changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ffa851df0825 1:2fb8b9db1c86
     1 #
     2 # flp - Module to load fl forms from fd files
     3 #
     4 # Jack Jansen, December 1991
     5 #
     6 from warnings import warnpy3k
     7 warnpy3k("the flp module has been removed in Python 3.0", stacklevel=2)
     8 del warnpy3k
    10 import string
    11 import os
    12 import sys
    13 import FL
    15 SPLITLINE = '--------------------'
    16 FORMLINE = '=============== FORM ==============='
    17 ENDLINE = '=============================='
    19 class error(Exception):
    20     pass
    22 ##################################################################
    23 #    Part 1 - The parsing routines                               #
    24 ##################################################################
    26 #
    27 # Externally visible function. Load form.
    28 #
    29 def parse_form(filename, formname):
    30     forms = checkcache(filename)
    31     if forms is None:
    32         forms = parse_forms(filename)
    33     if forms.has_key(formname):
    34         return forms[formname]
    35     else:
    36         raise error, 'No such form in fd file'
    38 #
    39 # Externally visible function. Load all forms.
    40 #
    41 def parse_forms(filename):
    42     forms = checkcache(filename)
    43     if forms is not None: return forms
    44     fp = _open_formfile(filename)
    45     nforms = _parse_fd_header(fp)
    46     forms = {}
    47     for i in range(nforms):
    48         form = _parse_fd_form(fp, None)
    49         forms[form[0].Name] = form
    50     writecache(filename, forms)
    51     return forms
    53 #
    54 # Internal: see if a cached version of the file exists
    55 #
    56 MAGIC = '.fdc'
    57 _internal_cache = {}                    # Used by frozen scripts only
    58 def checkcache(filename):
    59     if _internal_cache.has_key(filename):
    60         altforms = _internal_cache[filename]
    61         return _unpack_cache(altforms)
    62     import marshal
    63     fp, filename = _open_formfile2(filename)
    64     fp.close()
    65     cachename = filename + 'c'
    66     try:
    67         fp = open(cachename, 'r')
    68     except IOError:
    69         #print 'flp: no cache file', cachename
    70         return None
    71     try:
    72         if != MAGIC:
    73             print 'flp: bad magic word in cache file', cachename
    74             return None
    75         cache_mtime = rdlong(fp)
    76         file_mtime = getmtime(filename)
    77         if cache_mtime != file_mtime:
    78             #print 'flp: outdated cache file', cachename
    79             return None
    80         #print 'flp: valid cache file', cachename
    81         altforms = marshal.load(fp)
    82         return _unpack_cache(altforms)
    83     finally:
    84         fp.close()
    86 def _unpack_cache(altforms):
    87     forms = {}
    88     for name in altforms.keys():
    89         altobj, altlist = altforms[name]
    90         obj = _newobj()
    91         obj.make(altobj)
    92         list = []
    93         for altobj in altlist:
    94             nobj = _newobj()
    95             nobj.make(altobj)
    96             list.append(nobj)
    97         forms[name] = obj, list
    98     return forms
   100 def rdlong(fp):
   101     s =
   102     if len(s) != 4: return None
   103     a, b, c, d = s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]
   104     return ord(a)<<24 | ord(b)<<16 | ord(c)<<8 | ord(d)
   106 def wrlong(fp, x):
   107     a, b, c, d = (x>>24)&0xff, (x>>16)&0xff, (x>>8)&0xff, x&0xff
   108     fp.write(chr(a) + chr(b) + chr(c) + chr(d))
   110 def getmtime(filename):
   111     import os
   112     from stat import ST_MTIME
   113     try:
   114         return os.stat(filename)[ST_MTIME]
   115     except os.error:
   116         return None
   118 #
   119 # Internal: write cached version of the form (parsing is too slow!)
   120 #
   121 def writecache(filename, forms):
   122     import marshal
   123     fp, filename = _open_formfile2(filename)
   124     fp.close()
   125     cachename = filename + 'c'
   126     try:
   127         fp = open(cachename, 'w')
   128     except IOError:
   129         print 'flp: can\'t create cache file', cachename
   130         return # Never mind
   131     fp.write('\0\0\0\0') # Seek back and write MAGIC when done
   132     wrlong(fp, getmtime(filename))
   133     altforms = _pack_cache(forms)
   134     marshal.dump(altforms, fp)
   136     fp.write(MAGIC)
   137     fp.close()
   138     #print 'flp: wrote cache file', cachename
   140 #
   141 # External: print some statements that set up the internal cache.
   142 # This is for use with the "freeze" script.  You should call
   143 # flp.freeze(filename) for all forms used by the script, and collect
   144 # the output on a file in a module file named "".  Then
   145 # in the main program of the script import frozenforms.
   146 # (Don't forget to take this out when using the unfrozen version of
   147 # the script!)
   148 #
   149 def freeze(filename):
   150     forms = parse_forms(filename)
   151     altforms = _pack_cache(forms)
   152     print 'import flp'
   153     print 'flp._internal_cache[', repr(filename), '] =', altforms
   155 #
   156 # Internal: create the data structure to be placed in the cache
   157 #
   158 def _pack_cache(forms):
   159     altforms = {}
   160     for name in forms.keys():
   161         obj, list = forms[name]
   162         altobj = obj.__dict__
   163         altlist = []
   164         for obj in list: altlist.append(obj.__dict__)
   165         altforms[name] = altobj, altlist
   166     return altforms
   168 #
   169 # Internal: Locate form file (using PYTHONPATH) and open file
   170 #
   171 def _open_formfile(filename):
   172     return _open_formfile2(filename)[0]
   174 def _open_formfile2(filename):
   175     if filename[-3:] != '.fd':
   176         filename = filename + '.fd'
   177     if filename[0] == '/':
   178         try:
   179             fp = open(filename,'r')
   180         except IOError:
   181             fp = None
   182     else:
   183         for pc in sys.path:
   184             pn = os.path.join(pc, filename)
   185             try:
   186                 fp = open(pn, 'r')
   187                 filename = pn
   188                 break
   189             except IOError:
   190                 fp = None
   191     if fp is None:
   192         raise error, 'Cannot find forms file ' + filename
   193     return fp, filename
   195 #
   196 # Internal: parse the fd file header, return number of forms
   197 #
   198 def _parse_fd_header(file):
   199     # First read the magic header line
   200     datum = _parse_1_line(file)
   201     if datum != ('Magic', 12321):
   202         raise error, 'Not a forms definition file'
   203     # Now skip until we know number of forms
   204     while 1:
   205         datum = _parse_1_line(file)
   206         if type(datum) == type(()) and datum[0] == 'Numberofforms':
   207             break
   208     return datum[1]
   209 #
   210 # Internal: parse fd form, or skip if name doesn't match.
   211 # the special value None means 'always parse it'.
   212 #
   213 def _parse_fd_form(file, name):
   214     datum = _parse_1_line(file)
   215     if datum != FORMLINE:
   216         raise error, 'Missing === FORM === line'
   217     form = _parse_object(file)
   218     if form.Name == name or name is None:
   219         objs = []
   220         for j in range(form.Numberofobjects):
   221             obj = _parse_object(file)
   222             objs.append(obj)
   223         return (form, objs)
   224     else:
   225         for j in range(form.Numberofobjects):
   226             _skip_object(file)
   227     return None
   229 #
   230 # Internal class: a convenient place to store object info fields
   231 #
   232 class _newobj:
   233     def add(self, name, value):
   234         self.__dict__[name] = value
   235     def make(self, dict):
   236         for name in dict.keys():
   237             self.add(name, dict[name])
   239 #
   240 # Internal parsing routines.
   241 #
   242 def _parse_string(str):
   243     if '\\' in str:
   244         s = '\'' + str + '\''
   245         try:
   246             return eval(s)
   247         except:
   248             pass
   249     return str
   251 def _parse_num(str):
   252     return eval(str)
   254 def _parse_numlist(str):
   255     slist = string.split(str)
   256     nlist = []
   257     for i in slist:
   258         nlist.append(_parse_num(i))
   259     return nlist
   261 # This dictionary maps item names to parsing routines.
   262 # If no routine is given '_parse_num' is default.
   263 _parse_func = { \
   264         'Name':         _parse_string, \
   265         'Box':          _parse_numlist, \
   266         'Colors':       _parse_numlist, \
   267         'Label':        _parse_string, \
   268         'Name':         _parse_string, \
   269         'Callback':     _parse_string, \
   270         'Argument':     _parse_string }
   272 # This function parses a line, and returns either
   273 # a string or a tuple (name,value)
   275 import re
   276 prog = re.compile('^([^:]*): *(.*)')
   278 def _parse_line(line):
   279     match = prog.match(line)
   280     if not match:
   281         return line
   282     name, value =, 2)
   283     if name[0] == 'N':
   284         name = string.join(string.split(name),'')
   285         name = string.lower(name)
   286     name = string.capitalize(name)
   287     try:
   288         pf = _parse_func[name]
   289     except KeyError:
   290         pf = _parse_num
   291     value = pf(value)
   292     return (name, value)
   294 def _readline(file):
   295     line = file.readline()
   296     if not line:
   297         raise EOFError
   298     return line[:-1]
   300 def _parse_1_line(file):
   301     line = _readline(file)
   302     while line == '':
   303         line = _readline(file)
   304     return _parse_line(line)
   306 def _skip_object(file):
   307     line = ''
   308     while not line in (SPLITLINE, FORMLINE, ENDLINE):
   309         pos = file.tell()
   310         line = _readline(file)
   311     if line == FORMLINE:
   314 def _parse_object(file):
   315     obj = _newobj()
   316     while 1:
   317         pos = file.tell()
   318         datum = _parse_1_line(file)
   319         if datum in (SPLITLINE, FORMLINE, ENDLINE):
   320             if datum == FORMLINE:
   322             return obj
   323         if type(datum) is not type(()) or len(datum) != 2:
   324             raise error, 'Parse error, illegal line in object: '+datum
   325         obj.add(datum[0], datum[1])
   327 #################################################################
   328 #   Part 2 - High-level object/form creation routines            #
   329 #################################################################
   331 #
   332 # External - Create a form an link to an instance variable.
   333 #
   334 def create_full_form(inst, (fdata, odatalist)):
   335     form = create_form(fdata)
   336     exec 'inst.'+fdata.Name+' = form\n'
   337     for odata in odatalist:
   338         create_object_instance(inst, form, odata)
   340 #
   341 # External - Merge a form into an existing form in an instance
   342 # variable.
   343 #
   344 def merge_full_form(inst, form, (fdata, odatalist)):
   345     exec 'inst.'+fdata.Name+' = form\n'
   346     if odatalist[0].Class != FL.BOX:
   347         raise error, 'merge_full_form() expects FL.BOX as first obj'
   348     for odata in odatalist[1:]:
   349         create_object_instance(inst, form, odata)
   352 #################################################################
   353 #   Part 3 - Low-level object/form creation routines            #
   354 #################################################################
   356 #
   357 # External Create_form - Create form from parameters
   358 #
   359 def create_form(fdata):
   360     import fl
   361     return fl.make_form(FL.NO_BOX, fdata.Width, fdata.Height)
   363 #
   364 # External create_object - Create an object. Make sure there are
   365 # no callbacks. Returns the object created.
   366 #
   367 def create_object(form, odata):
   368     obj = _create_object(form, odata)
   369     if odata.Callback:
   370         raise error, 'Creating free object with callback'
   371     return obj
   372 #
   373 # External create_object_instance - Create object in an instance.
   374 #
   375 def create_object_instance(inst, form, odata):
   376     obj = _create_object(form, odata)
   377     if odata.Callback:
   378         cbfunc = eval('inst.'+odata.Callback)
   379         obj.set_call_back(cbfunc, odata.Argument)
   380     if odata.Name:
   381         exec 'inst.' + odata.Name + ' = obj\n'
   382 #
   383 # Internal _create_object: Create the object and fill options
   384 #
   385 def _create_object(form, odata):
   386     crfunc = _select_crfunc(form, odata.Class)
   387     obj = crfunc(odata.Type, odata.Box[0], odata.Box[1], odata.Box[2], \
   388             odata.Box[3], odata.Label)
   389     if not odata.Class in (FL.BEGIN_GROUP, FL.END_GROUP):
   390         obj.boxtype = odata.Boxtype
   391         obj.col1 = odata.Colors[0]
   392         obj.col2 = odata.Colors[1]
   393         obj.align = odata.Alignment
   394         obj.lstyle = odata.Style
   395         obj.lsize = odata.Size
   396         obj.lcol = odata.Lcol
   397     return obj
   398 #
   399 # Internal crfunc: helper function that returns correct create function
   400 #
   401 def _select_crfunc(fm, cl):
   402     if cl == FL.BEGIN_GROUP: return fm.bgn_group
   403     elif cl == FL.END_GROUP: return fm.end_group
   404     elif cl == FL.BITMAP: return fm.add_bitmap
   405     elif cl == FL.BOX: return fm.add_box
   406     elif cl == FL.BROWSER: return fm.add_browser
   407     elif cl == FL.BUTTON: return fm.add_button
   408     elif cl == FL.CHART: return fm.add_chart
   409     elif cl == FL.CHOICE: return fm.add_choice
   410     elif cl == FL.CLOCK: return fm.add_clock
   411     elif cl == FL.COUNTER: return fm.add_counter
   412     elif cl == FL.DIAL: return fm.add_dial
   413     elif cl == FL.FREE: return fm.add_free
   414     elif cl == FL.INPUT: return fm.add_input
   415     elif cl == FL.LIGHTBUTTON: return fm.add_lightbutton
   416     elif cl == FL.MENU: return fm.add_menu
   417     elif cl == FL.POSITIONER: return fm.add_positioner
   418     elif cl == FL.ROUNDBUTTON: return fm.add_roundbutton
   419     elif cl == FL.SLIDER: return fm.add_slider
   420     elif cl == FL.VALSLIDER: return fm.add_valslider
   421     elif cl == FL.TEXT: return fm.add_text
   422     elif cl == FL.TIMER: return fm.add_timer
   423     else:
   424         raise error, 'Unknown object type: %r' % (cl,)
   427 def test():
   428     import time
   429     t0 = time.time()
   430     if len(sys.argv) == 2:
   431         forms = parse_forms(sys.argv[1])
   432         t1 = time.time()
   433         print 'parse time:', 0.001*(t1-t0), 'sec.'
   434         keys = forms.keys()
   435         keys.sort()
   436         for i in keys:
   437             _printform(forms[i])
   438     elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
   439         form = parse_form(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
   440         t1 = time.time()
   441         print 'parse time:', round(t1-t0, 3), 'sec.'
   442         _printform(form)
   443     else:
   444         print 'Usage: test fdfile [form]'
   446 def _printform(form):
   447     f = form[0]
   448     objs = form[1]
   449     print 'Form ', f.Name, ', size: ', f.Width, f.Height, ' Nobj ', f.Numberofobjects
   450     for i in objs:
   451         print '  Obj ', i.Name, ' type ', i.Class, i.Type
   452         print '    Box ', i.Box, ' btype ', i.Boxtype
   453         print '    Label ', i.Label, ' size/style/col/align ', i.Size,i.Style, i.Lcol, i.Alignment
   454         print '    cols ', i.Colors
   455         print '    cback ', i.Callback, i.Argument