1 # This script will generate the AppleEvents interface for Python. |
2 # It uses the "bgen" package to generate C code. |
3 # It execs the file aegen.py which contain the function definitions |
4 # (aegen.py was generated by aescan.py, scanning the <AppleEvents.h> header file). |
5 |
6 |
7 from macsupport import * |
8 |
9 |
10 AEArrayType = Type("AEArrayType", "c") |
11 AESendMode = Type("AESendMode", "l") |
12 AESendPriority = Type("AESendPriority", "h") |
13 AEInteractAllowed = Type("AEInteractAllowed", "b") |
14 AEReturnID = Type("AEReturnID", "h") |
15 AETransactionID = Type("AETransactionID", "l") |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 AEEventClass = OSTypeType('AEEventClass') |
20 AEEventID = OSTypeType('AEEventID') |
21 AEKeyword = OSTypeType('AEKeyword') |
22 DescType = OSTypeType('DescType') |
23 |
24 |
25 AEDesc = OpaqueType('AEDesc') |
26 AEDesc_ptr = OpaqueType('AEDesc') |
27 |
28 AEAddressDesc = OpaqueType('AEAddressDesc', 'AEDesc') |
29 AEAddressDesc_ptr = OpaqueType('AEAddressDesc', 'AEDesc') |
30 |
31 AEDescList = OpaqueType('AEDescList', 'AEDesc') |
32 AEDescList_ptr = OpaqueType('AEDescList', 'AEDesc') |
33 |
34 AERecord = OpaqueType('AERecord', 'AEDesc') |
35 AERecord_ptr = OpaqueType('AERecord', 'AEDesc') |
36 |
37 AppleEvent = OpaqueType('AppleEvent', 'AEDesc') |
38 AppleEvent_ptr = OpaqueType('AppleEvent', 'AEDesc') |
39 |
40 |
41 class EHType(Type): |
42 def __init__(self, name = 'EventHandler', format = ''): |
43 Type.__init__(self, name, format) |
44 def declare(self, name): |
45 Output("AEEventHandlerUPP %s__proc__ = upp_GenericEventHandler;", name) |
46 Output("PyObject *%s;", name) |
47 def getargsFormat(self): |
48 return "O" |
49 def getargsArgs(self, name): |
50 return "&%s" % name |
51 def passInput(self, name): |
52 return "%s__proc__, (long)%s" % (name, name) |
53 def passOutput(self, name): |
54 return "&%s__proc__, (long *)&%s" % (name, name) |
55 def mkvalueFormat(self): |
56 return "O" |
57 def mkvalueArgs(self, name): |
58 return name |
59 def cleanup(self, name): |
60 Output("Py_INCREF(%s); /* XXX leak, but needed */", name) |
61 |
62 class EHNoRefConType(EHType): |
63 def passInput(self, name): |
64 return "upp_GenericEventHandler" |
65 |
66 EventHandler = EHType() |
67 EventHandlerNoRefCon = EHNoRefConType() |
68 |
69 |
70 IdleProcPtr = FakeType("upp_AEIdleProc") |
71 AEIdleUPP = IdleProcPtr |
72 EventFilterProcPtr = FakeType("(AEFilterUPP)0") |
73 AEFilterUPP = EventFilterProcPtr |
74 NMRecPtr = FakeType("(NMRecPtr)0") |
75 EventHandlerProcPtr = FakeType("upp_GenericEventHandler") |
76 AEEventHandlerUPP = EventHandlerProcPtr |
77 AlwaysFalse = FakeType("0") |
78 |
79 |
80 AEFunction = OSErrWeakLinkFunctionGenerator |
81 AEMethod = OSErrWeakLinkMethodGenerator |
82 |
83 |
84 includestuff = includestuff + """ |
85 #include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
86 |
88 extern PyObject *_AEDesc_New(AEDesc *); |
89 extern int _AEDesc_Convert(PyObject *, AEDesc *); |
90 |
91 #define AEDesc_New _AEDesc_New |
92 #define AEDesc_NewBorrowed _AEDesc_NewBorrowed |
93 #define AEDesc_Convert _AEDesc_Convert |
94 #endif |
95 |
96 typedef long refcontype; |
97 |
98 static pascal OSErr GenericEventHandler(const AppleEvent *request, AppleEvent *reply, refcontype refcon); /* Forward */ |
99 |
100 AEEventHandlerUPP upp_GenericEventHandler; |
101 |
102 static pascal Boolean AEIdleProc(EventRecord *theEvent, long *sleepTime, RgnHandle *mouseRgn) |
103 { |
104 if ( PyOS_InterruptOccurred() ) |
105 return 1; |
106 return 0; |
107 } |
108 |
109 AEIdleUPP upp_AEIdleProc; |
110 """ |
111 |
112 finalstuff = finalstuff + """ |
113 static pascal OSErr |
114 GenericEventHandler(const AppleEvent *request, AppleEvent *reply, refcontype refcon) |
115 { |
116 PyObject *handler = (PyObject *)refcon; |
117 AEDescObject *requestObject, *replyObject; |
118 PyObject *args, *res; |
119 if ((requestObject = (AEDescObject *)AEDesc_New((AppleEvent *)request)) == NULL) { |
120 return -1; |
121 } |
122 if ((replyObject = (AEDescObject *)AEDesc_New(reply)) == NULL) { |
123 Py_DECREF(requestObject); |
124 return -1; |
125 } |
126 if ((args = Py_BuildValue("OO", requestObject, replyObject)) == NULL) { |
127 Py_DECREF(requestObject); |
128 Py_DECREF(replyObject); |
129 return -1; |
130 } |
131 res = PyEval_CallObject(handler, args); |
132 requestObject->ob_itself.descriptorType = 'null'; |
133 requestObject->ob_itself.dataHandle = NULL; |
134 replyObject->ob_itself.descriptorType = 'null'; |
135 replyObject->ob_itself.dataHandle = NULL; |
136 Py_DECREF(args); |
137 if (res == NULL) { |
138 PySys_WriteStderr("Exception in AE event handler function\\n"); |
139 PyErr_Print(); |
140 return -1; |
141 } |
142 Py_DECREF(res); |
143 return noErr; |
144 } |
145 |
146 PyObject *AEDesc_NewBorrowed(AEDesc *itself) |
147 { |
148 PyObject *it; |
149 |
150 it = AEDesc_New(itself); |
151 if (it) |
152 ((AEDescObject *)it)->ob_owned = 0; |
153 return (PyObject *)it; |
154 } |
155 |
156 """ |
157 |
158 initstuff = initstuff + """ |
159 upp_AEIdleProc = NewAEIdleUPP(AEIdleProc); |
160 upp_GenericEventHandler = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(GenericEventHandler); |
161 PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_NEW(AEDesc *, AEDesc_New); |
162 PyMac_INIT_TOOLBOX_OBJECT_NEW(AEDesc *, AEDesc_NewBorrowed); |
164 """ |
165 |
166 module = MacModule('_AE', 'AE', includestuff, finalstuff, initstuff) |
167 |
168 class AEDescDefinition(PEP253Mixin, GlobalObjectDefinition): |
169 getsetlist = [( |
170 'type', |
171 'return PyMac_BuildOSType(self->ob_itself.descriptorType);', |
172 None, |
173 'Type of this AEDesc' |
174 ), ( |
175 'data', |
176 """ |
177 PyObject *res; |
178 Size size; |
179 char *ptr; |
180 OSErr err; |
181 |
182 size = AEGetDescDataSize(&self->ob_itself); |
183 if ( (res = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size)) == NULL ) |
184 return NULL; |
185 if ( (ptr = PyString_AsString(res)) == NULL ) |
186 return NULL; |
187 if ( (err=AEGetDescData(&self->ob_itself, ptr, size)) < 0 ) |
188 return PyMac_Error(err); |
189 return res; |
190 """, |
191 None, |
192 'The raw data in this AEDesc' |
193 )] |
194 |
195 def __init__(self, name, prefix = None, itselftype = None): |
196 GlobalObjectDefinition.__init__(self, name, prefix or name, itselftype or name) |
197 self.argref = "*" |
198 |
199 def outputStructMembers(self): |
200 GlobalObjectDefinition.outputStructMembers(self) |
201 Output("int ob_owned;") |
202 |
203 def outputInitStructMembers(self): |
204 GlobalObjectDefinition.outputInitStructMembers(self) |
205 Output("it->ob_owned = 1;") |
206 |
207 def outputCleanupStructMembers(self): |
208 Output("if (self->ob_owned) AEDisposeDesc(&self->ob_itself);") |
209 |
210 aedescobject = AEDescDefinition('AEDesc') |
211 module.addobject(aedescobject) |
212 |
213 functions = [] |
214 aedescmethods = [] |
215 |
216 execfile('aegen.py') |
217 ##execfile('aedatamodelgen.py') |
218 |
219 # Manual generator |
220 AutoDispose_body = """ |
221 int onoff, old; |
222 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "i", &onoff)) |
223 return NULL; |
224 old = _self->ob_owned; |
225 _self->ob_owned = onoff; |
226 _res = Py_BuildValue("i", old); |
227 return _res; |
228 """ |
229 f = ManualGenerator("AutoDispose", AutoDispose_body) |
230 f.docstring = lambda: "(int)->int. Automatically AEDisposeDesc the object on Python object cleanup" |
231 aedescmethods.append(f) |
232 |
233 for f in functions: module.add(f) |
234 for f in aedescmethods: aedescobject.add(f) |
235 |
236 SetOutputFileName('_AEmodule.c') |
237 module.generate() |