changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Lib/test/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1197 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+"""Regression test.
+This will find all modules whose name is "test_*" in the test
+directory, and run them.  Various command line options provide
+additional facilities.
+Command line options:
+-v: verbose    -- run tests in verbose mode with output to stdout
+-w: verbose2   -- re-run failed tests in verbose mode
+-q: quiet      -- don't print anything except if a test fails
+-x: exclude    -- arguments are tests to *exclude*
+-s: single     -- run only a single test (see below)
+-S: slow       -- print the slowest 10 tests
+-r: random     -- randomize test execution order
+-f: fromfile   -- read names of tests to run from a file (see below)
+-l: findleaks  -- if GC is available detect tests that leak memory
+-u: use        -- specify which special resource intensive tests to run
+-h: help       -- print this text and exit
+-t: threshold  -- call gc.set_threshold(N)
+-T: coverage   -- turn on code coverage using the trace module
+-D: coverdir   -- Directory where coverage files are put
+-N: nocoverdir -- Put coverage files alongside modules
+-L: runleaks   -- run the leaks(1) command just before exit
+-R: huntrleaks -- search for reference leaks (needs debug build, v. slow)
+-M: memlimit   -- run very large memory-consuming tests
+If non-option arguments are present, they are names for tests to run,
+unless -x is given, in which case they are names for tests not to run.
+If no test names are given, all tests are run.
+-T turns on code coverage tracing with the trace module.
+-D specifies the directory where coverage files are put.
+-N Put coverage files alongside modules.
+-s means to run only a single test and exit.  This is useful when
+doing memory analysis on the Python interpreter (which tend to consume
+too many resources to run the full regression test non-stop).  The
+file /tmp/pynexttest is read to find the next test to run.  If this
+file is missing, the first test_*.py file in testdir or on the command
+line is used.  (actually tempfile.gettempdir() is used instead of
+-f reads the names of tests from the file given as f's argument, one
+or more test names per line.  Whitespace is ignored.  Blank lines and
+lines beginning with '#' are ignored.  This is especially useful for
+whittling down failures involving interactions among tests.
+-L causes the leaks(1) command to be run just before exit if it exists.
+leaks(1) is available on Mac OS X and presumably on some other
+FreeBSD-derived systems.
+-R runs each test several times and examines sys.gettotalrefcount() to
+see if the test appears to be leaking references.  The argument should
+be of the form stab:run:fname where 'stab' is the number of times the
+test is run to let gettotalrefcount settle down, 'run' is the number
+of times further it is run and 'fname' is the name of the file the
+reports are written to.  These parameters all have defaults (5, 4 and
+"reflog.txt" respectively), so the minimal invocation is '-R ::'.
+-M runs tests that require an exorbitant amount of memory. These tests
+typically try to ascertain containers keep working when containing more than
+2 billion objects, which only works on 64-bit systems. There are also some
+tests that try to exhaust the address space of the process, which only makes
+sense on 32-bit systems with at least 2Gb of memory. The passed-in memlimit,
+which is a string in the form of '2.5Gb', determines howmuch memory the
+tests will limit themselves to (but they may go slightly over.) The number
+shouldn't be more memory than the machine has (including swap memory). You
+should also keep in mind that swap memory is generally much, much slower
+than RAM, and setting memlimit to all available RAM or higher will heavily
+tax the machine. On the other hand, it is no use running these tests with a
+limit of less than 2.5Gb, and many require more than 20Gb. Tests that expect
+to use more than memlimit memory will be skipped. The big-memory tests
+generally run very, very long.
+-u is used to specify which special resource intensive tests to run,
+such as those requiring large file support or network connectivity.
+The argument is a comma-separated list of words indicating the
+resources to test.  Currently only the following are defined:
+    all -       Enable all special resources.
+    audio -     Tests that use the audio device.  (There are known
+                cases of broken audio drivers that can crash Python or
+                even the Linux kernel.)
+    curses -    Tests that use curses and will modify the terminal's
+                state and output modes.
+    lib2to3 -   Run the tests for 2to3 (They take a while.)
+    largefile - It is okay to run some test that may create huge
+                files.  These tests can take a long time and may
+                consume >2GB of disk space temporarily.
+    network -   It is okay to run tests that use external network
+                resource, e.g. testing SSL support for sockets.
+    bsddb -     It is okay to run the bsddb testsuite, which takes
+                a long time to complete.
+    decimal -   Test the decimal module against a large suite that
+                verifies compliance with standards.
+    compiler -  Test the compiler package by compiling all the source
+                in the standard library and test suite.  This takes
+                a long time.  Enabling this resource also allows
+                test_tokenize to verify round-trip lexing on every
+                file in the test library.
+    subprocess  Run all tests for the subprocess module.
+    urlfetch -  It is okay to download files required on testing.
+To enable all resources except one, use '-uall,-<resource>'.  For
+example, to run all the tests except for the bsddb tests, give the
+option '-uall,-bsddb'.
+import cStringIO
+import getopt
+import os
+import random
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+import warnings
+# I see no other way to suppress these warnings;
+# putting them in has no effect:
+warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "hex/oct constants", FutureWarning,
+                        ".*test.test_grammar$")
+if sys.maxint > 0x7fffffff:
+    # Also suppress them in <string>, because for 64-bit platforms,
+    # that's where hides them.
+    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "hex/oct constants", FutureWarning,
+                            "<string>")
+# Ignore ImportWarnings that only occur in the source tree,
+# (because of modules with the same name as source-directories in Modules/)
+for mod in ("ctypes", "gzip", "zipfile", "tarfile", "encodings.zlib_codec",
+            "test.test_zipimport", "test.test_zlib", "test.test_zipfile",
+            "test.test_codecs", "test.string_tests"):
+    warnings.filterwarnings(module=".*%s$" % (mod,),
+                            action="ignore", category=ImportWarning)
+# MacOSX (a.k.a. Darwin) has a default stack size that is too small
+# for deeply recursive regular expressions.  We see this as crashes in
+# the Python test suite when running and  The
+# fix is to set the stack limit to 2048.
+# This approach may also be useful for other Unixy platforms that
+# suffer from small default stack limits.
+if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+    try:
+        import resource
+    except ImportError:
+        pass
+    else:
+        soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK)
+        newsoft = min(hard, max(soft, 1024*2048))
+        resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (newsoft, hard))
+from test import test_support
+RESOURCE_NAMES = ('audio', 'curses', 'largefile', 'network', 'bsddb',
+                  'decimal', 'compiler', 'subprocess', 'urlfetch')
+def usage(code, msg=''):
+    print __doc__
+    if msg: print msg
+    sys.exit(code)
+def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
+         exclude=False, single=False, randomize=False, fromfile=None,
+         findleaks=False, use_resources=None, trace=False, coverdir='coverage',
+         runleaks=False, huntrleaks=False, verbose2=False, print_slow=False):
+    """Execute a test suite.
+    This also parses command-line options and modifies its behavior
+    accordingly.
+    tests -- a list of strings containing test names (optional)
+    testdir -- the directory in which to look for tests (optional)
+    Users other than the Python test suite will certainly want to
+    specify testdir; if it's omitted, the directory containing the
+    Python test suite is searched for.
+    If the tests argument is omitted, the tests listed on the
+    command-line will be used.  If that's empty, too, then all *.py
+    files beginning with test_ will be used.
+    The other default arguments (verbose, quiet, exclude,
+    single, randomize, findleaks, use_resources, trace, coverdir, and
+    print_slow) allow programmers calling main() directly to set the
+    values that would normally be set by flags on the command line.
+    """
+    test_support.record_original_stdout(sys.stdout)
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvgqxsSrf:lu:t:TD:NLR:wM:',
+                                   ['help', 'verbose', 'quiet', 'exclude',
+                                    'single', 'slow', 'random', 'fromfile',
+                                    'findleaks', 'use=', 'threshold=', 'trace',
+                                    'coverdir=', 'nocoverdir', 'runleaks',
+                                    'huntrleaks=', 'verbose2', 'memlimit=',
+                                    ])
+    except getopt.error, msg:
+        usage(2, msg)
+    # Defaults
+    if use_resources is None:
+        use_resources = []
+    for o, a in opts:
+        if o in ('-h', '--help'):
+            usage(0)
+        elif o in ('-v', '--verbose'):
+            verbose += 1
+        elif o in ('-w', '--verbose2'):
+            verbose2 = True
+        elif o in ('-q', '--quiet'):
+            quiet = True;
+            verbose = 0
+        elif o in ('-x', '--exclude'):
+            exclude = True
+        elif o in ('-s', '--single'):
+            single = True
+        elif o in ('-S', '--slow'):
+            print_slow = True
+        elif o in ('-r', '--randomize'):
+            randomize = True
+        elif o in ('-f', '--fromfile'):
+            fromfile = a
+        elif o in ('-l', '--findleaks'):
+            findleaks = True
+        elif o in ('-L', '--runleaks'):
+            runleaks = True
+        elif o in ('-t', '--threshold'):
+            import gc
+            gc.set_threshold(int(a))
+        elif o in ('-T', '--coverage'):
+            trace = True
+        elif o in ('-D', '--coverdir'):
+            coverdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), a)
+        elif o in ('-N', '--nocoverdir'):
+            coverdir = None
+        elif o in ('-R', '--huntrleaks'):
+            huntrleaks = a.split(':')
+            if len(huntrleaks) != 3:
+                print a, huntrleaks
+                usage(2, '-R takes three colon-separated arguments')
+            if len(huntrleaks[0]) == 0:
+                huntrleaks[0] = 5
+            else:
+                huntrleaks[0] = int(huntrleaks[0])
+            if len(huntrleaks[1]) == 0:
+                huntrleaks[1] = 4
+            else:
+                huntrleaks[1] = int(huntrleaks[1])
+            if len(huntrleaks[2]) == 0:
+                huntrleaks[2] = "reflog.txt"
+        elif o in ('-M', '--memlimit'):
+            test_support.set_memlimit(a)
+        elif o in ('-u', '--use'):
+            u = [x.lower() for x in a.split(',')]
+            for r in u:
+                if r == 'all':
+                    use_resources[:] = RESOURCE_NAMES
+                    continue
+                remove = False
+                if r[0] == '-':
+                    remove = True
+                    r = r[1:]
+                if r not in RESOURCE_NAMES:
+                    usage(1, 'Invalid -u/--use option: ' + a)
+                if remove:
+                    if r in use_resources:
+                        use_resources.remove(r)
+                elif r not in use_resources:
+                    use_resources.append(r)
+    if single and fromfile:
+        usage(2, "-s and -f don't go together!")
+    good = []
+    bad = []
+    skipped = []
+    resource_denieds = []
+    if findleaks:
+        try:
+            import gc
+        except ImportError:
+            print 'No GC available, disabling findleaks.'
+            findleaks = False
+        else:
+            # Uncomment the line below to report garbage that is not
+            # freeable by reference counting alone.  By default only
+            # garbage that is not collectable by the GC is reported.
+            #gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL)
+            found_garbage = []
+    if single:
+        from tempfile import gettempdir
+        filename = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'pynexttest')
+        try:
+            fp = open(filename, 'r')
+            next =
+            tests = [next]
+            fp.close()
+        except IOError:
+            pass
+    if fromfile:
+        tests = []
+        fp = open(fromfile)
+        for line in fp:
+            guts = line.split() # assuming no test has whitespace in its name
+            if guts and not guts[0].startswith('#'):
+                tests.extend(guts)
+        fp.close()
+    # Strip .py extensions.
+    if args:
+        args = map(removepy, args)
+    if tests:
+        tests = map(removepy, tests)
+    stdtests = STDTESTS[:]
+    nottests = NOTTESTS[:]
+    if exclude:
+        for arg in args:
+            if arg in stdtests:
+                stdtests.remove(arg)
+        nottests[:0] = args
+        args = []
+    tests = tests or args or findtests(testdir, stdtests, nottests)
+    if single:
+        tests = tests[:1]
+    if randomize:
+        random.shuffle(tests)
+    if trace:
+        import trace
+        tracer = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix],
+                             trace=False, count=True)
+    test_times = []
+    test_support.verbose = verbose      # Tell tests to be moderately quiet
+    test_support.use_resources = use_resources
+    save_modules = sys.modules.keys()
+    for test in tests:
+        if not quiet:
+            print test
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        if trace:
+            # If we're tracing code coverage, then we don't exit with status
+            # if on a false return value from main.
+            tracer.runctx('runtest(test, verbose, quiet,'
+                          '        test_times, testdir)',
+                          globals=globals(), locals=vars())
+        else:
+            try:
+                ok = runtest(test, verbose, quiet, test_times,
+                             testdir, huntrleaks)
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                # print a newline separate from the ^C
+                print
+                break
+            except:
+                raise
+            if ok > 0:
+                good.append(test)
+            elif ok == 0:
+                bad.append(test)
+            else:
+                skipped.append(test)
+                if ok == -2:
+                    resource_denieds.append(test)
+        if findleaks:
+            gc.collect()
+            if gc.garbage:
+                print "Warning: test created", len(gc.garbage),
+                print "uncollectable object(s)."
+                # move the uncollectable objects somewhere so we don't see
+                # them again
+                found_garbage.extend(gc.garbage)
+                del gc.garbage[:]
+        # Unload the newly imported modules (best effort finalization)
+        for module in sys.modules.keys():
+            if module not in save_modules and module.startswith("test."):
+                test_support.unload(module)
+    # The lists won't be sorted if running with -r
+    good.sort()
+    bad.sort()
+    skipped.sort()
+    if good and not quiet:
+        if not bad and not skipped and len(good) > 1:
+            print "All",
+        print count(len(good), "test"), "OK."
+    if print_slow:
+        test_times.sort(reverse=True)
+        print "10 slowest tests:"
+        for time, test in test_times[:10]:
+            print "%s: %.1fs" % (test, time)
+    if bad:
+        print count(len(bad), "test"), "failed:"
+        printlist(bad)
+    if skipped and not quiet:
+        print count(len(skipped), "test"), "skipped:"
+        printlist(skipped)
+        e = _ExpectedSkips()
+        plat = sys.platform
+        if e.isvalid():
+            surprise = set(skipped) - e.getexpected() - set(resource_denieds)
+            if surprise:
+                print count(len(surprise), "skip"), \
+                      "unexpected on", plat + ":"
+                printlist(surprise)
+            else:
+                print "Those skips are all expected on", plat + "."
+        else:
+            print "Ask someone to teach about which tests are"
+            print "expected to get skipped on", plat + "."
+    if verbose2 and bad:
+        print "Re-running failed tests in verbose mode"
+        for test in bad:
+            print "Re-running test %r in verbose mode" % test
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+            try:
+                test_support.verbose = True
+                ok = runtest(test, True, quiet, test_times, testdir,
+                             huntrleaks)
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                # print a newline separate from the ^C
+                print
+                break
+            except:
+                raise
+    if single:
+        alltests = findtests(testdir, stdtests, nottests)
+        for i in range(len(alltests)):
+            if tests[0] == alltests[i]:
+                if i == len(alltests) - 1:
+                    os.unlink(filename)
+                else:
+                    fp = open(filename, 'w')
+                    fp.write(alltests[i+1] + '\n')
+                    fp.close()
+                break
+        else:
+            os.unlink(filename)
+    if trace:
+        r = tracer.results()
+        r.write_results(show_missing=True, summary=True, coverdir=coverdir)
+    if runleaks:
+        os.system("leaks %d" % os.getpid())
+    sys.exit(len(bad) > 0)
+    'test_grammar',
+    'test_opcodes',
+    'test_dict',
+    'test_builtin',
+    'test_exceptions',
+    'test_types',
+    'test_unittest',
+    'test_doctest',
+    'test_doctest2',
+   ]
+    'test_support',
+    'test_future1',
+    'test_future2',
+    ]
+def findtests(testdir=None, stdtests=STDTESTS, nottests=NOTTESTS):
+    """Return a list of all applicable test modules."""
+    if not testdir: testdir = findtestdir()
+    names = os.listdir(testdir)
+    tests = []
+    for name in names:
+        if name[:5] == "test_" and name[-3:] == os.extsep+"py":
+            modname = name[:-3]
+            if modname not in stdtests and modname not in nottests:
+                tests.append(modname)
+    tests.sort()
+    return stdtests + tests
+def runtest(test, verbose, quiet, test_times,
+            testdir=None, huntrleaks=False):
+    """Run a single test.
+    test -- the name of the test
+    verbose -- if true, print more messages
+    quiet -- if true, don't print 'skipped' messages (probably redundant)
+    test_times -- a list of (time, test_name) pairs
+    testdir -- test directory
+    huntrleaks -- run multiple times to test for leaks; requires a debug
+                  build; a triple corresponding to -R's three arguments
+    Return:
+        -2  test skipped because resource denied
+        -1  test skipped for some other reason
+         0  test failed
+         1  test passed
+    """
+    try:
+        return runtest_inner(test, verbose, quiet, test_times,
+                             testdir, huntrleaks)
+    finally:
+        cleanup_test_droppings(test, verbose)
+def runtest_inner(test, verbose, quiet, test_times,
+                  testdir=None, huntrleaks=False):
+    test_support.unload(test)
+    if not testdir:
+        testdir = findtestdir()
+    if verbose:
+        capture_stdout = None
+    else:
+        capture_stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()
+    try:
+        save_stdout = sys.stdout
+        try:
+            if capture_stdout:
+                sys.stdout = capture_stdout
+            if test.startswith('test.'):
+                abstest = test
+            else:
+                # Always import it from the test package
+                abstest = 'test.' + test
+            start_time = time.time()
+            the_package = __import__(abstest, globals(), locals(), [])
+            the_module = getattr(the_package, test)
+            # Old tests run to completion simply as a side-effect of
+            # being imported.  For tests based on unittest or doctest,
+            # explicitly invoke their test_main() function (if it exists).
+            indirect_test = getattr(the_module, "test_main", None)
+            if indirect_test is not None:
+                indirect_test()
+            if huntrleaks:
+                dash_R(the_module, test, indirect_test, huntrleaks)
+            test_time = time.time() - start_time
+            test_times.append((test_time, test))
+        finally:
+            sys.stdout = save_stdout
+    except test_support.ResourceDenied, msg:
+        if not quiet:
+            print test, "skipped --", msg
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        return -2
+    except (ImportError, test_support.TestSkipped), msg:
+        if not quiet:
+            print test, "skipped --", msg
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        return -1
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        raise
+    except test_support.TestFailed, msg:
+        print "test", test, "failed --", msg
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+        return 0
+    except:
+        type, value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+        print "test", test, "crashed --", str(type) + ":", value
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+        if verbose:
+            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        return 0
+    else:
+        # Except in verbose mode, tests should not print anything
+        if verbose or huntrleaks:
+            return 1
+        output = capture_stdout.getvalue()
+        if not output:
+            return 1
+        print "test", test, "produced unexpected output:"
+        print "*" * 70
+        print output
+        print "*" * 70
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+        return 0
+def cleanup_test_droppings(testname, verbose):
+    import shutil
+    # Try to clean up junk commonly left behind.  While tests shouldn't leave
+    # any files or directories behind, when a test fails that can be tedious
+    # for it to arrange.  The consequences can be especially nasty on Windows,
+    # since if a test leaves a file open, it cannot be deleted by name (while
+    # there's nothing we can do about that here either, we can display the
+    # name of the offending test, which is a real help).
+    for name in (test_support.TESTFN,
+                 "db_home",
+                ):
+        if not os.path.exists(name):
+            continue
+        if os.path.isdir(name):
+            kind, nuker = "directory", shutil.rmtree
+        elif os.path.isfile(name):
+            kind, nuker = "file", os.unlink
+        else:
+            raise SystemError("os.path says %r exists but is neither "
+                              "directory nor file" % name)
+        if verbose:
+            print "%r left behind %s %r" % (testname, kind, name)
+        try:
+            nuker(name)
+        except Exception, msg:
+            print >> sys.stderr, ("%r left behind %s %r and it couldn't be "
+                "removed: %s" % (testname, kind, name, msg))
+def dash_R(the_module, test, indirect_test, huntrleaks):
+    # This code is hackish and inelegant, but it seems to do the job.
+    import copy_reg, _abcoll, io
+    if not hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'):
+        raise Exception("Tracking reference leaks requires a debug build "
+                        "of Python")
+    # Save current values for dash_R_cleanup() to restore.
+    fs = warnings.filters[:]
+    ps = copy_reg.dispatch_table.copy()
+    pic = sys.path_importer_cache.copy()
+    abcs = {}
+    modules = _abcoll, io
+    for abc in [getattr(mod, a) for mod in modules for a in mod.__all__]:
+        # XXX isinstance(abc, ABCMeta) leads to infinite recursion
+        if not hasattr(abc, '_abc_registry'):
+            continue
+        for obj in abc.__subclasses__() + [abc]:
+            abcs[obj] = obj._abc_registry.copy()
+    if indirect_test:
+        def run_the_test():
+            indirect_test()
+    else:
+        def run_the_test():
+            reload(the_module)
+    deltas = []
+    nwarmup, ntracked, fname = huntrleaks
+    repcount = nwarmup + ntracked
+    print >> sys.stderr, "beginning", repcount, "repetitions"
+    print >> sys.stderr, ("1234567890"*(repcount//10 + 1))[:repcount]
+    dash_R_cleanup(fs, ps, pic, abcs)
+    for i in range(repcount):
+        rc = sys.gettotalrefcount()
+        run_the_test()
+        sys.stderr.write('.')
+        dash_R_cleanup(fs, ps, pic, abcs)
+        if i >= nwarmup:
+            deltas.append(sys.gettotalrefcount() - rc - 2)
+    print >> sys.stderr
+    if any(deltas):
+        msg = '%s leaked %s references, sum=%s' % (test, deltas, sum(deltas))
+        print >> sys.stderr, msg
+        refrep = open(fname, "a")
+        print >> refrep, msg
+        refrep.close()
+def dash_R_cleanup(fs, ps, pic, abcs):
+    import gc, copy_reg
+    import _strptime, linecache
+    dircache = test_support.import_module('dircache', deprecated=True)
+    import urlparse, urllib, urllib2, mimetypes, doctest
+    import struct, filecmp
+    from distutils.dir_util import _path_created
+    # Clear the warnings registry, so they can be displayed again
+    for mod in sys.modules.values():
+        if hasattr(mod, '__warningregistry__'):
+            del mod.__warningregistry__
+    # Restore some original values.
+    warnings.filters[:] = fs
+    copy_reg.dispatch_table.clear()
+    copy_reg.dispatch_table.update(ps)
+    sys.path_importer_cache.clear()
+    sys.path_importer_cache.update(pic)
+    # clear type cache
+    sys._clear_type_cache()
+    # Clear ABC registries, restoring previously saved ABC registries.
+    for abc, registry in abcs.items():
+        abc._abc_registry = registry.copy()
+        abc._abc_cache.clear()
+        abc._abc_negative_cache.clear()
+    # Clear assorted module caches.
+    _path_created.clear()
+    re.purge()
+    _strptime._regex_cache.clear()
+    urlparse.clear_cache()
+    urllib.urlcleanup()
+    urllib2.install_opener(None)
+    dircache.reset()
+    linecache.clearcache()
+    mimetypes._default_mime_types()
+    filecmp._cache.clear()
+    struct._clearcache()
+    doctest.master = None
+    # Collect cyclic trash.
+    gc.collect()
+def findtestdir():
+    if __name__ == '__main__':
+        file = sys.argv[0]
+    else:
+        file = __file__
+    testdir = os.path.dirname(file) or os.curdir
+    return testdir
+def removepy(name):
+    if name.endswith(os.extsep + "py"):
+        name = name[:-3]
+    return name
+def count(n, word):
+    if n == 1:
+        return "%d %s" % (n, word)
+    else:
+        return "%d %ss" % (n, word)
+def printlist(x, width=70, indent=4):
+    """Print the elements of iterable x to stdout.
+    Optional arg width (default 70) is the maximum line length.
+    Optional arg indent (default 4) is the number of blanks with which to
+    begin each line.
+    """
+    from textwrap import fill
+    blanks = ' ' * indent
+    print fill(' '.join(map(str, x)), width,
+               initial_indent=blanks, subsequent_indent=blanks)
+# Map sys.platform to a string containing the basenames of tests
+# expected to be skipped on that platform.
+# Special cases:
+#     test_pep277
+#         The _ExpectedSkips constructor adds this to the set of expected
+#         skips if not os.path.supports_unicode_filenames.
+#     test_socket_ssl
+#         Controlled by test_socket_ssl.skip_expected.  Requires the network
+#         resource, and a socket module with ssl support.
+#     test_timeout
+#         Controlled by test_timeout.skip_expected.  Requires the network
+#         resource and a socket module.
+# Tests that are expected to be skipped everywhere except on one platform
+# are also handled separately.
+_expectations = {
+    'win32':
+        """
+        test__locale
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_commands
+        test_crypt
+        test_curses
+        test_dbm
+        test_dl
+        test_fcntl
+        test_fork1
+        test_epoll
+        test_gdbm
+        test_grp
+        test_ioctl
+        test_largefile
+        test_kqueue
+        test_mhlib
+        test_openpty
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        test_pipes
+        test_poll
+        test_posix
+        test_pty
+        test_pwd
+        test_resource
+        test_signal
+        test_threadsignals
+        test_timing
+        test_wait3
+        test_wait4
+        """,
+    'linux2':
+        """
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_curses
+        test_dl
+        test_largefile
+        test_kqueue
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        """,
+   'mac':
+        """
+        test_atexit
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_bz2
+        test_commands
+        test_crypt
+        test_curses
+        test_dbm
+        test_dl
+        test_fcntl
+        test_fork1
+        test_epoll
+        test_grp
+        test_ioctl
+        test_largefile
+        test_locale
+        test_kqueue
+        test_mmap
+        test_openpty
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        test_poll
+        test_popen
+        test_popen2
+        test_posix
+        test_pty
+        test_pwd
+        test_resource
+        test_signal
+        test_sundry
+        test_tarfile
+        test_timing
+        """,
+    'unixware7':
+        """
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_dl
+        test_epoll
+        test_largefile
+        test_kqueue
+        test_minidom
+        test_openpty
+        test_pyexpat
+        test_sax
+        test_sundry
+        """,
+    'openunix8':
+        """
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_dl
+        test_epoll
+        test_largefile
+        test_kqueue
+        test_minidom
+        test_openpty
+        test_pyexpat
+        test_sax
+        test_sundry
+        """,
+    'sco_sv3':
+        """
+        test_asynchat
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_dl
+        test_fork1
+        test_epoll
+        test_gettext
+        test_largefile
+        test_locale
+        test_kqueue
+        test_minidom
+        test_openpty
+        test_pyexpat
+        test_queue
+        test_sax
+        test_sundry
+        test_thread
+        test_threaded_import
+        test_threadedtempfile
+        test_threading
+        """,
+    'riscos':
+        """
+        test_asynchat
+        test_atexit
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_commands
+        test_crypt
+        test_dbm
+        test_dl
+        test_fcntl
+        test_fork1
+        test_epoll
+        test_gdbm
+        test_grp
+        test_largefile
+        test_locale
+        test_kqueue
+        test_mmap
+        test_openpty
+        test_poll
+        test_popen2
+        test_pty
+        test_pwd
+        test_strop
+        test_sundry
+        test_thread
+        test_threaded_import
+        test_threadedtempfile
+        test_threading
+        test_timing
+        """,
+    'darwin':
+        """
+        test__locale
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_curses
+        test_epoll
+        test_gdbm
+        test_largefile
+        test_locale
+        test_kqueue
+        test_minidom
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        test_poll
+        """,
+    'sunos5':
+        """
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_curses
+        test_dbm
+        test_epoll
+        test_kqueue
+        test_gdbm
+        test_gzip
+        test_openpty
+        test_zipfile
+        test_zlib
+        """,
+    'hp-ux11':
+        """
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_curses
+        test_dl
+        test_epoll
+        test_gdbm
+        test_gzip
+        test_largefile
+        test_locale
+        test_kqueue
+        test_minidom
+        test_openpty
+        test_pyexpat
+        test_sax
+        test_zipfile
+        test_zlib
+        """,
+    'atheos':
+        """
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_curses
+        test_dl
+        test_gdbm
+        test_epoll
+        test_largefile
+        test_locale
+        test_kqueue
+        test_mhlib
+        test_mmap
+        test_poll
+        test_popen2
+        test_resource
+        """,
+    'cygwin':
+        """
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_curses
+        test_dbm
+        test_epoll
+        test_ioctl
+        test_kqueue
+        test_largefile
+        test_locale
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        test_socketserver
+        """,
+    'os2emx':
+        """
+        test_audioop
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_commands
+        test_curses
+        test_dl
+        test_epoll
+        test_kqueue
+        test_largefile
+        test_mhlib
+        test_mmap
+        test_openpty
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        test_pty
+        test_resource
+        test_signal
+        """,
+    'freebsd4':
+        """
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_epoll
+        test_gdbm
+        test_locale
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        test_pep277
+        test_pty
+        test_socket_ssl
+        test_socketserver
+        test_tcl
+        test_timeout
+        test_urllibnet
+        test_multiprocessing
+        """,
+    'aix5':
+        """
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_bz2
+        test_dl
+        test_epoll
+        test_gdbm
+        test_gzip
+        test_kqueue
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        test_tcl
+        test_zipimport
+        test_zlib
+        """,
+    'openbsd3':
+        """
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_ctypes
+        test_dl
+        test_epoll
+        test_gdbm
+        test_locale
+        test_normalization
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        test_pep277
+        test_tcl
+        test_multiprocessing
+        """,
+    'netbsd3':
+        """
+        test_bsddb
+        test_bsddb185
+        test_bsddb3
+        test_ctypes
+        test_curses
+        test_dl
+        test_epoll
+        test_gdbm
+        test_locale
+        test_ossaudiodev
+        test_pep277
+        test_tcl
+        test_multiprocessing
+        """,
+_expectations['freebsd5'] = _expectations['freebsd4']
+_expectations['freebsd6'] = _expectations['freebsd4']
+_expectations['freebsd7'] = _expectations['freebsd4']
+_expectations['freebsd8'] = _expectations['freebsd4']
+class _ExpectedSkips:
+    def __init__(self):
+        import os.path
+        from test import test_timeout
+        self.valid = False
+        if sys.platform in _expectations:
+            s = _expectations[sys.platform]
+            self.expected = set(s.split())
+            # expected to be skipped on every platform, even Linux
+            self.expected.add('test_linuxaudiodev')
+            if not os.path.supports_unicode_filenames:
+                self.expected.add('test_pep277')
+            try:
+                from test import test_socket_ssl
+            except ImportError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                if test_socket_ssl.skip_expected:
+                    self.expected.add('test_socket_ssl')
+            if test_timeout.skip_expected:
+                self.expected.add('test_timeout')
+            if sys.maxint == 9223372036854775807L:
+                self.expected.add('test_imageop')
+            if not sys.platform in ("mac", "darwin"):
+                MAC_ONLY = ["test_macos", "test_macostools", "test_aepack",
+                            "test_plistlib", "test_scriptpackages",
+                            "test_applesingle"]
+                for skip in MAC_ONLY:
+                    self.expected.add(skip)
+            elif len(u'\0'.encode('unicode-internal')) == 4:
+                self.expected.add("test_macostools")
+            if sys.platform != "win32":
+                # test_sqlite is only reliable on Windows where the library
+                # is distributed with Python
+                WIN_ONLY = ["test_unicode_file", "test_winreg",
+                            "test_winsound", "test_startfile",
+                            "test_sqlite"]
+                for skip in WIN_ONLY:
+                    self.expected.add(skip)
+            if sys.platform != 'irix':
+                IRIX_ONLY = ["test_imageop", "test_al", "test_cd", "test_cl",
+                             "test_gl", "test_imgfile"]
+                for skip in IRIX_ONLY:
+                    self.expected.add(skip)
+            if sys.platform != 'sunos5':
+                self.expected.add('test_sunaudiodev')
+                self.expected.add('test_nis')
+            if not sys.py3kwarning:
+                self.expected.add('test_py3kwarn')
+            self.valid = True
+    def isvalid(self):
+        "Return true iff _ExpectedSkips knows about the current platform."
+        return self.valid
+    def getexpected(self):
+        """Return set of test names we expect to skip on current platform.
+        self.isvalid() must be true.
+        """
+        assert self.isvalid()
+        return self.expected
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # Remove's own directory from the module search path.  This
+    # prevents relative imports from working, and relative imports will screw
+    # up the testing framework.  E.g. if both test.test_support and
+    # test_support are imported, they will not contain the same globals, and
+    # much of the testing framework relies on the globals in the
+    # test.test_support module.
+    mydir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
+    i = pathlen = len(sys.path)
+    while i >= 0:
+        i -= 1
+        if os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(sys.path[i])) == mydir:
+            del sys.path[i]
+    if len(sys.path) == pathlen:
+        print 'Could not find %r in sys.path to remove it' % mydir
+    main()