Implement new version of DNE1_TBPowerResourceController::DoRegisterStaticResources, to fix Bug 3803
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* naviengine_assp\naviengine_lcd.h
#ifndef __NAVIENGINE_LCD_H__
#define __NAVIENGINE_LCD_H__
#include <e32const.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <e32hal.h>
#include <assp.h>
#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
// Macro to calculate the screen buffer size
// aBpp is the number of bits-per-pixel, aPpl is the number of pixels per line and aLpp number of lines per panel
#define FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE(aBpp,aPpl,aLpp) (aBpp*aPpl*aLpp)/8
//Display Controller registers
// ------------------------------
// Interface control registers
// ------------------------------
const TUint KHoDisplayInterfaceControl = 0x00; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayInterfaceControl = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayInterfaceControl;
//DE - positive logic
//EVSYNC - negative logic
//VSYNC - negative logic
//EHSYNC - negative logic
//HSYNC - negative logic
//Dot clock normal polarity
//Switch on VSync, HSync, CSync, DEN
const TUint KInterfaceControlValue = 0x04;
const TUint KHoDisplayInterruptStatus = 0x08;
const TUint KHwDisplayInterruptStatus = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayInterruptStatus;
const TUint KHoDisplayInterruptClear = 0x10;
const TUint KHwDisplayInterruptClear = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayInterruptClear;
const TUint KHoDisplayInterruptEnable = 0x18;
const TUint KHwDisplayInterruptEnable = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayInterruptEnable;
const TUint KHoDisplayInterruptLineSettings = 0x20; //???
const TUint KHwDisplayInterruptLineSettings = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayInterruptLineSettings; //???
// ic_al_h???
const TUint KHoDisplayInterruptEnableSelection = 0x28;
const TUint KHwDisplayInterruptEnableSelection = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayInterruptEnableSelection;
// ------------------------------
// Display control registers
// ------------------------------
const TUint KHoDisplayResolutionAndCycle = 0x30; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayResolutionAndCycle = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayResolutionAndCycle;
//ds_hr[10:0] - Sets the horizontal (width) resolution. The valid range is 320 (QVGA) to 1280 (WXGA).
//ds_vr[25:16] - Sets the vertical (height) resolution. The valid range is 240 (QVGA) to 800 (WXGA).
//ds_th[42:32] - Sets HSYNC in dot clock units. ds_hr + 3 to 7FEh (7FFh is prohibited).
//ds_tv[57:48] - Sets VSYNC in line units. ds_vr + 3 to 3FEh (3FFh is prohibited).
#define DISPLAY_RESOLUTION_AND_CYCLE(height, width, linesInFrame, pixelsInLine) (((height<<16) + width) | ((TUint64) ((linesInFrame<<16) + (pixelsInLine)) <<32))
const TUint KHoDisplayPulseWidth = 0x38; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayPulseWidth = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayPulseWidth;
//ds_thp[10:0] - Sets the HSYNC pulse width in dot clock units. Set these bits so that the total blank period is 3 clocks or more.
//ds_tvp[25:16] - Sets the VSYNC pulse width in line units. Set these bits so that the total blank period is 3H or more.
//ds_thb[42:32] - Sets the HSYNC back porch width in dot clock units.
//ds_tvb[57:48] - Sets the VSYNC back porch width in line units.
//settings for LCD QVGA mode
// const TUint KPulseWidthLow = (3<<16)+25; // SW4-2 OFF
// const TUint KPulseWidthHigh = (3<<16)+38; // SW4-2 OFF
const TUint KPulseWidthLow = (2<<16)+25; // SW4-2 ON -on some VGA monitors it doesn't show the whole area
const TUint KPulseWidthHigh = (2<<16)+14; // SW4-2 ON
const TUint64 KPulseWidth = KPulseWidthLow | ((TUint64)KPulseWidthHigh <<32);
//settings for Hitachi LCD VGA mode
const TUint KPulseWidthLowVgaLCD = (2<<16)+30;
const TUint KPulseWidthHighVgaLCD = 0x00020030;
const TUint64 KPulseWidthVgaLCD = KPulseWidthLowVgaLCD | ((TUint64)KPulseWidthHighVgaLCD <<32);
//settings for NEC LCD WVGA mode
const TUint KPulseWidthLowWvga = (2<<16)+30; // RMH - xxx - magic numbers!!!
const TUint KPulseWidthHighWvga = 0x000A0000; // RMH - xxx - magic numbers!!! 0a seems to be a vertical offset, with 02 being too small and 21 being too large; the last two digits, now 00, were 30 seem to be the horizintal offset...
const TUint64 KPulseWidthWvga = KPulseWidthLowWvga | ((TUint64)KPulseWidthHighWvga <<32);
//settings for VGA mode on monitor (if LCD panel is not present)
const TUint KPulseWidthLowVga = (2<<16)+96;
const TUint KPulseWidthHighVga = 0x00210030;
const TUint64 KPulseWidthVga = KPulseWidthLowVga | ((TUint64)KPulseWidthHighVga <<32);
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplaySettings = 0x40; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplaySettings = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplaySettings;
//ds_oc[0] - Sets on/off of display output to LCD panel; 0 - Off (Black output if sync signal is output); 1 - On
//gamma correction and dithering
const TUint KDisplaySettingsValue = 0x1;
const TUint KHoDisplayDithering = 0x48;
const TUint KHwDisplayDithering = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDithering;
const TUint KHoDisplayBrightness = 0x50; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayBrightness = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayBrightness;
//ds_bc[7:0] Sets the brightness coefficient for RGB data. The range is -128 to 127 (8 bits). To turn off brightness control, set to 0.
const TUint KDisplayBrightnessVal = 0x00; //!!!
// ------------------------------
// Memory Frame control registers
// ------------------------------
const TUint KHoDisplayEndianConversion = 0x58; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayEndianConversion = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayEndianConversion;
//mf_es0[1::0] - endian conversion of data in VRAM - should be 00b ???
//mf_lbs[25:24] = 0 -limits of layers and dimensions
const TUint KEndianConversionValue = 0x00; //!!!
//mf_pf0[3:0] Sets the pixel format of each memory frame stored in VRAM. 0h: ARGB0565
const TUint KHoDisplayPixelFormat = 0x60; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayPixelFormat = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayPixelFormat;
const TUint KPixelFormatValue16bpp = 0x0; // ARGB0565
const TUint KPixelFormatValue32bpp = 0x4; // ARGB8888
const TUint KPixelFormatValue = KPixelFormatValue32bpp; // Retain keyword and default to bpp32
//mf_sa0[31:0] - Sets the start address of the memory frame stored in VRAM, in byte units.
//mf_sa1[63:32] - Sets the start address of the memory frame stored in VRAM, in byte units.
const TUint KHoDisplayMemoryFrameAddress = 0x0070; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayMemoryFrameAddress = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayMemoryFrameAddress;
// physical address in VRAM
const TUint KHoDisplayColorPalletAddress = 0x90;
const TUint KHwDisplayColorPalletAddress = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayColorPalletAddress;
const TUint KHoDisplayColorPalletDirection = 0xA0;
const TUint KHwDisplayColorPalletDirection = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayColorPalletDirection;
const TUint KHoDisplayMemoryFrameSizeH = 0xA8; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayMemoryFrameSizeH = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayMemoryFrameSizeH;
// mf_ws_h0[11:0] - horisontal(width) size in byte units. The valid setting range is 1 to 4,096 at 0 to 4,095.
// Usually the width value - 1, eg for 640 pixels wide, use 639
const TUint KHoDisplayMemoryFrameSizeV = 0xB8; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayMemoryFrameSizeV = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayMemoryFrameSizeV;
// mf_ws_v0[11:0] - vertical(height) size in line units
// Usually the height value - 1, eg for 480 pixels high, use 479
const TUint KHoDisplayMemoryFrameStartPointX = 0xc8; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayMemoryFrameStartPointX = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayMemoryFrameStartPointX;
//mf_sp_x0[11:0] - Sets the horizontal-direction start point coordinates of the
// frame memory stored in VRAM, in pixel units
const TUint KHoDisplayMemoryFrameStartPointY = 0xd8; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayMemoryFrameStartPointY = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayMemoryFrameStartPointY;
//mf_sp_y0[11:0] - Sets the vertical-direction start point coordinates of the
// frame memory stored in VRAM, in line units.
const TUint KHoDisplayMemoryFrameStartFractionV = 0xe8;
const TUint KHwDisplayMemoryFrameStartFractionV = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayMemoryFrameStartFractionV;
const TUint KHoDisplayMemoryFrameDisplayFrameSizeH = 0xf0; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayMemoryFrameDisplayFrameSizeH = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayMemoryFrameDisplayFrameSizeH;
//mf_ds_h0[11:0] - Sets display frame horizontal-direction size in the memory
// frame, in pixel units. The valid setting range is 1 to 1,280 at 0 to 1,279.
// Usually the width value - 1, eg for 640 pixels wide, use 639
const TUint KHoDisplayMemoryFrameDisplayFrameSizeV = 0x100; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayMemoryFrameDisplayFrameSizeV = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayMemoryFrameDisplayFrameSizeV;
//mf_ds_v0[11:0] - Sets display frame vertical-direction size in the memory
// frame, in line units. The valid setting range is 1 to 800 at 0 to 799.
// Usually the height value - 1, eg for 480 pixels high, use 479
const TUint KHoDisplayBorderColourRGB = 0x110; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayBorderColourRGB = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayBorderColourRGB; //!!!
//mf_bc0[23:0] - Sets the border color value. Correspondence of mf_bcX[23:0] is as shown in Figure 2-6-22.
//mf_bc_s0[28] - Sets the border color format for the corresponding layer.
// 0: Format set by mf_pf0 (memory frame pixel format)
// 1: ARGB0888
// ------------------------------
// Display frame control registers
// ------------------------------
// NOTE: KH*DisplayDisplay is done on purpose because KH*Display is the prefix and the next Display is part of the register name!
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameControl = 0x130; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayFrameControl = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameControl;
//df_dc0[3:0] - Sets whether a layer is to be displayed according to a priority.7 - is off
//df_vs0[8] - Selects the contents of VRAM or register to be displayed.
// 0: VRAM
// 1: Register (Value of constant color (df_cc_r, df_cc_g, and df_cc_b) registers is displayed.)
//df_lc0[12] - Sets layer on/off. (Stops access to VRAM.) Display can be turned off by df_dc0, but
// access to VRAM is not stopped. To accurately turn off display, use this register
// Values to set layers 0-3 frame control on and fix their priority.
const TUint64 KDisplayFrameControlValue = (1<<12);
const TUint64 KDisplayFrame1ControlValue = (1<<28) | (0x1<<16);
const TUint64 KDisplayFrame2ControlValue = ((TInt64)1<<44) | ((TInt64)0x2<<32) ;
const TUint64 KDisplayFrame3ControlValue = ((TInt64)1<<60) | ((TInt64)0x3<<48) ;
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameStartPointX = 0x140; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayFrameStartPointX = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameStartPointX;
//df_sp_x0[11:0] - Sets the horizontal-direction start point coordinates to be
// displayed, in pixel units. The valid setting range is -2,048 to 2,047.
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameStartPointY = 0x150; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayFrameStartPointY = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameStartPointY;
//df_sp_y0[11:0] - Sets the vertical-direction start point coordinates to be
// displayed, in line units. The valid setting range is -2,048 to 2,047.
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameSizeH = 0x160; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayFrameSizeH = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameSizeH;
//df_ds_h0[10:0] - Sets the horizontal size to be displayed in pixel units.
// The valid setting range is 1 to 1,280 at 0 to 1,279
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameSizeV = 0x170; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayFrameSizeV = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameSizeV;
//df_ds_v0[10:0] - Sets the vertical size to be displayed in line units. The valid setting range is 1-800 at 0-799.
// Caution Ignored depending on the setting of mf_ms_v (memory frame, magnification select, V0, V2,V4)
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameExpansionRateH = 0x180;
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayFrameExpansionRateH = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameExpansionRateH;
// df_rc_h0[12:0] - set to 0
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameExpansionRateV = 0x190;
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayFrameExpansionRateV = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameExpansionRateV;
// df_rc_v0[12:0] - set to 0
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFramePixelTransmittance = 0x1a0;
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayPixelTransmittance = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFramePixelTransmittance;
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameTranCtrlLayerTransmittance = 0x1b0;
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayTranCtrlLayerTransmittance = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameTranCtrlLayerTransmittance;
//Display frames 0 to 6 transmission control layer transmittance
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameColourKeyControl = 0x1c0;
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayColourKeyControl = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameColourKeyControl;
// Display frames color key control and color key R, G, B format instruction
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameColourKey = 0x1c8;
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayColourKey = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameColourKey;
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameColourKeyControlRange = 0x1e8;
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayColourKeyControlRange = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameColourKeyControlRange;
// Display frame color key control R, G, B permissible range
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameConstantColour = 0x1f8; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayFrameConstantColour = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameConstantColour;
//Sets the constant colours rgb
const TUint KHoDisplayDisplayFrameBackgroundColour = 0x218; //!!!
const TUint KHwDisplayDisplayFrameBackgroundColour = KHwDisplayBase + KHoDisplayDisplayFrameBackgroundColour;
// df_bc_r[23:16], df_bc_g[15:8] & df_bc_b[7:0]
// 220 CDE
// ------------------------------
// (5) H/W cursor control register
// ------------------------------
// ...
// ------------------------------
// (6) V blank update control register
// ------------------------------
// If the display supports Contrast and/or Brightness control then supply the following defines:
// This is only example code... you may need to modify it for your hardware
const TInt KConfigInitialDisplayContrast = 128;
const TInt KConfigLcdMinDisplayContrast = 1;
const TInt KConfigLcdMaxDisplayContrast = 255;
const TInt KConfigInitialDisplayBrightness = 128;
const TInt KConfigLcdMinDisplayBrightness = 1;
const TInt KConfigLcdMaxDisplayBrightness = 255;
#endif //__NAVIENGINE_LCD_H__