1 /* |
2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 * All rights reserved. |
4 * |
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
6 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by |
7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
8 * (at your option) any later version. |
9 * |
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
13 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. |
14 * |
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License |
16 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
17 */ |
18 |
19 #include <boost/program_options.hpp> |
20 namespace po = boost::program_options; |
21 #include <boost/regex.hpp> |
22 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> |
23 namespace fs = boost::filesystem; |
24 |
25 #include <iostream> |
26 |
27 #include <iterator> |
28 #include <string> |
29 #include <map> |
30 #include <set> |
31 |
32 #include <ctype.h> |
33 #include <cstdlib> |
34 |
35 using namespace std; |
36 |
37 #include "defs.h" |
38 #include "romdetails.h" |
39 #include "inputfile.h" |
40 #include "elfromerror.h" |
41 |
42 static inline void downcase(std::string & s){ |
43 for (std::string::iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); i++) |
44 *i = tolower(*i); |
45 } |
46 |
47 static int required_option(const po::variables_map& vm, const char* option){ |
48 if (vm.count(option) == 0 || vm[option].defaulted()) { |
49 cerr << "Error: option \'" << option << "\' required.\n"; |
50 return 1; |
51 } |
52 return 0; |
53 } |
54 |
55 static int either_or_required(const po::variables_map& vm, const char* option1, const char* option2){ |
56 if ((vm.count(option1) == 0 || vm[option1].defaulted()) && |
57 (vm.count(option2) == 0 || vm[option2].defaulted())) { |
58 cerr << "Error: either option \'" << option1 << "\' or option \'" << option2 <<"\' required.\n"; |
59 return 1; |
60 } |
61 return 0; |
62 } |
63 |
64 RomDetails * ProcessOptions(int ac, char* av[]) { |
65 RomDetails * details = new RomDetails; |
66 int errors = 0; |
67 |
68 try { |
69 |
70 string phys_addr; |
71 po::options_description desc(" Command Line Only"); |
72 desc.add_options() |
73 ("help,h", "produce help message") |
74 ("config-file,c", po::value<string>(), "pathname of config file " |
75 "(overrides default of elf4rom.cfg and value " |
76 "of ELF4ROM_CFG_FILE environment variable)") |
77 ; |
78 |
79 po::options_description config(" Command Line and Configuration File"); |
80 config.add_options() |
81 ("board-name,b", po::value<string>(&details->iBoardName), "name of board targeted e.g. versatilepb") |
82 ("debug,d", po::value< vector<string> >(&details->iTargetFiles)->multitoken()->composing(), |
83 "collect ELF and DWARF data from the listed files") |
84 ("drive,D", po::value<string>(&details->iDrive), "drive on which to find ELF files") |
85 ("exclude,e", po::value< vector<string> >(&details->iExcludeFiles)->multitoken()->composing(), |
86 "exclude collection of ELF and DWARF data from the listed files") |
87 ("input,i", po::value<string>(&details->iRomFile), "pathname of ROM image") |
88 ("logfile,l", po::value<string>(&details->iLogFile), "pathname of ROMBUILD log file") |
89 ("no-dwarf,n", po::bool_switch(&details->iNoDwarf), "suppress generatation of DWARF in output" |
90 " (prevents source level debugging but saves time and space)") |
91 ("output,o", po::value<string>(&details->iElfRomFile), "pathname of output file") |
92 // lexical_cast doesn't understand <LinearAddress> even though its just a typedef |
93 // for unsigned int |
94 ("physical-address,p", po::value<string>(&phys_addr), "physical address of ROM on device. Overrides board-name") |
95 ("search,s", po::bool_switch(&details->iSearch), "search for ELF files in build directory if .sym file not " |
96 "found in release directory") |
97 ("strip,S", po::bool_switch(&details->iStrip), "suppress generation of symbol table and DWARF in output" |
98 " (useful to produce a 'loadable' ELF image for e.g. a simulator)") |
99 ("trace,t", po::bool_switch(&details->iTrace), "switch on trace") |
100 ; |
101 |
102 po::options_description cmdline_options; |
103 cmdline_options.add(desc).add(config); |
104 |
105 po::options_description config_file_options; |
106 config_file_options.add(config); |
107 |
108 po::variables_map vm; |
109 //po::store(po::parse_command_line(ac, av, desc), vm); |
110 po::store(po::command_line_parser(ac, av).options(cmdline_options).run(), vm); |
111 |
112 char * cfgFile = "elf4rom.cfg"; |
113 if (vm.count("config-file")) { |
114 char * xcfgFile = (char *)(vm["config-file"].as<string>().c_str()); |
115 fs::path cfgpath(xcfgFile); |
116 |
117 if (fs::exists(cfgpath)) { |
118 cfgFile = xcfgFile; |
119 } else { |
120 cerr << "Warning: specified config file " << xcfgFile << " not found: will not attempt to use default.\n"; |
121 } |
122 } else { |
123 char * envCfgFile = getenv("ELF4ROM_CFG_FILE"); |
124 if (envCfgFile != NULL) |
125 cfgFile = envCfgFile; |
126 } |
127 |
128 ifstream ifs(cfgFile); |
129 store(parse_config_file(ifs, config_file_options), vm); |
130 |
131 po::notify(vm); |
132 |
133 if (vm.count("help")) { |
134 cout << "elf4rom [option]"; |
135 cout << cmdline_options << "\n"; |
136 delete details; |
137 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) ; |
138 } |
139 |
140 |
141 errors += required_option(vm, "input"); |
142 errors += required_option(vm, "logfile"); |
143 errors += required_option(vm, "output"); |
144 |
145 errors += either_or_required(vm, "board-name", "physical-address"); |
146 |
147 if (vm.count("physical-address")){ |
148 char *f; |
149 const char * p = phys_addr.c_str(); |
150 details->iRomPhysAddr = strtoul(p ,&f , 16); |
151 if (f == p){ |
152 cerr << "Error: invalid arg to --physical-address: " << phys_addr.c_str() << "\n"; |
153 exit(EXIT_FAILURE); |
154 } |
155 } else if (vm.count("board-name")){ |
156 // TODO: figure out address frmo board name |
157 cerr << "Error: --board-name option not implemented yet\n"; |
158 exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ; |
159 } |
160 |
161 if (errors) { |
162 cerr << "elf4rom [option]"; |
163 cerr << cmdline_options << "\n"; |
164 delete details; |
165 exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ; |
166 } |
167 } |
168 catch(exception& e) { |
169 cerr << "error: " << e.what() << "\n"; |
170 exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ; |
171 } |
172 catch(...) { |
173 cerr << "Exception of unknown type!\n"; |
174 exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ; |
175 } |
176 |
177 return details; |
178 } |
179 |
180 |
181 static bool VerifyLogFile(string::const_iterator & start, string::const_iterator & end, string::const_iterator & rest){ |
182 #if 0 |
183 // Look for somthing like the following |
184 ROMBUILD - Rom builder V2.08 (Build 593) |
185 Copyright (c) 1996-2007 Symbian Software Ltd. |
186 or |
187 ROMBUILD - Rom builder V2.08 (Build 596) |
188 Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation. |
189 #endif |
190 |
191 const char * banner = "ROMBUILD.*Rom builder.*Copyright.*"; |
192 boost::regex e(banner); |
193 boost::match_results<string::const_iterator> what; |
194 if (boost::regex_search(start, end, what, e)){ |
195 rest = what[0].second; |
196 return true; |
197 } |
198 return false; |
199 } |
200 |
201 static void OffenceWarning (string & offender){ |
202 cerr << "Warning: The following section of the ROM Log appears corrupt:\n" << offender << "\n"; |
203 } |
204 |
205 static inline unsigned int ConvertToUnsignedLong(string & s, string & offender){ |
206 char * endp; |
207 const char * ss = s.c_str(); |
208 unsigned int res = strtoul(ss, &endp,16); |
209 if (endp == ss) |
210 OffenceWarning(offender); |
211 return res; |
212 } |
213 |
214 static bool ProcessXIPFile(string::const_iterator & start, string::const_iterator & end, |
215 string::const_iterator & rest, RomDetails * details){ |
216 const char * f = |
217 "Processing file (\\S+)\\s*" // 1 |
218 "(\\[Primary\\]\\s*)?" // 2 |
219 "(\\[Secondary\\]\\s*)?" // 3 |
220 "(ELF File:\\s*\\S+\\s*)?" // 4 |
221 "(ELF MD5:\\s*\\S+\\s*)?" // 5 |
222 "Load Address:\\s+(\\S+)\\s*" // 6 |
223 "Size:\\s+\\S+\\s*" |
224 "Uids:\\s+\\S+\\s+\\S+\\s+\\S+\\s+\\S+\\s*" |
225 "Entry point:\\s+\\S+\\s*" |
226 "Code start addr:\\s+(\\S+)\\s*" // 7 |
227 "Data start addr:\\s+(\\S+)\\s*" // 8 |
228 "DataBssLinearBase:\\s+(\\S+)\\s*" // 9 |
229 "Text size:\\s+\\S+\\s*" |
230 "Code size:\\s+(\\S+)\\s*" // 10 |
231 "Data size:\\s+(\\S+)\\s*" // 11 |
232 "BssSize:\\s+(\\S+)\\s*" // 12 |
233 ; |
234 boost::regex e(f); |
235 boost::match_results<string::const_iterator> what; |
236 if (boost::regex_search(start, end, what, e)){ |
237 string filename(what[1].first, what[1].second); |
238 string offender(what[0].first, what[0].second); |
239 if (filename.size() == 0) |
240 OffenceWarning(offender); |
241 bool primary = what[2].matched; |
242 if (what[2].matched){ |
243 primary = true; |
244 } |
245 |
246 const int kla = 6; |
247 string ls(what[kla].first, what[kla].second); |
248 LinearAddr load = ConvertToUnsignedLong(ls, offender); |
249 |
250 const int kta = kla + 1; |
251 string ts(what[kta].first, what[kta].second); |
252 LinearAddr text = ConvertToUnsignedLong(ts, offender); |
253 |
254 const int kda = kta + 1; |
255 string ds(what[kda].first, what[kda].second); |
256 LinearAddr data = ConvertToUnsignedLong(ds, offender); |
257 |
258 const int kva = kda + 1; |
259 string vds(what[kva].first, what[kva].second); |
260 VirtualAddr vdata = ConvertToUnsignedLong(vds, offender); |
261 |
262 const int kts = kva + 1; |
263 string tss(what[kts].first, what[kts].second); |
264 size_t textSize = ConvertToUnsignedLong(tss, offender); |
265 |
266 const int kds = kts + 1; |
267 string dss(what[kds].first, what[kds].second); |
268 size_t fileDataSize = ConvertToUnsignedLong(dss, offender); |
269 |
270 const int kbs = kds + 1; |
271 string bsss(what[kbs].first, what[kbs].second); |
272 size_t bssSize = ConvertToUnsignedLong(bsss, offender); |
273 VirtualAddr bss = vdata + fileDataSize; |
274 size_t memDataSize = fileDataSize + bssSize; |
275 |
276 string elffile(""); |
277 details->iXIPFiles.push_back(XIPFileDetails(filename, |
278 elffile, |
279 load, |
280 text, |
281 textSize, |
282 vdata, |
283 fileDataSize, |
284 data, |
285 bss, |
286 memDataSize)); |
287 if (primary) |
288 new(&details->iPrimary)XIPFileDetails(filename, |
289 elffile, |
290 load, |
291 text, |
292 textSize, |
293 vdata, |
294 fileDataSize, |
295 data, |
296 bss, |
297 memDataSize); |
298 |
299 rest = what[0].second; |
300 return true; |
301 } |
302 rest = start; |
303 return false; |
304 |
305 } |
306 |
307 static void CheckXIPFiles(RomDetails * details, std::vector<string> & list){ |
308 for (std::vector<string>::iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); i++) { |
309 bool found = false; |
310 for (RomDetails::XIPFileList::iterator j = details->iXIPFiles.begin(); j != details->iXIPFiles.end(); j++){ |
311 fs::path e32filePath(j->iE32File); |
312 String e32FileName(e32filePath.leaf()); |
313 if ((*i) == e32FileName){ |
314 found = true; |
315 break; |
316 } |
317 |
318 } |
319 if (!found){ |
320 cerr << "WARNING: " << (*i) << " not found in ROM\n"; |
321 } |
322 } |
323 } |
324 |
325 static void CheckDebugXIPFiles(RomDetails * details){ |
326 CheckXIPFiles(details, details->iTargetFiles); |
327 } |
328 |
329 static void CheckExcludeXIPFile(RomDetails * details){ |
330 CheckXIPFiles(details, details->iExcludeFiles); |
331 } |
332 |
333 static void ProcessXIPFiles(string::const_iterator & start, string::const_iterator & end, |
334 string::const_iterator & rest, RomDetails * details){ |
335 while (ProcessXIPFile(start,end,rest,details)){ |
336 start = rest; |
337 } |
338 CheckDebugXIPFiles(details); |
339 CheckExcludeXIPFile(details); |
340 } |
341 |
342 |
343 static void ProcessRomDetails(string::const_iterator & start, string::const_iterator & end, |
344 string::const_iterator & rest, RomDetails * details){ |
345 const char * align = "Linear base address:\\s*([\\S]+)$"; |
346 boost::regex e(align); |
347 boost::match_results<string::const_iterator> what; |
348 if (boost::regex_search(start, end, what, e)){ |
349 string offender(what[0].first, what[0].second); |
350 string lbas(what[1].first, what[1].second); |
351 details->iRomBaseLinearAddr = ConvertToUnsignedLong(lbas, offender); |
352 } else { |
353 cerr << "Error: " << details->iLogFile << " not a valid ROM log file. Could not find Linear base address." << "\n"; |
354 exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ; |
355 } |
356 } |
357 |
358 static fs::path FindBuildPath(RomDetails * details){ |
359 const string epoc32("epoc32"); |
360 const string builddir("build"); |
361 const string epocRoot(getenv("EPOCROOT")); |
362 if (details->iDrive.size() > 0) { |
363 string drive(details->iDrive); |
364 if (drive.size() == 1){ |
365 drive += ":"; |
366 } else if (((drive.size() == 2) && (drive[drive.size()-1] != ':')) || (drive.size() > 2)){ |
367 cerr << "Error: Invalid drive specification: " << drive << "\n"; |
368 exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ; |
369 } |
370 fs::path buildpath(drive); |
371 |
372 buildpath /= epocRoot; |
373 buildpath /= epoc32; |
374 buildpath /= builddir; |
375 return buildpath; |
376 } |
377 fs::path primary_path(details->iPrimary.iE32File); |
378 fs::path buildpath; |
379 for (fs::path::iterator i = primary_path.begin(); i != primary_path.end(); i++){ |
380 string item(*i); |
381 downcase(item); |
382 buildpath /= item; |
383 if (item == epoc32) { |
384 buildpath /= builddir; |
385 break; |
386 } |
387 } |
388 return buildpath; |
389 } |
390 |
391 class PathCache { |
392 public: |
393 typedef std::map<string, string> PathMap; |
394 |
395 PathCache(fs::path & apath): |
396 iBuildPath(apath) |
397 { |
398 if (fs::exists(apath)){ |
399 fs::recursive_directory_iterator i(apath); |
400 iCurrent = i; |
401 } |
402 } |
403 bool FindPath(string & pattern, string & result); |
404 fs::path & GetBuildPath() { return iBuildPath; } |
405 |
406 private: |
407 bool GetNextPath(string & path); |
408 bool Filtered(fs::path & path); |
409 |
410 private: |
411 |
412 fs::path iBuildPath; |
413 fs::recursive_directory_iterator iCurrent; |
414 fs::recursive_directory_iterator iEnd; |
415 PathMap iPathMap; |
416 static const std::string filters; |
417 }; |
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 bool PathCache::Filtered(fs::path & apath){ |
422 std::string ext(fs::extension(apath)); |
423 downcase(ext); |
424 if (ext.size() > 0){ |
425 if (filters.find(ext) != std::string::npos) |
426 return true; |
427 } |
428 return false; |
429 } |
430 |
431 bool PathCache::GetNextPath(string & path){ |
432 for (; iCurrent != iEnd; ++iCurrent ){ |
433 if (fs::is_directory(iCurrent->status())) |
434 continue; |
435 fs::path candidate(iCurrent->path()); |
436 if (!Filtered(candidate)) { |
437 path = candidate.string(); |
438 ++iCurrent; |
439 return true; |
440 } |
441 } |
442 return false; |
443 } |
444 |
445 static void GetTarget(string & source, string & target){ |
446 fs::path t1(source); |
447 fs::path::iterator s = t1.begin(); |
448 fs::path::iterator start = t1.end(); |
449 int n = 0; |
450 for (; n < 3 && s != start; n++, start--){} |
451 if (n < 3) { |
452 warnx(0, "%s does not have 3 elements\n", source.c_str()); |
453 } |
454 |
455 fs::path q; |
456 for (; start != t1.end(); start++){ |
457 q /= fs::path(*start); |
458 } |
459 target = q.string(); |
460 downcase(target); |
461 } |
462 |
463 bool PathCache::FindPath(string & source, string & result){ |
464 string ss; |
465 if (source.size() == 0) return false; |
466 GetTarget(source, ss); |
467 |
468 // now check the cache |
469 PathMap::iterator res = iPathMap.find(ss); |
470 if (res != iPathMap.end()){ |
471 result = res->second; |
472 return true; |
473 } |
474 |
475 // otherwise iterate until we find a match |
476 string candidate; |
477 while (GetNextPath(candidate)){ |
478 downcase(candidate); |
479 size_t n = candidate.rfind(ss); |
480 if (n != string::npos){ |
481 size_t csize = candidate.size(); |
482 size_t sssize = ss.size(); |
483 if ((csize - sssize) == n){ |
484 // put it in cache anyway just in case its the primary |
485 iPathMap[ss] = candidate; |
486 result = candidate; |
487 return true; |
488 } |
489 } |
490 string x; |
491 GetTarget(candidate, x); |
492 iPathMap[x] = candidate; |
493 } |
494 return false; |
495 } |
496 |
497 const std::string PathCache::filters( |
498 ".cpp" |
499 ".h" |
500 ".mk" |
501 ".o" |
502 ".in" |
503 ".via" |
504 ".mbg" |
505 ".rsg" |
506 ".bat" |
507 ".make" |
508 ".def" |
509 ".armv5" |
510 ); |
511 |
512 static bool FindSymFile(XIPFileDetails & detail, string & rootname){ |
513 fs::path buildpath(rootname); |
514 fs::path e32path(detail.iE32File); |
515 buildpath /= e32path; |
516 // check for pre-RAPTOR .sym file |
517 fs::path elfpath = fs::change_extension(buildpath, ".sym"); |
518 if (fs::exists(elfpath)) { |
519 detail.iElfFile = elfpath.string(); |
520 return true; |
521 } |
522 // check for RAPTOR .sym file |
523 fs::path symPath(buildpath.string() + ".sym"); |
524 if (fs::exists(symPath)) { |
525 detail.iElfFile = symPath.string(); |
526 return true; |
527 } |
528 return false; |
529 } |
530 |
531 static void FindElfFile(XIPFileDetails & detail, PathCache & cache, bool search){ |
532 // see if there's a .sym file |
533 string root(cache.GetBuildPath().root_name()); |
534 if (FindSymFile(detail, root)) return; |
535 if (!search) { |
536 cerr << "Warning: could not find ELF file for " << detail.iE32File << ".\n"; |
537 return; |
538 } |
539 string s(detail.iE32File); |
540 string res; |
541 if (s.size() == 0) return; |
542 if (cache.GetBuildPath().string().empty()) return; |
543 |
544 if (cache.FindPath(s, res)){ |
545 detail.iElfFile = res; |
546 } else |
547 cerr << "Warning: could not find ELF file for " << detail.iE32File << ".\n"; |
548 } |
549 |
550 |
551 static void FindElfFiles(RomDetails * details){ |
552 fs::path buildroot = FindBuildPath(details); |
553 PathCache cache(buildroot); |
554 bool search = details->iSearch; |
555 FindElfFile(details->iPrimary, cache, search); |
556 for(RomDetails::XIPFileList::iterator i = details->iXIPFiles.begin(); i != details->iXIPFiles.end(); i++){ |
557 fs::path e32filePath(i->iE32File); |
558 String e32FileName(e32filePath.leaf()); |
559 if (details->iTargetFiles.empty()) { |
560 bool find = true; |
561 for (std::vector<String>::iterator ef = details->iExcludeFiles.begin(); ef != details->iExcludeFiles.end(); ef++) { |
562 fs::path excludePath(*ef); |
563 String excludeFile(excludePath.leaf()); |
564 if (e32FileName == excludeFile) { |
565 find = false; |
566 break; |
567 } |
568 } |
569 if (find) |
570 FindElfFile(*i, cache, search); |
571 } else { |
572 for (std::vector<String>::iterator tf = details->iTargetFiles.begin(); tf != details->iTargetFiles.end(); tf++) { |
573 fs::path targetPath(*tf); |
574 String targetFile(targetPath.leaf()); |
575 if (e32FileName == targetFile) { |
576 FindElfFile(*i, cache, search); |
577 break; |
578 } |
579 } |
580 } |
581 } |
582 |
583 } |
584 |
585 RomDetails * ProcessRomDetails(RomDetails * details){ |
586 InputFile in(details->iLogFile); |
587 char * data = in.GetData(); |
588 string logfile(data); |
589 string::const_iterator start = logfile.begin(); |
590 string::const_iterator end = logfile.end(); |
591 string::const_iterator rest; |
592 |
593 if (!VerifyLogFile(start, end , rest)) { |
594 cerr << "error: " << details->iLogFile << " not a valid ROM log file." << "\n"; |
595 exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ; |
596 } |
597 |
598 ProcessXIPFiles(start,end,rest,details); |
599 |
600 ProcessRomDetails(rest, end, rest, details); |
601 |
602 FindElfFiles(details); |
603 |
604 // TODO: make sure functions that return data allocated with new [] |
605 // have an appropriate return value so that delete [] can be used |
606 delete [] data; |
607 |
608 return details; |
609 } |