changeset 24 a3f46bb01be2
parent 14 acbd4400e82b
child 59 d9b81aebba7b
--- a/guestrendering/guestopenvg/inc/vgstate.h	Thu Sep 16 12:43:44 2010 +0100
+++ b/guestrendering/guestopenvg/inc/vgstate.h	Mon Sep 20 14:29:05 2010 +0100
@@ -1,639 +1,639 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Header file defining Open VG client-side state classes.
-#ifndef VGSTATE_H
-#define VGSTATE_H
-#include <EGL/egl.h>
-#include <VG/openvg.h>
-#include <e32hashtab.h>
-#include "vghwutils.h"
-// tracing
-#include <e32debug.h>
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	#define OPENVG_TRACE(fmt, args...) RDebug::Printf(fmt, ##args)
-	#define VGPANIC_ASSERT(condition, panic) if (!(condition)) { VgPanic(panic, #panic, #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
-	#define VGPANIC_ASSERT_DEBUG(condition, panic) if (!(condition)) { VgPanic(panic, #panic, #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
-	#define VGPANIC_ALWAYS(panic) { VgPanic(panic, #panic, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
-	#define OPENVG_TRACE(fmt, args...)
-	#define VGPANIC_ASSERT(condition, panic) if (!(condition)) { VgPanic(panic, NULL, NULL, NULL, __LINE__); }
-	#define VGPANIC_ASSERT_DEBUG(condition, panic)
-	#define VGPANIC_ALWAYS(panic) { VgPanic(panic, NULL, NULL, NULL, __LINE__); }
-// Guest Open VG panic codes
-typedef enum
-	{
-	EVgPanicTemp = 1, // note: for development, references should be replaced with a more specific panic
-	EVgPanicNullPixmapPointer,
-	EVgPanicPixmapSizeError,
-	EVgPanicSingletonAlreadyInitialised,
-	EVgPanicSingletonNotInitialised,
-	EVgPanicNullPointer,
-	EVgPanicBadLastBitsParam,
-	EVgPanicBadRowLengthParam,
-	EVgPanicBadRowCountParam,
-	EVgPanicStrideSmallerThanRowLength, // 10
-	EVgPanicNotReplyOpcode,
-	EVgPanicDeleteInUseVgImageInfo,
-	EVgPanicUidGeneratorZeroSeed,
-	EVgPanicMissingEglInterface,
-	EVgPanicNullCVgHandlePointer,
-	EVgPanicWrongVgHandleType,
-	EVgPanicHandleAlreadyMarkedDestroyed,
-	EVgPanicUnknownVgHandleType,
-	EVgPanicHostHandleIsInvalid,
-	EVgPanicImageParentIsInvalid, // 20
-	EVgPanicFunctionParameterIsNull,
-	EVgPanicValueFromHostVgIsInvalid,
-	EVgPanicHostHandleAlreadySet,
-	EVgPanicParentImageAlreadyDestroyed,
-	EVgPanicStateLockMutexNotHeld,
-	} TVgPanic;
-void VgPanic(TVgPanic aPanicCode, char* aPanicName, char* aCondition, char* aFile, TInt aLine);
-// state singleton, in Writeable Static Data memory
-class XOpenVgState;
-extern XOpenVgState OpenVgState;
-// classes declared in this header
-class CVgHandleBase;
-class CVgImageBase;
-class CVgMaskLayerInfo;
-class CVgFontInfo;
-class CVgImageInfo;
-class CVgPaintInfo;
-class CVgPathInfo;
-class THandleGen;
-class TVgLockHolder;
-extern const float KFloatMinusOne;
-class THandleGen
-	{
-	inline void Init(TUint aInit);
-	TUint NextUid();
-	TUint iValue;
-	};
-typedef enum
-	{
-	EVgHandleAny = -1, // match any valid handle type, e.g. for vgSetParameteri
-	EVgHandleForFont = 0, // specific types ...
-	EVgHandleForImage,
-	EVgHandleForPaint,
-	EVgHandleForPath,
-	EVgHandleForMaskLayer,
-	} TVgHandleType;
-// state structures for VG objects (i.e. anything that is a VGHandle): VGImage, VGPath, VGMaskLayer, VGPaint, VGFont
-// ToDo review how to handle thread locking these objects whilst they are in use
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgHandleBase) : public CBase // Base Class
-	{
-	static void InitStatics();
-	// public inline methods 
-	inline VGHandle HostHandle() const;
-	inline TVgHandleType HandleType() const;
-	inline TBool IsDestroyed() const;
-	inline void SetHostHandle(VGHandle aHostHandle);
-	inline TUint ClientHandle() const;
-	// general & specific portions of derived object destruction
-	void Destroy(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext) = 0;
-	// Each VGHandle object type must implement GetParameterVectorSize
-	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType) = 0;
-	// Base version of  GetParameter* uses GetParameterVectorSize to validate aParamType then calls Host VG
-	virtual VGfloat GetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	virtual VGint GetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	// For details of Base versions of GetParameter*v see vghandle.cpp
-	virtual void GetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGfloat * aValues);
-	virtual void GetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGint * aValues);
-	// Base versions of SetParameter* assume parameters are read-only, and give an error return
-	virtual void SetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGfloat aValue);
-	virtual void SetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aValue);
-	virtual void SetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
-	virtual void SetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
-	inline CVgHandleBase(TVgHandleType aHandleType);
-	inline ~CVgHandleBase();
-	VGint HostVgGetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	VGint HostVgGetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	VGfloat HostVgGetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	void HostVgGetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
-	void HostVgGetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
-	void HostVgSetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGfloat aValue);
-	void HostVgSetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aValue);
-	void HostVgSetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
-	void HostVgSetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
-	TUint iClientHandle;
-	TVgHandleType iHandleType;
-	VGHandle iHostHandle;
-	TBool iIsDestroyed;
-	static THandleGen iHandleGen; // generator for unique client side handles
-	};
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgImageBase) : public CVgHandleBase
-	{
-	inline VGint Width() const;
-	inline VGint Height() const;
-	TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext) = 0;
-	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType) = 0;
-	inline CVgImageBase(TVgHandleType aHandleType, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	VGint const   iWidth;
-	VGint const   iHeight;
-	};
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgMaskLayerInfo) : public CVgImageBase
-	{
-	static CVgMaskLayerInfo* New(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	// Mask specific operations
-	void FillMaskLayer(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGfloat aValue);
-	void CopyMask(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	inline CVgMaskLayerInfo(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	inline ~CVgMaskLayerInfo();
-	};
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgImageInfo) : public CVgImageBase
-	{
-	static CVgImageInfo* New(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGbitfield aAllowedQuality);
-	static CVgImageInfo* New(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, EGLImageKHR aEglImage, TUint64& aSgImageId);
-	static CVgImageInfo* New(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, CVgImageInfo* aParent);
-	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	TInt ChildCount() const;
-	CVgImageInfo* Parent() const;
-	VGbitfield AllowedQuality() const;
-	TBool IsEglSibling() const;
-	TUint64 SgImageId() const;
-	EGLImageKHR EglImage() const;
-	static TInt BitsPerPixelForVgImageFormat(VGImageFormat aFormat);
-	static void PixmapBlit(TUint8* aDest, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aDestStride, TInt aSourceStride, TInt aRowCount,
-			size_t aRowLength, TInt aLastBits=0);
-	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	virtual VGfloat GetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	virtual VGint GetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	void ClearImage(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	void ImageSubData(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void * aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aX, VGint aY,
-			VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	void GetImageSubData(MVgContext& aVgContext, void * aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aX, VGint aY,
-			VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	void CopyImage(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth,
-			VGint aHeight, VGboolean aDither);
-	void DrawImage(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	void SetPixels(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	void GetPixels(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	void ColorMatrix(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, const VGfloat * aMatrix);
-	void Convolve(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight,
-			VGint aShiftX, VGint aShiftY, const VGshort * aKernel, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
-	void SeparableConvolve(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight,
-			VGint aShiftX, VGint aShiftY, const VGshort * aKernelX, const VGshort * aKernelY, 
-			VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
-	void GaussianBlur(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, VGfloat aStdDeviationX, VGfloat aStdDeviationY, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
-	void Lookup(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, const VGubyte * aRedLUT, const VGubyte * aGreenLUT, const VGubyte * aBlueLUT,
-			const VGubyte * aAlphaLUT, VGboolean aOutputLinear, VGboolean aOutputPremultiplied);
-	void LookupSingle(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, const VGuint * aLookupTable, VGImageChannel aSourceChannel,
-			VGboolean aOutputLinear, VGboolean aOutputPremultiplied);
-	inline CVgImageInfo(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, CVgImageInfo* aParent, VGbitfield aAllowedQuality,
-			EGLImageKHR aEglImage, TUint64 aSgImageId);
-	inline ~CVgImageInfo();
-	inline void IncChildCount();
-	inline void DecChildCount();
-	void HostVgGetImageSubData(MVgContext& aVgContext, void* aPixmap, size_t aPixmapSize, VGint aHostDataStride,
-			VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	void HostVgImageSubData(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aPixmap, size_t aPixmapSize, VGint aHostDataStride,
-			VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	/* **** desireable: expand CVgImageInfo to include and use for validating for various appropriate:
-		(TBool iIsRenderTarget; - VgImage is a surface currently being rendered, blocks some operations)
-		(TUint iUsedAsPaintPattern; - non-zero stops use as a render target)
-		(TUint iUsedAsGlyph; - count of how many places the VgImage is being used as a font glyph)
-	   */
-	VGImageFormat       iFormat; // not const because this is not currently initialised at creation for EglImages
-	CVgImageInfo* const iParent; // immediate parent VgImage, NULL if not a child
-	VGbitfield    const iAllowedQuality;
-	// EglImage / SgImage info ...
-	TBool         const iIsEglSibling;
-	EGLImageKHR   const iEglImage;
-	TUint64       const iSgImageId;      // Set or copied from parent for Egl Sibling - used to prompt Cmd Scheduler to sync pbuffer & vgimage
-	// non-const state
-	TInt          iChildCount;     // count of direct child images
-	};
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgFontInfo) : public CVgHandleBase
-	{
-	static CVgFontInfo* New();
-	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	void SetGlyphToPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aGlyphIndex, CVgPathInfo* aPathInfo, VGboolean aIsHinted,
-			const VGfloat aGlyphOrigin [2], const VGfloat aEscapement[2]);
-	void SetGlyphToImage(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aGlyphIndex, CVgImageInfo* aImageInfo, const VGfloat aGlyphOrigin [2],
-			const VGfloat aEscapement[2]);
-	void ClearGlyph(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aGlyphIndex);
-	void DrawGlyph(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aGlyphIndex, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGboolean aAllowAutoHinting);
-	void DrawGlyphs(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aGlyphCount, const VGuint * aGlyphIndices, const VGfloat * aAdjustmentsX,
-			const VGfloat * aAdjustmentsY, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGboolean aAllowAutoHinting);
-	inline CVgFontInfo();
-	inline ~CVgFontInfo();
-	};
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgPaintInfo) : public CVgHandleBase
-	{
-	static CVgPaintInfo* New();
-	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	virtual VGfloat GetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	virtual VGint GetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	virtual void GetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGfloat * aValues);
-	virtual void GetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGint * aValues);
-	virtual void SetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGfloat aValue);
-	virtual void SetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aValue);
-	virtual void SetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
-	virtual void SetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
-	static void ResetPaint(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	void SetPaint(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
-	void SetColor(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aRgba);
-	VGuint GetColor(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	void PaintPattern(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo* aPatternInfo);
-	inline CVgPaintInfo();
-	inline ~CVgPaintInfo();
-	// cached parameters
-	VGPaintType           iPaintType;
-	VGColorRampSpreadMode iColorRampSpreadMode;
-	VGboolean             iColorRampPremultiplied;
-	VGTilingMode          iPatternTilingMode;
-	// VGfloat vector parameters are not currently cached in client
-	};
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgPathInfo) : public CVgHandleBase
-	{
-	static CVgPathInfo* CVgPathInfo::New(VGPathDatatype aDatatype, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
-	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	void ClearPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
-	void RemovePathCapabilities(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
-	VGbitfield GetPathCapabilities(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	void AppendPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgPathInfo& aSrcPathInfo);
-	void AppendPathData(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aNumSegments, const VGubyte * aPathSegments, const void* aPathData);
-	void ModifyPathCoords(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aStartIndex, VGint aNumSegments, const void* aPathData);
-	void TransformPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgPathInfo& aSrcPathInfo);
-	VGboolean InterpolatePath(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgPathInfo& aStartPathInfo, CVgPathInfo& aEndPathInfo, VGfloat aAmount);
-	VGfloat PathLength(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aStartSegment, VGint aNumSegments);
-	void PointAlongPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aStartSegment, VGint aNumSegments, VGfloat aDistance,
-			VGfloat* aX, VGfloat* aY, VGfloat* aTangentX, VGfloat* aTangentY);
-	void PathBounds(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGfloat* aMinX, VGfloat* aMinY, VGfloat* aWidth, VGfloat* aHeight);
-	void PathTransformedBounds(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGfloat* aMinX, VGfloat* aMinY, VGfloat* aWidth, VGfloat* aHeight);
-	void DrawPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
-	void RenderToMask(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGMaskOperation aOperation);
-	inline VGPathDatatype PathDatatype() const;
-	TBool CheckHasPathCapabilities(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
-	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	virtual VGfloat GetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	virtual VGint GetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
-	inline CVgPathInfo(VGPathDatatype aPathDatatype, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
-	inline ~CVgPathInfo();
-	TBool CheckAppendPathData(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aNumSegments, const VGubyte* aPathSegments, const void* aPathData,
-			VGint* aPathDataSize);
-	TBool CheckPathDataAlignment(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aPathData);
-	TBool CheckPathDataSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, const VGubyte* aPathSegments, VGint aNumSegments, VGint* aPathDataSize);
-	VGint HostVgeGetPathCoordsSizeInBytes(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aStartIndex, VGint aNumSegments);
-	VGPathDatatype const iDatatype;
-	VGfloat const        iScale;
-	VGfloat const        iBias; 
-	VGbitfield           iCapabilities;
-	};
-// Collection of static parameter checking functions - all "Chk" functions set the appropriate last VG Error on failure 
-class TCheck
-	{
-	inline static TBool Chk16bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr);
-	inline static TBool Chk2x16bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr1, const void* aDataPtr2);
-	inline static TBool Chk32bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr);
-	inline static TBool Chk2x32bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr1, const void* aDataPtr2);
-	inline static TBool Chk4x32bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr1, const void* aDataPtr2, const void* aDataPtr3, const void* aDataPtr4);
-	inline static TBool Chk2xOptional32bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr1, const void* aDataPtr2);
-	inline static TBool ChkVGMaskOperation(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGMaskOperation aOperation);
-	inline static TBool ChkVGPaintMode(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGPaintMode aPaintMode);
-	inline static TBool ChkVGPathDataType(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGPathDatatype aDatatype);
-	inline static TBool ChkVGTilingMode(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
-	inline static TBool ChkVgImageFormat(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGImageFormat aFormat);
-	inline static TBool ChkImageAlignment(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGImageFormat aImageFormat, const void* aData);
-	inline static TBool ChkPositiveImageSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	inline static TBool ChkNewImageSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	inline static TBool ChkVGPaintModesCombination(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
-	inline static TBool ChkVGPathFormat(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aPathFormat);
-	static TBool ChkAreaIsWithinImage(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageBase* aImageInfo, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static TBool ChkParamCountAndValuesPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aCount, const void* aValues);
-	static VGint ImageFormatByteDepth(VGImageFormat aImageFormat);
-	};
- Class holds mutex for Open VG client side state on construction, & releases it on destruction.
- Placing methods here ensures the procedural requirement that the Mutex is held before these methods are called.
- */ 
-class TCleanupVgLocks
-	{
-	// having functions here forces the caller to hold the Open VG Mutex before they are called (when the lock object is constructed)
-	TCleanupVgLocks(MVgContext& aVgContext);
-	~TCleanupVgLocks();
-	void WaitForMutex(RMutex& aMutex);
-	void SignalMutex();
-	inline TBool CheckVGFont(VGFont aFont, CVgFontInfo** aFontInfo);
-	inline TBool CheckVGImage(VGImage aImage, CVgImageInfo** aImageInfo);
-	inline TBool CheckOptionalVGImage(VGImage aImage, CVgImageInfo** aImageInfo);
-	inline TBool Check2VGImages(VGImage aImage1, CVgImageInfo** aImageInfo1, VGImage aImage2, CVgImageInfo** aImageInfo2);
-	inline TBool CheckVGMaskLayer(VGMaskLayer aMaskLayer, CVgMaskLayerInfo** aHandleInfo);
-	inline TBool CheckVGPaint(VGPaint aPaint, CVgPaintInfo** aPaintInfo);
-	inline TBool CheckOptionalVGPaint(VGPaint aPaint, CVgPaintInfo** aPaintInfo);
-	// ToDo maybe add a version that checks Start Segment & Segment Count
-	inline TBool CheckVGPath(VGPath aPath, CVgPathInfo** aPathInfo, VGbitfield aReqdCapabilities=0);
-	inline TBool CheckOptionalVGPath(VGPath aPath, CVgPathInfo** aPathInfo);
-	inline TBool CheckVGAnyHandle(VGHandle aHandle, CVgHandleBase** aHandleInfo);
-	TBool CheckVGMaskOperationAndHandle(VGMaskOperation aOperation, VGHandle aMask, CVgImageBase** aImageInfo);
-	inline TBool CheckKernelWidthAndHeight(VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight, VGParamType aLimitType);
-	VGFont CreateFont(VGint aGlyphCapacityHint);
-	VGImage ChildImage(CVgImageInfo& aParentInfo, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	VGImage CreateImage(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGbitfield aAllowedQuality);
-	VGMaskLayer CreateMaskLayer(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	VGPaint CreatePaint();
-	VGPaint GetPaint(VGPaintMode aPaintMode);
-	VGPath CreatePath(VGint aPathFormat, VGPathDatatype aDatatype, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias,
-			VGint aSegmentCapacityHint, VGint aCoordCapacityHint, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
-	VGImage CreateEGLImageTargetKHR(VGeglImageKHR aImage);
-	MVgContext& const iVgContext;
-	RMutex&           iMutex;
-	TBool             iIsHeld;
-	};
-// per VG client state
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(XOpenVgState) : public MEglManagementApi, public MVgApiForEgl
-	{
-	friend class TCleanupVgLocks;
-	XOpenVgState();
-	~XOpenVgState();
-	// functions using/maintaining Open Vg Handle Map
-	TBool AddToHashMap(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgHandleBase* aHandleInfo, VGHandle aHostHandle);
-	void UnMapHandle(TUint32 aClientHandle);
-	// MEglManagementApi - redirects via CVghwUtils to the EGL implementation
-	virtual TBool EglImageOpenForVgImage(EGLImageKHR aImage, TSize& aSize, VGHandle& aVgHandle, TUint64& aSgImageId);
-	virtual void EglImageClose(EGLImageKHR aImage);
-	// MVgApiForEgl - exported via CvghwUtils to the Guest EGL implementation
-	virtual ExtensionProcPointer guestGetVgProcAddress (const char *aProcName);
-protected: // fns only visible to TVgLockHolder class
-	inline RMutex& MutexWait();
-	TBool CheckVGHandle(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGHandle aHandle, CVgHandleBase** aHandleInfo, TVgHandleType aMatchType);
-	// functions using cached values from Host Open VG implementation
-	TBool CheckKernelWidthAndHeight(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight, VGParamType aLimitType);
-	RMutex                          iStateLock;
-	// Map holds info about VG Handle based objects
-	RMutex                          iMapLock;
-	RHashMap<TUint, CVgHandleBase*> iHandleHashMap;
-	MEglManagementApi*              iEglManagementApi;
-	// 'constants' initialised from x86 VG implementation the first time they are required
-	VGint iKVgMaxKernelSize;
-	VGint iKVgMaxSeparableKernelSize;
-	// ToDo Record when VG fonts use glyphs based on SgImages, required for Ref counting
-	};
-// class of static methods to implement Open VG APIs
-class TGuestOpenVg
-	{
-	// VG APIs
-	static VGPaint vgGetPaint(VGPaintMode aPaintMode);
-	static VGPaint vgCreatePaint();
-	static VGboolean vgInterpolatePath(VGPath aDstPath, VGPath aStartPath, VGPath aEndPath, VGfloat aAmount);
-	static VGfloat vgPathLength(VGPath aPath, VGint aStartSegment, VGint aNumSegments);
-	static VGbitfield vgGetPathCapabilities(VGPath aPath);
-	static VGPath vgCreatePath(VGint aPathFormat, VGPathDatatype aDatatype, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias,
-		VGint aSegmentCapacityHint, VGint aCoordCapacityHint, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
-	static VGfloat vgGetf(VGParamType aType);
-	static VGint vgGeti(VGParamType aType);
-	static VGfloat vgGetParameterf(VGHandle aObject,  VGint aParamType);
-	static VGint vgGetParameteri(VGHandle aObject,  VGint aParamType);
-	static VGint vgGetParameterVectorSize(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType);
-	static VGMaskLayer vgCreateMaskLayer(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static VGuint vgGetColor(VGPaint aPaint);
-	static VGImage vgCreateImage(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGbitfield aAllowedQuality);
-	static VGImage vgChildImage(VGImage aParent, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static VGImage vgGetParent(VGImage aImage);
-	static VGImage vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR(VGeglImageKHR aImage);
-	static VGFont vgCreateFont(VGint aGlyphCapacityHint);
-	static VGHardwareQueryResult vgHardwareQuery(VGHardwareQueryType key, VGint setting);
-	static void vgGetParameterfv(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGfloat * aValues);
-	static void vgGetParameteriv(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGint * aValues);
-	static VGint vgGetVectorSize(VGParamType type);
-	static void vgGetfv(VGParamType aType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
-	static void vgGetiv(VGParamType aType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
-	static void vgGetMatrix(VGfloat* aM);
-	static void vgGetImageSubData(VGImage aImage, void* aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat,
-		VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgReadPixels(void* aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aSx, VGint aSy,
-		VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgPathBounds(VGPath aPath, VGfloat* aMinX, VGfloat* aMinY, VGfloat* aWidth, VGfloat* aHeight);
-	static void vgPathTransformedBounds(VGPath aPath, VGfloat* aMinX, VGfloat* aMinY, VGfloat* aWidth, VGfloat* aHeight);
-	static void vgSetf(VGParamType aType, VGfloat aValue);
-	static void vgSeti(VGParamType aType, VGint aVvalue);
-	static void vgSetfv(VGParamType aType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
-	static void vgSetiv(VGParamType aType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
-	static void vgSetParameterf(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGfloat aValue);
-	static void vgSetParameteri(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aValue);
-	static void vgSetParameterfv(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
-	static void vgSetParameteriv(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
-	static void vgLoadIdentity();
-	static void vgLoadMatrix(const VGfloat* aM);
-	static void vgMultMatrix(const VGfloat* aM);
-	static void vgTranslate(VGfloat aTx, VGfloat aTy);
-	static void vgScale(VGfloat aSx, VGfloat aSy);
-	static void vgShear(VGfloat aShx, VGfloat aShy);
-	static void vgRotate(VGfloat aAngle);
-	static void vgMask(VGHandle aMask, VGMaskOperation aOperation, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgRenderToMask(VGPath aPath, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGMaskOperation aOperation);
-	static void vgDestroyMaskLayer(VGMaskLayer maskLayer);
-	static void vgFillMaskLayer(VGMaskLayer aMaskLayer, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGfloat aValue);
-	static void vgCopyMask(VGMaskLayer aMaskLayer, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgClear(VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgClearPath(VGPath aPath, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
-	static void vgDestroyPath(VGPath aPath);
-	static void vgRemovePathCapabilities(VGPath aPath, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
-	static void vgAppendPath(VGPath aDstPath, VGPath aSrcPath);
-	static void vgAppendPathData(VGPath aDstPath, VGint aNumSegments, const VGubyte* aPathSegments, const void* aPathData);
-	static void vgModifyPathCoords(VGPath aDstPath, VGint aStartIndex, VGint aNumSegments, const void* aPathData);
-	static void vgTransformPath(VGPath aDstPath, VGPath aSrcPath);
-	static void vgPointAlongPath(VGPath aPath, VGint aStartSegment, VGint aNumSegments, VGfloat aDistance,
-		VGfloat* aX, VGfloat* aY, VGfloat* aTangentX, VGfloat* aTangentY);
-	static void vgDrawPath(VGPath aPath, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
-	static void vgDestroyPaint(VGPaint aPaint);
-	static void vgSetPaint(VGPaint aPaint, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
-	static void vgSetColor(VGPaint aPaint, VGuint aRgba);
-	static void vgPaintPattern(VGPaint aPaint, VGImage aPattern);
-	static void vgDestroyImage(VGImage aImage);
-	static void vgClearImage(VGImage aImage, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgImageSubData(VGImage aImage, const void* aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat,
-		VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgCopyImage(VGImage aDst, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGImage aSrc, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight,
-		VGboolean aDither);
-	static void vgDrawImage(VGImage aImage);
-	static void vgSetPixels(VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGImage aSrc, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgWritePixels(const void* data, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aDx, VGint aDy,
-		VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgGetPixels(VGImage aDst, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgCopyPixels(VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void vgDestroyFont(VGFont aFont);
-	static void  vgSetGlyphToPath(VGFont aFont, VGuint aGlyphIndex, VGPath aPath, VGboolean aIsHinted, const VGfloat aGlyphOrigin [2],
-		const VGfloat aEscapement[2]);
-	static void  vgSetGlyphToImage(VGFont aFont, VGuint aGlyphIndex, VGImage aImage, const VGfloat aGlyphOrigin [2],
-		const VGfloat aEscapement[2]);
-	static void vgClearGlyph(VGFont aFont, VGuint aGlyphIndex);
-	static void vgDrawGlyph(VGFont aFont, VGuint aGlyphIndex, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGboolean aAllowAutoHinting);
-	static void vgDrawGlyphs(VGFont aFont, VGint aGlyphCount, const VGuint* aGlyphIndices, const VGfloat* aAdjustmentsX,
-		const VGfloat* aAdjustmentsY, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGboolean aAllowAutoHinting);
-	static void vgColorMatrix(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, const VGfloat* aMatrix);
-	static void vgConvolve(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight, VGint aShiftX, VGint aShiftY,
-		const VGshort* aKernel, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
-	static void vgSeparableConvolve(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight, VGint aShiftX, VGint aShiftY,
-		const VGshort* aKernelX, const VGshort* aKernelY, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
-	static void vgGaussianBlur(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, VGfloat aStdDeviationX, VGfloat aStdDeviationY, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
-	static void vgLookup(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, const VGubyte* aRedLUT, const VGubyte* aGreenLUT, const VGubyte* aBlueLUT,
-		const VGubyte* aAlphaLUT, VGboolean aOutputLinear, VGboolean aOutputPremultiplied);
-	static void vgLookupSingle(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, const VGuint* aLookupTable, VGImageChannel aSourceChannel,
-		VGboolean aOutputLinear, VGboolean aOutputPremultiplied);
-	// fns that directly talk to Host Open VG (no parameter checking)
-	static void HostVgReadPixels(MVgContext& aVgContext, void* aPixmap, size_t aPixmapSize, VGint aHostDataStride,
-			VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static void HostVgWritePixels(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aPixmap, size_t aPixmapSize, VGint aHostDataStride,
-			VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
-	static VGint HostGetVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGParamType aType);
-public: // ToDo find a more elegant way of calling this from XOpenVgState
-	static VGint HostGeti(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGParamType type);
-	static inline VGfloat HostGetf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGParamType type);
-	};
-// C api extensions
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-VGImage vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR(VGeglImageKHR image);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#include "openvg.inl"
-#endif // VGSTATE_H
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Header file defining Open VG client-side state classes.
+#ifndef VGSTATE_H
+#define VGSTATE_H
+#include <EGL/egl.h>
+#include <VG/openvg.h>
+#include <e32hashtab.h>
+#include "vghwutils.h"
+// tracing
+#include <e32debug.h>
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	#define OPENVG_TRACE(fmt, args...) RDebug::Printf(fmt, ##args)
+	#define VGPANIC_ASSERT(condition, panic) if (!(condition)) { VgPanic(panic, #panic, #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
+	#define VGPANIC_ASSERT_DEBUG(condition, panic) if (!(condition)) { VgPanic(panic, #panic, #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
+	#define VGPANIC_ALWAYS(panic) { VgPanic(panic, #panic, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
+	#define OPENVG_TRACE(fmt, args...)
+	#define VGPANIC_ASSERT(condition, panic) if (!(condition)) { VgPanic(panic, NULL, NULL, NULL, __LINE__); }
+	#define VGPANIC_ASSERT_DEBUG(condition, panic)
+	#define VGPANIC_ALWAYS(panic) { VgPanic(panic, NULL, NULL, NULL, __LINE__); }
+// Guest Open VG panic codes
+typedef enum
+	{
+	EVgPanicTemp = 1, // note: for development, references should be replaced with a more specific panic
+	EVgPanicNullPixmapPointer,
+	EVgPanicPixmapSizeError,
+	EVgPanicSingletonAlreadyInitialised,
+	EVgPanicSingletonNotInitialised,
+	EVgPanicNullPointer,
+	EVgPanicBadLastBitsParam,
+	EVgPanicBadRowLengthParam,
+	EVgPanicBadRowCountParam,
+	EVgPanicStrideSmallerThanRowLength, // 10
+	EVgPanicNotReplyOpcode,
+	EVgPanicDeleteInUseVgImageInfo,
+	EVgPanicUidGeneratorZeroSeed,
+	EVgPanicMissingEglInterface,
+	EVgPanicNullCVgHandlePointer,
+	EVgPanicWrongVgHandleType,
+	EVgPanicHandleAlreadyMarkedDestroyed,
+	EVgPanicUnknownVgHandleType,
+	EVgPanicHostHandleIsInvalid,
+	EVgPanicImageParentIsInvalid, // 20
+	EVgPanicFunctionParameterIsNull,
+	EVgPanicValueFromHostVgIsInvalid,
+	EVgPanicHostHandleAlreadySet,
+	EVgPanicParentImageAlreadyDestroyed,
+	EVgPanicStateLockMutexNotHeld,
+	} TVgPanic;
+void VgPanic(TVgPanic aPanicCode, char* aPanicName, char* aCondition, char* aFile, TInt aLine);
+// state singleton, in Writeable Static Data memory
+class XOpenVgState;
+extern XOpenVgState OpenVgState;
+// classes declared in this header
+class CVgHandleBase;
+class CVgImageBase;
+class CVgMaskLayerInfo;
+class CVgFontInfo;
+class CVgImageInfo;
+class CVgPaintInfo;
+class CVgPathInfo;
+class THandleGen;
+class TVgLockHolder;
+extern const float KFloatMinusOne;
+class THandleGen
+	{
+	inline void Init(TUint aInit);
+	TUint NextUid();
+	TUint iValue;
+	};
+typedef enum
+	{
+	EVgHandleAny = -1, // match any valid handle type, e.g. for vgSetParameteri
+	EVgHandleForFont = 0, // specific types ...
+	EVgHandleForImage,
+	EVgHandleForPaint,
+	EVgHandleForPath,
+	EVgHandleForMaskLayer,
+	} TVgHandleType;
+// state structures for VG objects (i.e. anything that is a VGHandle): VGImage, VGPath, VGMaskLayer, VGPaint, VGFont
+// ToDo review how to handle thread locking these objects whilst they are in use
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgHandleBase) : public CBase // Base Class
+	{
+	static void InitStatics();
+	// public inline methods 
+	inline VGHandle HostHandle() const;
+	inline TVgHandleType HandleType() const;
+	inline TBool IsDestroyed() const;
+	inline void SetHostHandle(VGHandle aHostHandle);
+	inline TUint ClientHandle() const;
+	// general & specific portions of derived object destruction
+	void Destroy(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext) = 0;
+	// Each VGHandle object type must implement GetParameterVectorSize
+	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType) = 0;
+	// Base version of  GetParameter* uses GetParameterVectorSize to validate aParamType then calls Host VG
+	virtual VGfloat GetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	virtual VGint GetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	// For details of Base versions of GetParameter*v see vghandle.cpp
+	virtual void GetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGfloat * aValues);
+	virtual void GetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGint * aValues);
+	// Base versions of SetParameter* assume parameters are read-only, and give an error return
+	virtual void SetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGfloat aValue);
+	virtual void SetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aValue);
+	virtual void SetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
+	virtual void SetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
+	inline CVgHandleBase(TVgHandleType aHandleType);
+	inline ~CVgHandleBase();
+	VGint HostVgGetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	VGint HostVgGetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	VGfloat HostVgGetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	void HostVgGetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
+	void HostVgGetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
+	void HostVgSetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGfloat aValue);
+	void HostVgSetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aValue);
+	void HostVgSetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
+	void HostVgSetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
+	TUint iClientHandle;
+	TVgHandleType iHandleType;
+	VGHandle iHostHandle;
+	TBool iIsDestroyed;
+	static THandleGen iHandleGen; // generator for unique client side handles
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgImageBase) : public CVgHandleBase
+	{
+	inline VGint Width() const;
+	inline VGint Height() const;
+	TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext) = 0;
+	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType) = 0;
+	inline CVgImageBase(TVgHandleType aHandleType, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	VGint const   iWidth;
+	VGint const   iHeight;
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgMaskLayerInfo) : public CVgImageBase
+	{
+	static CVgMaskLayerInfo* New(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	// Mask specific operations
+	void FillMaskLayer(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGfloat aValue);
+	void CopyMask(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	inline CVgMaskLayerInfo(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	inline ~CVgMaskLayerInfo();
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgImageInfo) : public CVgImageBase
+	{
+	static CVgImageInfo* New(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGbitfield aAllowedQuality);
+	static CVgImageInfo* New(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, EGLImageKHR aEglImage, TUint64& aSgImageId);
+	static CVgImageInfo* New(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, CVgImageInfo* aParent);
+	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	TInt ChildCount() const;
+	CVgImageInfo* Parent() const;
+	VGbitfield AllowedQuality() const;
+	TBool IsEglSibling() const;
+	TUint64 SgImageId() const;
+	EGLImageKHR EglImage() const;
+	static TInt BitsPerPixelForVgImageFormat(VGImageFormat aFormat);
+	static void PixmapBlit(TUint8* aDest, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aDestStride, TInt aSourceStride, TInt aRowCount,
+			size_t aRowLength, TInt aLastBits=0);
+	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	virtual VGfloat GetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	virtual VGint GetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	void ClearImage(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	void ImageSubData(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void * aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aX, VGint aY,
+			VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	void GetImageSubData(MVgContext& aVgContext, void * aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aX, VGint aY,
+			VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	void CopyImage(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth,
+			VGint aHeight, VGboolean aDither);
+	void DrawImage(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	void SetPixels(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	void GetPixels(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	void ColorMatrix(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, const VGfloat * aMatrix);
+	void Convolve(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight,
+			VGint aShiftX, VGint aShiftY, const VGshort * aKernel, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
+	void SeparableConvolve(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight,
+			VGint aShiftX, VGint aShiftY, const VGshort * aKernelX, const VGshort * aKernelY, 
+			VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
+	void GaussianBlur(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, VGfloat aStdDeviationX, VGfloat aStdDeviationY, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
+	void Lookup(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, const VGubyte * aRedLUT, const VGubyte * aGreenLUT, const VGubyte * aBlueLUT,
+			const VGubyte * aAlphaLUT, VGboolean aOutputLinear, VGboolean aOutputPremultiplied);
+	void LookupSingle(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo& aSrcImageInfo, const VGuint * aLookupTable, VGImageChannel aSourceChannel,
+			VGboolean aOutputLinear, VGboolean aOutputPremultiplied);
+	inline CVgImageInfo(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, CVgImageInfo* aParent, VGbitfield aAllowedQuality,
+			EGLImageKHR aEglImage, TUint64 aSgImageId);
+	inline ~CVgImageInfo();
+	inline void IncChildCount();
+	inline void DecChildCount();
+	void HostVgGetImageSubData(MVgContext& aVgContext, void* aPixmap, size_t aPixmapSize, VGint aHostDataStride,
+			VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	void HostVgImageSubData(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aPixmap, size_t aPixmapSize, VGint aHostDataStride,
+			VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	/* **** desireable: expand CVgImageInfo to include and use for validating for various appropriate:
+		(TBool iIsRenderTarget; - VgImage is a surface currently being rendered, blocks some operations)
+		(TUint iUsedAsPaintPattern; - non-zero stops use as a render target)
+		(TUint iUsedAsGlyph; - count of how many places the VgImage is being used as a font glyph)
+	   */
+	VGImageFormat       iFormat; // not const because this is not currently initialised at creation for EglImages
+	CVgImageInfo* const iParent; // immediate parent VgImage, NULL if not a child
+	VGbitfield    const iAllowedQuality;
+	// EglImage / SgImage info ...
+	TBool         const iIsEglSibling;
+	EGLImageKHR   const iEglImage;
+	TUint64       const iSgImageId;      // Set or copied from parent for Egl Sibling - used to prompt Cmd Scheduler to sync pbuffer & vgimage
+	// non-const state
+	TInt          iChildCount;     // count of direct child images
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgFontInfo) : public CVgHandleBase
+	{
+	static CVgFontInfo* New();
+	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	void SetGlyphToPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aGlyphIndex, CVgPathInfo* aPathInfo, VGboolean aIsHinted,
+			const VGfloat aGlyphOrigin [2], const VGfloat aEscapement[2]);
+	void SetGlyphToImage(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aGlyphIndex, CVgImageInfo* aImageInfo, const VGfloat aGlyphOrigin [2],
+			const VGfloat aEscapement[2]);
+	void ClearGlyph(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aGlyphIndex);
+	void DrawGlyph(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aGlyphIndex, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGboolean aAllowAutoHinting);
+	void DrawGlyphs(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aGlyphCount, const VGuint * aGlyphIndices, const VGfloat * aAdjustmentsX,
+			const VGfloat * aAdjustmentsY, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGboolean aAllowAutoHinting);
+	inline CVgFontInfo();
+	inline ~CVgFontInfo();
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgPaintInfo) : public CVgHandleBase
+	{
+	static CVgPaintInfo* New();
+	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	virtual VGfloat GetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	virtual VGint GetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	virtual void GetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGfloat * aValues);
+	virtual void GetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGint * aValues);
+	virtual void SetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGfloat aValue);
+	virtual void SetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aValue);
+	virtual void SetParameterfv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
+	virtual void SetParameteriv(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
+	static void ResetPaint(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	void SetPaint(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
+	void SetColor(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGuint aRgba);
+	VGuint GetColor(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	void PaintPattern(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageInfo* aPatternInfo);
+	inline CVgPaintInfo();
+	inline ~CVgPaintInfo();
+	// cached parameters
+	VGPaintType           iPaintType;
+	VGColorRampSpreadMode iColorRampSpreadMode;
+	VGboolean             iColorRampPremultiplied;
+	VGTilingMode          iPatternTilingMode;
+	// VGfloat vector parameters are not currently cached in client
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgPathInfo) : public CVgHandleBase
+	{
+	static CVgPathInfo* CVgPathInfo::New(VGPathDatatype aDatatype, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
+	virtual TBool DestroyObject(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	void ClearPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
+	void RemovePathCapabilities(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
+	VGbitfield GetPathCapabilities(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	void AppendPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgPathInfo& aSrcPathInfo);
+	void AppendPathData(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aNumSegments, const VGubyte * aPathSegments, const void* aPathData);
+	void ModifyPathCoords(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aStartIndex, VGint aNumSegments, const void* aPathData);
+	void TransformPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgPathInfo& aSrcPathInfo);
+	VGboolean InterpolatePath(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgPathInfo& aStartPathInfo, CVgPathInfo& aEndPathInfo, VGfloat aAmount);
+	VGfloat PathLength(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aStartSegment, VGint aNumSegments);
+	void PointAlongPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aStartSegment, VGint aNumSegments, VGfloat aDistance,
+			VGfloat* aX, VGfloat* aY, VGfloat* aTangentX, VGfloat* aTangentY);
+	void PathBounds(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGfloat* aMinX, VGfloat* aMinY, VGfloat* aWidth, VGfloat* aHeight);
+	void PathTransformedBounds(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGfloat* aMinX, VGfloat* aMinY, VGfloat* aWidth, VGfloat* aHeight);
+	void DrawPath(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
+	void RenderToMask(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGMaskOperation aOperation);
+	inline VGPathDatatype PathDatatype() const;
+	TBool CheckHasPathCapabilities(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
+	virtual VGint GetParameterVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	virtual VGfloat GetParameterf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	virtual VGint GetParameteri(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aParamType);
+	inline CVgPathInfo(VGPathDatatype aPathDatatype, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
+	inline ~CVgPathInfo();
+	TBool CheckAppendPathData(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aNumSegments, const VGubyte* aPathSegments, const void* aPathData,
+			VGint* aPathDataSize);
+	TBool CheckPathDataAlignment(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aPathData);
+	TBool CheckPathDataSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, const VGubyte* aPathSegments, VGint aNumSegments, VGint* aPathDataSize);
+	VGint HostVgeGetPathCoordsSizeInBytes(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aStartIndex, VGint aNumSegments);
+	VGPathDatatype const iDatatype;
+	VGfloat const        iScale;
+	VGfloat const        iBias; 
+	VGbitfield           iCapabilities;
+	};
+// Collection of static parameter checking functions - all "Chk" functions set the appropriate last VG Error on failure 
+class TCheck
+	{
+	inline static TBool Chk16bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr);
+	inline static TBool Chk2x16bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr1, const void* aDataPtr2);
+	inline static TBool Chk32bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr);
+	inline static TBool Chk2x32bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr1, const void* aDataPtr2);
+	inline static TBool Chk4x32bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr1, const void* aDataPtr2, const void* aDataPtr3, const void* aDataPtr4);
+	inline static TBool Chk2xOptional32bitPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aDataPtr1, const void* aDataPtr2);
+	inline static TBool ChkVGMaskOperation(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGMaskOperation aOperation);
+	inline static TBool ChkVGPaintMode(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGPaintMode aPaintMode);
+	inline static TBool ChkVGPathDataType(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGPathDatatype aDatatype);
+	inline static TBool ChkVGTilingMode(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
+	inline static TBool ChkVgImageFormat(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGImageFormat aFormat);
+	inline static TBool ChkImageAlignment(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGImageFormat aImageFormat, const void* aData);
+	inline static TBool ChkPositiveImageSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	inline static TBool ChkNewImageSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	inline static TBool ChkVGPaintModesCombination(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
+	inline static TBool ChkVGPathFormat(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aPathFormat);
+	static TBool ChkAreaIsWithinImage(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgImageBase* aImageInfo, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static TBool ChkParamCountAndValuesPtr(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aCount, const void* aValues);
+	static VGint ImageFormatByteDepth(VGImageFormat aImageFormat);
+	};
+ Class holds mutex for Open VG client side state on construction, & releases it on destruction.
+ Placing methods here ensures the procedural requirement that the Mutex is held before these methods are called.
+ */ 
+class TCleanupVgLocks
+	{
+	// having functions here forces the caller to hold the Open VG Mutex before they are called (when the lock object is constructed)
+	TCleanupVgLocks(MVgContext& aVgContext);
+	~TCleanupVgLocks();
+	void WaitForMutex(RMutex& aMutex);
+	void SignalMutex();
+	inline TBool CheckVGFont(VGFont aFont, CVgFontInfo** aFontInfo);
+	inline TBool CheckVGImage(VGImage aImage, CVgImageInfo** aImageInfo);
+	inline TBool CheckOptionalVGImage(VGImage aImage, CVgImageInfo** aImageInfo);
+	inline TBool Check2VGImages(VGImage aImage1, CVgImageInfo** aImageInfo1, VGImage aImage2, CVgImageInfo** aImageInfo2);
+	inline TBool CheckVGMaskLayer(VGMaskLayer aMaskLayer, CVgMaskLayerInfo** aHandleInfo);
+	inline TBool CheckVGPaint(VGPaint aPaint, CVgPaintInfo** aPaintInfo);
+	inline TBool CheckOptionalVGPaint(VGPaint aPaint, CVgPaintInfo** aPaintInfo);
+	// ToDo maybe add a version that checks Start Segment & Segment Count
+	inline TBool CheckVGPath(VGPath aPath, CVgPathInfo** aPathInfo, VGbitfield aReqdCapabilities=0);
+	inline TBool CheckOptionalVGPath(VGPath aPath, CVgPathInfo** aPathInfo);
+	inline TBool CheckVGAnyHandle(VGHandle aHandle, CVgHandleBase** aHandleInfo);
+	TBool CheckVGMaskOperationAndHandle(VGMaskOperation aOperation, VGHandle aMask, CVgImageBase** aImageInfo);
+	inline TBool CheckKernelWidthAndHeight(VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight, VGParamType aLimitType);
+	VGFont CreateFont(VGint aGlyphCapacityHint);
+	VGImage ChildImage(CVgImageInfo& aParentInfo, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	VGImage CreateImage(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGbitfield aAllowedQuality);
+	VGMaskLayer CreateMaskLayer(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	VGPaint CreatePaint();
+	VGPaint GetPaint(VGPaintMode aPaintMode);
+	VGPath CreatePath(VGint aPathFormat, VGPathDatatype aDatatype, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias,
+			VGint aSegmentCapacityHint, VGint aCoordCapacityHint, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
+	VGImage CreateEGLImageTargetKHR(VGeglImageKHR aImage);
+	MVgContext& const iVgContext;
+	RMutex&           iMutex;
+	TBool             iIsHeld;
+	};
+// per VG client state
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(XOpenVgState) : public MEglManagementApi, public MVgApiForEgl
+	{
+	friend class TCleanupVgLocks;
+	XOpenVgState();
+	~XOpenVgState();
+	// functions using/maintaining Open Vg Handle Map
+	TBool AddToHashMap(MVgContext& aVgContext, CVgHandleBase* aHandleInfo, VGHandle aHostHandle);
+	void UnMapHandle(TUint32 aClientHandle);
+	// MEglManagementApi - redirects via CVghwUtils to the EGL implementation
+	virtual TBool EglImageOpenForVgImage(EGLImageKHR aImage, TSize& aSize, VGHandle& aVgHandle, TUint64& aSgImageId);
+	virtual void EglImageClose(EGLImageKHR aImage);
+	// MVgApiForEgl - exported via CvghwUtils to the Guest EGL implementation
+	virtual ExtensionProcPointer guestGetVgProcAddress (const char *aProcName);
+protected: // fns only visible to TVgLockHolder class
+	inline RMutex& MutexWait();
+	TBool CheckVGHandle(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGHandle aHandle, CVgHandleBase** aHandleInfo, TVgHandleType aMatchType);
+	// functions using cached values from Host Open VG implementation
+	TBool CheckKernelWidthAndHeight(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight, VGParamType aLimitType);
+	RMutex                          iStateLock;
+	// Map holds info about VG Handle based objects
+	RMutex                          iMapLock;
+	RHashMap<TUint, CVgHandleBase*> iHandleHashMap;
+	MEglManagementApi*              iEglManagementApi;
+	// 'constants' initialised from x86 VG implementation the first time they are required
+	VGint iKVgMaxKernelSize;
+	VGint iKVgMaxSeparableKernelSize;
+	// ToDo Record when VG fonts use glyphs based on SgImages, required for Ref counting
+	};
+// class of static methods to implement Open VG APIs
+class TGuestOpenVg
+	{
+	// VG APIs
+	static VGPaint vgGetPaint(VGPaintMode aPaintMode);
+	static VGPaint vgCreatePaint();
+	static VGboolean vgInterpolatePath(VGPath aDstPath, VGPath aStartPath, VGPath aEndPath, VGfloat aAmount);
+	static VGfloat vgPathLength(VGPath aPath, VGint aStartSegment, VGint aNumSegments);
+	static VGbitfield vgGetPathCapabilities(VGPath aPath);
+	static VGPath vgCreatePath(VGint aPathFormat, VGPathDatatype aDatatype, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias,
+		VGint aSegmentCapacityHint, VGint aCoordCapacityHint, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
+	static VGfloat vgGetf(VGParamType aType);
+	static VGint vgGeti(VGParamType aType);
+	static VGfloat vgGetParameterf(VGHandle aObject,  VGint aParamType);
+	static VGint vgGetParameteri(VGHandle aObject,  VGint aParamType);
+	static VGint vgGetParameterVectorSize(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType);
+	static VGMaskLayer vgCreateMaskLayer(VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static VGuint vgGetColor(VGPaint aPaint);
+	static VGImage vgCreateImage(VGImageFormat aFormat, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGbitfield aAllowedQuality);
+	static VGImage vgChildImage(VGImage aParent, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static VGImage vgGetParent(VGImage aImage);
+	static VGImage vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR(VGeglImageKHR aImage);
+	static VGFont vgCreateFont(VGint aGlyphCapacityHint);
+	static VGHardwareQueryResult vgHardwareQuery(VGHardwareQueryType key, VGint setting);
+	static void vgGetParameterfv(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGfloat * aValues);
+	static void vgGetParameteriv(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, VGint * aValues);
+	static VGint vgGetVectorSize(VGParamType type);
+	static void vgGetfv(VGParamType aType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
+	static void vgGetiv(VGParamType aType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
+	static void vgGetMatrix(VGfloat* aM);
+	static void vgGetImageSubData(VGImage aImage, void* aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat,
+		VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgReadPixels(void* aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aSx, VGint aSy,
+		VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgPathBounds(VGPath aPath, VGfloat* aMinX, VGfloat* aMinY, VGfloat* aWidth, VGfloat* aHeight);
+	static void vgPathTransformedBounds(VGPath aPath, VGfloat* aMinX, VGfloat* aMinY, VGfloat* aWidth, VGfloat* aHeight);
+	static void vgSetf(VGParamType aType, VGfloat aValue);
+	static void vgSeti(VGParamType aType, VGint aVvalue);
+	static void vgSetfv(VGParamType aType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
+	static void vgSetiv(VGParamType aType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
+	static void vgSetParameterf(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGfloat aValue);
+	static void vgSetParameteri(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aValue);
+	static void vgSetParameterfv(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGfloat * aValues);
+	static void vgSetParameteriv(VGHandle aObject, VGint aParamType, VGint aCount, const VGint * aValues);
+	static void vgLoadIdentity();
+	static void vgLoadMatrix(const VGfloat* aM);
+	static void vgMultMatrix(const VGfloat* aM);
+	static void vgTranslate(VGfloat aTx, VGfloat aTy);
+	static void vgScale(VGfloat aSx, VGfloat aSy);
+	static void vgShear(VGfloat aShx, VGfloat aShy);
+	static void vgRotate(VGfloat aAngle);
+	static void vgMask(VGHandle aMask, VGMaskOperation aOperation, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgRenderToMask(VGPath aPath, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGMaskOperation aOperation);
+	static void vgDestroyMaskLayer(VGMaskLayer maskLayer);
+	static void vgFillMaskLayer(VGMaskLayer aMaskLayer, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight, VGfloat aValue);
+	static void vgCopyMask(VGMaskLayer aMaskLayer, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgClear(VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgClearPath(VGPath aPath, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
+	static void vgDestroyPath(VGPath aPath);
+	static void vgRemovePathCapabilities(VGPath aPath, VGbitfield aCapabilities);
+	static void vgAppendPath(VGPath aDstPath, VGPath aSrcPath);
+	static void vgAppendPathData(VGPath aDstPath, VGint aNumSegments, const VGubyte* aPathSegments, const void* aPathData);
+	static void vgModifyPathCoords(VGPath aDstPath, VGint aStartIndex, VGint aNumSegments, const void* aPathData);
+	static void vgTransformPath(VGPath aDstPath, VGPath aSrcPath);
+	static void vgPointAlongPath(VGPath aPath, VGint aStartSegment, VGint aNumSegments, VGfloat aDistance,
+		VGfloat* aX, VGfloat* aY, VGfloat* aTangentX, VGfloat* aTangentY);
+	static void vgDrawPath(VGPath aPath, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
+	static void vgDestroyPaint(VGPaint aPaint);
+	static void vgSetPaint(VGPaint aPaint, VGbitfield aPaintModes);
+	static void vgSetColor(VGPaint aPaint, VGuint aRgba);
+	static void vgPaintPattern(VGPaint aPaint, VGImage aPattern);
+	static void vgDestroyImage(VGImage aImage);
+	static void vgClearImage(VGImage aImage, VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgImageSubData(VGImage aImage, const void* aData, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat,
+		VGint aX, VGint aY, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgCopyImage(VGImage aDst, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGImage aSrc, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight,
+		VGboolean aDither);
+	static void vgDrawImage(VGImage aImage);
+	static void vgSetPixels(VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGImage aSrc, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgWritePixels(const void* data, VGint aDataStride, VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aDx, VGint aDy,
+		VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgGetPixels(VGImage aDst, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgCopyPixels(VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void vgDestroyFont(VGFont aFont);
+	static void  vgSetGlyphToPath(VGFont aFont, VGuint aGlyphIndex, VGPath aPath, VGboolean aIsHinted, const VGfloat aGlyphOrigin [2],
+		const VGfloat aEscapement[2]);
+	static void  vgSetGlyphToImage(VGFont aFont, VGuint aGlyphIndex, VGImage aImage, const VGfloat aGlyphOrigin [2],
+		const VGfloat aEscapement[2]);
+	static void vgClearGlyph(VGFont aFont, VGuint aGlyphIndex);
+	static void vgDrawGlyph(VGFont aFont, VGuint aGlyphIndex, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGboolean aAllowAutoHinting);
+	static void vgDrawGlyphs(VGFont aFont, VGint aGlyphCount, const VGuint* aGlyphIndices, const VGfloat* aAdjustmentsX,
+		const VGfloat* aAdjustmentsY, VGbitfield aPaintModes, VGboolean aAllowAutoHinting);
+	static void vgColorMatrix(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, const VGfloat* aMatrix);
+	static void vgConvolve(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight, VGint aShiftX, VGint aShiftY,
+		const VGshort* aKernel, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
+	static void vgSeparableConvolve(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, VGint aKernelWidth, VGint aKernelHeight, VGint aShiftX, VGint aShiftY,
+		const VGshort* aKernelX, const VGshort* aKernelY, VGfloat aScale, VGfloat aBias, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
+	static void vgGaussianBlur(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, VGfloat aStdDeviationX, VGfloat aStdDeviationY, VGTilingMode aTilingMode);
+	static void vgLookup(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, const VGubyte* aRedLUT, const VGubyte* aGreenLUT, const VGubyte* aBlueLUT,
+		const VGubyte* aAlphaLUT, VGboolean aOutputLinear, VGboolean aOutputPremultiplied);
+	static void vgLookupSingle(VGImage aDst, VGImage aSrc, const VGuint* aLookupTable, VGImageChannel aSourceChannel,
+		VGboolean aOutputLinear, VGboolean aOutputPremultiplied);
+	// fns that directly talk to Host Open VG (no parameter checking)
+	static void HostVgReadPixels(MVgContext& aVgContext, void* aPixmap, size_t aPixmapSize, VGint aHostDataStride,
+			VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aSx, VGint aSy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static void HostVgWritePixels(MVgContext& aVgContext, const void* aPixmap, size_t aPixmapSize, VGint aHostDataStride,
+			VGImageFormat aDataFormat, VGint aDx, VGint aDy, VGint aWidth, VGint aHeight);
+	static VGint HostGetVectorSize(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGParamType aType);
+public: // ToDo find a more elegant way of calling this from XOpenVgState
+	static VGint HostGeti(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGParamType type);
+	static inline VGfloat HostGetf(MVgContext& aVgContext, VGParamType type);
+	};
+// C api extensions
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+VGImage vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR(VGeglImageKHR image);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "openvg.inl"
+#endif // VGSTATE_H