changeset 0 5de814552237
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/navienginebsp/naviengine_assp/lcdgce/lcdgce.h	Tue Sep 28 18:00:05 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+* naviengine_assp\lcdgce\lcdgce.h
+ @file Definitions for the ne1_tb GCE PDD
+ @internalTechnology
+ @prototype
+#ifndef __LCDGCE_H__
+#define __LCDGCE_H__
+#include <display.h>
+const TUint   KVSyncEnable 					= 1<<1;
+const TUint64 KVSyncDisable 				= ~(TUint64)(KVSyncEnable) ;
+const TUint   KVSyncClear 					= 1<<1;
+const TUint   KVSyncStatus 					= 1<<1;
+const TUint   KVSyncSelectToChannel1		= 1<<8;
+const TUint   KHex8 						= 0x8;
+/* The available display modes.
+	These modes can be changed by software, but the initial mode is specified by
+	DSW1 DIP switch settings (7 & 8) as described in the table below:
+DSW1 | 7 8 |
+     | 0 0 | 640 x 480 | D-SUB       | landscape |  VGA on analog 15 pin DSUB connector
+     | 0 1 | 800 x 480 | NEC LCD     | landscape | WVGA
+     | 1 0 | 480 x 640 | Hitachi LCD | portrait  |  VGA (LCD switches: SW4=0111, SW5=0, SW6=0, SW7=0)
+     | 1 1 | 320 x 240 | D-SUB       | landscape | QVGA on analog 15 pin DSUB connector
+enum TVideoMode
+	{
+	};
+inline TInt ReadDipSwitchDisplayMode()
+	{
+	// Check the IDMODE register for DIP switch settings
+	// to set the requested display mode
+	// Read bits 12 and 13 from IDMODE register to get the LCD mode
+	TUint switches = (AsspRegister::Read32(KHwIDMODE) & KHmLcdSwitches) >> KHsLcdSwitches;
+	TInt mode = 0;
+	switch (switches)
+		{
+		default:
+		case 0:
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			break;
+			// An alternative case 3 line for QVGA Portrait
+			//		case 3: iInitialMode = DISPLAY_MODE_ANALOG_QVGA_PORTRAIT;   break;
+		}
+	return mode;
+	}
+/* Class Definition                                                 */
+ * This class defines a callback mechanism that is used by a resource user to specify its callback. It contains a
+ * function pointer and data pointer. The function pointer specifies the user callback function to be invoked by the
+ * resource while the data pointer specifies the data to be passed to the callback function.
+ */
+class TLcdUserCallBack
+    {
+    // The constructor for the callback mechanism.
+    TLcdUserCallBack(TInt (*aFunction)(TUint aResID, TAny* aPtr), TAny* aPtr)
+        {
+        iCbFn = aFunction;
+        iDataPtr = aPtr;
+        }
+    // The callback function pointer.
+    TInt (*iCbFn)(TUint aResID, TAny* aPtr);
+    // Pointer to the data structure to be passed to the callback function.
+    TAny *iDataPtr;
+    };
+ PDD Factory class
+ */
+class DDisplayPddFactory : public DPhysicalDevice
+	{
+	DDisplayPddFactory();
+	virtual TInt Install();
+	virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
+	virtual TInt Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* aInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+	virtual TInt Validate(TInt aDeviceType, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+	};
+class DDisplayPddNaviEng : public DDisplayPdd
+	{
+	public:
+	DDisplayPddNaviEng();
+	~DDisplayPddNaviEng();
+   	//Inherited from DDisplayPdd
+   	TInt  		SetLegacyMode();
+    TInt  		SetGceMode();
+    TInt  		SetRotation(RDisplayChannel::TDisplayRotation aRotation);
+	TInt  		PostUserBuffer(TBufferNode* aNode);
+	TInt  		PostCompositionBuffer(TBufferNode* aNode);
+    TInt  		PostLegacyBuffer();
+    TBool 		PostPending();
+    TInt  		CloseMsg();
+    TInt  	 	CreateChannelSetup(TInt aUnit);
+    TDfcQue*	DfcQ(TInt  aUnit);
+	void  VSyncIsr();
+	static void VSyncDfcFn(TAny* aChannel);
+	TDfcQue* 		iDfcQ;
+    //generic  display info
+	TVideoInfoV01    	iScreenInfo;
+    //Pointer to a buffer in the Pending state
+    TBufferNode*     	iPendingBuffer;
+     //Pointer to a buffer in the Active state
+    TBufferNode*     	iActiveBuffer;
+    DChunk * 		 	iChunk;
+    TLcdUserCallBack*   iLcdCallback;
+ public:
+	TDfc 		     	iVSyncDfc;
+	};
+// Add any private functions and data you require
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DLcdPowerHandler) : public DPowerHandler
+	{
+	DLcdPowerHandler();
+	// from DPowerHandler
+	void PowerDown(TPowerState);
+	void PowerUp();
+	void PowerUpDfc();
+	void PowerDownDfc();
+	TInt Create();
+	void DisplayOn();
+	void DisplayOff();
+	TInt HalFunction(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
+	void PowerUpLcd(TBool aSecure);
+	void PowerDownLcd();
+	void ScreenInfo(TScreenInfoV01& aInfo);
+	void WsSwitchOnScreen();
+	void WsSwitchOffScreen();
+	void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
+	void SwitchDisplay(TBool aSecure);
+	void SetBacklightState(TBool aState);
+	void BacklightOn();
+	void BacklightOff();
+	TInt SetContrast(TInt aContrast);
+	TInt HalSetContrast(TInt aContrast);
+	TInt SetBrightness(TInt aBrightness);
+	TInt HalSetBrightness(TInt aBrightness);
+	void SwitchToSecureDisplay();
+	void SwitchFromSecureDisplay();
+	TInt SetPaletteEntry(TInt aEntry, TInt aColor);
+	TInt GetPaletteEntry(TInt aEntry, TInt* aColor);
+	TInt NumberOfPaletteEntries();
+	TInt GetCurrentDisplayModeInfo(TVideoInfoV01& aInfo, TBool aSecure);
+	TInt GetSpecifiedDisplayModeInfo(TInt aMode, TVideoInfoV01& aInfo);
+	TInt SetDisplayMode(TInt aMode);
+	void SplashScreen();
+	TInt GetDisplayColors(TInt* aColors);
+	TInt InitialiseController();
+	static void Service(TAny* aPtr);
+    IMPORT_C static    TInt    RegisterCallback(TLcdUserCallBack* aCbPtr);
+    IMPORT_C static    void    DeRegisterCallback(TLcdUserCallBack* aCbPtr);
+	TBool 			iIsPalettized;
+	TBool 			iDisplayOn;				// to prevent a race condition with WServer trying to power up/down at the same time
+	DPlatChunkHw* 	iChunk;
+	DPlatChunkHw* 	iSecureChunk;
+	TBool 			iWsSwitchOnScreen;
+ 	TBool 			iSecureDisplay;
+	TDfc 			iPowerUpDfc;
+	TDfc 			iPowerDownDfc;
+	TVideoInfoV01 	iSecureVideoInfo;
+	NFastMutex 		iLock;				// protects against being preempted whilst manipulating iVideoInfo/iSecureVideoInfo
+	TPhysAddr 		ivRamPhys;
+	TPhysAddr 		iSecurevRamPhys;
+	TBool 			iBacklightOn;
+	TInt 			iContrast;
+	TInt 			iBrightness;
+	TUint 			iInitialMode;
+	TLcdUserCallBack * iAppCallBk[2];
+	TMessageQue 	iMsgQ;
+	TDfcQue* 		iDfcQ;
+	TVideoInfoV01 	iVideoInfo;
+	TInt			iSize;
+	TPhysAddr		iCompositionPhysical;
+    static   DLcdPowerHandler 	* pLcd;
+	};
+#define  __GCE_DEBUG_PRINT(a) 		Kern::Printf(a)
+#define  __GCE_DEBUG_PRINT2(a,b) 	Kern::Printf(a,b)
+#define  __GCE_DEBUG_PRINT(a)
+#define  __GCE_DEBUG_PRINT2(a,b)
+#endif //__LCDGCE_H__