Implement new version of DNE1_TBPowerResourceController::DoRegisterStaticResources, to fix Bug 3803
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <drivers/iic.h>
#include <drivers/iic_channel.h>
#include <assp/naviengine/naviengine_priv.h>
#include <drivers/gpio.h>
#include "csi_psl.h"
#include "csi_master.h"
#include "hcrconfig.h"
#include "hcrconfig_csi.h"
// This method ensures, that all Timers have been canceled..
// interrupts disabled prior to completing the request.
// This method is used to complete request and notify PIL in various situations.
void DCsiChannelMaster::ExitComplete(TInt aErr, TBool aComplete /*= ETrue*/)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ExitComplete, r %d, complete %d", aErr, aComplete));
// make sure we've disabled ints and canceled dfcs/timers..
// Disable interrupts for CSI
// cancel timers and DFCs..
// change state to EIdle..
iState = EIdle;
// complete the request..calling the PIL method
// this is call-back for iHwGuard timer. It is called in the ISR context
// if the iHwGuardTimer expires.
// It will change the iTransactionStatus to KErrTimedOut to allow exiting from the while-loop..
void DCsiChannelMaster::TimeoutCallback(TAny* aPtr)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DCsiChannelMaster::TimeoutCallback"));
DCsiChannelMaster *a = (DCsiChannelMaster*) aPtr;
a->iTransactionStatus = KErrTimedOut;
// This method is called by the PIL in the case of timeout for the transaction expiration.
// The PIL will call CompleteRequest() after this function returns, so we need only to clean-up
// and de-assert the SS line.
TInt DCsiChannelMaster::HandleSlaveTimeout()
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("HandleSlaveTimeout"));
// make sure, that CSIE bit is cleared (disable the interface)
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, KHtCSIModeEnable, 0);
// stop the driver's operation..
ExitComplete(KErrTimedOut, EFalse);
// bring the CS signal pin back to inactive state..
GPIO::SetOutputState(iSSPin, iSSPinActiveStateOff);
return KErrTimedOut;
//DFC for TransferComplete
void DCsiChannelMaster::TransferEndDfc(TAny* aPtr)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DCsiChannelMaster::TransferEndDfc"));
DCsiChannelMaster *a = (DCsiChannelMaster*) aPtr;
// we are still receiving the data, so must wait until the end of the transmission
// start the guard timer, which - in case of the following while got stucked - will
// unblock this dfc by changing iTransactionStatus
a->iTransactionStatus = KErrNone;
// active wait until the transfer has finished
while((AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl) & KHtCSIModeTransferState) &&
(a->iTransactionStatus == KErrNone));
// bring the CS signal pin back to inactive state, but only if this is not an extended transaction,
// in which case we want to leave the bus alone so that the multiple transactions making up the
// extended transaction become one big transaction as far as the bus is concerned
if (!(a->iCurrTransaction->Flags() & KTransactionWithMultiTransc))
GPIO::SetOutputState(a->iSSPin, a->iSSPinActiveStateOff);
// clear CSIE bit..
AsspRegister::Modify32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, KHtCSIModeEnable, 0);
// check if the the guard timer or transaction timer hasn't expired..
if(a->iTransactionStatus != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("CsiChannelMaster::TransferEndDfc(): Transaction timed-out"));
a->ExitComplete(a->iTransactionStatus); // report the error situation..
// drain the Rx FIFO buffer (there might be one item left)
if(AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIIFifoL) &&
(a->iRxDataEnd - a->iRxData >= a->iWordSize))
TUint16 val = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIIFifo);
// we're big-endian.. (AB)..
// so in 16bit mode we need to read MSB first..
if(a->iWordSize > 1)
*a->iRxData = val >> 8; // MSB shifted down..
*(a->iRxData + 1) = val & 0xff; // LSB..
*a->iRxData = val;
// increment the pointer..
a->iRxData += a->iWordSize;
// else - we don't care about the read data, it will be flushed before the next transfer..
// check, if there are more transfers in this transaction
if(a->iState == EBusy)
TInt err = a->ProcessNextTransfers();
// if for any reason coudln't start next transfer-complete the transaction with err..
if(err != KErrNone)
// ISR Handler
void DCsiChannelMaster::CsiIsr(TAny* aPtr)
DCsiChannelMaster *a = (DCsiChannelMaster*) aPtr;
// read the interrupt flags - to see, what was causing the interrupt..
TUint32 status = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIIntStatus);
// process TEND end interrupts
// this ISR happens every time ONE unit has been transfered..
if(status & KHtCSIIntStatusTEnd)
// clear TxEnd interrupt..
AsspRegister::Write32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIIntStatus, KHtCSIIntStatusTEnd);
if(a->iTxData == a->iTxDataEnd)
// if the Tx FIFO is empty (this was the last item transferred)
// confirm that the transfer was completed successfully:
// - set the transfer status as KErrNone
// - disable interrupts..
// - queue a DFC, which will finish the Tx-asserting/de-asserting CS line
// and start another transfer in the transaction or complete transaction
if(!AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIOFifoL))
// if tere's more data to be sent - copy next item to the FIFO window register.
// if we are in 'receive-only' mode - (e.g. simple read request) we're only
// sending '0' (or other value defined as KValueSentOnRead) - to generate a clock for the slave.
// copy data to the FIFO..
TUint16 val;
// in 16bit mode we need to write two bytes as once MSB first..
if(a->iWordSize > 1)
val = (*a->iTxData) << 8; // MSB shifted up..
val |= *(a->iTxData + 1) & 0xff; // LSB..
val = *a->iTxData;
// write this value to the register..
AsspRegister::Write32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIOFifo, val);
// increment the pointer..
a->iTxData += a->iWordSize;
} //end of TXEnd processing
// process receive threshold interrupt
if(status & KHtCSIIntStatusRxTrgIE)
// read data from the FIFO ..
while(AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIIFifoL))
// if there's still some place in the buffer - put it into buffer..
if((a->iRxDataEnd - a->iRxData) >= a->iWordSize)
// copy data from the FIFO if tere's more space in the buffer
TUint16 val = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIIFifo);
// we're big-endian.. (AB)..
// so in 16bit mode we need to read MSB first..
if(a->iWordSize > 1)
*a->iRxData = val >> 8; // MSB shifted down..
*(a->iRxData + 1) = val & 0xff; // LSB..
*a->iRxData = val;
// overrun, i.e Slave has sent more data than expected by the client
// (e.g. too small buffer size for the transmission)
a->iTransactionStatus = KErrOverflow;
// increment the pointer..
a->iRxData += a->iWordSize;
// or drop the data, writing 0 to the FIFOL register
AsspRegister::Write32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIIFifoL, 0);
// if we are in the 'half-duplex' 'receive only' mode,
// once the receive buffer is full we are to finish the transmission..
if((a->iOperation.iValue == TCsiOperationType::EReceiveOnly) &&
(a->iRxDataEnd == a->iRxData))
// Clear the RxThreshold interrupt
AsspRegister::Write32(a->iChannelBase + KHoCSIIntStatus, KHtCSIIntStatusRxTrgIE);
} // end of reception processing..
// constructor 1-st stage
DCsiChannelMaster::DCsiChannelMaster(TInt aChannelNumber, TBusType aBusType, TChannelDuplex aChanDuplex) :
DIicBusChannelMaster(aBusType, aChanDuplex), // !!call overloaded base class constructor..
iTransferEndDfc(TransferEndDfc, this, KCsiDfcPriority),
iHwGuardTimer(TimeoutCallback, this)
iHwTimeoutValue = -1;
iSSPin = 0;
iChannelNumber = aChannelNumber; //Set the iChannelNumber of the Base Class
iState = EIdle;
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DCsiChannelMaster::DCsiChannelMaster: iChannelNumber = %d", iChannelNumber));
// 2nd stage construction..
TInt DCsiChannelMaster::DoCreate()
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("\nDCsiChannelMaster::DoCreate() ch: %d \n", iChannelNumber)); //__THREAD_AND_CPU;
TInt32 interruptId;
TUint32 channelBase;
HCR::TSettingId settingId;
settingId.iCat = KHcrCat_MHA_Interrupt;
HCR::TSettingId channelBaseId;
channelBaseId.iCat = KHcrCat_MHA_HWBASE;
TInt r = KErrNone;
case 0:
settingId.iKey = KHcrKey_Interrupt_CSI0;
channelBaseId.iKey = KHcrKey_HwBase_CSI0;
case 1:
settingId.iKey = KHcrKey_Interrupt_CSI1;
channelBaseId.iKey = KHcrKey_HwBase_CSI1;
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Wrong ChannelNumber specified (%d)", iChannelNumber));
return KErrArgument;
r = HCR::GetUInt(channelBaseId, channelBase);
iChannelBase = channelBase;
if(r != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Failed to read HCR setting for category = %d and key = %d\n", channelBaseId.iCat, channelBaseId.iKey));
return r;
r = HCR::GetInt(settingId, interruptId);
if(r != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Failed to read HCR setting for category = %d and key = %d\n", settingId.iCat, settingId.iKey));
return r;
//Read the timeout value from HCR
//The value will not be changed during transaction, so it needs to be read only once from HCR
if(iHwTimeoutValue == -1)
// csiTimeout values was not yet read from HCR; read it
HCR::TSettingId settingId;
settingId.iCat = KHcrCat_HWServ_CSI;
settingId.iKey = KHcrKey_CSI_Timeout;
r = HCR::GetInt(settingId, iHwTimeoutValue);
if(r != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Failed to read HCR setting for category = %d and key = %d\n", settingId.iCat, settingId.iKey));
return r;
// Create kernel DFCQ (thread) for the driver..
TBuf8<KMaxName> threadName (KSpiThreadName);
TDynamicDfcQue* dynamicDfcQ;
r = Kern::DynamicDfcQCreate(dynamicDfcQ, KSpiThreadPriority, threadName);
if(r != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DFC Queue creation failed, ch: %d, r = %d\n", iChannelNumber, r));
return r;
iDfcQ = dynamicDfcQ;
// PIL Base class initialization. This must!! be called prior to SetDfcQ(iDfcQ) ..
r = Init();
if(r == KErrNone)
// set iDFCQ
SetDfcQ(iDfcQ); // base class..
iTransferEndDfc.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ); // transfer-end DFC
NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity((NThread*)(iDfcQ->iThread), KCpuAffinityAny);
// Bind the Interrupt.
iInterruptId = Interrupt::Bind(interruptId, CsiIsr, this);
// this returns interruptId or error code(err < 0)
if(iInterruptId < KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ERROR: InterruptBind error.. %d", r));
r = iInterruptId;
iInterruptId = 0;
return r;
// static method used to construct the DCsiChannelMaster object.
// Export the channel creating function for client use in controller-less mode
DCsiChannelMaster* DCsiChannelMaster::New(TInt aChannelNumber, const TBusType aBusType, const TChannelDuplex aChanDuplex)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DCsiChannelMaster::NewL(): aChannelNumber = %d, BusType =%d", aChannelNumber, aBusType));
DCsiChannelMaster *pChan = new DCsiChannelMaster(aChannelNumber, aBusType, aChanDuplex);
TInt r = KErrNoMemory;
r = pChan->DoCreate();
if(r != KErrNone)
delete pChan;
pChan = NULL;
return pChan;
// This destructor will only be called in controller-less mode, when iDfcQ is a TDynamicDfcQ,
// In here, detroy the dfc queue and unbind the interrupt for next channel creation
// stop the Hardware
// clear CISE bit..(disables CSI)
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, KHtCSIModeEnable, 0);
// set CSIRST bit..
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIControl, 0, KHtCSIControlCSIRst);
// this method compares if the previous transaction header and slave-select(chip-select) pin are different
// If configuration is the same - HW will not be re-initialized. It also makes a copy of the new header
// and new pin number used to configure the interface.
TBool DCsiChannelMaster::TransConfigDiffersFromPrev()
TConfigSpiBufV01* headerBuf = (TConfigSpiBufV01*) (GetTransactionHeader(iCurrTransaction));
TConfigSpiV01 &spiHeader = (*headerBuf)();
// the busId - has a SlaveAddress which in the case of SPI is a SlaveSelect pin (GPIO pin number)
TUint32 busId = ((TIicBusTransaction*)iCurrTransaction)->GetBusId();
// get the slave address
TUint16 csPin;
csPin = GET_SLAVE_ADDR(busId);
// compare it to the previous configuration..
if(csPin != iSSPin ||
spiHeader.iWordWidth != iSpiHeader.iWordWidth ||
spiHeader.iClkSpeedHz != iSpiHeader.iClkSpeedHz ||
spiHeader.iClkMode != iSpiHeader.iClkMode ||
spiHeader.iTimeoutPeriod != iSpiHeader.iTimeoutPeriod ||
spiHeader.iBitOrder != iSpiHeader.iBitOrder ||
spiHeader.iTransactionWaitCycles != iSpiHeader.iTransactionWaitCycles ||
spiHeader.iSSPinActiveMode != iSpiHeader.iSSPinActiveMode)
iSSPin = csPin; // copy CsPin number.
iSpiHeader = spiHeader; // copy the new config params
#ifdef _DEBUG
DumpConfiguration(spiHeader, iSSPin);
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// Validates various fields in the transaction header
// this pure-virtual method is called by the PIL in the context of the
// client's thread - whenever he makes a call to QueueTransaction().
TInt DCsiChannelMaster::CheckHdr(TDes8* aHdrBuff)
TInt r = KErrNone;
r = KErrArgument;
TConfigSpiBufV01* headerBuf = (TConfigSpiBufV01*) aHdrBuff;
TConfigSpiV01 &spiHeader = (*headerBuf)();
if(spiHeader.iTransactionWaitCycles > 15) // (can be 0 - 15)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("iTransactionWaitCycles not supported"));
r = KErrNotSupported;
if(spiHeader.iWordWidth != ESpiWordWidth_8 &&
spiHeader.iWordWidth != ESpiWordWidth_16)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("iWordWidth not supported"));
r = KErrNotSupported;
if(spiHeader.iClkSpeedHz != 130000 &&
spiHeader.iClkSpeedHz != 260000 &&
spiHeader.iClkSpeedHz != 521000 &&
spiHeader.iClkSpeedHz != 1040000 &&
spiHeader.iClkSpeedHz != 2080000 &&
spiHeader.iClkSpeedHz != 4170000 &&
spiHeader.iClkSpeedHz != 16670000)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("iClock not supported"));
r = KErrNotSupported;
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DCsiChannelMaster::CheckHdr() r %d", r));
return r;
// Initializes the hardware with the data provided in the transaction and slave-address field
TInt DCsiChannelMaster::ConfigureInterface()
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("ConfigureInterface()"));
HCR::TSettingId settingId;
// CSI initialization procedure:
// 1. clear CISE bit..
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, KHtCSIModeEnable, 0);
// 2. wait until CIS_MODE.bit0 (CSOT) changes to 0
// start the GuardTimer before while-loop..
iTransactionStatus = KErrNone;
while((iTransactionStatus == KErrNone) &&
AsspRegister::Read32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl) & KHtCSIModeTransferState);
// check if the the guard timer or transaction timer hasn't expired..
if(iTransactionStatus != KErrNone)
return KErrGeneral;
// 3. set CSIRST bit..
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIControl, 0, KHtCSIControlCSIRst);
// 4. set KHoCSIClockSelect register..
TUint32 val = 0;
// CKP - ClocK Polarity (bit 4) 0: initial value is high, 1: initial val is low
// DAP - Clock phase select (bit 3) 0: 180 degree delay, 1: 0 degree delay
// @** don't use DAP=1 when iClock set to KHCSIClockValPCLKdiv4 (HW bug..see SoC errata)
case ESpiPolarityLowRisingEdge: // Active high, odd edges
val = KHtCSIClockSelectCKP; // CKP 1, DAP 0
case ESpiPolarityLowFallingEdge: // Active high, even edges
val = KHtCSIClockSelectCKP | // CKP 1, DAP 1
case ESpiPolarityHighFallingEdge: // Active low, odd edges
val = 0; // CKP 0, DAP 0
case ESpiPolarityHighRisingEdge: // Active low, even edges
val = KHtCSIClockSelectDAP; // CKP 0, DAP 1
break; // there's no other value can be specified as it's an enum ;)
// set the clock..
case 130000:
val |= KHCSIClockValPCLKdiv512; // 1/512 PCLK (master mode) 130 kHz
case 260000:
val |= KHCSIClockValPCLKdiv256; // 1/256 PCLK (master mode) 260 kHz
case 521000:
val |= KHCSIClockValPCLKdiv128; // 1/128 PCLK (master mode) 521 kHz
case 1040000:
val |= KHCSIClockValPCLKdiv64; // 1/64 PCLK (master mode) 1.04 MHz
case 2080000:
val |= KHCSIClockValPCLKdiv32; // 1/32 PCLK (master mode) 2.08 MHz
case 4170000:
val |= KHCSIClockValPCLKdiv16; // 1/16 PCLK (master mode) 4.17 MHz
case 16670000:
if(val & KHtCSIClockSelectDAP) // see @**
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Unsupported CLK/Clock mode"));
return KErrArgument;
val |= KHCSIClockValPCLKdiv4; // 1/4 PCLK (master mode) 16.67 MHz
return KErrNotSupported;
// set transaction wait time..
val |= (0xf & iSpiHeader.iTransactionWaitCycles) << KHsCSIModeTWait;
// and finally update the register
AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIClockSelect, val);
// 5. clear KHtCSIControlCSIRst bit..
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIControl, KHtCSIControlCSIRst, 0);
// 6. Set Mode Control register:
// Transmission and reception mode
val = KHtCSIModeTrEnable;
// Select transmit data length (8/16 bits)
if(iSpiHeader.iWordWidth == ESpiWordWidth_16)
iWordSize = 2;
val |= KHtCSIModeDataLen;
iWordSize = 1;
// Select Transfer direction (if set-LSB first)
if(iSpiHeader.iBitOrder == ELsbFirst)
val |= KHtCSIModeTransferDir;
// update the register
AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, val);
// 7. Set FIFO trigger levels
TUint8 csiFifoRxTrigerLvl;
settingId.iCat = KHcrCat_HWServ_CSI;
settingId.iKey = KHcrKey_CSI_FifoRxTrigerLvl;
TInt r = HCR::GetUInt(settingId, csiFifoRxTrigerLvl);
if(r != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Failed to read HCR setting for category = %d and key = %d\n", settingId.iCat, settingId.iKey));
return r;
AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIFifoTrgLvl, (csiFifoRxTrigerLvl << KHsCSIRxFifoTrgLvl));
// 8. Clear all interrupts
AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIIntStatus, KInterruptsAll);
// 9. Set RxTrig permission and enable TEnd and RxTrg interrupts
AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIControl, KHtCSIControlRxTrgEn |
KHtCSIControlTEndIE |
// 10. finally set CSIE bit
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, 0, KHtCSIModeEnable);
// enable and configure GPIO pin - it is CS Pin used for the transmission..
// if specified different (e.g. 0) - iSSPin will be ignored during the transmission..
if(iSSPin < 1 || iSSPin > 32) // can be 1 - 32
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Wrong pin number specified()"));
return KErrArgument;
GPIO::SetPinMode(iSSPin, GPIO::EEnabled);
GPIO::SetPinDirection(iSSPin, GPIO::EOutput);
GPIO::SetDebounceTime(iSSPin, 0);
// and set active high bit (KtCSPinHigh)
if(iSpiHeader.iSSPinActiveMode == ESpiCSPinActiveHigh)
iSSPinActiveStateOn = GPIO::EHigh;
iSSPinActiveStateOff = GPIO::ELow;
iSSPinActiveStateOn = GPIO::ELow;
iSSPinActiveStateOff = GPIO::EHigh;
// clear KHtCSIModeEnable.. it will be set to trigger the transmission in DoTransfer()
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, KHtCSIModeEnable, 0);
return KErrNone;
// This method starts data transfer - filling the Transmit FIFO and enabling the device (CSIE bit)
TInt DCsiChannelMaster::DoTransfer(TInt8 *aBuff, TUint aNumOfBytes)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("\nDCsiChannelMaster::DoTransfer()"));
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Receiving %d, Transmitting %d", iOperation.iOp.iIsReceiving, iOperation.iOp.iIsTransmitting));
if(aNumOfBytes == 0) // wanted to transfer an empty buffer??
return KErrArgument;
// store current Tx buffer addresses - to use them later in the ISR,
// when re-filling the buffer if its level drops down to the threshold value..
iTxData = aBuff;
iTxDataEnd = (TInt8*) (aBuff + aNumOfBytes);
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Tx: Start: %x, End %x, bytes %d\n\n", iTxData, iTxDataEnd, aNumOfBytes));
// ensure, we won't be sending until we've filled up the FIFO..
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, KHtCSIModeEnable, 0);
// clean the FIFO..
AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIOFifoL, 0);
// if we are transmitting - Add data to the FIFO..
// Set mode to transmission and reception (Set TRMD)
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, 0, KHtCSIModeTrEnable);
while(AsspRegister::Read32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIOFifoL) < KHwCSIFifoLMax && // until FIFO not full..
iTxData != iTxDataEnd) // or whole data has been copied.
// copy data to the FIFO..
TUint16 val;
// in 16bit mode we need to write two bytes as once MSB first..
if(iWordSize > 1)
val = (*iTxData) << 8; // MSB shifted up..
val |= *(iTxData + 1) & 0xff; // LSB..
val = *iTxData;
// write this value to the register..
AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIOFifo, val);
// increment the pointer.
iTxData += iWordSize;
else // we are starting receive transfer only..
// Set mode to reception only (clear TRMD)
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, KHtCSIModeTrEnable, 0);
// change the SS line status - start of the transmission. This should be set back to high - after
// the transmission has been finished (iTransferEndDfc)
GPIO::SetOutputState(iSSPin, iSSPinActiveStateOn);
// enable interrupts..
// enable transmission..this will trigger the HW to start the transmission..
AsspRegister::Modify32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIModeControl, 0, KHtCSIModeEnable);
return KErrNone;
// this method starts the given transfer..
TInt DCsiChannelMaster::StartTransfer(TIicBusTransfer* aTransferPtr, TUint8 aType)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DCsiChannelMaster::StartTransfer()"));
TInt r = KErrNone;
case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite:
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Starting EMasterWrite, duplex=%d", iFullDTransfer));
const TDes8* aBufPtr = GetTferBuffer(aTransferPtr);
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Length %d, iWordSize %d", aBufPtr->Length(), iWordSize));
// set this flag - to indicate, that we'll be transmitting the data.
// if this is set to 0 prior to calling to DoTransfer() - only '0'(or KValueSentOnRead) values will be
// sent out of the interface (e.g. if only receiving from the slave - to generate the clock)
iOperation.iOp.iIsTransmitting = ETrue;
// initiate the transmission..
r = DoTransfer((TInt8 *) aBufPtr->Ptr(), aBufPtr->Length());
if(r != KErrNone)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Starting Write filed, r = %d", r));
case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead:
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Starting EMasterRead, duplex=%x", iFullDTransfer));
// store the current address and ending address for Reception- to use them later in the ISR and DFC
const TDes8* aBufPtr = GetTferBuffer(aTransferPtr);
iRxData = (TInt8*) aBufPtr->Ptr();
iRxDataEnd = (TInt8*) (iRxData + aBufPtr->Length());
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Rx: Start: %x, End %x, bytes %d", iRxData, iRxDataEnd, aBufPtr->Length()));
// set the flag - that we're going to receive the data..
iOperation.iOp.iIsReceiving = ETrue;
// if this is half-duplex transfer.. (read-only)
// we still need to transmit '0' to generate CLK and SS signals for the Slave
// make sure transmitting flag is cleared
iOperation.iOp.iIsTransmitting = EFalse;
// set pointers - as if we're transmitting the same amount of data..
r = DoTransfer((TInt8 *) aBufPtr->Ptr(), aBufPtr->Length());
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Unsupported TrasactionType %x", aType));
r = KErrArgument;
return r;
// calling this method whenever a transfer has been finished - will process all transfers in the transaction
TInt DCsiChannelMaster::ProcessNextTransfers()
// transfers are queued in linked list.. so just go through that list and start them
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DCsiChannelMaster::ProcessNextTransfers(),BUSY=%d", iState));
// clear flags..
iOperation.iValue = TCsiOperationType::ENop;
// in both cases - full-duplex - or simple half-duplex
// we need to flush the buffers for the transmission:
AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIIFifoL, 0); // write 0 to FIFOL will drop data
AsspRegister::Write32(iChannelBase + KHoCSIOFifoL, 0); // write 0 to FIFOL will drop data
// if this is the first transfer in the transaction..(called from DoCreate)
if(iState == EIdle)
// Get the pointer to half-duplex transfer object..
iHalfDTransfer = GetTransHalfDuplexTferPtr(iCurrTransaction);
// Get the pointer to full-duplex transfer object..
iFullDTransfer = GetTransFullDuplexTferPtr(iCurrTransaction);
// from now on - our state is EBusy.
iState = EBusy;
// kick-off the transaction timer..
// it's default handler, run in ISR context will change the iTransactionStatus
// and queue TranferEndDfc (in the case if it wasn't queued) - this DFC
// will then finish transfer and report this error to the PIL.
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSpiHeader.iTimeoutPeriod > 0, Kern::Fault("NE1_TB SPI: timeout value not set,line: %d", __LINE__));
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("Timeout for transaction %d", iSpiHeader.iTimeoutPeriod));
iTransactionStatus = KErrNone;
// Initiate the timer for the transaction. When it expires - PIL will call
// HandleSlaveTimeout() - which will stop the HW operations..
// When the KIIC trace flag is enabled, we need cancel the transaction timeout,
// so that debug traces don't cause slave timer expiration.
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, CancelTimeOut());
// We continue with next transfer in the transaction..(Called from TransferEndDfc)
// Get the pointer the next half-duplex transfer object..
iHalfDTransfer = GetTferNextTfer(iHalfDTransfer);
// Get the pointer to the next half-duplex transfer object..
iFullDTransfer = GetTferNextTfer(iFullDTransfer);
// all of the transfers were completed, just notify the PIL and return.
// (if either Rx or Tx has not finished properly ExitComplete() would have been called
// from TransferEndDfc if there was an error during the transfer)
TInt r = KErrNone;
if(!iFullDTransfer && !iHalfDTransfer)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("All transfers completed successfully"));
// complete the request..
// start transfers..
// if this is full-duplex transfer - we need to Start EMasterRead transfer first
// this is because buffer pointers and flags for this transfer type must be initialized
// prior to starting EMasterWrite (which always triggers the transmission start)
TInt8 hDTrType = (TInt8) GetTferType(iHalfDTransfer);
// if iHalfDTransfer is EMasterRead - start it first..
if(hDTrType == TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead)
r = StartTransfer(iHalfDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead);
if(r != KErrNone)
return r;
r = StartTransfer(iFullDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite);
else // hDTrType == TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite)
r = StartTransfer(iFullDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead);
if(r != KErrNone)
return r;
r = StartTransfer(iHalfDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite);
// this is normal halfDuplex transfer - so just start it
r = StartTransfer(iHalfDTransfer, hDTrType);
return r;
// Gateway function for PSL implementation - this method is an entry point - it is called by the PIL
// to initiate the transaction. After finishing it's processing PSL calls CompleteRequest(error_status)
TInt DCsiChannelMaster::DoRequest(TIicBusTransaction* aTransaction)
__KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DCsiChannelMaster::DoRequest (aTransaction=0x%x)\n", aTransaction));
// Check, if pointers are not NULL..
if(!aTransaction || !GetTransactionHeader(aTransaction))
return KErrArgument;
// Make sure if the PIL doesn't try to start another one- before we've confirmed the previous one..
if(iState != EIdle)
return KErrInUse;
// copy pointer to the transaction..
iCurrTransaction = aTransaction;
// check, if Hardware needs re-configuration
// (i.e. this transaction and SlaveAddress (iSSPin) are the same as for the previous one)
TInt r = KErrNone;
r = ConfigureInterface();
if(r != KErrNone)
iSSPin = 0;
return r;
// start processing transfers of this transaction.
r = ProcessNextTransfers();
return r;