changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Doc/library/math.rst	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+:mod:`math` --- Mathematical functions
+.. module:: math
+   :synopsis: Mathematical functions (sin() etc.).
+This module is always available.  It provides access to the mathematical
+functions defined by the C standard.
+These functions cannot be used with complex numbers; use the functions of the
+same name from the :mod:`cmath` module if you require support for complex
+numbers.  The distinction between functions which support complex numbers and
+those which don't is made since most users do not want to learn quite as much
+mathematics as required to understand complex numbers.  Receiving an exception
+instead of a complex result allows earlier detection of the unexpected complex
+number used as a parameter, so that the programmer can determine how and why it
+was generated in the first place.
+The following functions are provided by this module.  Except when explicitly
+noted otherwise, all return values are floats.
+Number-theoretic and representation functions:
+.. function:: ceil(x)
+   Return the ceiling of *x* as a float, the smallest integer value greater than or
+   equal to *x*.
+.. function:: copysign(x, y)
+   Return *x* with the sign of *y*. ``copysign`` copies the sign bit of an IEEE
+   754 float, ``copysign(1, -0.0)`` returns *-1.0*.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+.. function:: fabs(x)
+   Return the absolute value of *x*.
+.. function:: factorial(x)
+   Return *x* factorial.  Raises :exc:`ValueError` if *x* is not integral or
+   is negative.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+.. function:: floor(x)
+   Return the floor of *x* as a float, the largest integer value less than or equal
+   to *x*.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.6
+      Added :meth:`__floor__` delegation.
+.. function:: fmod(x, y)
+   Return ``fmod(x, y)``, as defined by the platform C library. Note that the
+   Python expression ``x % y`` may not return the same result.  The intent of the C
+   standard is that ``fmod(x, y)`` be exactly (mathematically; to infinite
+   precision) equal to ``x - n*y`` for some integer *n* such that the result has
+   the same sign as *x* and magnitude less than ``abs(y)``.  Python's ``x % y``
+   returns a result with the sign of *y* instead, and may not be exactly computable
+   for float arguments. For example, ``fmod(-1e-100, 1e100)`` is ``-1e-100``, but
+   the result of Python's ``-1e-100 % 1e100`` is ``1e100-1e-100``, which cannot be
+   represented exactly as a float, and rounds to the surprising ``1e100``.  For
+   this reason, function :func:`fmod` is generally preferred when working with
+   floats, while Python's ``x % y`` is preferred when working with integers.
+.. function:: frexp(x)
+   Return the mantissa and exponent of *x* as the pair ``(m, e)``.  *m* is a float
+   and *e* is an integer such that ``x == m * 2**e`` exactly. If *x* is zero,
+   returns ``(0.0, 0)``, otherwise ``0.5 <= abs(m) < 1``.  This is used to "pick
+   apart" the internal representation of a float in a portable way.
+.. function:: fsum(iterable)
+   Return an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable.  Avoids
+   loss of precision by tracking multiple intermediate partial sums.  The
+   algorithm's accuracy depends on IEEE-754 arithmetic guarantees and the
+   typical case where the rounding mode is half-even.
+   .. note::
+      The accuracy of fsum() may be impaired on builds that use
+      extended precision addition and then double-round the results.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+.. function:: isinf(x)
+   Checks if the float *x* is positive or negative infinite.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+.. function:: isnan(x)
+   Checks if the float *x* is a NaN (not a number). NaNs are part of the
+   IEEE 754 standards. Operation like but not limited to ``inf * 0``, 
+   ``inf / inf`` or any operation involving a NaN, e.g. ``nan * 1``, return
+   a NaN.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+.. function:: ldexp(x, i)
+   Return ``x * (2**i)``.  This is essentially the inverse of function
+   :func:`frexp`.
+.. function:: modf(x)
+   Return the fractional and integer parts of *x*.  Both results carry the sign of
+   *x*, and both are floats.
+.. function:: trunc(x)
+   Return the :class:`Real` value *x* truncated to an :class:`Integral` (usually
+   a long integer). Delegates to ``x.__trunc__()``.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+Note that :func:`frexp` and :func:`modf` have a different call/return pattern
+than their C equivalents: they take a single argument and return a pair of
+values, rather than returning their second return value through an 'output
+parameter' (there is no such thing in Python).
+For the :func:`ceil`, :func:`floor`, and :func:`modf` functions, note that *all*
+floating-point numbers of sufficiently large magnitude are exact integers.
+Python floats typically carry no more than 53 bits of precision (the same as the
+platform C double type), in which case any float *x* with ``abs(x) >= 2**52``
+necessarily has no fractional bits.
+Power and logarithmic functions:
+.. function:: exp(x)
+   Return ``e**x``.
+.. function:: log(x[, base])
+   Return the logarithm of *x* to the given *base*. If the *base* is not specified,
+   return the natural logarithm of *x* (that is, the logarithm to base *e*).
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.3
+      *base* argument added.
+.. function:: log1p(x)
+   Return the natural logarithm of *1+x* (base *e*). The
+   result is calculated in a way which is accurate for *x* near zero.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+.. function:: log10(x)
+   Return the base-10 logarithm of *x*.
+.. function:: pow(x, y)
+   Return ``x`` raised to the power ``y``.  Exceptional cases follow
+   Annex 'F' of the C99 standard as far as possible.  In particular,
+   ``pow(1.0, x)`` and ``pow(x, 0.0)`` always return ``1.0``, even
+   when ``x`` is a zero or a NaN.  If both ``x`` and ``y`` are finite,
+   ``x`` is negative, and ``y`` is not an integer then ``pow(x, y)``
+   is undefined, and raises :exc:`ValueError`.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.6
+      The outcome of ``1**nan`` and ``nan**0`` was undefined.
+.. function:: sqrt(x)
+   Return the square root of *x*.
+Trigonometric functions:
+.. function:: acos(x)
+   Return the arc cosine of *x*, in radians.
+.. function:: asin(x)
+   Return the arc sine of *x*, in radians.
+.. function:: atan(x)
+   Return the arc tangent of *x*, in radians.
+.. function:: atan2(y, x)
+   Return ``atan(y / x)``, in radians. The result is between ``-pi`` and ``pi``.
+   The vector in the plane from the origin to point ``(x, y)`` makes this angle
+   with the positive X axis. The point of :func:`atan2` is that the signs of both
+   inputs are known to it, so it can compute the correct quadrant for the angle.
+   For example, ``atan(1``) and ``atan2(1, 1)`` are both ``pi/4``, but ``atan2(-1,
+   -1)`` is ``-3*pi/4``.
+.. function:: cos(x)
+   Return the cosine of *x* radians.
+.. function:: hypot(x, y)
+   Return the Euclidean norm, ``sqrt(x*x + y*y)``. This is the length of the vector
+   from the origin to point ``(x, y)``.
+.. function:: sin(x)
+   Return the sine of *x* radians.
+.. function:: tan(x)
+   Return the tangent of *x* radians.
+Angular conversion:
+.. function:: degrees(x)
+   Converts angle *x* from radians to degrees.
+.. function:: radians(x)
+   Converts angle *x* from degrees to radians.
+Hyperbolic functions:
+.. function:: acosh(x)
+   Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of *x*.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+.. function:: asinh(x)
+   Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of *x*.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+.. function:: atanh(x)
+   Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of *x*.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+.. function:: cosh(x)
+   Return the hyperbolic cosine of *x*.
+.. function:: sinh(x)
+   Return the hyperbolic sine of *x*.
+.. function:: tanh(x)
+   Return the hyperbolic tangent of *x*.
+The module also defines two mathematical constants:
+.. data:: pi
+   The mathematical constant *pi*.
+.. data:: e
+   The mathematical constant *e*.
+.. note::
+   The :mod:`math` module consists mostly of thin wrappers around the platform C
+   math library functions.  Behavior in exceptional cases is loosely specified
+   by the C standards, and Python inherits much of its math-function
+   error-reporting behavior from the platform C implementation.  As a result,
+   the specific exceptions raised in error cases (and even whether some
+   arguments are considered to be exceptional at all) are not defined in any
+   useful cross-platform or cross-release way.  For example, whether
+   ``math.log(0)`` returns ``-Inf`` or raises :exc:`ValueError` or
+   :exc:`OverflowError` isn't defined, and in cases where ``math.log(0)`` raises
+   :exc:`OverflowError`, ``math.log(0L)`` may raise :exc:`ValueError` instead.
+   All functions return a quiet *NaN* if at least one of the args is *NaN*.
+   Signaling *NaN*\s raise an exception. The exception type still depends on the
+   platform and libm implementation. It's usually :exc:`ValueError` for *EDOM*
+   and :exc:`OverflowError` for errno *ERANGE*.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.6
+      In earlier versions of Python the outcome of an operation with NaN as
+      input depended on platform and libm implementation.
+.. seealso::
+   Module :mod:`cmath`
+      Complex number versions of many of these functions.