author Matt Plumtree <>
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 10:58:58 +0100
changeset 21 f912a08d3c3a
parent 17 c9d1eb0bfac8
child 39 c8311e991ee3
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Contribute a cmake build file for hostthreadadapter, to aid building the intermediate versions of other host components.

// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Guest Egl Header file

#ifndef __GUEST__EGL_H
#define __GUEST__EGL_H

typedef enum
	} TSymbianPixmapTypeId;

typedef enum
	ESurfaceTypeWindow = 0,
	ESurfaceTypePbuffer = 1,
	ESurfaceTypePixmapFbsBitmap = 2,
	ESurfaceTypePixmapSgImage = 3,
	} TEglSurfaceType;

class RSurfaceManager;
class CEglContext;

// client side info about a surface
struct TSurfaceInfo
    TSize                   iSize;
    TEglSurfaceType         iSurfaceType; //Surface type
    EGLConfig               iConfigId;
    CFbsBitmap*             iFbsBitmap;       // Handle for CFbsBitmap
    RSgDrawable             iSgHandle;        // Handle for RSgImge - keeps image open
    TSgDrawableId           iSgId;            // SgImage Id - to detect 2nd attempted surface using the same SgImage 
    EGLSurface              iHostSurfaceId;
	// Note: most member data is only used by Window surfaces
    TSurfaceId              iSurfaceId;        /*<! Target system surface allocated by EGL.                                              */
    // FAISALMEMON HOLE 0                                                   
    void*                   iBuffer0;          /*<! Pointer to the first buffer pixels                                                   */
    void*                   iBuffer1;          /*<! Pointer to the second buffer pixels                                                  */
    TInt                    iBuffer0Index;          /*<! Pointer to the first buffer pixels                                                   */
    TInt                    iBuffer1Index;          /*<! Pointer to the second buffer pixels                                                  */
    RChunk*                 iChunk;            /*<! chunk of the backbuffer surface memory                                               */
    RWindow*                iNativeWindow;
    EGLint                  iRedBits;
    EGLint                  iGreenBits;
    EGLint                  iBlueBits;
    EGLint                  iAlphaBits;
    EGLenum                 iAlphaFormat;
    EGLint                  iColorBits;
    EGLint                  iStride;

// Container for Symbian client side information about an EGL Display
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEglDisplayInfo) : public CBase
	TBool                              iInitialized;
//	RMutex                             iSurfaceMapLock;
    RHashMap<TInt, TSurfaceInfo*>      iSurfaceMap;
//	RMutex                             iContextMapLock;
    RHashMap<EGLContext, CEglContext*> iContextMap;

// prototype to help eglGetProcAddress() API 
typedef void (*ProcPointer)(...);

// Collection of static functions for processing EGL Attribute Lists
class TAttribUtils
public: // definitions in eglattribs.cpp
	static TInt AttribListLength(const EGLint* aAttribList);
	static const EGLint* FindAttribValue(const EGLint* aAttribList, EGLint aAttrib);
	// NB only use these on AttribLists with adequate space for editing
	static EGLint* FindAttribValue(EGLint* aAttribList, EGLint aAttrib);
	static void AppendAttribValue(EGLint* aAttribList, EGLint aAttrib, EGLint aValue);
	static void RemoveAttrib(EGLint* aAttribList, EGLint aAttrib);
#ifdef _DEBUG
	// definitions in egldebug.cpp
	static void TraceAttribList(const EGLint* aAttribList);
	static void TraceAttribNames(EGLint aAttrib, EGLint aValue, char** aAttrName, char** aValueName);
	static void TraceGetAttrib(char* aApiName, char* aObjType, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLint aObject, EGLint aAttribute, EGLint *aValue, EGLBoolean aResult);
	static void TraceSetAttrib(char* aApiName, char* aObjType, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLint aObject, EGLint aAttribute, EGLint aValue);

// CEglContext represents an EGLContext on Host EGL
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEglContext) : public CBase
	// factory function
	static CEglContext* Create(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig, CEglContext* aShareContext, const EGLint* aAttribList);
	EGLBoolean MakeCurrent(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLSurface aDraw, EGLSurface aRead);
	EGLBoolean QueryAttribute(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLint aAttribute, EGLint* aValue);
	// These functions return ETrue if they delete themselves 
	TBool Destroy(TEglThreadState& aThreadState);
	TBool MakeNotCurrent(TEglThreadState& aThreadState);
	EGLContext ShareContextFamily();
	inline EGLContext HostContext() { return iHostContext; }
	inline EGLContext ClientContext() { return iHostContext; }
	inline TBool IsDestroyed() { return iIsDestroyed; }

	CEglContext(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig, EGLContext aShareContextFamily, EGLenum aRenderingApi, EGLint aGlesClientVersion);
	void Delete(TEglThreadState& aThreadState);
	RMutex     iCtxMutex;
	TBool      iFirstUse;    // for eglMakeCurrent
	EGLContext iHostContext; // corresponding Host EGL Context
	// info from eglCreateContext & eglMakeCurrent
	EGLDisplay iDisplay;
	EGLContext iShareContextFamily;
	EGLConfig  iConfigId;     // Config id used to create context
	EGLenum    iRenderingApi; // set by current bound API at creation
	EGLSurface iDrawSurface;  // currently bound draw surface, if any
	// for GL ES Contexts
	EGLSurface iReadSurface;  // currently bound read surface, if any
	EGLint     iGlesClientVersion; // set by EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION attribute at creation (default is 1)
	// object lifetime management
	TBool      iIsDestroyed;

NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEglImage) : public CBase
	inline void Create(TSgDrawableId aSgImageId, EGLDisplay aDisplay, TSgImageInfo& aSgImageInfo, TInt aPbufferHandle, VGHandle aVgHandle);
	TSgDrawableId SgImageId() const;
	inline void Duplicate();
	inline TBool OpenForVgImage(TSize& aSize, VGHandle& aVgHandle, TUint64& aSgImageId);
	inline TBool Close();
	inline TBool Destroy();
	inline TBool IsDestroyed() const;
	inline TInt RefCount();
	inline EGLDisplay Display() const;

	RSgDrawable  iSgHandle;				// Client Handle
	TSgImageInfo iSgImageInfo;
	EGLDisplay   iDisplay;
	TInt         iPbufferHandle;		// Handle of the underlying Pbuffer, if any
	VGHandle     iVgHandle;				// Handle of the underlying Host VgImage, if any
	TInt         iCreateCount;
	TInt         iOpenCount;
	TBool        iIsDestroyed;

const TInt KEglConfigSize = 29;

class XGuestEglInitialiser

 *  CCGuestEGL
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CGuestEGL) : public CBase, public MEglManagementApi,
		public MVgApiForEgl, public MGles11ApiForEgl, public MGles2ApiForEgl
    // Constructors and destructor

     * Destructor.

     * Public constructor.
    static CGuestEGL* New();

	// class MEglManagementApi - exported as a vtable via CVghwUtils for Open VG and Open GL ES to access EGL info
	virtual TBool EglImageOpenForVgImage(EGLImageKHR aImage, TSize& aSize, VGHandle& aVgHandle, TUint64& aSgImageId);
	virtual void EglImageClose(EGLImageKHR aImage);

	// Private interfaces for EGL to call into Open VG & Open GL ES 
	// class MVgApiForEgl - redirects via CVghwUtils to exported functions from Open VG
	virtual ExtensionProcPointer guestGetVgProcAddress (const char *aProcName);
	// class MGles11ApiForEgl - redirects via CVghwUtils to exported functions from Open GL ES 1.1
	virtual ExtensionProcPointer guestGetGles11ProcAddress (const char *aProcName);
	// class MGles2ApiForEgl - redirects via CVghwUtils to exported functions from Open GL ES 2
	virtual ExtensionProcPointer guestGetGles2ProcAddress (const char *aProcName);

	// public support functions for EGL C API
	static EGLint CheckColorAttributes(const EGLint* aAttribList, EGLint aColorBufferType, EGLint aLuminanceBits,
			EGLint aRedBits, EGLint aGreenBits, EGLint aBlueBits, EGLint aAlphaBits=0);
	static void AppendColorAttributes(EGLint* aAttribList, EGLint aColorBufferType, EGLint aLuminanceBits, EGLint aRedBits,
			EGLint aGreenBits, EGLint aBlueBits, EGLint aAlphaBits=0, TBool aSetVgPreMultAlpha=EFalse);

	const char *QueryExtensionList();

	// ToDo probably remove this after EGL Sync refactoring
	void SetError( EGLint aError );
	void DestroySurfaceInfo(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface);

	// static functions directly implementing an EGL API
	ProcPointer eglGetProcAddress(const char *aProcName);

	// functions directly implementing an EGL API
	EGLBoolean eglBindTexImage(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface, EGLint aBuffer);
	EGLBoolean eglChooseConfig(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, const EGLint *aAttribList,
				   EGLConfig *aConfigs, EGLint aConfigSize, EGLint *aNumConfig);
	EGLBoolean eglCopyBuffers(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface, EGLNativePixmapType aTarget);
	EGLContext eglCreateContext(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig,
					EGLContext aShareContext, const EGLint *aAttribList);
	EGLImageKHR eglCreateImageKHR(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLContext aContext, EGLenum aTarget,
			EGLClientBuffer aBuffer, const EGLint *aAttribList);
	EGLSurface eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLenum aBufType,
			EGLClientBuffer aBuffer, EGLConfig aConfig, const EGLint *aAttribList);
	EGLSurface eglCreatePbufferSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig, const EGLint *aAttribList);
	EGLSurface eglCreatePixmapSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig, 
			EGLNativePixmapType aNativePixmap, const EGLint *aAttribList);
	EGLSurface eglCreateWindowSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig, 
			EGLNativeWindowType aNativeWindow, const EGLint *aAttribList);
	EGLBoolean eglDestroyContext(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLContext aContext);
	EGLBoolean eglDestroyImageKHR(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLImageKHR aImage);
	EGLBoolean eglDestroySurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface);
	EGLBoolean eglGetConfigAttrib(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig,
				      EGLint aAttribute, EGLint *aValue);
	EGLBoolean eglGetConfigs(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig *aConfigs,
				 EGLint aConfigSize, EGLint *aNumConfig);
	EGLContext eglGetCurrentContext(TEglThreadState& aThreadState);
	EGLDisplay eglGetCurrentDisplay(TEglThreadState& aThreadState);
	EGLSurface eglGetCurrentSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLint aReadDraw);
	EGLDisplay eglGetDisplay(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLNativeDisplayType aDisplayId);
	EGLBoolean eglInitialize(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLint *aMajor, EGLint *aMinor);
	EGLBoolean eglMakeCurrent(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aDraw, EGLSurface aRead,
			EGLContext aContext);
	EGLBoolean eglQueryContext(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLContext aContext, EGLint aAttribute, EGLint *aValue);
	const char* eglQueryString(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLint aName);
	EGLBoolean eglQuerySurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface, EGLint aAttribute,
			EGLint *aValue);
	EGLBoolean eglReleaseTexImage(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface, EGLint aBuffer);
	EGLBoolean eglSurfaceAttrib(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface,
				    EGLint aAttribute, EGLint aValue);
	EGLBoolean eglSwapBuffers(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface);
	EGLBoolean eglSwapInterval(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLint aInterval);
	EGLBoolean eglTerminate(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay);
	EGLBoolean eglWaitClient(TEglThreadState& aThreadState);

    // API supporting EGL sync extension
     * \brief   Query and request to lock a specified display
     * \ingroup eglSync
     * \param   aEglDisplay a display identifier
     * \return  EGL_SUCCESS if successful;
     *          EGL_BAD_DISPLAY is not a name of a valid EGLDisplay
     *          EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED if the display object associated
     *          with the <aEglDisplay> has not been initialized
    EGLint FindAndLockDisplay(EGLDisplay aDisplay);

     * \brief   Releases the lock associated with a valid EGLDisplay
     * \ingroup eglSync
     * \param   aEglDisplay a display identifier
    void ReleaseDisplayLock(EGLDisplay aDisplay);

     * \brief   Returns pointer to the EGL sync instance
     * \ingroup eglSync
    CEglSyncExtension* EGLSyncExtension();

     * private constructor, 2nd phase constructor
	void Create();
	void CloseSgResources();
	void OpenSgResources();

	// private function with "EglInternalFunction_" prefix
	TBool EglInternalFunction_CreateSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface, EGLConfig aConfig, RWindow* aNativeWindow, TSurfaceInfo& aSurfaceInfo);
	void EglInternalFunction_DestroyWindowSurface(TSurfaceInfo& aSurfaceInfo);
	TUidPixelFormat EglInternalFunction_GetSymbianPixelFormat(const TSurfaceInfo& aSurfaceInfo);
	EGLBoolean EglInternalFunction_CallSetSurfaceParams(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface, TSurfaceInfo& aSurfaceInfo);
	TBool EglInternalFunction_PixmapSurfacePreviouslyCreated(EGLNativePixmapType pixmap, TSymbianPixmapTypeId pixmapType);
	static TSymbianPixmapTypeId EglInternalFunction_GetNativePixmapType(EGLNativePixmapType pixmap);
	const char* EglInternalFunction_QueryExtensionList();
	TBool EglInternalFunction_IsValidNativePixmap(EGLNativePixmapType pixmap, TSymbianPixmapTypeId pixmapType);
	EGLBoolean EglInternalFunction_SurfaceResized(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, TSurfaceInfo& aSurfaceInfo, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface);
	TSurfaceInfo* EglInternalFunction_GetPlatformSurface( EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface );
	void EglInternalFunction_AbortWindowInit(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface, TSurfaceInfo* ps, RWindow* window, CWsScreenDevice* screenDevice);
	TBool EglInternalFunction_SwapWindowSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSurface aSurface);
	TBool EglInternalFunction_MetaGetConfigs( TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLConfig*& aConfigs, EGLint& aConfigCnt, EGLint*& aConfigAttribs, EGLint& aConfigAttribsLen, TMetaGetConfigsMode aFetchMode = EMetaGetConfigsSg );

	// more private functions
	EGLint ConfigMatchesFbsBitmapPixmap(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig, const EGLint* aAttribList, TDisplayMode aMode);
	EGLBoolean ChooseConfigForPixmapSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, const EGLint* aAttribList, EGLConfig* aConfigs, EGLint aConfigSize,
			EGLint* aNumConfig, const void* aPixmap);
	EGLSurface CreateFbsBitmapSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, const EGLint *aAttribList, TSurfaceInfo& aSurfaceInfo);
	EGLint ChooseConfigAttribsForFbsBitmap(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, const EGLint* aAttribList, const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, EGLint** aNewList);
	EGLint ValidateEglImageTarget(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLContext aContext, EGLenum aTarget,
			EGLClientBuffer aBuffer, const EGLint *aAttribList, TSymbianPixmapTypeId aTargetPixmapType);
	TBool CreateDisplayInfo(EGLDisplay aDisplay);
	TBool InitializeDisplayInfo(EGLDisplay aDisplay);
	TBool IsDisplayInitialized(EGLDisplay aDisplay);
	TBool DestroyDisplayInfo(EGLDisplay aDisplay);
    EGLSurface CreateSgImageSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLConfig aConfig, const RSgImage* aSgImage, const EGLint *aAttribList,
			TSurfaceInfo& aSurfaceInfo);
    EGLImageKHR CreateNewEglImage(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, TSgDrawableId aSgId, TSgImageInfo aSgImageInfo);
    EGLImageKHR DuplicateEglImageIfItExists(EGLDisplay aDisplay, TSgDrawableId aSgId);
    EGLint ChooseConfigAttribsForSgImage(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, const EGLint* aAttribList, const RSgImage* aSgImage, EGLint** aNewList);
    EGLBoolean ChooseConfigForNativeSgImagePixmapSurface(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EGLDisplay aDisplay, const EGLint* aAttribList, EGLConfig* aConfigs, EGLint aConfigSize,
			EGLint* aNumConfig, const EGLint* aPixmap);
	//new methods supporting EGL Sync extension
	EGLint InitialiseExtensions();

	RReadWriteLock				 iDisplayMapLock; // protects the iDisplayMap for multi-threaded clients
	RHashMap<TInt, CEglDisplayInfo*> iDisplayMap;

	RMutex                       iEglImageLock; // protects the iEglImageArray for multi-threaded clients
	RPointerArray<CEglImage>     iEglImageArray; // ToDo use a Unique Id for the index/handle, rather than the object address

	EGLint* iSgConfigAttribs;
	EGLint  iSgConfigsAttribtCnt;
	// ToDo (SgImage Design Spec 3.5) ARM EGL should maintain its own lists of native window handles, pixmap handles etc

	char* iEglExtnNameList; // supporting data for eglQueryString()
    RSgDriver                    iSgDriver;
	//data members supporting EGL Sync extension
	CEglSyncExtension* iEglSyncExtension;
	// vtable pointers populated from CVghwUtils - to access Open VG & GL ES internals, e.g. to support eglGetProcAddress
	MVgApiForEgl*        iVgApiForEgl;
	MGles11ApiForEgl*    iGles11ApiForEgl;
	MGles2ApiForEgl*     iGles2ApiForEgl;

/* Execute host EGL functions that cannot fail
   These functions do not set the flag to say that an EGL command has been executed since the last host eglGetError.

inline EGLContext ExecEglContextNoErrorCmd(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EglRFC& aEglApiData)
	return (EGLContext) aEglApiData.ReturnValue();

inline EGLSurface ExecEglSurfaceNoErrorCmd(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EglRFC& aEglApiData)
	return (EGLSurface) aEglApiData.ReturnValue();

inline EGLDisplay ExecEglDisplayNoErrorCmd(TEglThreadState& aThreadState, EglRFC& aEglApiData)
	return (EGLDisplay) aEglApiData.ReturnValue();

#endif // __GUEST__EGL_H