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     1 # A simple FTP client.
     2 #
     3 # The information to write this program was gathered from RFC 959,
     4 # but this is not a complete implementation!  Yet it shows how a simple
     5 # FTP client can be built, and you are welcome to extend it to suit
     6 # it to your needs...
     7 #
     8 # How it works (assuming you've read the RFC):
     9 #
    10 # User commands are passed uninterpreted to the server.  However, the
    11 # user never needs to send a PORT command.  Rather, the client opens a
    12 # port right away and sends the appropriate PORT command to the server.
    13 # When a response code 150 is received, this port is used to receive
    14 # the data (which is written to stdout in this version), and when the
    15 # data is exhausted, a new port is opened and a corresponding PORT
    16 # command sent.  In order to avoid errors when reusing ports quickly
    17 # (and because there is no s.getsockname() method in Python yet) we
    18 # cycle through a number of ports in the 50000 range.
    21 import sys, posix, string
    22 from socket import *
    25 BUFSIZE = 1024
    27 # Default port numbers used by the FTP protocol.
    28 #
    29 FTP_PORT = 21
    32 # Change the data port to something not needing root permissions.
    33 #
    34 FTP_DATA_PORT = FTP_DATA_PORT + 50000
    37 # Main program (called at the end of this file).
    38 #
    39 def main():
    40     hostname = sys.argv[1]
    41     control(hostname)
    44 # Control process (user interface and user protocol interpreter).
    45 #
    46 def control(hostname):
    47     #
    48     # Create control connection
    49     #
    50     s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
    51     s.connect((hostname, FTP_PORT))
    52     f = s.makefile('r') # Reading the replies is easier from a file...
    53     #
    54     # Control loop
    55     #
    56     r = None
    57     while 1:
    58         code = getreply(f)
    59         if code in ('221', 'EOF'): break
    60         if code == '150':
    61             getdata(r)
    62             code = getreply(f)
    63             r = None
    64         if not r:
    65             r = newdataport(s, f)
    66         cmd = getcommand()
    67         if not cmd: break
    68         s.send(cmd + '\r\n')
    71 # Create a new data port and send a PORT command to the server for it.
    72 # (Cycle through a number of ports to avoid problems with reusing
    73 # a port within a short time.)
    74 #
    75 nextport = 0
    76 #
    77 def newdataport(s, f):
    78     global nextport
    79     port = nextport + FTP_DATA_PORT
    80     nextport = (nextport+1) % 16
    81     r = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
    82     r.bind((gethostbyname(gethostname()), port))
    83     r.listen(1)
    84     sendportcmd(s, f, port)
    85     return r
    88 # Send an appropriate port command.
    89 #
    90 def sendportcmd(s, f, port):
    91     hostname = gethostname()
    92     hostaddr = gethostbyname(hostname)
    93     hbytes = string.splitfields(hostaddr, '.')
    94     pbytes = [repr(port//256), repr(port%256)]
    95     bytes = hbytes + pbytes
    96     cmd = 'PORT ' + string.joinfields(bytes, ',')
    97     s.send(cmd + '\r\n')
    98     code = getreply(f)
   101 # Process an ftp reply and return the 3-digit reply code (as a string).
   102 # The reply should be a line of text starting with a 3-digit number.
   103 # If the 4th char is '-', it is a multi-line reply and is
   104 # terminate by a line starting with the same 3-digit number.
   105 # Any text while receiving the reply is echoed to the file.
   106 #
   107 def getreply(f):
   108     line = f.readline()
   109     if not line: return 'EOF'
   110     print line,
   111     code = line[:3]
   112     if line[3:4] == '-':
   113         while 1:
   114             line = f.readline()
   115             if not line: break # Really an error
   116             print line,
   117             if line[:3] == code and line[3:4] != '-': break
   118     return code
   121 # Get the data from the data connection.
   122 #
   123 def getdata(r):
   124     print '(accepting data connection)'
   125     conn, host = r.accept()
   126     print '(data connection accepted)'
   127     while 1:
   128         data = conn.recv(BUFSIZE)
   129         if not data: break
   130         sys.stdout.write(data)
   131     print '(end of data connection)'
   133 # Get a command from the user.
   134 #
   135 def getcommand():
   136     try:
   137         while 1:
   138             line = raw_input('> ')
   139             if line: return line
   140     except EOFError:
   141         return ''
   144 # Call the main program.
   145 #
   146 main()