changeset 0 5de814552237
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/navienginebsp/ne1_tb/specific/keypad.cpp	Tue Sep 28 18:00:05 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* ne1_tb\specific\keypad.cpp
+* This file contains the implementation of Keypad for the NEC LCD.
+#include <naviengine.h>
+#include <naviengine_priv.h>
+#include <e32event.h>
+#include <e32event_private.h>
+#include <e32keys.h>
+#include "lcdgce.h"
+// =-==LCD keypad settings and registers==================
+const TUint KKeybPollTime = 100;
+const TUint KHWKeyRL      = KHwFPGABase + 0x0410;   // Key return line
+const TUint KHWKeySR      = KHwFPGABase + 0x0418;   // Key scan register
+// Scan codes for buttons: (scan_register_value | (1<<line+4))
+// SW1 - is on scan line 1
+const TUint KHwKeyCodeArrowUp      = 0x21; // SW1 Up
+const TUint KHwKeyCodeArrowRight   = 0x22; // SW1 Right
+const TUint KHwKeyCodeArrowLeft    = 0x24; // SW1 Left
+const TUint KHwKeyCodeArrowDown    = 0x28; // SW1 Down
+const TUint KHwKeyCodeButtonCentre = 0x30; // SW1 Centre press
+const TUint KHwKeyCodeButtonLeft   = 0x81; // SW2 - is on scan line 3
+const TUint KHwKeyCodeButtonRight  = 0x41; // SW3 - is on scan line 2
+const TUint KHwKeyNumArrowUp       = 0;
+const TUint KHwKeyNumArrowDown     = 1;
+const TUint KHwKeyNumArrowLeft     = 2;
+const TUint KHwKeyNumArrowRight    = 3;
+const TUint KHwKeyNumButtonCentre  = 4;
+const TUint KHwKeyNumButtonLeft    = 5;
+const TUint KHwKeyNumButtonRight   = 6;
+//#define __KTRACE(s) s
+#define __KTRACE(s)
+enum TKeyMode
+	{
+	EKeyModeS60      = 0,
+	EKeyModeTechview = 1,
+	// This must be the last entry in the list
+	EKeyModes
+	};
+class DNE1Keypad
+	{
+	DNE1Keypad();
+	TInt DoCreate();
+	static void GetScanCodes(TAny* aPtr);
+	void ProcessKey(TUint aKeyNum, TInt aState);
+	inline void AddEventForKey(TUint aKeyCode, TRawEvent::TType aEventType);
+	NTimer   iKeyboardTimer;
+	TUint    iKeyStates;
+	TKeyMode iKeyMode;
+	};
+/* Macro to detect is the key is shifted */
+#define SHIFTED(x)   (0x8000|(x))
+#define ISSHIFTED(x) (0x8000&(x))
+#define FUNCED(x)    (0x4000|(x))
+#define ISFUNCED(x)  (0x4000&(x))
+#define CTRLED(x)    (0x2000|(x))
+#define ISCTRLED(x)  (0x2000&(x))
+#define STDKEY(x)    (0x1FFF&(x))
+// modify this table to change the key mapping
+const TUint16 convertCode[][EKeyModes] =
+	{
+		// S60               TechView
+		{ EStdKeyUpArrow,    EStdKeyUpArrow,    }, // SW1 Up
+		{ EStdKeyDownArrow,  EStdKeyDownArrow,  }, // SW1 Down
+		{ EStdKeyLeftArrow,  EStdKeyLeftArrow,  }, // SW1 Left
+		{ EStdKeyRightArrow, EStdKeyRightArrow, }, // SW1 Right
+		{ EStdKeyDevice3,    EStdKeyEnter,      }, // SW1 Centre Press
+		{ EStdKeyDevice0,    EStdKeyEscape,     }, // SW2
+		{ EStdKeyDevice1,    EStdKeyMenu,       }, // SW3
+	};
+void DNE1Keypad::AddEventForKey(TUint aKeyCode, TRawEvent::TType aEventType)
+    {
+	// convert character to keycode and shift, func, ctrl status
+	TUint16 code      = convertCode[aKeyCode][iKeyMode];
+	TBool   isShifted = ISSHIFTED(code);
+	TBool   isFunced  = ISFUNCED(code);
+	TBool   isCtrled  = ISCTRLED(code);
+	TUint8  stdKey    = STDKEY(code);
+	TRawEvent e;
+	if (aEventType == TRawEvent::EKeyDown)
+		{
+		// post it as a sequence of events
+		if (isShifted)
+			{
+			e.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyDown,EStdKeyRightShift,0);
+			Kern::AddEvent(e);
+			}
+		if (isCtrled)
+			{
+			e.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyDown,EStdKeyLeftCtrl,0);
+			Kern::AddEvent(e);
+			}
+		if (isFunced)
+			{
+			e.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyDown,EStdKeyLeftFunc,0);
+			Kern::AddEvent(e);
+			}
+		}
+	e.Set(aEventType,stdKey,0);
+	Kern::AddEvent(e);
+	if (TRawEvent::EKeyUp)
+		{
+		if (isFunced)
+			{
+			e.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyUp,EStdKeyLeftFunc,0);
+			Kern::AddEvent(e);
+			}
+		if (isCtrled)
+			{
+			e.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyUp,EStdKeyLeftCtrl,0);
+			Kern::AddEvent(e);
+			}
+		if (isShifted)
+			{
+			e.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyUp,EStdKeyRightShift,0);
+			Kern::AddEvent(e);
+			}
+	    }
+	}
+void DNE1Keypad::ProcessKey(TUint aKeyNum, TInt aState)
+	{
+	// if the key was pressed last time AND key is now not pressed
+	if ((iKeyStates & (1<<aKeyNum)) && (aState == 0))
+		{
+		// send a key up event
+		__KTRACE(Kern::Printf("issue KeyUp for key %d ", aKeyNum));
+		AddEventForKey(aKeyNum,TRawEvent::EKeyUp);
+		// mark this key as released..
+		iKeyStates &= ~(1<<aKeyNum);
+		}
+	// if the key was NOT pressed last time AND key is now pressed
+	else if (!(iKeyStates & (1<<aKeyNum)) && (aState == 1))
+		{
+		// send a key down event
+		__KTRACE(Kern::Printf("issue KeyDown for key %d ", aKeyNum));
+		AddEventForKey(aKeyNum,TRawEvent::EKeyDown);
+		// mark this key as pressed down..
+		iKeyStates |= (1<<aKeyNum);
+		}
+	}
+void DNE1Keypad::GetScanCodes(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	DNE1Keypad* pD=(DNE1Keypad*)aPtr;
+	TInt keyRow, key=0;
+	for(keyRow = 1; keyRow < 4; ++keyRow)
+		{
+		AsspRegister::Write16(KHWKeySR, keyRow);        // make line active..
+		TUint16 skey = AsspRegister::Read16(KHWKeyRL);  // and scan it, 1=key was pressed..
+		if(skey)
+			{
+			key = (skey | (1<<(keyRow+4)));
+			}
+		}
+	// process each key in turn, passing the current state
+	pD->ProcessKey(KHwKeyNumArrowUp,      ((key & KHwKeyCodeArrowUp     )==KHwKeyCodeArrowUp     ));
+	pD->ProcessKey(KHwKeyNumArrowRight,   ((key & KHwKeyCodeArrowRight  )==KHwKeyCodeArrowRight  ));
+	pD->ProcessKey(KHwKeyNumArrowLeft,    ((key & KHwKeyCodeArrowLeft   )==KHwKeyCodeArrowLeft   ));
+	pD->ProcessKey(KHwKeyNumArrowDown,    ((key & KHwKeyCodeArrowDown   )==KHwKeyCodeArrowDown   ));
+	pD->ProcessKey(KHwKeyNumButtonCentre, ((key & KHwKeyCodeButtonCentre)==KHwKeyCodeButtonCentre));
+	pD->ProcessKey(KHwKeyNumButtonLeft,   ((key & KHwKeyCodeButtonLeft  )==KHwKeyCodeButtonLeft  ));
+	pD->ProcessKey(KHwKeyNumButtonRight,  ((key & KHwKeyCodeButtonRight )==KHwKeyCodeButtonRight ));
+	pD->iKeyboardTimer.Again(KKeybPollTime);
+	}
+DNE1Keypad::DNE1Keypad() :
+	iKeyboardTimer(GetScanCodes, this),
+	iKeyStates(0)
+	{
+	TUint idMode = AsspRegister::Read32(KHwIDMODE);
+	TUint keyMode = (idMode & KHmKeyConfigSwitch) >> KHsKeyConfigSwitch;
+	switch (keyMode)
+		{
+		default:
+		case 0: iKeyMode = EKeyModeTechview; break;
+		case 1: iKeyMode = EKeyModeS60;      break;
+		}
+	}
+TInt DNE1Keypad::DoCreate()
+	{
+	iKeyboardTimer.OneShot(KKeybPollTime, ETrue);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+	{
+	// check the display mode - and if LCD is not on
+	// (any of ANALOG modes is set)- do not create/start the driver..
+	TInt r = KErrNoMemory;
+	TInt mode = ReadDipSwitchDisplayMode();
+	if(mode == DISPLAY_MODE_ANALOG_VGA                ||
+		{
+		__KTRACE(Kern::Printf("keypad.cpp: LCD panel not switched on...\nwill not start the driver"));
+		r = KErrNone; //  just return..
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		DNE1Keypad* pD= new DNE1Keypad;
+		if (pD)
+			r = pD->DoCreate();
+		}
+	return r;
+	}