changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
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     1 Building Python using VC++ 9.0
     2 ------------------------------
     4 This directory is used to build Python for Win32 and x64 platforms, e.g. 
     5 Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows Server 2008.  In order to build 32-bit
     6 debug and release executables, Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition is
     7 required at the very least.  In order to build 64-bit debug and release
     8 executables, Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition is required at the very
     9 least.  In order to build all of the above, as well as generate release builds
    10 that make use of Profile Guided Optimisation (PG0), Visual Studio 2008
    11 Professional Edition is required at the very least.  The official Python
    12 releases are built with this version of Visual Studio.
    14 For other Windows platforms and compilers, see ../PC/readme.txt.
    16 All you need to do is open the workspace "pcbuild.sln" in Visual Studio,
    17 select the desired combination of configuration and platform and eventually
    18 build the solution. Unless you are going to debug a problem in the core or
    19 you are going to create an optimized build you want to select "Release" as
    20 configuration.
    22 The PCbuild directory is compatible with all versions of Visual Studio from
    23 VS C++ Express Edition over the standard edition up to the professional
    24 edition. However the express edition does not support features like solution
    25 folders or profile guided optimization (PGO). The missing bits and pieces
    26 won't stop you from building Python.
    28 The solution is configured to build the projects in the correct order. "Build
    29 Solution" or F7 takes care of dependencies except for x64 builds. To make
    30 cross compiling x64 builds on a 32bit OS possible the x64 builds require a 
    31 32bit version of Python.
    33 NOTE:
    34    You probably don't want to build most of the other subprojects, unless
    35    you're building an entire Python distribution from scratch, or
    36    specifically making changes to the subsystems they implement, or are
    37    running a Python core buildbot test slave; see SUBPROJECTS below)
    39 When using the Debug setting, the output files have a _d added to
    40 their name:  python30_d.dll, python_d.exe, parser_d.pyd, and so on. Both
    41 the build and rt batch files accept a -d option for debug builds.
    43 The 32bit builds end up in the solution folder PCbuild while the x64 builds
    44 land in the amd64 subfolder. The PGI and PGO builds for profile guided
    45 optimization end up in their own folders, too.
    47 Legacy support
    48 --------------
    50 You can find build directories for older versions of Visual Studio and 
    51 Visual C++ in the PC directory. The legacy build directories are no longer
    52 actively maintained and may not work out of the box.
    54 PC/VC6/
    55     Visual C++ 6.0
    56 PC/VS7.1/
    57     Visual Studio 2003 (7.1)
    58 PCbuild8/
    59     Visual Studio 2005 (8.0)
    62 C RUNTIME
    63 ---------
    65 Visual Studio 2008 uses version 9 of the C runtime (MSVCRT9).  The executables
    66 are linked to a CRT "side by side" assembly which must be present on the target
    67 machine.  This is avalible under the VC/Redist folder of your visual studio
    68 distribution. On XP and later operating systems that support
    69 side-by-side assemblies it is not enough to have the msvcrt90.dll present,
    70 it has to be there as a whole assembly, that is, a folder with the .dll
    71 and a .manifest.  Also, a check is made for the correct version.
    72 Therefore, one should distribute this assembly with the dlls, and keep
    73 it in the same directory.  For compatibility with older systems, one should
    74 also set the PATH to this directory so that the dll can be found.
    75 For more info, see the Readme in the VC/Redist folder.
    78 -----------
    79 These subprojects should build out of the box.  Subprojects other than the
    80 main ones (pythoncore, python, pythonw) generally build a DLL (renamed to
    81 .pyd) from a specific module so that users don't have to load the code
    82 supporting that module unless they import the module.
    84 pythoncore
    85     .dll and .lib
    86 python
    87     .exe
    88 pythonw
    89     pythonw.exe, a variant of python.exe that doesn't pop up a DOS box
    90 _socket
    91     socketmodule.c
    92 _testcapi
    93     tests of the Python C API, run via Lib/test/, and
    94     implemented by module Modules/_testcapimodule.c
    95 pyexpat
    96     Python wrapper for accelerated XML parsing, which incorporates stable
    97     code from the Expat project:
    98 select
    99     selectmodule.c
   100 unicodedata
   101     large tables of Unicode data
   102 winsound
   103     play sounds (typically .wav files) under Windows
   105 Python-controlled subprojects that wrap external projects:
   106 _bsddb
   107     Wraps Berkeley DB 4.7.25, which is currently built by _bsddb.vcproj.
   108     project (see below).
   109 _sqlite3
   110     Wraps SQLite 3.5.9, which is currently built by sqlite3.vcproj (see below).
   111 _tkinter
   112     Wraps the Tk windowing system.  Unlike _bsddb and _sqlite3, there's no
   113     corresponding tcltk.vcproj-type project that builds Tcl/Tk from vcproj's
   114     within our pcbuild.sln, which means this module expects to find a
   115     pre-built Tcl/Tk in either ..\..\tcltk for 32-bit or ..\..\tcltk64 for
   116     64-bit (relative to this directory).  See below for instructions to build
   117     Tcl/Tk. 
   118 bz2
   119     Python wrapper for the libbz2 compression library.  Homepage
   121     Download the source from the copy into the dist
   122     directory:
   124     svn export
   126     ** NOTE: if you use the Tools\buildbot\external(-amd64).bat approach for
   127     obtaining external sources then you don't need to manually get the source
   128     above via subversion. **
   130     A custom pre-link step in the bz2 project settings should manage to
   131     build bzip2-1.0.5\libbz2.lib by magic before bz2.pyd (or bz2_d.pyd) is
   132     linked in PCbuild\.
   133     However, the bz2 project is not smart enough to remove anything under
   134     bzip2-1.0.5\ when you do a clean, so if you want to rebuild bzip2.lib
   135     you need to clean up bzip2-1.0.5\ by hand.
   137     All of this managed to build libbz2.lib in 
   138     bzip2-1.0.5\$platform-$configuration\, which the Python project links in.
   140 _ssl
   141     Python wrapper for the secure sockets library.
   143     Get the source code through
   145     svn export
   147     ** NOTE: if you use the Tools\buildbot\external(-amd64).bat approach for
   148     obtaining external sources then you don't need to manually get the source
   149     above via subversion. **
   151     Alternatively, get the latest version from
   152     You can (theoretically) use any version of OpenSSL you like - the
   153     build process will automatically select the latest version.
   155     You must install the NASM assembler from
   157     for x86 builds.  Put nasmw.exe anywhere in your PATH.
   159     You can also install ActivePerl from
   161     if you like to use the official sources instead of the files from 
   162     python's subversion repository. The svn version contains pre-build
   163     makefiles and assembly files.
   165     The build process makes sure that no patented algorithms are included.
   166     For now RC5, MDC2 and IDEA are excluded from the build. You may have 
   167     to manually remove $(OBJ_D)\i_*.obj from ms\nt.mak if the build process
   168     complains about missing files or forbidden IDEA. Again the files provided
   169     in the subversion repository are already fixed.
   171     The MSVC project simply invokes PCBuild/ to perform
   172     the build.  This Python script locates and builds your OpenSSL
   173     installation, then invokes a simple makefile to build the final .pyd.
   175 attempts to catch the most common errors (such as not
   176     being able to find OpenSSL sources, or not being able to find a Perl
   177     that works with OpenSSL) and give a reasonable error message.
   178     If you have a problem that doesn't seem to be handled correctly
   179     (eg, you know you have ActivePerl but we can't find it), please take
   180     a peek at and suggest patches.  Note that
   181     should be able to be run directly from the command-line.
   183 isn't clever enough to clean OpenSSL - you must do
   184     this by hand.
   186 The subprojects above wrap external projects Python doesn't control, and as
   187 such, a little more work is required in order to download the relevant source 
   188 files for each project before they can be built.  The buildbots do this each
   189 time they're built, so the easiest approach is to run either external.bat or 
   190 external-amd64.bat in the ..\Tools\buildbot directory from ..\, i.e.:
   192     C:\..\\projects\python\trunk\PCbuild>cd ..
   193     C:\..\\projects\python\trunk>Tools\buildbot\external.bat
   195 This extracts all the external subprojects from
   196 via Subversion (so you'll need an svn.exe on your PATH) and places them in 
   197 ..\.. (relative to this directory).  The external(-amd64).bat scripts will
   198 also build a debug build of Tcl/Tk; there aren't any equivalent batch files
   199 for building release versions of Tcl/Tk lying around in the Tools\buildbot
   200 directory.  If you need to build a release version of Tcl/Tk it isn't hard
   201 though, take a look at the relevant external(-amd64).bat file and find the
   202 two nmake lines, then call each one without the 'DEBUG=1' parameter, i.e.:
   204 The external-amd64.bat file contains this for tcl:
   205     nmake -f COMPILERFLAGS=-DWINVER=0x0500 DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 clean all install
   207 So for a release build, you'd call it as:
   208     nmake -f COMPILERFLAGS=-DWINVER=0x0500 MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 clean all install
   210     XXX Should we compile with OPTS=threads?
   211     XXX Our installer copies a lot of stuff out of the Tcl/Tk install
   212     XXX directory.  Is all of that really needed for Python use of Tcl/Tk?
   214 This will be cleaned up in the future; ideally Tcl/Tk will be brought into our
   215 pcbuild.sln as custom .vcproj files, just as we've recently done with the
   216 _bsddb.vcproj and sqlite3.vcproj files, which will remove the need for
   217 Tcl/Tk to be built separately via a batch file.
   219 XXX trent.nelson 02-Apr-08:
   220     Having the external subprojects in ..\.. relative to this directory is a
   221     bit of a nuisance when you're working on py3k and trunk in parallel and
   222     your directory layout mimics that of Python's subversion layout, e.g.:
   224         C:\..\\projects\python\trunk
   225         C:\..\\projects\python\branches\py3k
   226         C:\..\\projects\python\branches\release25-maint
   228     I'd like to change things so that external subprojects are fetched from
   229     ..\external instead of ..\.., then provide some helper scripts or batch
   230     files that would set up a new ..\external directory with svn checkouts of
   231     the relevant branches in, or
   232     alternatively, use junctions to link ..\external with a pre-existing
   233     externals directory being used by another branch.  i.e. if I'm usually
   234     working on trunk (and have previously created trunk\external via the
   235     provided batch file), and want to do some work on py3k, I'd set up a
   236     junction as follows (using the directory structure above as an example):
   238         C:\..\python\trunk\external <- already exists and has built versions
   239                                        of the external subprojects 
   241         C:\..\python\branches\py3k>linkd.exe external ..\..\trunk\external
   242         Link created at: external
   244     Only a slight tweak would be needed to the buildbots such that bots
   245     building trunk and py3k could make use of the same facility.  (2.5.x
   246     builds need to be kept separate as they're using Visual Studio 7.1.)
   247 /XXX trent.nelson 02-Apr-08
   249 Building for Itanium
   250 --------------------
   252 NOTE:
   253 Official support for Itanium builds have been dropped from the build. Please
   254 contact us and provide patches if you are interested in Itanium builds.
   256 The project files support a ReleaseItanium configuration which creates
   257 Win64/Itanium binaries. For this to work, you need to install the Platform
   258 SDK, in particular the 64-bit support. This includes an Itanium compiler
   259 (future releases of the SDK likely include an AMD64 compiler as well).
   260 In addition, you need the Visual Studio plugin for external C compilers,
   261 from The plugin will wrap cl.exe, to
   262 locate the proper target compiler, and convert compiler options
   263 accordingly. The project files require atleast version 0.9.
   265 Building for AMD64
   266 ------------------
   268 The build process for AMD64 / x64 is very similar to standard builds. You just
   269 have to set x64 as platform. In addition, the HOST_PYTHON environment variable
   270 must point to a Python interpreter (at least 2.4), to support cross-compilation.
   272 Building Python Using the free MS Toolkit Compiler
   273 --------------------------------------------------
   275 Microsoft has withdrawn the free MS Toolkit Compiler, so this can no longer
   276 be considered a supported option. Instead you can use the free VS C++ Express
   277 Edition.
   279 Profile Guided Optimization
   280 ---------------------------
   282 The solution has two configurations for PGO. The PGInstrument
   283 configuration must be build first. The PGInstrument binaries are
   284 lniked against a profiling library and contain extra debug
   285 information. The PGUpdate configuration takes the profiling data and
   286 generates optimized binaries.
   288 The build_pgo.bat script automates the creation of optimized binaries. It
   289 creates the PGI files, runs the unit test suite or PyBench with the PGI
   290 python and finally creates the optimized files.
   294 Static library
   295 --------------
   297 The solution has no configuration for static libraries. However it is easy
   298 it build a static library instead of a DLL. You simply have to set the 
   299 "Configuration Type" to "Static Library (.lib)" and alter the preprocessor
   300 macro "Py_ENABLE_SHARED" to "Py_NO_ENABLE_SHARED". You may also have to
   301 change the "Runtime Library" from "Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)" to 
   302 "Multi-threaded (/MT)".
   304 Visual Studio properties
   305 ------------------------
   307 The PCbuild solution makes heavy use of Visual Studio property files 
   308 (*.vsprops). The properties can be viewed and altered in the Property
   309 Manager (View -> Other Windows -> Property Manager).
   311  * debug (debug macro: _DEBUG)
   312  * pginstrument (PGO)
   313  * pgupdate (PGO)
   314     +-- pginstrument
   315  * pyd (python extension, release build)
   316     +-- release
   317     +-- pyproject
   318  * pyd_d (python extension, debug build)
   319     +-- debug
   320     +-- pyproject
   321  * pyproject (base settings for all projects, user macros like PyDllName)
   322  * release (release macro: NDEBUG)
   323  * x64 (AMD64 / x64 platform specific settings)
   325 The pyproject propertyfile defines _WIN32 and x64 defines _WIN64 and _M_X64
   326 although the macros are set by the compiler, too. The GUI doesn't always know
   327 about the macros and confuse the user with false information.
   330 -----------------------
   332 If you want to create your own extension module DLL, there's an example
   333 with easy-to-follow instructions in ../PC/example/; read the file
   334 readme.txt there first.