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+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Doc/whatsnew/2.5.rst	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
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+  What's New in Python 2.5  
+:Author: A.M. Kuchling
+.. |release| replace:: 1.01
+.. $Id: whatsnew25.tex 56611 2007-07-29 08:26:10Z georg.brandl $
+.. Fix XXX comments
+This article explains the new features in Python 2.5.  The final release of
+Python 2.5 is scheduled for August 2006; :pep:`356` describes the planned
+release schedule.
+The changes in Python 2.5 are an interesting mix of language and library
+improvements. The library enhancements will be more important to Python's user
+community, I think, because several widely-useful packages were added.  New
+modules include ElementTree for XML processing (:mod:`xml.etree`),
+the SQLite database module (:mod:`sqlite`), and the :mod:`ctypes`
+module for calling C functions.
+The language changes are of middling significance.  Some pleasant new features
+were added, but most of them aren't features that you'll use every day.
+Conditional expressions were finally added to the language using a novel syntax;
+see section :ref:`pep-308`.  The new ':keyword:`with`' statement will make
+writing cleanup code easier (section :ref:`pep-343`).  Values can now be passed
+into generators (section :ref:`pep-342`).  Imports are now visible as either
+absolute or relative (section :ref:`pep-328`).  Some corner cases of exception
+handling are handled better (section :ref:`pep-341`).  All these improvements
+are worthwhile, but they're improvements to one specific language feature or
+another; none of them are broad modifications to Python's semantics.
+As well as the language and library additions, other improvements and bugfixes
+were made throughout the source tree.  A search through the SVN change logs
+finds there were 353 patches applied and 458 bugs fixed between Python 2.4 and
+2.5.  (Both figures are likely to be underestimates.)
+This article doesn't try to be a complete specification of the new features;
+instead changes are briefly introduced using helpful examples.  For full
+details, you should always refer to the documentation for Python 2.5 at
+ If you want to understand the complete implementation
+and design rationale, refer to the PEP for a particular new feature.
+Comments, suggestions, and error reports for this document are welcome; please
+e-mail them to the author or open a bug in the Python bug tracker.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-308:
+PEP 308: Conditional Expressions
+For a long time, people have been requesting a way to write conditional
+expressions, which are expressions that return value A or value B depending on
+whether a Boolean value is true or false.  A conditional expression lets you
+write a single assignment statement that has the same effect as the following::
+   if condition:
+       x = true_value
+   else:
+       x = false_value
+There have been endless tedious discussions of syntax on both python-dev and
+comp.lang.python.  A vote was even held that found the majority of voters wanted
+conditional expressions in some form, but there was no syntax that was preferred
+by a clear majority. Candidates included C's ``cond ? true_v : false_v``, ``if
+cond then true_v else false_v``, and 16 other variations.
+Guido van Rossum eventually chose a surprising syntax::
+   x = true_value if condition else false_value
+Evaluation is still lazy as in existing Boolean expressions, so the order of
+evaluation jumps around a bit.  The *condition* expression in the middle is
+evaluated first, and the *true_value* expression is evaluated only if the
+condition was true.  Similarly, the *false_value* expression is only evaluated
+when the condition is false.
+This syntax may seem strange and backwards; why does the condition go in the
+*middle* of the expression, and not in the front as in C's ``c ? x : y``?  The
+decision was checked by applying the new syntax to the modules in the standard
+library and seeing how the resulting code read.  In many cases where a
+conditional expression is used, one value seems to be the 'common case' and one
+value is an 'exceptional case', used only on rarer occasions when the condition
+isn't met.  The conditional syntax makes this pattern a bit more obvious::
+   contents = ((doc + '\n') if doc else '')
+I read the above statement as meaning "here *contents* is  usually assigned a
+value of ``doc+'\n'``; sometimes  *doc* is empty, in which special case an empty
+string is returned."   I doubt I will use conditional expressions very often
+where there  isn't a clear common and uncommon case.
+There was some discussion of whether the language should require surrounding
+conditional expressions with parentheses.  The decision was made to *not*
+require parentheses in the Python language's grammar, but as a matter of style I
+think you should always use them. Consider these two statements::
+   # First version -- no parens
+   level = 1 if logging else 0
+   # Second version -- with parens
+   level = (1 if logging else 0)
+In the first version, I think a reader's eye might group the statement into
+'level = 1', 'if logging', 'else 0', and think that the condition decides
+whether the assignment to *level* is performed.  The second version reads
+better, in my opinion, because it makes it clear that the assignment is always
+performed and the choice is being made between two values.
+Another reason for including the brackets: a few odd combinations of list
+comprehensions and lambdas could look like incorrect conditional expressions.
+See :pep:`308` for some examples.  If you put parentheses around your
+conditional expressions, you won't run into this case.
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`308` - Conditional Expressions
+      PEP written by Guido van Rossum and Raymond D. Hettinger; implemented by Thomas
+      Wouters.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-309:
+PEP 309: Partial Function Application
+The :mod:`functools` module is intended to contain tools for functional-style
+One useful tool in this module is the :func:`partial` function. For programs
+written in a functional style, you'll sometimes want to construct variants of
+existing functions that have some of the parameters filled in.  Consider a
+Python function ``f(a, b, c)``; you could create a new function ``g(b, c)`` that
+was equivalent to ``f(1, b, c)``.  This is called "partial function
+:func:`partial` takes the arguments ``(function, arg1, arg2, ... kwarg1=value1,
+kwarg2=value2)``.  The resulting object is callable, so you can just call it to
+invoke *function* with the filled-in arguments.
+Here's a small but realistic example::
+   import functools
+   def log (message, subsystem):
+       "Write the contents of 'message' to the specified subsystem."
+       print '%s: %s' % (subsystem, message)
+       ...
+   server_log = functools.partial(log, subsystem='server')
+   server_log('Unable to open socket')
+Here's another example, from a program that uses PyGTK.  Here a context-
+sensitive pop-up menu is being constructed dynamically.  The callback provided
+for the menu option is a partially applied version of the :meth:`open_item`
+method, where the first argument has been provided. ::
+   ...
+   class Application:
+       def open_item(self, path):
+          ...
+       def init (self):
+           open_func = functools.partial(self.open_item, item_path)
+           popup_menu.append( ("Open", open_func, 1) )
+Another function in the :mod:`functools` module is the
+:func:`update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped)` function that helps you write well-
+behaved decorators.  :func:`update_wrapper` copies the name, module, and
+docstring attribute to a wrapper function so that tracebacks inside the wrapped
+function are easier to understand.  For example, you might write::
+   def my_decorator(f):
+       def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+           print 'Calling decorated function'
+           return f(*args, **kwds)
+       functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, f)
+       return wrapper
+:func:`wraps` is a decorator that can be used inside your own decorators to copy
+the wrapped function's information.  An alternate  version of the previous
+example would be::
+   def my_decorator(f):
+       @functools.wraps(f)
+       def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+           print 'Calling decorated function'
+           return f(*args, **kwds)
+       return wrapper
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`309` - Partial Function Application
+      PEP proposed and written by Peter Harris; implemented by Hye-Shik Chang and Nick
+      Coghlan, with adaptations by Raymond Hettinger.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-314:
+PEP 314: Metadata for Python Software Packages v1.1
+Some simple dependency support was added to Distutils.  The :func:`setup`
+function now has ``requires``, ``provides``, and ``obsoletes`` keyword
+parameters.  When you build a source distribution using the ``sdist`` command,
+the dependency information will be recorded in the :file:`PKG-INFO` file.
+Another new keyword parameter is ``download_url``, which should be set to a URL
+for the package's source code.  This means it's now possible to look up an entry
+in the package index, determine the dependencies for a package, and download the
+required packages. ::
+   VERSION = '1.0'
+   setup(name='PyPackage', 
+         version=VERSION,
+         requires=['numarray', 'zlib (>=1.1.4)'],
+         obsoletes=['OldPackage']
+         download_url=(''
+                       % VERSION),
+        )
+Another new enhancement to the Python package index at
+ is storing source and binary archives for a
+package.  The new :command:`upload` Distutils command will upload a package to
+the repository.
+Before a package can be uploaded, you must be able to build a distribution using
+the :command:`sdist` Distutils command.  Once that works, you can run ``python upload`` to add your package to the PyPI archive.  Optionally you can
+GPG-sign the package by supplying the :option:`--sign` and :option:`--identity`
+Package uploading was implemented by Martin von Löwis and Richard Jones.
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`314` - Metadata for Python Software Packages v1.1
+      PEP proposed and written by A.M. Kuchling, Richard Jones, and Fred Drake;
+      implemented by Richard Jones and Fred Drake.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-328:
+PEP 328: Absolute and Relative Imports
+The simpler part of PEP 328 was implemented in Python 2.4: parentheses could now
+be used to enclose the names imported from a module using the ``from ... import
+...`` statement, making it easier to import many different names.
+The more complicated part has been implemented in Python 2.5: importing a module
+can be specified to use absolute or package-relative imports.  The plan is to
+move toward making absolute imports the default in future versions of Python.
+Let's say you have a package directory like this::
+   pkg/
+   pkg/
+   pkg/
+   pkg/
+This defines a package named :mod:`pkg` containing the :mod:`pkg.main` and
+:mod:`pkg.string` submodules.
+Consider the code in the :file:`` module.  What happens if it executes
+the statement ``import string``?  In Python 2.4 and earlier, it will first look
+in the package's directory to perform a relative import, finds
+:file:`pkg/`, imports the contents of that file as the
+:mod:`pkg.string` module, and that module is bound to the name ``string`` in the
+:mod:`pkg.main` module's namespace.
+That's fine if :mod:`pkg.string` was what you wanted.  But what if you wanted
+Python's standard :mod:`string` module?  There's no clean way to ignore
+:mod:`pkg.string` and look for the standard module; generally you had to look at
+the contents of ``sys.modules``, which is slightly unclean.    Holger Krekel's
+:mod:`py.std` package provides a tidier way to perform imports from the standard
+library, ``import py ; py.std.string.join()``, but that package isn't available
+on all Python installations.
+Reading code which relies on relative imports is also less clear, because a
+reader may be confused about which module, :mod:`string` or :mod:`pkg.string`,
+is intended to be used.  Python users soon learned not to duplicate the names of
+standard library modules in the names of their packages' submodules, but you
+can't protect against having your submodule's name being used for a new module
+added in a future version of Python.
+In Python 2.5, you can switch :keyword:`import`'s behaviour to  absolute imports
+using a ``from __future__ import absolute_import`` directive.  This absolute-
+import behaviour will become the default in a future version (probably Python
+2.7).  Once absolute imports  are the default, ``import string`` will always
+find the standard library's version. It's suggested that users should begin
+using absolute imports as much as possible, so it's preferable to begin writing
+``from pkg import string`` in your code.
+Relative imports are still possible by adding a leading period  to the module
+name when using the ``from ... import`` form::
+   # Import names from pkg.string
+   from .string import name1, name2
+   # Import pkg.string
+   from . import string
+This imports the :mod:`string` module relative to the current package, so in
+:mod:`pkg.main` this will import *name1* and *name2* from :mod:`pkg.string`.
+Additional leading periods perform the relative import starting from the parent
+of the current package.  For example, code in the :mod:`A.B.C` module can do::
+   from . import D                 # Imports A.B.D
+   from .. import E                # Imports A.E
+   from ..F import G               # Imports A.F.G
+Leading periods cannot be used with the ``import modname``  form of the import
+statement, only the ``from ... import`` form.
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`328` - Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
+      PEP written by Aahz; implemented by Thomas Wouters.
+      The py library by Holger Krekel, which contains the :mod:`py.std` package.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-338:
+PEP 338: Executing Modules as Scripts
+The :option:`-m` switch added in Python 2.4 to execute a module as a script
+gained a few more abilities.  Instead of being implemented in C code inside the
+Python interpreter, the switch now uses an implementation in a new module,
+The :mod:`runpy` module implements a more sophisticated import mechanism so that
+it's now possible to run modules in a package such as :mod:`pychecker.checker`.
+The module also supports alternative import mechanisms such as the
+:mod:`zipimport` module.  This means you can add a .zip archive's path to
+``sys.path`` and then use the :option:`-m` switch to execute code from the
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`338` - Executing modules as scripts
+      PEP written and  implemented by Nick Coghlan.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-341:
+PEP 341: Unified try/except/finally
+Until Python 2.5, the :keyword:`try` statement came in two flavours. You could
+use a :keyword:`finally` block to ensure that code is always executed, or one or
+more :keyword:`except` blocks to catch  specific exceptions.  You couldn't
+combine both :keyword:`except` blocks and a :keyword:`finally` block, because
+generating the right bytecode for the combined version was complicated and it
+wasn't clear what the semantics of the combined statement should be.
+Guido van Rossum spent some time working with Java, which does support the
+equivalent of combining :keyword:`except` blocks and a :keyword:`finally` block,
+and this clarified what the statement should mean.  In Python 2.5, you can now
+   try:
+       block-1 ...
+   except Exception1:
+       handler-1 ...
+   except Exception2:
+       handler-2 ...
+   else:
+       else-block
+   finally:
+       final-block 
+The code in *block-1* is executed.  If the code raises an exception, the various
+:keyword:`except` blocks are tested: if the exception is of class
+:class:`Exception1`, *handler-1* is executed; otherwise if it's of class
+:class:`Exception2`, *handler-2* is executed, and so forth.  If no exception is
+raised, the *else-block* is executed.
+No matter what happened previously, the *final-block* is executed once the code
+block is complete and any raised exceptions handled. Even if there's an error in
+an exception handler or the *else-block* and a new exception is raised, the code
+in the *final-block* is still run.
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`341` - Unifying try-except and try-finally
+      PEP written by Georg Brandl;  implementation by Thomas Lee.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-342:
+PEP 342: New Generator Features
+Python 2.5 adds a simple way to pass values *into* a generator. As introduced in
+Python 2.3, generators only produce output; once a generator's code was invoked
+to create an iterator, there was no way to pass any new information into the
+function when its execution is resumed.  Sometimes the ability to pass in some
+information would be useful.  Hackish solutions to this include making the
+generator's code look at a global variable and then changing the global
+variable's value, or passing in some mutable object that callers then modify.
+To refresh your memory of basic generators, here's a simple example::
+   def counter (maximum):
+       i = 0
+       while i < maximum:
+           yield i
+           i += 1
+When you call ``counter(10)``, the result is an iterator that returns the values
+from 0 up to 9.  On encountering the :keyword:`yield` statement, the iterator
+returns the provided value and suspends the function's execution, preserving the
+local variables. Execution resumes on the following call to the iterator's
+:meth:`next` method, picking up after the :keyword:`yield` statement.
+In Python 2.3, :keyword:`yield` was a statement; it didn't return any value.  In
+2.5, :keyword:`yield` is now an expression, returning a value that can be
+assigned to a variable or otherwise operated on::
+   val = (yield i)
+I recommend that you always put parentheses around a :keyword:`yield` expression
+when you're doing something with the returned value, as in the above example.
+The parentheses aren't always necessary, but it's easier to always add them
+instead of having to remember when they're needed.
+(:pep:`342` explains the exact rules, which are that a :keyword:`yield`\
+-expression must always be parenthesized except when it occurs at the top-level
+expression on the right-hand side of an assignment.  This means you can write
+``val = yield i`` but have to use parentheses when there's an operation, as in
+``val = (yield i) + 12``.)
+Values are sent into a generator by calling its :meth:`send(value)` method.  The
+generator's code is then resumed and the :keyword:`yield` expression returns the
+specified *value*.  If the regular :meth:`next` method is called, the
+:keyword:`yield` returns :const:`None`.
+Here's the previous example, modified to allow changing the value of the
+internal counter. ::
+   def counter (maximum):
+       i = 0
+       while i < maximum:
+           val = (yield i)
+           # If value provided, change counter
+           if val is not None:
+               i = val
+           else:
+               i += 1
+And here's an example of changing the counter::
+   >>> it = counter(10)
+   >>> print
+   0
+   >>> print
+   1
+   >>> print it.send(8)
+   8
+   >>> print
+   9
+   >>> print
+   Traceback (most recent call last):
+     File ``'', line 15, in ?
+       print
+   StopIteration
+:keyword:`yield` will usually return :const:`None`, so you should always check
+for this case.  Don't just use its value in expressions unless you're sure that
+the :meth:`send` method will be the only method used to resume your generator
+In addition to :meth:`send`, there are two other new methods on generators:
+* :meth:`throw(type, value=None, traceback=None)` is used to raise an exception
+  inside the generator; the exception is raised by the :keyword:`yield` expression
+  where the generator's execution is paused.
+* :meth:`close` raises a new :exc:`GeneratorExit` exception inside the generator
+  to terminate the iteration.  On receiving this exception, the generator's code
+  must either raise :exc:`GeneratorExit` or :exc:`StopIteration`.  Catching the
+  :exc:`GeneratorExit` exception and returning a value is illegal and will trigger
+  a :exc:`RuntimeError`; if the function raises some other exception, that
+  exception is propagated to the caller.  :meth:`close` will also be called by
+  Python's garbage collector when the generator is garbage-collected.
+  If you need to run cleanup code when a :exc:`GeneratorExit` occurs, I suggest
+  using a ``try: ... finally:`` suite instead of  catching :exc:`GeneratorExit`.
+The cumulative effect of these changes is to turn generators from one-way
+producers of information into both producers and consumers.
+Generators also become *coroutines*, a more generalized form of subroutines.
+Subroutines are entered at one point and exited at another point (the top of the
+function, and a :keyword:`return` statement), but coroutines can be entered,
+exited, and resumed at many different points (the :keyword:`yield` statements).
+We'll have to figure out patterns for using coroutines effectively in Python.
+The addition of the :meth:`close` method has one side effect that isn't obvious.
+:meth:`close` is called when a generator is garbage-collected, so this means the
+generator's code gets one last chance to run before the generator is destroyed.
+This last chance means that ``try...finally`` statements in generators can now
+be guaranteed to work; the :keyword:`finally` clause will now always get a
+chance to run.  The syntactic restriction that you couldn't mix :keyword:`yield`
+statements with a ``try...finally`` suite has therefore been removed.  This
+seems like a minor bit of language trivia, but using generators and
+``try...finally`` is actually necessary in order to implement the
+:keyword:`with` statement described by PEP 343.  I'll look at this new statement
+in the following  section.
+Another even more esoteric effect of this change: previously, the
+:attr:`gi_frame` attribute of a generator was always a frame object. It's now
+possible for :attr:`gi_frame` to be ``None`` once the generator has been
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`342` - Coroutines via Enhanced Generators
+      PEP written by  Guido van Rossum and Phillip J. Eby; implemented by Phillip J.
+      Eby.  Includes examples of  some fancier uses of generators as coroutines.
+      Earlier versions of these features were proposed in  :pep:`288` by Raymond
+      Hettinger and :pep:`325` by Samuele Pedroni.
+      The Wikipedia entry for  coroutines.
+      An explanation of coroutines from a Perl point of view, written by Dan Sugalski.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-343:
+PEP 343: The 'with' statement
+The ':keyword:`with`' statement clarifies code that previously would use
+``try...finally`` blocks to ensure that clean-up code is executed.  In this
+section, I'll discuss the statement as it will commonly be used.  In the next
+section, I'll examine the implementation details and show how to write objects
+for use with this statement.
+The ':keyword:`with`' statement is a new control-flow structure whose basic
+structure is::
+   with expression [as variable]:
+       with-block
+The expression is evaluated, and it should result in an object that supports the
+context management protocol (that is, has :meth:`__enter__` and :meth:`__exit__`
+The object's :meth:`__enter__` is called before *with-block* is executed and
+therefore can run set-up code. It also may return a value that is bound to the
+name *variable*, if given.  (Note carefully that *variable* is *not* assigned
+the result of *expression*.)
+After execution of the *with-block* is finished, the object's :meth:`__exit__`
+method is called, even if the block raised an exception, and can therefore run
+clean-up code.
+To enable the statement in Python 2.5, you need to add the following directive
+to your module::
+   from __future__ import with_statement
+The statement will always be enabled in Python 2.6.
+Some standard Python objects now support the context management protocol and can
+be used with the ':keyword:`with`' statement. File objects are one example::
+   with open('/etc/passwd', 'r') as f:
+       for line in f:
+           print line
+           ... more processing code ...
+After this statement has executed, the file object in *f* will have been
+automatically closed, even if the :keyword:`for` loop raised an exception part-
+way through the block.
+.. note::
+   In this case, *f* is the same object created by :func:`open`, because
+   :meth:`file.__enter__` returns *self*.
+The :mod:`threading` module's locks and condition variables  also support the
+':keyword:`with`' statement::
+   lock = threading.Lock()
+   with lock:
+       # Critical section of code
+       ...
+The lock is acquired before the block is executed and always released once  the
+block is complete.
+The new :func:`localcontext` function in the :mod:`decimal` module makes it easy
+to save and restore the current decimal context, which encapsulates the desired
+precision and rounding characteristics for computations::
+   from decimal import Decimal, Context, localcontext
+   # Displays with default precision of 28 digits
+   v = Decimal('578')
+   print v.sqrt()
+   with localcontext(Context(prec=16)):
+       # All code in this block uses a precision of 16 digits.
+       # The original context is restored on exiting the block.
+       print v.sqrt()
+.. _new-25-context-managers:
+Writing Context Managers
+Under the hood, the ':keyword:`with`' statement is fairly complicated. Most
+people will only use ':keyword:`with`' in company with existing objects and
+don't need to know these details, so you can skip the rest of this section if
+you like.  Authors of new objects will need to understand the details of the
+underlying implementation and should keep reading.
+A high-level explanation of the context management protocol is:
+* The expression is evaluated and should result in an object called a "context
+  manager".  The context manager must have :meth:`__enter__` and :meth:`__exit__`
+  methods.
+* The context manager's :meth:`__enter__` method is called.  The value returned
+  is assigned to *VAR*.  If no ``'as VAR'`` clause is present, the value is simply
+  discarded.
+* The code in *BLOCK* is executed.
+* If *BLOCK* raises an exception, the :meth:`__exit__(type, value, traceback)`
+  is called with the exception details, the same values returned by
+  :func:`sys.exc_info`.  The method's return value controls whether the exception
+  is re-raised: any false value re-raises the exception, and ``True`` will result
+  in suppressing it.  You'll only rarely want to suppress the exception, because
+  if you do the author of the code containing the ':keyword:`with`' statement will
+  never realize anything went wrong.
+* If *BLOCK* didn't raise an exception,  the :meth:`__exit__` method is still
+  called, but *type*, *value*, and *traceback* are all ``None``.
+Let's think through an example.  I won't present detailed code but will only
+sketch the methods necessary for a database that supports transactions.
+(For people unfamiliar with database terminology: a set of changes to the
+database are grouped into a transaction.  Transactions can be either committed,
+meaning that all the changes are written into the database, or rolled back,
+meaning that the changes are all discarded and the database is unchanged.  See
+any database textbook for more information.)
+Let's assume there's an object representing a database connection. Our goal will
+be to let the user write code like this::
+   db_connection = DatabaseConnection()
+   with db_connection as cursor:
+       cursor.execute('insert into ...')
+       cursor.execute('delete from ...')
+       # ... more operations ...
+The transaction should be committed if the code in the block runs flawlessly or
+rolled back if there's an exception. Here's the basic interface for
+:class:`DatabaseConnection` that I'll assume::
+   class DatabaseConnection:
+       # Database interface
+       def cursor (self):
+           "Returns a cursor object and starts a new transaction"
+       def commit (self):
+           "Commits current transaction"
+       def rollback (self):
+           "Rolls back current transaction"
+The :meth:`__enter__` method is pretty easy, having only to start a new
+transaction.  For this application the resulting cursor object would be a useful
+result, so the method will return it.  The user can then add ``as cursor`` to
+their ':keyword:`with`' statement to bind the cursor to a variable name. ::
+   class DatabaseConnection:
+       ...
+       def __enter__ (self):
+           # Code to start a new transaction
+           cursor = self.cursor()
+           return cursor
+The :meth:`__exit__` method is the most complicated because it's where most of
+the work has to be done.  The method has to check if an exception occurred.  If
+there was no exception, the transaction is committed.  The transaction is rolled
+back if there was an exception.
+In the code below, execution will just fall off the end of the function,
+returning the default value of ``None``.  ``None`` is false, so the exception
+will be re-raised automatically.  If you wished, you could be more explicit and
+add a :keyword:`return` statement at the marked location. ::
+   class DatabaseConnection:
+       ...
+       def __exit__ (self, type, value, tb):
+           if tb is None:
+               # No exception, so commit
+               self.commit()
+           else:
+               # Exception occurred, so rollback.
+               self.rollback()
+               # return False
+.. _contextlibmod:
+The contextlib module
+The new :mod:`contextlib` module provides some functions and a decorator that
+are useful for writing objects for use with the ':keyword:`with`' statement.
+The decorator is called :func:`contextmanager`, and lets you write a single
+generator function instead of defining a new class.  The generator should yield
+exactly one value.  The code up to the :keyword:`yield` will be executed as the
+:meth:`__enter__` method, and the value yielded will be the method's return
+value that will get bound to the variable in the ':keyword:`with`' statement's
+:keyword:`as` clause, if any.  The code after the :keyword:`yield` will be
+executed in the :meth:`__exit__` method.  Any exception raised in the block will
+be raised by the :keyword:`yield` statement.
+Our database example from the previous section could be written  using this
+decorator as::
+   from contextlib import contextmanager
+   @contextmanager
+   def db_transaction (connection):
+       cursor = connection.cursor()
+       try:
+           yield cursor
+       except:
+           connection.rollback()
+           raise
+       else:
+           connection.commit()
+   db = DatabaseConnection()
+   with db_transaction(db) as cursor:
+       ...
+The :mod:`contextlib` module also has a :func:`nested(mgr1, mgr2, ...)` function
+that combines a number of context managers so you don't need to write nested
+':keyword:`with`' statements.  In this example, the single ':keyword:`with`'
+statement both starts a database transaction and acquires a thread lock::
+   lock = threading.Lock()
+   with nested (db_transaction(db), lock) as (cursor, locked):
+       ...
+Finally, the :func:`closing(object)` function returns *object* so that it can be
+bound to a variable, and calls ``object.close`` at the end of the block. ::
+   import urllib, sys
+   from contextlib import closing
+   with closing(urllib.urlopen('')) as f:
+       for line in f:
+           sys.stdout.write(line)
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`343` - The "with" statement
+      PEP written by Guido van Rossum and Nick Coghlan; implemented by Mike Bland,
+      Guido van Rossum, and Neal Norwitz.  The PEP shows the code generated for a
+      ':keyword:`with`' statement, which can be helpful in learning how the statement
+      works.
+   The documentation  for the :mod:`contextlib` module.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-352:
+PEP 352: Exceptions as New-Style Classes
+Exception classes can now be new-style classes, not just classic classes, and
+the built-in :exc:`Exception` class and all the standard built-in exceptions
+(:exc:`NameError`, :exc:`ValueError`, etc.) are now new-style classes.
+The inheritance hierarchy for exceptions has been rearranged a bit. In 2.5, the
+inheritance relationships are::
+   BaseException       # New in Python 2.5
+   |- KeyboardInterrupt
+   |- SystemExit
+   |- Exception
+      |- (all other current built-in exceptions)
+This rearrangement was done because people often want to catch all exceptions
+that indicate program errors.  :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` and :exc:`SystemExit`
+aren't errors, though, and usually represent an explicit action such as the user
+hitting Control-C or code calling :func:`sys.exit`.  A bare ``except:`` will
+catch all exceptions, so you commonly need to list :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` and
+:exc:`SystemExit` in order to re-raise them.  The usual pattern is::
+   try:
+       ...
+   except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+       raise
+   except: 
+       # Log error...  
+       # Continue running program...
+In Python 2.5, you can now write ``except Exception`` to achieve the same
+result, catching all the exceptions that usually indicate errors  but leaving
+:exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` and :exc:`SystemExit` alone.  As in previous versions,
+a bare ``except:`` still catches all exceptions.
+The goal for Python 3.0 is to require any class raised as an exception to derive
+from :exc:`BaseException` or some descendant of :exc:`BaseException`, and future
+releases in the Python 2.x series may begin to enforce this constraint.
+Therefore, I suggest you begin making all your exception classes derive from
+:exc:`Exception` now.  It's been suggested that the bare ``except:`` form should
+be removed in Python 3.0, but Guido van Rossum hasn't decided whether to do this
+or not.
+Raising of strings as exceptions, as in the statement ``raise "Error
+occurred"``, is deprecated in Python 2.5 and will trigger a warning.  The aim is
+to be able to remove the string-exception feature in a few releases.
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`352` - Required Superclass for Exceptions
+      PEP written by  Brett Cannon and Guido van Rossum; implemented by Brett Cannon.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-353:
+PEP 353: Using ssize_t as the index type
+A wide-ranging change to Python's C API, using a new  :ctype:`Py_ssize_t` type
+definition instead of :ctype:`int`,  will permit the interpreter to handle more
+data on 64-bit platforms. This change doesn't affect Python's capacity on 32-bit
+Various pieces of the Python interpreter used C's :ctype:`int` type to store
+sizes or counts; for example, the number of items in a list or tuple were stored
+in an :ctype:`int`.  The C compilers for most 64-bit platforms still define
+:ctype:`int` as a 32-bit type, so that meant that lists could only hold up to
+``2**31 - 1`` = 2147483647 items. (There are actually a few different
+programming models that 64-bit C compilers can use -- see
+ for a discussion -- but the
+most commonly available model leaves :ctype:`int` as 32 bits.)
+A limit of 2147483647 items doesn't really matter on a 32-bit platform because
+you'll run out of memory before hitting the length limit. Each list item
+requires space for a pointer, which is 4 bytes, plus space for a
+:ctype:`PyObject` representing the item.  2147483647\*4 is already more bytes
+than a 32-bit address space can contain.
+It's possible to address that much memory on a 64-bit platform, however.  The
+pointers for a list that size would only require 16 GiB of space, so it's not
+unreasonable that Python programmers might construct lists that large.
+Therefore, the Python interpreter had to be changed to use some type other than
+:ctype:`int`, and this will be a 64-bit type on 64-bit platforms.  The change
+will cause incompatibilities on 64-bit machines, so it was deemed worth making
+the transition now, while the number of 64-bit users is still relatively small.
+(In 5 or 10 years, we may *all* be on 64-bit machines, and the transition would
+be more painful then.)
+This change most strongly affects authors of C extension modules.   Python
+strings and container types such as lists and tuples  now use
+:ctype:`Py_ssize_t` to store their size.   Functions such as
+:cfunc:`PyList_Size`  now return :ctype:`Py_ssize_t`.  Code in extension modules
+may therefore need to have some variables changed to :ctype:`Py_ssize_t`.
+The :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple` and :cfunc:`Py_BuildValue` functions have a new
+conversion code, ``n``, for :ctype:`Py_ssize_t`.   :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple`'s
+``s#`` and ``t#`` still output :ctype:`int` by default, but you can define the
+macro  :cmacro:`PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN` before including :file:`Python.h`  to make
+them return :ctype:`Py_ssize_t`.
+:pep:`353` has a section on conversion guidelines that  extension authors should
+read to learn about supporting 64-bit platforms.
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`353` - Using ssize_t as the index type
+      PEP written and implemented by Martin von Löwis.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _pep-357:
+PEP 357: The '__index__' method
+The NumPy developers had a problem that could only be solved by adding a new
+special method, :meth:`__index__`.  When using slice notation, as in
+``[start:stop:step]``, the values of the *start*, *stop*, and *step* indexes
+must all be either integers or long integers.  NumPy defines a variety of
+specialized integer types corresponding to unsigned and signed integers of 8,
+16, 32, and 64 bits, but there was no way to signal that these types could be
+used as slice indexes.
+Slicing can't just use the existing :meth:`__int__` method because that method
+is also used to implement coercion to integers.  If slicing used
+:meth:`__int__`, floating-point numbers would also become legal slice indexes
+and that's clearly an undesirable behaviour.
+Instead, a new special method called :meth:`__index__` was added.  It takes no
+arguments and returns an integer giving the slice index to use.  For example::
+   class C:
+       def __index__ (self):
+           return self.value  
+The return value must be either a Python integer or long integer. The
+interpreter will check that the type returned is correct, and raises a
+:exc:`TypeError` if this requirement isn't met.
+A corresponding :attr:`nb_index` slot was added to the C-level
+:ctype:`PyNumberMethods` structure to let C extensions implement this protocol.
+:cfunc:`PyNumber_Index(obj)` can be used in extension code to call the
+:meth:`__index__` function and retrieve its result.
+.. seealso::
+   :pep:`357` - Allowing Any Object to be Used for Slicing
+      PEP written  and implemented by Travis Oliphant.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _other-lang:
+Other Language Changes
+Here are all of the changes that Python 2.5 makes to the core Python language.
+* The :class:`dict` type has a new hook for letting subclasses provide a default
+  value when a key isn't contained in the dictionary. When a key isn't found, the
+  dictionary's :meth:`__missing__(key)` method will be called.  This hook is used
+  to implement the new :class:`defaultdict` class in the :mod:`collections`
+  module.  The following example defines a dictionary  that returns zero for any
+  missing key::
+     class zerodict (dict):
+         def __missing__ (self, key):
+             return 0
+     d = zerodict({1:1, 2:2})
+     print d[1], d[2]   # Prints 1, 2
+     print d[3], d[4]   # Prints 0, 0
+* Both 8-bit and Unicode strings have new :meth:`partition(sep)`  and
+  :meth:`rpartition(sep)` methods that simplify a common use case.
+  The :meth:`find(S)` method is often used to get an index which is then used to
+  slice the string and obtain the pieces that are before and after the separator.
+  :meth:`partition(sep)` condenses this pattern into a single method call that
+  returns a 3-tuple containing the substring before the separator, the separator
+  itself, and the substring after the separator.  If the separator isn't found,
+  the first element of the tuple is the entire string and the other two elements
+  are empty.  :meth:`rpartition(sep)` also returns a 3-tuple but starts searching
+  from the end of the string; the ``r`` stands for 'reverse'.
+  Some examples::
+     >>> ('').partition('://')
+     ('http', '://', '')
+     >>> ('file:/usr/share/doc/index.html').partition('://')
+     ('file:/usr/share/doc/index.html', '', '')
+     >>> (u'Subject: a quick question').partition(':')
+     (u'Subject', u':', u' a quick question')
+     >>> ''.rpartition('.')
+     ('www.python', '.', 'org')
+     >>> ''.rpartition(':')
+     ('', '', '')
+  (Implemented by Fredrik Lundh following a suggestion by Raymond Hettinger.)
+* The :meth:`startswith` and :meth:`endswith` methods of string types now accept
+  tuples of strings to check for. ::
+     def is_image_file (filename):
+         return filename.endswith(('.gif', '.jpg', '.tiff'))
+  (Implemented by Georg Brandl following a suggestion by Tom Lynn.)
+  .. RFE #1491485
+* The :func:`min` and :func:`max` built-in functions gained a ``key`` keyword
+  parameter analogous to the ``key`` argument for :meth:`sort`.  This parameter
+  supplies a function that takes a single argument and is called for every value
+  in the list; :func:`min`/:func:`max` will return the element with the
+  smallest/largest return value from this function. For example, to find the
+  longest string in a list, you can do::
+     L = ['medium', 'longest', 'short']
+     # Prints 'longest'
+     print max(L, key=len)              
+     # Prints 'short', because lexicographically 'short' has the largest value
+     print max(L)         
+  (Contributed by Steven Bethard and Raymond Hettinger.)
+* Two new built-in functions, :func:`any` and :func:`all`, evaluate whether an
+  iterator contains any true or false values.  :func:`any` returns :const:`True`
+  if any value returned by the iterator is true; otherwise it will return
+  :const:`False`.  :func:`all` returns :const:`True` only if all of the values
+  returned by the iterator evaluate as true. (Suggested by Guido van Rossum, and
+  implemented by Raymond Hettinger.)
+* The result of a class's :meth:`__hash__` method can now be either a long
+  integer or a regular integer.  If a long integer is returned, the hash of that
+  value is taken.  In earlier versions the hash value was required to be a
+  regular integer, but in 2.5 the :func:`id` built-in was changed to always
+  return non-negative numbers, and users often seem to use ``id(self)`` in
+  :meth:`__hash__` methods (though this is discouraged).
+  .. Bug #1536021
+* ASCII is now the default encoding for modules.  It's now  a syntax error if a
+  module contains string literals with 8-bit characters but doesn't have an
+  encoding declaration.  In Python 2.4 this triggered a warning, not a syntax
+  error.  See :pep:`263`  for how to declare a module's encoding; for example, you
+  might add  a line like this near the top of the source file::
+     # -*- coding: latin1 -*-
+* A new warning, :class:`UnicodeWarning`, is triggered when  you attempt to
+  compare a Unicode string and an 8-bit string  that can't be converted to Unicode
+  using the default ASCII encoding.   The result of the comparison is false::
+     >>> chr(128) == unichr(128)   # Can't convert chr(128) to Unicode
+     __main__:1: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed 
+       to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them 
+       as being unequal
+     False
+     >>> chr(127) == unichr(127)   # chr(127) can be converted
+     True
+  Previously this would raise a :class:`UnicodeDecodeError` exception, but in 2.5
+  this could result in puzzling problems when accessing a dictionary.  If you
+  looked up ``unichr(128)`` and ``chr(128)`` was being used as a key, you'd get a
+  :class:`UnicodeDecodeError` exception.  Other changes in 2.5 resulted in this
+  exception being raised instead of suppressed by the code in :file:`dictobject.c`
+  that implements dictionaries.
+  Raising an exception for such a comparison is strictly correct, but the change
+  might have broken code, so instead  :class:`UnicodeWarning` was introduced.
+  (Implemented by Marc-André Lemburg.)
+* One error that Python programmers sometimes make is forgetting to include an
+  :file:`` module in a package directory. Debugging this mistake can be
+  confusing, and usually requires running Python with the :option:`-v` switch to
+  log all the paths searched. In Python 2.5, a new :exc:`ImportWarning` warning is
+  triggered when an import would have picked up a directory as a package but no
+  :file:`` was found.  This warning is silently ignored by default;
+  provide the :option:`-Wd` option when running the Python executable to display
+  the warning message. (Implemented by Thomas Wouters.)
+* The list of base classes in a class definition can now be empty.   As an
+  example, this is now legal::
+     class C():
+         pass
+  (Implemented by Brett Cannon.)
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _25interactive:
+Interactive Interpreter Changes
+In the interactive interpreter, ``quit`` and ``exit``  have long been strings so
+that new users get a somewhat helpful message when they try to quit::
+   >>> quit
+   'Use Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit.'
+In Python 2.5, ``quit`` and ``exit`` are now objects that still produce string
+representations of themselves, but are also callable. Newbies who try ``quit()``
+or ``exit()`` will now exit the interpreter as they expect.  (Implemented by
+Georg Brandl.)
+The Python executable now accepts the standard long options  :option:`--help`
+and :option:`--version`; on Windows,  it also accepts the :option:`/?` option
+for displaying a help message. (Implemented by Georg Brandl.)
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _opts:
+Several of the optimizations were developed at the NeedForSpeed sprint, an event
+held in Reykjavik, Iceland, from May 21--28 2006. The sprint focused on speed
+enhancements to the CPython implementation and was funded by EWT LLC with local
+support from CCP Games.  Those optimizations added at this sprint are specially
+marked in the following list.
+* When they were introduced  in Python 2.4, the built-in :class:`set` and
+  :class:`frozenset` types were built on top of Python's dictionary type.   In 2.5
+  the internal data structure has been customized for implementing sets, and as a
+  result sets will use a third less memory and are somewhat faster. (Implemented
+  by Raymond Hettinger.)
+* The speed of some Unicode operations, such as finding substrings, string
+  splitting, and character map encoding and decoding, has been improved.
+  (Substring search and splitting improvements were added by Fredrik Lundh and
+  Andrew Dalke at the NeedForSpeed sprint. Character maps were improved by Walter
+  Dörwald and Martin von Löwis.)
+  .. Patch 1313939, 1359618
+* The :func:`long(str, base)` function is now faster on long digit strings
+  because fewer intermediate results are calculated.  The peak is for strings of
+  around 800--1000 digits where  the function is 6 times faster. (Contributed by
+  Alan McIntyre and committed at the NeedForSpeed sprint.)
+  .. Patch 1442927
+* It's now illegal to mix iterating over a file  with ``for line in file`` and
+  calling  the file object's :meth:`read`/:meth:`readline`/:meth:`readlines`
+  methods.  Iteration uses an internal buffer and the  :meth:`read\*` methods
+  don't use that buffer.   Instead they would return the data following the
+  buffer, causing the data to appear out of order.  Mixing iteration and these
+  methods will now trigger a :exc:`ValueError` from the :meth:`read\*` method.
+  (Implemented by Thomas Wouters.)
+  .. Patch 1397960
+* The :mod:`struct` module now compiles structure format  strings into an
+  internal representation and caches this representation, yielding a 20% speedup.
+  (Contributed by Bob Ippolito at the NeedForSpeed sprint.)
+* The :mod:`re` module got a 1 or 2% speedup by switching to  Python's allocator
+  functions instead of the system's  :cfunc:`malloc` and :cfunc:`free`.
+  (Contributed by Jack Diederich at the NeedForSpeed sprint.)
+* The code generator's peephole optimizer now performs simple constant folding
+  in expressions.  If you write something like ``a = 2+3``, the code generator
+  will do the arithmetic and produce code corresponding to ``a = 5``.  (Proposed
+  and implemented  by Raymond Hettinger.)
+* Function calls are now faster because code objects now keep  the most recently
+  finished frame (a "zombie frame") in an internal field of the code object,
+  reusing it the next time the code object is invoked.  (Original patch by Michael
+  Hudson, modified by Armin Rigo and Richard Jones; committed at the NeedForSpeed
+  sprint.)  Frame objects are also slightly smaller, which may improve cache
+  locality and reduce memory usage a bit.  (Contributed by Neal Norwitz.)
+  .. Patch 876206
+  .. Patch 1337051
+* Python's built-in exceptions are now new-style classes, a change that speeds
+  up instantiation considerably.  Exception handling in Python 2.5 is therefore
+  about 30% faster than in 2.4. (Contributed by Richard Jones, Georg Brandl and
+  Sean Reifschneider at the NeedForSpeed sprint.)
+* Importing now caches the paths tried, recording whether  they exist or not so
+  that the interpreter makes fewer  :cfunc:`open` and :cfunc:`stat` calls on
+  startup. (Contributed by Martin von Löwis and Georg Brandl.)
+  .. Patch 921466
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _25modules:
+New, Improved, and Removed Modules
+The standard library received many enhancements and bug fixes in Python 2.5.
+Here's a partial list of the most notable changes, sorted alphabetically by
+module name. Consult the :file:`Misc/NEWS` file in the source tree for a more
+complete list of changes, or look through the SVN logs for all the details.
+* The :mod:`audioop` module now supports the a-LAW encoding, and the code for
+  u-LAW encoding has been improved.  (Contributed by Lars Immisch.)
+* The :mod:`codecs` module gained support for incremental codecs.  The
+  :func:`codec.lookup` function now returns a :class:`CodecInfo` instance instead
+  of a tuple. :class:`CodecInfo` instances behave like a 4-tuple to preserve
+  backward compatibility but also have the attributes :attr:`encode`,
+  :attr:`decode`, :attr:`incrementalencoder`, :attr:`incrementaldecoder`,
+  :attr:`streamwriter`, and :attr:`streamreader`.  Incremental codecs  can receive
+  input and produce output in multiple chunks; the output is the same as if the
+  entire input was fed to the non-incremental codec. See the :mod:`codecs` module
+  documentation for details. (Designed and implemented by Walter Dörwald.)
+  .. Patch  1436130
+* The :mod:`collections` module gained a new type, :class:`defaultdict`, that
+  subclasses the standard :class:`dict` type.  The new type mostly behaves like a
+  dictionary but constructs a default value when a key isn't present,
+  automatically adding it to the dictionary for the requested key value.
+  The first argument to :class:`defaultdict`'s constructor is a factory function
+  that gets called whenever a key is requested but not found. This factory
+  function receives no arguments, so you can use built-in type constructors such
+  as :func:`list` or :func:`int`.  For example,  you can make an index of words
+  based on their initial letter like this::
+     words = """Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
+     mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
+     che la diritta via era smarrita""".lower().split()
+     index = defaultdict(list)
+     for w in words:
+         init_letter = w[0]
+         index[init_letter].append(w)
+  Printing ``index`` results in the following output::
+     defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'c': ['cammin', 'che'], 'e': ['era'], 
+             'd': ['del', 'di', 'diritta'], 'm': ['mezzo', 'mi'], 
+             'l': ['la'], 'o': ['oscura'], 'n': ['nel', 'nostra'], 
+             'p': ['per'], 's': ['selva', 'smarrita'], 
+             'r': ['ritrovai'], 'u': ['una'], 'v': ['vita', 'via']}
+  (Contributed by Guido van Rossum.)
+* The :class:`deque` double-ended queue type supplied by the :mod:`collections`
+  module now has a :meth:`remove(value)` method that removes the first occurrence
+  of *value* in the queue, raising :exc:`ValueError` if the value isn't found.
+  (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)
+* New module: The :mod:`contextlib` module contains helper functions for use
+  with the new ':keyword:`with`' statement.  See section :ref:`contextlibmod`
+  for more about this module.
+* New module: The :mod:`cProfile` module is a C implementation of  the existing
+  :mod:`profile` module that has much lower overhead. The module's interface is
+  the same as :mod:`profile`: you run ``'main()')`` to profile a
+  function, can save profile data to a file, etc.  It's not yet known if the
+  Hotshot profiler, which is also written in C but doesn't match the
+  :mod:`profile` module's interface, will continue to be maintained in future
+  versions of Python.  (Contributed by Armin Rigo.)
+  Also, the :mod:`pstats` module for analyzing the data measured by the profiler
+  now supports directing the output to any file object by supplying a *stream*
+  argument to the :class:`Stats` constructor. (Contributed by Skip Montanaro.)
+* The :mod:`csv` module, which parses files in comma-separated value format,
+  received several enhancements and a number of bugfixes.  You can now set the
+  maximum size in bytes of a field by calling the
+  :meth:`csv.field_size_limit(new_limit)` function; omitting the *new_limit*
+  argument will return the currently-set limit.  The :class:`reader` class now has
+  a :attr:`line_num` attribute that counts the number of physical lines read from
+  the source; records can span multiple physical lines, so :attr:`line_num` is not
+  the same as the number of records read.
+  The CSV parser is now stricter about multi-line quoted fields. Previously, if a
+  line ended within a quoted field without a terminating newline character, a
+  newline would be inserted into the returned field. This behavior caused problems
+  when reading files that contained carriage return characters within fields, so
+  the code was changed to return the field without inserting newlines. As a
+  consequence, if newlines embedded within fields are important, the input should
+  be split into lines in a manner that preserves the newline characters.
+  (Contributed by Skip Montanaro and Andrew McNamara.)
+* The :class:`datetime` class in the :mod:`datetime`  module now has a
+  :meth:`strptime(string, format)`  method for parsing date strings, contributed
+  by Josh Spoerri. It uses the same format characters as :func:`time.strptime` and
+  :func:`time.strftime`::
+     from datetime import datetime
+     ts = datetime.strptime('10:13:15 2006-03-07',
+                            '%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d')
+* The :meth:`SequenceMatcher.get_matching_blocks` method in the :mod:`difflib`
+  module now guarantees to return a minimal list of blocks describing matching
+  subsequences.  Previously, the algorithm would occasionally break a block of
+  matching elements into two list entries. (Enhancement by Tim Peters.)
+* The :mod:`doctest` module gained a ``SKIP`` option that keeps an example from
+  being executed at all.  This is intended for code snippets that are usage
+  examples intended for the reader and aren't actually test cases.
+  An *encoding* parameter was added to the :func:`testfile` function and the
+  :class:`DocFileSuite` class to specify the file's encoding.  This makes it
+  easier to use non-ASCII characters in  tests contained within a docstring.
+  (Contributed by Bjorn Tillenius.)
+  .. Patch 1080727
+* The :mod:`email` package has been updated to version 4.0. (Contributed by
+  Barry Warsaw.)
+  .. XXX need to provide some more detail here
+* The :mod:`fileinput` module was made more flexible. Unicode filenames are now
+  supported, and a *mode* parameter that defaults to ``"r"`` was added to the
+  :func:`input` function to allow opening files in binary or universal-newline
+  mode.  Another new parameter, *openhook*, lets you use a function other than
+  :func:`open`  to open the input files.  Once you're iterating over  the set of
+  files, the :class:`FileInput` object's new :meth:`fileno` returns the file
+  descriptor for the currently opened file. (Contributed by Georg Brandl.)
+* In the :mod:`gc` module, the new :func:`get_count` function returns a 3-tuple
+  containing the current collection counts for the three GC generations.  This is
+  accounting information for the garbage collector; when these counts reach a
+  specified threshold, a garbage collection sweep will be made.  The existing
+  :func:`gc.collect` function now takes an optional *generation* argument of 0, 1,
+  or 2 to specify which generation to collect. (Contributed by Barry Warsaw.)
+* The :func:`nsmallest` and  :func:`nlargest` functions in the :mod:`heapq`
+  module  now support a ``key`` keyword parameter similar to the one provided by
+  the :func:`min`/:func:`max` functions and the :meth:`sort` methods.  For
+  example::
+     >>> import heapq
+     >>> L = ["short", 'medium', 'longest', 'longer still']
+     >>> heapq.nsmallest(2, L)  # Return two lowest elements, lexicographically
+     ['longer still', 'longest']
+     >>> heapq.nsmallest(2, L, key=len)   # Return two shortest elements
+     ['short', 'medium']
+  (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)
+* The :func:`itertools.islice` function now accepts ``None`` for the start and
+  step arguments.  This makes it more compatible with the attributes of slice
+  objects, so that you can now write the following::
+     s = slice(5)     # Create slice object
+     itertools.islice(iterable, s.start, s.stop, s.step)
+  (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)
+* The :func:`format` function in the :mod:`locale` module has been modified and
+  two new functions were added, :func:`format_string` and :func:`currency`.
+  The :func:`format` function's *val* parameter could previously be a string as
+  long as no more than one %char specifier appeared; now the parameter must be
+  exactly one %char specifier with no surrounding text.  An optional *monetary*
+  parameter was also added which, if ``True``, will use the locale's rules for
+  formatting currency in placing a separator between groups of three digits.
+  To format strings with multiple %char specifiers, use the new
+  :func:`format_string` function that works like :func:`format` but also supports
+  mixing %char specifiers with arbitrary text.
+  A new :func:`currency` function was also added that formats a number according
+  to the current locale's settings.
+  (Contributed by Georg Brandl.)
+  .. Patch 1180296
+* The :mod:`mailbox` module underwent a massive rewrite to add the capability to
+  modify mailboxes in addition to reading them.  A new set of classes that include
+  :class:`mbox`, :class:`MH`, and :class:`Maildir` are used to read mailboxes, and
+  have an :meth:`add(message)` method to add messages, :meth:`remove(key)` to
+  remove messages, and :meth:`lock`/:meth:`unlock` to lock/unlock the mailbox.
+  The following example converts a maildir-format mailbox into an mbox-format
+  one::
+     import mailbox
+     # 'factory=None' uses email.Message.Message as the class representing
+     # individual messages.
+     src = mailbox.Maildir('maildir', factory=None)
+     dest = mailbox.mbox('/tmp/mbox')
+     for msg in src:
+         dest.add(msg)
+  (Contributed by Gregory K. Johnson.  Funding was provided by Google's 2005
+  Summer of Code.)
+* New module: the :mod:`msilib` module allows creating Microsoft Installer
+  :file:`.msi` files and CAB files.  Some support for reading the :file:`.msi`
+  database is also included. (Contributed by Martin von Löwis.)
+* The :mod:`nis` module now supports accessing domains other than the system
+  default domain by supplying a *domain* argument to the :func:`nis.match` and
+  :func:`nis.maps` functions. (Contributed by Ben Bell.)
+* The :mod:`operator` module's :func:`itemgetter`  and :func:`attrgetter`
+  functions now support multiple fields.   A call such as
+  ``operator.attrgetter('a', 'b')`` will return a function  that retrieves the
+  :attr:`a` and :attr:`b` attributes.  Combining  this new feature with the
+  :meth:`sort` method's ``key`` parameter  lets you easily sort lists using
+  multiple fields. (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)
+* The :mod:`optparse` module was updated to version 1.5.1 of the Optik library.
+  The :class:`OptionParser` class gained an :attr:`epilog` attribute, a string
+  that will be printed after the help message, and a :meth:`destroy` method to
+  break reference cycles created by the object. (Contributed by Greg Ward.)
+* The :mod:`os` module underwent several changes.  The :attr:`stat_float_times`
+  variable now defaults to true, meaning that :func:`os.stat` will now return time
+  values as floats.  (This doesn't necessarily mean that :func:`os.stat` will
+  return times that are precise to fractions of a second; not all systems support
+  such precision.)
+  Constants named :attr:`os.SEEK_SET`, :attr:`os.SEEK_CUR`, and
+  :attr:`os.SEEK_END` have been added; these are the parameters to the
+  :func:`os.lseek` function.  Two new constants for locking are
+  :attr:`os.O_SHLOCK` and :attr:`os.O_EXLOCK`.
+  Two new functions, :func:`wait3` and :func:`wait4`, were added.  They're similar
+  the :func:`waitpid` function which waits for a child process to exit and returns
+  a tuple of the process ID and its exit status, but :func:`wait3` and
+  :func:`wait4` return additional information.  :func:`wait3` doesn't take a
+  process ID as input, so it waits for any child process to exit and returns a
+  3-tuple of *process-id*, *exit-status*, *resource-usage* as returned from the
+  :func:`resource.getrusage` function. :func:`wait4(pid)` does take a process ID.
+  (Contributed by Chad J. Schroeder.)
+  On FreeBSD, the :func:`os.stat` function now returns  times with nanosecond
+  resolution, and the returned object now has :attr:`st_gen` and
+  :attr:`st_birthtime`. The :attr:`st_flags` member is also available, if the
+  platform supports it. (Contributed by Antti Louko and  Diego Pettenò.)
+  .. (Patch 1180695, 1212117)
+* The Python debugger provided by the :mod:`pdb` module can now store lists of
+  commands to execute when a breakpoint is reached and execution stops.  Once
+  breakpoint #1 has been created, enter ``commands 1`` and enter a series of
+  commands to be executed, finishing the list with ``end``.  The command list can
+  include commands that resume execution, such as ``continue`` or ``next``.
+  (Contributed by Grégoire Dooms.)
+  .. Patch 790710
+* The :mod:`pickle` and :mod:`cPickle` modules no longer accept a return value
+  of ``None`` from the :meth:`__reduce__` method; the method must return a tuple
+  of arguments instead.  The ability to return ``None`` was deprecated in Python
+  2.4, so this completes the removal of the feature.
+* The :mod:`pkgutil` module, containing various utility functions for finding
+  packages, was enhanced to support PEP 302's import hooks and now also works for
+  packages stored in ZIP-format archives. (Contributed by Phillip J. Eby.)
+* The pybench benchmark suite by Marc-André Lemburg is now included in the
+  :file:`Tools/pybench` directory.  The pybench suite is an improvement on the
+  commonly used :file:`` program because pybench provides a more
+  detailed measurement of the interpreter's speed.  It times particular operations
+  such as function calls, tuple slicing, method lookups, and numeric operations,
+  instead of performing many different operations and reducing the result to a
+  single number as :file:`` does.
+* The :mod:`pyexpat` module now uses version 2.0 of the Expat parser.
+  (Contributed by Trent Mick.)
+* The :class:`Queue` class provided by the :mod:`Queue` module gained two new
+  methods.  :meth:`join` blocks until all items in the queue have been retrieved
+  and all processing work on the items  have been completed.  Worker threads call
+  the other new method,  :meth:`task_done`, to signal that processing for an item
+  has been completed.  (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)
+* The old :mod:`regex` and :mod:`regsub` modules, which have been  deprecated
+  ever since Python 2.0, have finally been deleted.   Other deleted modules:
+  :mod:`statcache`, :mod:`tzparse`, :mod:`whrandom`.
+* Also deleted: the :file:`lib-old` directory, which includes ancient modules
+  such as :mod:`dircmp` and :mod:`ni`, was removed.  :file:`lib-old` wasn't on the
+  default ``sys.path``, so unless your programs explicitly added the directory to
+  ``sys.path``, this removal shouldn't affect your code.
+* The :mod:`rlcompleter` module is no longer  dependent on importing the
+  :mod:`readline` module and therefore now works on non-Unix platforms. (Patch
+  from Robert Kiendl.)
+  .. Patch #1472854
+* The :mod:`SimpleXMLRPCServer` and :mod:`DocXMLRPCServer`  classes now have a
+  :attr:`rpc_paths` attribute that constrains XML-RPC operations to a limited set
+  of URL paths; the default is to allow only ``'/'`` and ``'/RPC2'``.  Setting
+  :attr:`rpc_paths` to ``None`` or an empty tuple disables  this path checking.
+  .. Bug #1473048
+* The :mod:`socket` module now supports :const:`AF_NETLINK` sockets on Linux,
+  thanks to a patch from Philippe Biondi.   Netlink sockets are a Linux-specific
+  mechanism for communications between a user-space process and kernel code; an
+  introductory  article about them is at
+  In Python code, netlink addresses are represented as a tuple of 2 integers,
+  ``(pid, group_mask)``.
+  Two new methods on socket objects, :meth:`recv_into(buffer)` and
+  :meth:`recvfrom_into(buffer)`, store the received data in an object  that
+  supports the buffer protocol instead of returning the data as a string.  This
+  means you can put the data directly into an array or a memory-mapped file.
+  Socket objects also gained :meth:`getfamily`, :meth:`gettype`, and
+  :meth:`getproto` accessor methods to retrieve the family, type, and protocol
+  values for the socket.
+* New module: the :mod:`spwd` module provides functions for accessing the shadow
+  password database on systems that support  shadow passwords.
+* The :mod:`struct` is now faster because it  compiles format strings into
+  :class:`Struct` objects with :meth:`pack` and :meth:`unpack` methods.  This is
+  similar to how the :mod:`re` module lets you create compiled regular expression
+  objects.  You can still use the module-level  :func:`pack` and :func:`unpack`
+  functions; they'll create  :class:`Struct` objects and cache them.  Or you can
+  use  :class:`Struct` instances directly::
+     s = struct.Struct('ih3s')
+     data = s.pack(1972, 187, 'abc')
+     year, number, name = s.unpack(data)
+  You can also pack and unpack data to and from buffer objects directly using the
+  :meth:`pack_into(buffer, offset, v1, v2, ...)` and :meth:`unpack_from(buffer,
+  offset)` methods.  This lets you store data directly into an array or a memory-
+  mapped file.
+  (:class:`Struct` objects were implemented by Bob Ippolito at the NeedForSpeed
+  sprint.  Support for buffer objects was added by Martin Blais, also at the
+  NeedForSpeed sprint.)
+* The Python developers switched from CVS to Subversion during the 2.5
+  development process.  Information about the exact build version is available as
+  the ``sys.subversion`` variable, a 3-tuple of ``(interpreter-name, branch-name,
+  revision-range)``.  For example, at the time of writing my copy of 2.5 was
+  reporting ``('CPython', 'trunk', '45313:45315')``.
+  This information is also available to C extensions via the
+  :cfunc:`Py_GetBuildInfo` function that returns a  string of build information
+  like this: ``"trunk:45355:45356M, Apr 13 2006, 07:42:19"``.   (Contributed by
+  Barry Warsaw.)
+* Another new function, :func:`sys._current_frames`, returns the current stack
+  frames for all running threads as a dictionary mapping thread identifiers to the
+  topmost stack frame currently active in that thread at the time the function is
+  called.  (Contributed by Tim Peters.)
+* The :class:`TarFile` class in the :mod:`tarfile` module now has an
+  :meth:`extractall` method that extracts all members from the archive into the
+  current working directory.  It's also possible to set a different directory as
+  the extraction target, and to unpack only a subset of the archive's members.
+  The compression used for a tarfile opened in stream mode can now be autodetected
+  using the mode ``'r|*'``. (Contributed by Lars Gustäbel.)
+  .. patch 918101
+* The :mod:`threading` module now lets you set the stack size used when new
+  threads are created. The :func:`stack_size([*size*])` function returns the
+  currently configured stack size, and supplying the optional *size* parameter
+  sets a new value.  Not all platforms support changing the stack size, but
+  Windows, POSIX threading, and OS/2 all do. (Contributed by Andrew MacIntyre.)
+  .. Patch 1454481
+* The :mod:`unicodedata` module has been updated to use version 4.1.0 of the
+  Unicode character database.  Version 3.2.0 is required  by some specifications,
+  so it's still available as  :attr:`unicodedata.ucd_3_2_0`.
+* New module: the  :mod:`uuid` module generates  universally unique identifiers
+  (UUIDs) according to :rfc:`4122`.  The RFC defines several different UUID
+  versions that are generated from a starting string, from system properties, or
+  purely randomly.  This module contains a :class:`UUID` class and  functions
+  named :func:`uuid1`, :func:`uuid3`, :func:`uuid4`,  and  :func:`uuid5` to
+  generate different versions of UUID.  (Version 2 UUIDs  are not specified in
+  :rfc:`4122` and are not supported by this module.) ::
+     >>> import uuid
+     >>> # make a UUID based on the host ID and current time
+     >>> uuid.uuid1()
+     UUID('a8098c1a-f86e-11da-bd1a-00112444be1e')
+     >>> # make a UUID using an MD5 hash of a namespace UUID and a name
+     >>> uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, '')
+     UUID('6fa459ea-ee8a-3ca4-894e-db77e160355e')
+     >>> # make a random UUID
+     >>> uuid.uuid4()
+     UUID('16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da')
+     >>> # make a UUID using a SHA-1 hash of a namespace UUID and a name
+     >>> uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, '')
+     UUID('886313e1-3b8a-5372-9b90-0c9aee199e5d')
+  (Contributed by Ka-Ping Yee.)
+* The :mod:`weakref` module's :class:`WeakKeyDictionary` and
+  :class:`WeakValueDictionary` types gained new methods for iterating over the
+  weak references contained in the dictionary.  :meth:`iterkeyrefs` and
+  :meth:`keyrefs` methods were added to :class:`WeakKeyDictionary`, and
+  :meth:`itervaluerefs` and :meth:`valuerefs` were added to
+  :class:`WeakValueDictionary`.  (Contributed by Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
+* The :mod:`webbrowser` module received a number of enhancements. It's now
+  usable as a script with ``python -m webbrowser``, taking a URL as the argument;
+  there are a number of switches  to control the behaviour (:option:`-n` for a new
+  browser window,  :option:`-t` for a new tab).  New module-level functions,
+  :func:`open_new` and :func:`open_new_tab`, were added  to support this.  The
+  module's :func:`open` function supports an additional feature, an *autoraise*
+  parameter that signals whether to raise the open window when possible. A number
+  of additional browsers were added to the supported list such as Firefox, Opera,
+  Konqueror, and elinks.  (Contributed by Oleg Broytmann and Georg Brandl.)
+  .. Patch #754022
+* The :mod:`xmlrpclib` module now supports returning  :class:`datetime` objects
+  for the XML-RPC date type.  Supply  ``use_datetime=True`` to the :func:`loads`
+  function or the :class:`Unmarshaller` class to enable this feature. (Contributed
+  by Skip Montanaro.)
+  .. Patch 1120353
+* The :mod:`zipfile` module now supports the ZIP64 version of the  format,
+  meaning that a .zip archive can now be larger than 4 GiB and can contain
+  individual files larger than 4 GiB.  (Contributed by Ronald Oussoren.)
+  .. Patch 1446489
+* The :mod:`zlib` module's :class:`Compress` and :class:`Decompress` objects now
+  support a :meth:`copy` method that makes a copy of the  object's internal state
+  and returns a new  :class:`Compress` or :class:`Decompress` object.
+  (Contributed by Chris AtLee.)
+  .. Patch 1435422
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _module-ctypes:
+The ctypes package
+The :mod:`ctypes` package, written by Thomas Heller, has been added  to the
+standard library.  :mod:`ctypes` lets you call arbitrary functions  in shared
+libraries or DLLs.  Long-time users may remember the :mod:`dl` module, which
+provides functions for loading shared libraries and calling functions in them.
+The :mod:`ctypes` package is much fancier.
+To load a shared library or DLL, you must create an instance of the
+:class:`CDLL` class and provide the name or path of the shared library or DLL.
+Once that's done, you can call arbitrary functions by accessing them as
+attributes of the :class:`CDLL` object.   ::
+   import ctypes
+   libc = ctypes.CDLL('')
+   result = libc.printf("Line of output\n")
+Type constructors for the various C types are provided: :func:`c_int`,
+:func:`c_float`, :func:`c_double`, :func:`c_char_p` (equivalent to :ctype:`char
+\*`), and so forth.  Unlike Python's types, the C versions are all mutable; you
+can assign to their :attr:`value` attribute to change the wrapped value.  Python
+integers and strings will be automatically converted to the corresponding C
+types, but for other types you  must call the correct type constructor.  (And I
+mean *must*;  getting it wrong will often result in the interpreter crashing
+with a segmentation fault.)
+You shouldn't use :func:`c_char_p` with a Python string when the C function will
+be modifying the memory area, because Python strings are  supposed to be
+immutable; breaking this rule will cause puzzling bugs.  When you need a
+modifiable memory area, use :func:`create_string_buffer`::
+   s = "this is a string"
+   buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(s)
+   libc.strfry(buf)
+C functions are assumed to return integers, but you can set the :attr:`restype`
+attribute of the function object to  change this::
+   >>> libc.atof('2.71828')
+   -1783957616
+   >>> libc.atof.restype = ctypes.c_double
+   >>> libc.atof('2.71828')
+   2.71828
+:mod:`ctypes` also provides a wrapper for Python's C API  as the
+``ctypes.pythonapi`` object.  This object does *not*  release the global
+interpreter lock before calling a function, because the lock must be held when
+calling into the interpreter's code.   There's a :class:`py_object()` type
+constructor that will create a  :ctype:`PyObject \*` pointer.  A simple usage::
+   import ctypes
+   d = {}
+   ctypes.pythonapi.PyObject_SetItem(ctypes.py_object(d),
+             ctypes.py_object("abc"),  ctypes.py_object(1))
+   # d is now {'abc', 1}.
+Don't forget to use :class:`py_object()`; if it's omitted you end  up with a
+segmentation fault.
+:mod:`ctypes` has been around for a while, but people still write  and
+distribution hand-coded extension modules because you can't rely on
+:mod:`ctypes` being present. Perhaps developers will begin to write  Python
+wrappers atop a library accessed through :mod:`ctypes` instead of extension
+modules, now that :mod:`ctypes` is included with core Python.
+.. seealso::
+      The ctypes web page, with a tutorial, reference, and FAQ.
+   The documentation  for the :mod:`ctypes` module.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _module-etree:
+The ElementTree package
+A subset of Fredrik Lundh's ElementTree library for processing XML has been
+added to the standard library as :mod:`xml.etree`.  The available modules are
+:mod:`ElementTree`, :mod:`ElementPath`, and :mod:`ElementInclude` from
+ElementTree 1.2.6.    The :mod:`cElementTree` accelerator module is also
+The rest of this section will provide a brief overview of using ElementTree.
+Full documentation for ElementTree is available at
+ElementTree represents an XML document as a tree of element nodes. The text
+content of the document is stored as the :attr:`.text` and :attr:`.tail`
+attributes of  (This is one of the major differences between ElementTree and
+the Document Object Model; in the DOM there are many different types of node,
+including :class:`TextNode`.)
+The most commonly used parsing function is :func:`parse`, that takes either a
+string (assumed to contain a filename) or a file-like object and returns an
+:class:`ElementTree` instance::
+   from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+   tree = ET.parse('ex-1.xml')
+   feed = urllib.urlopen(
+             '')
+   tree = ET.parse(feed)
+Once you have an :class:`ElementTree` instance, you can call its :meth:`getroot`
+method to get the root :class:`Element` node.
+There's also an :func:`XML` function that takes a string literal and returns an
+:class:`Element` node (not an :class:`ElementTree`).   This function provides a
+tidy way to incorporate XML fragments, approaching the convenience of an XML
+   svg = ET.XML("""<svg width="10px" version="1.0">
+                </svg>""")
+   svg.set('height', '320px')
+   svg.append(elem1)
+Each XML element supports some dictionary-like and some list-like access
+methods.  Dictionary-like operations are used to access attribute values, and
+list-like operations are used to access child nodes.
+| Operation                     | Result                                     |
+| ``elem[n]``                   | Returns n'th child element.                |
+| ``elem[m:n]``                 | Returns list of m'th through n'th child    |
+|                               | elements.                                  |
+| ``len(elem)``                 | Returns number of child elements.          |
+| ``list(elem)``                | Returns list of child elements.            |
+| ``elem.append(elem2)``        | Adds *elem2* as a child.                   |
+| ``elem.insert(index, elem2)`` | Inserts *elem2* at the specified location. |
+| ``del elem[n]``               | Deletes n'th child element.                |
+| ``elem.keys()``               | Returns list of attribute names.           |
+| ``elem.get(name)``            | Returns value of attribute *name*.         |
+| ``elem.set(name, value)``     | Sets new value for attribute *name*.       |
+| ``elem.attrib``               | Retrieves the dictionary containing        |
+|                               | attributes.                                |
+| ``del elem.attrib[name]``     | Deletes attribute *name*.                  |
+Comments and processing instructions are also represented as :class:`Element`
+nodes.  To check if a node is a comment or processing instructions::
+   if elem.tag is ET.Comment:
+       ...
+   elif elem.tag is ET.ProcessingInstruction:
+       ...
+To generate XML output, you should call the :meth:`ElementTree.write` method.
+Like :func:`parse`, it can take either a string or a file-like object::
+   # Encoding is US-ASCII
+   tree.write('output.xml')
+   # Encoding is UTF-8
+   f = open('output.xml', 'w')
+   tree.write(f, encoding='utf-8')
+(Caution: the default encoding used for output is ASCII.  For general XML work,
+where an element's name may contain arbitrary Unicode characters, ASCII isn't a
+very useful encoding because it will raise an exception if an element's name
+contains any characters with values greater than 127.  Therefore, it's best to
+specify a different encoding such as UTF-8 that can handle any Unicode
+This section is only a partial description of the ElementTree interfaces. Please
+read the package's official documentation for more details.
+.. seealso::
+      Official documentation for ElementTree.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _module-hashlib:
+The hashlib package
+A new :mod:`hashlib` module, written by Gregory P. Smith,  has been added to
+replace the :mod:`md5` and :mod:`sha` modules.  :mod:`hashlib` adds support for
+additional secure hashes (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512). When
+available, the module uses OpenSSL for fast platform optimized implementations
+of algorithms.
+The old :mod:`md5` and :mod:`sha` modules still exist as wrappers around hashlib
+to preserve backwards compatibility.  The new module's interface is very close
+to that of the old modules, but not identical. The most significant difference
+is that the constructor functions for creating new hashing objects are named
+differently. ::
+   # Old versions
+   h = md5.md5()   
+   h =   
+   # New version 
+   h = hashlib.md5()
+   # Old versions
+   h = sha.sha()   
+   h =   
+   # New version 
+   h = hashlib.sha1()
+   # Hash that weren't previously available
+   h = hashlib.sha224()
+   h = hashlib.sha256()
+   h = hashlib.sha384()
+   h = hashlib.sha512()
+   # Alternative form
+   h ='md5')          # Provide algorithm as a string
+Once a hash object has been created, its methods are the same as before:
+:meth:`update(string)` hashes the specified string into the  current digest
+state, :meth:`digest` and :meth:`hexdigest` return the digest value as a binary
+string or a string of hex digits, and :meth:`copy` returns a new hashing object
+with the same digest state.
+.. seealso::
+   The documentation  for the :mod:`hashlib` module.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _module-sqlite:
+The sqlite3 package
+The pysqlite module (, a wrapper for the SQLite embedded
+database, has been added to the standard library under the package name
+SQLite is a C library that provides a lightweight disk-based database that
+doesn't require a separate server process and allows accessing the database
+using a nonstandard variant of the SQL query language. Some applications can use
+SQLite for internal data storage.  It's also possible to prototype an
+application using SQLite and then port the code to a larger database such as
+PostgreSQL or Oracle.
+pysqlite was written by Gerhard Häring and provides a SQL interface compliant
+with the DB-API 2.0 specification described by :pep:`249`.
+If you're compiling the Python source yourself, note that the source tree
+doesn't include the SQLite code, only the wrapper module. You'll need to have
+the SQLite libraries and headers installed before compiling Python, and the
+build process will compile the module when the necessary headers are available.
+To use the module, you must first create a :class:`Connection` object that
+represents the database.  Here the data will be stored in the
+:file:`/tmp/example` file::
+   conn = sqlite3.connect('/tmp/example')
+You can also supply the special name ``:memory:`` to create a database in RAM.
+Once you have a :class:`Connection`, you can create a :class:`Cursor`  object
+and call its :meth:`execute` method to perform SQL commands::
+   c = conn.cursor()
+   # Create table
+   c.execute('''create table stocks
+   (date text, trans text, symbol text,
+    qty real, price real)''')
+   # Insert a row of data
+   c.execute("""insert into stocks
+             values ('2006-01-05','BUY','RHAT',100,35.14)""")
+Usually your SQL operations will need to use values from Python variables.  You
+shouldn't assemble your query using Python's string operations because doing so
+is insecure; it makes your program vulnerable to an SQL injection attack.
+Instead, use the DB-API's parameter substitution.  Put ``?`` as a placeholder
+wherever you want to use a value, and then provide a tuple of values as the
+second argument to the cursor's :meth:`execute` method.  (Other database modules
+may use a different placeholder, such as ``%s`` or ``:1``.) For example::
+   # Never do this -- insecure!
+   symbol = 'IBM'
+   c.execute("... where symbol = '%s'" % symbol)
+   # Do this instead
+   t = (symbol,)
+   c.execute('select * from stocks where symbol=?', t)
+   # Larger example
+   for t in (('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
+             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSOFT', 1000, 72.00),
+             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'IBM', 500, 53.00),
+            ):
+       c.execute('insert into stocks values (?,?,?,?,?)', t)
+To retrieve data after executing a SELECT statement, you can either  treat the
+cursor as an iterator, call the cursor's :meth:`fetchone` method to retrieve a
+single matching row,  or call :meth:`fetchall` to get a list of the matching
+This example uses the iterator form::
+   >>> c = conn.cursor()
+   >>> c.execute('select * from stocks order by price')
+   >>> for row in c:
+   ...    print row
+   ...
+   (u'2006-01-05', u'BUY', u'RHAT', 100, 35.140000000000001)
+   (u'2006-03-28', u'BUY', u'IBM', 1000, 45.0)
+   (u'2006-04-06', u'SELL', u'IBM', 500, 53.0)
+   (u'2006-04-05', u'BUY', u'MSOFT', 1000, 72.0)
+   >>>
+For more information about the SQL dialect supported by SQLite, see
+.. seealso::
+      The pysqlite web page.
+      The SQLite web page; the documentation describes the syntax and the available
+      data types for the supported SQL dialect.
+   The documentation  for the :mod:`sqlite3` module.
+   :pep:`249` - Database API Specification 2.0
+      PEP written by Marc-André Lemburg.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _module-wsgiref:
+The wsgiref package
+The Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) v1.0 defines a standard interface
+between web servers and Python web applications and is described in :pep:`333`.
+The :mod:`wsgiref` package is a reference implementation of the WSGI
+.. XXX should this be in a PEP 333 section instead?
+The package includes a basic HTTP server that will run a WSGI application; this
+server is useful for debugging but isn't intended for  production use.  Setting
+up a server takes only a few lines of code::
+   from wsgiref import simple_server
+   wsgi_app = ...
+   host = ''
+   port = 8000
+   httpd = simple_server.make_server(host, port, wsgi_app)
+   httpd.serve_forever()
+.. XXX discuss structure of WSGI applications?
+.. XXX provide an example using Django or some other framework?
+.. seealso::
+      A central web site for WSGI-related resources.
+   :pep:`333` - Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0
+      PEP written by Phillip J. Eby.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _build-api:
+Build and C API Changes
+Changes to Python's build process and to the C API include:
+* The Python source tree was converted from CVS to Subversion,  in a complex
+  migration procedure that was supervised and flawlessly carried out by Martin von
+  Löwis.  The procedure was developed as :pep:`347`.
+* Coverity, a company that markets a source code analysis tool called Prevent,
+  provided the results of their examination of the Python source code.  The
+  analysis found about 60 bugs that  were quickly fixed.  Many of the bugs were
+  refcounting problems, often occurring in error-handling code.  See
+ for the statistics.
+* The largest change to the C API came from :pep:`353`, which modifies the
+  interpreter to use a :ctype:`Py_ssize_t` type definition instead of
+  :ctype:`int`.  See the earlier section :ref:`pep-353` for a discussion of this
+  change.
+* The design of the bytecode compiler has changed a great deal,  no longer
+  generating bytecode by traversing the parse tree.  Instead the parse tree is
+  converted to an abstract syntax tree (or AST), and it is  the abstract syntax
+  tree that's traversed to produce the bytecode.
+  It's possible for Python code to obtain AST objects by using the
+  :func:`compile` built-in and specifying ``_ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST`` as the value of
+  the  *flags* parameter::
+     from _ast import PyCF_ONLY_AST
+     ast = compile("""a=0
+     for i in range(10):
+         a += i
+     """, "<string>", 'exec', PyCF_ONLY_AST)
+     assignment = ast.body[0]
+     for_loop = ast.body[1]
+  No official documentation has been written for the AST code yet, but :pep:`339`
+  discusses the design.  To start learning about the code, read the definition of
+  the various AST nodes in :file:`Parser/Python.asdl`.  A Python script reads this
+  file and generates a set of C structure definitions in
+  :file:`Include/Python-ast.h`.  The :cfunc:`PyParser_ASTFromString` and
+  :cfunc:`PyParser_ASTFromFile`, defined in :file:`Include/pythonrun.h`, take
+  Python source as input and return the root of an AST representing the contents.
+  This AST can then be turned into a code object by :cfunc:`PyAST_Compile`.  For
+  more information, read the source code, and then ask questions on python-dev.
+  The AST code was developed under Jeremy Hylton's management, and implemented by
+  (in alphabetical order) Brett Cannon, Nick Coghlan, Grant Edwards, John
+  Ehresman, Kurt Kaiser, Neal Norwitz, Tim Peters, Armin Rigo, and Neil
+  Schemenauer, plus the participants in a number of AST sprints at conferences
+  such as PyCon.
+  .. List of names taken from Jeremy's python-dev post at
+  ..
+* Evan Jones's patch to obmalloc, first described in a talk at PyCon DC 2005,
+  was applied.  Python 2.4 allocated small objects in 256K-sized arenas, but never
+  freed arenas.  With this patch, Python will free arenas when they're empty.  The
+  net effect is that on some platforms, when you allocate many objects, Python's
+  memory usage may actually drop when you delete them and the memory may be
+  returned to the operating system.  (Implemented by Evan Jones, and reworked by
+  Tim Peters.)
+  Note that this change means extension modules must be more careful when
+  allocating memory.  Python's API has many different functions for allocating
+  memory that are grouped into families.  For example, :cfunc:`PyMem_Malloc`,
+  :cfunc:`PyMem_Realloc`, and :cfunc:`PyMem_Free` are one family that allocates
+  raw memory, while :cfunc:`PyObject_Malloc`, :cfunc:`PyObject_Realloc`, and
+  :cfunc:`PyObject_Free` are another family that's supposed to be used for
+  creating Python objects.
+  Previously these different families all reduced to the platform's
+  :cfunc:`malloc` and :cfunc:`free` functions.  This meant  it didn't matter if
+  you got things wrong and allocated memory with the :cfunc:`PyMem` function but
+  freed it with the :cfunc:`PyObject` function.  With 2.5's changes to obmalloc,
+  these families now do different things and mismatches will probably result in a
+  segfault.  You should carefully test your C extension modules with Python 2.5.
+* The built-in set types now have an official C API.  Call :cfunc:`PySet_New`
+  and :cfunc:`PyFrozenSet_New` to create a new set, :cfunc:`PySet_Add` and
+  :cfunc:`PySet_Discard` to add and remove elements, and :cfunc:`PySet_Contains`
+  and :cfunc:`PySet_Size` to examine the set's state. (Contributed by Raymond
+  Hettinger.)
+* C code can now obtain information about the exact revision of the Python
+  interpreter by calling the  :cfunc:`Py_GetBuildInfo` function that returns a
+  string of build information like this: ``"trunk:45355:45356M, Apr 13 2006,
+  07:42:19"``.   (Contributed by Barry Warsaw.)
+* Two new macros can be used to indicate C functions that are local to the
+  current file so that a faster calling convention can be used.
+  :cfunc:`Py_LOCAL(type)` declares the function as returning a value of the
+  specified *type* and uses a fast-calling qualifier.
+  :cfunc:`Py_LOCAL_INLINE(type)` does the same thing and also requests the
+  function be inlined.  If :cfunc:`PY_LOCAL_AGGRESSIVE` is defined before
+  :file:`python.h` is included, a set of more aggressive optimizations are enabled
+  for the module; you should benchmark the results to find out if these
+  optimizations actually make the code faster.  (Contributed by Fredrik Lundh at
+  the NeedForSpeed sprint.)
+* :cfunc:`PyErr_NewException(name, base, dict)` can now accept a tuple of base
+  classes as its *base* argument.  (Contributed by Georg Brandl.)
+* The :cfunc:`PyErr_Warn` function for issuing warnings is now deprecated in
+  favour of :cfunc:`PyErr_WarnEx(category, message, stacklevel)` which lets you
+  specify the number of stack frames separating this function and the caller.  A
+  *stacklevel* of 1 is the function calling :cfunc:`PyErr_WarnEx`, 2 is the
+  function above that, and so forth.  (Added by Neal Norwitz.)
+* The CPython interpreter is still written in C, but  the code can now be
+  compiled with a C++ compiler without errors.   (Implemented by Anthony Baxter,
+  Martin von Löwis, Skip Montanaro.)
+* The :cfunc:`PyRange_New` function was removed.  It was never documented, never
+  used in the core code, and had dangerously lax error checking.  In the unlikely
+  case that your extensions were using it, you can replace it by something like
+  the following::
+     range = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject*) &PyRange_Type, "lll", 
+                                   start, stop, step);
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _ports:
+Port-Specific Changes
+* MacOS X (10.3 and higher): dynamic loading of modules now uses the
+  :cfunc:`dlopen` function instead of MacOS-specific functions.
+* MacOS X: an :option:`--enable-universalsdk` switch was added to the
+  :program:`configure` script that compiles the interpreter as a universal binary
+  able to run on both PowerPC and Intel processors. (Contributed by Ronald
+  Oussoren; :issue:`2573`.)
+* Windows: :file:`.dll` is no longer supported as a filename extension for
+  extension modules.  :file:`.pyd` is now the only filename extension that will be
+  searched for.
+.. ======================================================================
+.. _porting:
+Porting to Python 2.5
+This section lists previously described changes that may require changes to your
+* ASCII is now the default encoding for modules.  It's now  a syntax error if a
+  module contains string literals with 8-bit characters but doesn't have an
+  encoding declaration.  In Python 2.4 this triggered a warning, not a syntax
+  error.
+* Previously, the :attr:`gi_frame` attribute of a generator was always a frame
+  object.  Because of the :pep:`342` changes described in section :ref:`pep-342`,
+  it's now possible for :attr:`gi_frame` to be ``None``.
+* A new warning, :class:`UnicodeWarning`, is triggered when  you attempt to
+  compare a Unicode string and an 8-bit string that can't be converted to Unicode
+  using the default ASCII encoding.  Previously such comparisons would raise a
+  :class:`UnicodeDecodeError` exception.
+* Library: the :mod:`csv` module is now stricter about multi-line quoted fields.
+  If your files contain newlines embedded within fields, the input should be split
+  into lines in a manner which preserves the newline characters.
+* Library: the :mod:`locale` module's  :func:`format` function's would
+  previously  accept any string as long as no more than one %char specifier
+  appeared.  In Python 2.5, the argument must be exactly one %char specifier with
+  no surrounding text.
+* Library: The :mod:`pickle` and :mod:`cPickle` modules no longer accept a
+  return value of ``None`` from the :meth:`__reduce__` method; the method must
+  return a tuple of arguments instead.  The modules also no longer accept the
+  deprecated *bin* keyword parameter.
+* Library: The :mod:`SimpleXMLRPCServer` and :mod:`DocXMLRPCServer`  classes now
+  have a :attr:`rpc_paths` attribute that constrains XML-RPC operations to a
+  limited set of URL paths; the default is to allow only ``'/'`` and ``'/RPC2'``.
+  Setting  :attr:`rpc_paths` to ``None`` or an empty tuple disables  this path
+  checking.
+* C API: Many functions now use :ctype:`Py_ssize_t`  instead of :ctype:`int` to
+  allow processing more data on 64-bit machines.  Extension code may need to make
+  the same change to avoid warnings and to support 64-bit machines.  See the
+  earlier section :ref:`pep-353` for a discussion of this change.
+* C API:  The obmalloc changes mean that  you must be careful to not mix usage
+  of the :cfunc:`PyMem_\*` and :cfunc:`PyObject_\*` families of functions. Memory
+  allocated with  one family's :cfunc:`\*_Malloc` must be  freed with the
+  corresponding family's :cfunc:`\*_Free` function.
+.. ======================================================================
+The author would like to thank the following people for offering suggestions,
+corrections and assistance with various drafts of this article: Georg Brandl,
+Nick Coghlan, Phillip J. Eby, Lars Gustäbel, Raymond Hettinger, Ralf W. Grosse-
+Kunstleve, Kent Johnson, Iain Lowe, Martin von Löwis, Fredrik Lundh, Andrew
+McNamara, Skip Montanaro, Gustavo Niemeyer, Paul Prescod, James Pryor, Mike
+Rovner, Scott Weikart, Barry Warsaw, Thomas Wouters.