changeset 0 58be5850fb6c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omxilcomp/omxilaudioemulator/pcmcapturer/src/omxilmicsource.cpp	Thu Sep 02 20:13:57 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+   @file
+   @internalComponent
+#include "log.h"
+#include <openmax/il/common/omxilclientclockport.h>
+#include <openmax/il/common/omxilconfigmanager.h>
+#include <openmax/il/common/omxilspecversion.h>
+#include <openmax/il/loader/omxilsymbiancomponentif.h>
+#include "omxilmicsource.h"
+#include "omxilmicsource.hrh"
+#include "omxilmicsourceconst.h"
+#include "omxilmicsourceapb0port.h"
+#include "omxilmicsourceprocessingfunction.h"
+// Component Entry Point
+	{
+	// This method should be called as a result of a OMX_GetHandle call. Let's
+	// return something that is consistent with the return codes allowed for
+	// that API call.	
+	return COmxILComponent::SymbianErrorToGetHandleError(COmxILMicSource::CreateComponent(aComponent));
+	}
+COmxILMicSource::CreateComponent(OMX_HANDLETYPE aComponent)
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILMicSource::CreateComponent"));
+	COmxILMicSource* self = new COmxILMicSource();
+	if (!self)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	TRAPD(err, self->ConstructL(aComponent));
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		delete self;
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+COmxILMicSource::ConstructL(OMX_HANDLETYPE aComponent)
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILMicSource::ConstructL"));
+	// STEP 1: Initialize the data received from the IL Core
+	COmxILComponent::ConstructL(aComponent);
+	// STEP 2: Create the call backs manager...
+	MOmxILCallbackNotificationIf* callbackNotificationIf=CreateCallbackManagerL(COmxILComponent::EOutofContext);
+	// STEP 3: Create the audio capturer-specific Processing Function...
+	// Create the clock port first
+	COmxILClientClockPort*opb0Port = ConstructOPB0PortL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(opb0Port);
+	COmxILProcessingFunction* pProcessingFunction = 
+	        COmxILMicSourceProcessingFunction::NewL(*callbackNotificationIf, *opb0Port);
+    RegisterProcessingFunction(pProcessingFunction); 
+	// STEP 4: Create Port manager...
+	CreatePortManagerL(COmxILComponent::ENonBufferSharingPortManager,
+			iOmxILVersion,      // Component's OMX Version
+			1,					// The number of audio ports in this component
+			0,					// The starting audio port index
+			0,					// The number of image ports in this component
+			0,					// The starting image port index
+			0,					// The number of video ports in this component
+			0,					// The starting video port index
+			1,					// The number of other ports in this component
+			1					// The starting other port index
+		);
+	// STEP 5: Create audio capturer component port
+	COmxILMicSourceAPB0Port* apb0Port = ConstructAPB0PortL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(apb0Port);
+	// ..  and add them to the port manager...
+	User::LeaveIfError(AddPort(apb0Port, OMX_DirOutput));
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	User::LeaveIfError(AddPort(opb0Port, OMX_DirInput));
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	// STEP 6: Create the non-port related configuration manager...
+	RPointerArray<TDesC8> componentRoles;
+	CleanupClosePushL(componentRoles);
+	componentRoles.AppendL(&KSymbianOmxILMicSourceRole());
+	COmxILConfigManager* pConfigManager  = COmxILConfigManager::NewL(
+											KSymbianOmxILMicSourceName,
+											TOmxILVersion(KMicSourceComponentVersionMajor,
+														  KMicSourceComponentVersionMinor,
+														  KMicSourceComponentVersionRevision,
+														  KMicSourceComponentVersionStep),
+											componentRoles);
+	RegisterConfigurationManager(pConfigManager);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// componentRoles
+	// And finally, let's get everything started
+	InitComponentL();
+	}
+	:
+	iOmxILVersion(TOmxILSpecVersion())
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILMicSource::COmxILMicSource"));
+	}
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILMicSource::~COmxILMicSource"));
+	}
+COmxILMicSource::ConstructAPB0PortL() const
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILMicSource::ConstructAPB0PortL"));
+	RArray<OMX_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE> supportedAudioFormats;
+	CleanupClosePushL(supportedAudioFormats);
+	supportedAudioFormats.AppendL(OMX_AUDIO_CodingPCM);
+	paramPcmModeType.nSize				= sizeof(OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE);
+	paramPcmModeType.nVersion			= iOmxILVersion;
+	paramPcmModeType.nPortIndex			= KMICSOURCE_APB0PORT_INDEX;
+	static_cast<COmxILMicSourceProcessingFunction*>(GetProcessingFunction())->FillParamPCMModeType(paramPcmModeType);
+	configAudioVolume.nSize			 = sizeof(OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_VOLUMETYPE);
+	configAudioVolume.nVersion		 = iOmxILVersion;
+	configAudioVolume.nPortIndex	 = KMICSOURCE_APB0PORT_INDEX;
+	configAudioVolume.bLinear		 = OMX_TRUE;
+	configAudioVolume.sVolume.nValue = static_cast<COmxILMicSourceProcessingFunction*>(GetProcessingFunction())->GetVolume();
+	configAudioVolume.sVolume.nMin	 = KMICSOURCE_VOLUME_MIN;
+	configAudioVolume.sVolume.nMax	 = KMICSOURCE_VOLUME_MAX;
+    configAudioMute.nSize	   = sizeof(OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_MUTETYPE);
+	configAudioMute.nVersion   = iOmxILVersion;
+	configAudioMute.nPortIndex = KMICSOURCE_APB0PORT_INDEX;
+	configAudioMute.bMute	   = OMX_FALSE;
+	COmxILMicSourceAPB0Port* apb0Port = COmxILMicSourceAPB0Port::NewL(
+		TOmxILCommonPortData(
+			iOmxILVersion,				// OMX specification version information
+			KMICSOURCE_APB0PORT_INDEX,	// Port number the structure applies to
+			OMX_DirOutput,				// Direction of this port
+			KMICSOURCE_PCMPORT_BUFFERCOUNT_MIN,	// The minimum number of buffers this port requires
+			KMICSOURCE_PCMPORT_BUFFERSIZE_MIN,  // Minimum size, in bytes, for buffers to be used for this port
+			OMX_PortDomainAudio,		// Domain of the port
+			OMX_FALSE,					// Buffers contiguous requirement (true or false)
+			0,							// Buffer aligment requirements
+			OMX_BufferSupplyOutput,	// supplier preference when tunneling between two ports
+			0),
+		supportedAudioFormats,
+		paramPcmModeType,
+		configAudioVolume,
+		configAudioMute,
+		static_cast<COmxILMicSourceProcessingFunction&>(*(GetProcessingFunction()))
+		);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&supportedAudioFormats);
+	return apb0Port;
+	}
+COmxILMicSource::ConstructOPB0PortL() const
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILMicSource::ConstructOPB0PortL"));
+    TOmxILCommonPortData portData(
+		iOmxILVersion,
+		KMICSOURCE_OPB0PORT_INDEX,		// port index
+		OMX_DirInput,
+		KMICSOURCE_CLOCKPORT_BUFFERCOUNT_MIN,// minimum number of buffers
+		sizeof(OMX_TIME_MEDIATIMETYPE), // minimum buffer size, in bytes
+		OMX_PortDomainOther,
+		OMX_FALSE,				// do not need contigious buffers
+		0,						// byte alignment
+		OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified,
+		COmxILPort::KBufferMarkPropagationPortNotNeeded
+		);
+	// TODO: Clean up the code below. The supportedOtherFormats variable has been added in order to make
+	// this component compilable during integration from the MM projectintegration branch .
+	RArray<OMX_OTHER_FORMATTYPE> supportedOtherFormats;
+	CleanupClosePushL(supportedOtherFormats);
+	supportedOtherFormats.AppendL(OMX_OTHER_FormatTime);
+	COmxILClientClockPort* aClientClockPort = COmxILClientClockPort::NewL(portData, supportedOtherFormats);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&supportedOtherFormats);
+	return aClientClockPort;
+	}