1 Pynche - The PYthonically Natural Color and Hue Editor |
2 |
3 Contact: Barry A. Warsaw |
4 Email: bwarsaw@python.org |
5 Version: 1.3 |
6 |
7 Introduction |
8 |
9 Pynche is a color editor based largely on a similar program that I |
10 originally wrote back in 1987 for the Sunview window system. That |
11 editor was called ICE, the Interactive Color Editor. I'd always |
12 wanted to port this program to X but didn't feel like hacking X |
13 and C code to do it. Fast forward many years, to where Python + |
14 Tkinter provides such a nice programming environment, with enough |
15 power, that I finally buckled down and re-implemented it. I |
16 changed the name because these days, too many other systems have |
17 the acronym `ICE'. |
18 |
19 Pynche should work with any variant of Python after 1.5.2 |
20 (e.g. 2.0.1 and 2.1.1), using Tk 8.0.x. It's been tested on |
21 Solaris 2.6, Windows NT 4, and various Linux distros. You'll want |
22 to be sure to have at least Tk 8.0.3 for Windows. Also, Pynche is |
23 very colormap intensive, so it doesn't work very well on 8-bit |
24 graphics cards; 24bit+ graphics cards are so cheap these days, |
25 I'll probably never "fix" that. |
26 |
27 Pynche must find a text database of colors names in order to |
28 provide `nearest' color matching. Pynche is distributed with an |
29 rgb.txt file from the X11R6.4 distribution for this reason, along |
30 with other "Web related" database (see below). You can use a |
31 different file with the -d option. The file xlicense.txt contains |
32 the license only for rgb.txt and both files are in the X/ |
33 subdirectory. |
34 |
35 Pynche is pronounced: Pin'-chee |
36 |
37 |
38 Running Standalone |
39 |
40 On Unix, start it by running the `pynche' script. On Windows, run |
41 pynche.pyw to inhibit the console window. When run from the |
42 command line, the following options are recognized: |
43 |
44 --database file |
45 -d file |
46 Alternate location of the color database file. Without this |
47 option, the first valid file found will be used (see below). |
48 |
49 --initfile file |
50 -i file |
51 Alternate location of the persistent initialization file. See |
52 the section on Persistency below. |
53 |
54 --ignore |
55 -X |
56 Ignore the persistent initialization file when starting up. |
57 Pynche will still write the current option settings to the |
58 persistent init file when it quits. |
59 |
60 --help |
61 -h |
62 Print the help message. |
63 |
64 initialcolor |
65 a Tk color name or #rrggbb color spec to be used as the |
66 initially selected color. This overrides any color saved in |
67 the persistent init file. Since `#' needs to be escaped in |
68 many shells, it is optional in the spec (e.g. #45dd1f is the |
69 same as 45dd1f). |
70 |
71 |
72 Running as a Modal Dialog |
73 |
74 Pynche can be run as a modal dialog, inside another application, |
75 say as a general color chooser. In fact, Grail 0.6 uses Pynche |
76 and a future version of IDLE may as well. Pynche supports the API |
77 implemented by the Tkinter standard tkColorChooser module, with a |
78 few changes as described below. By importing pyColorChooser from |
79 the Pynche package, you can run |
80 |
81 pyColorChooser.askcolor() |
82 |
83 which will popup Pynche as a modal dialog, and return the selected |
84 color. |
85 |
86 There are some UI differences when running as a modal |
87 vs. standalone. When running as a modal, there is no "Quit" menu |
88 item under the "File" menu. Instead there are "Okay" and "Cancel" |
89 buttons. |
90 |
91 When "Okay" is hit, askcolor() returns the tuple |
92 |
93 ((r, g, b), "name") |
94 |
95 where r, g, and b are red, green, and blue color values |
96 respectively (in the range 0 to 255). "name" will be a color name |
97 from the color database if there is an exact match, otherwise it |
98 will be an X11 color spec of the form "#rrggbb". Note that this |
99 is different than tkColorChooser, which doesn't know anything |
100 about color names. |
101 |
102 askcolor() supports the following optional keyword arguments: |
103 |
104 color |
105 the color to set as the initial selected color |
106 |
107 master[*] |
108 the master window to use as the parent of the modal |
109 dialog. Without this argument, pyColorChooser will create |
110 its own Tkinter.Tk instance as the master. This may not |
111 be what you want. |
112 |
113 databasefile |
114 similar to the --database option, the value must be a |
115 file name |
116 |
117 initfile[*] |
118 similar to the --initfile option, the value must be a |
119 file name |
120 |
121 ignore[*] |
122 similar to the --ignore flag, the value is a boolean |
123 |
124 wantspec |
125 When this is true, the "name" field in the return tuple |
126 will always be a color spec of the form "#rrggbb". It |
127 will not return a color name even if there is a match; |
128 this is so pyColorChooser can exactly match the API of |
129 tkColorChooser. |
130 |
131 [*] these arguments must be specified the first time |
132 askcolor() is used and cannot be changed on subsequent calls. |
133 |
134 |
135 The Colorstrip Window |
136 |
137 The top part of the main Pynche window contains the "variation |
138 strips". Each strip contains a number of "color chips". The |
139 strips always indicate the currently selected color by a highlight |
140 rectangle around the selected color chip, with an arrow pointing |
141 to the chip. Each arrow has an associated number giving you the |
142 color value along the variation's axis. Each variation strip |
143 shows you the colors that are reachable from the selected color by |
144 varying just one axis of the color solid. |
145 |
146 For example, when the selected color is (in Red/Green/Blue |
147 notation) 127/127/127, the Red Variations strip shows you every |
148 color in the range 0/127/127 to 255/127/127. Similarly for the |
149 green and blue axes. You can select any color by clicking on its |
150 chip. This will update the highlight rectangle and the arrow, as |
151 well as other displays in Pynche. |
152 |
153 Click on "Update while dragging" if you want Pynche to update the |
154 selected color while you drag along any variation strip (this will |
155 be a bit slower). Click on "Hexadecimal" to display the arrow |
156 numbers in hex. |
157 |
158 There are also two shortcut buttons in this window, which |
159 auto-select Black (0/0/0) and White (255/255/255). |
160 |
161 |
162 The Proof Window |
163 |
164 In the lower left corner of the main window you see two larger |
165 color chips. The Selected chip shows you a larger version of the |
166 color selected in the variation strips, along with its X11 color |
167 specification. The Nearest chip shows you the closest color in |
168 the X11 database to the selected color, giving its X11 color |
169 specification, and below that, its X11 color name. When the |
170 Selected chip color exactly matches the Nearest chip color, you |
171 will see the color name appear below the color specification for |
172 the Selected chip. |
173 |
174 Clicking on the Nearest color chip selects that color. Color |
175 distance is calculated in the 3D space of the RGB color solid and |
176 if more than one color name is the same distance from the selected |
177 color, the first one found will be chosen. |
178 |
179 Note that there may be more than one X11 color name for the same |
180 RGB value. In that case, the first one found in the text database |
181 is designated the "primary" name, and this is shown under the |
182 Nearest chip. The other names are "aliases" and they are visible |
183 in the Color List Window (see below). |
184 |
185 Both the color specifications and color names are selectable for |
186 copying and pasting into another window. |
187 |
188 |
189 The Type-in Window |
190 |
191 At the lower right of the main window are three entry fields. |
192 Here you can type numeric values for any of the three color axes. |
193 Legal values are between 0 and 255, and these fields do not allow |
194 you to enter illegal values. You must hit Enter or Tab to select |
195 the new color. |
196 |
197 Click on "Update while typing" if you want Pynche to select the |
198 color on every keystroke (well, every one that produces a legal |
199 value!) Click on "Hexadecimal" to display and enter color values |
200 in hex. |
201 |
202 |
203 Other Views |
204 |
205 There are three secondary windows which are not displayed by |
206 default. You can bring these up via the "View" menu on the main |
207 Pynche window. |
208 |
209 |
210 The Text Window |
211 |
212 The "Text Window" allows you to see what effects various colors |
213 have on the standard Tk text widget elements. In the upper part |
214 of the window is a plain Tk text widget and here you can edit the |
215 text, select a region of text, etc. Below this is a button "Track |
216 color changes". When this is turned on, any colors selected in |
217 the other windows will change the text widget element specified in |
218 the radio buttons below. When this is turned off, text widget |
219 elements are not affected by color selection. |
220 |
221 You can choose which element gets changed by color selection by |
222 clicking on one of the radio buttons in the bottom part of this |
223 window. Text foreground and background affect the text in the |
224 upper part of the window. Selection foreground and background |
225 affect the colors of the primary selection which is what you see |
226 when you click the middle button (depending on window system) and |
227 drag it through some text. |
228 |
229 The Insertion is the insertion cursor in the text window, where |
230 new text will be inserted as you type. The insertion cursor only |
231 has a background. |
232 |
233 |
234 The Color List Window |
235 |
236 The "Color List" window shows every named color in the color name |
237 database (this window may take a while to come up). In the upper |
238 part of the window you see a scrolling list of all the color names |
239 in the database, in alphabetical order. Click on any color to |
240 select it. In the bottom part of the window is displayed any |
241 aliases for the selected color (those color names that have the |
242 same RGB value, but were found later in the text database). For |
243 example, find the color "Black" and you'll see that its aliases |
244 are "gray0" and "grey0". |
245 |
246 If the color has no aliases you'll see "<no aliases>" here. If you |
247 just want to see if a color has an alias, and do not want to select a |
248 color when you click on it, turn off "Update on Click". |
249 |
250 Note that the color list is always updated when a color is selected |
251 from the main window. There's no way to turn this feature off. If |
252 the selected color has no matching color name you'll see |
253 "<no matching color>" in the Aliases window. |
254 |
255 |
256 The Details Window |
257 |
258 The "Details" window gives you more control over color selection |
259 than just clicking on a color chip in the main window. The row of |
260 buttons along the top apply the specified increment and decrement |
261 amounts to the selected color. These delta amounts are applied to |
262 the variation strips specified by the check boxes labeled "Move |
263 Sliders". Thus if just Red and Green are selected, hitting -10 |
264 will subtract 10 from the color value along the red and green |
265 variation only. Note the message under the checkboxes; this |
266 indicates the primary color level being changed when more than one |
267 slider is tied together. For example, if Red and Green are |
268 selected, you will be changing the Yellow level of the selected |
269 color. |
270 |
271 The "At Boundary" behavior determines what happens when any color |
272 variation hits either the lower or upper boundaries (0 or 255) as |
273 a result of clicking on the top row buttons: |
274 |
275 Stop |
276 When the increment or decrement would send any of the tied |
277 variations out of bounds, the entire delta is discarded. |
278 |
279 Wrap Around |
280 When the increment or decrement would send any of the tied |
281 variations out of bounds, the out of bounds value is wrapped |
282 around to the other side. Thus if red were at 238 and +25 |
283 were clicked, red would have the value 7. |
284 |
285 Preserve Distance |
286 When the increment or decrement would send any of the tied |
287 variations out of bounds, all tied variations are wrapped as |
288 one, so as to preserve the distance between them. Thus if |
289 green and blue were tied, and green was at 238 while blue was |
290 at 223, and +25 were clicked, green would be at 15 and blue |
291 would be at 0. |
292 |
293 Squash |
294 When the increment or decrement would send any of the tied |
295 variations out of bounds, the out of bounds variation is set |
296 to the ceiling of 255 or floor of 0, as appropriate. In this |
297 way, all tied variations are squashed to one edge or the |
298 other. |
299 |
300 The top row buttons have the following keyboard accelerators: |
301 |
302 -25 == Shift Left Arrow |
303 -10 == Control Left Arrow |
304 -1 == Left Arrow |
305 +1 == Right Arrow |
306 +10 == Control Right Arrow |
307 +25 == Shift Right Arrow |
308 |
309 |
310 Keyboard Accelerators |
311 |
312 Alt-w in any secondary window dismisses the window. In the main |
313 window it exits Pynche (except when running as a modal). |
314 |
315 Alt-q in any window exits Pynche (except when running as a modal). |
316 |
317 |
318 Persistency |
319 |
320 Pynche remembers various settings of options and colors between |
321 invocations, storing these values in a `persistent initialization |
322 file'. The actual location of this file is specified by the |
323 --initfile option (see above), and defaults to ~/.pynche. |
324 |
325 When Pynche exits, it saves these values in the init file, and |
326 re-reads them when it starts up. There is no locking on this |
327 file, so if you run multiple instances of Pynche at a time, you |
328 may clobber the init file. |
329 |
330 The actual options stored include |
331 |
332 - the currently selected color |
333 |
334 - all settings of checkbox and radio button options in all windows |
335 |
336 - the contents of the text window, the current text selection and |
337 insertion point, and all current text widget element color |
338 settings. |
339 |
340 - the name of the color database file (but not its contents) |
341 |
342 You can inhibit Pynche from reading the init file by supplying the |
343 --ignore option on the command line. However, you cannot suppress |
344 the storing of the settings in the init file on Pynche exit. If |
345 you really want to do this, use /dev/null as the init file, using |
346 --initfile. |
347 |
348 |
349 Color Name Database Files |
350 |
351 Pynche uses a color name database file to calculate the nearest |
352 color to the selected color, and to display in the Color List |
353 view. Several files are distributed with Pynche, described |
354 below. By default, the X11 color name database file is selected. |
355 Other files: |
356 |
357 html40colors.txt -- the HTML 4.0 guaranteed color names |
358 |
359 websafe.txt -- the 216 "Web-safe" colors that Netscape and MSIE |
360 guarantee will not be dithered. These are specified in #rrggbb |
361 format for both values and names |
362 |
363 webcolors.txt -- The 140 color names that Tim Peters and his |
364 sister say NS and MSIE both understand (with some controversy over |
365 AliceBlue). |
366 |
367 namedcolors.txt -- an alternative set of Netscape colors. |
368 |
369 You can switch between files by choosing "Load palette..." from |
370 the "File" menu. This brings up a standard Tk file dialog. |
371 Choose the file you want and then click "Ok". If Pynche |
372 understands the format in this file, it will load the database and |
373 update the appropriate windows. If not, it will bring up an error |
374 dialog. |
375 |
376 |
377 To Do |
378 |
379 Here's a brief list of things I want to do (some mythical day): |
380 |
381 - Better support for resizing the top level windows |
382 |
383 - More output views, e.g. color solids |
384 |
385 - Have the notion of a `last color selected'; this may require a |
386 new output view |
387 |
388 - Support setting the font in the text view |
389 |
390 - Support distutils setup.py for installation |
391 |
392 I'm open to suggestions! |
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 Local Variables: |
397 indent-tabs-mode: nil |
398 End: |