changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Demo/README	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+This directory contains various demonstrations of what you can do with
+Python.  They were all written by me except where explicitly stated
+otherwise -- in general, demos contributed by others ends up in the
+../Contrib directory, unless I think they're of utmost general
+importance (like Matt Conway's Tk demos).
+A fair number of utilities that are useful when while developing
+Python code can be found in the ../Tools directory -- some of these
+can also be considered good examples of how to write Python code.
+Finally, in order to save disk space and net bandwidth, not all
+subdirectories listed here are distributed.  They are listed just
+in case I change my mind about them.
+cgi             CGI examples (see also ../Tools/faqwiz/.)
+classes		Some examples of how to use classes.
+comparisons	A set of responses to a really old language-comparison
+		challenge.
+curses		A set of curses demos.
+embed		An example of embedding Python in another application
+		(see also pysvr).
+imputil		Demonstration subclasses of imputil.Importer.
+md5test		Test program for the optional md5 module.
+metaclasses	The code from the 1.5 metaclasses paper on the web.
+parser		Example using the parser module.
+pdist		Old, unfinished code messing with CVS, RCS and remote
+		files.
+pysvr		An example of embedding Python in a threaded
+		application.
+rpc		A set of classes for building clients and servers for
+		Sun RPC.
+scripts		Some useful Python scripts that I put in my bin
+		directory.  No optional built-in modules needed.
+sockets		Examples for the new built-in module 'socket'.
+threads		Demos that use the 'thread' module.  (Currently these
+		only run on SGIs, but this may change in the future.)
+tix		Demos using the Tix widget set addition to Tkinter.
+tkinter		Demos using the Tk interface (including Matt Conway's
+		excellent set of demos).
+xml		Some XML demos.
+zlib		Some demos for the zlib module (see also the standard
+		library module