changeset 51 4f400a6ea71f
parent 49 3b4f7e9d873f
child 52 39e5f73667ba
--- a/guestrendering/vghwutils/inc/vghwutils.h	Wed Sep 29 09:49:13 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#ifndef __VGHWUTILS_H__
-#define __VGHWUTILS_H__
-//  Include Files
-#include <e32base.h>	// CBase
-#include <EGL/egl.h>
-#include <VG/openvg.h>
-#include <GLES/gl.h>
-#include "eglrfc.h"
-class RGuestVideoDriver;
-// Virtual Graphics Hardware per thread data: TEglThreadState is concrete, MVgContext & MGlesContext are per API interfaces
-class TEglThreadState;
-class MGlesContext;
-class MVgContext;
-// data serialisation packages
-class OpenVgRFC;
-class EglRFC;
-class RemoteFunctionCall;
-class RemoteFunctionCallData;
-// tracing
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	#include <e32debug.h>
-    #define UTIL_TRACE(fmt, args...) RDebug::Printf(fmt, ##args)
-	#define VGHWPANIC_ASSERT(condition, panic) if (!(condition)) { VghwPanic(panic, #panic, #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
-	#define VGHWPANIC_ASSERT_DEBUG(condition, panic) if (!(condition)) { VghwPanic(panic, #panic, #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
-    #define UTIL_TRACE(fmt, args...)
-	#define VGHWPANIC_ASSERT(condition, panic) if (!(condition)) { VghwPanic(panic, NULL, NULL, NULL, __LINE__); }
-	#define VGHWPANIC_ASSERT_DEBUG(condition, panic)
-// Simulator Virtual Graphics Hardware panic codes
-typedef enum
-	{
-	EVghwPanicNoVideoChannel = 1,
-	EVghwPanicOperationDataTooBig,
-	EVghwPanicDriverOpenError,
-	EVghwPanicVghwHeapDoesNotExist,
-	EVghwPanicInitializeFailed,
-	EVghwPanicGraphicsDriverNotOpen,
-	EVghwPanicSwitchToVghwHeapOldHeapIsVghwHeap,
-	EVghwPanicSwitchFromVghwHeapParamIsNull,
-	EVghwPanicSwitchFromVghwHeapOldHeapIsNotVghwHeap,
-	EVghwPanicSwitchFromVghwHeapParamIsVghwHeap, // 10
-	EVghwPanicGraphicsCreationLockDoesNotExist,
-	EVghwPanicExecuteCommandFailed,
-	EVghwPanicBadVgErrorValue,
-	EVghwPanicBadGlesErrorValue,
-	EVghwPanicBadEglErrorValue,
-	EVghwPanicBadEglBoundApi,
-	} TVghwPanic;
-// This panic function is exported to allow inline functions to use it
-IMPORT_C void VghwPanic(TVghwPanic aPanicCode, char* aPanicName, char* aCondition, char* aFile, TInt aLine);
-// Mix-in class: EGL support functions, including SgImage support, expected to be called by Open VG and Open GL ES
-class MEglManagementApi
-	{
-	virtual TBool EglImageOpenForVgImage(EGLImageKHR aImage, TSize& aSize, VGHandle& aVgHandle, TUint64& aSgImageId) = 0;
-	virtual void EglImageClose(EGLImageKHR aImage) = 0;
-	// ToDo add an API so that Open VG can query the size of the current Context's surface
-	};
-typedef void (*ExtensionProcPointer)(...);
-// Private interfaces for EGL to call into Open VG 
-class MVgApiForEgl
-	{
-	virtual ExtensionProcPointer guestGetVgProcAddress (const char *aProcName) = 0;
-	};
-// Private interfaces for EGL to call into Open GL ES 1.1 
-class MGles11ApiForEgl
-	{
-	virtual ExtensionProcPointer guestGetGles11ProcAddress (const char *aProcName) = 0;
-	};
-// Private interfaces for EGL to call into Open GL ES 2 
-class MGles2ApiForEgl
-	{
-	virtual ExtensionProcPointer guestGetGles2ProcAddress (const char *aProcName) = 0;
-	};
- VGHWUtils APIs are static for ease of use by the other Simulator Graphics DLLs.
- One (singleton) instance is created as Writeable Static Data when the DLL is loaded.
- After initialization this will hold process-wide data - e.g. a memory heap for Graphics DLLs
- to store local Symbian client state information.
- ToDo maybe make this a Symbian X class because it owns resources, but only as static data.
- */
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVghwUtils): public CBase
-    {
-	friend class TEglThreadState; // to limit visibility of DriverExecuteCommand
-	// open Driver connection, create Memory Heap, etc...
-	IMPORT_C static void InitStatics();
-	IMPORT_C static void DestroyStatics();
-	IMPORT_C static TInt MapToHWAddress(const TInt aChunkHandle, TUint32& aHWAddress);
-	IMPORT_C static TInt GetSurfaceBufferBaseAddress(TUint32& aHWAddress);
-	IMPORT_C static TInt EglGetSgHandles(const TUint64 aId, TUint64 *aSgHandles);
-	// VG Memory Pool APIs (One heap is created for the process, for use by all Simulator Graphics DLLs)
-	IMPORT_C static TAny* Alloc(TInt aSize); 
-	IMPORT_C static void Free(TAny* aPtr);
-	IMPORT_C static RHeap* GetHeap();
-	IMPORT_C static RHeap* SwitchToVghwHeap();
-	IMPORT_C static void SwitchFromVghwHeap(RHeap* aOldHeapPtr);
-	// handy function for Debug Asserts
-	static inline TBool UsingVghwHeap() { return &User::Heap() == GetHeap(); }
-	// if this thread does not have a state object try to alloc a new one
-	IMPORT_C static TEglThreadState* CreateThreadState();
-	// current state object, if any, for this thread (for EGL)
-	IMPORT_C static TEglThreadState* EglThreadState();
-	// current state object, if Open VG, for this thread (as tracked by EGL DLL)
-	IMPORT_C static MVgContext* VgContext();
-	// current state object for Open GL ES 1.1, for this thread (as tracked by EGL DLL)
-	IMPORT_C static MGlesContext* GlesContext();
-	// free current state object, if any, for this thread
-	IMPORT_C static void ReleaseThreadState();
-	IMPORT_C static void SetEglManagementApi(MEglManagementApi* aEglManagementApi);
-	IMPORT_C static MEglManagementApi* EglManagementApi();
-	// Private interfaces for EGL to call into Open GL ES and Open VG (avoids breaking DEF file compatibility) 
-	IMPORT_C static void SetVgApiForEgl(MVgApiForEgl* aVgApiForEgl);
-	IMPORT_C static MVgApiForEgl* VgApiForEgl();
-	IMPORT_C static void SetGles11ApiForEgl(MGles11ApiForEgl* aGles11ApiForEgl);
-	IMPORT_C static MGles11ApiForEgl* Gles11ApiForEgl();
-	IMPORT_C static void SetGles2ApiForEgl(MGles2ApiForEgl* aGles2ApiForEgl);
-	IMPORT_C static MGles2ApiForEgl* Gles2ApiForEgl();
-	IMPORT_C static void DriverExecuteCommand(RemoteFunctionCallData& aRequestData);
-	inline static RGuestVideoDriver& Driver();
-	// everything is zeroed on construction, call Initialize() to prepare
-	volatile static TBool iInitialized;    // NB "volatile" used for thread safety in InitStaticse()
-	static TInt           iVghwInitMutex;  // required for thread safety in Initialize()
-	// static member objects
-	static RGuestVideoDriver*   iDriver;
-	static RHeap*               iHeap;
-	static MEglManagementApi*   iEglManagementApi;
-	static MVgApiForEgl*        iVgApiForEgl;
-	static MGles11ApiForEgl*    iGles11ApiForEgl;
-	static MGles2ApiForEgl*     iGles2ApiForEgl;
-	static TBool                iLoadedOpenVgDll;
-	static TBool                iLoadedOpenGles11Dll;
-	static TBool                iLoadedOpenGles2Dll;	
-	};
-// Basic interface for sending GL ES 1.1 commands down to Host Open GL ES implementation - can be expanded later
-class MGlesContext
-	{
-	// Execute Open GL ES 1.1 commands
-	virtual void ExecuteGlesCommand(RemoteFunctionCall& aGlesRequestData) = 0;
-	virtual void ExecuteGlesFlushCommand() = 0;
-	virtual void ExecuteGlesFinishCommand() = 0;
-	// GLES state
-	virtual void SetGlesError(GLenum aGlesErrorCode) = 0;
-	virtual GLenum GlesError() = 0;
-	// ToDo make context tracking work for VG & GL ES
-	virtual EGLContext GlesEglContext() = 0;
-	};
-// Basic interface for sending VG commands down to Host Open VG implementation - can be expanded later
-class MVgContext
-	{
-	// Execute Open VG commands
-	virtual void ExecuteVgCommand(OpenVgRFC& aVgApiData) = 0;
-	virtual void ExecuteVgFlushCommand() = 0;
-	virtual void ExecuteVgFinishCommand() = 0;
-	// VG state
-	virtual void SetVgError(VGErrorCode aVgErrorCode) = 0;
-	virtual VGErrorCode VgError() = 0;
-	virtual EGLContext VgEglContext() = 0;
-	};
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TEglThreadState) : public MGlesContext, public MVgContext
-	{
-	friend class CVghwUtils; // to manage creation / delete of per thread state
-	// Execute EGL commands, and analyse for success
-	IMPORT_C EGLBoolean ExecEglBooleanCmd(EglRFC& aEglApiData);
-	IMPORT_C EGLContext ExecEglContextCmd(EglRFC& aEglApiData);
-	IMPORT_C EGLSurface ExecEglSurfaceCmd(EglRFC& aEglApiData);
-	// ToDo add static export for eglTerminate
-	// Execute EGL commands whose return value cannot be tested for fail/success
-	inline void ExecuteEglNeverErrorCmd(EglRFC& aEglApiData);
-	// EGL thread state
-	inline void ClearEglError();
-	inline void SetEglError(EGLint aEglError);
-	IMPORT_C EGLint EglError();
-	inline void SetEglBoundApi(EGLenum aEglBoundApi);
-	inline EGLenum EglBoundApi();
-	inline EGLint PeekEglError(); // reads DLL set error code (only)
-	// MGlesContext: Execute Open GL ES 1.1 commands & manage Open GL ES state
-	virtual void ExecuteGlesCommand(RemoteFunctionCall& aGlesRequestData);
-	virtual void ExecuteGlesFlushCommand();
-	virtual void ExecuteGlesFinishCommand();
-	virtual void SetGlesError(GLenum aGlesErrorCode);
-	virtual GLenum GlesError();
-	virtual EGLContext GlesEglContext();
-	// MVgContext: Execute Open VG commands & manage Open VG state
-	virtual void ExecuteVgCommand(OpenVgRFC& aVgApiData);
-	virtual void ExecuteVgFlushCommand();
-	virtual void ExecuteVgFinishCommand();
-	virtual void SetVgError(VGErrorCode aVgErrorCode);
-	virtual VGErrorCode VgError();
-	virtual EGLContext VgEglContext();
-	static TEglThreadState* New();
-	void Destroy();
-	TEglThreadState();
-	~TEglThreadState();
-	GLenum GetHostGlesError();
-	VGErrorCode GetHostVgError();
-	// EGL thread state
-	EGLint       iEglError;
-	TBool        iEglHostHasRecentError;
-	// currently bound graphics API
-	EGLenum      iEglBoundApi;
-	// Open VG context for thread
-	VGErrorCode  iVgError;
-	EGLContext  iVgEglContext;
-	TBool        iVgCommandsSinceGetError;
-	TBool        iVgCommandsSinceFlush;
-	TBool        iVgCommandsSinceFinish;
-	// Open GL ES 1.1 context for thread
-	GLenum       iGlesError;
-	EGLContext  iGlesEglContext;
-	TBool        iGlesCommandsSinceGetError;
-	TBool        iGlesCommandsSinceFlush;
-	TBool        iGlesCommandsSinceFinish;
-	};
-// TVghwThreadState inline functions
-void TEglThreadState::ClearEglError()
-	{
-	UTIL_TRACE("  TVghwThreadState::ClearEglError");
-	iEglError = EGL_SUCCESS;
-	iEglHostHasRecentError = EFalse;
-	}
-void TEglThreadState::SetEglError(EGLint aEglError)
-	{
-	UTIL_TRACE("  TVghwThreadState::SetEglError error=0x%x", aEglError);
-	VGHWPANIC_ASSERT_DEBUG((aEglError >= EGL_SUCCESS) && (aEglError <= 0x301F), EVghwPanicBadEglErrorValue);
-	iEglError = aEglError;
-	iEglHostHasRecentError = EFalse;
-	}
-EGLint TEglThreadState::PeekEglError() // reads DLL set error code
-	{
-	return iEglError;
-	}
-void TEglThreadState::SetEglBoundApi(EGLenum aEglBoundApi)
-	{
-	VGHWPANIC_ASSERT_DEBUG((aEglBoundApi == EGL_OPENGL_ES_API) || (aEglBoundApi == EGL_OPENVG_API), EVghwPanicBadEglBoundApi);
-	iEglBoundApi = aEglBoundApi;
-	}
-EGLenum TEglThreadState::EglBoundApi()
-	{
-	return iEglBoundApi;
-	}
-// Execute EGL Command simple variants
-void TEglThreadState::ExecuteEglNeverErrorCmd(EglRFC& aEglApiData)
-	{ // for EGL commands which cannot have a host error
-	CVghwUtils::DriverExecuteCommand(aEglApiData.Data());
-	iEglHostHasRecentError = EFalse;
-	iEglError = EGL_SUCCESS;
-	}
-#endif  // __VGHWUTILS_H__