1 /* |
2 File: CFMLateImport.c |
3 |
4 Contains: Implementation of CFM late import library. |
5 |
6 Written by: Quinn |
7 |
8 Copyright: Copyright © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
9 |
10 You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
11 restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
12 responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
13 this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
14 changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
15 it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
16 code, but that you've made changes. |
17 |
18 Change History (most recent first): |
19 |
20 <13> 24/9/01 Quinn Fixes to compile with C++ activated. |
21 <12> 21/9/01 Quinn [2710489] Fix typo in the comments for FragmentLookup. |
22 <11> 21/9/01 Quinn Changes for CWPro7 Mach-O build. |
23 <10> 19/9/01 Quinn Corrected implementation of kPEFRelocSmBySection. Added |
24 implementations of kPEFRelocSetPosition and kPEFRelocLgByImport |
25 (from code contributed by Eric Grant, Ned Holbrook, and Steve |
26 Kalkwarf), although I can't test them yet. |
27 <9> 19/9/01 Quinn We now handle unpacked data sections, courtesy of some code from |
28 Ned Holbrook. |
29 <8> 19/9/01 Quinn Minor fixes for the previous checkin. Updated some comments and |
30 killed some dead code. |
31 <7> 19/9/01 Quinn Simplified API and implementation after a suggestion by Eric |
32 Grant. You no longer have to CFM export a dummy function; you |
33 can just pass in the address of your fragment's init routine. |
34 <6> 15/2/01 Quinn Modify compile-time warnings to complain if you try to build |
35 this module into a Mach-O binary. |
36 <5> 5/2/01 Quinn Removed redundant assignment in CFMLateImportCore. |
37 <4> 30/11/00 Quinn Added comment about future of data symbols in CF. |
38 <3> 16/11/00 Quinn Allow symbol finding via a callback and use that to implement |
39 CFBundle support. |
40 <2> 18/10/99 Quinn Renamed CFMLateImport to CFMLateImportLibrary to allow for |
41 possible future API expansion. |
42 <1> 15/6/99 Quinn First checked in. |
43 */ |
44 |
45 // To Do List: |
46 // |
47 // o get rid of dependence on ANSI "string.h", but how? |
48 // |
49 // Done: |
50 // |
51 // Ã investigate alternative APIs, like an external lookup routine |
52 // renamed CFMLateImport to CFMLateImportLibrary to allow for |
53 // future expansion of the APIs for things like CFMLateImportSymbol |
54 // Ã test with non-zero fragment offset in the file |
55 // Ã test more with MPW fragments |
56 // Ã test data imports |
57 |
58 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
59 |
60 // MoreIsBetter Setup |
61 |
62 //#include "MoreSetup.h" |
63 #define MoreAssert(x) (true) |
64 #define MoreAssertQ(x) |
65 |
66 // Mac OS Interfaces |
67 |
69 #include <CodeFragments.h> |
70 #include <PEFBinaryFormat.h> |
71 #endif |
72 |
73 // Standard C Interfaces |
74 |
75 #include <string.h> |
76 |
77 // MIB Prototypes |
78 |
79 //#include "MoreInterfaceLib.h" |
80 #define MoreBlockZero BlockZero |
81 |
82 // Our Prototypes |
83 |
84 #include "CFMLateImport.h" |
85 |
86 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
87 |
89 #error CFMLateImport is not suitable for use in a Mach-O project. |
91 #error CFMLateImport has not been qualified for 68K or CFM-68K use. |
92 #endif |
93 |
94 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
95 #pragma mark ----- Utility Routines ----- |
96 |
97 static OSStatus FSReadAtOffset(SInt16 refNum, SInt32 offset, SInt32 count, void *buffer) |
98 // A convenient wrapper around PBRead which has two advantages |
99 // over FSRead. First, it takes count as a value parameter. |
100 // Second, it reads from an arbitrary offset into the file, |
101 // which avoids a bunch of SetFPos calls. |
102 // |
103 // I guess this should go into "MoreFiles.h", but I'm not sure |
104 // how we're going to integrate such a concept into MIB yet. |
105 { |
106 ParamBlockRec pb; |
107 |
108 pb.ioParam.ioRefNum = refNum; |
109 pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) buffer; |
110 pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = count; |
111 pb.ioParam.ioPosMode = fsFromStart; |
112 pb.ioParam.ioPosOffset = offset; |
113 |
114 return PBReadSync(&pb); |
115 } |
116 |
117 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
118 #pragma mark ----- Late Import Engine ----- |
119 |
120 // This structure represents the core data structure of the late import |
121 // engine. It basically holds information about the fragment we're going |
122 // to fix up. It starts off with the first three fields, which are |
123 // provided by the client. Then, as we procede through the operation, |
124 // we fill out more fields. |
125 |
126 struct FragToFixInfo { |
127 CFragSystem7DiskFlatLocator locator; // How to find the fragment's container. |
128 CFragConnectionID connID; // CFM connection to the fragment. |
129 CFragInitFunction initRoutine; // The CFM init routine for the fragment. |
130 PEFContainerHeader containerHeader; // The CFM header, read in from the container. |
131 PEFSectionHeader *sectionHeaders; // The CFM section headers. A pointer block containing an array of containerHeader.sectionCount elements. |
132 PEFLoaderInfoHeader *loaderSection; // The entire CFM loader section in a pointer block. |
133 SInt16 fileRef; // A read-only path to the CFM container. We keep this here because one that one routine needs to read from the container. |
134 void *section0Base; // The base address of section 0, which we go through hoops to calculate. |
135 void *section1Base; // The base address of section 1, which we go through hoops to calculate. |
136 Boolean disposeSectionPointers; // See below. |
137 }; |
138 typedef struct FragToFixInfo FragToFixInfo; |
139 |
140 // The disposeSectionPointers Boolean is designed for future cool VM |
141 // support. If VM is on, the entire code fragment is file mapped into |
142 // high memory, including the data we're forced to allocate the |
143 // sectionHeaders and loaderSection memory blocks to maintain. If |
144 // we could find the address of the entire file mapped container, |
145 // we could access the information directly from there and thus |
146 // we wouldn't need to allocate (or dispose of) the memory blocks |
147 // for sectionHeaders and loaderSection. |
148 // |
149 // I haven't implemented this yet because a) I'm not sure how to do |
150 // it with documented APIs, and b) I couldn't be bothered, but |
151 // disposeSectionPointers remains as vestigial support for the concept. |
152 |
153 static OSStatus ReadContainerBasics(FragToFixInfo *fragToFix) |
154 // Reads some basic information from the container of the |
155 // fragment to fix and stores it in various fields of |
156 // fragToFix. This includes: |
157 // |
158 // o containerHeader -- The contain header itself. |
159 // o sectionHeaders -- The array of section headers (in a newly allocated pointer block). |
160 // o loaderSection -- The entire loader section (in a newly allocated pointer block). |
161 // |
162 // Also sets disposeSectionPointers to indicate whether |
163 // the last two pointers should be disposed of. |
164 // |
165 // Finally, it leaves the container file open for later |
166 // folks who want to read data from it. |
167 { |
168 OSStatus err; |
169 UInt16 sectionIndex; |
170 Boolean found; |
171 |
172 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix != nil); |
173 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->locator.fileSpec != nil); |
174 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->connID != nil); |
175 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->loaderSection == nil); |
176 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->sectionHeaders == nil); |
177 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->fileRef == 0); |
178 |
179 fragToFix->disposeSectionPointers = true; |
180 |
181 // Open up the file, read the container head, then read in |
182 // all the section headers, then go looking through the |
183 // section headers for the loader section (PEF defines |
184 // that there can be only one). |
185 |
186 err = FSpOpenDF(fragToFix->locator.fileSpec, fsRdPerm, &fragToFix->fileRef); |
187 if (err == noErr) { |
188 err = FSReadAtOffset(fragToFix->fileRef, |
189 fragToFix->locator.offset, |
190 sizeof(fragToFix->containerHeader), |
191 &fragToFix->containerHeader); |
192 if (err == noErr) { |
193 if ( fragToFix->containerHeader.tag1 != kPEFTag1 |
194 || fragToFix->containerHeader.tag2 != kPEFTag2 |
195 || fragToFix->containerHeader.architecture != kCompiledCFragArch |
196 || fragToFix->containerHeader.formatVersion != kPEFVersion) { |
197 err = cfragFragmentFormatErr; |
198 } |
199 } |
200 if (err == noErr) { |
201 fragToFix->sectionHeaders = (PEFSectionHeader *) NewPtr(fragToFix->containerHeader.sectionCount * sizeof(PEFSectionHeader)); |
202 err = MemError(); |
203 } |
204 if (err == noErr) { |
205 err = FSReadAtOffset(fragToFix->fileRef, |
206 fragToFix->locator.offset + sizeof(fragToFix->containerHeader), |
207 fragToFix->containerHeader.sectionCount * sizeof(PEFSectionHeader), |
208 fragToFix->sectionHeaders); |
209 } |
210 if (err == noErr) { |
211 sectionIndex = 0; |
212 found = false; |
213 while ( sectionIndex < fragToFix->containerHeader.sectionCount && ! found ) { |
214 found = (fragToFix->sectionHeaders[sectionIndex].sectionKind == kPEFLoaderSection); |
215 if ( ! found ) { |
216 sectionIndex += 1; |
217 } |
218 } |
219 } |
220 if (err == noErr && ! found) { |
221 err = cfragNoSectionErr; |
222 } |
223 |
224 // Now read allocate a pointer block and read the loader section into it. |
225 |
226 if (err == noErr) { |
227 fragToFix->loaderSection = (PEFLoaderInfoHeader *) NewPtr(fragToFix->sectionHeaders[sectionIndex].containerLength); |
228 err = MemError(); |
229 } |
230 if (err == noErr) { |
231 err = FSReadAtOffset(fragToFix->fileRef, |
232 fragToFix->locator.offset + fragToFix->sectionHeaders[sectionIndex].containerOffset, |
233 fragToFix->sectionHeaders[sectionIndex].containerLength, |
234 fragToFix->loaderSection); |
235 } |
236 } |
237 |
238 // No clean up. The client must init fragToFix to zeros and then |
239 // clean up regardless of whether we return an error. |
240 |
241 return err; |
242 } |
243 |
244 static UInt32 DecodeVCountValue(const UInt8 *start, UInt32 *outCount) |
245 // Given a pointer to the start of a variable length PEF value, |
246 // work out the value (in *outCount). Returns the number of bytes |
247 // consumed by the value. |
248 { |
249 UInt8 * bytePtr; |
250 UInt8 byte; |
251 UInt32 count; |
252 |
253 bytePtr = (UInt8 *)start; |
254 |
255 // Code taken from "PEFBinaryFormat.h". |
256 count = 0; |
257 do { |
258 byte = *bytePtr++; |
259 count = (count << kPEFPkDataVCountShift) | (byte & kPEFPkDataVCountMask); |
260 } while ((byte & kPEFPkDataVCountEndMask) != 0); |
261 |
262 *outCount = count; |
263 return bytePtr - start; |
264 } |
265 |
266 static UInt32 DecodeInstrCountValue(const UInt8 *inOpStart, UInt32 *outCount) |
267 // Given a pointer to the start of an opcode (inOpStart), work out the |
268 // count argument for that opcode (*outCount). Returns the number of |
269 // bytes consumed by the opcode and count combination. |
270 { |
271 MoreAssertQ(inOpStart != nil); |
272 MoreAssertQ(outCount != nil); |
273 |
274 if (PEFPkDataCount5(*inOpStart) != 0) |
275 { |
276 // Simple case, count encoded in opcode. |
277 *outCount = PEFPkDataCount5(*inOpStart); |
278 return 1; |
279 } |
280 else |
281 { |
282 // Variable-length case. |
283 return 1 + DecodeVCountValue(inOpStart + 1, outCount); |
284 } |
285 } |
286 |
287 static OSStatus UnpackPEFDataSection(const UInt8 * const packedData, UInt32 packedSize, |
288 UInt8 * const unpackedData, UInt32 unpackedSize) |
289 { |
290 OSErr err; |
291 UInt32 offset; |
292 UInt8 opCode; |
293 UInt8 * unpackCursor; |
294 |
295 MoreAssertQ(packedData != nil); |
296 MoreAssertQ(unpackedData != nil); |
297 MoreAssertQ(unpackedSize >= packedSize); |
298 |
299 // The following asserts assume that the client allocated the memory with NewPtr, |
300 // which may not always be true. However, the asserts' value in preventing accidental |
301 // memory block overruns outweighs the possible maintenance effort. |
302 |
303 MoreAssertQ( packedSize == GetPtrSize( (Ptr) packedData ) ); |
304 MoreAssertQ( unpackedSize == GetPtrSize( (Ptr) unpackedData) ); |
305 |
306 err = noErr; |
307 offset = 0; |
308 unpackCursor = unpackedData; |
309 while (offset < packedSize) { |
310 MoreAssertQ(unpackCursor < &unpackedData[unpackedSize]); |
311 |
312 opCode = packedData[offset]; |
313 |
314 switch (PEFPkDataOpcode(opCode)) { |
315 case kPEFPkDataZero: |
316 { |
317 UInt32 count; |
318 |
319 offset += DecodeInstrCountValue(&packedData[offset], &count); |
320 |
321 MoreBlockZero(unpackCursor, count); |
322 unpackCursor += count; |
323 } |
324 break; |
325 |
326 case kPEFPkDataBlock: |
327 { |
328 UInt32 blockSize; |
329 |
330 offset += DecodeInstrCountValue(&packedData[offset], &blockSize); |
331 |
332 BlockMoveData(&packedData[offset], unpackCursor, blockSize); |
333 unpackCursor += blockSize; |
334 offset += blockSize; |
335 } |
336 break; |
337 |
338 case kPEFPkDataRepeat: |
339 { |
340 UInt32 blockSize; |
341 UInt32 repeatCount; |
342 UInt32 loopCounter; |
343 |
344 offset += DecodeInstrCountValue(&packedData[offset], &blockSize); |
345 offset += DecodeVCountValue(&packedData[offset], &repeatCount); |
346 repeatCount += 1; // stored value is (repeatCount - 1) |
347 |
348 for (loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < repeatCount; loopCounter++) { |
349 BlockMoveData(&packedData[offset], unpackCursor, blockSize); |
350 unpackCursor += blockSize; |
351 } |
352 offset += blockSize; |
353 } |
354 break; |
355 |
356 case kPEFPkDataRepeatBlock: |
357 { |
358 UInt32 commonSize; |
359 UInt32 customSize; |
360 UInt32 repeatCount; |
361 const UInt8 *commonData; |
362 const UInt8 *customData; |
363 UInt32 loopCounter; |
364 |
365 offset += DecodeInstrCountValue(&packedData[offset], &commonSize); |
366 offset += DecodeVCountValue(&packedData[offset], &customSize); |
367 offset += DecodeVCountValue(&packedData[offset], &repeatCount); |
368 |
369 commonData = &packedData[offset]; |
370 customData = &packedData[offset + commonSize]; |
371 |
372 for (loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < repeatCount; loopCounter++) { |
373 BlockMoveData(commonData, unpackCursor, commonSize); |
374 unpackCursor += commonSize; |
375 BlockMoveData(customData, unpackCursor, customSize); |
376 unpackCursor += customSize; |
377 customData += customSize; |
378 } |
379 BlockMoveData(commonData, unpackCursor, commonSize); |
380 unpackCursor += commonSize; |
381 offset += (repeatCount * (commonSize + customSize)) + commonSize; |
382 } |
383 break; |
384 |
385 case kPEFPkDataRepeatZero: |
386 { |
387 UInt32 commonSize; |
388 UInt32 customSize; |
389 UInt32 repeatCount; |
390 const UInt8 *customData; |
391 UInt32 loopCounter; |
392 |
393 offset += DecodeInstrCountValue(&packedData[offset], &commonSize); |
394 offset += DecodeVCountValue(&packedData[offset], &customSize); |
395 offset += DecodeVCountValue(&packedData[offset], &repeatCount); |
396 |
397 customData = &packedData[offset]; |
398 |
399 for (loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < repeatCount; loopCounter++) { |
400 MoreBlockZero(unpackCursor, commonSize); |
401 unpackCursor += commonSize; |
402 BlockMoveData(customData, unpackCursor, customSize); |
403 unpackCursor += customSize; |
404 customData += customSize; |
405 } |
406 MoreBlockZero(unpackCursor, commonSize); |
407 unpackCursor += commonSize; |
408 offset += repeatCount * customSize; |
409 } |
410 break; |
411 |
412 default: |
413 #if MORE_DEBUG |
414 DebugStr("\pUnpackPEFDataSection: Unexpected data opcode"); |
415 #endif |
416 err = cfragFragmentCorruptErr; |
417 goto leaveNow; |
418 break; |
419 } |
420 } |
421 |
422 leaveNow: |
423 return err; |
424 } |
425 |
426 /* SetupSectionBaseAddresses Rationale |
427 ----------------------------------- |
428 |
429 OK, here's where things get weird. In order to run the relocation |
430 engine, I need to be able to find the base address of an instantiated |
431 section of the fragment we're fixing up given only its section number. |
432 This isn't hard for CFM to do because it's the one that instantiated the |
433 sections in the first place. It's surprisingly difficult to do if |
434 you're not CFM. [And you don't have access to the private CFM APis for |
435 doing it.] |
436 |
437 [Alan Lillich is going to kill me when he reads this! I should point out |
438 that TVector's don't have to contain two words, they can be longer, |
439 and that the second word isn't necessarily a TOC pointer, it's |
440 just that the calling conventions require that it be put in the |
441 TOC register when the code is called. |
442 |
443 Furthermore, the code section isn't always section 0, and the data |
444 section isn't always section 1, and there can be zero to many sections |
445 of each type. |
446 |
447 But these niceties are besides the point: I'm doing something tricky |
448 because I don't have a nice API for getting section base addresses. |
449 If I had a nice API for doing that, none of this code would exist. |
450 ] |
451 |
452 The technique is very sneaky (thanks to Eric Grant). The fragment to |
453 fix necessarily has a CFM init routine (because it needs that routine |
454 in order to capture the fragment location and connection ID). Thus the |
455 fragment to fix must have a TVector in its data section. TVectors are |
456 interesting because they're made up of two words. The first is a pointer |
457 to the code that implements the routine; the second is a pointer to the TOC |
458 for the fragment that's exporting the TVector. How TVectors are |
459 created is interesting too. On disk, a TVector consists of two words, |
460 the first being the offset from the start of the code section to the |
461 routine, the second being the offset from the start of the data section |
462 to the TOC base. When CFM prepares a TVector, it applies the following |
463 transform: |
464 |
465 tvector.codePtr = tvector.codeOffset + base of code section |
466 tvector.tocPtr = tvector.tocOffset + base of data section |
467 |
468 Now, you can reverse these questions to make them: |
469 |
470 base of code section = tvector.codePtr - tvector.codeOffset |
471 base of data section = tvector.dataPtr - tvector.dataOffset |
472 |
473 So if you can find the relocated contents of the TVector and |
474 find the original offsets that made up the TVector, you can then |
475 calculate the base address of both the code and data sections. |
476 |
477 Finding the relocated contents of the TVector is easy; I simply |
478 require the client to pass in a pointer to its init routine. |
479 A routine pointer is a TVector pointer, so you can just cast it |
480 and extract the pair of words. |
481 |
482 Finding the original offsets is a trickier. My technique is to |
483 look up the init routine in the fragment's loader info header. This |
484 yields the section number and offset where the init routine's unrelocated |
485 TVector exists. Once I have that, I can just read the unrelocated TVector |
486 out of the file and extract the offsets. |
487 */ |
488 |
489 struct TVector { |
490 void *codePtr; |
491 void *tocPtr; |
492 }; |
493 typedef struct TVector TVector; |
494 |
495 static OSStatus SetupSectionBaseAddresses(FragToFixInfo *fragToFix) |
496 // This routine initialises the section0Base and section1Base |
497 // base fields of fragToFix to the base addresses of the |
498 // instantiated fragment represented by the other fields |
499 // of fragToFix. The process works in three states: |
500 // |
501 // 1. Find the contents of the relocated TVector of the |
502 // fragment's initialisation routine, provided to us by |
503 // the caller. |
504 // |
505 // 2. Find the contents of the non-relocated TVector by |
506 // looking it up in the PEF loader info header and then |
507 // using that to read the TVector contents from disk. |
508 // This yields the offsets from the section bases for |
509 // the init routine. |
510 // |
511 // 3. Subtract 2 from 3. |
512 { |
513 OSStatus err; |
514 TVector * relocatedExport; |
515 SInt32 initSection; |
516 UInt32 initOffset; |
517 PEFSectionHeader * initSectionHeader; |
518 Ptr packedDataSection; |
519 Ptr unpackedDataSection; |
520 TVector originalOffsets; |
521 |
522 packedDataSection = nil; |
523 unpackedDataSection = nil; |
524 |
525 // Step 1. |
526 |
527 // First find the init routine's TVector, which gives us the relocated |
528 // offsets of the init routine into the data and code sections. |
529 |
530 relocatedExport = (TVector *) fragToFix->initRoutine; |
531 |
532 // Step 2. |
533 |
534 // Now find the init routine's TVector's offsets in the data section on |
535 // disk. This gives us the raw offsets from the data and code section |
536 // of the beginning of the init routine. |
537 |
538 err = noErr; |
539 initSection = fragToFix->loaderSection->initSection; |
540 initOffset = fragToFix->loaderSection->initOffset; |
541 if (initSection == -1) { |
542 err = cfragFragmentUsageErr; |
543 } |
544 if (err == noErr) { |
545 MoreAssertQ( initSection >= 0 ); // Negative indexes are pseudo-sections which are just not allowed! |
546 MoreAssertQ( initSection < fragToFix->containerHeader.sectionCount ); |
547 |
548 initSectionHeader = &fragToFix->sectionHeaders[initSection]; |
549 |
550 // If the data section is packed, unpack it to a temporary buffer and then get the |
551 // original offsets from that buffer. If the data section is unpacked, just read |
552 // the original offsets directly off the disk. |
553 |
554 if ( initSectionHeader->sectionKind == kPEFPackedDataSection ) { |
555 |
556 // Allocate space for packed and unpacked copies of the section. |
557 |
558 packedDataSection = NewPtr(initSectionHeader->containerLength); |
559 err = MemError(); |
560 |
561 if (err == noErr) { |
562 unpackedDataSection = NewPtr(initSectionHeader->unpackedLength); |
563 err = MemError(); |
564 } |
565 |
566 // Read the contents of the packed section. |
567 |
568 if (err == noErr) { |
569 err = FSReadAtOffset( fragToFix->fileRef, |
570 fragToFix->locator.offset |
571 + initSectionHeader->containerOffset, |
572 initSectionHeader->containerLength, |
573 packedDataSection); |
574 } |
575 |
576 // Unpack the data into the unpacked section. |
577 |
578 if (err == noErr) { |
579 err = UnpackPEFDataSection( (UInt8 *) packedDataSection, initSectionHeader->containerLength, |
580 (UInt8 *) unpackedDataSection, initSectionHeader->unpackedLength); |
581 } |
582 |
583 // Extract the init routine's TVector from the unpacked section. |
584 |
585 if (err == noErr) { |
586 BlockMoveData(unpackedDataSection + initOffset, &originalOffsets, sizeof(TVector)); |
587 } |
588 |
589 } else { |
590 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->sectionHeaders[initSection].sectionKind == kPEFUnpackedDataSection); |
591 err = FSReadAtOffset(fragToFix->fileRef, |
592 fragToFix->locator.offset |
593 + fragToFix->sectionHeaders[initSection].containerOffset |
594 + initOffset, |
595 sizeof(TVector), |
596 &originalOffsets); |
597 } |
598 } |
599 |
600 // Step 3. |
601 |
602 // Do the maths to subtract the unrelocated offsets from the current address |
603 // to get the base address. |
604 |
605 if (err == noErr) { |
606 fragToFix->section0Base = ((char *) relocatedExport->codePtr) - (UInt32) originalOffsets.codePtr; |
607 fragToFix->section1Base = ((char *) relocatedExport->tocPtr) - (UInt32) originalOffsets.tocPtr; |
608 } |
609 |
610 // Clean up. |
611 |
612 if (packedDataSection != nil) { |
613 DisposePtr(packedDataSection); |
614 MoreAssertQ( MemError() == noErr ); |
615 } |
616 if (unpackedDataSection != nil) { |
617 DisposePtr(unpackedDataSection); |
618 MoreAssertQ( MemError() == noErr ); |
619 } |
620 return err; |
621 } |
622 |
623 static void *GetSectionBaseAddress(const FragToFixInfo *fragToFix, UInt16 sectionIndex) |
624 // This routine returns the base of the instantiated section |
625 // whose index is sectionIndex. This routine is the evil twin |
626 // of SetupSectionBaseAddresses. It simply returns the values |
627 // for section 0 and 1 that we derived in SetupSectionBaseAddresses. |
628 // In a real implementation, this routine would call CFM API |
629 // to get this information, and SetupSectionBaseAddresses would |
630 // not exist, but CFM does not export the necessary APIs to |
631 // third parties. |
632 { |
633 void *result; |
634 |
635 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix != nil); |
636 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->containerHeader.tag1 == kPEFTag1); |
637 |
638 switch (sectionIndex) { |
639 case 0: |
640 result = fragToFix->section0Base; |
641 break; |
642 case 1: |
643 result = fragToFix->section1Base; |
644 break; |
645 default: |
646 result = nil; |
647 break; |
648 } |
649 return result; |
650 } |
651 |
652 |
653 static OSStatus FindImportLibrary(PEFLoaderInfoHeader *loaderSection, const char *libraryName, PEFImportedLibrary **importLibrary) |
654 // This routine finds the import library description (PEFImportedLibrary) |
655 // for the import library libraryName in the PEF loader section. |
656 // It sets *importLibrary to the address of the description. |
657 { |
658 OSStatus err; |
659 UInt32 librariesRemaining; |
660 PEFImportedLibrary *thisImportLibrary; |
661 Boolean found; |
662 |
663 MoreAssertQ(loaderSection != nil); |
664 MoreAssertQ(libraryName != nil); |
665 MoreAssertQ(importLibrary != nil); |
666 |
667 // Loop through each import library looking for a matching name. |
668 |
669 // Initialise thisImportLibrary to point to the byte after the |
670 // end of the loader section's header. |
671 |
672 thisImportLibrary = (PEFImportedLibrary *) (loaderSection + 1); |
673 librariesRemaining = loaderSection->importedLibraryCount; |
674 found = false; |
675 while ( librariesRemaining > 0 && ! found ) { |
676 // PEF defines that import library names will have |
677 // a null terminator, so we can just use strcmp. |
678 found = (strcmp( libraryName, |
679 ((char *)loaderSection) |
680 + loaderSection->loaderStringsOffset |
681 + thisImportLibrary->nameOffset) == 0); |
682 // *** Remove ANSI strcmp eventually. |
683 if ( ! found ) { |
684 thisImportLibrary += 1; |
685 librariesRemaining -= 1; |
686 } |
687 } |
688 |
689 if (found) { |
690 *importLibrary = thisImportLibrary; |
691 err = noErr; |
692 } else { |
693 *importLibrary = nil; |
694 err = cfragNoLibraryErr; |
695 } |
696 return err; |
697 } |
698 |
699 static OSStatus LookupSymbol(CFMLateImportLookupProc lookup, void *refCon, |
700 PEFLoaderInfoHeader *loaderSection, |
701 UInt32 symbolIndex, |
702 UInt32 *symbolValue) |
703 // This routine is used to look up a symbol during relocation. |
704 // "lookup" is a client callback and refCon is its argument. |
705 // Typically refCon is the CFM connection to the library that is |
706 // substituting for the weak linked library. loaderSection |
707 // is a pointer to the loader section of the fragment to fix up. |
708 // symbolIndex is the index of the imported symbol in the loader section. |
709 // The routine sets the word pointed to by symbolValue to the |
710 // value of the symbol. |
711 // |
712 // The routine works by using symbolIndex to index into the imported |
713 // symbol table to find the offset of the symbol's name in the string |
714 // table. It then looks up the symbol by calling the client's "lookup" |
715 // function and passes the resulting symbol address back in symbolValue. |
716 { |
717 OSStatus err; |
718 UInt32 *importSymbolTable; |
719 UInt32 symbolStringOffset; |
720 Boolean symbolIsWeak; |
721 CFragSymbolClass symbolClass; |
722 char *symbolStringAddress; |
723 Str255 symbolString; |
724 |
725 MoreAssertQ(lookup != nil); |
726 MoreAssertQ(loaderSection != nil); |
727 MoreAssertQ(symbolIndex < loaderSection->totalImportedSymbolCount); |
728 MoreAssertQ(symbolValue != nil); |
729 |
730 // Find the base of the imported symbol table. |
731 |
732 importSymbolTable = (UInt32 *)(((char *)(loaderSection + 1)) + (loaderSection->importedLibraryCount * sizeof(PEFImportedLibrary))); |
733 |
734 // Grab the appropriate entry out of the table and |
735 // extract the information from that entry. |
736 |
737 symbolStringOffset = importSymbolTable[symbolIndex]; |
738 symbolClass = PEFImportedSymbolClass(symbolStringOffset); |
739 symbolIsWeak = ((symbolClass & kPEFWeakImportSymMask) != 0); |
740 symbolClass = symbolClass & ~kPEFWeakImportSymMask; |
741 symbolStringOffset = PEFImportedSymbolNameOffset(symbolStringOffset); |
742 |
743 // Find the string for the symbol in the strings table and |
744 // extract it from the table into a Pascal string on the stack. |
745 |
746 symbolStringAddress = ((char *)loaderSection) + loaderSection->loaderStringsOffset + symbolStringOffset; |
747 symbolString[0] = strlen(symbolStringAddress); // *** remove ANSI strlen |
748 BlockMoveData(symbolStringAddress, &symbolString[1], symbolString[0]); |
749 |
750 // Look up the symbol in substitute library. If it fails, return |
751 // a 0 value and check whether the error is fatal (a strong linked |
752 // symbol) or benign (a weak linked symbol). |
753 |
754 err = lookup(symbolString, symbolClass, (void **) symbolValue, refCon); |
755 if (err != noErr) { |
756 *symbolValue = 0; |
757 if (symbolIsWeak) { |
758 err = noErr; |
759 } |
760 } |
761 return err; |
762 } |
763 |
764 // The EngineState structure encapsulates all of the persistent state |
765 // of the CFM relocation engine virtual machine. I originally defined |
766 // this structure so I could pass the state around between routines |
767 // that implement various virtual opcodes, however I later worked |
768 // out that the relocation was sufficiently simple that I could put it |
769 // in in one routine. Still, I left the state in this structure in |
770 // case I ever need to reverse that decision. It's also a convenient |
771 // instructional design. |
772 |
773 struct EngineState { |
774 UInt32 currentReloc; // Index of current relocation opcodes |
775 UInt32 terminatingReloc; // Index of relocation opcodes which terminates relocation |
776 UInt32 *sectionBase; // Start of the section |
777 UInt32 *relocAddress; // Address within the section where the relocations are to be performed |
778 UInt32 importIndex; // Symbol index, which is used to access an imported symbol's address |
779 void *sectionC; // Memory address of an instantiated section within the PEF container; this variable is used by relocation opcodes that relocate section addresses |
780 void *sectionD; // Memory address of an instantiated section within the PEF container; this variable is used by relocation opcodes that relocate section addresses |
781 }; |
782 typedef struct EngineState EngineState; |
783 |
784 // Note: |
785 // If I ever have to support the repeat opcodes, I'll probably |
786 // have to add a repeat counter to EngineState. |
787 |
788 static OSStatus InitEngineState(const FragToFixInfo *fragToFix, |
789 UInt16 relocHeaderIndex, |
790 EngineState *state) |
791 // This routine initialises the engine state suitably for |
792 // running the relocation opcodes for the section whose |
793 // index is relocHeaderIndex. relocHeaderIndex is not a |
794 // a section number. See the comment where it's used below |
795 // for details. The routine basically fills out all the fields |
796 // in the EngineState structure as described by |
797 // "Mac OS Runtime Architectures". |
798 { |
799 OSStatus err; |
800 PEFLoaderRelocationHeader *relocHeader; |
801 |
802 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix != nil); |
803 MoreAssertQ(state != nil); |
804 |
805 // This bit is tricky. relocHeaderIndex is an index into the relocation |
806 // header table, starting at relocSectionCount (which is in the loader |
807 // section header) for the first relocated section and decrementing |
808 // down to 1 for the last relocated section. I find the relocation |
809 // header by using relocHeaderIndex as a index backwards from the |
810 // start of the relocation opcodes (ie relocInstrOffset). If you |
811 // look at the diagram of the layout of the container in |
812 // "PEFBinaryFormat.h", you'll see that the relocation opcodes |
813 // immediately follow the relocation headers. |
814 // |
815 // I did this because the alternative (starting at the loader |
816 // header and stepping past the import library table and the |
817 // import symbol table) was a pain. |
818 |
819 relocHeader = (PEFLoaderRelocationHeader *) (((char *) fragToFix->loaderSection) + fragToFix->loaderSection->relocInstrOffset - relocHeaderIndex * sizeof(PEFLoaderRelocationHeader)); |
820 |
821 MoreAssertQ(relocHeader->reservedA == 0); // PEF spec says it must be; we check to try to catch bugs in calculation of relocHeader |
822 |
823 state->currentReloc = relocHeader->firstRelocOffset; |
824 state->terminatingReloc = relocHeader->firstRelocOffset + relocHeader->relocCount; |
825 state->sectionBase = (UInt32 *) GetSectionBaseAddress(fragToFix, relocHeader->sectionIndex); |
826 state->relocAddress = state->sectionBase; |
827 state->importIndex = 0; |
828 |
829 // From "Mac OS Runtime Architectures": |
830 // |
831 // The sectionC and sectionD variables actually contain the |
832 // memory address of an instantiated section minus the |
833 // default address for that section. The default address for a |
834 // section is contained in the defaultAddress field of the |
835 // section header. However, in almost all cases the default |
836 // address should be 0, so the simplified definition suffices. |
837 // |
838 // In the debug version, we drop into MacsBug if this weird case |
839 // ever executes because it's more likely we made a mistake than |
840 // we encountered a section with a default address. |
841 |
842 state->sectionC = GetSectionBaseAddress(fragToFix, 0); |
843 if (state->sectionC != nil) { |
844 #if MORE_DEBUG |
845 if (fragToFix->sectionHeaders[0].defaultAddress != 0) { |
846 DebugStr("\pInitEngineState: Executing weird case."); |
847 } |
848 #endif |
849 (char *) state->sectionC -= fragToFix->sectionHeaders[0].defaultAddress; |
850 } |
851 state->sectionD = GetSectionBaseAddress(fragToFix, 1); |
852 if (state->sectionD != nil) { |
853 #if MORE_DEBUG |
854 if (fragToFix->sectionHeaders[1].defaultAddress != 0) { |
855 DebugStr("\pInitEngineState: Executing weird case."); |
856 } |
857 #endif |
858 (char *) state->sectionD -= fragToFix->sectionHeaders[1].defaultAddress; |
859 } |
860 |
861 err = noErr; |
862 if (state->relocAddress == nil) { |
863 err = cfragFragmentUsageErr; |
864 } |
865 return err; |
866 } |
867 |
868 // kPEFRelocBasicOpcodes is a table that maps the top 7 bits of the opcode |
869 // to a fundamental action. It's contents are defined for me in "PEFBinaryFormat.h", |
870 // which is really convenient. |
871 |
872 static UInt8 kPEFRelocBasicOpcodes[kPEFRelocBasicOpcodeRange] = { PEFMaskedBasicOpcodes }; |
873 |
874 static OSStatus RunRelocationEngine(const FragToFixInfo *fragToFix, |
875 PEFImportedLibrary *importLibrary, |
876 CFMLateImportLookupProc lookup, void *refCon) |
877 // This is where the rubber really hits the. Given a fully |
878 // populated fragToFix structure, the import library description |
879 // of the weak imported library we're resolving, and a connection |
880 // to the library we're going to substitute it, re-execute the |
881 // relocation instructions (CFM has already executed them once) |
882 // but only *do* instructions (ie store the change to the data section) |
883 // that CFM skipped because the weak symbols were missing. |
884 { |
885 OSStatus err; |
886 EngineState state; |
887 UInt16 sectionsLeftToRelocate; |
888 UInt32 totalRelocs; |
889 UInt16 *relocInstrTable; |
890 UInt16 opCode; |
891 |
892 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix != nil); |
893 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->containerHeader.tag1 == kPEFTag1); |
894 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->sectionHeaders != nil); |
895 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->loaderSection != nil); |
896 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->section0Base != nil); // Technically, having a nil for these two is not a problem, ... |
897 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->section1Base != nil); // but in practise it a wildly deviant case and we should know about it. |
898 MoreAssertQ(importLibrary != nil); |
899 MoreAssertQ(lookup != nil); |
900 |
901 // Before entering the loop, work out some information in advance. |
902 |
903 // totalRelocs is only used for debugging, to make sure our |
904 // relocation PC (state.currentReloc) doesn't run wild. |
905 |
906 totalRelocs = (fragToFix->loaderSection->loaderStringsOffset - fragToFix->loaderSection->relocInstrOffset) / sizeof(UInt16); |
907 |
908 // relocInstrTable is the base address of the table of relocation |
909 // instructions in the fragment to fix. |
910 |
911 relocInstrTable = (UInt16 *)((char *) fragToFix->loaderSection + fragToFix->loaderSection->relocInstrOffset); |
912 |
913 // sectionsLeftToRelocate is the loop counter for the outer loop. |
914 |
915 MoreAssertQ(fragToFix->loaderSection->relocSectionCount <= 0x0FFFF); |
916 sectionsLeftToRelocate = fragToFix->loaderSection->relocSectionCount; |
917 |
918 // Now let's run the relocation engine. We run it once per |
919 // section in the table. Each time around, we init the engine |
920 // and then loop again, this time executing individual opcodes. |
921 // The opcode loop terminates when the relocation PC |
922 // (state.currentReloc) hits the final opcode (state.terminatingReloc). |
923 |
924 // Note: |
925 // One design decision I made was to totally re-init the engine state |
926 // for each section. The CFM spec is unclear as to whether you're supposed |
927 // to totally re-init the engine state, or just re-init the section-specific |
928 // state (ie currentReloc, terminatingReloc, and relocAddress). I hope this |
929 // is correct, but it's hard to test without having a fragment with multiple |
930 // relocated sections, which is difficult to create. |
931 |
932 // How do I decide which opcodes should be effective (ie make changes to |
933 // the section being relocated) and which opcodes should just be executed |
934 // for their side effects (ie updated state.relocAddress or state.importIndex)? |
935 // The answer is both simple and subtle. Opcodes whose actions are dependent |
936 // on a symbol that was in the weak linked library are effective, those that |
937 // an independent of those symbols are not. The only opcodes that use |
938 // symbolic values are kPEFRelocImportRun and kPEFRelocSmByImport, and |
939 // these are only if the symbol is in the weak linked library. |
940 // All other cases are executed for their side effects only. |
941 // |
942 // How do I determine if a symbol is in the weak linked library? |
943 // Well I know the symbol's index and I know the lower bound and count |
944 // of the symbols in the weak linked library, so I just do a simple |
945 // bounds test, ie |
946 // |
947 // firstImportedSymbol <= importIndex < firstImportedSymbol + importedSymbolCount |
948 |
949 // From this code, it's relatively easy to see which relocation opcodes |
950 // aren't implemented. If you ever encounter one, you'll find yourself |
951 // in MacsBug with a message telling you which opcode was found. The |
952 // two big groups of opcodes I skipped were the large format opcodes |
953 // and the repeating opcodes. I skipped them because: |
954 // |
955 // a) I haven't got a way to generate them in a PEF container that I can |
956 // test against. Without that, there's no way I could be assured that |
957 // the code worked. |
958 // |
959 // b) I'm lazy. |
960 |
961 err = noErr; |
962 while ( sectionsLeftToRelocate > 0 ) { |
963 err = InitEngineState(fragToFix, sectionsLeftToRelocate, &state); |
964 if (err != noErr) { |
965 goto leaveNow; |
966 } |
967 |
968 while ( state.currentReloc != state.terminatingReloc ) { |
969 |
970 MoreAssertQ( state.currentReloc < totalRelocs ); |
971 |
972 opCode = relocInstrTable[state.currentReloc]; |
973 switch ( PEFRelocBasicOpcode(opCode) ) { |
974 case kPEFRelocBySectDWithSkip: |
975 { |
976 UInt16 skipCount; |
977 UInt16 relocCount; |
978 |
979 skipCount = ((opCode >> 6) & 0x00FF); |
980 relocCount = (opCode & 0x003F); |
981 state.relocAddress += skipCount; |
982 state.relocAddress += relocCount; |
983 } |
984 break; |
985 case kPEFRelocBySectC: |
986 case kPEFRelocBySectD: |
987 { |
988 UInt16 runLength; |
989 |
990 runLength = (opCode & 0x01FF) + 1; |
991 state.relocAddress += runLength; |
992 } |
993 break; |
994 case kPEFRelocTVector12: |
995 { |
996 UInt16 runLength; |
997 |
998 runLength = (opCode & 0x01FF) + 1; |
999 state.relocAddress += (runLength * 3); |
1000 } |
1001 break; |
1002 case kPEFRelocTVector8: |
1003 case kPEFRelocVTable8: |
1004 { |
1005 UInt16 runLength; |
1006 |
1007 runLength = (opCode & 0x01FF) + 1; |
1008 state.relocAddress += (runLength * 2); |
1009 } |
1010 break; |
1011 case kPEFRelocImportRun: |
1012 { |
1013 UInt32 symbolValue; |
1014 UInt16 runLength; |
1015 |
1016 runLength = (opCode & 0x01FF) + 1; |
1017 while (runLength > 0) { |
1018 if ( state.importIndex >= importLibrary->firstImportedSymbol && state.importIndex < (importLibrary->firstImportedSymbol + importLibrary->importedSymbolCount) ) { |
1019 err = LookupSymbol(lookup, refCon, fragToFix->loaderSection, state.importIndex, &symbolValue); |
1020 if (err != noErr) { |
1021 goto leaveNow; |
1022 } |
1023 *(state.relocAddress) += symbolValue; |
1024 } |
1025 state.importIndex += 1; |
1026 state.relocAddress += 1; |
1027 runLength -= 1; |
1028 } |
1029 } |
1030 break; |
1031 case kPEFRelocSmByImport: |
1032 { |
1033 UInt32 symbolValue; |
1034 UInt32 index; |
1035 |
1036 index = (opCode & 0x01FF); |
1037 if ( index >= importLibrary->firstImportedSymbol && index < (importLibrary->firstImportedSymbol + importLibrary->importedSymbolCount) ) { |
1038 err = LookupSymbol(lookup, refCon, fragToFix->loaderSection, index, &symbolValue); |
1039 if (err != noErr) { |
1040 goto leaveNow; |
1041 } |
1042 *(state.relocAddress) += symbolValue; |
1043 } |
1044 state.importIndex = index + 1; |
1045 state.relocAddress += 1; |
1046 } |
1047 break; |
1048 case kPEFRelocSmSetSectC: |
1049 { |
1050 UInt32 index; |
1051 |
1052 index = (opCode & 0x01FF); |
1053 state.sectionC = GetSectionBaseAddress(fragToFix, index); |
1054 MoreAssertQ(state.sectionC != nil); |
1055 } |
1056 break; |
1057 case kPEFRelocSmSetSectD: |
1058 { |
1059 UInt32 index; |
1060 |
1061 index = (opCode & 0x01FF); |
1062 state.sectionD = GetSectionBaseAddress(fragToFix, index); |
1063 MoreAssertQ(state.sectionD != nil); |
1064 } |
1065 break; |
1066 case kPEFRelocSmBySection: |
1067 state.relocAddress += 1; |
1068 break; |
1069 case kPEFRelocIncrPosition: |
1070 { |
1071 UInt16 offset; |
1072 |
1073 offset = (opCode & 0x0FFF) + 1; |
1074 ((char *) state.relocAddress) += offset; |
1075 } |
1076 break; |
1077 case kPEFRelocSmRepeat: |
1078 #if MORE_DEBUG |
1079 DebugStr("\pRunRelocationEngine: kPEFRelocSmRepeat not yet implemented"); |
1080 #endif |
1081 err = unimpErr; |
1082 goto leaveNow; |
1083 break; |
1084 case kPEFRelocSetPosition: |
1085 { |
1086 UInt32 offset; |
1087 |
1088 // Lot's of folks have tried various interpretations of the description of |
1089 // this opCode in "Mac OS Runtime Architectures" (which states "This instruction |
1090 // sets relocAddress to the address of the section offset offset." *smile*). |
1091 // I eventually dug into the CFM source code to find my interpretation, which |
1092 // I believe is correct. The key point is tht the offset is relative to |
1093 // the start of the section for which these relocations are being performed. |
1094 |
1095 // Skip to next reloc word, which is the second chunk of the offset. |
1096 |
1097 state.currentReloc += 1; |
1098 |
1099 // Extract offset based on the most significant 10 bits in opCode and |
1100 // the next significant 16 bits in the next reloc word. |
1101 |
1102 offset = PEFRelocSetPosFullOffset(opCode, relocInstrTable[state.currentReloc]); |
1103 |
1104 state.relocAddress = (UInt32 *) ( ((char *) state.sectionBase) + offset); |
1105 } |
1106 break; |
1107 case kPEFRelocLgByImport: |
1108 { |
1109 UInt32 symbolValue; |
1110 UInt32 index; |
1111 |
1112 // Get the 26 bit symbol index from the current and next reloc words. |
1113 |
1114 state.currentReloc += 1; |
1115 index = PEFRelocLgByImportFullIndex(opCode, relocInstrTable[state.currentReloc]); |
1116 |
1117 if ( index >= importLibrary->firstImportedSymbol && index < (importLibrary->firstImportedSymbol + importLibrary->importedSymbolCount) ) { |
1118 err = LookupSymbol(lookup, refCon, fragToFix->loaderSection, index, &symbolValue); |
1119 if (err != noErr) { |
1120 goto leaveNow; |
1121 } |
1122 *(state.relocAddress) += symbolValue; |
1123 } |
1124 state.importIndex = index + 1; |
1125 state.relocAddress += 1; |
1126 } |
1127 break; |
1128 case kPEFRelocLgRepeat: |
1129 #if MORE_DEBUG |
1130 DebugStr("\pRunRelocationEngine: kPEFRelocLgRepeat not yet implemented"); |
1131 #endif |
1132 err = unimpErr; |
1133 goto leaveNow; |
1134 break; |
1135 case kPEFRelocLgSetOrBySection: |
1136 #if MORE_DEBUG |
1137 DebugStr("\pRunRelocationEngine: kPEFRelocLgSetOrBySection not yet implemented"); |
1138 #endif |
1139 err = unimpErr; |
1140 goto leaveNow; |
1141 break; |
1142 case kPEFRelocUndefinedOpcode: |
1143 err = cfragFragmentCorruptErr; |
1144 goto leaveNow; |
1145 break; |
1146 default: |
1147 MoreAssertQ(false); |
1148 err = cfragFragmentCorruptErr; |
1149 goto leaveNow; |
1150 break; |
1151 } |
1152 state.currentReloc += 1; |
1153 } |
1154 |
1155 sectionsLeftToRelocate -= 1; |
1156 } |
1157 |
1158 leaveNow: |
1159 return err; |
1160 } |
1161 |
1162 extern pascal OSStatus CFMLateImportCore(const CFragSystem7DiskFlatLocator *fragToFixLocator, |
1163 CFragConnectionID fragToFixConnID, |
1164 CFragInitFunction fragToFixInitRoutine, |
1165 ConstStr255Param weakLinkedLibraryName, |
1166 CFMLateImportLookupProc lookup, |
1167 void *refCon) |
1168 // See comments in interface part. |
1169 { |
1170 OSStatus err; |
1171 OSStatus junk; |
1172 FragToFixInfo fragToFix; |
1173 PEFImportedLibrary *importLibrary; |
1174 char weakLinkedLibraryNameCString[256]; |
1175 |
1176 MoreAssertQ(fragToFixLocator != nil); |
1177 MoreAssertQ(fragToFixConnID != nil); |
1178 MoreAssertQ(fragToFixInitRoutine != nil); |
1179 MoreAssertQ(weakLinkedLibraryName != nil); |
1180 MoreAssertQ(lookup != nil); |
1181 |
1182 // Fill out the bits of fragToFix which are passed in |
1183 // by the client. |
1184 |
1185 MoreBlockZero(&fragToFix, sizeof(fragToFix)); |
1186 fragToFix.locator = *fragToFixLocator; |
1187 fragToFix.connID = fragToFixConnID; |
1188 fragToFix.initRoutine = fragToFixInitRoutine; |
1189 |
1190 // Make a C string from weakLinkedLibraryName. |
1191 |
1192 BlockMoveData(weakLinkedLibraryName + 1, weakLinkedLibraryNameCString, weakLinkedLibraryName[0]); |
1193 weakLinkedLibraryNameCString[weakLinkedLibraryName[0]] = 0; |
1194 |
1195 // Get the basic information from the fragment. |
1196 // Fills out the containerHeader, sectionHeaders, loaderSection and fileRef fields |
1197 // of fragToFix. |
1198 |
1199 err = ReadContainerBasics(&fragToFix); |
1200 |
1201 // Set up the base address fields in fragToFix (ie section0Base and section1Base) |
1202 // by looking up our init routine (fragToFix.initRoutine) and subtracting |
1203 // away the section offsets (which we get from the disk copy of the section) |
1204 // to derive the bases of the sections themselves. |
1205 |
1206 if (err == noErr) { |
1207 err = SetupSectionBaseAddresses(&fragToFix); |
1208 } |
1209 |
1210 // Look inside the loader section for the import library description |
1211 // of weakLinkedLibraryName. We need this to know the range of symbol |
1212 // indexes we're going to fix up. |
1213 |
1214 if (err == noErr) { |
1215 err = FindImportLibrary(fragToFix.loaderSection, weakLinkedLibraryNameCString, &importLibrary); |
1216 } |
1217 |
1218 // Do a quick check to ensure that the library was actually imported weak. |
1219 // If it wasn't, it doesn't make much sense to resolve its weak imports |
1220 // later on. Resolving them again is likely to be bad. |
1221 |
1222 if (err == noErr) { |
1223 if ((importLibrary->options & kPEFWeakImportLibMask) == 0) { |
1224 err = cfragFragmentUsageErr; |
1225 } |
1226 } |
1227 |
1228 // Now run the main relocation engine. |
1229 |
1230 if (err == noErr) { |
1231 err = RunRelocationEngine(&fragToFix, importLibrary, lookup, refCon); |
1232 } |
1233 |
1234 // Clean up. |
1235 |
1236 if (fragToFix.disposeSectionPointers) { |
1237 if (fragToFix.fileRef != 0) { |
1238 junk = FSClose(fragToFix.fileRef); |
1239 MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr); |
1240 } |
1241 if (fragToFix.loaderSection != nil) { |
1242 DisposePtr( (Ptr) fragToFix.loaderSection); |
1243 MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
1244 } |
1245 if (fragToFix.sectionHeaders != nil) { |
1246 DisposePtr( (Ptr) fragToFix.sectionHeaders); |
1247 MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
1248 } |
1249 } |
1250 return err; |
1251 } |
1252 |
1253 static pascal OSStatus FragmentLookup(ConstStr255Param symName, CFragSymbolClass symClass, |
1254 void **symAddr, void *refCon) |
1255 // This is the CFMLateImportLookupProc callback used when |
1256 // late importing from a CFM shared library. |
1257 { |
1258 OSStatus err; |
1259 CFragConnectionID connIDToImport; |
1260 CFragSymbolClass foundSymClass; |
1261 |
1262 MoreAssertQ(symName != nil); |
1263 MoreAssertQ(symAddr != nil); |
1264 MoreAssertQ(refCon != nil); |
1265 |
1266 connIDToImport = (CFragConnectionID) refCon; |
1267 |
1268 // Shame there's no way to validate that connIDToImport is valid. |
1269 |
1270 err = FindSymbol(connIDToImport, symName, (Ptr *) symAddr, &foundSymClass); |
1271 if (err == noErr) { |
1272 // If the symbol isn't of the right class, we act like we didn't |
1273 // find it, but also assert in the debug build because weird things |
1274 // are afoot. |
1275 if (foundSymClass != symClass) { |
1276 MoreAssertQ(false); |
1277 *symAddr = nil; |
1278 err = cfragNoSymbolErr; |
1279 } |
1280 } |
1281 return err; |
1282 } |
1283 |
1284 extern pascal OSStatus CFMLateImportLibrary(const CFragSystem7DiskFlatLocator *fragToFixLocator, |
1285 CFragConnectionID fragToFixConnID, |
1286 CFragInitFunction fragToFixInitRoutine, |
1287 ConstStr255Param weakLinkedLibraryName, |
1288 CFragConnectionID connIDToImport) |
1289 // See comments in interface part. |
1290 { |
1291 MoreAssertQ(connIDToImport != nil); |
1292 return CFMLateImportCore(fragToFixLocator, fragToFixConnID, fragToFixInitRoutine, |
1293 weakLinkedLibraryName, FragmentLookup, connIDToImport); |
1294 } |
1295 |
1296 static pascal OSStatus BundleLookup(ConstStr255Param symName, CFragSymbolClass symClass, |
1297 void **symAddr, void *refCon) |
1298 // This is the CFMLateImportLookupProc callback used when |
1299 // late importing from a CFBundle. |
1300 { |
1301 OSStatus err; |
1302 CFBundleRef bundleToImport; |
1303 CFStringRef symNameStr; |
1304 |
1305 MoreAssertQ(symName != nil); |
1306 MoreAssertQ(symAddr != nil); |
1307 MoreAssertQ(refCon != nil); |
1308 |
1309 symNameStr = nil; |
1310 |
1311 bundleToImport = (CFBundleRef) refCon; |
1312 |
1313 // Shame there's no way to validate that bundleToImport is really a bundle. |
1314 |
1315 // We can only find function pointers because CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName |
1316 // only works for function pointers. So if the client is asking for something |
1317 // other than a function pointer (ie TVector symbol) then we don't even true. |
1318 // Also assert in the debug build because this shows a certain lack of |
1319 // understanding on the part of the client. |
1320 // |
1321 // CF is being revise to support accessing data symbols using a new API |
1322 // (currently this is available to Apple internal developers as |
1323 // CFBundleGetDataPointerForName). When the new API is available in a |
1324 // public header file I should revise this code to lift this restriction. |
1325 |
1326 err = noErr; |
1327 if (symClass != kTVectorCFragSymbol) { |
1328 MoreAssertQ(false); |
1329 err = cfragNoSymbolErr; |
1330 } |
1331 if (err == noErr) { |
1332 symNameStr = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, |
1333 symName, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); |
1334 if (symNameStr == nil) { |
1335 err = coreFoundationUnknownErr; |
1336 } |
1337 } |
1338 if (err == noErr) { |
1339 *symAddr = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(bundleToImport, symNameStr); |
1340 if (*symAddr == nil) { |
1341 err = cfragNoSymbolErr; |
1342 } |
1343 } |
1344 if (symNameStr != nil) { |
1345 CFRelease(symNameStr); |
1346 } |
1347 return err; |
1348 } |
1349 |
1350 extern pascal OSStatus CFMLateImportBundle(const CFragSystem7DiskFlatLocator *fragToFixLocator, |
1351 CFragConnectionID fragToFixConnID, |
1352 CFragInitFunction fragToFixInitRoutine, |
1353 ConstStr255Param weakLinkedLibraryName, |
1354 CFBundleRef bundleToImport) |
1355 // See comments in interface part. |
1356 { |
1357 MoreAssertQ(bundleToImport != nil); |
1358 return CFMLateImportCore(fragToFixLocator, fragToFixConnID, fragToFixInitRoutine, |
1359 weakLinkedLibraryName, BundleLookup, bundleToImport); |
1360 } |