone;
   290 	}
   293 /**
   294 Validate that a chunk contains physical memory for the used areas.
   296 This function should be called in Critical Section in order to be completed even if the thread 
   297 or process is killed and so be able to free the memory allocated  (TUint32[pageList])
   299 @param aChunk  Chunk that the user supplied.   
   300 @param aAttribs  Surface Creation Attributes.
   301 @param aBuffersize  Calculated size of each buffer.
   302 @param aMapAttr  Filled in with the mapping attributes of the memory.
   303 @param aIsContiguous  Lets the caller know if the surface is physically contiguous or not. 
   304 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the creation attributes were incorrect,
   305 KErrBadHandle if aChunkHandle is of an invalid shared chunk memory,
   306 otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
   307 @see RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes
   308 @internalTechnology
   309 */
   310 TInt DSurfaceManager::ValidatePhysicalMemory(DChunk* aChunk, const RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& aAttribs, 
   311 								   TUint aBuffersize, TUint32& aMapAttr, TBool &aIsContiguous) 
   312 	{
   313 	TLinAddr kernAddr;
   314 	TUint32 physAddr;
   316 	//Get the physical address for a region in a shared chunk
   317 	TInt pageSize = Kern::RoundToPageSize(1);
   318 	TInt pageList = 1 + (aChunk->iSize + pageSize - 2) / pageSize;
   319 	TUint32* physAddr2 = new TUint32[pageList];
   320 	if(!physAddr2)
   321 		{
   322 		return KErrNoMemory;
   323 		}
   325 	// Unless proven otherwise, the memory is not contiguous. 
   326 	aIsContiguous = EFalse;
   327 	TInt r = Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(aChunk, 0, aChunk->iSize, kernAddr, aMapAttr, physAddr, physAddr2);
   328 	if (KErrNone == r)
   329 		{
   330 		aIsContiguous = ETrue;
   331 		}
   334 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface ChunkPhysicalAddress r %d chunk %08x chunk size %d", r, aChunk, aChunk->iSize);)
   335 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface kernAddr %08x", kernAddr);)
   336 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface mapAttr %08x", aMapAttr);)
   337 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface physAddr %08x", physAddr);)
   338 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface physAddr2 %08x", physAddr2);)
   340 	if(r < KErrNone)
   341 		{
   342 		// Error means that there isn't memory in the whole chunk - so check the
   343 		// relevant areas - it is allowed to have gaps between the buffers, but not 
   344 		// within the actual regions that are used for buffers. 
   346 		// So, we first check the area before first buffer up to "offsettofirstbuffer", which all should be valid
   347 		if (aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer != 0)
   348 			{
   349 			r = Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(aChunk, 0, aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer, 
   350 					kernAddr, aMapAttr, physAddr, physAddr2);
   351 			}
   352 		else
   353 			{
   354 			r = KErrNone;
   355 			}
   357 		// If that's a pass, loop through and check the actual buffers (leave loop if it fails).
   358 		for(TInt i = 0; i < aAttribs.iBuffers && KErrNone <= r; i++)
   359 			{
   360 			r = Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(aChunk, 
   361 					aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + aAttribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers * i, 
   362 					aBuffersize, kernAddr, aMapAttr, physAddr, physAddr2);
   363 			}
   364 		}
   366 	// Fix up weird ChunkPhysicalAddress behaviour - it returns 1 to indicate that memory is non-contiguous. 
   367 	if (1 == r)
   368 		{
   369 		r = KErrNone;
   370 		}
   372 	delete[] physAddr2;
   373 	return r;
   374 	}
   377 /**
   378 Creates a surface in an existing shared chunk.
   379 @param aParam  Package buf containing the surface creation parameters and id to be set to the surface id of the newly created surface.  
   380 @param aChunkHandle  Existing valid shared chunk handle.
   381 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the creation attributes were incorrect,
   382 KErrBadHandle if aChunkHandle is of an invalid shared chunk memory,
   383 otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
   384 @see RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes
   385 @internalTechnology
   386 */
   387 TInt DSurfaceManager::CreateSurface(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam* aParam, TInt aChunkHandle)
   388 	{
   389 	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributesBuf buf;
   390 	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& attribs = buf();
   392 	//Get the input parameters
   393 	RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam param;
   394 	kumemget(&param, aParam, sizeof(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam));
   395 	Kern::KUDesGet(buf, *(reinterpret_cast<const TDesC8*>(param.iBuffer)));
   396 	if( (attribs.iHintCount > KMaxHintsPerSurface) || (attribs.iHintCount<0) )
   397 		{
   398 		return KErrArgument;
   399 		}	
   401 	RSurfaceManager::THintPair tempSurfaceHints[KMaxHintsPerSurface];
   402 	if( (attribs.iHintCount>0) && attribs.iSurfaceHints)
   403 		{
   404 		kumemget(tempSurfaceHints, attribs.iSurfaceHints, attribs.iHintCount*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));		
   405 		attribs.iSurfaceHints = tempSurfaceHints;
   406 		}
   407 	else
   408 		{
   409 		attribs.iSurfaceHints=NULL;
   410 		}
   412 	//validate input parameters and calc size
   413 	TInt roundedBufferSize = attribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers;
   414 	TUint actualBufferSize = 0;
   415 	TInt chunkSize = ValidateAndCalculateChunkSize(attribs, roundedBufferSize, actualBufferSize);
   416 	if (chunkSize == 0)
   417 		{
   418 		return KErrArgument;
   419 		}
   421 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   423 	//Open an existing shared chunk
   424 	DChunk* chunk = Kern::OpenSharedChunk(NULL, aChunkHandle, EFalse);
   425 	if(chunk == NULL)
   426 		{
   427 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   428 		return KErrBadHandle;
   429 		}
   431 	//Check for chunk type as kernel multiple
   432 	if(chunk->iChunkType != ESharedKernelMultiple)
   433 		{
   434 		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
   435 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   436 		return KErrBadHandle;
   437 		}
   439 	//Check for enough chunk size to create surface for requested attributes
   440 	if (chunk->iSize < attribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + attribs.iBuffers * actualBufferSize)
   441 		{
   442 		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
   443 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   444 		return KErrArgument;
   445 		}
   447 	TSurfaceId sid;
   448 	TSurface* surface = NULL;
   449 	do		//in the unlikely event that we generate a duplicate surface id, try again.
   450 		{
   451 		GenerateSurfaceId(sid);
   453 		NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   454 		surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
   455 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   456 		}
   457 	while (surface);
   459 	//create a surface structure for the new surface
   460 	surface = new TSurface;
   461 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TSurface CreateSurface",surface);)
   462 	if (!surface)
   463 		{
   464 		//destroy the chunk and cleanup, out of memory
   465 		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
   466 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   467 		return KErrNoMemory;
   468 		}
   470 	TUint32 mapAttr = 0;
   471 	TBool isContiguous;
   472 	TInt r = ValidatePhysicalMemory(chunk, attribs, actualBufferSize, mapAttr, isContiguous);
   473 	if (r != KErrNone)
   474 		{
   475 		//destroy the surface and close the chunk
   476 		delete(surface);
   477 		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
   478 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   479 		if (r != KErrNoMemory)
   480 			{
   481 			r = KErrArgument;
   482 			}
   483 		return r;
   484 		}
   486 	surface->iId = sid;
   487 	surface->iSize = attribs.iSize;
   488 	surface->iBuffers = attribs.iBuffers;
   489 	surface->iPixelFormat = attribs.iPixelFormat;
   490 	surface->iStride = attribs.iStride;
   491 	surface->iOffsetToFirstBuffer = attribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer;
   492 	surface->iAlignment = attribs.iAlignment;
   493 	surface->iContiguous = isContiguous;
   494 	surface->iChunk = chunk;
   495 	surface->iOffsetBetweenBuffers = (attribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers) ? attribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers : roundedBufferSize;
   496 	surface->iMappable = attribs.iMappable;
   497 #ifndef __WINS__	//Creation attribute field will not considered for iCacheAttrib
   498 	TUint32 level1Info = mapAttr & EMapAttrL1CacheMask;
   499 	TUint32 level2Info = mapAttr & EMapAttrL2CacheMask;
   500 	TBool chunkIsNotcached =  ((level2Info == EMapAttrL2Uncached) && 
   501 	    ((level1Info == EMapAttrFullyBlocking) || (level1Info == EMapAttrBufferedNC) ||
   502 	     (level1Info == EMapAttrBufferedC) || (level1Info == EMapAttrL1Uncached)));
   503 	surface->iCacheAttrib = (chunkIsNotcached) ? RSurfaceManager::ENotCached : RSurfaceManager::ECached;
   504 #else
   505 	surface->iCacheAttrib = RSurfaceManager::ENotCached;	
   506 #endif
   508 	if(attribs.iHintCount>0)
   509 		{
   510 		memcpy(surface->iSurfaceHints,tempSurfaceHints,attribs.iHintCount*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
   511 		}
   512 	memclr(surface->iSurfaceHints+attribs.iHintCount, (KMaxHintsPerSurface-attribs.iHintCount)*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
   514 	//create a surface owner for this surface
   515 	TProcessListItem* owner = new TProcessListItem;
   516 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TProcessListItem CreateSurface",owner);)
   518 	if (!owner)
   519 		{
   520 		//destroy the chunk and cleanup, out of memory
   521 		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
   522 		delete(surface);
   523 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TSurface CreateSurface",surface);)
   524 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   525 		return KErrNoMemory;
   526 		}
   528 	owner->iCount = 1;		//mark it as open in this process
   529 	owner->iOwningProcess =  &Kern::CurrentProcess();
   530 	owner->iNext = NULL;
   532 	surface->iOwners = owner;	//only 1 owner at creation time
   534 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   535 	//at this point we have a fully constructed TSurface
   536 	//add surface to head of surfaces list
   538 	//Mask off the bottom log2(KMaxLists) bits of the first word of the surfaceID as an index
   539 	//add the new surface to the beginning of the list 
   540 	TInt index = SurfaceIdToIndex(sid);
   541 	surface->iNext = iSurfacesIndex[index];
   542 	iSurfacesIndex[index] = surface;
   543 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);		
   544 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   546 	//write surface id back to user side
   547 	kumemput(reinterpret_cast<TSurfaceId*>(param.iSurfaceId), &sid, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
   548 	return KErrNone;
   549 	}
   552 /**
   553 Opens a surface.  If the current process already is in the owners list, its usage count is
   554 incremented.  If this is an open from a different process, a new surface owner object is added
   555 to the surface's list of owners and its usage count is set to 1.
   556 @param aId  The surface id of the surface to be opened.
   557 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a system error code
   558 @internalTechnology
   559 */
   560 TInt DSurfaceManager::OpenSurface(const TSurfaceId* aId)
   561 	{
   562 	TSurfaceId sid;
   563 	//fetch surface id from user memory
   564 	kumemget(&sid, aId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
   565 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   566 	TProcessListItem* owner = new TProcessListItem;  //speculative creation
   567 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TProcessListItem OpenSurface", owner);)
   569 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   570 	//look it up
   571 	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
   572 	if (!surface)	
   573 		{
   574 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   575 		delete owner;		//free the memory just allocated
   576 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem OpenSurface", owner);)
   577 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   578 		return KErrArgument;
   579 		}
   581 	//find the owner
   582 	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
   583 	if (so)
   584 		{
   585 		//already an owner so inc the ref count
   586 		++so->iCount;
   587 		}
   588 	else
   589 		{
   590 		//new process trying to open it
   591 		if (!owner)
   592 			{
   593 			//the creation of the owner information object failed, out of memory
   594 			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   595 			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   596 			return KErrNoMemory;
   597 			}
   599 		owner->iCount = 1;		//mark it open in this process
   600 		owner->iOwningProcess =  &Kern::CurrentProcess();
   602 		//add the owner to the list of owners
   603 		owner->iNext = surface->iOwners;
   604 		surface->iOwners = owner;
   605 		owner = NULL;
   606 		}
   607 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   608 	delete owner;		//free if not used.
   609 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem OpenSurface", owner);)
   610 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   611 	return KErrNone;
   612 	}
   616 /**
   617 Closes a surface.  Decrements the usage count in the surface owner object
   618 if the usage count is then zero, removes this surface owner from the surface.
   619 If this results in a surface with no owners, the surface is deleted and the 
   620 surface shared chunk is closed.
   621 @param aId  The id of the surface to be closed
   622 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID does not refer to a surface,
   623 KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current process, otherwise a system wide
   624 error code.
   625 @internalTechnology
   626 */
   627 TInt DSurfaceManager::CloseSurface(const TSurfaceId* aId)
   628 	{
   630 	TSurfaceId sid;
   631 	kumemget(&sid, aId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));	//fetch surface id from user memory
   632 	//look it up
   633 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   634 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   635 	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
   636 	if (!surface)	
   637 		{
   638 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   639 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   640 		return KErrArgument;
   641 		}
   643 	//find the owner
   644 	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
   645 	if (!so)
   646 		{
   647 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   648 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   649 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   650 		}
   652 	//current process is a surface owner so decrement the open count
   653 	TSurface* surfaceToDelete = NULL;
   654 	TProcessListItem* ownerToDelete = NULL;
   655 	DChunk* chunkToClose = NULL;
   656 	if (--so->iCount == 0)
   657 		{
   658 		//if count is now zero remove the owner
   659 		//surface->RemoveOwner(so);
   660 		UnlinkListItem(&surface->iOwners, so);
   661 		ownerToDelete = so;
   663 		//check to see if the surface has any owners
   664 		if (!surface->iOwners)
   665 			{
   666 			//no more owners of the surface
   667 			chunkToClose = surface->iChunk;
   669 			//remove the surface from the list
   670 			UnlinkListItem(&(iSurfacesIndex[SurfaceIdToIndex(surface->iId)]), surface);
   671 			surfaceToDelete = surface;
   672 			}
   673 		}
   675 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   677 	if (chunkToClose)
   678 		{
   680         TLinAddr kernelAddress;
   681         TUint32 mapAttr;
   682         TUint32 physicalAddress(0);
   683         if (KErrNone == Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(chunkToClose, 0, chunkToClose->Size(), kernelAddress, mapAttr, physicalAddress))
   684             {
   685             Kern::Printf("Closing chunk: deallocate %u",physicalAddress);
   686             iVHWMemoryManager->Deallocate(physicalAddress);
   687             }
   689 		//surface has no more owners so close the chunk
   690 		Kern::ChunkClose(chunkToClose);
   691 		}
   693 	delete surfaceToDelete;
   694 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TSurface CloseSurface",surfaceToDelete);)
   695 	delete ownerToDelete;
   696 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem CloseSurface",ownerToDelete);)
   697 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   699 	return KErrNone;
   700 	}
   703 /**
   704 Maps the surface memory into the process of the calling thread. This will fail if
   705 the surface is not open in this process, or if the handle to the chunk cannot be created.
   706 @param aId  The id of the surface to be mapped in.
   707 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID does not refer to a
   708 surface, KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current process,
   709 KErrNotSupported if the surface is not mappable, KErrOverflow if the chunk limit has been
   710 exceeded in the moving memory model, otherwise a system wide error code.
   711 @internalTechnology
   712 */
   713 TInt DSurfaceManager::MapSurface(const TSurfaceId* aId)
   714 	{
   715 	TSurfaceId sid;
   716 	kumemget(&sid, aId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));	//fetch surface id from user memory
   718 	//look it up
   719 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   720 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   721 	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
   722 	if (!surface)	
   723 		{
   724 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   725 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   726 		return KErrArgument;	//surface id is not valid or in the list of surfaces
   727 		}
   728 	if(!surface->iMappable)
   729 		{
   730 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   731 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();		
   732 		return KErrNotSupported;
   733 		}
   735 	//find the owner
   736 	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
   737 	if (!so)
   738 		{
   739 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   740 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   741 		return KErrAccessDenied;	//can't map it in, it's not open in this process
   742 		}
   744 	DChunk* chunk = surface->iChunk;
   745 	TInt r = chunk->Open();
   746 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   747 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM MapSurface chunk open r %d\n",r);)
   749 	if (r == KErrGeneral)
   750 		{
   751 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   752 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   753 		}
   755 	//if we are here, got the surface and we are the owner.
   756 	//if we are the owner we must have it open at least once
   758 	r = Kern::MakeHandleAndOpen(NULL, chunk);
   759 	chunk->Close(NULL);
   760 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM MapSurface handle open r: %d\n",r);)
   762 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   764 	return r;
   765 	}
   768 /**
   769 Record a new connection to the driver.
   770 Adds an element to the reference counted list of connected processes if the connection
   771 is from a new process, otherwise it increments the reference count.
   772 @param aProcess  The process which has opened a driver channel.
   773 @internalTechnology
   774 */
   775 TInt DSurfaceManager::AddConnection(const DProcess* aProcess)
   776 	{
   777 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM AddConnection process %08x\n", aProcess);)
   778 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   779 	TProcessListItem* connectedProcess = new TProcessListItem;  //speculative creation
   780 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TProcessListItem AddConnection", connectedProcess);)
   781 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   782 	TProcessListItem* p = FindConnectedProcess(aProcess);
   783 	if (p)	//already connected, found the process
   784 		{
   785 		++p->iCount;
   786 		}
   787 	else
   788 		{
   789 		//add a new connected process
   790 		if (!connectedProcess)
   791 			{
   792 			//the creation of the owner information object failed, out of memory
   793 			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   794 			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   795 			return KErrNoMemory;
   796 			}
   797 		connectedProcess->iOwningProcess = (DProcess*)aProcess;
   798 		connectedProcess->iCount=1;
   800 		connectedProcess->iNext = iConnectedProcesses;
   801 		iConnectedProcesses = connectedProcess;
   802 		connectedProcess = NULL;
   803 		}
   804 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   805 	delete connectedProcess;
   806 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem AddConnection", connectedProcess);)
   807 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   808 	return KErrNone;
   809 	}
   813 /**
   814 Called when the driver channel is closed.
   815 Decrements the reference count for the connected process, if the last connection
   816 for this process is closed (reference count reaches 0) it removes the process from the list.
   817 @param aProcess  The process which has closed the driver channel.
   818 @internalTechnology
   819 */
   820 void DSurfaceManager::RemoveConnection(const DProcess* aProcess)
   821 	{
   822 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM RemoveConnection process %08x\n", aProcess);)
   823 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
   824 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   825 	TProcessListItem* p =FindConnectedProcess(aProcess);
   826 	TProcessListItem* toDelete = NULL;
   827 	if (p)	//already connected, found the process
   828 		{
   829 		if (--p->iCount == 0) //last connection in process has disconnected
   830 			{
   831 			//remove the process from the list and cleanup
   832 			UnlinkListItem(&iConnectedProcesses, p);
   833 			toDelete = p;
   834 			}
   835 		}
   836 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   837 	delete toDelete;
   838 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem RemoveConnection ", toDelete);)
   841 	if (toDelete)	// if a process has closed its last channel, remove process from the surface owners.
   842 		{
   843 		CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess(aProcess);
   844 		}
   846 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
   847 	}
   852 /**
   853 Closes all the surfaces belonging to the process which has just terminated.
   854 If this is the only owner of a surface, delete the surface.
   855 @param aProcess  The process which has terminated.
   856 @pre must be called in critical section
   857 @internalTechnology
   858 */
   859 void DSurfaceManager::CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess(const DProcess* aProcess)
   860 	{
   862 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   864 	TSurface* p = NULL;
   865 	TSurface* surfacesTodelete = NULL;
   866 	TProcessListItem* ownersTodelete = NULL;
   867 	TProcessListItem* so;
   868 	// There are 16 doubly linked lists managed by Surface Manager
   869 	for (TInt index = 0; index < KMaxLists; index++)
   870 		{
   871 		p = iSurfacesIndex[index];
   872 		while(p)
   873 			{
   874 			//see if the process which has just died is an owner of any surfaces
   875 			TSurface* surface = p;
   876 			p=p->iNext;
   877 			so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(aProcess);
   878 			if (so)
   879 				{
   880 				UnlinkListItem(&surface->iOwners, so);
   881 				so->iNext = ownersTodelete;	//add the owner to the list of owner objects to remove
   882 				ownersTodelete = so;
   884 				if (!surface->iOwners)	//if the surface hasn't any owners
   885 					{
   886 					//remove the surface from the list
   887 					UnlinkListItem(&iSurfacesIndex[index], surface);
   888 					surface->iNext = surfacesTodelete;	//add the surface to the list of surfaces to remove
   889 					surfacesTodelete = surface;
   890 					}
   891 				}
   892 			}
   893 		}
   894 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   896 	while(surfacesTodelete)
   897 		{
   898 		p = surfacesTodelete->iNext;
   899 		Kern::ChunkClose(surfacesTodelete->iChunk);
   900 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Close chunk %08x CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess",surfacesTodelete->iChunk);)
   901 		delete surfacesTodelete;
   902 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TSurface CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess",surfacesTodelete);)
   903 		surfacesTodelete = p;
   904 		}
   906 	while(ownersTodelete)
   907 		{
   908 		so = ownersTodelete->iNext;
   909 		delete ownersTodelete;
   910 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess",ownersTodelete);)
   911 		ownersTodelete = so;
   912 		}
   913 	}
   916 /**
   917 Returns the metadata information about the specified surface.
   918 @param aId  The id of the surface.
   919 @param aInfo  Pointer to user side descriptor to receive the information.
   920 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID does not refer to a surface,
   921 KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current process, otherwise a system wide
   922 error code.
   923 @internalTechnology
   924 */	
   925 TInt DSurfaceManager::SurfaceInfo(const TSurfaceId* aId, TDes8* aInfo)
   926 	{
   927 	TSurfaceId sid;
   928 	//fetch surface id from user memory
   929 	kumemget(&sid, aId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
   931 	RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf buf;
   932 	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceInfoV01& info = buf();
   934 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
   935 	//look it up
   936 	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
   937 	if (!surface)	
   938 		{
   939 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   940 		return KErrArgument;
   941 		}
   943 	//find the owner
   944 	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
   945 	if (!so)
   946 		{
   947 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   948 		return KErrAccessDenied;	//can do this, not open
   949 		}
   951 	//at this point, we have a surface, we are the owner and it's mapped in
   952 	info.iSize = surface->iSize; 									// Visible width/height in pixels
   953 	info.iBuffers = surface->iBuffers;								// Number of Buffers
   954 	info.iPixelFormat = surface->iPixelFormat;	      				// pixel format
   955 	info.iStride = surface->iStride;								// Number of bytes between start of one line and start of next
   956 	info.iContiguous = surface->iContiguous;						// is it physically contiguous
   957 	info.iCacheAttrib = surface->iCacheAttrib;						// Underlying chunk is CPU cached or not
   958 	info.iMappable = surface->iMappable;							// Is the surface Mappable
   959 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
   961 	//copy it back to user side
   962 	Kern::InfoCopy(*aInfo, buf);
   963 	return KErrNone;
   964 	}
   968 /**
   969 Generates a unique surface id
   970 @param aId  Surface id reference to receive the generated id.
   971 @internalTechnology
   972 */	
   973 void DSurfaceManager::GenerateSurfaceId(TSurfaceId& aId)
   974 	{
   975 	TSurfaceId id;
   977 	for (TInt x = 0; x < 4; ++x)
   978 		{
   979 		id.iInternal[x] = Kern::Random();
   980 		};
   982 	//package up the handle,
   983 	//set the type identifier
   984 	id.iInternal[3] &= 0x00FFFFFF;
   985 	id.iInternal[3] |= TSurfaceTypes::ESurfaceManagerSurface << 24;
   986 	aId = id;
   987 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM GenerateSurfaceId id = %u %u %u %u\n",id.iInternal[0],id.iInternal[1],id.iInternal[2],id.iInternal[3]);)
   988 	};
   992 /**
   993 Validates the surface creation attributes and calculates the size of the chunk required.
   994 @param aAttribs  The surface creation attributes used to specify the surface requirements.
   995 @param aOffset  Set to the offset between buffers on successfull return.
   996 @param aNewChunk  If this is true, surface is created in a new chunk otherwise the surface is created in an existing chunk
   997 @return The size of chunk required.  A size of 0 indicates a problem.
   998 */	
   999 TInt DSurfaceManager::ValidateAndCalculateChunkSize(RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& aAttribs, 
  1000 			TInt& aOffset, TUint &aActualBufferSize, const TBool aNewChunk)
  1001 	{
  1002 /*	
  1003 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM width = %d  height = %d\n", aAttribs.iSize.iWidth, aAttribs.iSize.iHeight);)
  1004 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM buffers = %d\n", aAttribs.iBuffers);)
  1005 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM format = %d\n", aAttribs.iPixelFormat);)
  1006 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM stride = %d\n", aAttribs.iStride);)
  1007 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM offset to first buffer = %d\n", aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer);)
  1008 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM offset between buffer = %d\n", aOffset);)
  1009 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM alignment = %d\n", aAttribs.iAlignment);)
  1010 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM contiguous = %d\n\n", aAttribs.iContiguous);)
  1011 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM cacheAttrib = %d\n\n", aAttribs.iCacheAttrib);)
  1012 */
  1013 	//check for negative values
  1014 	if(aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer < 0 || aOffset < 0 )
  1015 		{
  1016 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset for negative value");)
  1017 		return 0;
  1018 		}
  1020 	//check aligment is sensible
  1021 	TInt alignmentMask = 0;
  1022 	switch(aAttribs.iAlignment)
  1023 		{
  1024 		case 1:	
  1025 		case 2:	
  1026 		case 4: 
  1027 		case 8: 
  1028 		case 16: 
  1029 		case 32: 
  1030 			alignmentMask = 31; 
  1031 			break;
  1032 		case 64: 
  1033 			alignmentMask = 63; 
  1034 			break;
  1035 		case RSurfaceManager::EPageAligned:
  1036 			break;
  1037 		default:
  1038 			TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate alignment");)
  1039 			return 0;
  1040 		}
  1042 	//check alignment issues.
  1043 	if(aAttribs.iAlignment != RSurfaceManager::EPageAligned)
  1044 		{
  1045 		if(aNewChunk)	
  1046 			{
  1047 			if(aAttribs.iCacheAttrib == RSurfaceManager::ECached)	// Surface is CPU cached, so the alignment will be based on either 32 or 64 byte 
  1048 				{
  1049 				//offset to first buffer needs to fit alignment
  1050 				aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + alignmentMask & ~alignmentMask;
  1051 				//alignment with respect to offsetbetweenbuffers
  1052 				aOffset = aOffset + alignmentMask & ~alignmentMask;
  1053 				}
  1054 			else	// Surface is NOT CPU cached, so the alignment will be based on surface attribute alignment
  1055 				{
  1056 				TUint alignMask = aAttribs.iAlignment-1;
  1057 				//offset to first buffer needs to fit alignment
  1058 				aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + alignMask & ~alignMask;
  1059 				//alignment with respect to offsetbetweenbuffers
  1060 				aOffset = aOffset + alignMask & ~alignMask;
  1061 				}
  1062 			}
  1063 		else	// existing chunk
  1064 			{
  1065 			TUint alignMask = aAttribs.iAlignment-1;
  1066 			//check alignment issues.  offset to first buffer needs to fit alignment
  1067 			if (aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer & alignMask)
  1068 				{
  1069 				TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset to first pixel misaligned");)
  1070 				return 0;
  1071 				}
  1073 			//check alignment for offsetbetweenbuffers.  offset between buffer needs to fit alignment for existing chunks
  1074 			if (aOffset & alignMask)
  1075 				{
  1076 				TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset between buffers misaligned");)
  1077 				return 0;
  1078 				}
  1079 			}
  1080 		}
  1081 	else	//page aligned
  1082 		{
  1083 		if(aNewChunk)// if its a new chunks and doesn't match exact alignment then do the rounding
  1084 			{
  1085 			TUint32 pageSize = Kern::RoundToPageSize(1);
  1086 			//offset to first buffer needs to fit alignment
  1087 			aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = (aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + (pageSize - 1)) & ~(pageSize - 1);
  1088 			//alignment with respect to offsetbetweenbuffers
  1089 			aOffset = (aOffset + (pageSize - 1)) & ~((pageSize - 1));
  1090 			}
  1091 		else	// for existing chunks don't do any rounding operation
  1092 			{
  1093 			TUint32 pageSize = Kern::RoundToPageSize(1);
  1094 			TUint alignmask = aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer & (pageSize - 1);
  1095 			if (alignmask)
  1096 				{
  1097 				TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset to first pixel misaligned");)
  1098 				return 0;
  1099 				}
  1101 			alignmask = aOffset & (pageSize - 1);
  1102 			if (alignmask)
  1103 				{
  1104 				TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset between buffers misaligned");)
  1105 				return 0;
  1106 				}
  1107 			}
  1108 		}
  1110 	//check width and height
  1111 	if(aAttribs.iSize.iWidth <= 0 || aAttribs.iSize.iHeight <= 0)
  1112 		{
  1113 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate width/height");)
  1114 		return 0;
  1115 		}
  1118 	//check there is at least 1 buffer
  1119 	if (aAttribs.iBuffers <= 0)
  1120 		{
  1121 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate buffers");)
  1122 		return 0;
  1123 		}
  1125 	//Sort the array and also check for duplication
  1126 	if (!SortHints(aAttribs.iSurfaceHints,aAttribs.iHintCount)) 
  1127 		{
  1128 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate Duplicate hint key");)
  1129 		return 0;
  1130 		}
  1132 	TUint size = 0;
  1133 	//calculate buffer size and round it to alignment or to page size
  1134 	TInt64 bufferSize = aAttribs.iStride;
  1135 	bufferSize  *= aAttribs.iSize.iHeight;
  1137 	if (I64HIGH(bufferSize) > 0) //too big
  1138 		{
  1139 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate chunk buffer size is out of range");)
  1140 		return 0;
  1141 		}
  1143 	TUint bsize = I64LOW(bufferSize);
  1144 	if (bsize > KMaxTInt)
  1145 		{
  1146 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate buffer size is out of range for TInt");)
  1147 		return 0;
  1148 		}
  1150 	if(aAttribs.iAlignment == RSurfaceManager::EPageAligned)
  1151 		{
  1152 		bsize = Kern::RoundToPageSize(bsize);	//page alignment
  1153 		}
  1154 	else if(aAttribs.iCacheAttrib == RSurfaceManager::ECached)
  1155 		{
  1156 		bsize = bsize + alignmentMask & ~alignmentMask;	//CPU cached byte alignment, for minimum of the specified alignment(32 or 64)
  1157 		}
  1158 	else
  1159 		{
  1160 		bsize = bsize + (aAttribs.iAlignment-1) & ~(aAttribs.iAlignment-1);	//NON CPU cached byte alignment for 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64
  1161 		}
  1163 	bufferSize = bsize;
  1164 	// Remember the actual size. 
  1165 	aActualBufferSize = bsize;
  1167 	//if offset between buffers is zero, then assign the calculated value as offset between buffers
  1168 	if(aOffset == 0)
  1169 		{
  1170 		//buffer size rounded to alignment as offset between buffers
  1171 		aOffset = I64INT(bufferSize);
  1172 		}
  1173 	else if(aOffset < I64INT(bufferSize))
  1174 		{
  1175 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Offset between the buffer is less than the required size");)
  1176 		return 0;
  1177 		}
  1178 	else
  1179 		{
  1180 		//use the buffer size specified
  1181 		bufferSize = aOffset;
  1182 		}
  1185 	TInt64 totalSize = aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + (aAttribs.iBuffers * bufferSize);
  1187 	if (I64HIGH(totalSize) > 0) //too big
  1188 		{
  1189 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate chunk size is out of range for RoundToPageSize");)
  1190 		return 0;
  1191 		}
  1193 	size = I64LOW(totalSize);
  1194 	if (size > KMaxTInt)
  1195 		{
  1196 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate size is out of range for TInt");)
  1197 		return 0;
  1198 		}
  1200 	size = Kern::RoundToPageSize(size);
  1202 	//check the size isn't greater than will fit in a TInt
  1203 	if (size > KMaxTInt)
  1204 		{
  1205 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Rounded size is out of range for TInt");)
  1206 		return 0;
  1207 		}
  1209 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM After validate - offset to first buffer = %d\n", aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer);)
  1210 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM After validate - offset between buffer = %d\n", aOffset);)
  1211 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CalculateChunkSize size = %d\n", size);)
  1212 	return size;
  1213 	}
  1216 /**
  1217 Find the surface in the list.   
  1218 @param aId  The surface id of the surface to find in the surface list
  1219 @return pointer to the surface object
  1220 @internalTechnology
  1221 */
  1222 TSurface* DSurfaceManager::FindSurfaceById(const TSurfaceId& aId)
  1223 	{
  1224 	TSurface *p = iSurfacesIndex[SurfaceIdToIndex(aId)];
  1225 	while (p)
  1226 		{
  1227 		if (aId == p->iId)
  1228 			{
  1229 			//found it
  1230 			return p;
  1231 			}
  1233 		p = p->iNext;
  1234 		}
  1235 	return NULL;
  1236 	}
  1239 /**
  1240 Find the index of the hint key from the surface list using binary search.   
  1241 @param aHintsArray  Pointer to the first element in the array of surface hints
  1242 @param aKey  The surface hint key uid value to search in the surface list
  1243 @return index of the hint pair key in the surface list, KErrNotFound if key not found
  1244 @internalTechnology
  1245 */
  1246 TInt DSurfaceManager::FindHintKey(const RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintsArray, TUint32 aKey) const
  1247 	{
  1248 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHintsArray != NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
  1250 	TInt bottom = 0;
  1251 	TInt top = KMaxHintsPerSurface - 1;
  1252 	TInt mid;
  1253 	while (bottom <= top)
  1254 		{
  1255 	    mid = (bottom + top) / 2;
  1256 	    if((TUint) aHintsArray[mid].iKey.iUid == aKey)
  1257 	    	{
  1258 	    	return mid;
  1259 	    	} 
  1260 	    else if ((TUint)aHintsArray[mid].iKey.iUid < aKey) 
  1261 	    	{
  1262 	    	top = mid - 1;
  1263 	    	}
  1264 	    else
  1265 	    	{
  1266 	    	bottom = mid + 1;
  1267 	    	}
  1268 	  }
  1269 	return KErrNotFound;	//Hint key not found
  1270     }
  1272 TProcessListItem* DSurfaceManager::FindConnectedProcess(const DProcess* aProcess)
  1273 	{
  1274 	TProcessListItem * p = iConnectedProcesses;
  1275 	while (p)
  1276 		{
  1277 		if (aProcess == p->iOwningProcess)
  1278 			{
  1279 			//found it
  1280 			return p;
  1281 			}
  1283 		p = p->iNext;
  1284 		}
  1285 	return NULL;
  1286 	}
  1288 /**
  1289 Searches for a right place to insert the new hint pair in a sorted array.
  1290 @param aHintsArray  Pointer to the first element in the sorted array
  1291 @param aKey  The surface hint key uid value to search in the surface list
  1292 @pre, there is at least one empty place in the array
  1293 @return KErrNone if a new hint pair key inserted in the surface list, KErrAlreadyExists if duplicated
  1294 @internalTechnology
  1295 */
  1296 TInt DSurfaceManager::InsertHintKey(RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintsArray, const RSurfaceManager::THintPair& aHintPair) const
  1297 	{
  1298 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHintsArray != NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
  1299 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHintsArray[KMaxHintsPerSurface-1].iKey.iUid == NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
  1301 	TInt pos = 0;
  1302 	if (aHintsArray[pos].iKey.iUid != 0)
  1303 		{
  1304 		while((TUint)aHintsArray[pos].iKey.iUid>(TUint)aHintPair.iKey.iUid && pos < KMaxHintsPerSurface-1)
  1305 			{// find the right place to insert
  1306 			++pos;
  1307 			}
  1309 		if((TUint)aHintsArray[pos].iKey.iUid==(TUint)aHintPair.iKey.iUid)
  1310 			{
  1311 			//Duplicate key 
  1312 			return KErrAlreadyExists;
  1313 			}
  1314 		else
  1315 			{
  1316 			// Shift right
  1317 			memmove(aHintsArray+pos+1, aHintsArray+pos, (KMaxHintsPerSurface-pos-1)*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));		
  1318 			}	
  1319 		}
  1320 	aHintsArray[pos] = aHintPair;
  1321 	return KErrNone;
  1322 	}
  1324 /**
  1325 Sort the surface hint array in descending order.
  1326 @param aHintsArray  The surface hintpair in the surface list
  1327 @param aNumberOfHints The number of hints
  1328 @return ETrue if sorting is finished or it is an empty array, EFalse if key duplicated
  1329 @internalTechnology
  1330 */
  1331 TBool DSurfaceManager::SortHints(RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintsArray, TInt aNumberOfHints) const
  1332 	{
  1333 	TInt in = 0;
  1334 	TInt out = 0;
  1335 	RSurfaceManager::THintPair temp;
  1336 	if(!aHintsArray)
  1337 		{
  1338 		return ETrue;
  1339 		}
  1340 	for(out = 0; out < aNumberOfHints; ++out) 
  1341 		{
  1342 		if(aHintsArray[out].iKey.iUid != 0)
  1343 			{
  1344 			temp = aHintsArray[out];   
  1345 			in = out;          // start shifting at out
  1346 			while(in > 0 && (TUint)aHintsArray[in-1].iKey.iUid <= (TUint)temp.iKey.iUid)
  1347 				{
  1348 				if ((TUint)aHintsArray[in-1].iKey.iUid == (TUint)temp.iKey.iUid)
  1349 					{
  1350 					return EFalse;		//duplicate hint keys are not allowed
  1351 					}
  1352 				aHintsArray[in] = aHintsArray[in-1];     // shift item to the right
  1353 				--in;          // go left one position
  1354 				}
  1355 			aHintsArray[in] = temp;        // insert marked item
  1356 			}
  1357 		}
  1358 	return ETrue;
  1359 	}
  1362 /**
  1363 Ensures the memory is updated consistently before/after triggering non CPU hardware access. 
  1364 @param aParam  The suface id and buffer number (0 based).
  1365 @param aOperation  The type of the synchronize operation. 
  1366 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID is invalid or
  1367 buffer number is invalid, KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in this
  1368 process, otherwise a system wide error code.
  1369 @see RSurfaceManager::TSyncOperation
  1370 @internalTechnology
  1371 */	
  1372 TInt DSurfaceManager::SynchronizeCache(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam* aParam, RSurfaceManager::TSyncOperation aOperation)
  1373 	{
  1374 	//Parse the parameters
  1375 	RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam param;
  1376 	kumemget(&param, aParam, sizeof(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam));
  1377 	TSurfaceId sid;
  1378 	kumemget(&sid, param.iSurfaceId, sizeof(TSurfaceId));
  1379 	TInt buffer = (TInt)param.iBuffer;
  1381 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
  1382 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
  1383 	//look it up
  1384 	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
  1385 	if (!surface)	
  1386 		{
  1387 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1388 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1389 		return KErrArgument;
  1390 		}
  1392 	//find the owner
  1393 	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
  1394 	if (!so)
  1395 		{
  1396 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1397 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1398 		return KErrAccessDenied;
  1399 		}
  1401 	// surfaces have to have at least one buffer
  1402 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(surface->iBuffers > 0, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
  1404 	//Validate the buffer number is within range
  1405 	if((buffer >= surface->iBuffers) || (buffer < 0))
  1406 		{
  1407 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1408 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1409 		return KErrArgument;
  1410 		}
  1412 	DChunk* chunk = surface->iChunk;
  1413 	TInt offsetBetweenBuffers = surface->iOffsetBetweenBuffers;
  1414 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1416 	TUint32 kernAddr;
  1417 	TUint32 mapAttr;
  1418 	TUint32 physAddr;
  1419 	TInt pageList = chunk->iSize / Kern::RoundToPageSize(1) + 1;
  1420 	TUint32* physAddr2 = new TUint32[pageList];
  1421 	if(!physAddr2)
  1422 		{
  1423 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1424 		return KErrNoMemory;
  1425 		}
  1427 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM %08x DChunk SynchronizeCache", chunk);)
  1429 	//Retrieve the kernel address and mapping attribute from the chunk
  1430 	TInt err = Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(chunk, surface->iOffsetToFirstBuffer + (buffer * offsetBetweenBuffers), offsetBetweenBuffers, kernAddr, mapAttr, physAddr, physAddr2);
  1431 	delete[] physAddr2;
  1432 	if(err >= KErrNone)
  1433 		{
  1434 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM %08x kernAddr SynchronizeCache", kernAddr);)
  1435 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM %08x mapAttr SynchronizeCache", mapAttr);)
  1436 		err = KErrNone;
  1438 		// Do the sync operation
  1439 		switch(aOperation)
  1440 			{
  1441 			case RSurfaceManager::ESyncBeforeNonCPURead:
  1442 				Cache::SyncMemoryBeforeDmaWrite(kernAddr, offsetBetweenBuffers, mapAttr);
  1443 				break;
  1444 			case RSurfaceManager::ESyncBeforeNonCPUWrite:
  1445 				Cache::SyncMemoryBeforeDmaRead(kernAddr, offsetBetweenBuffers, mapAttr);
  1446 				break;
  1447 			case RSurfaceManager::ESyncAfterNonCPUWrite:
  1448 				Cache::SyncMemoryAfterDmaRead(kernAddr, offsetBetweenBuffers);
  1449 				break;
  1450 			default: 
  1451 				err = KErrArgument;
  1452 				break;
  1453 			}			
  1454 		}
  1455 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1457 	return err;
  1458 	}
  1461 /**
  1462 Get the surface hint value for the given surface ID and hint pair key.
  1463 @param aSurfaceId  The surface identifier originally returned when the surface was created.
  1464 @param aHintPair  The hint value for the requested hint pair key.
  1465 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID is invalid or
  1466 invalid hint pair key used, KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the
  1467 current process, otherwise a system wide error code.
  1468 @internalTechnology
  1469 */ 
  1470 TInt DSurfaceManager::GetSurfaceHint(const TSurfaceId* aSurfaceId, RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintPair)
  1471 	{
  1472 	RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPair;
  1473 	kumemget(&hintPair, aHintPair, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
  1475 	if (hintPair.iKey.iUid == 0)
  1476 		{
  1477 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM GetSurfaceHint Hint key is invalid");)
  1478 		return KErrArgument;	//Invalid Hint key
  1479 		}
  1481 	TSurfaceId sid;
  1482 	//fetch surface id from user memory
  1483 	kumemget(&sid, aSurfaceId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
  1485 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
  1486 	//look it up
  1487 	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
  1488 	if (!surface)	
  1489 		{
  1490 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1491 		return KErrArgument;
  1492 		}
  1494 	//find the owner
  1495 	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
  1496 	if (!so)
  1497 		{
  1498 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1499 		return KErrAccessDenied;
  1500 		}
  1502 	//at this point, we have a surface, we have to find the hint value based on the hint pair key
  1503 	TInt index = FindHintKey(surface->iSurfaceHints, hintPair.iKey.iUid);
  1505 	if (index == KErrNotFound)
  1506 		{
  1507 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM GetSurfaceHint Hint key not found");)
  1508 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1509 		return KErrArgument;	//Hint key not found
  1510 		}
  1512 	RSurfaceManager::THintPair hint = surface->iSurfaceHints[index];
  1513 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1515 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM GetSurfaceHint Hint value %d", hint.iValue);)
  1516 	//write it back to user side
  1517 	kumemput(aHintPair, &hint, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
  1518 	return KErrNone;
  1519 	}
  1522 /**
  1523 Set the surface hint value for an existing surface hint key of the surface Id.
  1524 @param aSurfaceId  The surface identifier originally returned when the surface was created.
  1525 @param aHintPair  The value of the hint pair to set.
  1526 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID is invalid or if invalid
  1527 hint key used, KErrAccessDenied if the hint pair is immutable or the surface is not open
  1528 in the current process, otherwise a system wide error code.
  1529 @internalTechnology
  1530 */ 
  1531 TInt DSurfaceManager::SetSurfaceHint(const TSurfaceId* aSurfaceId, const RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintPair)
  1532 	{
  1533 	RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPair;
  1534 	kumemget(&hintPair, aHintPair, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
  1536 	//Check for valid hint key
  1537 	if (!hintPair.iKey.iUid)
  1538 		{
  1539 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM SetSurfaceHint Hint key is invalid");)
  1540 		return KErrArgument;	//Invalid Hint key
  1541 		}
  1543 	TSurfaceId sid;
  1544 	//fetch surface id from user memory
  1545 	kumemget(&sid, aSurfaceId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
  1547 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
  1548 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
  1549 	//look it up
  1550 	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
  1551 	if (!surface)	
  1552 		{
  1553 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1554 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1555 		return KErrArgument;
  1556 		}
  1558 	//find the owner
  1559 	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
  1560 	if (!so)
  1561 		{
  1562 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1563 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1564 		return KErrAccessDenied;
  1565 		}
  1567 	//at this point, we have a surface, we have to find the hint value based on the hint pair key
  1568 	TInt index = FindHintKey(surface->iSurfaceHints, hintPair.iKey.iUid);
  1569 	if (index == KErrNotFound)
  1570 		{
  1571 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM SetSurfaceHint Hint key not found or invalid");)
  1572 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1573 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1574 		return KErrArgument;	//Hint key not found or invalid
  1575 		}
  1577 	//Check for mutability
  1578 	if(!surface->iSurfaceHints[index].iMutable)
  1579 		{
  1580 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM SetSurfaceHint Hint is immutable");)
  1581 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1582 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1583 		return KErrAccessDenied;	//Hint pair is immutable
  1584 		}
  1585 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM SetSurfaceHint Hint key found and updated its value %d for the surface %08x \n", aHintPair->iValue, &sid);)
  1587 	//set the hint pair value now
  1588 	memcpy(&surface->iSurfaceHints[index], &hintPair, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
  1589 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1590 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1592 	return KErrNone;
  1593 	}
  1595 /**
  1596 Add a new surface hint value for the surface Id.
  1597 @param aSurfaceId  The surface identifier originally returned when the surface was created.
  1598 @param aHintPair  The value of the hint pair to Add.
  1599 @return Returns KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID is invalid or the
  1600 hint pair has invalid key UID, KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current
  1601 process, KErrAlreadyExists if duplicate hint key used, KErrOverflow if no space to add new
  1602 pair, otherwise a system wide error code.
  1603 @internalTechnology
  1604 */ 
  1605 TInt DSurfaceManager::AddSurfaceHint(const TSurfaceId* aSurfaceId, const RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintPair)
  1606 	{
  1607 	RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPair;
  1608 	kumemget(&hintPair, aHintPair, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
  1610 	//Check for valid hint key
  1611 	if (hintPair.iKey.iUid == 0)
  1612 		{
  1613 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM AddSurfaceHint Hint key is invalid");)
  1614 		return KErrArgument;	//Invalid Hint key
  1615 		}
  1617 	TSurfaceId sid;
  1618 	//fetch surface id from user memory
  1619 	kumemget(&sid, aSurfaceId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
  1621 	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
  1622 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
  1623 	//look it up
  1624 	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
  1625 	if (!surface)	
  1626 		{
  1627 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1628 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1629 		return KErrArgument;
  1630 		}
  1632 	//find the owner
  1633 	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
  1634 	if (!so)
  1635 		{
  1636 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1637 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1638 		return KErrAccessDenied;
  1639 		}
  1642 	//Check for empty hint pair
  1643 	if(surface->iSurfaceHints[KMaxHintsPerSurface - 1].iKey.iUid != 0)//at least end of sorted hint array should be 0 to add a new hint
  1644 		{
  1645 		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM AddSurfaceHint there is no room to add the hint");)
  1646 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1647 		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1648 		return KErrOverflow;	//No room for new hint
  1649 		}
  1650 	//We found room for a new hint pair, so insert it in the array
  1651 	// Meanwhile, we check for duplication, if it is, return KErrAlreadyExists
  1652 	TInt err = InsertHintKey(surface->iSurfaceHints,hintPair);
  1653 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1654 	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM AddSurfaceHint Added new key ");)
  1655 	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
  1656 	return err;
  1657 	}
  1659 /**
  1660 Get the offset of the specified buffer from the base address of the underlying
  1661 chunk.
  1663 To obtain the address of the buffer, the offset returned must be added onto the
  1664 base address of the RChunk returned in a call to MapSurface(). Note that
  1665 buffer offsets are immutable during the lifetime of the surface.
  1666 @param aParam The input parameters including the surface ID and buffer index.
  1667 @pre The surface is open in the calling process.
  1668 @return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if aSurfaceId or aBuffer are invalid,
  1669 KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current process, KErrNotSupported if
  1670 the surface is not mappable, otherwise a system wide error code.
  1671 */
  1672 TInt DSurfaceManager::GetBufferOffset(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam* aParam,TUint* aOffset)
  1673 	{
  1674 	//Get the input parameters
  1675 	RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam param;
  1676 	kumemget(&param, aParam, sizeof(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam));
  1677 	TSurfaceId sid;
  1678 	//fetch surface id from user memory
  1679 	kumemget(&sid, param.iSurfaceId, sizeof(TSurfaceId));
  1680 	//(TAny*)iBuffer holds the buffer number in its value
  1681 	TInt bufferNumber = (TInt) param.iBuffer;
  1683 	TSurface* surface = NULL;
  1684 	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
  1685 	surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
  1686 	if(NULL == surface || (bufferNumber >= surface->iBuffers))
  1687 		{
  1688 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1689 		return KErrArgument;
  1690 		}
  1691 	if(!surface->iMappable)
  1692 		{
  1693 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1694 		return KErrNotSupported;
  1695 		}
  1696 	//find the owner
  1697 	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
  1698 	if (!so)
  1699 		{
  1700 		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1701 		return KErrAccessDenied;		
  1702 		}
  1703 	TInt bufferOffset = surface->iOffsetToFirstBuffer + bufferNumber*surface->iOffsetBetweenBuffers;
  1704 	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
  1706 	kumemput(aOffset, &bufferOffset, sizeof (TInt));
  1707 	return KErrNone;
  1708 	}
  1710 /**
  1711 Returns information specific to the Surface Manager implementation.
  1712 @param aAttrib: Attribute to retrieve
  1713 @param aValue : Output parameter where we write the value for the specified attribute
  1714 @return KErrNone if successful or KErrArgument if the attribute UID is not recognized
  1715 @internalTechnology
  1716 */
  1717 TInt DSurfaceManager::GetSurfaceManagerAttrib(RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceManagerAttrib* aAttrib,TInt* aValue)
  1718 	{
  1719 	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceManagerAttrib attrib;
  1720 	kumemget(&attrib, aAttrib, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceManagerAttrib));
  1722 	TInt out=KErrNone;
  1723 	TInt value;
  1724 	switch (attrib)
  1725 		{
  1726 		case RSurfaceManager::EMaxNumberOfHints:
  1727 			value=KMaxHintsPerSurface;
  1728 			break;		
  1730 		default:
  1731 			out=KErrArgument;
  1732 			break;			
  1733 		};
  1735 	if (out==KErrNone)
  1736 		{
  1737 		kumemput(aValue, &value, sizeof (TInt));
  1738 		}	
  1739 	return out;
  1740 	}
  1743 TInt DSurfaceManager::CreateMemory()
  1744 	{
  1745 	Kern::Printf("DSurfaceManager::CreateMemory()>");
  1746 	TUint32 physicalAddress = DVirtualVideoHwInterface::GetFrameBase();
  1747 	Kern::Printf("DSurfaceManager::CreateMemory: 0x%08x",physicalAddress);
  1748 	if( physicalAddress != 0 )
  1749 		{
  1750 		iVHWMemoryManager = new DVirtualHWMemoryManager( physicalAddress, VVI_FRAMEBUFFER_MEMORY_SIZE );
  1751 		Kern::Printf("DSurfaceManager::CreateMemory: iVHWMemoryManager: 0x%08x",iVHWMemoryManager);
  1752 		}
  1753 	else
  1754 		{
  1755 		iVHWMemoryManager = NULL;
  1756 		}
  1757 	return 0;
  1758 	}